school holiday - 18 may 2014

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8/12/2019 School Holiday - 18 May 2014 1/12

StarSpecialTHE STAR Sunday 18 May 2014

Thrills and spills in Tambun > 4 Activities at hillside escape > 7



School’s out!Fun and exploration await.

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2 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014

For bookings and further information, contact your advertising agency or the following:

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 THE STAR Thursday 30 January 2014

Rise of

the south

Supplement T eam  – Email: supp@thestar 

03-7966 8237 jy 

03-7966 8227k 


Getting the best out of your holidayBy JOVIAL CHEN


CHOOL’S out and the holidays

are in. After months of havingto wake up early for classes,sitting through long days atschool and sacrificing TV time forhomework, students will be raringto take a break and have some fun.

These days, entertainment hasbeen made convenient for thebusy parent and child. It is notuncommon for families to go fora movie or to take their kids to aplay centre on the weekend amida busy school semester period.

But since holidays do not comearound that often, why not makethis one special?

Having a holiday should meanmore than just watching TV allday or making another trip to anearby shopping mall.

There are several things todo that will give kids a holidayexperience to remember as wellas be both educational and fun forthe family.

The subjects students learnat school – history, geography,mathematics, science, music andart – could mean more than justwords on a page or a collectionof pictures if they actually get toexperience it all for themselves.

Parents can help childrengain exposure to these conceptsthrough activities that build ontheir knowledge.

Experiencing mother nature

For example, places such aspetting zoos, national parks,vegetable and fruit farms givechildren the chance to engagewith nature and explore theirenvironment. Giving childrenthe chance to identify, see andtouch the animals they havelearnt about in school will enrichtheir knowledge and give theman experience to share with theirfriends.

“The petting zoo offers visitorsthe chance to get close to andtouch giant tortoises, have a flock

of birds eat food from their hands,hold cute rabbits and much more.They can tell what the shell, skin

or fur of an animal feels like,encouraging them to learn andunderstand animals more,” saysAllan Phoon, chief executiveofficer of Farm in the City, aMalaysian petting zoo.

Alternatively, a trip to TamanNegara (National Park) in Pahangto embark on a jungle trekkingtrail, attempt white-water raftingor fishing will give you some freshair and good physical activity.

For adrenaline junkies, Skytrexin Selangor features aerialactivities where participants cantest their agility and challengetheir fear of heights amid thewonders of a Malaysian tropicalrainforest.

There are also safaris atTaman Negara for visitorsto observe animals in theirnatural environment, but a trulyunforgettable experience wouldinvolve a boat ride down theSelangor River that runs throughKuala Selangor to spot one ofthe biggest firefly colonies in theworld.

With animal education outof the way, a trip to a vegetableor fruit farm will help childrenidentify the kind of plants thatvegetables and fruits come from.In the TV series Food Revolution and its campaign in the US and theUK, chef Jamie Oliver found thatmany children do not know whatwhole foods look like or where

they come from.This is unsurprising considering

urban kids are likely to only seefruits and vegetables packaged ingrocery stores or chopped up andcooked on the dinner table.

A trip to Cameron Highlands inPahang is a prime spot for childrento discover flower farms, vegetablefarms, tea plantations and evenstrawberry fields where theycan pick their own strawberriesto take home, allowing them tosmell, taste and see nature in awhole different light.

Allowing children to get close and touch animals will encourage their learning experience of nature.

There are a variety of animals to see at petting zoos.Touch me if you dare.

Engage your analytical andcreative side

Science enthusiasts can chooseto explore the scientific realmsat centres such as Petrosains andPusat Sains Negara (National

Science Centre) in Kuala Lumpur.These centres offer interactiveexhibits where visitors can touch,feel and manipulate objects,allowing them to experiencescientific concepts in motion.

Featuring theatrical, futuristicand fun elements, Petrosainshighlights the science behindthe processes of the petroleumindustry and Pusat Sains Negarasports a two-level galleryof exhibitions as well as aneducational park called ScienceWonderland, which encompassesseveral aspects of science,

specialised arts centres to dosome painting or drama classes.For example, The Studio@KL offersfun and professional art classesfor all ages and all levels whereparticipants get the chance to

use different medium of paint,produce mixed media art andhave fun exploring their creativity.

Alternatively, arts classes suchas those offered at Kuala LumpurPerforming Arts Centre (KLPac)will give children a chance to pickup acting, scriptwriting, dancingor enjoy theatre and orchestraperformances where they canimmerse themselves in thecreative arts.

For aspiring chefs, the schoolholiday is a good time to try newrecipes and pick up some cookingskills. There are various cookingschools available such as theYoung Chefs Academy Malaysia,which is a cooking school catered

specifically to young childrenthat teaches children the joy ofcooking.


technology and innovation.There are activities for visitors

of all ages at these centres thatbuild on your understandingof scientific facts in a fun andexciting way.

