richard wagner. a biographical sketch with illustrations

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WE spoke, at the conclusion of our former article, of Wagner's

early cosmopolitanism and Gallomania, and of his conver-

sion, on the appearance of the "Flying Dutchman," to an ardent

and emotional patriotism.

In order to appreciate Wagner's subsequent course it must be

remembered that this sudden fit of patriotic fervor had a purely

personal origin and was only an individual application of the gen-

eral maxim : Ubi bene, ibi patria. In Paris not one of the projects

which he had so confidently entertained had been realised and he

felt deeply humiliated and depressed as an artist and a man by the

neglect and destitution he suffered during his sojourn in the French

metropolis. In Dresden, on the contrary, the representation of

his "Rienzi"had met with remarkable success, filling him with

happy hopes and the inspiring thought that he had "now regained

his Fatherland." It was with great joy, as he confesses, that he

accepted at a small salary (1200 thalers) the position of musical

director in the Royal Theatre of that city, since it opened to him

the very field of activity he had so long desired. "On this occa-

sion," he says, "I had within me the firm consciousness of the

ability and power to accomplish whatever I might earnestly wish."

But this strong conviction was of short endurance. The failure of

the public to understand "The Flying Dutchman" and the sharp

and somewhat invidious criticism to which he was subjected in the

local press both as a conductor and a composer, and which he has

satirised in "The Master-Singers of Nuremberg," thoroughly un-

deceived him and showed his vision to have been a mere Fata Mor-

gana, in which he had seen everything magnified and inverted at

a distance through the refracting medium of an excited and exalted

imagination. Once when Jean Paul Richter and Goethe were to-


gether and fell into conversation concerning the scandalous gossip

that was being circulated to their injury, the former remarked that

he should pay no attention to it or at least should wait until he

was accused of stealing silver spoons ; whereupon Goethe replied

that he should give no heed to it even then. Wagner refers to

Richard Wagner and Sigfried Wagner.

From a photograph, 1880; in the possession of Frau C. Wagner.

this incident in a letter to a friend and adds, "Although I would

not compare myself to Goethe, I am determined to act as he did;"

but unfortunately his temper got the better of his judgment and

overbore his resolution, and he began a conflict with those who


refused to recognise his claims, that was waged at first with ex-

treme virulence and really ceased only with his life ; but before he

fell, victory had perched upon the standard he had raised and de-

fended, and every year since his death has consolidated and ex-

tended his triumphs.

"In the midst of this bitterness against the existing condition

of things," writes Wagner in an autobiographical sketch, "I found

myself moved by the revolutionary spirit which was growing

stronger and stronger all around me and which now enlisted myzealous sympathy." He believed that the degradation of art wasdue to the general and inveterate debasement of the social and

political institutions of the time, and that the reformation whichhe had been vainly endeavoring to accomplish could be effected

only by a radical change in the constitution of society and the

state. The attempt made by Mr. William Ashton Ellis in his so-

Wagner's Uog Afarke.

called "Vindication" to show that Wagner did not participate in

the Saxon uprising of 1849, but that it was a journeyman baker of

the same name who shouldered his musket and shouted sedition

on the barricades is as foolish as it is futile. It is one of the pen-

alties of his success and celebrity that the eminent composer nownumbers among his adherents many persons of aristocratic tastes

and severely conservative tendencies, who hold religiously to the

doctrine of the divine rights of kings and regard all rebellion

against the authority of the Lord's anointed as extremely wicked

and, what is still worse, exceedingly vulgar. Wagner's biographers

have uniformly passed over this characteristic and most instructive

episode of his life in significant silence or with only the very slight-

est allusions to it. Glasenapp treats it as a mistake, not on the

part of Wagner, but on the part of the Saxon government, whose

issue of warrants for the capture of the fugitive was wholly un-


warrantable. Tappert has even the face to declare that "Wagnerwas never a revolutionist" ; and, while admitting that he welcomed

the movement because he hoped it would produce changes favor-

able to German art, adds: "Nowhere do I find any proofs of his

participation in the insurrection, and all assertions of this kind

bear the stamp of falsity." If Tappert had examined the records

of the criminal court of Dresden instead of confining his investiga-

tions to the archives of the Royal Theatre, he would have found

conclusive evidence of the truth of the statements which he so

positively denies. There he would have discovered among other

official documents bearing on the question the "Acts against the

ex-musical conductor Richard Wagner, of this place, on account

of participation in the insurrection of May 1849." x Doubtless

some things done by other Wagners were naturally enough ascribed

to the most famous man of this name. Thus Count Von Beust in

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9?idjarb SBagner Don tjier

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ta»on un3 fdjleunigft 9ca#nd)t ju etttjciltn.

