polinomi ortogonali

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Orthogonal Polynomials

Vilmos Totik



In this survey, different aspects of the theory of orthogonal polynomialsof one (real or complex) variable are reviewed. Orthogonal polynomialson the unit circle are not discussed.

MSC: 42C05, 33C47


1 Introduction 71

2 Orthogonal polynomials 73Orthogonal polynomials with respect to measures . . . . . . . . . 73The Riemann–Hilbert approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74Orthogonal polynomials with respect to inner products . . . . . . 76Varying weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77Matrix orthogonal polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

3 The L2 extremal problem 77

4 Orthogonal polynomials on the real line 79

5 Classical orthogonal polynomials 80

6 Where do orthogonal polynomials come from? 82Continued fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Pade approximation and rational interpolation . . . . . . . . . . 83Moment problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85Jacobi matrices and spectral theory of self-adjoint operators . . . 85Quadrature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86Random matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Surveys in Approximation TheoryVolume 1, 2005. pp. 70–125.Copyright c© 2005 Surveys in Approximation Theory.ISSN 1555-578XAll rights of reproduction in any form reserved.


Orthogonal Polynomials 71

7 Some questions leading to classical orthogonal polynomials 88Electrostatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88Polynomial solutions of eigenvalue problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 89Harmonic analysis on spheres and balls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89Approximation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

8 Heuristics 91

9 General orthogonal polynomials 93Lower and upper bounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94Zeros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95Regularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

10 Strong, ratio and weak asymptotics 98Strong asymptotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98Ratio asymptotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99Weak and relative asymptotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Widom’s theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101Asymptotics for Christoffel functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

11 Recurrence coefficients and spectral measures 102

12 Exponential and Freud weights 104

13 Sobolev orthogonality 107

14 Non-Hermitian orthogonality 109

15 Multiple orthogonality 110Types and normality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111Recurrence formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112The Riemann–Hilbert problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

16 Matrix orthogonal polynomials 114Matrix orthogonal polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114Three-term recurrence and quadrature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115Families of orthogonal polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116Connection with higher order scalar recurrence . . . . . . . . . . 117

1 Introduction

The theory of orthogonal polynomials can be divided into two main but onlyloosely related parts. The two parts have many things in common, and thedivision line is quite blurred, it is more or less along algebra vs. analysis. Oneof the parts is the algebraic aspect of the theory, which has close connections

V. Totik 72

with special functions, combinatorics and algebra, and it is mainly devotedto concrete orthogonal systems or hierarchies of systems such as the Jacobi,Hahn, Askey-Wilson, . . . polynomials. All the discrete polynomials and the q-analogues of classical ones belong to this theory. We will not treat this part;the interested reader can consult the three recent excellent monographs [39] byM. E. H. Ismail, [28] by W. Gautschi and [6] by G. E. Andrews, R. Askey andR. Roy. Much of the present state of the theory of orthogonal polynomials ofseveral variables lies also close to this algebraic part of the theory. To discussthem would take us too far from our main direction; rather we refer the readerto the recent book [24] by C. F. Dunkl and Y. Xu.

The other part is the analytical aspect of the theory. Its methods are ana-lytical, and it deals with questions that are typical in analysis, or questions thathave emerged in and related to other parts of mathematical analysis. Generalproperties fill a smaller part of the analytic theory, and the greater part fallsinto two main and extremely rich branches: orthogonal polynomials on the realline and on the circle. The richness is due to some special features of the realline and the circle. Classical real orthogonal polynomials, sometimes in otherforms like continued fractions, can be traced back to the 18th century, but theirrapid development occurred in the 19th and early 20th century. Orthogonalpolynomials on the unit circle are much younger, and their existence is largelydue to Szego and Geronimus in the first half of the 20th century. B. Simon’srecent treatise [80, 81] summarizes and greatly extends what has happened sincethen.

The connection of orthogonal polynomials with other branches of mathe-matics is truly impressive. Without even trying to be complete, we mentioncontinued fractions, operator theory (Jacobi operators), moment problems, an-alytic functions (Bieberbach’s conjecture), interpolation, Pade approximation,quadrature, approximation theory, numerical analysis, electrostatics, statisticalquantum mechanics, special functions, number theory (irrationality and tran-scendence), graph theory (matching numbers), combinatorics, random matrices,stochastic processes (birth and death processes; prediction theory), data sortingand compression, Radon transform and computer tomography.

This work is a survey on orthogonal polynomials that do not lie on the unitcircle. Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle—both the classical theory andrecent contributions—will be hopefully dealt with in a companion article.

This work is meant for non-experts, and it therefore contains introductorymaterials. We have tried to list most of the actively researched fields not directlyconnected with orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, but because of spacelimitation we have only one or two pages on areas where dozens of papersand several books had been published. As a result, our account is necessarilyincomplete. Also, the author’s personal taste and interest is reflected in thesurvey, and the omission of a particular direction or a set of results reflects inno way on the importance or quality of the omitted works.

For further backgound on orthogonal polynomials, the reader can consult

Orthogonal Polynomials 73

the books Szego [91], Simon [80]-[81], Freud [27], Geronimus [34], Gautschi [28],Chicara [18], Ismail [39].

This is a largely extended version of the first part of the article Golinskii–Totik [36].

Acknowledgement. Research was supported by NSF grant DMS-040650 andOTKA T049448, TS44782, and was carried out within the Analysis ResearchGroup of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The author participates in theproject INTAS 03-51-6637 that supported a visit by Leonid Golinskii to Szeged,during which the outline of this paper was laid out.

2 Orthogonal polynomials

Orthogonal polynomials with respect to measures

Let µ be a positive Borel measure on the complex plane, with an infinite numberof points in its support, for which

|z|mdµ(z) < ∞

for all m > 0. There are unique polynomials

pn(z) = pn(µ, z) = κnzn + · · · , κn > 0, n = 0, 1, . . .

that form an orthonormal system in L2(µ), i.e.

pmpndµ =

0 if m 6= n1 if m = n.

These pn’s are called the orthonormal polynomials corresponding to µ. κn isthe leading coefficient, and pn(z)/κn = zn + · · · is called the monic orthog-onal polynomial. The leading coefficients play a special and important role inthe theory, many properties depend on their behavior. When dµ(x) = w(x)dxon some interval, say, then we talk about orthogonal polynomials with respectto the weight function w.

The pn’s can be easily generated: all we have to do is to make sure that


κnzkdµ(z) = 0, k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1, (2.1)

which is an n×n system of equations for the non-leading coefficients of pn(z)/κn

with matrix (σi,j)n−1i,j=0, where

σi,j =


V. Totik 74

are the complex moments of µ. This matrix is nonsingular: if some linearcombination with coefficients c0, . . . , cn−1 of the rows is zero, then the polyno-mial Pn−1(z) = c0 + · · ·+ cn−1z

n−1 is orthogonal to every zj, j < n, and henceit is orthogonal to itself, i.e.,

|Pn−1|2dµ =

Pn−1Pn−1dµ = 0,

which implies Pn−1(z) ≡ 0. Thus, c0 = · · · = cn−1 = 0, which shows thenonsingularity of (σi,j). Therefore, the system (2.1) has a unique solution forthe non-leading coefficients of pn(z)/κn (note that the leading coefficient is 1),and finally κn comes from normalization.

In particular, the complex moments already determine the polynomials. Interms of them one can write up explicit determinant formulae:

pn(z) =1


σ0,0 σ0,1 · · · σ0,n−1 1σ1,0 σ1,1 · · · σ1,n−1 z


. . ....

...σn−1,0 σn−1,1 · · · σn−1,n−1 zn−1

σn,0 σn,1 · · · σn,n−1 zn


whereDn = |σi,j |ni,j=0 (2.3)

are the so called Gram determinants.Note that if µ is supported on the real line then

σi,j =

xi+jdµ(x) =: αi+j ,

so Dn = |αi+j |ni,j=0 is a Hankel determinant, while if µ is supported on the unitcircle then

σi,j =

zi−jdµ(z) =: βi−j ,

so Dn = |βi−j |ni,j=0 is a Toeplitz determinant. In these two important cases theorthogonal polynomials have many special properties that are missing in thegeneral theory.

The Riemann–Hilbert approach

Let µ be supported on the real line, and suppose that it is of the form dµ(t) =w(t)dt with some smooth function w. A new approach to generating orthogonalpolynomials that has turned out to be of great importance was given in the early1990’s by Fokas, Its and Kitaev [26]. Consider 2 × 2 matrices

Y (z) =


Y11(z) Y12(z)Y21(z) Y22(z)


Orthogonal Polynomials 75

where the Yij are analytic functions on C \ R, and solve for such matrices thefollowing matrix-valued Riemann–Hilbert problem:

1. for all x ∈ R

Y +(x) = Y −(x)


1 w(x)0 1


where Y +, resp. Y −, is the limit of Y (z) as z tends to x from the upper, resp.lower half plane, and


Y (z) =


I + O




)) (

zn 00 z−n


at infinity, where I denotes the identity matrix.Thus, one is looking for 4 functions Y11, ..., Y22 analytic on C\R, such that if

Y ±ij (x) denote the boundary limits of these functions at x ∈ R from the upper,

resp. lower half plane, then

Y −11(x) = Y +

11(x), Y −21(x) = Y +

21(x) (2.4)


Y −12(x) = Y +

11(x)w(x) + Y +12(x), Y −

22(x) = Y +21(x)w(x) + Y +

22(x). (2.5)

These connect the functions on the upper and lower half planes only very mildly,and what puts the problem into a rigid form is the second condition, namely itis required that for large z uniformly on the plane we have

Y11(z) = zn + O(|z|n−1), Y21(z) = O(|z|n−1) (2.6)

andY12(z) = O(z−n−1), Y22(z) = z−n + O(|z|−n−1). (2.7)

It can be shown that there is a unique solution Y (z). The relevance of this toorthogonal polynomials is that the entry Y11(z) is precisely the monic polyno-mial pn(µ, z)/κn. Indeed, (2.4) shows that Y11 and Y12 are analytic everywhere,and if an entire function is O(|z|m) as z → ∞, then it is a polynomial of degreeat most m. Thus, we get from (2.6) that Y11(z) = zn+ · · · is a monic polynomialof degree n, and Y21(z) is a polynomial of degree at most n − 1. The relation(2.7) gives that the integral of zkY12(z) over the circle |z| = R is O(Rk−n) forall k < n and hence it tends to 0 as R → ∞. By analyticity, the integral overthe upper part of the circle can be deformed into an integral from R to −R onthe upper part of R, i.e., into

∫ −R


xkY +12(x)dx,

and similarly the integral over the lower part of the circle can be deformed intoan integral from −R to R on the lower part of R, i.e., into

∫ R


xkY −12(x)dx.

V. Totik 76

The first relation in (2.5) implies

xkY −12(x) − xkY +

12(x) = xkY11(x)w(x),

therefore for k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1 we have

∫ R


xkY11(x)w(x)dx = O(Rk−n) = O(R−1) → 0,

which implies∫ ∞


xkY11(x)w(x)dx = 0.