On the other hand, creative

individuals can check out some

Make exploringscience a fun activityto do these holidays.

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StarSpecial 3Sunday 18 May 2014

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4 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014

Thrills and spills in TambunTHE Lost World of Tambun isan action-packed, excitingtheme park with thrilling

rides and other attractions in Ipoh,Perak.

Ipoh is located in the middleof the Northern Corridor and thetheme park is set among the city’snatural landscapes, surroundedby exquisitely breath-takinglimestone features.

The attractions at the LostWorld of Tambun will definitelythrill both children and adultsalike whether it is just for aweekend getaway or for the schoolholidays.

Seven main elements makeup this world of adventure – theWater Park, the AmusementPark, Lost World Hot Springs andSpa, the Tiger Valley, Lost WorldPetting Zoo, the Lost World TinValley and Lost World TeamBuilding Park.

Water Park

At the River and Beachgarden, you will find a perfectlylandscaped beach, surroundedby 20-feet twin waterfalls thatflow into a pool. You will bemesmerised by a white sandybeach, complemented by lushtropical gardens and majestic rockformations.

Surfers can hit the waves atMalaysia’s biggest wave pool at the Jungle Wave Bay, where waves canget as high as three feet. At SandyBay, guests can enjoy a game ofvolleyball.

Explorabay is specificallydesigned for children. It boastsspecial small slides and a large,wet, interactive play area withgiant tipping buckets, watercannons, spraying elephants,water curtains and fountains.

It is also completely supervisedand children are given specialattention.

While at the wet park, do notmiss the opportunity to go onthe longest inflatable tube ridein Malaysia. With four differentslides to try, the Tube Raiders is afamily-favourite, where you makeyour way down from the top ofgiant slides.

Amusement Park

Thrill-seekers will take delightin the first roller coaster ride inPerak. With a seating capacity of24, this ride sits 25 feet above theground and has two circuits that

are 360m long.On the Dragon Flights ride

you get swung in the air inswing-chairs. Then head on tothe Stormrider, a pirate boat thatwill swing you 180° for someexcitement.

Children will enjoy the PerakParade carousel and the GiddyGalleon is a perfect family ride.On the Adventure Express, youcan sit back and let this ancientlocomotive take you and yourfamily on a journey past majesticruins, surging waters and wildtigers.

Lost World Hot Springs andSpa

The Lost World Hot Springs andSpa is the latest addition to thetheme park. Covering an area of80,000sq ft (0.7ha), the unique spahas been created as a sanctuaryfor visitors to relax and enjoy thehot springs. The water in the hotsprings comes from a naturalsource and the thermal water inthe pool is not recycled.

The hot springs and spa ismade up of the Infinity Pool, theLost World Steam Cave, the FootSpa, the Crystal Spa, the Top ofthe World Pool, The Geyser ofTambun, the Crystal Pool andSaphira’s Bistro.

Tiger Valley

At the Tiger Valley you willmeet Sultan, Raima, Putra, Jazz

and Azian, the Lost World ofTambun’s very own Siberiantigers. Here you can watch themand their handlers at play andobserve their agility and strengthas they jump over rocks and logsto get to their food during thefeeding shows. Tiger Valley alsohas an educational programmethat teaches visitors how thesemajestic creatures are cared for.

Lost World Petting Zoo

At the Lost World PettingZoo you will be able to get closewith some of the zoo’s favouriteinhabitants, including Ruby theraccoon, Nia the python and Wira

the green macaw.At the different areas of the

zoo you will be able to feed, touchand observe these animals in theirnatural habitats.

The zoo features a largevariety of exotic animals in anenvironment created to be as closeto nature as possible. Apart frombeing a fun activity that familiescan do together, it also serves asan education platform for both

children and adults.The 100,000sq ft (0.92ha)

petting area houses a combinationof domesticated and non-domesticated animals that aretame enough to be handled bychildren.

Children can look forwardto playing with rabbits, guineapigs, tortoises, African dwarfgoats, deer and the white-earedand black-eared marmosets and

macaques.The aviary houses more

than 500 birds from 18 species,including favourites such ascockatoos, mandarin ducks andpeacocks. The serpentariumfeatures a host of reptiles such asreticulated pythons, mangrovesnakes and giant monitor lizards.

Children and adults can alsopose for pictures with the ferrets,wallabies, sugar gliders, Blue-and-gold macaws and giant iguanas.

Lost World Tin Valley

In the mid-19th century,the Kinta Valley was one of themost active tin mining areas,

with towns like Ipoh, Kamparand Tambun known for their tinmining history.

The Tin Valley at the Lost Worldof Tambun takes guests back tothe past, when people used tocarry out dulang washing (tin orepanning) to earn a living.