StcsSbca, ben 16. OTai 1849.

Sic ©tabt'^Solijei deputation.Don Dppell.

SBagnet ifl 37 bi« 38 3al}te alt, mittlei ©tatut, $al orauntf ©Mt unb t:5gt tin; Stitte.

Reduced Facsimile of the Warrant of Arrest Issued Against Wagner and

Published in the Dresdener Journal. From Dresden Municipal Library.

his reminiscences entitled "Aus drei Viertel-Jahrhunderten" ac-

cuses Wagner of having set fire to the "Prince's Palace" and

states that there is among the acts of accusation in the possession

of the government a letter written by Wagner himself, in which he

boasts of the deed. "Whether he sang: < Frisch, Feuerflamme,

frohlich undfurchtbar,' as an accompaniment to this performance,

I am unable to say." Von Beust's mistake arose from the fact

that there was among the revolutionists a low and disreputable

fellow named Woldemar Wagner, a confectioner, who by order of

Bakunin did attempt to burn the palace and sent to the provisional

government a written report on the subject signed "Wagner." As

the confectioner was an utterly obscure person, the discovery of

this paper would inevitably implicate the distinguished composer.

lAkta wider den vormaligen Kapellmeister Richard Wagner, hier, wegen Betheiligung am

hiesigen Mai-Aufstande im Jahre 1849.


It was unquestionably this brutal and bloodthirsty maker of com-fits who shot Lieutenant von Krug in front of the arsenal on the

third of May, and who had to answer also to the charge of pillaging

private dwellings.

According to a popular belief once widely spread and still

lurking as a tradition in the minds of some credulous people, the

destruction of the old Dresden opera house by fire on the sixth of

May, 1849, was due to a conspiracy on the part of Richard Wagnerand the eminent architect, Gottfried Semper. The origin of this

story deserves mention as a striking illustration of the rise andgrowth of such quasi-historical fables. It was in the earliest stages

of the revolutionary movement that Wagner one day met Semperon the street and referring to the projected representation of

"Lohengrin," complained of the stage as not deep enough for an

effective arrangement of the scenic decorations. The conversation

was about the new opera house built by Semper, who somewhatirritated by this stricture on an edifice of which he was justly

proud, replied sarcastically: "Yes, indeed, I should like to burn

down the old booth at once." This remark uttered half testily andhalf jestingly was overheard by Wagner's envious colleague Reis-

siger and by the singer Chiarelli, who chanced to be in Meser's

music store near the door of which the earnest colloquy took place.

Rumors of this dreadful plot were whispered abroad, and when a

short time afterwards the old opera house was actually devouredby flames, there could be no difficulty in determining who werethe incendiaries.

There was also a third Wagner, a member of the municipal

council of Schneeberg and delegate to the Saxon Diet, who took

part in the insurrection and was finally forced to flee from Ger-

many; and it is possible that public opinion may have held the

already celebrated musician to some extent responsible for the

words and actions of this comparatively unknown politician, which,

however, appear to have been of an inconspicuous and rather

harmless character.

But after making all due allowance for misapprehensions aris-

ing from the existence of these inconvenient and in part discredit-

able doubles, it is impossible for even the most subtile and sophis-

tical apologist to explain away stubborn facts and to reduce

Wagner's role as a revolutionist to a mere "Comedy of errors."

