biographical evaluation

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Page 2: Biographical Evaluation

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Biographical evaluation ( Arabic: ,عم الرج translit.: `Ilm al-Rijl!, literally meanin" 'Knowledge ofMen'  b#t more commonly #nderstood as the Science of Narration, refers to a disciplineof Islamic reli"io#s st#dies $ithin hadith terminolo"y in $hich the narrators of hadith are e%al#ated.Its "oal is to distin"#ish a#thentic and reliable hadiths from#nreliable hadiths in establishin" thecredibility of the narrators, #sin" both historic and reli"io#s kno$led"e. &' `Ilm ar-rijal  is synonymo#s$ith $hat is commonly referred to as al-jarḥ   wa al-ta dīl ʻ   (discreditin" and accreditin"! ) the criticism

and declared acceptance of hadith narrators.&footnote '&*



• ' +i"nificance

• * istory

o *.' e"innin" of narrator e%al#ation

o *.* ime of the /ompanions

o *.0 After the /ompanions

*.0.' 1arly specialists

• 0 2%er%ie$

o 0.' 3arrator criteria

o 0.* 4ro#nds for criticism


0.0 5ethods of e%al#ation

• 6 1%al#ation terminolo"y

o 6.' 7e%els of praise

o 6.* 7e%els of criticism

• 8 /ollections of narrator bio"raphies

o 8.' 4eneral e%al#ation

o 8.* /hronolo"ically ordered

8.*.' 9artic#lar to a specific period of time

8.*.* 4eneral chronolo"y

o 8.0 4eo"raphically specific

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o 8.6 1%al#ation of the narrators of specific books

• Footnotes

• ; References

• < F#rther readin"

• = 1>ternal links


 Ali ibn al-5adini, an early a#thority on the s#bject, said, ?@no$in" the narrators is half of kno$led"e.?&0

In his Introduction to tḥe Science of Haditḥ, Ibn al-+alah, a reno$ned hadith specialist, e>plained theimportance of the st#dy of hadith narrators. Introd#cin" the chapter entitled, Reco"niBin" thetr#st$orthy, reliable narrators and those $ho are $eak and #nreliable, Ibn al-+alah said, ?his isfrom the most distin"#ished and noble types (of hadith st#dy! as it res#lts in reco"niBin" the

a#thenticity of a hadith or its $eakness.?&6

 e then e>plained that any criticism directed at a narrator$as permissible d#e to the ?maintenance of the +hariah, p#r"in" it of any mistakes ormisinformation?.&6

+tressin" the importance of bio"raphical e%al#ation, Ali ibn al-5adini, an early a#thority on thes#bject, said, ?@no$in" the narrators is half of kno$led"e.?&footnote *&0

History &edit

he follo$in" C#ranic %erse established a "eneral principal in iographical evaluation:&8 ?2 yo# $ho belie%e, if a$ron"doer sho#ld approach yo# con%eyin" information, then %erify that so as not to fall into i"norance th#s re"rettin"$hat yo# ha%e done.?&

Beginning o! narrator evaluation&edit

he C#ranic %erses are n#mero#s that praise the /ompanions and criticiBe the hypocrites, both asa "ro#p and specific indi%id#als from amon"st them)as $ell as criticism of specific indi%id#als otherthan the hypocrites. he most $ell-kno$n of these is a %erse of the C#ran statin", ?2 yo# $hobelie%e, if a $ron"doer sho#ld approach yo# con%eyin" information, then %erify that so as not to fallinto i"norance th#s re"rettin" $hat yo# ha%e done.?& While this %erse $as re%ealed re"ardin" apartic#lar indi%id#al, it is a "eneral principle. Follo$in" this e>ample, $ere the 9rophet and thenis /ompanions.&8

"i#e o! the Co#panions&edit

While many /ompanions narrated hadith, accordin" to Ahmad ibn anbal there $ere si> $ho $erethe most prolific narrators of them, $ho li%ed lon" li%es enablin" them narrate to a lar"e e>tent. hey$ere:  Ab# #raira,  Abd#llah ibn Dmar , Aisha, Eabir ibn Abd#llah, Ibn Abbas and  Anas ibn

5alik $ith Ab# #raira bein" the most prolific of them.&;

 Accordin" to Ibn al-+alah the most prolificnarrators from the /ompanions $as Ab# #raira follo$ed by Ibn Abbas.&;

In spite of the /ompanions efforts in narratin" their  hadith, there $as no need for them to e%al#ateeach others narratin" capabilities or tr#st$orthiness. his is beca#se, as  Al-@hatib al-a"hdadi said,that Allah and his 9rophet declared the /ompanions to be #pri"ht and tr#st$orthy, and, therefore,there is no need to in%esti"ate their reliability, ho$e%er, one m#st in%esti"ate the condition of thoseafter them.&< o$e%er, there are many established narrations ori"inatin" from the /ompanionspraisin" some of the Follo$ers $ith some criticism of specific indi%id#als from them. &8

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$!ter the Co#panions&edit

 As for the Follo$ers, the "eneration follo$in" the /ompanions, their praise of narrators $as plentif#l,$hile dispara"ement from them $as seldom. hose narrators $ho $ere criticiBed from the Follo$ers$ere not criticiBed for fabricatin" hadith, b#t, instead, d#e to heresy, s#ch as the @harijites, or d#e to$eak memory or d#e to their condition as narrators bein" #nkno$n. &8

