samr and blended learning: dec. 2015

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Applying the SAMR Model to Blended Learning Programs

• Rob Darrow, Ed.D. eLearning Consultant @robdarrow

December 2015



■ Rob■ In the room■ SAMR Check■ Blended Learning Check

Session Overview

■ SAMR■ Blended Learning ■ Adoption

Amy Burvall (2014):

Dr. Ruben Puentedura, Ph.D.

Intentional Design and Mindset

Augmentation to Modification:• How is the original task being modified?• Does this modification fundamentally depend upon the new technology? • DESIGN: How does this modification contribute to my design?

Intentional Design and Mindset

Modification to Redefinition:• What is the new task?• Will any portion of the original task be retained?• How is the new task uniquely made possible by the new technology• DESIGN: How does it contribute to my design?

Dr. Ruben Puentedura, Ph.D.

Blended Learning DefinitionA formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path and/or pace

andat least in part in a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home, and the modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience.

(Horn & Staker, 2013)

Tech-rich = blended

@MichaelbHorn Tweet“If you cannot identify the front of the room, you are probably in a disruptive / blended

classroom”– #inacol13, Oct. 2013

Not About the Technology

■ Change in teaching■ Change in learning■ Change in pedagogy■ Change in class structure (desks, groups)■ Things should look different in a blended

learning environment, more student centric, more personalized learning

But…■ Effective and efficient personalized learning

cannot exist without the use of technology

■ A change in teaching, learning, and pedagogy cannot occur without the use of technology

■ The classroom cannot be more student centric without the use of technology

Blended Learning is About…

■ Rethinking how class is structured■ How time is used■ How resources are allocated■ Personalizing the learning for all

students – better learning engagement

■ Teachers using data daily to customize learning for students

Teaching and Learning• What is the student doing

and where is the student?

• What is the teacher doing and where is the teacher?

• What and where is the content ?

Continuum: Textbook to Online Teaching

Online Teaching

Textbook EnhancedTeaching


Web / Online Enhanced Teaching

What does “blended learning” look like? Where do you fit? Your school?

■Textbook enhanced teaching and learning

■Technology enhanced (not online)

■Web/online enhanced■Blended■Online

What does “it” look like?*Teacher vs. student control of

teaching and learning

■ Textbook enhanced teaching and learning

■ Technology enhanced (not online)

■ Web/online enhanced■ Blended■ Online

More teacher control

Shared control

More student control

What does “it” look like?*Teacher-centric vs. Student-

centric■ Textbook enhanced teaching

and learning■ Technology enhanced

(not online)■ Web/online enhanced■ Blended■ Online

More teacher centric


More student centric

What does “it” look like?*Control of time and pace

■ Textbook enhanced teaching and learning

■ Technology enhanced (not online)

■ Web/online enhanced■ Blended■ Online

Set time structure

Some Flexibility


What does “it” look like?

■ Textbook enhanced teaching and learning

■ Technology enhanced (not online)

■ Web/online enhanced■ Blended■ Online

Textbook EnhancedTeacher Student Curriculum

Textbook EnhancedWhat is the student doing?

• Sitting in a desk in a classroom• Writing on paper• Listening to teacher• Talking with peers

What is the teacher doing?• Standing in front of the classroom• Directing Learning• Group discussions

What is the content?• Textbooks• Supplemental materials• Teacher created materials

Where is the content?• On paper• In the classroom• In a school library

Technology EnhancedTeacher Student Curriculum

Technology EnhancedWhat is the student doing?

•Sitting in a desk in a classroom•Writing on paper•Listening to teacher•Talking with peers•Using a shared or personal computer

What is the teacher doing?•Standing in front of the classroom•Directing Learning•Group discussions

What is the content?•Textbooks•Supplemental materials•Teacher created materials•Computer (Word, Ppt, etc.)•Computer Program (loaded, CD / DVD)

Where is the content?•On paper•In the classroom•In a school library•On a computer/digital white board / doc camera, etc.

Web/Online EnhancedTeacher Student Curriculum

Web/Online EnhancedWhat is the student doing?

•Sitting in a desk in a classroom•Writing on paper•Listening to teacher•Talking with peers•Using a shared or personal computer

What is the teacher doing?•Standing in front of the classroom•Directing Learning•Group discussions•Assignments/activities online

What is the content?•Textbooks•Supplemental materials•Teacher created materials•Computer (Word, Ppt, etc.)•Computer Program / App (loaded or CD / DVD, in the Cloud)•Web•Computer led (e.g. programmed math or English. Plato, Ed 2020)

Where is the content?•On paper•In the classroom•In a school library•On a computer/digital white board / doc camera, etc.•Some Online

BlendedTeacher Student Curriculum

BlendedWhat is the student doing?

(More work online)● Sitting in a desk in a classroom or

computer lab● Using personal computer online at

home or other location● Interacting with peers in person

and online

What is the teacher doing? (More interaction online)

● Standing in front of the classroom and interacting online

● Directing Learning● Meeting students in small groups

(f2f and online)● Developing/assigning online

lessons● Grading online

What is the content?• Textbooks• Supplemental materials• Teacher created materials• Computer (Word, Ppt, etc.)• Computer Program (loaded or CD-Rom)• Web• Computer led (e.g. programmed

math or English)

Where is the content?• On paper• In the classroom• In a school library• On a computer/digital white board /

doc camera, etc.• Online (computer led or teacher led


OnlineTeacher Student Curriculum


Planning – Designing – Implementing – Reviewing – ImprovingBlended Learning at JCU, Australia (2014).

What are some of your examples / scenarios?

• Substitution (same-same)Augmentation (not so lame) Modification (reframe)Redefinition (change the game)

• Continuum: Textbook, Technology, Web, Blended, Online

AdoptionEverett Rogers.

Diffusion of Innovations (1963)

“One cannot seek knowledge about an

innovation until he or she knows it exists”

Rogers: Adopter Categories

Innovators – Early Adopters – Early Majority – Late Majority - Laggards

In every study…(Rogers, 2003)

■ Role of “change agent” or champion ■ Common adoption characteristics from

innovator to laggard■ Common way innovation reaches

“critical mass” or “tipping point”■ Common communication methods that

influence earlier adoption■ S-shaped curve of adoption over time

“Implications for School Administrators”

(Rogers, 1963)

■ More financial resources = more innovative schools / organization

■ Teachers who attend out of town conferences (face-to-face or online) are more innovative

■ Where administrators are aware of and sympathetic to an innovation, it tends to prosper

Leadership: Top Down, Bottom Up, Inside Out

Or JaneOr MiaOr DionOr JuanOr Sara

Guiding Documents

iNACOL. Blended Teacher Framework (2014).

iNACOL. Blended Teacher Framework (2014).

TNTP. Teaching in Blended Learning Classroom (2014 ).

The Padagogy Wheel – Allan Carrington (2013).

Dan Pink. A Whole New Mind (2005)

■“change is inevitable, and when it happens, the wisest response is not to wail or whine but to suck it up and deal with it.”

Think in terms of 3-5 years from now (not just today).

Think about what can be, not what is.

This is a journey, not a destination.

As we consider providing more customized learning for students via online and blended learning …remember:

“The only thing harder than starting something new –

is stopping something old” - Russell Ackoff -“Redesigning Society”

Contact■ Rob Darrow


■ http://

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