sullivan county ufocord...

Post on 05-Jun-2018






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S u ll iv a n C o u n ty U focord CORRESPONDENCEAn Independent Democratic Journal.

Published by the Sullivan County Record Printing and Publishing Co.

Thomas J. V. Cullen, Pres. Joseph L. Roesch, Treas.


Cathleen Cullen, Managing Editor.

Issued every Thursday, and entered in the postoffice at Jeffersonville, N. Y., as? second class mail matter.



One year, $2.50; 9 months, ? 2 ; 6 mos., $1.50; 3 mos., 75c; single copy, six cents. To Canada, $3 the year.

Paper stopped when subscription expires.



Mrs. Mike Klein is spending the sum m er a t her home in Jefferson­ville.

A fam ily reunion will be held at th e Huff hom estead on the Briscoe road next Sunday. Relatives are expected from Connecticut.

Mr. and Mrs. John D ruiett of Long Island City and Mr. and Mrs.Edward Gallagher of Astoria visited at the Klein home over the week­end.

Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Kovach re­tu rned yesterday from Philadelphia, w here they took the ir friend,' Mrs. Jam es Lowey, who spent last week a t the P resbyterian manse.

Mrs. M arie E m r of Cliffside, N. J., is spending two weeks w ith her s is te r Mrs. W illiam Reznicek. H er daughter, Mrs. Lillian McCaskey, and fam ily will arrive tom orrow for a vacation.

Mr.' and Mrs. W alter Schwalbe of Hoboken visited his father, Photo­g rapher Schwalbe, a t the weekend. They w ere accompanied by hermother and brother.

Sam Larisch, who had a food store in the Abel building the past two summers, was in town yester­day on business. Sam now oper­ates a de luxe taxi" in New York'.

Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Bowen (Jeanne Deckelman) and fam ily of Syracuse are spending the week w ith A ttorney and Mrs. W illiam Deckelman and Grandpa Fitch in th is village.

Mr. and Mrs. H arry W eber re ­tu rned home la st night, a fte r six weeks,-- during which they visited relatives and friends in Chicago, iWiashington state and California, and Mr. W eber attended the P res­by terian General Assembly a t Se­a ttle in May as a lay delegate from Hudson Presbytery .

Shower fo r Mrs. A. Manzolillo.Mrs. H enry A. Knack and Mrs.

Jam es Manzolillo were hostesses a t a s to rk shower given Tuesday even­ing fo r Mrs. Anthony Manzolillo (M arion Laym an) a t Smiling Jim ’s. A bassinet was beautifully decorat­ed w ith pink and blue ribbons, w ith m any lovely gifts hanging from stream ers. Those present were Mrs.' Plarry Laym an, Miss Helen Laym an, Mrs. W arren W. Mall, Mrs. K ate Layman, Mrs. W illiam E rdm an, Mrs. Robert Mann, Mrs. Leonard Gohde, Mrs. Oscar Schae­fer, Mrs. George Schaefer, Mrs.

Callicoon Center, July 6.—Miss M ary W eyrauch, teacher a t West- hampton is home for the summer w ith her brother John O. W ey­rauch.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ellmore have moved to one of the Thomas F a ir apartm ents a t Callicoon.

Chas. S trosser returned home to Long Island after a few weeks of convalescing a t Wm. Veyhl’s home.

Mrs. Ida Dietz visited her sister- in-law Mrs. M argaret N ewsberger a t N orth Branch last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lesland Henry, son and girl friend of W aterloo, N. Y., vacationed a t the weekend a t the home of his uncle Charles Hahn.

The Widmark family is at their summer home the former James Doran house.

Mr. and Mrs. A rthur L utjen of F reeport were w ith the Ross Bald­wins fo r the 'ho liday weekend. They are building a cabin on a lot form ­erly owned by h er fa th e r Henry W eyrauch a t Liberty.

Mr. and Mrs. P eter Buss of Brooklyn and Alfred Messemer and wife of Endicott spent the fourth of Ju ly weekend a t Wm. Veyhl’s.

Mrs. Anna Urban, daughter Mrs. M artin Mullen and children of Mas- peth are spending a few weeks a t the Urban homestead. H er sons Alfred and Edw ard were also here fo r the weekend.

F red Gramens of New York call­ed on friends in town Friday.

A daughter, April Lee, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard H essinger of W hite Sulphur a t the Libertyhospital Tuesday, April 29. Ed­ward was a former Callicoon Cen­ter boy.