1%al#atin" the narrators of hadith be"an in the "eneration follo$in" that of the /ompanions based#pon the statement of 5#hammad Ibn +irin, ?hey did not pre%io#sly in#ire abo#t the isnad . Howeer! after tḥe turmoil occurred tḥe" would sa"! 'Name for us "our narrators.' So tḥe #eo#le oftḥe Sunnaḥ would ḥae tḥeir ḥaditḥ acce#ted and tḥe #eo#le of innoation wouldnot.$ &= %ḥe t#rmoil referred to is tḥe conflicting ideologies of tḥe Kḥarijites and e&treme Sḥias tḥatḥad emerged at tḥe time of tḥe tḥird  khalifas tḥman i(n )ffan' s assassination and tḥe social unrestof tḥe Kḥarijites in o##osition to tḥe succeeding rulers!  )li  and  Muawi"aḥ.&'G%ḥe deatḥ of tḥmanwas in tḥe "ear *+ after tḥe migration.&''

In the follo$in" "eneration, that after the Follo$ers, and after$ard, the $eak, #nacceptable narratorsincreased in n#mber, necessitatin" that a "ro#p of scholars clarify the condition of the narrators anddistin"#ishin" any narrations that $ere not a#thentic.&8

%arl& specialists&edit

 Accordin" to Ibn al-+alah, #otin" an early reli"io#s a#thority, the first to specialiBe in the st#dyof hadith narrators $as +h# ba Ibn al-  Hajjjʿ , follo$ed by ahya ibn +aid al-Cattan and then Ahmadibn anbal and ahya ibn 5ain.&' Al-#lini added some names to the aforementioned: Ali ibn al-5adini and Amr ibn Ali al-Fallas, and then mentioned 5alik ibn Anas and isham ibn Dr$ah asha%in" preceded them in e%al#atin" narrators. &6

Overview &edit

he "ro#nds #pon $hich a narrator is s#bject to criticism are n#mero#s some relatin" to moral #pri"htness andothers to precision.

'arrator criteria&edit

 A hadith is s#bject to criticism on the basis of t$o matters. he first relates to the contin#ity of thehadiths chain of narrationJ if there is discontin#ity bet$een t$o or more narrators, that hadith iscriticiBed on this basis as disc#ssed in depth in the hadith terminolo"y article. he second relates tocriticism of a narrator, or more, in thechain of narration of a partic#lar hadith.&'*

adith narrators are e%al#ated in li"ht of t$o #alities in determinin" the o%erall "radin" of a hadith.hese #alities are deri%ed from the definition of a hadith that issaḥiḥ constituting two of its fieconditions. %ḥe first! u#rigḥtness , al- adlahʻ  ! is defined as tḥe a(ilit" an indiidual #ossesses toadḥere to moralistic decorum , al-ta$  and maintaining #ro#er social graces , al-m#rK ahʼ  . %ḥesecond! #recision , al-d  Habt  H ! is of two t"#es! tḥe first is #ertaining to memoriation and tḥe second towriting. /recision in memoriation , d  Habt  H al-s  Hadr   refers to tḥe a(ilit" to retain tḥe s#ecifiedinformation! recalling and cone"ing it at will. /recision in writing , d  Habt  H al-kitb  is tḥe #reseration of tḥe written information from tḥe time it was ḥeard until its transmission.&'0

(roun)s !or criticis#&edit

he "ro#nds #pon $hich a narrator is s#bject to criticism are n#mero#s some relatin" to moral#pri"htness and others to precision. Ibn   Hajr  identified and en#merated ten #alities in $hich anarrator co#ld be criticiBed. Fi%e relate to tr#st$orthiness and the other fi%e to precisionJ ho$e%er, hepresented these ten #alities in order accordin" to se%erity:

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'. A narrator intentionally lyin", claimin" a statement to be a 9rophetic hadith $hen it is not.he incl#sion of a narrator of a hadith as s#ch renders that hadithfabricated (Mawd   0ʻ  !.

*. An acc#sation of fabricatin" a hadith. his $o#ld be d#e a narration that clearly contradictsestablished reli"io#s principles ori"inatin" from the direction (as it pertains to that hadithschain of narration! of that indi%id#al. 2r, that a narrator is kno$n to lie in his ordinary speech

b#t not $hile narratin" hadith.

0. 9lenit#de of mistakes in a narrators hadith.

6. 7ack of attention to acc#racy.

8. he commission of $ron"doin" by statement or action as lon" as it does not constit#teapostasy.

. 5isconception d#e to narratin" on the basis of mis#nderstandin".

;. /ontradiction of that narrators hadith of another established narrator.

<. Dnspecification of that narrators standin" in their narratin" capabilities.

=. eresy, bein" the belief in an inno%ated matter that contradicts the established reli"io#spractice ori"inatin" $ith the 9rophet d#e to a misconception, not obstinateness.

'G.9oor memory, differin" from n#mber three abo%e in that the mistakes of that narratoro#tn#mber instances in $hich they are correct.&'6

*etho)s o! evaluation&edit

adith scholars of the past employed %ario#s methods by $hich to e%al#ate the narratin" abilities ofa narrator. From these means are the follo$in":

'. 2bser%in" that narrators reli"iosity and askin" others abo#t it.

*. Re#estin" the narrator in #estion to narrator from a partic#lar li%in" scholar and thenret#rnin" to that scholar and comparin" his narrations $ith those of the narrator #ndere>amination.

0. If the narrator narrates from a deceased scholar, in#irin" $hen he, the narrator in #estion,$as born, $hen he met that scholar and $here and then comparin" the dates pro%ided inhis response to the reco"niBed dates of that scholars death and tra%els. +o, perhaps, thedates pro%ided by the narrator may contradict the established dates, for e>ample, claimin"that he heard from a partic#lar scholar after the reco"niBed death of that scholar.