The long speech which he delivered in the Vaterlandsverein, June14, 1848, and his contributions to the extremely radical sheet,

Rockel's Volksbldtter, which he has not seen fit to include in the


collected edition of his works, but which Dinger has printed in

full, prove conclusively his ardent zeal for the cause and showclearly his conception of the aims and purposes of the revolution-

ary movement. "First of all," he says in his fiery and somewhatfantastic speech, "we must extinguish the last flicker of aristoc-

racy." True, he adds, our nobles are no longer feudal lords, priv-

ileged to oppress and flay us according to their good pleasure; but

in order to remove every cause of offence, they ought now to re-

nounce all lingerings of class distinction and to lay aside betimes

that robe of rank which on a hot day may easily become a shirt of

Nessus and burn them to the bones. If ancestral pride and piety

keep them from this renunciation of hereditary prerogatives, let

them remember that the people too have forefathers, whose deeds

are not recorded in family archives, but whose sufferings under all

sorts of servitude are written with bloody ink in the history of the

past thousand years. The abolition of the nobility would logically

involve the abolition of the court with all its superfluous and ex-

pensive pomp and pageantry. Royalty was to be retained, the

function of the sovereign being merely that of the chief public ser-

vant and first citizen of the state; while a disciplined militia, in

the place of a standing army, provided for the national defense. It

was also a part of his programme to eliminate the aristocratic ele-

ment from the legislative body, which was to consist of a single

homogeneous assembly of the representatives of the people elected

by universal suffrage. There was to be no recognition of different

estates of the realm and consequently no division of the parliament

into an upper and a lower house.

Wagner's political ideal was a democratic and socialistic state,

the head of which was to be an hereditary executive to be called

king or president as the people might determine. On this point

he was by no means strenuous, his own preference for a monarchy

being due in a great measure to his personal love and esteem for

Frederic Augustus, the king of Saxony. All talk of his deep in-

gratitude to this monarch is the sheerest nonsense. The one point,

however, upon which he most earnestly insisted, was socialistic

reform and the improvement of the condition of the working

classes. In his eyes the worst of all tyrannies is a plutocracy, the

tyranny of capital, the subjection of man to the soulless and heart-

less domination of "the pale metal." He wished to do away with

an order of things which makes millions the slaves of a few, and

these few the slaves of their own wealth, which causes labor to be

a burden and enjoyment to be a vice, and renders one man wretched


Fafner.From the " Nibelung-Ring." (After a painting by Hermann Hendrich.)


through want and another wretched through superfluity. The curse

attached to the treasure of the Nibelungen and the calamities it

entailed upon its possessors even to the destruction of the gods

symbolised to him the misery wrought among men by the inordi-

nate greed of gold. The money power he declares to be the source

of all discord and violence on earth, as the ring forged from the

hoard of the Rhine was fatal to the peace and happiness of Val-

halla and introduced hatred and contention into the abode of the

immortals. In his speech he protests against any misinterpreta-

tion of his views : "Be not so foolish or malicious as to regard the

necessary redemption of the human race from the coarsest and

most demoralising servitude to filthy lucre as identical with the

endeavor to carry out the silliest and absurdest of doctrines, namely

that of communism." At the same time he prophecies that unless

a serious effort shall be made to apply the principles of socialism,

in the proper sense of the term, for the rectification of centuries of

wrong, derided and despairing human nature will rise up in fierce

conflict and with the wild battle-cry of communism succeed per-

haps in overthrowing and obliterating all the highest achievements

of civilisation for the last two thousand years. "This is not a

threat," he adds, "but a warning."

The leading spirit of the Dresden insurrection was the Rus-

sian anarchist and nihilist, Michael Bakunin, who won Wagner's

heart by declaring that in the coming cataclysm all existing insti-

tutions would be swept away and "everything perish except the

Ninth Symphony." There is no reason to suppose that Bakunin

felt any peculiar tenderness for this creation of Beethoven's genius

or believed that it was endowed with imperishable qualities above

many other musical masterpieces; but he had a keen eye for the

crotchets and enthusiasms of those whom he wished to captivate,

was quick to detect each individual's hobby-horse and had a charm-

ing way of praising it and gently patting it on the shoulder. Hewas without doubt a very strong and extremely fascinating char-

acter and possessed a rare gift of eloquence and almost irresistible

powers of persuasion. Wagner was completely under his influence

and firmly convinced that the realisation of his ideas would result

not only in a most desirable political reconstruction of Europe, but

also in the moral and social regeneration of mankind, which would

of course bring with it as an inevitable sequence a marvellous re-

vival and consummate evolution of art. It was to the coming of

this golden age of superior enlightenment and culture that he

looked forward with intense eagerness, regarding all other ac-


quisitions as mere means to this supreme end. In his subsequent

utterances Bakunin spoke rather depreciatingly of Wagner, whomhe regarded as a visionary. Nevertheless, as he admits, they often