Thus, Y11 is indeed the monic n-th orthogonal polynomial with respect to w.The other entries can also be explicitly written in terms of the orthogonal

polynomials pn and pn−1: Y21 is a constant multiple of pn−1,

Y12(z) =1



x − zdx

is the Cauchy transform of pn(x)w(x)/κn , and Y22 is the Cauchy transform ofY21 (= const ·pn−1). Furthermore, κn and the recurrence coefficients an, bn (seeSection 4) can be expressed in terms of the entries of Y1, where Y1 is the matrixdefined by

Y (z)


z−n 00 zn


=: I + z−1Y1 + O






For details on this Riemann–Hilbert approach, see Deift [20].

Orthogonal polynomials with respect to inner products

Sometimes one talks about orthogonal polynomials with respect to an innerproduct 〈·, ·〉 which is defined on some linear space containing all polynomials,and orthogonality means 〈pn, pm〉 = 0 for m 6= n. In this case the aforemen-tioned orthogonalization process can be used, and with σi,j = 〈xi, xj〉, thedeterminantal formula (2.2) is still valid.

Sometimes one has an 〈·, ·〉 with the standard inner product properties,except that positive definiteness may not hold (as an example consider non-Hermitian orthogonality from Section 14). Then the orthogonalization processand the determinantal formulae can still be used provided the Gram determi-nants (2.3) are different from zero. If this is not so, then we write

pn(z) = γnzn + γn−1zn−1 + · · · ,

and make sure that pn is orthogonal to all powers zk, 0 ≤ k < n, i.e., solve thehomogeneous system of equations



γjσj,k = 0, k = 0, . . . , n − 1,

Orthogonal Polynomials 77

for γ0, γ1, . . . , γn. Since the number of unknowns is bigger than the number ofequations, there is always a non-trivial solution, which gives rise to non-trivialorthogonal polynomials. However, then we cannot assert any more γn 6= 0, sothe degree of pn may be smaller than n, and there may be several choices forpn. Still, in applications where non-Hermitian orthogonality is used, these pn

play the role of orthogonal polynomials.

Varying weights

In the last 25 years orthogonal polynomials with respect to varying measureshave played a significant role in several problems, see e.g. the sections on expo-nential and Freud weights or on random matrices in Section 4. In forming themone has a sequence of measures µn (generally with some particular behavior),and for each n one forms the orthogonal system pk(µn, z)∞k=0. In most casesone needs the behavior of pn(µn, z) or that of pn±k(µn, z) with some fixed k.We mention three examples.

The first example is that of Freud weights: W (x) = e−|x|λ , λ > 0. If onesubstitutes x = n1/λy, then with Pn(y) = pn(W, x) orthogonality takes the form

Pn(y)Pm(y)e−n|y|λdy = 0, n 6= m,

and it turns out that this is just the right scaling, e.g. the zeros of Pn havean asymptotic zero distribution (while those of pn(W, z) are spreading out toinfinity). Thus, studying orthogonal polynomials with respect to Freud weightsW is equivalent to studying orthogonal polynomials with respect to the varyingweights wn(x) = W (x)n, and actually, working with wn turns out to be verynatural.

For the second and third examples see multipoint Pade approximation andrandom matrix theory in Section 6.

Matrix orthogonal polynomials

Orthogonality of matrix polynomials (i.e., when the entries of the fixed size ma-trix are polynomials of degree n = 0, 1, . . . and orthogonality is with respect toa matrix measure) is a very active area which shows extreme richness comparedto the scalar case. See Section 16 for a short discussion.

3 The L2 extremal problem

One of the most useful tools in the study of orthogonal polynomials is the factthat they solve the following extremal problem: minimize the L2(µ) norm forall monic polynomials Pn(z) = zn + · · · of degree n. The minimum turns outto be 1/κ2

n, i.e., the n-th monic orthogonal polynomial is the (unique) extremal

V. Totik 78

polynomial in


|Pn|2dµ =1


. (3.1)

Indeed, any Pn is a linear combination∑n

k=1 ckpk with the orthonormal polyno-mials pk, and here cn = 1/κn because Pn is monic, i.e., it has leading coefficient1. Orthogonality gives

|Pn|2dµ =




from which we can see that this is always ≥ |cn|2 = 1/κ2n, and equality occurs

if and only if all the other ck’s are 0.A related extremum problem leads to the so called Christoffel functions

associated with µ. They are defined as

λn(µ, z) = infPn(z)=1, deg(Pn)≤n

|Pn|2dµ. (3.2)

If we write again Pn =∑n

k=0 ckpk(µ, ·), then Pn(z) = 1 means



ckpk(µ, z) = 1,

and hence by Cauchy’s inequality

1 ≤ (n




|pk(µ, z)|2).


|Pn|2dµ =



|ck|2 ≥ (



|pk(µ, z)|2)−1

with equality if and only if

ck =pk(µ, z)

∑nk=0 |pk(µ, z)|2 .

Thus, we have arrived at the formula

λn(µ, z)−1 =



|pk(µ, z)|2 (3.3)

for all z ∈ C for the Christoffel function λn(µ, z).For example, for measures µ lying on the real line it is easy to see from

this formula that µ has a point mass at x0, i.e., µ(x0) > 0 if and only if∑

k pk(µ, x0)2 < ∞, and then

µ(x0) = (



pk(µ, x0)2)−1.

Orthogonal Polynomials 79

4 Orthogonal polynomials on the real line

Let µ be supported on the real line. In this case orthogonalization leads to realpolynomials (i.e., all the coefficients are real). The most remarkable propertyof this real case is that the pn’s obey a three-term recurrence formula

xpn(x) = anpn+1(x) + bnpn(x) + an−1pn−1(x), (4.1)


an =κn

κn+1> 0, bn =

xp2n(x)dµ(x) (4.2)

are the so called recurrence coefficients. Indeed, if we write xpn(x) as a

linear combination∑n+1

k=0 ckpk(z) with

ck :=


then all the ck’s for k < n − 1 vanish by orthogonality:

ck =

xpn(x)pk(x)dµ(x) =

(xpk(x))pn(x)dµ(x) = 0

because xpk(x) is a polynomial of degree smaller than n. Comparison of theleading coefficients on both sides gives that cn+1 = κn/κn+1, but since cn+1 isalso the integral of xpn(x)pn+1(x) against µ, we get that

cn−1 =

xpn(x)pn−1(x)dµ(x) =κn−1


Finally, cn is the integral given in (4.2).We emphasize that the three-term recurrence is a very special property of

real orthogonal polynomials, and it is due to the fact that in this case thepolynomials are real, hence

xpn(x)pk(x)dµ(x) =

pn(x)(xpk(x))dµ(x) = 0

for k < n − 1. In the non-real case the two sides here are totally different.The three-term recurrence is missing in the general case, and it is replaced bya different recurrence for polynomials on the circle.

Conversely, any system of polynomials satisfying (4.1) with real an > 0, bn

is an orthonormal system with respect to a (not necessarily unique) measure onthe real line (Favard’s theorem). The unicity of the measure in question is thesame as the determinacy of the moment problem, which in turn is again closelyrelated to the behavior of orthogonal polynomials; see Section 6.

In the real case the zeros of pn are real and simple and the zeros of pn

and pn+1 interlace, i.e., in between any two zeros of pn+1 there is a zero of

V. Totik 80

pn. In fact, pn must have n sign changes, for if it had only m < n, say at thepoints y1, . . . , yn ∈ R, then it could not be orthogonal to the polynomial q(x) =∏m

j=1(x−yj) of degree m < n, for then q(x)pn(x) would be of constant sign. Letnow xn < xn−1 < . . . < x1 be the zeros of pn, and suppose that we already knowthat the zeros of pn and pn−1 interlace, which implies sign(pn−1(xk)) = (−1)k−1.If we substitute xk into the recurrence formula (4.1) then an > 0 gives thatpn+1(xk) and pn−1(xk) are of opposite signs at xk, i.e., sign(pn+1(xk)) = (−1)k,and this gives that the zeros of pn and pn+1 also interlace. Thus, the interlacingproperty follows by induction.

The three-term recurrence implies for the so called reproducing kernelthe Christoffel-Darboux formula



pk(x)pk(t) =κn


pn+1(x)pn(t) − pn(x)pn+1(t)

x − t. (4.3)

Indeed, use the recurrence formula for pn+1 on the right and an = κn/κn+1;then induction gives (4.3). The special case

λn(µ, x)−1 =n


pk(x)2 =κn



p′n+1(x)pn(x) − p′n(x)pn+1(x))


is worth mentioning.

The starting values of the recurrence (4.1) are p−1 ≡ 0, p0 = (µ(C)))−1/2. Ifone starts from q−1 = −1, q0 ≡ 0 and uses the same recurrence (with a−1 = 1)

xqn(x) = anqn+1(x) + bnqn(x) + an−1qn−1(x), (4.5)

then qn is of degree n − 1, and by Favard’s theorem the different qn’s are or-thogonal with respect to some measure. The qn’s are called orthogonal poly-nomials of the second kind (sometimes for pn we say that they are of thefirst kind). They can also be written in the form

qn(z) = (µ(C))−1/2

pn(z) − pn(x)

z − xdµ(x).

5 Classical orthogonal polynomials

These are

• Jacobi polynomials P(α,β)n , α, β > −1, orthogonal with respect to the

weight (1 − x)α(1 + x)β on [−1, 1],

• Laguerre polynomials L(α)n , α > −1, with orthogonality weight xαe−x

on [0,∞),

Orthogonal Polynomials 81

• Hermite polynomials Hn orthogonal with respect to e−x2

on the realline (−∞,∞).

In the literature various normalizations are used for them.They are very special, for they possess many properties that no other or-

thogonal polynomial system does. In particular,

• they have derivatives which form again an orthogonal polynomial system,

e.g. the derivative of P(α,β)n is a constant multiple of P

(α+1,β+1)n−1 :

(P (α,β)n )′(x) =


2(n + α + β + 1)P

(α+1,β+1)n−1 (x),

• they all possess a Rodrigues type formula

Pn(x) =1




where w is the weight function and σ is a polynomial that is independentof n, for example,

L(α)n (x) = exx−α 1







• they satisfy a differential-difference relation of the form

π(x)P ′n(x) = (αnx + βn)Pn(x) + γnPn−1(x),


x(L(α)n )′(x) = nL(α)

n (x) − (n + α)L(α)n−1(x),

• they satisfy a non-linear equation of the form

σ(x) (Pn(x)Pn−1(x))′

= (αnx + βn)Pn(x)Pn−1(x)

+γnP 2n(x) + δnP 2


with some constants αn, βn, γn, δn, and σ a polynomial of degree at most2, e.g.