6. /omparin" the narrations of the narrator $ith those of narrators of established reliability,comparin" them seekin" any distinctions that mi"ht be #ni#e to that narrator, in partic#lar,$hile contradictin" the others.

8. 1>amination of the narrations either $ritten or memoriBed by that narrator after the passa"eof time obser%in" any discrepancies $ith their initial narrations.&'8

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. Leliberately alterin" the $ordin" of a hadith or more for the p#rpose of e>aminin" the abilityof the narrator bein" e>amined to detect those alterations. his is considered an acceptablepractice as lon" as those alterations are bro#"ht to li"ht follo$in" the e>amination process.&'

Evaluation terminology &edit

 A system of terminolo"y de%eloped to codify the standin" of each narrator...

 As a res#lt of the e%al#ation of narrators, each scholar $o#ld then concl#de by describin" thestandin" of each narrator. A system of terminolo"y de%eloped to codify the standin" of each narrator,$ith some %ariation in #sa"e of terms bet$een the indi%id#al e%al#ators. hese are di%ided into t$ocate"ories, those terms that constit#te praise (ta dīl ʻ  ! and those that constit#te criticism ( jarḥ  !. al-+#yKt  H M  "athered the %ario#s terms and arran"ed them in order of stren"th. e #oted fo#r le%els ofstren"th for praise from Ibn Abi atim and Ibn al-+alah, addin" that al-Lhahabi and Abd al-Rahimibn al-#sain al-Irai added an additional le%el and Ibn   Hajr  one abo%e that. h#s accordin" to al-+#yKt  H M, there are si> le%els of praise. +imilarly, al-+#yKt  H M described si> le%els of terms #sed tocriticiBe a narratorJ he arran"ed them be"innin" $ith the least se%ere and concl#din" $ith the mostse%ere criticism.&';

+evels o! praise&edit

'. Ibn   Hajr  held that the hi"hest le%el of praise $as e>pressed $as thro#"h the #se of thes#perlati%e, for e>ample, tḥe most esta(lisḥed of tḥe #eo#le (atḥ(at al-n1s!, or tḥe mostrelia(le of tḥe #eo#le (awtḥa2 al-n1s!.

*. Al-Irai and al-Lhahabi $ere of the opinion that the hi"hest le%el $as the repetition ofadjecti%e, or adjecti%es, in praisin" a narrator. For e>ample, relia(le! relia(le (tḥi2aḥ tḥi2aḥ!,or relia(le! firm (tḥi2aḥ tḥa(t !.

0. he hi"hest le%el accordin" to Ibn Abi atim and Ibn al-+alah the hi"hest is the #se of asin"le adjecti%e in describin" a narrator. 1>amples of this

are:relia(le (tḥi2aḥ!, #recise (mut2in! or firm (tḥa(t !.

6. %rustwortḥ"  (s  ad02! and wortḥ" of trust  (maḥ  allaḥu al-s  id2! are both e>amples of the ne>tcate"ory to Ibn Abi atim and Ibn al-+alah $hile al-Irai and al-Lhahabi consider the latterterm to be from the ne>t le%el.

8. 3e>t is res#ecta(le (sḥa"3ḥ  along witḥ $orthy of tr#st , mah  Hallah# al-s  Hid  according tosome. %ḥis leel would also (e inclusie of an indiidual accused of ḥeres".

. he lo$est of the le%els of praise is, for e>ample, satisfactor" in ḥaditḥ (s  1liḥ   al-ḥ  adītḥ!,meanin" accordin" to Ibn   Hajr , this incl#des acce#ta(le (ma2(0l ! meanin", $hen s#pportedby other narrators.&';&'<

+evels o! criticis#&edit

'. he least se%ere le%el for the criticism of a narrator is soft in ḥaditḥ (la""in al-ḥ  adītḥ! and,accordin" to al-Irai, tḥe" ḥae s#o3en a(out ḥim (ta3allam0 fīḥi !. his le%el $o#ld also betaken into consideration as a corroboratin" narrator, b#t at a le%el less than the lo$est le%elof praise.

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*. 3e>t is ḥe is not strong  (la"sa (i l-2awī !. he hadith of a narrator determined to be at thisle%el $o#ld also be taken into consideration, as $ith the pre%io#s le%el, ho$e%er, thisnarrator is $eaker than one of the pre%io#s le%el.

0. 5ore se%ere than ḥe is not strong  is wea3 in ḥaditḥ (d   a īf al-ḥ  adītḥʻ  !, ho$e%er, none of thesefirst three cate"ories are rejected o#tri"ht.

6. he fo#rth of the le%els of se%erity of criticism incl#des terms s#ch as: ḥis ḥaditḥ isrejected  (rudd al-ḥ  adītḥ! and er" wea3  (d   a īf jiddanʻ  !.

8. he fifth incl#des terms s#ch as: ḥis ḥaditḥ is a(andoned  (matr03 al-ḥ  adītḥ!and destro"ed  (ḥ1li3 !.

. From the most se%ere le%el of terms of criticism are: com#ulsie liar  (3adḥdḥ1(!, ḥelies ("a3dḥi(! and fa(ricator  (wad   d   1ʻ ! amon" other terms.&';

Collections of narrator biographies&edit

/ollections of narrator bio"raphies are sometimes "eneral and sometimes specific to partic#larcate"ories of narrators. Amon" the most common of these cate"ories are:

(eneral evaluation&edit

• %ḥe 4reat Histor"  by 5#hammad al-#khari.

• al-5arḥ   wa al-%a dīl ʻ   by Ibn Abi atim.

