the cuban missile crisis (during the cold war). “arms race” & “space race”: two very...

Post on 19-Jan-2018






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M.A.D. : An Important Concept  M.A.D. = “Mutually Assured Destruction” By 1960, both sides had ability to completely destroy the earth. Both the U.S. & U.S.S.R. assured of the possibility of completely annihilating each other if war ever broke out.


“Arms Race” & “Space Race”: Two VERY Important Cold War Issues

Who’s racing?

The US & USSR were racing…

And this “ain’t no jog-a-thon!!!”

M.A.D.: An Important Concept

M.A.D. = “Mutually Assured Destruction” By 1960, both sides had ability to

completely destroy the earth. Both the U.S. & U.S.S.R. assured of the

possibility of completely annihilating each other if war ever broke out.

CMC Background: Cuba

Che & Fidel

1959: Revolution led by Ernesto “Che” Guevara & Fidel Castro defeats pro-U.S. Cuban dictator.

1959-61: Castro seizes US companies & asks for USSR assistance in trade and in buying arms (weapons).

The Cuban Revolution

The guns and hats of Cienfuegos and Che. Museo de Revolution,

Havana, Cuba, 2011

The Moncado in Santiago, Cuba2011

1961: U.S. sponsored, CIA-led “Bay of Pigs” invasion by Cuban exiles fails to kill Castro. Humiliating for U.S.

CMC Background: Cuba

***Extra Info: Ways the US tried to kill Castro***

Led by C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency) who often contacted the Mafia:

1) Pistols w/silencers2) High-powered rifle w/ telescopic sights3) Wanted someone to poison Castro’s cigars4) Exploding cigar5) Poison pills6) Poison-tipped pen7) Exploding seashell8) Contaminated wetsuit

CMC Background

April 1962: Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev agreed to send missiles to Cuba, a country 90 miles from Florida.

Why? Protect Cuba from another invasion Balance U.S. missiles in Turkey Try to intimidate young, new U.S.

President John F. Kennedy

CMC Background

Oct. 15, 1962: A U-2 (U.S. spy plane) takes photos of nuclear missile site in Cuba.

Cuban Missile Crisis: October 16-28, 1962

Oct. 16 - JFK notified of photos Oct. 16-22 - US leaders debate

options:1) Unannounced first strike2) Announced first strike3) Blockade* (* = “final answer”)

Oct. 22 - JFK tells US about missiles in Cuba & the plans to blockade.

Oct. 28 - Agreement reached w/o Castro/Cuba; between US & USSR.

JFK & Khrushchev “sizing each other up”

Cuba Blockade Map

Cuban Missile Crisis: October 16-28, 1962

Agreement: Blockade of Cuba ended. USA promises to leave Cuba alone. US missiles were removed from Turkey (secret

agreement). Aftermath - Steps taken to prevent this from

happening again: 1963: Telephone “hotline” between White House

(US) & Kremlin (USSR) set up. 1963: Limited Test Ban Treaty signed to stop nuclear

testing above ground. 1968: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty signed w/

agreement that US & USSR would not supply nuclear technology to other countries.

Cuban Missile Crisis: 1962a.k.a. “Thirteen Days”

The closest the world has ever gotten to NUCLEAR WARFARE!

JFK & Khrushchev

Spelling Bee!!! -Spell “Khrushchev”

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