Children can learn about thehistory and see real artefacts atthe galleria. They can also try theirhand at dulang washing activities.

Lost World Team BuildingPark

The team building parkfeatures a series of unique highrope elements that are designedto showcase the limestones at theLost World of Tambun. The settingis not just the backdrop but ratheran integral part of the activities.

The 13 High Rope Course willchallenge your self-confidence,endurance and definitely buildyour character.

The Leap of Faith is Malaysia‘sfirst and highest para jump. Ata height of 65 feet, this extremeactivity will rid you of your fearof heights and give you a sense ofempowerment.

In Wild Woosey, partners haveto lean against each other while

being supported by the rest oftheir team mates who belay themfrom below. This activity aimsto foster trust and break downcommunication barriers. The rockclimbing activity will build yourendurance and confidence. It isexciting as you climb upwardsalong the scenic parts of thelimestone hill. In zip lining, you

will enjoy the thrill of flying atadrenaline pumping speeds, asyou zip across a 120m cable overTasik Cermin.

With all these excitingactivities and more, the time isnow for you to book your ticketsto the Lost World of Tambun.

n For more information, call05-542 8888 or visit

Check out the Petting Zoo and befriend some of the cute animals.

Visitors trying their hands at dulang washing.

Siberian tigers at Tiger Valley. The Foot Spa.

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6 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014


Take a road trip

If you are feeling a littleadventurous, why not take a roadtrip across the states? Most kidsdo not get the chance to spendtime outstation or explore placesbeyond the concrete jungles of thecity.

Places such as Malacca,Penang and Ipoh, Perak arefull of historical monumentsand architecture, so instead ofconfining children’s knowledgeof history and geography totextbooks, give them a chance tosee these elements for themselvesand experience the culture of adifferent city.

For a different experience, letyour kid explore the countrysideon horseback instead of from thebackseat of a car.

Horse farms such as the RidersLodge offer access to miles ofhorse riding trails through palmoil and jungle trails of Malaysia.

Not only will kids enjoy thenatural scenery, they will gainconfidence as they learn to takecare of and handle horses on theirown.

For more exciting and wetactivities, you could visit themeparks such as the Lost World ofTambun located in Perak.

The Lost World of Tambun, anamusement park that includes a

Opportunities for fun and learning

water park, a petting zoo and atin-mining attraction, providesa variety of educational andfun activities that children andparents can do together, fosteringparent-child relationship.

“At Lost World of Tambun,families experience a fun-filleddestination surrounded by naturallimestone hills with a host ofenjoyable attractions.

“Our theme park is the ultimateexcursion that fosters learning in anatural environment,” says CalvinHo, general manager of Lost Worldof Tambun.

Spend time together

With entertainment beingso conveniently availableand technology making itincreasingly so, it is common tosee individual family members,especially children, becomingmore engrossed in games ontheir tablets and phones ratherthan participating in real-lifeinteractions that foster familybonding.

Doing activities together giveparents the chance to interact andbond with their children through

the sharing of experiences andknowledge.

It is not too hard to findactivities to do together withyour child. Sports centres suchas Camp5 at 1 Utama ShoppingCentre – a rock climbing activitycentre – or Michael’s BadmintonAcademy encourages sportingactivities that foster the buildingof parent-child relationshipas they take part in activitiestogether while getting some goodworkout at the same time.

Perhaps, even try taking partin some special activity together

such as Wheelies Sundays atPublika, where people of allages can cycle, roller-blade, evenbringing baby prams and scootersalong blocked off, car-free internalroads.

Holidays give parents andchildren the chance to relax andspend quality time together. Sostart planning that special activityyou always wanted to do or thatplace you always wanted to visit.With the myriad of attractionsthat Malaysia has to offer, there isno better time than now to get thebest out of your school holidays.

Travelling with your family can be a fun and memorable experience. Take the opportunity to participate in activities that foster parent-child relationship.

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StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL 7

Activities at hillside escapeBERJAYA Hills is part of apicturesque mountainresort located in the state

of Pahang. Spanning across16,000 acres (6,474ha) amidlush tropical rainforests and3,000 feet above sea level,this resort is just a 45-minutedrive from Kuala Lumpur and10 kilometres off the KarakExpressway.

Colmar Tropicale, which ismodelled after a 16th centuryvillage in Alsace, France,together with other attractionslike the tranquil JapaneseVillage and the scenic BerjayaHills Golf and Country Club,make Berjaya Hills a uniqueholiday destination.


Colmar Tropicale offers morethan 235 rooms and suiteswith a touch of classic Alsacearchitecture while the exclusiveUme Tatami Suite, nestledwithin the serene JapaneseGarden, has four bedrooms andcomes complete with butlerservice. It is ideal for thoseseeking an unforgettable stayamid the cool and lush tropicalrainforest.

Meetings and conventions

At Colmar Tropicale, thereare five meeting and banquetrooms that are equipped withfacilities for conferences andweddings.

