target consumer recommendation

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Target Consumer RecommendationQualitative & Quantitative Research Findings and Key


wave Presented by

November 19, 2013


● Our team conducted research to understand:○ The Lake Geneva community and people of

Fontana○ Perceptions and Participants of SUP in the

Midwest ○ What consumers think of the “Tribe”

● Based on this research, we:○ Recommend Social Empty Nesters who own property

in the Lake Geneva area as your SVC.■ Interested in social community, as well as exercise■ Have free time to be an active member

○ Have identified key insights about our consumer■ Available income, likely to spend on leisure activities ■ Seeking social opportunities■ Concerned with living healthy lifestyles

Executive Summary

Research Plan OverviewPrimary Research:● Ethnographies

○ Fontana residents (year round and summer homes) ○ Social exercisers - women and men 35 to 70○ The current Fontana Paddle Co. consumers

● Interviews○ Lake Geneva property owners ages 37-52 who have never done

SUP○ Frequent SUP’ers ages 22-27, ClearWater and Paddle Board

Specialist employees, group exercise participant● Survey

○ Distributed to FPC email list and UW Graduate Students. Examined SUP conceptions and elements of fitness and social engagement.

● Focus groups ○ Young women paddleboarders, Young women who have not

paddleboarded○ Middle-aged mothers, Middle-aged fathers

SVC & Key Influencer Recommendation

Recommended SVC: Social Empty Nesters

45-65 year old, professionally established males and females with children who no longer live at home. This group has a minimum household income of $85,000 and own property around/near Lake Geneva. This group exercises at least twice a week, engaged in four or more social activities in the past year, and enjoys water activities (boating, kayaking, beach-time, swimming, etc). 1

● “I’m looking to get involved with something out of the ordinary that promotes physical activity and communality among members.”2

● “My wife and I escaped from the city about 25 years ago. . . the pace out here is just a lot more relaxed.”3

Executive Summary

Social Empty Nesters

Key Behaviors1 ● Golfing, Tennis ● Regularly attend social events● 81% of locals exercise at least 2-3 times a week1

Key Attitudes● Prefer structured social activities1

● They consider themselves healthy eaters2

● Enjoy meeting new people1, 3

● Feel they are responsible for planning group activities3

● More willing to try new things when with others3

Demographic Locators● Married, with children older than 16

● Average household income of $85,000+4 5

● Between the ages of 45 and 65

Social Empty Nesters: RationaleDisposable Money and Available Time

● “At this point in my life, cost wouldn’t be a deterrent” -Donn Droste

● Survey results show cost as minor/irrelevant barrier to entry● “I consider myself an active member [in Geneva National]. It’s

important to me to feel like I belong and contribute to a group of people who all know my name.” -Kristin Martens

Secondary SVC: Moms in Motion

34-45 year old women who have regularly attended organized group exercise classes in the past year and whose oldest child is at least 12 years of age. These women have a minimum household income of $85,000 and own property in the Lake Geneva area. They look for the newest, “hippest” form of exercise and will be interested in paddleboarding for the trendiness of it.

● Attracted to the workout aspect of SUP ● SUP is an alternative from usual routine● Enjoy working out at local YMCA1

● Busy Moms looking for “me-time”1

Moms in Motion

Key Behaviors ● Exercise 3-4 times per week1

● Participate in a wide array of exercise and leisure activities including aerobics, yoga, softball, swimming and more1

● Enjoy exercising at home and at local YMCA1

Key Attitudes● Feel tense, high-strung1

● Don’t take care of themselves as well as they would like to because of busy schedule1

Demographic Locators● Women with one or more children; one is at least 12

years old● Between the ages of 34-45● Minimum househould income of $85,000

Key Influencer: Fitness Forward Young Women

• 16-23 years old1

• Exercise at least three times a week1

• Influenced by the latest fitness trends of celebrities1

• Influence peers and parents1

• Family owns property in Lake Geneva area Kim Kardashian featured in US Magazine

Pinterest “Paddleboarding” Boards

Key Research Findings

“Tribe” is associated with native people

Word associations collected from focus groups:● Indians, Native Americans, huts, fires1

● Pocahontas, Teepees, Africans2

Native people are concerned with cultural appropriation

● “I find it offensive that you would create a group and name it in connection with an actual group of people.”3

“Tribe” merchandise is associated with Natives, not paddleboarding

● “That looks like ancient history. And paddleboarding seems newer.”4

● “One is an Indian tribe and one is paddleboarding. How do the two mix?”4

Key Implication: “Halau Tribe” is an inappropriate name for the Fontana paddle group.

Participants bring friends and family to try it

Key Implication: Social connections inspire a willingness to try new things.

People are more likely to join a fitness group if they know someone who participates in the group as well

● Participants are brought into the group by a current group member1

● Established SUPers usually attend in pairs (or multiples)2

● More willing to try new groups with friends3

● More likely to try SUP if children are interested4

● People are more likely to attend an event they are invited to on social media by a friend than a company5

Lake Geneva is an Escape from the CityFontana runs at a more laid back pace ● “It’s a lot more laid back, relaxed out here.”1

○ Less traffic in the morning/ Less stress during the day

● “I constantly feel like I’m on vacation here” - Mary Bill2

Many locals moved to Fontana/Lake Geneva from the city● “We’re a little more sane than our counterparts

- brothers and sisters-in-law - who still live back in the cities.”3

● Vacations, holidays, prom parties . . .

Key Implication: In general, Fontana residents enjoy feeling closer to nature.

Come for the fitness, stay for the friendships

The drive to return is in the power of the group.● Community and strong bond between group


● Continues to attend because members notice absence1

● Seeing others encourages people to push themselves2

● Participants notice absences of members3

● Group activity becomes a tradition4

Key Implication: Relationships established within the group will keep members engaged.

Consumer, Category and Brand Insights

Consumer Insight: Social Empty NestersMy kids’ schedules are no longer my main priority.

Insight Rationale:● Willing to spend money on entertainment for themselves1

● Children have grown up and have more time to spend with friends and/or spouse

● Seeking leisurely enjoyment and new social experiences

● Believe it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle

● Enjoying life outside the city 4

Category Insight: Paddle BoardingPaddleboarding is a fun, trendy way to relax and exercise at the same time.

Insight Rationale:● Fun fitness activity and able to socialize with

others with similar interests.1

● New way to get close to the water 1 2

● Something that “I have always wanted to try.”3

● It’s a cool and stylish way to workout4

● Can provide different SUP experiences (group workout, individual paddle, lake exploration, etc.)5

Insight Rationale:● Associate “tribe” with Indians, Native Americans,

huts, fires, Pocahontas, Teepees, Africans1 2

● “Tribe” merchandise is associated with Natives, not paddleboarding1

● The store images do not reflect the idea of “The Tribe”1

Brand Insight: “The Tribe”When I hear the word “tribe” I think of Native Americans, not a fitness group.




Moms in Motion

Additional Behaviors and Interests:■ Hobbies include: baking & cooking for fun,

card & board games, visiting the zoo & aquariums, Bingo, going to the lake/beach (Simmons)

■ Enjoy wine coolers

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