production process of music magazine

Production Process Each slide shows the changes during the stages

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Post on 07-May-2015




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Page 1: Production Process of Music Magazine

Production Process

Each slide shows the changes during the stages

Page 2: Production Process of Music Magazine

Cover lines on left third look to much like they are a list.

Background changed to white from its original colour – meant it looked to plain and stark Flash in top right

corner covers too much of models head

Cover - First Draft

Gives a sense of value for money

Flash is too small – not prominent enough Yellow links the

banner to the artist which it talks about but it isn’t the conventional use of codes and conventions – which I want the magazine to follow so this was subject to change

Page 3: Production Process of Music Magazine

Background returned to colour on the original image – offers a more interesting cover rather than white.

Flash on left is larger and moved to right to remove the look resembling a list.

Cover - Second Draft

Changed flash size and moved it to the right to get away from the cover lines looking like a list

Banner links to article rather than entice reader to buy the magazine – change it to state main points of the magazine

Shows quality as it features an interview - truthful report to entice readers

Page 4: Production Process of Music Magazine

Selling line, adds to the promotion of the magazine – influences customer to buy magazine. Represents the quality of magazine

Date, issue number and price moved so it can be seen clearly as it is a practical aspect of the magazine

Cover - Final

Lower banner has been changed – colour attracts the eye line to make readers want to buy/read the magazine as it gives the impression of quality

Close up of model used as cover photo as it gives the impression of intimacy, which reflects the article featured inside. Eye contact connects the reader, making them want to read the magazine.

The model was centred to the right which allowed space for cover lines and the

Page 5: Production Process of Music Magazine

I omitted the ‘Letter From the Editor’ that I planned but it will help the space issue and follow codes and conventions of a contents page.

Contents – First Draft

Subscription advert looks amateur and isn’t prominent enough to look like an advert.

List of contents looks too spacey and uneven.

In mini-article the RHAPSODY could be shown in its cover font to add to the corporate identity. Mila could be written in the artist’s specific font as is seen in some magazines to promote the artist.

Sections to make reader’s preferences easy to find

Need a flash on the top right corner of original image as it looks empty.

Page 6: Production Process of Music Magazine

Included the letter from the editor which made each article closer together, helping spacing issue

Contents – Final

Altered the ‘Save 25%’ font from yellow to red to emphasise the value of the offer and included a website to add to the professionalism

Included a flash in top right corner and moved ‘Issue Number and Date’ to fill the empty, as it seemed to have an unprofessional finish before.

Sections to make reader’s preferences easy to find

Changed the font of RHAPSODY and Mila to follow their corporate look.

Used colours featured on cover to create a corporate image

Page 7: Production Process of Music Magazine

Needs to include codes and conventions of a double page spread – by-line, pull quote (to attract readers), cutline etc.

Double Page Spread – First Draft

Enter the interview as the main article in columns to emulate professional articles

Change choice of original images for montage so they compliment each other

The deck, featuring the introduction to the article, needs to be more prominent to attract readers

Page 8: Production Process of Music Magazine

Red line outlining the main article which looks fairly amateur

Double Page Spread – Second Draft

Cutline looks out of place and as if it is meant to be a part of the article rather than a standalone text

Change the headline to make it suit the content of the article

By-line looks misplaced and slap dash

Some mistakes – needs editing

Page 9: Production Process of Music Magazine

Removed red outline surrounding the main article, looks more finely polished and professional

Double Page Spread – Second Draft

Moved the by-line to give it a place where it fit and could have been put if it were a real magazine

Edited text to solve common errors and create a certain amount of professional ism

Moved the cutline to the bottom left of the right page, which is a typical place for cutlines according to my research