Miss Charlotte Hahn of Endicott is a t her parental home, the Elm er H ahns, for sum m er vacation.

The Sunday school enjoyed a pic­nic la st Tuesday a t Lake Anawanda

We have no speed lim it signs at the entrances to our village. W hat a fine th ing it would be if autom o­bile and truck drivers would con­sider th a t people live in these small hamlets and they are often on the street. By so thinking they would not w ant to h it some one and would reduce their speed throughtown. Safety first, a l w a y s -

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huss of Jer­sey are visiting the Wm. Merklins this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson of Long Island were at the sam e home a t the weekend.

J. Douglas Logan and wife and son are spending two weeks a t the H enry Knack home.

Some of our firemen w ent to Lake H untington Sunday to parade with the VFW at the ir field day. Our boys look very “spiffe” in their new uniform s.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob D orr visited Mr. and Mrs. H arry D orr a t Beers- ton a t the weekend.

Mrs. Edw ard Conn of Baltimore is visiting h er paren ts Mr. and Mrs, Ross Baldwin.

Miss Mathilda Schuster of Brook­lyn is visiting at the home of her brother Postmaster S. W. Schuster,

KENOZA LAKE. City Engagement Party.

Miss Babe Algeier of New York ^ engagem ent of William J. city is spending the week w ith her ■ 0 Donnell of New York and Miss sister Mrs. F ritz B ernhardt. Connie Da Vita of Franklyn

Miss M argaret Brennfleck of New I,Square, L. I., was announced a t aYork city spent the weekend here w ith her parents Mr. and Mrs. H enry Brennfleck.

The Ladies Aid Society is in re ­cess for the sum m er months. L ast week about 60 attended the picnic a t the Rudy Schwartz home.

The gam es sponsored by the Kenoza Lake firemen every Tues­day and F riday evenings are well attended.

The Busing fam ily of F o rt W ads­worth, S. I., are a t their home here fo r the summer. Mr. Busing is building a new home on his proper­ty here, having recently sold their present place.

Mr. and Mrs. Elm er Binzen and son W illard of Bloomfield, N. J., spent the holiday a t the Wm, c . F u h re r home. Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ard Schnibbe were dinner guests on Sunday, also Mrs. Ralph H am ilton and son Charles of Binghamton, and Mrs. Audrey Hanson and Phil Nordt of Bloomfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ludwig of New York city are again a t the Taylor house apartm ent fo r the sum m er. Mr. Ludwig is having a well drilled on his lot.

The Max and Irving Hescheles fam ilies of Brooklyn are now sum ­m ering a t their homes here.

The Theodore Stecher fam ily of Glendale, L. I., are again vacation­ing a t the bungalow on Lake Hust.

A fter spending a couple of m onths here Mrs. Pansy S tu art has arrived again in St. Petersburg.

Mr. and Mrs. F red W indhurstand daughter M is s L o t t i e o f H o l l i s , L, I., are spending the week vaca­tioning a t Mr. and Mrs. O skar Girr- bach’s farm . •

Miss Ju lia Mingola of Inwood, L. I., will spend the weekend a t the Oskar G irrbach farm with her friend Miss W indhurst. Miss Min­gola has ju s t returned from Can­ada where she spent p a r t of her va­cation.

party given by Mr. and Mrs. George H. Anselm (Marie Schae­fer) a t their home, 128 F ort W ash­ington avenue, New York, last Sat­urday. The wedding is set for Sept. 4. Mr. O’Donnell’s late wife was Mildred Schaefer, sister of M arie and elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar P. Schaefer, and niece of Mrs. K atherine Sohl of Jeffersonville, where all have been vacation guests for m any years. Mildred passed away five years ago Ju ly 11. Bill O’Donnell is well and favorably known here.

Assaulted in Liberty Tavern.E lbert E. Williams, 27, and Ray­

mond Jennings, 38, both of Liberty, were arrested Monday on complaint of H enry B arry of Liberty, who charged th a t the two men had struck him a t the S ta r Tavern there. B arry entered the -Liberty police station a t eleven p.m., Sun­day, his face battered and bleeding, and asked for the a rres t of the pair. He was taken to Dr. L u ther G rant who found th a t B arry w as also suffering from back bruises. W illiams and Jennings w ere taken before Acting M agistrate W illiam T. Denman, who ordered them held on $100 bail for a hearing next Monday.