Colmar Tropicale’s LeChavelier Ballroom canaccommodate up to 1,000people while L’Alsace Ballroomcan accommodate a maximum

of 350 people and can bedivided into three individualmeeting rooms.

The Berjaya Hills ConventionCentre comprises onemultipurpose hall, which canbe divided into two individualrooms. It can accommodateapproximately 1,200 people.

There are also four individualmeeting rooms, and each roomcan accommodate a maximumof 50 people.


 Adventure ParkFrom the flying fox to

from, including lead rides, escortedoutrides as well as picnic rides.Guests are also offered horse

riding lessons, horse handling andmanagement courses and corporategroup dynamic workshops.

 Japanese VillageThe Japanese Village is a

serene and tranquil retreat. Theperfectly manicured and zen-inspired gardens were designed byrenowned Japanese architect KaioAriizumi.

This garden is located within alush tropical rainforest and featuresattractions such as the JapaneseTea House, the Tatami Spa, theBotanical Garden, the Ryo ZanTei Japanese Restaurant and theUme Tatami Suite. The traditional Japanese tea ceremony known asChanoyu in Japan is practised hereand kimonos are available for rent.

 Tatami SpaImmersed in Japanese culture

and surrounded by lush tropicalrainforest, Tatami Spa is Asia’sfirst Japanese concept spa outsideof Japan. Indulge in a range oftreatments, including scrubs,massages and onsen, hot bathingoutdoors. Set in the secluded andtranquil Japanese Village, TatamiSpa is a haven of total bliss andrelaxation.

n For more information,

Guests feeding the deer at the sanctuary. Horse riding is one of the activities available at Berjaya Hills .

paintball, there is plenty to dofor thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies.

They can also engage in abseiling,rock climbing and various otherexciting activities.

 Animal ParkThe Animal Park houses more

than 200 rabbits of various species.Located in the same area is a deersanctuary where guests can see thespotted deer and the Timorensisdeer, which were brought in fromThe Netherlands and Indonesia.

Guests will have the opportunityto pet and feed these animals andlearn about their habitats.

Botanical GardenLocated near the Japanese

Village, the Botanical Garden is arefuge from the hustle and bustleof the city. With a variety of exoticplants, flowers, trees and herbs, thisis a horticultural garden of paradise.

Horse TrailsBerjaya Hills Horse Trails is

registered with the MalaysianEquine Council and is also amember of the British Pony Cluband Equestrian Australia. Managedby a professional internationalcoach as well as experiencedhorse trainers, there is an array ofpackages that visitors can choose

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8 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014

High-quality school suppliesMJ Boutique carries the SWAN brand ofproducts, which is renowned for its highquality and contemporary products forstudents. School uniforms, shoes andschool bags are necessities in every pupil’scheck list.

It is therefore vital that these productsare of good quality and last long. SWANproducts have been around for the past

60 years and continue to guaranteeimpeccable quality and reliability today.

SWAN’s range of white school shirtsare made with special textile technologyto ensure that these uniforms do not turnyellow no matter how frequently they arewashed in a year. In addition, MJ Boutique’suniforms ensure that children look theirbest as the uniforms are made from high-quality materials.

MJ Boutique also carries a range ofcomfortable and easy-to-wear school shoes

for your child’s walking comfort.Your child can choose from the SWAN

Basic Series or the SWAN Exclusive Series.Both ranges are padded with extra spongeat the base to protect the soles from injury.

SWAN also offers school bags withcaster wheels and has also introduced itsAirlite range of ergonomic bags that protectthe backs of children. The special design of

the bag keeps children from hunching.From the Powerpuff Girls to Ultraman,

SWAN offers a wide range of designs anda remarkable variety of school bags that issure to appeal to both children and adults.MJ Boutique has 29 stores nationwide.

n To find the nearest store to you and tosee the wide variety of school supplies itcarries, call 1300 886 887, e-mail or

SWAN offers a wide rangeof school bag designs.

A greatencounterwith the wildF

ARM in the City (FITC) is aunique concept that combinesthe elements of wildlife and

nature set in a conservation parkenvironment in Seri Kembangan.Designed to resemble a typicalMalaysian kampung, it providesan opportunity for children andadults to get close to the animalsand plants that they usually onlyread about or see on TV.

As the park is completely freeof cages, all the animals roamfreely in special enclosures thatmimic their natural surroundings.Visitors can feed, touch and playwith the more than 100 speciesof exotic animals, including themarmoset, the world’s smallestspecies of primate, which is justas a big as a human palm; the rarewhite crow and very old turtles.

Spread across the seven acres,the park is divided into severalsections that provide differentexperiences for the visitors. Thesections include the Turtle andTortoise Farm, the Reptile Cavern,the Free-flight Bird Aviary, the

Savannah, the Vegetable andFruits Farm, the Pet Village, theMood’s Lake, the Jungle Walk, theButterfly Garden, the ExhibitionHall and the Pelican Quay.