discussed political questions together and their intercourse re-

mained cordial and intimate to the very last. Wagner was a reg-

ular attendant at the secret meetings held at Bakunin's rooms in

the Menageriegartentat which all the revolutionary plans were laid

and arrangements made for the preparation of hand grenades,

shrapnel shells, and other deadly explosives for insurrectionary

uses. He also took an uncommonly lively interest in procuring

these materials, which were stored on Bakunin's premises. Indeed,

as we are informed by Rockel, at least one conference on this sub-

ject was held in Wagner's garden. After the movement had failed

and Wagner was asked by his brother-in-law Wolfram at Chem-nitz whether he had taken an active part in it, he replied : "No,only as a curious spectator! " A curious, in the sense of a queer

sort of spectator, he certainly was.

Frau Minna Wagner recognised the great ability and energy

of Bakunin, but feared him as the evil genius of her husband,

whom she endeavored to keep out of the sphere of his influence,

and, in fact, so far as possible out of the vortex of the revolution,

predicting that it would end in public disaster and personal dis-

tress to themselves. It is difficult to determine to what extent

Wagner was engaged in actual combat on the streets and behind

the barricades. It is probable, however, that his valorous deeds

of this kind were quite insignificant, and he once expressed to his

wife his regret that he could not carry a gun,— a remark which,

unless intended merely to deceive and pacify her, would imply that

he did not bear arms during those stormy days of May. Perhaps

he wished that she, too, should infer that he had nothing to do

with the affair except as "a curious spectator." We have pretty

conclusive evidence that the principal post of honor occupied by

him at that turbulent time was a very high one, namely, the top of

the tower of the Kreuzkirche, where he watched the progress of

events and noted down his observations on slips of paper, which

he wrapped in stones and threw to the soldiers below, who for-

warded them to the head quarters of the insurgents. From this

lofty and responsible station he dispatched, on the morning of

May 7, a messenger to his wife for a box of snuff and two bottles

of wine. Somewhat distrustful she inquired whether her husbandwere alone, and on learning that Bakunin and a few other ultraists

were with him, sent instead of the snuff and wine a brief and per-


emptory note bidding him return home at once, or she would leave

the house. He obeyed and did not get out again until the next

day, Frau Minna having promptly locked the doors and purposely

mislaid the keys. The uniformly sound judgment of this lady in

all practical matters and the prudence and decision shown by her

in effecting her husband's escape shortly after this quasi-comical

incident indicate a person of unusual discernment and force of

character, and not the mere goody portrayed by Wagner's ardent

apologists. It was chiefly due to her timely and efficient interven-

tion that Wagner was permitted to work out his musical theories

and complete his musical dramas in his quiet retreat on LakeZurich instead of spending the most fruitful years of his life gloom-

ily meditating on the past in the penitentiary at Waldheim or in

the fortress of Konigstein.

In no other country is the individual course of life so com-pletely and consciously governed and directed by strictly philo-

sophical principles as in Germany. The key to every man's ac-

tions is his Weltanschauung or the peculiar color and curvature of

the spherical lenses through which he contemplates the world.

Conduct that cannot be brought into some definite correlation to

the cosmic system is condemned as random and erratic ; but no

eccentricity is so extreme as not to be entitled to consideration and

to command respect, provided it can answer the question : Die cur

hie by appealing to the nature of things and proving that it has

reached its standpoint in obedience to the general laws and in har-

mony with the essential constitution of the universe.

While Hegel was still living his disciples were divided into

three distinct sections, representing respectively supernaturalism,

rationalism, and a sort of rationalistic mysticism, which claimed

to have affinities with both the opposites and sought to mediate be-

tween them. If political terms may be used to express philosoph-

ical distinctions, these parties may be called the right, the left, andthe centre of Hegelianism. The most radical and aggressive of

these factions was known as the Junghegelianer or Neo-Hegelians,

of whom Ludwig Feuerbach, Arnold Ruge, Daumer, and Echter-

meyer were perhaps the most eminent and influential. Wagnerbelonged to this extreme left wing; and, indeed, the whole revo-

lutionary movement of 1848 had its origin in Neo-Hegelianism and

derived its inspiration and theoretical justification from this source.