Richard Poley, H arold Heinle and Lester Hogencamp conducted the worship service in the church here Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Rhodecker and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jack A rndt and son Jack of Baltimore were among the weekend guests of the ir parents Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Travis.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hofmann and children spent the weekend at Pompton, Pa., w ith his parents.

Alice Mo^Jthrop, Mrs. Louis Lay- Sidney VanLoan and Wilson Jen-


Miss Florence McNeely, Mr. and Mrs. F ran k Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs Donald Jess, all of Dumont, N. J., are up fo r the sum m er a t the John McNeely homestead here. Mr. Jess is Mr. and Mrs. H am ilton’s son-in-law and is principal of the W ashington school in Bergenfield.

Mrs. E lla F u h re r of Richmond Hill is spending her vacation with the H enry F ishers.

Mr. and Mrs. E lm er Page and K enneth Page of B ingham ton call­ed on relatives here last Sunday. Alton Diek of Endicott was also a Sunday visitor.

Malcolm Hadden spent the week­end a t Kenoza w ith his relatives the Grover R uppert family.

Dr. Stanley F ischer and fam ily of Bergenfield were here fo r the holiday weekend. The 16th of July they leave fo r a few weeks vaca­tion in California.

The Geo. Edelm an fam ily of El- lenville visited here Sunday. Geo- bought his m other Mrs. K ate Sdel- m an to her home here for the sea­son.

The E. S. Abplanalp fam ily of Bingham ton spent the weekend holi­day a t Mrs. G. H. Abplanalp’s.


man, Mrs." F red Hasenpflue, Mrs. E vere tt K rantz, Mrs. Roy Mall, Mrs. A1 Crandall, Mrs. H arry

nings of Connecticut spent the holi­day weekend here.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth GilletteM athern Jr., Mrs. A ugust Lott, Mrs (on W ednesday attended the funeral Irv ing Kratz, B arbara Kratz, Mrs. 4 Joseph Stroff, Mrs. Conrad Fors- bach, Mrs. W illiam Forsbach, A r­lene M arshall. O ut of town guests w ere Mrs. D an Fazziola, -Mrs. L.Fazziola and Mrs. A. Sergiaeomi of Long Island. R efreshm ents and m any delicacies w ere served, and a lovely tim e was had by all.

S ta te Trooper Killed.S ta te Trooper R obert V. Conklin,

24, of S loatsburg was instantly killed la s t Sunday, when his m otor­cycle h it the curbing of a safety island on R oute 9tW south of H igh­land, U lster county, and he landed on h is head. He had been on the force only about a year, and was recently assigned to motorcycle duty.

of the form er’s uncle, Wm. ‘F reer in Liberty.

This village was visited by a terrific electrical storm Monday af­ternoon a t about 6:30 which includ­ed wind, rain and hail.

Mrs. Alice W right of Seabright, L. I., visited her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gillette here over the holiday.

Mr. and Mrs. Austin LaBagh have rented his m other’s home near the sulphur springs and have moved there from the H arry Green home on upper Main street.

I t is reported- th a t a niece of H ym an Kleinberg of th is place was one of the victims of the w reck at W urtsboro early Sunday morning.

Mrs. Helen LaBagh is visiting the city.

At the annual 4th of Ju ly shoot­ing m atch of the Callicoon Center Schuetzen Verein held on the Tum ­ble Inn range the following won prizes in the order given with their scores:

Francis Erlwein, 114; Clarence Krantz, 107; Horace Keller, 107; Ray Irre ra , 105; Wm. W eissmann, 104; George Moser, 104; William Veyhl, 103; W illiam Klinger, 101; Edw ard Korth, 101; Alfred Messe­mer, 100; F red Kuhfuss, 100; Adolph W agner, 100; Floyd Mootz, 100; Louis Mootz, 99; Alfred Noetz­el, 98; Robert Knack, 98; Richard Schrum pf Jr., 98; Clinton Segar, 97; Francis Tempel, 97; Gus Schmidt, 97; Robert Reubmann, 96; N orm an Bury, 96.

This annual affair has been in existence for about 70 years. At a recent m eeting tw enty new m em ­bers were taken in.

The new officers fo r the ensuing year are : Captain, Edw ard K orth; treasurer, Clarence K rantz; secre­tary , R. W. Sqhrumpf.

The Callicoon Center Band fu r ­nished music throughout the a fte r­noon.

Read the Record classified advs.

Q e o J u j e b M e n i . S h o p .

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Thrifty housev/ives with budget problems will find our prices help them to save. That gives them the opportunity of buying the best foods at no higher cost!

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