Visitors who embark on theFITC journey will encounter awide variety of sea and landanimals, making their walk

an exhilarating one. FITC alsoconducts shows and visitors cancome face-to-face with a numberof animals.

Apart from providing a fun-filled experience, FITC alsocarries out various educationalprogrammes that are targetedat visitors of all ages. These

programmes are centred onconservation and preservation. Itis part of FITC’s vision to informand educate the public aboutthe habitats, behaviour andgeographical distribution of thevarious animals in the world.

FITC is certainly the destinationof choice for families as it providesan opportunity for childrento enjoy themselves in a safeenvironment while their parentscan relax and enjoy the scenery.FITC also has a restaurant thatserves both local and internationalcuisine.

The Jungle Walk.

The Savannah.

Opening hoursWeekdays: 10am to 6pmWeekends, school and publicholidays: 9.30am to 6pmFITC is closed on Tuesdaysexcept during public or schoolholidays.Entrance feeAdult: RM48Child: RM38For more information, call03-8941 3099, e-mail or visit

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StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL9

Expand your horizons 

Make a splashDid you know that one in six children cannot

swim? In fact, about 54% of the world’s totalpopulation cannot swim and drowning is the thirdmost common cause of accidental death worldwide.It is therefore important to take time to learn thislife saving skill. Not only does swimming build up astrong pair of lungs, it also builds your self-esteemand independence.

Cook up a stormTime to raise your culinary game and fill the kitchenwith the scent of freshly baked goods. If you enjoycooking or wish to learn, a cooking orbaking class would be an excitingactivity this holiday period. Mostshort-duration classes come with abrief lecture, hands-on productionand lunch session. You may alsoget to make new friends whoshare your interest in cookingand baking. If you are anindependent learner, thereare several cookbooksavailable at thebookstore for cooks ofall levels. Parents canalso get involvedin teaching theirchildren cookingskills and seethem whip up asimple dessertor lunch.

Explore your musicalityA study titled Music Lessons Enhance IQ  by

Shellenberg, published in 2004 on the effectsof music lessons on academic performance andcognitive abilities, revealed that students whoparticipate in music lessons showed a statisticallyhigher intelligence quotient. Learning to play musicencourages and motivates you to be successful. Sowhy not pick up an instrument this holiday period?There are several music schools that offer lessonsusing instruments such as the piano, violin, guitarand drums.

Volunteer workSpend some free time this holiday to volunteer on

a project that involves something important to you.Recognising your own ability to make a differencedoes not only empower you and boost your self-esteem, it also offers lifelong rewards.

Explore the great outdoorsThere are benefits of being actively involved

in outdoor adventures, including an increase inphysical fitness. You could try a sport, do some jungle trekking or even visit the zoo to get somefresh air and learn more about nature.

Learn a new languageLearning a new language has become a necessity

as knowing a foreign language expands yourperspective of the world. A foreign language opensup exciting job opportunities, which could involvetravelling or living overseas. In fact, translators andinterpreters will be one of the 15 fastest growingoccupations between now and 2020. Among theeasiest languages to learn include French, Spanish,Dutch, Portuguese, Italian and Swedish.







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10 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014

A dozen steps toa wax sculpture

DEVELOPED by I-Berhad,

the i-City developmentcomprises corporate

towers, cyber office suites,service apartments, hotels, datacentres and a 1.5 millionsq ft(13.9ha) shopping mall (a jointdevelopment with Thailand’sCentral Retail Group that will beopen in 2016).

It is also an MSC MalaysiaCybercentre certifieddevelopment, a world referencesite for Cisco’s Smart+ConnectedCommunity, endorsed as aTourism Destination by theMinistry of Tourism and Cultureand it has been declared anInternational Park by the SelangorState Government.

i-City’s tourism componentboasts some main attractionthemes – City of Digital Lights,which has lightscapes made ofmore than one million LED lightsand outdoor theme park rides;Snowalk, a 50,000sq ft Arcticenvironment where visitors canexperience temperatures below50C Celsius; Waterworld, whichfeatures the first tornado ridein South-East Asia; FunWorld,where there are family-oriented

activities and games; Malaysia’s

first Trick Art Museum; and RedCarpet, Malaysia’s first interactivewax museum.

Red Carpet, i-City’s latestattraction, is Malaysia’s firstinteractive wax museum andfeatures 100 wax exhibits offamous people from history aswell as contemporary celebrities.The 30,000sq ft wax exhibithas been designated a VisitMalaysia Year 2014 tourismproduct catering to both local andinternational visitors.

