production of music magazine contents page

Post on 07-Feb-2017






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Production of music magazine contents page

By Niamh Doherty

The first step that I did was create a project where I set a layout name, made 3 columns and ticked the facing pages box. Once I had done this I made a page where my contents page would be which I used the new page icon and dragged it into the box which represents the pages that are made.

Then, I made the background colour black as it fits in with the colour scheme. Also, I made sure to include a masthead which I created and made into a 3D effect. Then I inserted the name of the magazine at the top left hand side of the page so that it looks more professional.

The next thing i did was import little titles for the content information which is situated below. Then I outlined the page numbers to make the look more clear and stand out more.

Then I made sure to include pictures so that it is clear to the audience what is in the magazine. I also included red lines to separate each image to make it more clear.

then I included page numbers for the images and the page itself to inform the reader where everything is.

The final thing I included in my contents page is the magazines website and social media logos so that it informs the audience that they do have accounts they can visit to find out more information and so that the page looks more professional.

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