Notwithstanding the paternal care taken by the Emperor Nicholas

to preserve his dear children from spiritual contamination through

contact with the culture of Western Europe, the writings of this


advanced school were smuggled into Russia by Pavlov and Stan-

kovitch, and Moscow soon became a seat of contagion for the en-

tire empire. It was in this sacred city of the Muscovites that Gra-

novski, Belinski, and Bakunin became first infected with this

philosophy, from which they deduced the necessity of an European

revolution and a Panslavonic confederation as the next stage in the

evolution of human civilisation.

In his Phenomenology of Mind Hegel remarks that our age is

clearly an age of transition to a new period ; and this passage was

evidently in Feuerbach's mind when he wrote, "our present time

is the key-stone of a great epoch in the history of mankind, and

therefore the starting-point of a new life." The postulation of a

dawning era of radical reform and universal transformation was

common to the whole school of Neo-Hegelians, who were eagerly

looking forward to it and earnestly laboring to realise it each in

his own sphere. Like speculators on the stock-exchange they all

dealt in "futures." Friedrich Feuerbach and Daumer were in-

terested in the religion of the future, Ludwig Feuerbach in the

philosophy and ethics of the future, Ruge and Echtermeyer in the

science of the future, Bakunin, Proudhon, and Rockel in the po-

litical, social, and industrial organisation of the future, while Wag-ner devoted all his powers to the development of the music of the

future. During the latter half of the nineteenth century rapid pro-

gress has been made towards the realisation of these ideals at least

in modified forms, except in cases where the advance of intelli-

gence has set them aside as hopelessly Utopian ; religion, philos-

ophy, ethics, and science have passed through wonderful stages of

evolution ; the problem of the political and social constitution of

the future is still a burning question constantly threatening to be-

come incendiary; only in the province of art, which Wagner madeit his mission to cultivate, has faith been turned into vision, and

the goal of his aspirations actually attained both in the creation of

the musical drama according to his conception of it and, what wasperhaps still more difficult, in the growth of a national and inter-

national public capable of comprehending and appreciating it. It

was for an ideal society of the future that he composed his works,

which were to be rendered by dramatic singers existing as yet only

in his mind's eye; and it is doubtful whether he ever expected to

live to see them properly represented before sympathetic and en-

thusiastic audiences.

According to Dinger's tabulation of Wagner's views as a Neo-Hegelian, his philosophy was evolutionary materialism and sensual-


ism, his religion atheism, his ethics optimism and eudemonism,

and his politics anarchism : a summary of isms sufficient to chill

the marrow and curdle the blood of many a devout Wagnerite of

to-day. The works, which derived their inspiration and took a

more or less distinct tinge from these tenets, are the projected

musical dramas, to which the text was written, but the music never

composed :" Siegfried's Death" (afterwards embodied in the third

part of the tetralogy), "Wieland the Smith," "Jesus of Nazareth,"

and the subsequently completed "Ring of the Nibelungen,"

although in this last-mentioned tragedy of the gods he has thrown

a veil of symbolism over his ideas and presented them in a moreartistic and therefore less aggressive form. His strong and cheer-

ful optimism as to the glorious prospects of mankind here pre-

vented him from looking beyond and seeking consolation in the

magnified looming of human hopes on the bright sky of the here-

after. The expression of this feeling comes out very forcibly in

his essays and especially in his personal correspondence. "Thefuture generation," he writes, "will have no longer any need of

God and immortality, since this life will satisfy all our hopes, so

that we shall not have to direct our thoughts beyond the earth to

an imaginary heaven." He characterises all such "religious pre-

sumptions" as "anthropomorphistic speculations, which are in-

jurious and immoral, because they place the final purpose of manoutside of himself," whereas he is only the supreme and crowning

product of cosmic evolution and can "serve no other purposes

than those of nature, which has produced him conformable to cer-

tain conditions of necessity." His spiritual superiority does not

exempt him from the operation of the laws of development and

dissolution which govern all other organisms.

In a volume entitled The Destiny of Man Mr. John Fiske

endeavors to show the unreasonableness of supposing that "Manas the goal of Nature's creative work" should be only one of the

many perishable forms of matter and destined to disappear with

the rest, and asks: "Has all this work been done for nothing? Is

it all ephemeral, all a bubble that bursts, a vision that fades?"