There are six themes at RedCarpet – World Icons, Celebrities,Sports Stars, World Book ofRecords, Combat and Interactive.The exhibit is reminiscent of a

star-studded awards ceremony,such as the Oscars, and theinteractive models are able tomove and “speak”.

Red Carpet has been verysignificant for i-City in its quest toboost visitor growth.

With a continuous push toupgrade and introduce newattractions, i-City foresees a30% increase in visitors to itstheme park and various leisureattractions over this year.

WAX sculptures take a lot of work.It may take a team of seven ormore talented artists more thanthree months to create a life-like wax figure. Here is what theprocess involves:


In this step, all the datais collected. These aremeasurements of the head andbody, taken using tools such ascallipers, a tape measure, spiritlevel rulers and a tape measure. Asmany as 200 measurements aretaken. The head is always the lastto be measured.


The hair, eyes and skin colour ofthe celebrity have to be matchedprecisely. It is also essential tocapture the celebrity’s personalityin the final sculpt. If the artists

cannot meet the celebrity inperson, they will gather and studyhundreds of photographs instead,and obtain information about thecelebrity’s personality from familymembers.

Sculpting the head

It is very important for theartist to know exactly what thecelebrity looks like from all angles,even from above and below.Before the sculpting processbegins, a wire frame is built tosupport the modelling clay. As theface comes together, the sculptorconstantly checks measurementswith his calipers. Each head uses

approximately 18kg of clay andmay take five weeks to complete.

Sculpting the body

This is a complex processthat takes a lot of planning andpreparation. The artist will buildthe frame of the various bodyparts in the correct sizes, sculptthem into appropriate postures(for example, sitting, standing ordancing), and even incorporateprops such as a microphone or atennis racquet.

Casting the hands

Sculpting the hands is time

consuming as they have a lot ofdetail to them. To ensure that thehands are as detailed as possibleand look like the original, a lifecast is often made.


Once the clay head is ready,plaster moulds are made. Onceall of the sections are filled withplaster, the whole mould is soaked

in warm water, which allowsthe clay to swell, facilitatingthe removal of each piece of themould.

Pouring the wax

The sculptor pours a moltenmixture of natural and petroleum-based wax into the moulds. Thewax is swirled in layer by layeruntil the mould is evenly coatedwith two inches of wax. Themixture is left to thoroughlyharden before the mould encasingthe head is opened to reveal arough waxen image.

Cleaning the wax

Once the wax head has setand cooled, the colourist checksit to ensure that it is suitable forcolouring. Next, the sculptor willmeasure the head to be doublysure it has not shrunk or morphed.

The artists then remove any seamlines, clean up the ears and nose,create eye holes and burn outspace for teeth. The surface ofthe sculpture is smoothed andthen sponges are used to createappropriate textures. The processtakes about two or three days.

Making the teeth

Generally, all the teeth used areexactly the same dentures thatone would get from a dentist. Theyare secured in place with soft waxthat eventually hardens.

Making the eyes

The eyes are important becausethey bring the sculpture to life.Each eye is unique and it takes alot of information to accuratelyrecreate the size, iris, pupil andcolour.

Inserting the hair

This is a tedious process as eachhair is individually inserted intothe head and there can be morethan 10,000 hairs on one head.The hairs are inserted with a smalltool the size of a normal sewingneedle. The wax head is heatedslowly with a warm lamp to makeinsertion easier and neater.

ColouringTo ensure the wax figure’s skin

looks like human skin, each headis coloured with several layersof oil paint that is absorbed intothe wax, giving it the translucentquality of human skin. Thecolourist’s colour palette containsa variety of colours, includingdifferent tones of yellow, brown,red, purple, blue and green.

Celebrities cometo life in interactivetheme park

Red Carpet inthe record bookIN December last year,Red Carpet was officiallyacknowledged by the The Malaysia Book of Records asthe country’s first and largestinteractive wax museum. “Weare constantly on the lookoutfor first-of-its-kind interestingand creative ideas that can sellMalaysia to the outside world,”says The Malaysia Book ofRecords founder Datuk Danny

Ooi. “In this regard, Red Carpetfits the bill as it has becomea major crowd puller amongboth domestic and foreigntourists.” At the presentationceremony were Datuk SeriNg Yen Yen, chairman of theMalaysia Tourism PromotionBoard, and Datuk MirzaMohammad Taiyab, TourismMalaysia’s director-general.

Space mission.

The Red Carpet.

Creating a life-like wax figure takes time and special skill-sets.

Great savingsat i-City i-City is running an i-Cardcampaign in support of VisitMalaysia Year 2014. The first1,000 visitors can enjoy morethan 50% savings with thei-Card. They can visit theRed Carpet, WaterWorld,SnoWalk, Space Mission andHouse of Horror attractions atonly RM50.

 This campaign is validevery day until July 5, from10am to 6pm, includingschool holidays, publicholidays and weekends.