Chronologicall& or)ere)&edit

,articular to a speci!ic perio) o! ti#e&edit

ooks partic#lar to the /ompanions:

• %ḥe 6oo3 of Knowledge a(out tḥe 7om#anions by Ali ibn al-5adini.

• %ḥe 7om#reḥensie 7om#ilation of tḥe Names of tḥe /ro#ḥet's 7om#anions by #s#f ibn

abd al-arr .

• 8inding tḥe %rutḥ in 5udging tḥe 7om#aninons by Ibn   Hajr.

• %ḥe 9ions of tḥe 8orest and tḥe 3nowledge a(out tḥe 7om#anions by  Ali ibn al-Athir .

(eneral chronolog&&edit

• %ḥe 6oo3 of tḥe Major 7lasses by Ibn +ad al-a"hdadi.

• %adḥ3irat al-ḥuffa , %ḥe Memorial of tḥe Haditḥ Masters, a chronolo"ical history of hadith

scholars bio"raphies by al-Lhahabi.

(eographicall& speci!ic&edit

• Histor" of 6agḥdad  (" )l-Kḥati( al-6agḥdadi .

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• Histor" of :amascus by Ibn Asakir .

%valuation o! the narrators o! speci!ic oo-s&edit

•  )l-Kamal fi )sma' al-;ijal , by Abd al-4hani al-5adisi, is a collection of the bio"raphies of

the narrators of the hadith contained in the +i> major adith collections.

ages in category "Hadith scholars"

he follo$in" <; pa"es are in this cate"ory, o#t of <; total. his list may not reflect recent chan"es ( learn more!.


•  Aban bin Dthman bin Affan

• 5#hammad Abd#l 5alek

•  Abd#l-4haffar asan Al-indi

•  Ab# afs Dmar an-3asafi

•  Ab# atim 5#hammad ibn Idris al-RaBi

• 5#hammad Ab# @h#bBa

•  Ab# +aid Al-Eanadi

•  Ab#l-Faraj ibn al-Ea$Bi

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•  Ab# Eafar al-aha$i

•  Ab# akr al-Aj#rri

•  Al-a"ha$i

•  Al-asan ibn Ali al-arbahari

•  Al-Lara#tni

•  Al-Lhahabi

•  Al-Fakihi

•  Abd al-Rahim ibn al-#sain al-Irai

•  Al-@hatib al-a"hdadi

• 5#hammad ibn Isa at-irmidhi

• 5#hammad 3asir#ddin al-Albani

•  Ali ibn Ab# akr al-aythami

•  Ali ibn al-5adini

•  Abd#l Cader Arnaoot

•  Asbat ibn 5#hammad

• 5#hammad Amin al-Astarabadi

•  Abd Allh ibn A$nʿ ʿ

• 5#hammad 5#stafa Al-ABami

• 5a#lana abib Al-Rahman Al-ABmi


•  Al-ayhai


•  Al-Larimi

• Liya al-Lin al-5adisi

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•  Abd al-ABiB al-4h#mari

•  Abd#llah al-4h#mari

•  Ahmad al-4h#mari


•  Al-akim 3ishap#ri

•  Ahmed arrak +rifi

•  Al-#maydi

•  Al-#maydM 


• Ibn Abd al-arr 

• Ibn Abd al-adi

• Ibn al-+alah

• Ibn Asakir 

• Ibn arrajan

• Ibn attah

• Ibn Lihya al-@alby

• Ibn ajar al-Asalani

• Ibn aBm

• Ismail ibn Ibrahim

• Ibn @hallikan

• Ibn @h#Baymah

•  Ali ibn al-Cattan

• Ibn C#damah

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• Ibn ahir of /aesarea

• Ibn Dlayya

• Ibrahim ibn a#b al-E#Bajani

• Isha Ibn Rah$ayh


•  Abd al-4hani al-5adisi


• Ibn @athir 

• Naynab bint Dmar b. al-@indM ʿ


• Rabee Al-5adkhali

• Ibn 5ajah

• ossein 5odarressi

• 5ohammad +alih al-5aBandarani

• 5#hammad al-#khari

• Ibn al-EaBari

• 5#bil bin adi al-Wadii

• 5#slim ibn al-ajjaj


•  Al-3a$a$i

• 5anB#r 3#mani


•  Abbas C#mi


• Ibn Rajab

• Ramah#rm#Bi

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• Ibn +ad al-a"hdadi

• +aid ibn al-5#sayyib

•  Al-+akha$i

•  Ahmad 5#hammad +hakir 

• +h#ba Ibn al-  Hajjj

• +iddi asan @han

• 5ohammad ayya Al-+indhi

• +#fyan al-ha$ri

•  Al-+#y#ti


• ai al-Lin 5#hammad ibn Ahmad al-Fasi

• +alOh Dd LPn At ijOnP 


• +#fyan ibn `Dyaynah


•  Abd#r-Rahman al-5#allimee al-amani

• #s#f ibn Abd al-Rahman al-5iBBi


•  Ab# #rab al-Nahiri

• N#bair Ali Nai

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 Muntasir Zaman -Click here for the Pdf version of Chronological List of Prominent Hadīth

Scholars-English –Click here for the Arabic List

Name Work/s Date (AH)


