seo and social media: the blurring of the line

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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SEO and Social Media The Blurring of the Line


Eryck K. Dzotsi Web Visibility Manager

Embanet – Compass Knowledge Group


Objectives of the Presentation

Understand the Value of SEO

SEO Implementation and its Relations to Social Media

Some Implementation Techniques

Review Current and Future Challenges

Q and A


The Way I see It

It is a Scientific Art

“Years of Experience” can be Irrelevant

Know that Enemy

It is an Open Playing Field

It is all about the Cash

There is a Moral Responsibility

No two websites are identical


The Facts and Challenges

For Relevance Purposes Google cannot ignore Social Media

Local Search and Social Media inseparable

There is no SEO against Social Media

Link Building is fueled through Social Sharing

Great Content if not Shared carries little weight

Bing Adds Like data to Search

Likes and Tweets are parallels to Social bookmarking


The Issue of Spam

Black Hat Works in the Short Term

White Hat in Excess becomes Black Hat

Google itself struggles to Fight Spam

Among SEO folks, it is a fighting issue


The Issue of Spam


The Issue of Spam

“This fight is never over nor ever "won" by anyone. Ever.”


It is a Fighting Issue

Black Hat Works in the Short Term

Customers Demands Results

SEO, not Google are Responsible


SEO Under Attack

“Content is dead” - Spammer

“Link Building is dead, let's buy links” - Spammer in a Rush

“SEO is dead” - Clueless spammer

No Algorithmic update will take away the value of content and links, so the need of optimization



Get the Fundamentals Right

Keyword Research and Selection

Valuable Content – Write it or Outsource It

Implement Sustainable Link Building

Technical SEO – it is all about Mathematics

Identify and Develop Social Media Platforms

Claim and Own your Local Data

Measure and Optimize


Keywords Research and Selection

Invest the Time and Start Early

Everything Else is Built on this

Focus on Conversion

Include Other People


Keywords Research and Selection


Keywords Research and Selection


Keywords Research and Selection


Keywords Research and Selection


Valuable Content

Know your audience

Write for the user not the Search Engine

Write Content that people would share

Develop a copywriting guideline

Outsource as much as possible

This is the easiest way to lose followers


Link Building – The Juice


Link Building – The Juice

Don't beat the Search Engines

Beat the Competition

If They Got a Link, Chances are You can get it too!

Social Media Accounts all carry links

Audit your referral traffic


Technical SEO Helps Social Media

On-page Optimization Still Matters

Tagging done right makes a difference

Fix issues reported in Google Webmaster Tools

Duplicate Content and www. vs. non-www.

Wordpress and Drupal


Develop your Social Profiles

Content is to be shared

Social Media as link builder

Likes and Tweets matter

Use to hunt down influencers

The No-Follow Myth

Facebook is making pages more profile-like

Reddit do not Digg it

Get a account and stick to it


Do not become complacent

Experience Q and A platforms

Implement Open Graph Protocal



Develop your Social Profiles

Claim and Own Your Local Data

Technical SEO impacts Local as well

Meta Description – this is your pitch

Insert Your Keyword in Your Title

Local Sites already carry High DA

Comply with the Guidelines

Leverage Your Keywords Research

Places (Google and Facebook) are a must


Measure and Optimize

Competitive Analysis

Open Site Explorer


Performance Google Analytics – Segments and Custom URLs

SEOMoz Tools

Raven Tools

Technical Audit

Google Webmaster Tools

Xenu (candy)


Measure and Optimize


Measure and Optimize


Measure and Optimize


Measure and Optimize


Measure and Optimize


Measure and Optimize


What is Coming Next

The Email Frontier Remains Unexplored – Facebook vs. Gmail

Google’s next acquisitions will shape the space

Google Places, Google Instant, Google Offers – Local Triffecta

Google 2011 updates that will send some link builders home

PPC in Social Media will be overhauled



Eryck Dzotsi

(321) 549-0886


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