(Hn(x)Hn−1(x))′ = 2xHn(x)Hn−1(x) − H2n(x) + 2nH2


Every one of these properties has a converse, namely if a system of orthogonalpolynomials possesses any of these properties, then it is (up to a change ofvariables) one of the classical systems, see Al-Salam [3]. See also Bochner’sresult in the next section claiming that the classical orthogonal polynomials areessentially the only polynomial (not just orthogonal polynomial) systems thatsatisfy a certain second order differential equation.

Classical orthogonal polynomials are also special in the sense that they pos-sess a relatively simple

V. Totik 82

• second order differential equation, e.g.

xy′′ + (α + 1 − x)y′ + ny = 0

for L(α)n ,

• generating function, e.g.



n!wn = exp(2xw − w2),

• integral representation, e.g.

(1− x)α(1 + x)βP (α,β)n (x) =



(1 − t)n+α(1 + t)n+β(t− x)−n−1dt

over an appropriate contour,

and these are powerful tools to study their behavior.For all these results see Szego [91].

6 Where do orthogonal polynomials come from?

In this section we mention a few selected areas where orthogonal polynomialsnaturally arise.

Continued fractions

Continued fractions played an extremely important role in the development ofseveral branches of mathematics, but their significance has unjustly diminishedin modern mathematics. A continued fraction is of the form


A1 + B2



and its n-th convergent is




A1 + B2


, n = 1, 2, . . . .

The value of the continued fraction is the limit of its convergents. The denom-inators and numerators of the convergents satisfy the three-term recurrencerelations

Rn = AnRn−1 + BnRn−2, R0 ≡ 1, R−1 ≡ 0

Sn = AnSn−1 + BnSn−2, S0 ≡ 0, S−1 ≡ 1,

Orthogonal Polynomials 83

which immediately connects continued fractions with three-term recurrencesand hence with orthogonal polynomials.

But the connection is deeper than just this formal observation. Many el-ementary functions (like z −

√z2 − 1) have a continued fraction development

where the Bn’s are constants while the An’s are linear functions, in which casethe convergents are ratios of some orthogonal polynomials of the second andfirst kind. An important example is that of Cauchy transforms of measures µwith compact support on the real line (so called Markov functions):

f(z) =


x − z= −α0

z− α1

z2− . . . . (6.1)

The coefficients αj in the development of (6.1) are the moments

αj =

xjdµ(x), j = 0, 1, . . .

of the measure µ. The continued fraction development

f(z) ∼ B1

z − A1 + B2


of f at infinity converges locally uniformly outside the smallest interval thatcontains the support of µ (A. Markov’s theorem).

As has been mentioned, the numerators Sn(z) and the denominators Rn(z)of the n-th convergents




z − A1 + B2

z−A2+··· Bnz−An

, n = 1, 2, . . .

satisfy the recurrence relations

Rn(z) = (z − An)Rn−1(z) + BnRn−2(z), R0 ≡ 1, R−1 ≡ 0 (6.2)

Sn(z) = (z − An)Sn−1(z) + BnSn−2(z), S0 ≡ 0, S−1 ≡ 1.

These are precisely the recurrence formulae for the monic orthogonal polyno-mials of the first and second kind with respect to µ, hence the n-th convergentis cqn(z)/pn(z) with c = µ(C)1/2.

See Szego [91, pp. 54–57] as well as Kruschev [42] and the numerous refer-ences there.

Pade approximation and rational interpolation

One easily gets from the recurrence relations (6.2) that


Rm(z)− Sm+1(z)

Rm+1(z)= (−1)n B1B2 · · ·Bn+1


V. Totik 84

and summation of these for m = n, n + 1, . . . yields that






zk+1+ O(z−2n−1),

i.e., with the preceding notation the rational function

Sn(z)/Rn(z) = cqn(z)/pn(z) with c = µ(C)1/2

of numerator degree n − 1 and of denominator degree n interpolates f(z) atinfinity to order 2n. This is the analogue (called [n − 1/n] Pade approxi-mant) of the n-th Taylor polynomial (which interpolates the function to ordern) for rational functions. The advantage of Pade approximation over Taylorpolynomials lies in the fact that the poles of Pade approximants may imitatethe singularities of the function in question, while Taylor polynomials are goodonly up to the first singularity. The error in [n − 1/n] Pade approximation hasthe form

f(z) − cqn(z)





x − zdµ(x).

Orthogonal polynomials appear in more general rational interpolation (calledmultipoint Pade approximation) to Markov functions, see e.g. Stahl–Totik[87, Sec. 6.1]. For every n select a set An = x0,n, . . . , x2n,n of 2n+1 interpola-tion points from C\ I where I is the smallest interval that contains the supportof µ. The points need not be distinct, but we assume that An is symmetric withrespect to the real line. Put

ωn(z) :=


j=0xjn 6=∞

(z − xjn).

The degree of ωn is equal the number of finite points in An. By rn(z) =un(z)/Qn(z) we denote a rational function of numerator and denominator de-gree at most n that interpolates the function f at the 2n + 1 points of the setAn = x0,n, . . . , x2n,n in the sense that

f(z) − rn(f, An; z)

ωn(z)= O(z−(2n+1)) as |z| → ∞;

the expression on the left is bounded at every finite point of An, and at infinityit has the indicated behavior. Now for Markov functions this rational inter-polant uniquely exists, Qn is the n-th orthogonal polynomial with respect tothe varying weight dµ(x)/ωn(x), and the remainder term of the interpolationhas the representation

(f − rn(f, An; ·))(z) =ωn(z)



ωn(x)(x − z)dµ(x)

Orthogonal Polynomials 85

for all z outside the support of µ. Thus, the rate of convergence of the ra-tional interpolants is intimately connected with the behavior of the orthogonalpolynomials with respect to the varying weight dµ(x)/ωn(x).

Moment problem

The moments of a measure µ, µ(C) = 1, supported on the real line, are

αn =

xndµ(x), n = 0, 1, . . . .

The Hamburger moment problem is to determine if a sequence αn (with nor-malization α0 = 1) of real numbers is the moment sequence of a measure withinfinite support, and if this measure is unique (the Stieltjes moment problemasks the same, but for measures on [0,∞)). The existence is easy: αn arethe moments of some measure supported on R if and only if all the Hankeldeterminants |αi+j |mi,j=0, m = 0, 1, . . ., are positive. The unicity (usually calleddeterminacy) depends on the behavior of the orthogonal polynomials (2.2) de-fined from the moments σi,j = αi+j . In fact, there are different measures withthe same moments αj if and only if there is a non-real z0 with

n |pn(z0)|2 < ∞,which in turn is equivalent to

n |pn(z)|2 < ∞ for all z ∈ C. Furthermore, theCauchy transforms of all solutions ν of the moment problem have the parametricform


z − x=

C(z)F (z) + A(z)

D(z)F (z) + B(z),

where F is an arbitrary analytic function (the parameter) mapping the upperhalf plane C+ into C+ ∪∞, and A, B, C and D have explicit representationsin terms of the first and second kind orthogonal polynomials pn and qn:

A(z) = z∑

n qn(0)qn(z); B(z) = −1 + z∑

n qn(0)pn(z);

C(z) = 1 + z∑

n pn(0)qn(z); D(z) = z∑

n pn(0)pn(z).

For all these results see Akhiezer [2], and for an operator theoretic approachto the moment problem see Simon [78] (in particular, Theorems 3 and 4.14).

Jacobi matrices and spectral theory of self-adjoint operators

Tridiagonal, so called Jacobi matrices

J =

b0 a0 0 0 · · ·a0 b1 a1 0 · · ·0 a1 b2 a2 · · ·0 0 a2 b2 · · ·...


.... . .

V. Totik 86

with bounded an > 0 and bounded real bn define a bounded self-adjoint operatorJ in l2, a so called Jacobi operator. These are the discrete analogues of secondorder linear differential operators of Schrodinger type on the half line. Everybounded self adjoint operator with a cyclic vector is a Jacobi operator in anappropriate base.

The formal eigen-equation Jπ = λπ is equivalent to the three-term recur-rence

an−1πn−1 + bnπn + anπn+1 = λπn, n = 1, 2, . . . ,

b0π0 + a0π1 = λπ0, π0 = 1.

Thus, πn(λ) is of degree n in λ.By the spectral theorem, J , as a self-adjoint operator having a cyclic vector

((1, 0, 0, . . .)), is unitarily equivalent to multiplication by x in some L2(µ) withsome probability measure µ having compact support on the real line. This µis called the spectral measure associated with J (and with its spectrum). Moreprecisely, if pn(x) = pn(µ, x) are the orthonormal polynomials with respectto µ, and U maps the unit vector en = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . .) into pn, then Ucan be extended to a unitary operator from l2 onto L2(µ), and if Sf(x) =xf(x) is the multiplication operator by x in L2(µ), then J = U−1SU . Therecurrence coefficients for pn(µ, x) are precisely the an’s and bn’s from the Jacobimatrix, i.e., pn(x) = cπn(x) with some fixed constant c. These show that Jacobioperators are equivalent to multiplication by x in L2(µ) spaces if the particularbasis pn(µ, ·) is used (see e.g. Deift [20, Ch. 2]).

The truncated n × n matrix

Jn =

b0 a0 0 0 · · ·a0 b1 a1 0 · · ·0 a1 b2 a2 · · ·...


. . . · · ·0 0 0 an−2 bn−1

has n real and distinct eigenvalues, which turn out to be the zeros of pn, i.e.,the monic polynomial pn(z)/κn is the characteristic polynomial of Jn.


For a measure µ, an n-point quadrature (rule) is a sequence of n pointsxn,1, . . . , xn,n and a sequence of associated numbers λn,1, . . . , λn,n. It is ex-pected that

fdµ ∼n



in some sense for as large a class of functions as possible. Often the accuracy ofthe quadrature is measured by its exactness, which is defined as the largest m

Orthogonal Polynomials 87

such that the quadrature is exact for all polynomials of degree at most m, i.e.,m is the largest number with the property that

xjdµ(x) =



λn,kxjn,k for all 0 ≤ j ≤ m.

For µ with support on the real line and for quadrature based on n points thisexactness m cannot be larger than 2n − 1, and this optimal value 2n − 1 isattained if and only if xn,1, . . . , xn,n are the zeros of the orthonormal polynomialpn(µ, x) corresponding to µ, and the so called Cotes numbers λn,k are chosento be

λn,k = λn(µ, xn,k) =



pj(µ, xn,k)2



where λn(µ, z) is the Christoffel function (3.2) associated with µ.See Szego [91, Ch. XV].

Random matrices

Some statistical-mechanical models in quantum systems use random matrices.Let Hn be the set of all n×n Hermitian matrices M = (mi,j)

ni,j=1, and let there

be given a probability distribution on Hn of the form

Pn(M)dM = D−1n exp(−nTrV (M))dM,

where V (λ), λ ∈ R, is a real-valued function that increases sufficiently fast atinfinity (typically an even polynomial in quantum field theory applications),TrH denotes the trace of the matrix H ,

dM =





dℜmk,j dℑmk,j

is the “Lebesgue” measure for Hermitian matrices, and Dn is a normalizingconstant so that the total integral of Pn(M)dM is one.