1.Āmir ibn Sharāhīl al-Sha‘bī Kitāb al-Talāq c. 19-103

2.Muhammad ibn Sīrīn 33-110

3.Muhammad ibn Shihāb al-Zuhrī Al-Maghāzī al-Nabawiyyah c. 50-124

4.Abd al-Malik Ibn Jurayj Al-Musnad li Ibn Jrayj 80-150

5.Ma‘mar ibn Rāshid Al-Jāmi‘ li Ma‘mar ibn Rāshid 95-153

6.Shu’bah ibn al-Hajjāj 82-160

7.Sufyān al-Thawrī Al-Jāmi‘ li Sufyān al-Thawrī 97-161

8.Mālik ibn Anas Al-Muwatta’ 93-179

9.Abd Allāh ibn al-Mubārak Kitāb al-Zuhd 118-181

10.Wakī‘ ibn al-Jarrāh KItāb al-Zuhd 129-197

11.Sufyān ibn ‘Uyaynah Al-Jāmi‘ li Sufyān ibn ‘Uyaynah 107-198

12.Yahyā ibn Sa‘īd al-Qattān 120-198

13.Abd al-Rahmān ibn Mahdī 135-198


14.Abū Dāwūd al-Tayālisī Musnad Abī Dāwūd al-Tayālisī 133- 204

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15.Abd al-Razzāq ibn Hammām Musannaf Abd al-Razzāq 126-211

16.Abd Allāh ibn al-Zubayr al-Humaydī Musnad al-Humaydī d. 219

17.Abū ‘Ubayd al-Qāsim ibn Sallām Kitāb al-Amwāl/al-Gharīb al-Musannaf 157-224

18.Muhammad ibn Sa‘d Al-Tabaqāt al-Kabīr 168-230

19.Yahyā ibn Ma‘īn Al-Tārīkh wa al-‘Ilal 158-233

20.Alī ibn al-Madīnī Al-‘Ilal/al-Asāmī wa al-Kunā 161-234

21.Abū Bakr ibn Abī Shaybah Musannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah 159-235

22.Ishāq ibn Rahwayh Musnad Ishāq ibn Rahway 161-238

23.Ahmad ibn Hanbal Musnad Ahmad/Kitāb al-Zuhd 164-241

24.Abd Allāh al-Dārimī Sunan al-Dārimī 181-255

25.Muhammad ibn Ismā‘īl al-Bukhārī Al-Jāmi‘ al-Musnad al-Sahīh 194-256

26.Muhammad ibn Yahyā al-Dhuhlī Al-Zuhriyyāt 172-258

27.Muslim ibn al-Hajjāj Al-Musnad al-Sahīh/Kitāb al-Tamyīz 204-261

28.Abū Zur‘ah al-Rāzī Asmā’ al-Du‘afā’ 200-264

29.Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muhammad Ibn Mājah Sunan Ibn Mājah 209-273

30.Abū Dāwūd Sulaymān ibn al-Ash‘ath Sunan Abī Dāwūd/al-Marāsīl 202-275

31.Baqī ibn Makhlad al-Andalusī Musnad Baqī ibn Makhlad 201-276

32.Abū Hātim al-Razī Tabaqāt al-Tābi‘īn 195-277

33.Abū ‘Īsā al-Tirmidhī Al-Jāmi‘ al-Kabīr/al-Shamā’il 209-279

34.Abū Bakr al-Bazzār Al-Bahr al-Zakhkhār 210-292


35.Ahmad ibn Shu‘ayb al-Nasa’ī Al-Mujtabā/al-Sunan al-Kubrā 215-303

36.Abū Ya‘lā al-Mawsilī Musnad Abī Ya‘lā 210-307

37.Abū Bishr al-Dūlābī Al-Asmā’ wa al-Kunā 224-310

38.Abū Ja‘far Ibn Jarīr al-Tabarī Tahdhīb al-Āthār wa al-Sunan 224-310

39.Abū Bakr Ibn Khuzaymah Sahīh Ibn Khuzaymah 223-311

40.Abū ‘Awānah al-Isfarā’īnī Mustakhraj Abī ‘Awānah p. 230-316

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41.Abū Ja‘far Ahmad al-Tahāwī Sharh Ma‘ānī al-Āthār 239-321

42.Muhammad ibn ‘Amr al-‘Uqaylī A-Du‘afā’ wa al-Matrūkūn d. 322

43.Abd al-Rahmān ibn Abī Hātim al-Rāzī Al-Jarh wa al-Ta‘dīl/‘Ilal al-Hadīth 240-327

44.Abū ‘Alī Ibn al-Sakan Al-Sahīh al-Muntaqā 294-353

45.Abū Hātim Ibn Hibbān al-Bustī Al-Taqāsīm wa al-Anwā‘/al-Thiqāt 270-354

46.Abu al-Qāsim Sulaymān al-Tabarāni Al-Mu‘jam al-Kabīr/al-Awsat/al-Saghīr 260-360

47.Abū Bakr al-Ājurrī Al-Sharī‘ah fi al-Sunnah 280-360

48.Hasan ibn ‘Abd al-Rahmān al-

RāmahurmuzīAl-Muhaddith al-Fāsil c. 265-360

49.Abū Ahmad Ibn ‘Adī Al-Kāmil fī Ma‘rifat al-Du‘afā’ 277-365

50.Abū al-Shaykh Ibn Hayyān Kitāb al-‘Ażamah/Kitāb al-Sunnah 274-369

51.Abū Bakr al-Ismā‘īlī Al-Mustakhraj ‘alā Sahīh al-Bukhārī 277-371

52.Abū Ahmad al-Hākim al-Kabīr Al-‘Ilal/al-Asmā’ wa al-Kunā 285-378

53.Abū Hafs Ibn Shāhīn Al-Targhīb fī Fadā’il al-A‘māl 297-385

54.Abū al-Hasan al-Dāraqutnī Sunan al-Dāraqutnī/Kitāb al-‘Ilal 305-385

55.Abū ‘Abd Allāh Ibn Mandah Tasmiyat al-Mashāyikh 310-395


56.Abū Mas‘ūd al-Dimashqī Atrāf al-Sahīhayn/al-Ajwibah d. 401

57.Abū ‘Abd Allāh al-Hākim al-Naysābūrī Al-Mustadrak ‘alā al-Sahīhayn 321-405

58.Abū Bakr al-Barqānī Su‘ālāt al-Barqānī 336-425

59.Abū Nu‘aym al-Asfahānī Hilyat al-Awliyā’/Dalā’il al-Nubuwwah 336-430

60.Abū Muhammad Ibn Hazm Al-Muhallā/Marātib al-Ijmā‘ 384-456

61.Abū Bakr Ahmad al-Bayhaqī Al-Sunan al-Kubrā/Shu‘ab al-Īmān 384-458

62.Abū ‘Umar Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr Al-Tamhīd/al-Istidhkār 368-463

