
Post on 28-Aug-2014






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Dive in the sky

Lithuania, Kaunas„Vyturys“ high school

Povilas Daniulaitis, 8th grade

My SchoolMy school is called

„Kauno Vyturio high school”.

Some of people ask: „Why did you choose this school?“ I answer to them: „I didn’t, my mother did“.

But after five years I can tell myself why I like it.

My SchoolMy school is good. I do not

say it’s perfect. There are better schools in the world. But I like it here.

Our school is modern and has a class with smart lights, that help to save energy and protect the environment! There’s only one class in the whole Lithuania, which has smart lights and it’s in Kaunas! And almost every class has a slide projector and a computer.

My School

So I like this school because of:1. Friendly teachers(not all but the bigest part).2. Beautiful landscape.3.The teachers teach us very well. 4. Our school is pretty modern.

My Regular Day

I always get up at 6:00 a.m. or earlier. Then I go to stadium, walk

with my dog and run a few laps.

After that I head back home, have breakfast,

take my bike (I go everywhere with it) and ride to school...

My Regular Day

After school I have some time to relax till the training begins. On my free time I love doing something creative. Like drawing, writing and stuff (you can see a little drawing of mine. I made this in year 2008)...

My Regular Day

After some free time my training begins. I go to orienteer sports and Aikido. I LOVE orienteer sport. Theres always something new, forest beauty and fresh air... And Aikido is a kind of martial arts with no brutality.

My Beautiful Country

I live in a very beutiful coutry called Lithuania. Its beauty is hiding in the forests... Forests take almost 30 percent of Lithuania. In ancient times they were all full of Bison bonasus- it is now a symbol of my native town Kaunas.



My Beautiful Country

And I can’t help telling about our 2nd religion. It’s basketball. This year on FIBA Europe we won silver medal!

My Beautiful Country

Lithuania is a great place for your next vacation, too! If you like nature, cycling, orienteer sport then Lithuania is just for you! Also you can gather mushrooms and make tasty dishes here. Lithuania – your next vacation destination!


Astronomy in Lithuania

„The Big Art of Artillery“, published in 1650. It’s a book written by this guy!

Kazimieras Simonavičius

Do you recognize a sketch of the first rocket? It’s a drawing of Kazimieras Simonavičius!

At the Museum of etnocosmology in Molėtai you can take a look at the stars, moon and comets racing

by the Earth…

Astronomy in Lithuania




Meet our most famous astronomer Gunaras Kakaras. One of his biggest merits - the Enthnocosmology Museum in Moletai.

Astronomy in Lithuania

Astronomy in Lithuania„Hello, Space, Lithuania

welcomes you!“This year at 8th of December we are going to launch the

first Lithuanian sattelite called


Thank’s for patience and

attention! Hope to see

youNext time!

Used information and photohttp://lt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunaras_Kakarashttp://www.man.lt/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/42260-TV3_Misija_Lituanica_80_Logo.jpg,http


http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo328/becky_is_a_star_94/night-sky.jpghttp://www.laisvalaikiodovanos.lt/public/photos/products/00/24/35/4769_photo_l.jpg?version=1363076248http://www.intertravel.lt/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/observatorija6595m1.jpghttp://www.bernardinai.lt/file/3d78e806253c6d1b28b2cfe91a8bbcdb4df961e9_article.jpghttp://www.aikidolondon.com/images/aikido.jpghttp://www.aikidolondon.com/images/aikido.jpg,https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p206x206/1236838_463304973776337_1962909078_n.jpgSong: James „Duke“ Crider Stones from http://freemp3x.org/download-video/YKqwln8MX6I.html

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