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StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL 11

Indulge and unwind

The Swiss-Garden Hotel and Residences is located in the heart of KualaLumpur.

GET together with your lovedones over the school holidays

at the Swiss-Garden Hotel andResidences Kuala Lumpur anddiscover culture, historical sitesand recreational and shoppingdestinations in vibrant KualaLumpur.

Swiss-Garden Hotel andResidences Kuala Lumpur is adeluxe four-star property thatis located in the heart of KualaLumpur, amid the city’s richculture and heritage. The hotelprovides an ideal ambience forbusiness or leisure and is withinwalking distance of BintangWalk, Chinatown, Jalan Alor andother tourist hotspots.

Swiss-Garden is easilyaccessible as it is situated in

the city centre. It is 75kmaway from the Kuala LumpurInternational Airport (KLIA),approximately one hour by roadand 28 minutes away by theExpress Rail Link (ERL) from theKuala Lumpur Sentral Station.Swiss-Garden is a 10-minutedrive from the Kuala LumpurRailway and KL Sentral Stationand is within walking distanceof the Pudu Central Coach

Terminal, Plaza Rakyat andHang Tuah light railway transit

and monorail stations.In conjunction with the

mid-year school holidays,Swiss-Garden is offering aspecial room rate for familieswhere they will be able to enjoya day of fun by the swimmingpool. Fitness lovers canenjoy the gym, which is fullyequipped with the latest sportsequipment.

Guests can indulge inBalinese massages andexperience a range of highlyeffective tropical spa treatmentsat the Samsara Spa. Swiss-Garden also offers an extensiverange of local and internationalcuisines through its Taste 6

Restaurant, Flavors Restaurantand Green Treats Delicatessen.

Guests can then unwindat the Blue Chip Lounge or atthe Pool Bar, which overlooksthe spectacular Kuala Lumpurskyline.

n For more information, call03-2141 3333, e-mailresvns_sghkl@swissgarden.comor visit

Weaving a good yarnS

TORYTELLING is a popularactivity for parents toentertain, educate and

build relationships with theirchildren. With so many rangesof well-written and beautifullyillustrated books available, parentsand kids are spoilt for choice. Butwhat makes a good storytellingsession? As children tend torespond better to an engaging andinteractive environment, here’s alist of suggestions to help you getstarted:


Pick a good book withan attractive cover, goodillustrations and good storyline

Kids have a very short attentionspan, so it is best to have bigillustrations with lots of colours

Without cutting them offabruptly, find an opportunity assoon as you can to direct themback to the story. You can useconversational particles like,“Okay, let’s carry on” beforecontinuing with the story.

Don’t use books as a threatDo not use books or

which will teach children thenature of speech and help themidentify the meaning of sentences



Don’t read too fastChildren take a while to

mentally process information, sogive them enough time to build amental image. Do not make themfeel hurried. Instead, give themtime to ask questions.

Don’t allow your child’sdistraction to prolong 

Children often ask questionsthat are entirely unrelated to thestory.

In this case, answer theirquestions patiently and listenattentively to their conversation.

storytelling to get children todo or not to do something. Forexample, saying something like,“If you don’t do your homework,no storytime tonight”.

If they perceive books to bea weapon, they may developa negative association withreading, making it an unenjoyableexperience.

that will interest them andminimise distractions.

Interact with your childAsk questions about the storyalong the way. These can includequestions about the characters,storyline or even asking for yourchild’s interpretation of events.

For example, you could say,“Which one is the princess? Doyou think the frog is sad? Why isthe frog sad?’

 Adopt different voices fordifferent characters

Sounds usually get children’sattention, so using differentvoices when reading out (orcreating) character’s speech willgive personality to the story’scharacters. You can also giveemphasis to certain keywords,

Children respond better to an engaging and interactive environment duringreading activities.

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12 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 MAY 2014

A historical retreat

Hotel EquatorialMelakaaccommodatesboth leisureand businesstravellers.

SET in the heart of the historical city ofMalacca, Hotel Equatorial is a five-starinternational business resort with 496spacious and contemporarily furnishedrooms.

It is ideally located within walkingdistance of historical sites and trails,shopping complexes, night spots, financialinstitutions and the famous Jonker Street –a local food and antique hunter’s paradise.

Hotel Equatorial Melaka has a wide rangeof room to suit every traveller, from Deluxeto Presidential Suite.

The Deluxe room exudes a warm, cosyfeeling and features a wooden window

shutter that is unique to Hotel EquatorialMelaka. There is also a balcony overlookingMalacca city and a spectacular view of theStraits of Malacca.

The premier rooms have a built-in daybed, making the room an excellent choicefor families with children. Hotel EquatorialMelaka has a well-equipped gym, sauna,massage parlour, a cold plunge pool, anindoor Jacuzzi, a tennis court that is floodlitand four connected swimming pools.