Every matrix M ∈ Hn has n real eigenvalues which carry physical informa-tion on the system when it is in the state described by M . The quantity

Nn(D) =#eigenvalues in D


is the random variable that equals the normalized number of eigenvalues in theinterval D. This model is known as the unitary ensemble associated with V .

Let pj(wn, x) be the orthonormal polynomials with respect to the varying

weight wn(x), w(x) = exp(−V (x)). Then the joint probability density of theeigenvalues can be written in the form


∣pi−1(wn, λj)w




V. Totik 88

where dn is a normalizing constant built up from the leading coefficients of thepj(w

n, ·). With the so called weighted reproducing kernel

Kn(t, s) =



pj(wn, t)wn/2(t) pj(w

n, s)wn/2(s),

it can also be written in the form


n!|Kn(λi, λj)|1≤i,j≤n .

In particular, for the expected number of eigenvalues in an interval D we have

ENn(D) =


Kn(λ, λ)


where 1/Kn(λ, λ) is known in the theory of orthogonal polynomials as the n-th(weighted) Christoffel function associated with the weight wn, while the limitof the left hand side (as n → ∞) is known as the density of states.

See, e.g., Mehta [60] and Pastur–Figotin [68].

7 Some questions leading to classical orthogonal polyno-


There are almost an infinite number of problems where classical orthogonalpolynomials emerge. Let us just mention a few.


Put at 1 and −1 two positive charges p and q, and with these fixed chargesput n positive unit charges on [−1, 1] at the points x1, . . . , xn. On the planethe Coulomb force is proportional with the reciprocal of the distance, and so acharge generates a logarithmic potential field. Therefore, the mutual energy ofall these charges is

I(x1, . . . , xn) = p




|1 − xj |+ q




|1 + xj |+



|xi − xj |,

and the equilibrium problem asks for finding x1, . . . , xn for which this energy isminimal. The unique minimum occurs (see Szego [91, Section 6.7]) for the zeros

of the Jacobi polynomial P(2p−1,2q−1)n orthogonal with respect to the weight

(1 − x)2p−1(1 + x)2q−1.There is a similar characterization of the zeros of Laguerre and Hermite

polynomials, and even of more general orthogonal polynomials (for the lattersee Ismail [39, Section 3.5]).

Orthogonal Polynomials 89

Polynomial solutions of eigenvalue problems

Consider the eigenvalue problem


dx2y(x) + g(x)


dxy(x) + h(x)y(x) = λy(x),

where f, g, h are fixed polynomials and λ is a free constant, and it is required thatthis have a polynomial solution of exact degree n for all n = 0, 1, . . ., for whichthe corresponding λ and y(x) will be denoted by λn and yn(x), respectively.Bochner’s theorem from [16] states that, except for some trivial solutions of theform y(x) = axn + bxm and for some polynomials related to Bessel functions,the only solutions are (in all of them we can take h(x) = 0)

• Jacobi polynomials P(α,β)n (f(x) = 1 − x2, g(x) = β − α − x(α + β + 2),

λn = −n(n + α + β + 1))

• Laguerre polynomials L(α)n (f(x) = x, g(x) = 1 + α − x, λn = −n) and

• Hermite polynomials Hn(x) (f(x) = 1, g(x) = −2x, λn = −2n).

Harmonic analysis on spheres and balls

Harmonic analysis on spheres and balls in Rd is based on spherical harmonics,i.e., harmonic homogeneous polynomials. In this theory, special Jacobi polyno-

mials, the so called ultraspherical or Gegenbauer polynomials P(α)n , play a

fundamental role – they are orthogonal with respect to the weight (1−x2)α−1/2.Let Sd−1 be the unit sphere in Rd and let Hd

n be the restriction to Sd−1 ofall harmonic polynomials Q(x1, . . . , xn) of d variables that are homogeneous ofdegree n, i.e.,





Q = 0, Q(λx1, . . . , λxn) = λnQ(x1, . . . , xn), λ > 0.

The dimension of Hdn is


n + d − 1

d − 1



n + d − 3

d − 1



and an orthogonal basis in it can be produced as follows. With ρ = x2d−1 + x2


let gs,0 = ρsP(0)s (xd−1/ρ) and gs,1 = xdρ

sP(1)s (xd−1/ρ). With nd = 0 or nd = 1

consider all multiindices n = (n1, n2, . . . , nd) such that n1 + · · · + nd = n, andif for such a multiindex we define the function Yn(x1, . . . , xd) as





(x2j + · · · + x2

d)nj P (λj)


2j + · · · + x2




V. Totik 90

then these Yn constitute an orthogonal basis in Hdn (see e.g. Dunkl–Xu [24, p.

35]).If x = (x1, . . . , xn) and 〈x, y〉 =

k xkyk is the inner product in Rd, then

the reproducing kernel for these spherical polynomials is P(d−2)/2n (〈x, y〉) in the

sense that for all Q ∈ Hdn and for all x ∈ Sd−1 we have


P (d−2)/2n (〈x, y〉)Q(y)dσ(y) = Q(x),

where integration is with respect to surface area, and cn,d is an explicit normal-izing constant (see e.g. Dunkl–Xu [24, p. 37]).

As a result, Gegenbauer polynomials are all over the theory of sphericalharmonics, as well as in the corresponding theory for the unit ball.

Approximation theory

In the literature, expansions of functions into classical orthogonal polynomialseries are second only to trigonometric expansions, and numerous works havebeen devoted to their convergence and approximation properties, see e.g. Szego[91, Ch. XIII].

The Chebyshev polynomials cos(n arccosx) are orthogonal on [−1, 1]with respect to the weight w(x) = (1 − x2)−1/2. These directly correspondto trigonometric functions, and expansions into them have virtually the sameproperties as trigonometric Fourier expansions. But there are many other as-pects of approximation where Chebyshev polynomials appear. If one considers,for example, the best approximation on [−1, 1] of xn in the uniform norm bypolynomials Pn−1(x) of smaller degree then the smallest error appears whenxn − Pn−1(x) = 21−n cos(n arccosx) is the monic n-th Chebyshev polynomial.Actually, monic Chebyshev polynomials minimize all Lp(w), p > 0, normsamong monic polynomials of a given degree.

As we have seen in (3.1), the monic orthogonal polynomials pn(µ)/κn arethe solutions to the extremal problem

|Pn|2dµ → min, (7.3)

where the minimum is taken for all monic polynomials of degree n. This ex-tremal property makes orthogonal polynomials, in particular Chebyshev poly-nomials, indispensable tools in approximation theory.

Lagrange interpolation and its various generalizations like Hermite-Fejer orHermite interpolation etc. is mostly done on the zeros of some orthogonal poly-nomials. In fact, these nodes are often close to optimal in the sense that theLebesgue constant increases at the optimal rate. In many cases interpolation onzeros of orthogonal polynomials has special properties due to explicitly calcula-ble expressions. Recall e.g. Fejer’s result that if P2n−1 is the unique polynomial

Orthogonal Polynomials 91

of degree at most 2n− 1 that interpolates a continuous function f at the nodesof the n-th Chebyshev polynomial and that has zero derivative at each of thesenodes, then P2n−1 uniformly converges to f on [−1, 1] as n → ∞. For the roleof orthogonal polynomials in interpolation see the books Szabados–Vertesi [90]and Mastroianni–Milovanovic [55].

8 Heuristics

In this section we do not state precise results. We just want to indicate someheuristics on the behavior of orthogonal polynomials. For the concepts below,as well as for a more precise form of some of the heuristics see the followingsections, in particular Section 9.

As we have seen, the monic orthogonal polynomials pn(µ)/κn minimize theL2(µ) norm in (7.3). Therefore, these polynomials try to be small where themeasure is large, e.g. one expects the zeros to cluster at the support S(µ) ofµ. The example of arc measure on the unit circle, for which the orthogonalpolynomials are zn, shows however, that this is not true (due to the fact thatthe complement of the support is not connected). The statement is true whenthe support lies on R or on some systems of arcs, and also in the general casewhen instead of the support one considers the polynomial convex hull of thesupport of µ (for the definition, see the next section): on any compact setoutside the polynomial convex hull there can only be a fixed number of zeros ofpn(µ) for every n. When the complement of S(µ) is connected and S(µ) has nointerior, then the distribution of the zeros shows a remarkable universality andindifference to the size of µ. In many situations the distribution of the zerosis the equilibrium distribution of the support S(µ). When S(µ) = [−1, 1], thismeans that under very weak assumptions the zero distribution is always thearcsine distribution dx/π

√1 − x2.

The L2(µ) minimality of pn(µ)/κn in the sense of (7.3) is something likeminimality in the L∞ norm on S(µ). Therefore, pn(µ)/κn should behave likethe monic polynomial Tn minimizing the L∞ norm on S(µ) (so called Chebyshevpolynomials for S(µ)). Since


nlog |Tn(z)| =

log |z − t|dνn(t)

where νn has mass 1/n at each zero of Tn, in the limit the behavior should belike

Uν(z) =

log |z − t|dν(t), (8.1)

where ν is the probability measure on S(µ) for which the maximum of Uν onS(µ) is as small as possible (this is the so called equilibrium measure of S(µ)).More generally, if dν = dνn = wn(x)dx is a varying weight in the specified way,then the same reasoning leads to a behavior like (8.1), but now ν is a measure

V. Totik 92

for which the supremum of Uν(z) + log w(z) is as small as possible (weightedequilibrium measure).

Universal behavior can also be seen for the polynomials themselves. Usuallythey obey


nlog |pn(µ, z)| → gC\S(µ)(z,∞), z 6∈ S(µ), (8.2)

where gC\S(µ)(z,∞) is the Green function with pole at infinity associated withthe complement of the support. When the unbounded component of the com-plement of S(µ) is simply connected, then in that component often there is afiner asymptotic behavior of pn(µ) of the form

pn(z) ∼ dngµ(z)Φ(z)n, z 6∈ S(µ), (8.3)

where Φ is the mapping function that maps C \ S(µ) conformally onto theoutside of the unit disk, and gµ is a function (might be called generalized Szegofunction) that depends on µ. Such a fine asymptotic is restricted to the simplyconnected case, see e.g. Section 10.

Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials have a hierarchy, and the differenttypes of asymptotics usually require the measure to be sufficiently strong withdifferent degree on its support. Consider first the case of compact supportS(µ). The weakest is n-th root asymptotics stating the behavior (8.2) for|pn(µ, z)|1/n outside the support of the measure. It is mostly equivalent to acorresponding distribution of the zeros, as well as asymptotical minimal behav-

ior of κ1/nn . It holds under very weak assumptions on the measure, roughly

stating that the logarithmic capacity of the points where µ′ > 0 (derivativewith respect to equilibrium measure), be the same as the capacity of S(µ). Ra-tio asymptotics, i.e., asymptotic behavior of pn+1(µ, z)/pn(µ, z), is stronger,and is equivalent with asymptotics for the ratio κn+1/κn of consecutive leadingcoefficients. It can only hold when C\S(µ) (more precisely its unbounded com-ponent) is simply connected, and in this case it is enough that µ′ > 0 almosteverywhere with respect to the equilibrium measure of the support of µ (seeSection 10). Finally, strong asymptotics of the form (8.3) needs roughly thatlog µ′ be integrable (Szego condition, see Section 10).