63.Abū Bakr al-Khatīb al-Baghdādī Tārīkh Baghdād/al-Kifāyah 392-463

64.Abū al-Walīd al-Bājī Al-Istīfā’/Ihkām al-Fusūl 403-474

65.Abū Nasr Ibn Mākūlā Al-Ikmāl fi Raf‘ al-Irtiyāb 421- c. 475

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66.Abū ‘Abd Allāh al-Humaydī Al-Jam‘ bayn al-Sahīhayn 420-488


67.Abu al-Fadl al-Maqdisī Shurūt al-A’immah al-Sittah 448-507

68.Abū Shujā‘ Shīrawayh al-Daylamī Firdaws al-Akhbār bī Ma’thūr al-Khitāb 445-509

69.Al-Husayn ibn Mas‘ūd al-Baghawī Sharh al-Sunnah/Masābīh al-Sunnah c. 436-516

70.Abū Bakr Ibn al-‘Arabī ‘Āridat al-Ahwadhī/Ahkām al-Qur’ān 468-543

71.Al-Qādī ‘Iyād ibn Mūsā Al-Ilmā‘/Ikmāl al-Mu‘lim 476-544

72.Abū Manūr Shihradār al-Daylamī Musnad al-Firdaws 483-558

73.Abū S‘ad ‘Abd al-Karīm al-Sam‘ānī Al-Ansāb 506-562

74.Abū al-Qāsim Ibn ‘Asākir Tārīkh Dimashq 499-571

75.Abū Tāhir Ahmad al-Silafī Mu‘jam Mashyakhat Asbahān 472-576

76.Abd al-Haqq al-Ishbīlī Al-Jam‘ bayn al-Sahīhayn 510-581

77.Abū Bakr al-Hāzimī Al-I‘tibār fi al-Nāsikh wa al-Mansūkh 548-584

78.Abū al-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzī A-Mawdū‘āt/al-‘Ilal al-Mutanāhiyah 510-597


79.Abd al-Ghanī al-Maqdisī Al-Kamāl fī Asmā’ al-Rijāl 541-600

80.Majd al-Dīn Ibn al-Athir Jāmi‘ al-Usūl/al-Nihāyah 544-606

81.Abū al-Hasan Ibn al-Qattān Bayān al-Waham wa al-Īhām 562-628

82.Abū Bakr Ibn Nuqtah Al-Taqyīd/Dhayl al-Ikmāl 579-629

83.Izz al-Dīn Ibn al-Athīr Usd al-Ghābah/al-Kāmil fī al-Tārīkh 555-630

84.Diyā’ al-Dīn al-Maqdisī Al-Mukhtārah/Fadā’il al-A‘māl 569-643

85.Abū ‘Amr ‘Uthmān Ibn al-Salāh ‘Ulūm al-Hadīth 577-643

86.Abū al-‘Abbās al-Qurtubī Al-Mufhim 578-656

87.Abd al-‘Ażīm al-Mundhirī Al-Targhīb wa al-Tarhīb 581-656

88.Abū Shāmah al-Maqdisī Khutbat al-Kitāb al-Mu’ammal 599-665

89.Abū Zakariyyā al-Nawawī Riyād al-Sālihīn/al-Adhkār 631-676

90.Nāsir al-Dīn Ibn al-Munayyir Al-Mutawārī ‘alā Tarājim al-Bukhārī 620-683

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91.Zayn al-Dīn Ibn al-Munayyir Sharh al-Jāmī‘ al-Sāhīh lī al-Bukhārī 629-695


92.Abu al-Fath Ibn Daqīq al-‘Īd Sharh al-Ilmām/Ihkām al-Ahkām 625-702

93.Badr al-Dīn Ibn Jamā‘ah Al-Manhal al-Rawī 639-733

94.Abū al-Fath Ibn Sayyid al-Nās Al-Nafh al-Shadhī/‘Uyūn al-Athar 671-734

95.Abū al-Hajjāj al-Mizzī Tuhfat al-Ashrāh/Tahdhīb al-Kamāl 654-742

96.Sharaf al-Dīn al-Tībī Al-Kāshif ‘an Haqā’iq al-Sunan d. 743

97.Abū ‘Abd Allāh Ibn ‘Abd al-Hādī Tanqīh al-Tahqīq/Fadā’il al-Shām 705-744

98.Shams al-Dīn al-Dhahabī Mīzān al-‘Itidāl/Tadhkirat al-Huffāż 673-748

99.Ālā’ al-Dīn Ibn al-Turkumānī Al-Jawhar al-Naqī/Bahjat al-Arīb 683-750

100.Taqī al-Dīn al-Subkī Shifā’ al-Siqām/al-Sayf al-Saqīl 683-756

101.Abū Sa‘īd al-‘Alā’ī Jāmi‘ al-Tahsīl 694-761

102.Jamāl al-Dīn ‘Abd Allāh al-Zayla‘ī Nasb al-Rāyah/al-Is‘āf c. 720-762

103.Abū ‘Abd Allāh al-Mughlatāi Ikmāl Tahdīb al-Kamāl 689-762

104.Salāh al-Dīn al-Safadī Al-Wāfī bī al-Wafayāt 696-764

105.Tāj al-Dīn al-Subkī Tabaqāt al-Shāfi‘iyyah al-Kubrā 727-771

106.Imād al-Dīn Ibn Kathīr Jāmi‘ al-Masānīd wa al-Sunan 700-774

107.Badr al-Dīn al-Zarkashī Al-Nukat ‘alā Kitāb Ibn Salāh 745-794

108.Zayn al-Dīn Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalī Jāmi‘ al-‘Ulūm wa al-Hikam 736-795


