st. peter in chains - · 2016-2017 prep sign up! sign ups for our...

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St. Peter in Chains

St. Peter in Chains




Rev. Robert K. Muhlenkamp

Faith Formation Minister

Deacon Jeff Merrell

School Principal/

Pastoral Associate of Music & Liturgy

Michael Collins

Assistant Principal

Janie Acra

Business Manager

Terry Jacobs

Parish Office 863-3938

School Office 863-0685


Pastoral Council

Second Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.

Oct., Dec., Feb., April, June, August

St. Vincent DePaul Society

First & Third Mondays, 8:15 p.m.

Every Month

For assistance, call ext. 311

EPIC (Educator Parent Improvement


Meets every other month. Check

website for dates.

Sept., Nov., Jan., March, May


Please contact the Parish office to make

arrangements. For pre-baptism class,

please call for an appointment.


Saturdays: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Anytime on

request or by appointment call 863-




A communal celebration of the

Sacrament is celebrated annually in

October at one of the Sunday Masses.

Individuals may request the Sacrament

any time by calling the church office.


Couples contemplating marriages

should call the church office at least

nine months prior to the desired date.


welcome all new families and/or

individuals moving into our territory.

Please register at the church office as

soon as possible.


Weekend: St. Peter in Chains

Saturday: 8:30 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.

Sunday: 9:00, 11:00 a.m.

Please check inside of bulletin for any

changes to regular Mass schedule

Holydays: St. Peter in Chains

Day: 8:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday & Wednesday:

Mass at St. Peter in Chains, 8:00 a.m.


Mass at St. Julie Billiart, 12:05 p.m.

Tuesday, Thursday & Friday:

Mass at St. Julie Billiart, 8:00 a.m.

Thursday & Friday:

Mass at St. Joseph, 8:00 a.m.

BINGO—Friday Evening:

Preliminary ............ 7:00 p.m.

Regular .................. 7:30 p.m.

382 Liberty Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio 45013 • Parish Office 863-3938 Fax 863-1257




The Shepherd’s Call

For four weeks beginning this weekend I will be ex-

plaining what is really happening when we celebrate

the Mass. During these four weeks I have asked

Michael to end Mass with the hymn, At the Lamb’s

High Feast. The lyrics of a song can teach us and, if

we hear it often enough, will form the way we think. That can be a

good thing or a bad thing depending on which song it is. That’s

why it’s important to be mindful of what we are listening to…and

maybe even stop listening to some songs.

The lyrics of At the Lamb’s High Feast will reinforce the truths that

I seek to communicate in my homilies. This weekend I focus on the

offering of sacrifice – with additional attention to the Jewish sacri-

fice of Passover. The first verse of the hymn refers to “Christ the

victim, Christ the priest.” A priest and a victim are two things that

are required of any sacrifice in the proper sense. The entire second

verse is a very brief, poetic retelling of the Passover.

Next weekend I will focus on the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary –

where He offered himself as both victim and priest for our salvation.

The first verse of the hymn joyfully proclaims: “He has washed us

in the tide, flowing from his open side.” Immediately we are taken

in this single phrase to John’s account of Calvary: “When the sol-

diers came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead…one soldier

thrust his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water

flowed out.” Interestingly, the priest offers wine and water together

in the chalice at Mass (it can appeal to imagination). The book of

revelation will speak of the Saints in heaven as those who have been

“washed in the Blood of the Lamb.” That same Blood is “poured

over us” in a sense when we attend Mass.

The third weekend I will focus on the real presence of Jesus in the

Eucharist – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. In the first verse of At

the Lamb’s High Feast, we hear: “Gives his sacred Blood for wine,

Gives his Body for the feast.”

The fourth weekend will consider Mass as a foretaste of heaven –

you’ll have to bear with me because for some of you that will seem

more than a stretch. In the book of Revelation, the apostle John is

taken up into heaven and what he describes place the Lamb in the

center. Toward the end of the book he refers to the Wedding of the

Lamb, or to say it another way: The Lamb’s High Feast.

Who knew you could learn so much by singing or unpacking a

hymn! Repetition is the mother of learning. No matter which

weekend it is, the message of my homily will be repeated in our

final hymn. I wonder how many of the hymns we sing are as

“loaded” as At the Lamb’s High Feast.