To these indignant interrogatories Wagner would have replied :

"No, indeed; man's immortality and eternal beatitude consists in

the persistence and perfection of the spiritual element, not in the

individual, but in the race; and there is no reason why the con-

templation of this slow but unceasing process of evolution and its

glorious consummation in the highest possible elevation of human-ity, even though it be completed with the present life upon the


earth, should put any logical thinker to intellectual confusion." It

is interesting to note how easily, in regions of speculation lying out

of the range of scientific demonstration, diametrically opposite

conclusions may be deduced from precisely the same premises.

Liszt was greatly exercised at his friend's utter lack of faith and in

his letters seeks to show him the error of his ways, quoting with a

slight and suitable variation the exhortation in Elsa's song :

" Lass zu dem Glauben Dich neu bekehren :

Es giebt ein Gliick,


and beseeching him not to turn away contemptuously from this

"only true and eternal bliss."

Wagner, however, was too much of a eudemonist, too thor-

oughly given up to the gratification of what he called his Gliick-

scligkcitstrieb, to be greatly influenced by such admonitions. Eth-

ically his philosophy of life might be summed up in Pope's ex-

clamation." O happiness, our being's end and aim."

His bitter hostility to Christianity arose chiefly from its ascetic

teachings, which put a barrier between man and the full exercise

and enjoyment of the powers and passions with which nature has

so lavishly endowed him and which are essential to his welfare and

conservation. In "Jesus of Nazareth " he infers from the statement

that "God is love," that love is supreme and absolute and knows

no limitations. Indeed, the whole didactic purpose of the drama

is to glorify love as the primal and universal law of the race in op-

position to the restrictions imposed upon its manifestations by hu-

man enactments. In the crucible of this consuming and refining

passion individual egotism is transformed into the altruism of do-

mestic and social relations, thus fulfilling in the province of the

emotions the alchemist's dream of transmuting base metals into

gold. It endues Siegfried's sword with a magic power that shat-

ters Wotan's spear, "the shaft of sovereignty" and symbol of con-

ventional moral order, and urges the youthful hero onward through

a sea of fire to the rescue and redemption of Briinnhilde.

Highly significant, too, is Wagner's enthusiasm for Hafiz and

Shelley. The former he declares to be not only "the most gifted

poet," but also "the greatest and sublimest philosopher that ever

lived." What attracted him so strongly to the Divan (known to

him only in Daumer's fragmentary and rather imperfect transla-

tion) was the glowing sensuality that pervades all the ghazals,«the

warm erotic hues that color even the religious poems, and the un-

ceasing denunciation of priestcraft and pietism. The motto of


Hafiz : "Strive always after ready bliss," and his expressed pref-

erence of the tulip-cheeked beauties of Shiraz to the promised

houris of Paradise would commend themselves to Wagner as the

quintessence of wisdom. As for Shelley, his admiration and also

his knowledge of the English poet appear to have been confined to

"Queen Mab, " which charmed him by reason of its radically revo-

lutionary spirit and atheistic tendencies.

About the year 1854 Wagner's Weltanschauung or mental atti-

tude towards the universe underwent a rapid and fundamental

change under the influence

of Schopenhauer. It is

reported of Professor Hux-

ley that he once defined his

philosophical position as

that of "a materialist be-

fore dinner and an idealist

afterward." Quite as sud-

den and extreme as this

hypothetical transforma-

tion and originating in

equally extraneous and ac-

cidental causes was Wag-ner's transition from the

Neo-Hegelianism of Lud-

wig Feuerbach to the Post-

Kantianism of Schopen-

hauer. So long as he was

absorbed in setting forth

his theories in literary es-

says and embodying them

in musical compositions,

he felt perfectly happy in

dreams of future triumphs


but when he presented

these achievements to the world and saw them treated with coldness

by the public and contempt by the critics, he began to despair. As

the beautiful vision vanished, his serene optimism was superseded

by a sullen pessimism; in this despondent state of mind he heard

the censorious voice of the misanthropic sage of Frankfort ex-

claiming : "Vain man, do you think your fate is exceptional? Soli-

tude and disparagement are the penalties of genius; suffering is

the universal lot of man; pessimism is not a transient mood, but

Richard Wagner at the Rehearsal.

