question 5 media

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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Evaluation question 5: How did you attract/address your


Sam Cooke

Questionnaire Our results given show us that the Crime, Sport and drama genres are the favourite of the age group 15-25. After combining these genres the obvious film choice genre is football hooligan film, this satisfied us as brainstorming at the beginning of the year this genre was one we wished to exploit.

From finding this out we needed to research into the chosen genre and create powerpoints to save notes on connotations we find within the genre. Films such as ‘Green Street’ and ‘The Firm’ were key to our research.

Below is a copy of our questionnaire and pie chart we Owen created to assist the group in being able to address our target audience to the best we can!

From our research we found that the score to an opening sequence is key as it gives a feel to the movie. ‘The Firm’ uses ‘Tainted Love’ by soft cell in their opening sequence as it is associated with the time period of the 1980’s in which the film is set. We looked to do the same idea to follow with the same intentions. We created a video on sony vegas of various potential soundtracks. We asked other people in our class which fitted with our practise walking scene. ‘Step on’ by Happy Mondays, this was a unanimous decision by the group. We feel as though this song best fits our practise walk scene.

here is a link to our video we created to test out different potential songs to use in our actual opening sequence. The video was also used to practise camera shots we later illustrated in our opening sequence!

Soundtrack the Happy Mondays are a band formed in the 1980s from Manchester, bands from this time period such as Blur, Happy Mondays, Oasis and the Stone Roses are bands associated and adored by football hooligans, this piece of research once again assures us that our choice of soundtrack will help us attract our Target Audience!

This is our first setting where we film Sam getting ready to meet his mates. We chose this location because it’s easy access to our next scene, the bus stop. and it follows similar films to other hooligan films.

This setting was chosen as when the camera films the house the audience are oblivious to who lives here which adds to the feeling of anyone can be a hooligan.

typical housing for a middle to upper class family, an example of midtown suburbia. These initial locations of football hooligan films often follow this idea of anyone can be a hooligan and therefore will engage our audience and address the idea to our target audience.


From our research we discovered the majority of football violence happens in the alleyways of built up housing estates, areas not in public sight. We found the ideal location in our local area which matched our findings, this therefore met our genre criteria and also helped us to attract our target audience.


A location used by real hooligans. Our alleyway location.

Conor – “Little bit boring”, “more representations of hooligans needed” “no football chants and lack of football hooligan clothing with Owen and Kaan

This quote was applied to our development of our opening sequence, the fact Conor noticed a lack of football hooligan clothing impacted our decision on re doing parts, we re dressed Owen and Kaan to modify this issue and this was so we helped address the genre of our film and also attract our target audience.

Amelia – “Long-winded and unnecessary parts we didn’t need to know”, “Cut it down!”

This quote influenced us in trimming down our opening sequence, the original opening sequence was around 3 and a half minutes whereas the real version was 2 and a half minutes which also meets the exam boards specification. This quote also helps us engage the audience better, we are thankful for this constructive feedback as we dont want our audience to become bored.

“Needed more people to represent football hooligans”, “Clothing, props such as alcohol and fights need to be added to associate it with football hooliganism”

This heavily impacted our decision to redesign the ending to our opening sequence, it was a key quote in us trying to address and attract our target audience as much as possible. This criticism also influenced us in adding more characters to our opening sequence, as a fight scene wouldnt of been able to of been built up with only us 3 in our group, From the rowdiness of the group and the way they’re behaving it is clear a fight could be on the cards.

Useful quotes we used in developing our initial opening sequence

Feedback Video

This feedback video was quoted in the previous slide and was a very useful tool in us confirming whether we have addressed our target audience, the video was created by my group after our first draft video, and impacted us on a key decision to redo our second half to our opening sequence. We redid parts to attract our direct target audience to fulfill our chances of fitting the genre. Without conducting this feedback it is likely we wouldn’t of redone the second half and this therefore would’ve left us with a worse off opening sequence and a worse grade.

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