Your servant in Christ,

Consider On-Line Giving with WeShare

Please consider giving online through

WeShare. This platform makes it easier for

our parishioners to manage their online contri-

butions and will save our parish time and mon-

ey. To utilize this new platform, please go to our website – – click on the WeShare Online Giving

button located at the top right of our webpage.

2016-2017 PREP Sign Up!

Sign ups for our joint PREP program are now being taken.

PREP is designed for public school/home school children

grades K-12.

PREP takes place on Sunday mornings at the Fenmont

(St. Julie’s) 9:45AM - 10:45AM.

Registration Forms/Medical Waivers are on the parish

website or you can contact Deacon Jeff

at 863-3938 Ext. 302

All forms should be turned into Deacon Jeff or Mary Pat

Austing (CRE, St. Julie’s)

Parish Religious Education Program

If you would like to help with our PREP program for next

year, please contact Deacon Jeff or Mary Pat Austing


For primary-aged children and held during the 11:00 Mass. The

children participate in the Liturgy of the Word with age appropriate

material, then join their families for the remainder of the Mass.

Have your child attend Mass with you and Father will dismiss the

children after the Opening Prayer.

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January 14, Saturday - Vigil



John Santos (Family)

Peggy Beer (Karen & Kathy)

January 15, Sunday - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time



For the People of the Parish

Mary Goins (Eckert Family)

January 16, Monday - Weekday

12:00 Mass at St. Julie Billiart

January 17, Tuesday - Saint Anthony, Abbot

8:00 Bob Flum (Marilyn & Children) Church

January 18, Wednesday - Weekday

8:00 Dan Staarmann (N.D. H.S. Class of ‘47) Chapel

January 19, Thursday - Weekday

8:00 Mass at St. Joseph

January 20, Friday - Weekday

8:00 Mass at St. Joseph

January 21, Saturday - Vigil



Intention of Vocations

Mike DiStaola (Joe Scarpa)



The Unborn (A Friend)

For the People of the Parish

January 22, Sunday - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


JANUARY 15, 2017

Sunday: Is 49:3, 5-6/Ps 40/1 Cor 1:1-3/Jn 1:29-34

Monday: Heb 5:1-10/Ps 110/Mk 2:18-22

Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20/Ps 111/Mk 2:23-28

Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/Ps 110/Mk 3:1-6

Thursday: Heb 7:25--8:6/Ps 40/Mk 3:7-12

Friday: Heb 8:6-13/Ps 85/Mk 3:13-19

Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Ps 47/Mk 3:20-21

Next Sunday: Is 8:23--9:3/Ps 27/1 Cor 1:10-13, 17/Mt

4:12-23 or 4:12-17


Saturday, January 21

4:30 P.M.

Lector: Michael Hamann

Eucharistic Ministers:

Ruth Brannon, Nina Edward, Christe Flaig,

Jordan Flaig, Michael Hamann, Kim Kirsch

Servers: Andrew Schwartz, Darcie Smith, Not Filled

Sunday, January 22

9:00 A.M.

Lector: Colin Crank

Eucharistic Ministers:

Kameron Gray, Ray Gundler, Kevin Kessler,

Michael McDulin, Donny McDulin, Verna

McDulin, Don Meiner, Karla Menzer

Servers: Chase Gray, Grayce Sieg, Not Filled

11:00 A.M.

Lector: Megan Halverson

Eucharistic Ministers:

Nelly Cabacungan, Andy Cochran, Dan

Isgro, Donna Isgro, Linda Keating, Andrew

Noelker, Elise Noelker, Kenny Pendergest

Servers: Madison Hodapp, Paige Luebbe, Sean

Pendergest, Madelyn Rooney


Monday, January 16

Parish Office Closed / No School

8:15 P.M. St. Vincent de Paul

Tuesday, January 17

2:15 - 3:45 P.M. Junior Scout Mtg.

6:00 - 7:30 P.M. Basketball practice

Wednesday, January 18

2:15 - 3:45 P.M. Brownie Scout Mtg.

6:00 - 7:30 P.M. Basketball practice

7:00 - 8:30 P.M. Bible Study

7:00 P.M. K of C Mtg.

Thursday, January 19

2:15 - 3:30 P.M. Boy Scouts Mtg.

