reformation spreads to england world civilizations madison southern high school

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Reformation Spreads to EnglandWorld Civilizations

Madison Southern High School


• The home of many Protestant Reformers, such as: John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli.

• Ulrich Zwingli – fellow Catholic monk who had beliefs similar to Martin Luther.

• Radical Reformer who set up a Theocracy in Zurich, Switzerland.

• Theocracy – church and government were as one and officials are seen to be spiritually inspired.


• John Knox, inspired by the ideas of John Calvin, brought the Protestant Reformation to Scotland.

• His church would be known as Presbyterian.

• His major argument was that ritual ceremonies were a form of idol worship, mainly ceremonies similar to a Catholic Mass.

Similarities and Differences

• Protestants believe that the truth is found in the bible.

• Therefore, people began interpreting the bible for themselves.


• “baptize again” – children should be re-baptized as adults.

• Supported the separation of church and state.

• Refused to fight in wars – PACIFISM

• Persecuted by Catholics and Protestants


• Henry VIII – King of England wanted a divorce.

• Catholic church will not allow an annulment.

• Reformation Parliament – set laws to end the Pope’s rule in England.

• Formed the Church of England.

Act of Supremacy• Makes Henry VIII head of England’s Church.

• Henry had 3 children – Edward VI, Mary I “bloody Mary”, and Elizabeth I.

• Henry’s successor, Mary I, converted England temporarily back to Catholicism.

• Hundreds of people were burned at the stake.


• Supremacy Act – split England from Rome.

• Elizabeth restored Protestantism and makes it the only legal church.

• People were required to attend or had to pay a fine.

• Anglican Church – structured much like the Catholic Church. Also known as the Church of England.

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