All these are outside the support. On the support the orthogonal polyno-mials are of oscillatory behavior, and in the real case under smoothness as-sumptions on the measure often a so called Plancherel-Rotach type asymptoticformula

pn(µ, x) ∼ dng(x) sin(nh(x) + H(x))

holds, where g, h, H are fixed functions. Here h(x) is directly linked with thezeros, h′/π is precisely the distribution of the zeros. When S(µ) = [−1, 1] andthe measure is smooth, then h(x) = arccosx.

When S(µ) is not of compact support (like Laguerre, Hermite or Freudweights), then usually the zeros are spreading out, and one has to rescale themto [−1, 1] (or to [0, 1]) to get a distribution, which is mostly NOT the arcsine

Orthogonal Polynomials 93

distribution. In a similar fashion, various asymptotics hold for the polynomialsonly after a corresponding rescaling.

The Christoffel function (3.2) or, what is the same, the square sum


λn(µ, z)=



|pk(µ, z)|2,

behaves much more regularly than the orthogonal polynomials. Outside thesupport the behavior of λn is what one gets from the heuristics above on thepolynomials (after square summation). On S(µ) the typical behavior of λn(µ, z)is like µ(Dn(z)), where Dn(z) is the disk about z with equilibrium measure1/n (equilibrium measure of the support S(µ)). In particular, nλn(µ, z) tendspointwise to the Radon-Nikodym derivative of µ with respect to the equilibriummeasure. As a rule of thumb the estimate |pn(µ, x)|2 ≤ C/nλn(µ, x) holds inmany cases.

If f ∈ L2(µ), its Fourier expansion into pn(µ, ·) is

f(x) ∼∞∑


ckpk(x), ck =


The n-th partial sum has the closed form

f(t)Kn(x, t)dµ(t), Kn(x, t) =




In the real case for the reproducing kernel Kn(x, t) we have the Christoffel-Darboux formula

Kn(x, t) =κn


pn+1(x)pn(t) − pn(x)pn+1(t)

x − t,

which suggests a singular integral-type behavior for the partial sums. In general,Fourier expansions into orthogonal polynomials are sensitive to the weight (re-call e.g. Pollard’s theorem that Legendre expansions are bounded in Lp[−1, 1]only for 4/3 < p < 4), but sometimes convergence properties are equivalent tothose of a related trigonometric Fourier series (so called transplantation theo-rems, see e.g. Askey [11]).

9 General orthogonal polynomials

In this section µ always has compact support S(µ). For all the results belowsee Stahl–Totik [87] and the references therein.

V. Totik 94

Lower and upper bounds

The energy V (K) of a compact set K is defined as the infimum of

I(ν) =

∫ ∫


|x − t|dν(x)dν(t) (9.1)

where the infimum is taken for all positive Borel measures on K with totalmass 1. The logarithmic capacity is then cap(K) = e−V (K). For the leadingcoefficients κn of the orthonormal polynomials pn(µ) we have


cap(S(µ))≤ lim inf


n . (9.2)

To get an upper bound we need the concept of carrier: a Borel set E is acarrier for µ if µ(C \ E) = 0. The capacity of a Borel set is the supremum ofthe capacities of its compact subsets, and the minimal carrier capacity cµ

associated with µ is the infimum of the capacities of all carriers. With this

lim supn→∞

κ1/nn ≤ 1

cµ. (9.3)

When cap(K) is positive, then there is a unique measure ν = ωK minimizingthe energy in (9.1), and this measure is called the equilibrium measure ofK. Green’s function gC\K(z,∞) with pole at infinity of C \ K can then bedefined as

gC\K(z,∞) = log1



|z − t|dωK(t). (9.4)

We have for all µ (with cap(S(µ)) > 0) the estimate

lim infn→∞


nlog |pn(µ, z)|1/n ≥ gC\S(µ)(z,∞) (9.5)

locally uniformly outside the convex hull of S(µ), while in the convex hull butoutside the so called polynomial convex hull Pc(S(µ)) (for the definition seebelow) (9.5) is true quasi-everywhere (i.e., with the exception of a set of zerocapacity). The same is true on the outer boundary of S(µ), which is definedas the boundary ∂Ω of the unbounded component Ω of the complement C\S(µ),namely for quasi-every z ∈ ∂Ω

lim infn→∞

|pn(µ, z)|1/n ≥ 1.

The minimal carrier Green function gµ(z,∞) is the supremum for all carri-ers E of the Green function of C \E, where the latter is defined as the infimumof gC\K for all compact subsets K of E. With this,

lim supn→∞


nlog |pn(µ, z)|1/n ≤ gµ(z,∞) (9.6)

Orthogonal Polynomials 95

locally uniformly on the whole plane.All these estimates are sharp.

When the bounds in (9.2) and (9.3) coincide we have convergence for κ1/nn ,

and these bounds coincide precisely when the bounds in (9.5) and (9.6) do so.


The zeros of pn(µ) always lie in the convex hull of the support S(µ) of themeasure µ. This is a consequence of the L2 extremal property (3.1) of orthogonalpolynomials. In fact, if there was a zero z0 of pn(µ, z) outside the convex hullof the support, then we could move that zero towards the convex hull (alonga line segment that is perpendicular to a line separating z0 and S(µ)). Duringthis move the absolute value of the polynomial decreases at all points of S(µ)and hence so does its L2(µ) norm, but that is impossible by (3.1).

To say somewhat more on the location of zeros we need the concept of thepolynomial convex hull. When Ω is the unbounded component of the com-plement C \ S(µ), then Pc(S(µ)) = C \ Ω is called the polynomial convexhull of S(µ) (it is the union of S(µ) with all the “holes” in it, i.e., with thebounded components of C \ S(µ)). Now the zeros cluster on Pc(S(µ)) in thesense that for any compact subset K of Ω there is a number NK independentof n, such that pn(µ) can have at most NK zeros in K. The proof of this isbased on the following lemma: Let V, S ⊆ C be two compact sets. If V andPc(S) are disjoint, then there exist a < 1 and m ∈ N such that for arbitrarym points x1, . . . , xm ∈ V there exist m points y1, . . . , ym ∈ C for which therational function

rm(z) :=



z − yj

z − xj(9.7)

has on S a sup-norm satisfying

‖rm‖S ≤ a. (9.8)

Taking this for granted, assume that V is a compact set contained in Ω. Weapply the lemma with S = S(µ), and let a < 1 and m ∈ N be the numbersin the lemma. Let us assume that pn(µ; z) has at least m zeros x1, . . . , xm onV. By the lemma there exist m points y1, . . . , ym ∈ C such that the rationalfunction rm defined as in (9.7) by the points x1, . . . , xm and y1, . . . , ym satisfiesthe inequality (9.8). With rm we define the modified monic polynomial

qn(z) := rm(z)pn(µ; z) = zn + . . . ,

For the L2(µ) norm of this polynomial we have the estimate

‖qn‖L2(µ) ≤ ‖rm‖S(µ)‖pn(µ; ·)‖L2(µ) < ‖pn(µ; ·)‖L2(µ),

V. Totik 96

which contradicts the minimality (3.1) of the monic orthogonal polynomialpn(µ; z). Hence, we have proved that pn(µ; z) has at most m− 1 zeros on V , aswas stated.

What we have said about the zeros can be sharpened for measures on thereal line. For example, if µ is supported on the real line, then Pc(S(µ)) = S(µ),and if K is a closed interval disjoint from the support, then there is at mostone zero in K. It was shown in Denison–Simon [23] that if x0 ∈ R is not inthe support, then for some δ > 0 and all n either pn or pn+1 has no zero in(x0 − δ, x0 + δ). Note that if µ is a symmetric measure on [−1,−1/2]∪ [1/2, 1],then p2n+1(0) = 0 for all n, so the result is sharp.

Any isolated point in the support that lies on the outer boundary attractsprecisely one zero. Let z0 be an isolated point of S(µ), such that its distancefrom the convex hull of S(µ) \ z0 is δ > 0. Then pn has at most one zero inthe disk |z − z0| < δ/3 (Simon [80, Section 8.1]). It is also clear that for anysymmetric measure µ with S(µ) = [−1,−1/2] ∪ 0 ∪ [1/2, 1] the polynomialsp2n(µ) have 2 zeros near 0, so the result is sharp (in this case δ = 0). Moreover,if µ lies on the unit circle, then there exist two positive constants C and a anda zero zn of pn such that |zn − z0| ≤ Ce−an.

In general, each component of the polynomial convex hull consisting of morethan one point attracts infinitely many zeros: if γ is a Jordan curve in Ω suchthat S(µ) ∩ γ is infinite, then the number of zeros of pn that lie inside γ tendsto infinity (Saff–Totik [76]). Mass points of µ do not necessarily attract zeros(above we have mentioned that they do if they lie on the outer boundary).In fact, it was shown in Saff–Totik [76] that if ρ is the measure on the unitcircle given by the density function sin2(θ/2), then for any measure σ that issupported in the open unit disk there is a λ > 0 such that all zeros of the n-thorthogonal polynomials with respect to µ = ρ + λσ tend to the unit circle asn → ∞.

Next put a unit mass at every zero of pn(µ) (counting multiplicity). Thisgives the so called counting measure νpn(µ) on the zero set. Zero distri-

bution amounts to finding the limit behavior of 1nνpn(µ). The normalized arc

measure on the unit circle (for which pn(µ, z) = zn) shows that if the interiorof the polynomial convex hull Pc(S(µ)) is not empty, then the zeros may befar away from the outer boundary ∂Ω, where the equilibrium measure ωS(µ) issupported. Thus, assume that Pc(S(µ)) has empty interior and also that thereis no Borel set of capacity zero and full µ-measure, i.e., the minimal carriercapacity cµ is positive (the cµ = 0 case is rather pathological, almost anythingcan happen with the zeros then). In this case


κ1/nn = log



if and only if


nνpn(µ) = ωS(µ)

Orthogonal Polynomials 97

in weak∗ sense, i.e., asymptotically minimal behavior of κ1/nn (see (9.2)) is equiv-

alent to the fact that the zero distribution is the equilibrium distribution. In asimilar way, asymptotic maximal behavior (see (9.3)), i.e.,


κ1/nn =



holds precisely when



nνpn(µ) = ωµ,

where ωµ is the so called minimal carrier equilibrium measure, for which arepresentation like (9.4) is true, but for the minimal carrier Green function gµ.


(9.9) is called regular limit behavior, and in this case we write µ ∈ Reg.Thus, the important class Reg is defined by the property (9.9). µ ∈ Reg isequivalent to either of

• limn→∞ |pn(µ, z)|1/n = exp(gC\S(µ)(z,∞)), z 6∈ Con(S(µ))

• lim supn→∞ |pn(µ, z)|1/n = 1 for quasi-every z ∈ ∂Ω.