109.Sirāj al-Dīn Ibn al-Mulaqqin Al-Badr al-Munīr 723-804

110.Sirāj al-Dīn al-Bulqīnī Mahāsin al-Istilāh 724-805

111.Zayn al-Dīn al-‘Irāqī Al-Tabsirah wa al-Tadhkirah 725-806

112.Nūr al-Dīn al-Haythamī Majma‘ al-Zawā’id 735-807

113.Abū Zur‘ah al-‘Irāqī Tarh al-Tathrīb 762-826

114.Muhammad ibn Khilfah al-Ubbī Ikmāl Ikmāl al-Mu‘lim d. 827

115.Shihāb al-Dīn al-Būsīrī Ithāf al-Khiyarah al-Maharah 762-840

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116.Muhammad Ibn al-Wazīr al-Yamānī Al-‘Awāsim wa al-Qawāsim 775-840

117.Ibrāhīm Sibt Ibn al-‘Ajamī Al-Tabīn/Ball al-Himyān 753-841

118.Muhammd Ibn Nāsir al-Dīn al-Dimashqī Jāmi‘ al-Āthār/Ithāf al-Sālik 777-842

119.Abu al-Fadl Ibn Hajar Fath al-Bārī/Nuzhat al-Nażar 773-852

120.Badr al-Dīn al-‘Aynī ‘Umdat al-Qārī/Nukhab al-Afkār 762-855

121.Abū al-Fadl Ibn Fahd Lahż al-Alhāż/Nihāyat al-Taqrīb 787-871

122.Taqī al-Dīn al-Shumunni Al-‘Ālī al-Rutbah 801-872

123.Qāsim ibn Qutlūbughā Munyat al-Alma‘ī/Tāj al-Tarājim 802-879

124.Abū al-Hasan al-Biqā‘ī Al-Nukat al-Wafiyyah 809-885


125.Shams al-Dīn al-Sakhāwī Fath al-Mughīth/al-Daw’ al-Lāmi‘ 831-902

126.Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūtī Tadrīb al-Rāwī/al-Bahr alladhī Zakhar 849-911

127.Shihāb al-Dīn al-QastallānīIrshād al-Sārī/al-Mawāhib al-


128.Abū Yahyā Zakariyyā al-Ansārī Fath al-Bāqī/Fath al-‘Allām c. 823-926

129.Shams al-Dīn Muhammd al-Sālihī Subul al-Hudā wa al-Rashād d. 942

130.Muhammad Ibn Tūlūn al-Dimashqī Dhakhā’ir al-Qasr 880-953

131.Nūr al-Dīn Ibn ‘Arrāq al-Kinānī Tanzīh al-Sharī‘ah al-Marfū‘ah 907-963

132.Radī al-Dīn Ibn al-Hanbalī Al-Far‘ al-Athīth/Qafw al-Athar 908-971

133.Abū al-‘Abbās Ibn Hajar al-Haytamī Al-Fatāwā al-Hadīthiyyah 909-973

134.Alā’ al-Dīn Ali al-Muttaqi al-Hindī Kanz al-‘Ummāl 888-975

135.Jamāl al-Dīn Muhammad Tāhir al-Fattanī Majma‘ Bihār al-Anwār 913-986

136.Qutb al-Dīn al-Nahrawālī Al-Jam‘ bayn al-Kutub al-Sittah 917-990


137.Mullā Alī al-Qārī Mirqāt al-Mafātīh/al-Masnū‘ c. 930-1014

138.Abd al-Ra’ūf al-Munāwī Fayd al-Qadīr/al-Ithāfāt al-Saniyyah 952-1031

139.Burhān al-Dīn al-Laqānī Qadā’ al-Watar/Bahjat al-Mahāfil c. 970-1041

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140.Abd al-Haq al-Dihlawī Muqaddimah fī Mustalah al-Hadīth 959-1052

141.Umar al-Bayqūnī Al-Manżūmah al-Bayqūniyyah d.1080


142.Ibrāhīm ibn Hasan al-Kūrānī Al-Amam li Īqāż al-Himam 1025-1101

143.Muhammad ibn Abd al-Bāqī al-Zurqānī Talkhīs al-Maqāsid al-Hasanah 1055-1122

144.Abd Allāh ibn Sālim al-Basrī Diyā’ al-Sārī/al-Imdād fī ‘Uluw al-Isnād 1049-1134

145.Abu al-Hasan al-Sindhī Al-Hāwāshī ’alā al-Usūl al-Sittah d. 1139

146.Abū al-Fidā’ al-‘Ajlūnī Kashf al-Khafā’ wa Muzīl al-Iltibās 1087-1162

147.Abd Allāh al-Amāsī Najāh al-Qārī/‘Ināyat al-Mun‘im 1085-1167

148.Muhammad Hāshīm al-Tatawī Fākihat al-Bustān/Ithāf al-Akābir 1104-1174

149.Muhammad Ibn Himmāt al-Dimashqī Al-Tankīt wa al-Ifādah 1091-1175

150.Muhammad Sa‘īd Sunbul Al-Awā’il al-Sunbuliyyah c. 1100-1175

151.Shāh Walī Allāh al-Dihlawī Hujjat Allāh al-Bālighah/Izālat al-Khafā’ 1110-1176

