singapore gateway to asia goran jurum

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Singapore as a Gateway to Asian growing markets


Singapore – Gateway to Asia

prepared by: Goran Jurum

Strategic Business Development ConsultantAsian Markets

Certified Board Member, CROMA 2008.Certified Sales Consultant, CINCOM 2006.


Zagreb, 02./10./2010.

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

2010. World fastest growing economy (+17,9 % 1st half)• - Hub to enter SE & East Asian markets

(member of ASEAN-10)• - Open, competive & innovative economy • - The most globalized country in the World• - World's top logistic hub (WB)

– - 5th bussiest Sea-Port in the World & important Airport-hub

• - World's leading financial centre (ranked 4th)• - World's most business friendly economy

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• - SE Asia off the Malaysian peninsula

• - separated by the Straits of Johor

• - multicultural cosmopolitan city – state

• - best quality life in Asia & 11th overall in the W.

• - 2nd most densely populated country (after Monaco)

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• Rankings: Singapore Changi Airport 2010: 1/190 & S. Airline

• A. T. Kerney – Foreign Policy, Globalization Index 2006.: 1/62• UN: HDI (2009.) 23/182• Foreign Exchange reserves: 8/156• External debt: 65/202• The Wall Street Journal - Index of economic freedom (2008.):

2/155• The Economist – Quality of life Index (2005.): 11/111• WEF – Enabling Trade Index (2009.): 1/121• - Global Competitiveness Index (2009-10): 3/133• - Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index:10/133World Tourism Organization: 29th of all countries

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• Comparison with Croatia:

• - Population: 5,0 mil., slightly over population in Croatia (cca 4,5 mil.)

• - Surface area: 710 km2 comparing to 56.594 km2 (80 times bigger), Zagreb 641 km2

• GDP p/c (nominal 2009.) US$: 37.293 vs. 14.243

Singapore – Gateway to Asia██ ASEAN full members██ ASEAN observers██ ASEAN candidate members

Singapore – gateway to Asia

• AFTA – ASEAN Free Trade Area + ACIA (ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Area):

- foundation for AEC

– - signed in 1992. in Singapore originally for ASEAN-6

– - common external preferential tariff scheme to promote mutual free flow of goods & services within ASEAN

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• ASEAN-10: - Singapore (founding member of AFTA), Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma (Myanmar), Brunei

• ASEAN + 3: - China, Japan, S. Korea

• - India• - Australia

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• ASEAN-10:

- bigger by the population than the EU-27 (0,5 bn. inhabitants)

• - cohesive integration processes like in the EU leading towards the creation of the ASEAN Economic Community

• - stronger intra ASEAN possibilities for growth (domestic demand)

• - populated with young skilled labor force

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

Gateway to Asia

• ASEAN-10:

• The aim is to creaate ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015. like EU

• Integration based on 3 pillars: - security• - socio-cultural - economic

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• ASEAN-10 dialogue partners: (FTAs)

– - EU – FTA under negotiation– - USA– - China – ASEAN + 3, ACFTA from 2010.– - Japan – ASEAN + 3– - S. Korea – ASEAN + 3– - India– - Australia & N. Zealand

Singapore - Gateway to Asia

• Business travel in the Region:

• - Singapore: Croatain Passport holders travel to Singapore VISA FREE (up to 30 days stay)

• - Malaysia: visa free travel up to 30 days• - S. Korea: 30 days• - Hong Kong: 14 days• - Macao: 90 days

Singapore – Gatway to Asia

• EUs (EEAS) relations with ASEAN (2007.-12.):

• Due to the political situation in Burma frozen, but progressing after 16th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting held in Nurnberg, 2007.

• EEC – the 1st to est. relations with ASEAN in 1972. and in 1980. at ministerial level (Brux.)

• ASEM Summit, 2010., Oct. 4th-5th

• EU – S. Korea Summit, 2010., Oct. 6th

• EU – China Summit, 2010., Oct 6th

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• Asia – Europe Meeting (ASEM):

• Informal dialogue process initiated in 1996. between the 2 partenrs for better understanding

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• Croatia is expected to be 28th member state of the EU (envisaged membeship in 2012.)

• After joining the EU Croatia's relations will be governed by the "acquis communitaire"

– - relaxing and easing of the visa regime– - better insitutional umbrella under the EU

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF):

• Formal multilateral dialogue in APAC Region, since 1994. consisting of 27 participants

• ASEAN-10 + EU, USA, China, Russia, Canada, Japan, India, Pakistan, S. & N. Korea, Australia, N. Zealand, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Papua N. Guinea & Timor-Leste

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• Source: Tom Lister• Export Success Report:•

export_success_report.pdf• Trade Statistics:•

l• Applying the 80/20 principle:•• How to find Potential Intl. Distributors:•


Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• Web pages:

• (Government)


• (Singapore Tourist Board)

• (Dialy Newspapers)

Singapore – Gateway to Asia

• Thailand: Growth rate 6,25 % (GDP in 2010.)

• 38/139 on the WEF scale on competitiveness• (permanently on the top 1/3 economies) beside

political turmoil• 12th on the scale for investor protection (ahead

of Japan, S. Korea, China, Australia, Italy, France

• Oureach Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, India

Singapore – Gateway to Asiaprepared by: Goran Jurum for the Presentaion at

the Croatian Chamber of Economy

Strategic Business Development ConsultantAsian Markets

Certified Board Member, CROMA 2008.Certified Sales Consultant, CINCOM 2006.


Zagreb, 02./10./2010.

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