6:00 - 8:30 P.M. Basketball practice

6:00 - 9:00 P.M. Handbell / Adult Choir practice

Friday, January 20

7:00 P.M. Bingo

Saturday, January 21

7:00 - 8:30 A.M. Men’s Fellowship

Sunday, January 22

1:00 - 3:00 P.M. School Open House

6:00 - 8:00 P.M. Vespers / Faith Formation

7:00 P.M. RAS Board Mtg.




Bible Study/Formation Opportunity

The Lamb's Supper book study

During the months of January through March we will

read/discuss the book "The Lamb's Supper" by Scott

Hahn. This book was the gift of the parish this


Our sessions will be in the evenings on Wednesdays:

Evening: 7PM to 8:30PM (Lent 7:30 start)

Sessions will be held in the Parish Center

We will start on January 11th.

This unit is 11 sessions long and runs through

Wednesday, March 29th.

There is no need to sign up, and there is no cost.

Sunday Evening Prayer (Vespers)

w/ Faith Formation and Fellowship

Our Sunday/Evening Prayer and fellowship will

resume on Sunday, January 15th

We will start with Evening Prayer in the Chapel

Of course we have to have a food theme!! For

January bring a favorite muffin/cupcake/

bread themed food!!

No need to sign up, just show up.

Time: 6PM in the Chapel, followed by Faith

Formation to 8PM


January 8, 2017


Offerings .................................................... $ 12,585.00

Offering Goal ............................................. $ 12,450.00

Over/(Under) ................................................... $ 135.00


Offerings ................................................... $ 298,242.00

Offering Goal ........................................... $ 367,600.00

Over/(Under) ............................................ $ (69,358.00)

In Memoriam

Please extend your sympathy to the family of

Howard Hetterich. Remember them in your prayers.

May he rest in peace.

St. Peter in Chains

St. Vincent de Paul Society

In the Gospel today, we read “The

Word became flesh and made his

dwelling among us...filled with

enduring love.

Thank you for your donations. Know that you are a

sign of God’s enduring love to those who are suffering

and you give the least of our brothers reason to believe

and to trust.

Young Adults Group Forming. As a pastoral region, we

would like to invite people in their 20s and 30s to social

events, service events, and faith formation events. If you or

someone you know would be good at helping to plan an

event, please provide the name, a phone number or email

address to Fr. Rob at



A program to Help Couples Heal and Renew

their Marriages.

Has your marriage grown cold, distant, unloving or un-

caring? Then please consider Retrouvaille, a program

designed to help heal and renew marriages. Retrouvaille is for mar-

riages that have lost some of their spark, for marriages having diffi-

culties in communication and even those marriages on the edge of

separation or divorce. The next program begins January 13, 14, 15.

2017. For more information call 800-470-2230 or internet address

is Other weekends and locations are available –

call for details.

Prayer opportunity for our Right To Life

You are encouraged to participate in the 31st Annual Pro

Life Prayer March memorializing the infamous Supreme

Court decision Roe vs Wade of 1973. It will take place on

Sunday, January 22nd from 2-3 p.m. around the Butler

County courthouse in Hamilton, Ohio. Christians will walk

around the courthouse seven times in individual prayer re-

calling the faithfulness of the Hebrews in marching seven

times around Jericho that brought the walls of protection

down. We will pray for the reversal of the walls of legal

protection that Roe vs Wade created for abortion during all

nine months of pregnancy. Additionally, we will pray for

legal protection of all human life from conception until nat-

ural death.

The prayer march will take place regardless of the weather

and you may call Deacon Mike @ 513 867 1832 for further





The Pastoral Region Committee met on January 4. The

Mass schedule will change on February 19 to avoid begin-

ning the change during the Lent or Easter season. At our

meeting we determined the Mass schedule for Easter of this

year (2017), Easter of next year (2018), and Christmas

2017 and going forward.

We will be moving to a regional bulletin in the near future.

Unfortunately, I don’t think we will have a regional bulletin

before February 19 when the change in Mass schedule will

make it more likely that some members of the pastoral re-

gion will be attending a parish different from the one they

had attended in the past.

The committee will meet again on Wednesday, January 25.

If you want to express concerns to the committee in the

meantime, e-mail them to:


Thank You!