If Ω is a regular set with respect to the Dirichlet problem, then µ ∈ Reg isequivalent to either of

• limn→∞ ‖pn(µ)‖1/nsup,S(µ) = 1

• For any sequence Pn of polynomials of degree n = 1, 2, . . .





= 1.

The last statement expresses the fact that in the n-th root sense the L2(µ) andL∞ norms (on S(µ)) are asymptotically the same.

All equivalent formulations of µ ∈ Reg point to a certain “thickness” ofµ on its support. Regularity is an important property, and it is desirable toknow “thickness” conditions under which it holds. Several regularity criteriaare known, e.g. either of the conditions

• all Borel sets B ⊆ S(µ) with full measure (i.e with µ(B) = µ(S(µ))) havecapacity cap(B) = cap(S(µ)), i.e., cµ = cap(S(µ)) or

• dµ/dωS(µ) > 0 (Radon-Nikodym derivative) ωS(µ)-almost everywhere

V. Totik 98

is sufficient for µ ∈ Reg. Regularity holds under fairly weak assumptions onthe measure, e.g. if S(µ) = [0, 1], and

lim infr→0

r log µ([x − r, x + r]) ≥ 0

for almost every x ∈ [0, 1] (i.e., if µ is not exponentially small around almostevery point), then µ ∈ Reg.

No necessary and sufficient condition for regularity in terms of the size ofthe measure µ is known. The only existing necessary condition is for the caseS(µ) = [0, 1], and it reads that for every η > 0



x µ([x − 1/n, x + 1/n]) ≥ e−ηn)



(here 1/4 is the capacity of [0, 1]).

10 Strong, ratio and weak asymptotics

Strong asymptotics

Let µ be supported on [−1, 1] and suppose that the so called Szego condition

∫ 1


log µ′(t)√1 − t2

dt > −∞ (10.1)

holds, where µ′ is the Radon-Nikodym derivative of µ with respect to linearLebesgue measure. Note that this condition means that the integral is finite,for it cannot be ∞. It expresses a certain denseness of µ, and under this con-dition G. Szego proved several asymptotics for the corresponding orthonormalpolynomials pn(µ). This theory was developed on the unit circle and then wastranslated into the real line. The Szego function associated with µ is

Dµ(z) := exp


z2 − 11

∫ 1


log µ′(t)

z − t

dt√1 − t2



and it is the outer function in the Hardy space on C \ [−1, 1] with boundaryvalues |Dµ(x)|2 = µ′(x). Outside [−1, 1] the asymptotic formula

pn(µ, z) = (1 + o(1))1√2π

(z +√

z2 − 1)nDµ(z)−1 (10.3)

holds locally uniformly. In particular, the leading coefficient κn of pn(µ) is ofthe form

κn = (1 + o(1))2n




∫ 1


log µ′(t)√1 − t2



. (10.4)

Orthogonal Polynomials 99

If dµ(x) = w(x)dx and h(t) = w(cos t) sin t satisfies a Dini-Lipshitz condition

|h(t + δ) − h(t)| ≤ C

| log δ|1+ε, ε > 0,

then with

Γw(x) :=1

∫ 1


log w(ξ) − log w(x)

ξ − x


1 − x2

1 − ξ2



we have uniformly on [−1, 1]

(1 − x2)1/4w(x)1/2pn(x) =







(n +1

2) arccosx + Γw(x) − π



+ O((log n)−ε).

For all these results see Szego [91], Chapter 6. The Szego condition is alsonecessary for these results, e.g. an asymptotic formula like (10.3) and (10.4) isequivalent to (10.1).

Ratio asymptotics

If one assumes weaker conditions then necessarily weaker results will follow. Alarge and important class of measures is the Nevai class M(b, a) (see Nevai[62]), for which the coefficients in the three-term recurrence

xpn(x) = anpn+1(x) + bnpn(x) + an−1pn−1(x)

satisfy an → a, bn → b. This is equivalent to ratio asymptotics




z − b +√

(z − b)2 − 4a2


for large z (actually, away from the support of µ), and the monograph Nevai[62] contains a very detailed treatment of orthogonal polynomials in this class.It is also true that if the limit of pn+1(z)/pn(z) exists at a single non-real z,then µ ∈ M(b, a) for some a, b (Simon [79]).

The classes M(b, a) are scaled versions of each other, and the most im-portant condition ensuring M(0, 1/2) is given in Rakhmanov’s theorem from[75]: if µ is supported in [−1, 1] and µ′ > 0 almost everywhere on [−1, 1],then µ ∈ M(0, 1/2). Conversely, Blumenthal’s theorem from [15] states thatµ ∈ M(0, 1/2) implies that the support of µ is [−1, 1] plus at most count-ably many points that converge to ±1. Thus, in this respect the extension ofRakhmanov’s theorem given in [22] by Denisov is of importance: if µ′ > 0 almosteverywhere on [−1, 1] and outside [−1, 1] the measure µ has at most countablymany mass points converging to ±1, then µ ∈ M(0, 1/2). However, M(0, 1/2)

V. Totik 100

contains many other measures not just those that are in these theorems, e.g. inDelyon–Simon–Souillard [21] a continuous singular measure in the Nevai classwas exhibited, and the result in Totik [92] shows that the Nevai class containspractically all types of measures allowed by Blumenthal’s theorem.

Weak and relative asymptotics

Under Rahmanov’s condition supp(µ) = [−1, 1], µ′ > 0 a.e., some parts ofSzego’s theory can be proven in a weaker form (see e.g. Mate–Nevai–Totik[57, 58]). In these the Turan determinants

Tn(x) := p2n(x) − pn−1(x)pn+1(x)

play a significant role. In fact, then given any interval D ⊂ (−1, 1) the Turandeterminant Tn is positive on D for all large n, and Tn(x)−1dx converges in theweak∗ sense to dµ on D. Furthermore, the absolutely continuous part µ′ canbe also separately recovered from Tn:



Tn(x)µ′(x) − 2

π(1 − x2)1/2

dx = 0.

Under Rahmanov’s condition we also have weak convergence, for example,


f(x)p2n(x)µ′(x)dx =



∫ 1


f(x)√1 − x2

dx (10.5)

for any continuous function f . Pointwise we only know a highly oscillatorybehavior: for almost all x ∈ [−1, 1]

lim supn→∞

pn(x) ≥ 2

π(µ′(x))−1/2(1 − x2)−1/4,

lim infn→∞

pn(x) ≤ − 2

π(µ′(x))−1/2(1 − x2)−1/4,

and if En(ε) is the set of points x ∈ [−1, 1] where

|pn(x)| ≥ (1 + ε)2

π(µ′(x))−1/2(1 − x2)−1/4,

then |En(ε)| → 0 for all ε > 0. However, it is not true that the sequencepn(µ, x) is pointwise bounded, since for every ε > 0 there is a weight functionw > 1 on [−1, 1] such that pn(0)/n1/2−ε is unbounded (see Rakhmanov [74]).

Simon [79] extended (10.5) by showing that if the recurrence coefficientssatisfy bn → b, a2n+1 → a′ and a2n → a′′, then there is an explicitly calculatedmeasure ρ depending only on b, a′, a′′ such that


f(x)p2n(x)µ′(x)dx =

∫ 1


f(x)dρ(x) (10.6)

Orthogonal Polynomials 101

for any continuous function f , and conversely, if (10.6) exists for f(x) = x, x2, x4,then bn → b, a2n+1 → a′ and a2n → a′′ with some b, a′, a′′.

For measures in Nevai’s class, part of Szego’s theory can be extended torelative asymptotics, i.e., when sequences of orthogonal polynomials corre-sponding to two measures are compared. Here is a sample theorem: let α besupported in [−1, 1] and in Nevai’s class M(0, 1/2), and let dβ = gdα, where gis a function such that for some polynomial R both Rg and R/g are Riemannintegrable. Then


pn(β, z)

pn(α, z)= Dg(z)−1

uniformly on C away from [−1, 1], where Dg is Szego’s function with respect tothe measure g(x)dx.

Widom’s theory

Szego’s theory can be extended to measures lying on a single Jordan curveor arc J (see Kaliaguine [40] where also additional outside lying mass pointsare allowed), in which case the role of z +

√z2 − 1 in (10.3) is played by the

conformal map Φ of C \ J onto the exterior of the unit disk, and the role of2n in (10.4) is played by the reciprocal of the logarithmic capacity of J (seeSection 9). Things change considerably if the measure is supported on a set Jconsisting of two or more smooth curve or arc components J1, . . . , Jm. A generalfeature of this case is that κncap(J)n does not have a limit, its limit points filla whole interval (though if some associated harmonic measures are all rationalthen the limit points may form a finite set). The polynomials themselves haveasymptotic form


κn= cap(J)nΦ(z)n(Fn(z) + o(1))

uniformly away from J , where Φ is the (multi-valued) complex Green function ofthe complement C \J , and where Fn is the solution of an L2-extremal probleminvolving analytic functions belonging to some class Γn. The functions F inΓn are determined by an H2 condition plus an argument condition, namelyif the change of the argument of Φ as we go around Jk is γk2π modulo 2π,then in Γn we consider functions whose change of the argument around Jk is−nγk2π modulo 2π. Now the point is that these function classes Γn changewith n, and hence so does Fn, and this is the reason that a single asymptoticformula like (10.4) or (10.3) does not hold. The fundamentals of the theorywere laid out in H. Widom’s paper [97]; and since then many results have beenobtained by F. Peherstorfer and his collaborators, as well as A. I. Aptekarev, J.Geronimo, S. P. Suetin and W. Van Assche. The theory has deep connectionswith function theory, the theory of Abelian integrals and the theory of ellipticfunctions. We refer the reader to the papers Aptekarev [7], Geronimo–VanAssche [31], Peherstorfer [69]–[72] and Suetin [88]–[89].

V. Totik 102

Asymptotics for Christoffel functions

The Christoffel functions

λn(µ, x)−1 =



pk(µ, x)2

behave somewhat more regularly than the orthogonal polynomials. In Mate–Nevai–Totik [59] it was shown that if µ is supported on [−1, 1], it belongs tothe Reg class there (see Section 9) and log µ′ is integrable over an intervalI ⊂ [−1, 1], then for almost all x ∈ I


nλn(µ, x) = π√

1 − x2µ′(x).

This result is true (see Totik [93]) in the form


nλn(µ, x) =dµ(x)

dωsupp(µ)(x), a.e. x ∈ I

when the support is a general compact subset of R, µ ∈ Reg and log µ′ ∈ L1(I).Often only a rough estimate is needed for Christoffel functions, and such a

one is provided in Mastroianni–Totik [56]: if µ is supported on [−1, 1] and it isa doubling measure, i.e.,

µ(2I) ≤ Lµ(I)

for all I ⊂ [−1, 1], where 2I is the twice enlarged I, then uniformly on [−1, 1]

λn(µ, x) ∼ µ (∆n(x)) ; ∆n(x) =

√1 − x2




11 Recurrence coefficients and spectral measures

Let µ be a unit measure of compact support on the real line, and

xpn(x) = anpn+1(x) + bnpn(x) + an−1pn−1(x),

the recurrence relation for the corresponding orthogonal polynomials. We havealready mentioned in Section 6 that µ is the spectral measure for the Jacobimatrix

J =

b0 a0 0 0 · · ·a0 b1 a1 0 · · ·0 a1 b2 a2 · · ·0 0 a2 b2 · · ·...