Sketch by Adolph Menzel.


a deep seated principle, rooted and grounded in the very nature

of things, and the only true philosophy of life." Wagner listened

to this voice, which seemed to come from heaven, and received its

glad tidings with unspeakable joy. "This man," he writes in a

letter to Liszt, "was to me in my loneliness a gift from on high.

He is the greatest philosopher since Kant, whose ideas he has

thought out to their logical conclusion. German professors have

prudently ignored him for the last forty years, but recently, to the

disgrace of Germany, he was discovered by an English critic.

What charlatans all the Hegels are in comparison with him!"

The world is all vanity and vexation, despicable and delusive,

"bad, bad, thoroughly bad," and to renounce it is the highest

The Festival Playhouse at Bayreuth.

Photograph by Anna Chamberlain.

wisdom. He even prizes Christian asceticism as an anodyne and

"quietive of the will," and has ceased to regard religion either as

priestly fraud and fanaticism or as a supernatural revelation, but

recognises its necessity and validity as a natural product of the

human mind. Its sublimest existing forms are "Brahmanismwith its offshoot, Buddhism and Christianity," in which the doc-

trine is taught that the way to life is through the negation of the

will, whereas the Hebrew and Hellenic religions inculcate the

affirmation of the will as the only road to happiness. For this rea-

son he thinks Christianity has been perverted and discredited by

being interpreted as a continuation and completion of Judaism,


since the two systems are wholly antagonistic in spirit. "Every

attempt to unite these opposing elements has been fatal to Chris-

tianity and demoralising to society. What has the imperious and

irascible tribal god, Jehovah, in common with the all-loving and

all-suffering meek and lowly Jesus?" His ideal of humanity is no

longer the Grecian Apollo, the type of physical strength and

beauty, but the Oriental bikshu ; and he expresses the highest

veneration for Francis of Assisi. The fact, too, that the Gliick-

seligkeitstrieb or instinctive seeking after happiness is never fully

gratified here justly demands that there should be an hereafter.

Wagner's philosophy is now idealistic transcendentalism, and

his politics what he calls "ideal conservatism " with strong lean-

ings to aristocracy. The nobility, which in 1848 was the special

object of his abhorrence, he esteems the most important factor

and chief pillar of the state and of society, and thinks it ought to

be firmly established and strengthened. He is heartily ashamed

of his former rabid democracy and would gladly erase all records

of it, declaring that he can explain his aberrations only on the as-

sumption that he was then "in an utterly abnormal condition."

Indeed, the violence of his intellectual revolt seems at first to have

stunned him and to have paralysed for a time his creative powers.

He informs Liszt that "out of love to the youthful Siegfried, the

most beautiful dream of my life, I shall probably go on and finish

the Nibelungen," but evidently his heart is not in it. He then

adds: "I have in my head the project of a Tristan and Isolde, the

simplest and yet the most full-blooded musical conception; with

the black flag that waves at the end I will cover myself as with a

shroud and die." The red flag, which a few years before he would

fain follow to liberty or death, has now been lowered and perma-

nently furled. Instead of the joyous and triumphant tones of Sieg-

fried's horn we hear the melancholy and plaintive pipings of the

shepherd's reed in the final scenes of Tristan and Isolde, both of

whom, like genuine disciples of Schopenhauer, find their highest

bliss in drowning their sorrows in the fathomless sea of oblivion :

"In des Welt-Athem's

wehendem All




hochste Lust !


"Die Meistersinger von Niirnberg, " written soon after Wag-ner's return from exile when the future again seemed bright to


him, is pervaded by a correspondingly cheerful spirit. It is a

quasi-historical comedy with a distinctly polemical purpose, in

which the Minnesinger Walther von Stolzing and the Mastersinger

Tower of the Magician Klingsor.

I mm " Parzifal." (After a painting by Ferdinand Knab.)

Sixtus Beckmesser are opposed to each other as types of creative

genius and dead traditionalism in art. In a satire of this sort,

bearing a decidedly pro domo stamp, small scope could be given to


the illustration of philosophical principles lying beyond the imme-

diate object in view; even the painful duty of renunciation is miti-

gated in the person of Hans Sachs by the humor of the general

situation. In "Parsifal," on the other hand, the influence of

Schopenhauer is plainly perceptible in the conception and execu-

tion of the drama, and his ideas would have doubtless found still

fuller embodiment and expression in "Nirvana," had Wagnerlived to complete this projected work.

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