There is even an extensive sundeck for

those who want to get a tan. In addition, thehotel also provides aerobic classes, standardtraining programmes, fitness evaluationsand other personal consultation services.

Hotel Equatorial Melaka also has awide range of dining and entertainmentoutlets. Rest House Cafe offers visitors aninformal dining experience and servesboth international and local cuisine. Theetc... cafe offers freshly baked pastries andcakes and Kampachi is an award-winningsignature Japanese restaurant of theEquatorial Group.

With a casual sidewalk-terrace diningstyle, K5 offers guests local and western

cuisine. It is also the only bistro in Malaccathat is open 24 hours a day. The Seri NyonyaPeranakan Restaurant’s inviting interiorand authentic Peranakan delicacies havecharmed many visitors.

The restaurant also has a private roomthat can seat 40 people. The EquatorialMelaka’s Flo Lounge with its luxuriousinterior offers guests a wide range ofcocktails, wines and champagnes.

nFor more information call 06 282 8333

Unique offerings at resort cityS

PRAWLED across 727 acres(294ha) of lush secondary jungle, Bukit Gambang Resort

City (BGRC) is an integratedresort city destination thatoffers multiple attractions inone location, making it a perfectdestination for leisure andbusiness activities.

Located about 218km fromKuala Lumpur and 35km fromKuantan, it is easily accessible byvia the East Coast Expressway.For those who prefer to fly, youcan embark at the Kuala LumpurInternational Airport (KLIA),Penang International Airport orSingapore’s Changi Airport andtake a transit flight to the SultanHaji Ahmad Shah Airport inKuantan. The resort city is just 30minutes from the airport.

BGRC has 1,866 rooms ofvarious categories. These roomsare available at two themedresorts – the Arabian Bay Resort(ABR) and Caribbean Bay Resort(CBR). The two most popularcategories of rooms are the StudioSuite, which is a one-bedroomsuite with a private balconyand the Family Suite, which is atwo-bedroom suite with privatebathrooms, a common living roomand a balcony.

The ABR suites offer warm,cosy and elegant furnishing thatis suitable for both businessand leisure travellers. The CBRsuites provide an elegant and

comfortable ambience with theirtimber-strip flooring and cosywooden furniture to complementthe natural environment of theresort.

With a 220,000sq ft eventscentre dedicated to meetings,incentives, conferences andexhibitions conveniently locatedbetween the two themed resorts,

it gives easy access to visitors. Thecovered link makes going betweenthe resorts and the events centretrouble-free even in bad weather.

The largest ballroom inMalaysia is located on the topfloor of the events centre and canaccommodate up to 3,100 peoplefor a sit-down banquet.

Guests will be spoilt for choice

as BGRC offers more than 30meeting and event halls.

BGRC stands out from other

venues because it offers guestsa unique ambience as it issurrounded by lush greeneryand is located within minutesof a safari park with the recentcompletion of the Bukit GambangSafari Park.

Those who love the outdoorswill take delight in the manyrecreational activities available,including horse-riding, paintball target shooting, paint ballwarzone, all-terrain vehicle rides,off-road rides, and the flying foxand obstacle course challenges.Team building and programmesfor companies and families canbe arranged with BGRC’s certifiedand trained facilitators.

Leisure activities at BGRCinclude a water theme park andsafari park located about 250metres away.

The Bukit Gambang Water Park,which covers a total area of 45.8acres (18.5ha), offers several waterattractions that are suitable for thewhole family.

It was also named the bestwater park in the country bythe Malaysia Association ofAmusements, Themeparks andFamily Attractions (MAATFA).

The Bukit Gambang Safari Parkis a 138-acre (55.8ha), one-of-a-kind safari and it is the largest inthe country. Guests at the safari

park will experience a closeencounter with the wildlife. Thesafari park is open every day from

2pm to 10pm and offers showsand activities for children of allages.

The safari park is divided intofive districts – Simba Hill, ForeignVillage, Forest Land, Night Jungleand Wild Savannah.

Foreign Village showcases acollection of animals, includingfarm animals and wild animalsfrom across the world for a see-touch-learn experience.

Wild Savannah is the drivethrough section of the park andfeatures animals from the Africansavannah, tropical rainforestsand the Australian outback. Fora unique dining experience,guests can dine at the Simba HillGourmet Hall, where they canexperience a spectacular view ofthe only white lions in Malaysia.This outlet also caters for privatefunctions.

For the coming school holidays,BGRC will be organising its annualEast Coast Discovery.

Visitors should not miss theopportunity to experience, learnabout and take photos with liveturtles.

There will also be stalls sellingtraditional handicrafts and localdelicacies from the east coast.

n For more information,

The Bukit Gambang Safari Park is a one-of-a-kind safari and the largest in Malaysia.

Guests can experience close encounters with the wildlife.

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