.... . .


and this gives a one-to-one correspondence between unit measures with compact(and infinite) support on the real line and Jacobi operators with bounded en-tries. Every such Jacobi operator is a bounded self-adjoint operator on l2, hence

Orthogonal Polynomials 103

operator theory and orthogonal polynomials meet at this point, and techniquesand questions from both areas are relevant. Information between the measureµ and the recurrence coefficients might be called the spectral analysis of or-thogonal polynomials. In this, a special role is played by the Chebyshev casean = 1/2 and bn = 0, where the Jacobi matrix is denoted by J0. If the sequencesan and bn have limits then we may assume an → 1/2, bn → 0 (this is justrescaling, and this was the Nevai class M(0, 1/2)), hence in this case the Jacobioperator is a compact perturbation of J0, and one of the main questions of thetheory is how properties of J − J0 are reflected in the spectral measure µ.

We have already mentioned in Section 10 that µ ∈ M(0, 1/2) implies thatthe support of µ is [−1, 1] plus some additional mass points converging to ±1(called Blumenthal’s theorem in orthogonal polynomials; it is a special case ofWeyl’s theorem in operator theory on the invariance of the essential spectrumunder compact perturbation). Conversely, if the support of µ is [−1, 1] plussome additional mass points converging to ±1 and µ′(x) > 0 for almost allx ∈ [−1, 1], then µ ∈ M(a, b) (Denisov [22], Rakhmanov [75], Nevai–Totik [63]).No spectral characterization of µ ∈ M(0, 1/2) is known; this important classseems to contain all sorts of measures. For example, if ν is any measure withsupport [−1, 1] then there is a µ ∈ M(0, 1/2) which is absolutely continuous withrespect to ν. In particular, M(0, 1/2) contains discrete measures, continuouslysingular measures or measures that are given by a continuous density which ispositive on a set of measure < ε.

Strengthening the condition µ ∈ M(0, 1/2) can be done in several ways.After numerous works in the subject by Szego, Shohat, Geronimus, Krein, Kol-mogorov and others, a complete characterization for J − J0 being a Hilbert-Schmidt operator was given in [43] by R. Killip and B. Simon (note that µ isassumed to have total mass 1):


(an − 1/2)2 +∑


b2n < ∞ (11.1)

if and only if the following conditions hold:

(i) the support of µ is [−1, 1] plus some additional mass points E±j converging

to ±1,

(ii) if µ′ is the absolutely continuous part of µ on [−1, 1], then

∫ 1


(log µ′(t))√

1 − t2dt > −∞,

(iii) for the mass points E±j lying outside [−1, 1] we have


|E+j − 1|3/2 +


|E−j + 1|3/2 < ∞.

V. Totik 104

It was also shown in Killip–Simon [43] that if J − J0 is trace class, i.e.,


|an − 1/2|+∑


bn < ∞,

then Szego’s condition∫ 1


log µ′(t)√1 − t2

dt > −∞ (11.2)

holds. The conclusion is also true if µ ∈ M(0, 1/2), for the mass points E±j

lying outside [−1, 1] we have


|E+j − 1|1/2 +


|E−j + 1|1/2 < ∞,

andlim sup

n(2na1 · · ·an) > 0. (11.3)

If the support of µ is contained in [−1, 1], then Szego’s condition automaticallyholds if (11.3) is true. Actually, when supp(µ) = [−1, 1] then Szego’s condition(11.2) is equivalent to (11.1) and to the (conditional) convergence of the series∑

n(an − 1/2) and∑

n bn.There is also an extended theory of orthogonal polynomials with several dif-

ferent applications when the recurrence coefficients do not converge, but they areasymptotically periodic in the sense that for some k all the sequences (akn+j)


and (bkn+j)∞n=1, j = 1, . . . , k converge. These are related to so called sieved or-

thogonal polynomials and to orthogonal polynomials generated by polynomialmappings. In this case the essential support of the spectral measure lies onseveral intervals. There are numerous papers on this subject by M. E. H. Is-mail, N. A. Al-Salam, J. A. Charris, J. Wimp, J. Bustoz, J. Geronimo, W. VanAssche, F. Peherstorfer, R. Steinbauer, N. I. Akhiezer, B. P. Osilenker and oth-ers; see e.g. Charris–Ismail [17], Geronimo–Van Assche [31], Peherstorfer [70],Peherstorfer–Steinbauer [73], Akhiezer [1] for details and for further references.

12 Exponential and Freud weights

These are weight functions of the form e−2Q(x), where x is on the real line oron some subinterval thereof. For simplicity we shall first assume that Q is even.We get Freud weights when Q(x) = |x|α, α > 0, x ∈ R, and Erdos weightsif Q tends to infinity faster than any polynomial as |x| → ∞. G. Freud startedto investigate these weights in the sixties and seventies, but they independentlyappeared also in the Russian literature and in statistical physics. One cansafely say that some of Freud’s problems and the work of P. Nevai and E. A.Rahmanov were the primary cause of the sudden revitalization of the theory oforthogonal polynomials since the early 1980’s. In the last 20 years D. Lubinsky

Orthogonal Polynomials 105

with coauthors have conducted systematic studies on exponential weights, seee.g. Levin–Lubinsky [46, 45], Lubinsky [49], Lubinsky–Saff [50], Van Assche[94]; we should mention the names E. Levin, E. B. Saff, W. Van Assche, E. A.Rahmanov and H. N. Mhaskar. In the mid 1990’s a new stimulus came fromthe Riemann–Hilbert approach that was used together with the steepest descentmethod by P. Deift, T. Kriecherbauer, K. T.-R. McLaughlin, S. Venakides andX. Zhou ([20]) to give complete asymptotics when Q is analytic.

One can roughly say that because of the fast vanishing of the weight aroundinfinity, things happen on a finite subinterval [−an, an] (depending on the de-gree of the polynomials), and on [−an, an] techniques developed for [−1, 1] areapplied. For Freud weights one can also make the substitution x → n1/λx and

go to orthogonality with respect to the varying weight e−n|x|λ , in which casethings are automatically reduced to a finite interval which is the support of aweighted energy problem.

The an are the so called Mhaskar-Rahmanov-Saff numbers defined by

n =2


∫ 1


antQ′(ant)√1 − t2

dt. (12.1)

The zeros of pn(w2), w(x) = exp(−Q(x)) are spreading out and the largest zerois very close to an, which tends to ∞.

To describe the distribution of the zeros and the behavior of the polynomialsone has to make appropriate contractions. Let us consider first the case of Freudweight w(x) = exp(−|x|α), and let pn be the n-th orthogonal polynomial withrespect to w2 (on (−∞,∞)). In this case

an = n1/αγα, γαα := Γ
















Thus, for the largest zero xn,n we have xn,n/n1/α → γα as n → ∞, and todescribe zero distribution we divide (contract) all zeros xn,i by n1/αγα. Thesecontracted zeros asymptotically have the Ullman distribution





∫ 1



√u2 − t2

du, t ∈ [−1, 1]. (12.2)

This measure µw minimizes the weighted energy∫ ∫


|x − t|dµ(x)dµ(t) + 2

Qdµ (12.3)

among all probability measures compactly supported on R. It is a generalfeature of exponential weights that the behavior of zeros of the polynomials isgoverned by the solution of a weighted energy problem (weighted equilibriummeasures, see Saff–Totik [77]). If κn is the leading coefficient of pn, i.e., pn(z) =κnzn + · · ·, then (Lubinsky–Saff [50])


κnπ1/22−ne−n/αn(n+1/2)/α = 1,

V. Totik 106

and we have



= exp


log |z +√

z2 − 1| + Re

∫ 1



√z2 − u2



locally uniformly outside [−1, 1]. This latter is so called n-th root asymptotics,while the former is strong asymptotics. Strong asymptotics for pn(z) on differentparts of the complex plane was given using the Riemann–Hilbert approach, seeDeift [20] and Kriecherbauer–McLaughlin [44] and the references there. On thereal line we have a Plancherel–Rotach type formula

n1/2αpn(wα; n1/αγαx) exp(−nγαα |x|α)−





1 − x2cos



2arccosx + nπµw([x, 1]) − π



→ 0

uniformly on any subinterval of (−1, 1).Things become more complicated for non-Freud weights, but the correspond-

ing results are of the same flavor. In this case the weight is not necessarilysymmetric, but under some conditions (like Q being convex or xQ′(x) being in-creasing for x > 0 and an analogous condition for x < 0) the relevant weightedequilibrium measure’s support is an interval, and the definition of the Mhaskar–Rahmanov–Saff numbers a±n is

n =1


∫ an



(x − a−n)(an − x)dx,

0 =1


∫ an



(x − a−n)(an − x)dx.

Now one solves the weighted equilibrium problem (12.3) for all measures µ withtotal mass n, and if µn is the solution then [a−n, an] is the support of µn andµn/n will play the role of the measure µw from (12.2) above.

The weight does not even have to be defined on all R, e.g. in [46] a theorywas developed by Levin and Lubinsky that simultaneously includes far reachinggeneralizations of non-symmetric Freud, Erdos and Pollaczek weights such as

(a) nonsymmetric Freud-type weights

Q(x) =

|x|α, x ∈ [0,∞)|x|β , x ∈ (−∞, 0),

(b) nonsymmetric Erdos weights such as

Q(x) =

expl(|x|α) − expl(0), x ∈ [0,∞)expk(|x|β) − expk(0), x ∈ (−∞, 0)

Orthogonal Polynomials 107

with expl is the l-times iterated exponential function, or(c) nonsymmetric Pollaczek type weights that vanish fast at ±1 such as

Q(x) =

expl((1 − x)−α) − expl(1), x ∈ [0, 1)expk((1 − x)−β) − expk(0), x ∈ (−1, 0).

In all cases the interval [a−n, an] is where things happen, e.g. this is theshortest interval on which the supremum norm of a weighted polynomial isattained:

‖wPn‖sup = ‖wPn‖sup,[−a−n,an]

for all polynomials of degree at most n. These numbers a±n are everywhere inthe theory, e.g.


|pn(x)|w(x)|x − an|1/4|x − a−n|1/4 ∼ 1.

13 Sobolev orthogonality

In Sobolev orthogonality we consider orthogonality with respect to an innerproduct

(f, g) =



f (k)g(k)dµk, (13.1)

where µk are given positive measures. There are several motivations for thiskind of orthogonality. Perhaps the most natural one is smooth data fitting. TheSpanish school around F. Marcellan, G. Lopez and A. Martinez-Finkelshteinhas been particularly active in developing this area (see the surveys Marcellan–Alfaro–Rezola [51] and Martinez-Finkelshtein [53, 52] and the references therein).

