target consumer recommendation

Target Consumer Recommendation Qualitative & Quantitative Research Findings and Key Insights wave Presented by November 19, 2013 wave

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Target Consumer Recommendation

Target Consumer RecommendationQualitative & Quantitative Research Findings and Key


wave Presented by

November 19, 2013


Page 2: Target Consumer Recommendation

● Our team conducted research to understand:○ The Lake Geneva community and people of

Fontana○ Perceptions and Participants of SUP in the

Midwest ○ What consumers think of the “Tribe”

● Based on this research, we:○ Recommend Social Empty Nesters who own property

in the Lake Geneva area as your SVC.■ Interested in social community, as well as exercise■ Have free time to be an active member

○ Have identified key insights about our consumer■ Available income, likely to spend on leisure activities ■ Seeking social opportunities■ Concerned with living healthy lifestyles

Executive Summary

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Research Plan OverviewPrimary Research:● Ethnographies

○ Fontana residents (year round and summer homes) ○ Social exercisers - women and men 35 to 70○ The current Fontana Paddle Co. consumers

● Interviews○ Lake Geneva property owners ages 37-52 who have never done

SUP○ Frequent SUP’ers ages 22-27, ClearWater and Paddle Board

Specialist employees, group exercise participant● Survey

○ Distributed to FPC email list and UW Graduate Students. Examined SUP conceptions and elements of fitness and social engagement.

● Focus groups ○ Young women paddleboarders, Young women who have not

paddleboarded○ Middle-aged mothers, Middle-aged fathers

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SVC & Key Influencer Recommendation

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Recommended SVC: Social Empty Nesters

45-65 year old, professionally established males and females with children who no longer live at home. This group has a minimum household income of $85,000 and own property around/near Lake Geneva. This group exercises at least twice a week, engaged in four or more social activities in the past year, and enjoys water activities (boating, kayaking, beach-time, swimming, etc). 1

● “I’m looking to get involved with something out of the ordinary that promotes physical activity and communality among members.”2

● “My wife and I escaped from the city about 25 years ago. . . the pace out here is just a lot more relaxed.”3

Executive Summary

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Social Empty Nesters

Key Behaviors1 ● Golfing, Tennis ● Regularly attend social events● 81% of locals exercise at least 2-3 times a week1

Key Attitudes● Prefer structured social activities1

● They consider themselves healthy eaters2

● Enjoy meeting new people1, 3

● Feel they are responsible for planning group activities3

● More willing to try new things when with others3

Demographic Locators● Married, with children older than 16

● Average household income of $85,000+4 5

● Between the ages of 45 and 65

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Social Empty Nesters: RationaleDisposable Money and Available Time

● “At this point in my life, cost wouldn’t be a deterrent” -Donn Droste

● Survey results show cost as minor/irrelevant barrier to entry● “I consider myself an active member [in Geneva National]. It’s

important to me to feel like I belong and contribute to a group of people who all know my name.” -Kristin Martens

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Secondary SVC: Moms in Motion

34-45 year old women who have regularly attended organized group exercise classes in the past year and whose oldest child is at least 12 years of age. These women have a minimum household income of $85,000 and own property in the Lake Geneva area. They look for the newest, “hippest” form of exercise and will be interested in paddleboarding for the trendiness of it.

● Attracted to the workout aspect of SUP ● SUP is an alternative from usual routine● Enjoy working out at local YMCA1

● Busy Moms looking for “me-time”1

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Moms in Motion

Key Behaviors ● Exercise 3-4 times per week1

● Participate in a wide array of exercise and leisure activities including aerobics, yoga, softball, swimming and more1

● Enjoy exercising at home and at local YMCA1

Key Attitudes● Feel tense, high-strung1

● Don’t take care of themselves as well as they would like to because of busy schedule1

Demographic Locators● Women with one or more children; one is at least 12

years old● Between the ages of 34-45● Minimum househould income of $85,000

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Key Influencer: Fitness Forward Young Women

• 16-23 years old1

• Exercise at least three times a week1

• Influenced by the latest fitness trends of celebrities1

• Influence peers and parents1

• Family owns property in Lake Geneva area Kim Kardashian featured in US Magazine

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Pinterest “Paddleboarding” Boards

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Key Research Findings

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“Tribe” is associated with native people

Word associations collected from focus groups:● Indians, Native Americans, huts, fires1

● Pocahontas, Teepees, Africans2

Native people are concerned with cultural appropriation

● “I find it offensive that you would create a group and name it in connection with an actual group of people.”3

“Tribe” merchandise is associated with Natives, not paddleboarding

● “That looks like ancient history. And paddleboarding seems newer.”4

● “One is an Indian tribe and one is paddleboarding. How do the two mix?”4

Key Implication: “Halau Tribe” is an inappropriate name for the Fontana paddle group.

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Participants bring friends and family to try it

Key Implication: Social connections inspire a willingness to try new things.

People are more likely to join a fitness group if they know someone who participates in the group as well

● Participants are brought into the group by a current group member1

● Established SUPers usually attend in pairs (or multiples)2

● More willing to try new groups with friends3

● More likely to try SUP if children are interested4

● People are more likely to attend an event they are invited to on social media by a friend than a company5

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Lake Geneva is an Escape from the CityFontana runs at a more laid back pace ● “It’s a lot more laid back, relaxed out here.”1

○ Less traffic in the morning/ Less stress during the day

● “I constantly feel like I’m on vacation here” - Mary Bill2

Many locals moved to Fontana/Lake Geneva from the city● “We’re a little more sane than our counterparts

- brothers and sisters-in-law - who still live back in the cities.”3

● Vacations, holidays, prom parties . . .

Key Implication: In general, Fontana residents enjoy feeling closer to nature.

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Come for the fitness, stay for the friendships

The drive to return is in the power of the group.● Community and strong bond between group


● Continues to attend because members notice absence1

● Seeing others encourages people to push themselves2

● Participants notice absences of members3

● Group activity becomes a tradition4

Key Implication: Relationships established within the group will keep members engaged.

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Consumer, Category and Brand Insights

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Consumer Insight: Social Empty NestersMy kids’ schedules are no longer my main priority.

Insight Rationale:● Willing to spend money on entertainment for themselves1

● Children have grown up and have more time to spend with friends and/or spouse

● Seeking leisurely enjoyment and new social experiences

● Believe it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle

● Enjoying life outside the city 4

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Category Insight: Paddle BoardingPaddleboarding is a fun, trendy way to relax and exercise at the same time.

Insight Rationale:● Fun fitness activity and able to socialize with

others with similar interests.1

● New way to get close to the water 1 2

● Something that “I have always wanted to try.”3

● It’s a cool and stylish way to workout4

● Can provide different SUP experiences (group workout, individual paddle, lake exploration, etc.)5

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Insight Rationale:● Associate “tribe” with Indians, Native Americans,

huts, fires, Pocahontas, Teepees, Africans1 2

● “Tribe” merchandise is associated with Natives, not paddleboarding1

● The store images do not reflect the idea of “The Tribe”1

Brand Insight: “The Tribe”When I hear the word “tribe” I think of Native Americans, not a fitness group.

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Moms in Motion

Additional Behaviors and Interests:■ Hobbies include: baking & cooking for fun,

card & board games, visiting the zoo & aquariums, Bingo, going to the lake/beach (Simmons)

■ Enjoy wine coolers