152.Izz al-Dīn al-Amīr al-San‘ānī Tawdīh al-Afkār/Thamarāt al-Nażar 1099-1182


153.Murtadā Zabidi Ithāf al-Sādat al-Muttaqīn 1145-1205

154.Abd al-‘Azīz al-Farīhārī Kawthar al-Nabī/al-Nibrās 1209-1239

155.Abd al-Azīz al-Dihlawī Al-‘Ujālah al-Nāfi‘ah 1159-1239

156.Muhammad al-Shawkānī Nayl al-Awtār/al-Badr al-Tāli‘ 1173-1250

157.Muhammad ‘Ābid al-Sindī Al-Mawāhib al-Latīfah 1190-1257

158.Ahmad ‘Alī al-Sahāranfūrī Ta‘līqāt ‘alā Sahīh al-Bukhārī d. 1297


159.Abd al-Hayy al-Laknawī Al-Raf‘ wa al-Takmīl 1264-1304

160.Muhammad al-Sanbhalī Tansīq al-Niżām 1263-1305

161.Zahīr Ahsan al-Nīmawī Āthār al-Sunan 1278-1322

162.Tāhir ibn Sālih al-Jazā’irī Tawjīh al-Nażar 1268-1338

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163.Muhammad ibn Ja‘far al-Kattānī Al-Risālah al-Mustatrafah 1274-1345

164.Khalil Ahmad al-Sahāranfūri Badhl al-Majhūd 1269-1346

165.Anwar Shāh al-Kashmīrī Fayd al-Bārī/al-‘Arf al-Shadhī 1292-1352

166.Abd al-Rahmān al-Mubārakfūrī Tuhfat al-Ahwadhī/Tahqīq al-Kalām 1283-1353

167.Abd al-‘Azīz al-Punjābī Bughyat al-Alma‘ī 1303-1359

168.Shabbīr Ahmad al-‘Uthmānī Fath al-Mulhim/al-Fawā’id al-Tafsīriyyah 1305-1369

169.Muhmmad Zāhid al-Kawtharī Al-Nukat al-Tarīfah/Ta’nīb al-Khatīb 1296-1371

170.Ahmad Muhammad Shākir ‘Umdat al-Tafsīr/Abhāth fī Ahkām 1309-1377

171.Ahmad ibn al-Siddīq al-Ghumārī Fath al-Wahhāb/al-Mudāwī 1320-1380

172.Abd al-Hayy al-Kattānī Fihris al-Fahāris/al-Rahmah al-Mursalah 1302-1382

173.Badr-e ‘Ālam al-Mirathi Al-Badr al-Sārī/Tarjumān al-Sunnah 1316-1385

174.Abd al-Rahmān al-Mu‘allimi Al-Anwār al-Kāshifah/al-Tankīl 1313-1386

175.Zafar Ahmad al-‘Uthmānī I‘lā’ al-Sunan/Imdād al-Ahkām 1310-1394

176.Idrīs al-Kāndhlawī Al-Ta‘līq al-Sabīh/Minhat al-Mughīth 1317-1394

177.Mahdī Hasan al-Jīlānī Al-Sayf al-Mujallā/Qalā’id al-Azhār 1300-1396

178.Yūsuf al-Bannūrī Ma‘ārif al-Sunan/Nafhat al-‘Anbar 1326-1397


179.Zakariyyā al-KandhlawīAwjaz al-Masālik/al-Abwāb wa al-


180.Yāsīn al-Fādānī Tashnīf al-Asmā‘/Nihāyat al-Matlab 1335-1410

181.Habīb al-Rahmān al-A‘żamī Nusrat al-Hadīth/Tahqīq Ahl-e Hadīth 1319-1412

182.Abd al-Fattāh Abū GhuddahSafahāt min Sabr al-‘Ulamā’/Qīmat al-


183.Ahmad Radā’ al-Bijnorī Anwār al-Bārī 1324-1418

184.Abd al-Rashid Nu‘māniAl-Imām Ibn Mājah wa Kitābuhu al-


185.Abd Allāh Sirāj al-Dīn Sharh al-Manżūmah al-Bayqūniyyah 1342-1422

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 Al-abaraniFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hadith scholar

Sulaian ibn Ahad At-"abarani

"itle !l"Ta#arani

Born $%&!H

#ied '%&!H

$ra slamic golden age






 Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer   Al-Mu'jam Al-Awsat  Al-Mu'jam As-



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$u al93asi# 5ulai#an in $h#a) in $l9"aarani $as one of the mostimportant hadith scholars of his a"e.&*



' +t#dents

• * Works

• 0 +ee also

• 6 References


From amon"st his st#dents $ere: Ahmad bin Amr bin Abd#l-@hali Al-asri and Ab# akr Al-aBBar.


e is kno$n primarily for three $orks on hadith: &0

• al-Mu jam al-Ka(īr ʿ  ) from $hich he e>cl#ded the traditions of Ab# #rayra

•  )l-Mu'jam )l-)wsat  ) $hich contains traditions from Ab# #rayra

•  )l-Mu'jam )s-Sagḥir  ) $hich "a%e a hadith from each of his masters

See also&edit

• abari (name!

• 5ajma al-Na$aid

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