Family Promise would like to thank everyone who donated Christ-

mas decorations, DVD players and hanging crucifixes! Dot’s

House looked very festive for the holidays when hosting our home-

less families during the week of December 4




. The crucifixes

are beautiful hanging in each bedroom! Now that we are set with

DVD players we could use some family friendly DVD’s. If you

have any working DVD’s that would be good for family viewing

that you no longer use, please consider donating them to our Family

Promise library at Dot’s House. Just drop them off at St. Julie’s

Church Office and let them know that they are for Family Promise.

Thank You!

Rosary Altar Society

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 2nd

Please consider attending the next meeting at 6:15 P.M. in

the school cafeteria on Thursday, February 2nd. Food will

be provided prior to our business meeting. We are again

collecting canned/dried goods to support the St. Vincent de

Paul organization.

Lamb’s Supper

I hope that several of you have enjoyed reading the book we of-

fered you at Christmas. I also invite you to come to the Wednes-

day evening book study with Deacon Jeff – or invite other parish-

ioners to discuss it with you on another day or time.

Here’s a little food for thought for those who have read a few doz-

en pages or picked up the book and need a little incentive to read

it. In the first chapter Dr. Scott Hahn relates: “The book of the

Bible that I had found most perplexing – the Book of Revelation –

was now (by attending Mass for the first time) illuminating the

ideas that were most foundational to my faith: the idea of the cov-

enant as the sacred bond of the family of God.” From there he

traces about the “sacred bond of the family of God” through some

of the Old Testament and some of the Christian writings of the

first three centuries. With that in mind, I ask you to consider:

You recently celebrated Christmas with your families. What were

some family traditions? How far back do they go – parents,

grandparents? Do you value them more when you see them as

being “part of our family?” Scott Hahn shows that some of the

parts of Mass go back to Abraham (c. 1850 BC). Have you ever

thought of the Mass as a family tradition or a family heritage? Do

you think doing so would help you to value it more?

Join us Wednesday at 7pm for more in-depth discussion.

1/22 Walk through the Mass

2/4 Book of Revelation

2/11 Pulling it together



Great things are happening every day at St. Peter in Chains Catholic School! But here are a few of this week’s highlights...


At the start of the school year, Miss Larson and Mrs. Beatty participated in a teacher in-service titled Seven Principles of

Catholic Social Teaching. By participating in this learning session, they completed steps needed to implement the 7


& 8


grade flex bell. Both teachers felt the Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching provided the students with a foundation

they could use to begin exploring and understanding ways they can serve as God’s children to better our communi-

ty and our world.

The teachers introduced each of the Seven Principles: Life and Dignity of the Human Person, Option for the Poor and Vul-

nerable, Rights and Responsibilities, Call to Family, Community, and Participation, Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers,

Solidarity, and Caring for God’s Creation. In small groups, students discussed the service we already do as a school in each

area and came up with new ways we can serve. Each group created and shared posters and participated in discussion.

Each student selected one of the seven virtues they felt called to serve. As groups, they continue to work on projects that

demonstrate these virtues. Miss Larson and Mrs. Beatty have witnessed the students’ grasping new concepts to gain per-

sonal knowledge. They’ve seen the students’ hearts changing and becoming excited to serve others. They are each striving

to change this imperfect world by sharing God’s love.

Recently, the student gave presentations to a small board of invited guests proposing service projects they would like to initi-

ate in the New Year. We hope you share the students’ joy and support these projects of service.




St. Peter’s grade 3 boys won the Hamilton Blue Stars New

Year’s Tournament. Teams posted a 4-0 record.

St. Peter students Luke Hickey, Pete Pendergest and Alex

Pate were named Tourney Most Outstanding Players.

Looking for a School? Know Someone Who is?

St. Peter in Chains School will hold its annual Open House

on Sunday, January 22, 2017, from 1-3 p.m. School par-

ents, staff, and students will be available to offer tours and

answer any questions you may have.

Please join us to find out how SPS might benefit your child

and your family. If you know someone who is searching for

a school, extend an invitation. Flyers with more information

are available in the vestibule. To schedule a private tour,

call Kathy Hart at 863-0685.

Help Us Spread the Word!

Yard signs advertising St. Peter in Chains School Open

House are available in the vestibule. Please take one to dis-

play in front of your home or business.

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