In this section let Qn(z) = zn + · · · denote the monic orthogonal polyno-mial with respect to the Sobolev inner product (13.1), and qn(µk) the monicorthogonal polynomials with respect to the measure µk.

Most arguments for the standard theory fail in this case, e.g. it is no longertrue that the zeros lie in the convex hull of the support of the measures µk,k = 0, 1, . . . , r. It is not even known if the zeros are bounded if all the measuresµk have compact support. Nonetheless, for the case r = 1, and µ0, µ1 ∈ Reg(see Section 9) it was shown in Gautschi–Kuijlaars [29] that the asymptoticdistribution of the zeros of the derivative Q′

n is the equilibrium measure ωE0∪E1 ,where Ei is the support of µi, i = 0, 1 (which also have to be assumed to beregular). Furthermore, if, in addition, E0 ⊆ E1, then the asymptotic zerodistribution of Qn is ωE0 .

In general, both the algebraic and the asymptotic/analytic situation is quitecomplicated, and there are essentially two important cases which have beenunderstood to a satisfactory degree.

Case I: The discrete case. In this case µ0 is some “strong” measure, e.g. from theNevai class M(b, a) (see Section 10), and µ1, . . . , µk are finite discrete measures.

V. Totik 108

It turns out that then the situation is similar to adding these discrete measuresto µ0 (the new measure will also be in the same Nevai class), and consideringstandard orthogonality with respect to this new measure. For ecample, if r = 1,then



qn(µ0 + µ1, z)= 1

holds uniformly on compact subsets of C \ supp(µ0 + µ1). Thus, the Sobolevorthogonal polynomials differ from those of the measure µ0, but not more thanwhat happens when adding mass points to µ0.

In this discrete case the Qn’s satisfy a higher order recurrence relation, hencethis case is also related to matrix orthogonality (see the end of the Section 16).

Case II: The Szego case. Suppose now that µ0, . . . , µk are all supported onthe same smooth curve or arc J , and they satisfy Szego’s condition there (seeSection 10). In this case the k-th derivative of Qn satisfies, locally uniformly inthe complement of J , the asymptotic formula


Q(k)n (z)

nkqn−k(µr , z)=



where Φ is the conformal map that maps C \ J onto the complement of theunit disk. That is, in this case the measures µ0, . . . , µr−1 do not appear inthe asymptotic formula, only µr matters. The reason for this is the following:Q = Qn minimizes

(Q, Q) =r


|Q(k)|2dµk (13.2)

among all monic polynomials of degree n, while q = qn−k(µk) minimizes


among all monic polynomials of degree n − k. But the polynomial Q(k)n (t) =

n(n − 1) · · · (n − k + 1)tn−k + · · · is a monic polynomial times the factor n(n −1) · · · (n− k + 1) ∼ nk, and this factor is dominant for k = r, so everything elsewill be negligible. There are results for compensation of this nk factor whichlead to Sobolev orthogonality with respect to varying measures.

Under the much less restrictive assumption that µ0 ∈ Reg (see Section 9)and the other measures µk are supported in the support E of µ0 it is true(Lopez–Pijeira-Cabrera–Izquierdo [47]) that the asymptotic zero distribution of

Q(k)n is the equilibrium measure ωE for all k,


‖Q(k)n ‖1/n

sup,E = cap(E),

Orthogonal Polynomials 109

and hence, away from the zeros in the unbounded component of the complementof E, we have


|Qkn(z)|1/n = egC\E(z)

where gC\E is the Green function for this unbounded component.The techniques developed for exponential weights and for Sobolev orthog-

onality were combined in Geronimo–Lubinsky–Marcellan [30] to prove strongasymptotics for Sobolev orthogonal polynomials when r = 1 and µ0 = µ1 areexponential weights.

14 Non-Hermitian orthogonality

We refer to non-Hermitian orthogonality in either of these cases:

• the measure µ is non-positive or even complex-valued and we consider pn


pn(z)zkdµ = 0, k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1, (14.1)

• µ is again non-positive or complex-valued, or positive but lies on a complexcurve or arc and orthogonality is considered without complex conjugation,i.e.,

pn(z)zkdµ = 0, k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1. (14.2)

More generally, one could consider non-positive inner products, but we shallrestrict our attention to complex measures and orthogonality (14.2).

As an example, consider the diagonal Pade approximant to the Cauchytransform

f(z) =


z − t

of a signed or complex-valued measure, i.e., consider polynomials pn and qn ofdegree at most n such that

f(z)pn(z) − qn(z) = O(z−n−1)

at infinity. Then pn satisfies the non-Hermitian orthogonality relation∫

pn(x)xjdµ(x) = 0, j = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1. (14.3)

In this non-Hermitian case even the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization pro-cess may fail, and then pn is defined as the solution of the orthogonality condi-tion (14.1), resp. (14.2), which give a system of homogeneous equations for thecoefficients of pn. Thus, pn may have smaller degree than n, and things can getpretty wild with this kind of orthogonality. For example, in the simple case

dµ(x) = (x − cosπα1)(x − cosπα2)(1 − x2)−1/2dx, x ∈ [−1, 1],

V. Totik 110

with 0 < α1 < α2 < 1 rationally independent algebraic numbers, the zerosof pn from (14.3) are dense on the whole complex plane (compare this withthe fact that for positive µ all zeros lie in [−1, 1]). In Stahl [86] it was shownthat it is possible to construct a complex measure µ on [−1, 1], such that for anarbitrary prescribed asymptotic behavior some subsequence pnk

will have thiszero behavior. Nonetheless, the asymptotic distribution of the zeros is again theequilibrium distribution of the support of µ under regularity conditions on µ.For example, this is the case if

• |µ| belongs to the Reg class (see Section 9), and the argument of µ, i.e.,dµ(t)/d|µ|(t), is of bounded variation (Baratchart–Kustner–Totik [12]), or

• dµ(x) = g(arccosx)(1 − x2)−1/2dx, x ∈ [−1, 1], g is bounded away fromzero and infinity, and satisfies |g(θ + δ) − g(θ)| ≤ K| log δ|−1−δ, or

• µ is supported on finitely many intervals, the argument of µ is uniformlycontinuous and for a(δ) = infx∈supp(µ) |µ|([x − δ, x + δ]) the propertylimδ→0 log a(δ) = 0 holds (Stahl [86]).

In [84]–[86] H. Stahl obtained asymptotics for non-Hermitian orthogonal poly-nomials even for varying measures and gave several applications of them to Padeapproximation. When the measure µ is of the form dµ(x) = g(x)(1−x2)−1/2dx,x ∈ [−1, 1], with an analytic g, for z ∈ C \ [−1, 1], a strong asymptotic formulaof the form


κn= (1 + o(1))

(z +√

z2 − 1)n

2nDµ(z)−1 exp



∫ 1


log µ′(t)√1 − t2



(with Dµ the Szego function (10.2)) was proved by J. Nuttall [66], [67], A. A.Gonchar and S. P. Suetin [38]. For a recent Riemann–Hilbert approach seethe paper [10] by A. I. Aptekarev and W. Van Assche. A similar result holdson the support of the measure, as well as for the case of varying weights, seeAptekarev–Van Assche [10].

15 Multiple orthogonality

Multiple orthogonality comes from simultaneous Pade approximation. It is arelatively new area where we have to mention the names of E. M. Nikishin,V. N. Sorokin, A. A. Gonchar and E. A. Rahmanov, A. I. Aptekarev, A. B.J. Kuijlaars, J. Geronimo and W. Van Assche (see the survey [95] by W. VanAssche and the references there and the paper Gonchar–Rakhmanov [37]). Theanalogues of many classical concepts and properties have been found, and alsothe analogues of the classical orthogonal polynomials are known, e.g. in themultiple Hermite case the measures are dµ(x) = e−x2+cjxdx.

Asymptotic behavior of multiple orthogonal polynomials is not fully under-stood yet due to the interaction of the different measures. For the existing

Orthogonal Polynomials 111

results see Aptekarev [8], Van Assche [95], Van Assche’s Chapter 23 in [39] andthe references therein.

Types and normality

On R let there be given r measures µ1, . . . , µr with finite moments and infinitesupport, and consider multiindices n = (n1, . . . , nr) of nonnegative integerswith norm |n| = n1 + · · · + nr. There are two types of multiple orthogonalitycorresponding to the appropriate Hermite-Pade approximation.

In type I multiple orthogonality we are looking for polynomials Qn,j ofdegree nj − 1 for each j = 1, . . . , r, such that



xkQn,j(x)dµj(x) = 0, k = 0, 1, . . . , |n| − 2.

These orthogonality relations give |n| − 1 homogeneous linear equations for the|n| coefficients of the r polynomials Qn,j, so there is a non-trivial solution. If therank of the system is |n| − 1, then the solution is unique up to a multiplicativefactor, in which case the index n is called normal. This happens precisely ifeach Qn,j is of exact degree nj − 1.

In type II multiple orthogonality we are looking for a single polynomialPn of degree |n| such that

xkPn(x)dµ1(x) = 0, k = 1, . . . , n1 − 1


xkPn(x)dµr(x) = 0, k = 1, . . . , nr − 1.

These are |n| homogeneous linear equations for the |n| + 1 coefficients of Pn,and again if the solution is unique up to a multiplicative constant, then n iscalled normal. This is again equivalent to Pn being of exact degree n.

n is normal for type I orthogonality precisely when it is normal for typeII, so we just speak of normality. This is the case, for example, if the µj ’sare supported on intervals [aj , bj] that are disjoint except perhaps for theirendpoints; in fact, in this case Pn has nj simple zeros on (aj , bj). Normalityalso holds if dµj = wjdµ with a common µ supported on some interval [a, b],and for all mj ≤ nj , j = 1, . . . , r, every non-trivial linear combination of thefunctions

w1(x), xw1(x), . . . , xm1−1w1(x), w2(x), xw2(x), . . . , xmr−1wr(x)

has at most m1 + · · · + mr − 1 zeros on [a, b] (this means that these functionsform a so called Chebyshev system there). In this case Pn has |n| − 1 zeros on[a, b].

V. Totik 112

Recurrence formulae

To describe recurrence formulae, let ej = (0, . . . , 1, . . . , 0) where the single 1entry is at position j. Under the normality assumption if Pn is the monicorthogonal polynomial, then for any k

xPn(x) = Pn+ek(x) + an,0Pn(x) +




Another recurrence formula is

xPn(x) = Pn+ek(x) + bn,0Pn(x) +






where π(1), . . . , π(r) is an arbitrary, but fixed, permutation of 1, 2, . . . , r. Theorthogonal polynomials with different indices are strongly related to one an-other, e.g. Pn+e

k(x) − Pn+e

l(x) is a constant multiple of Pn(x).

If dµj = wjdµ, then similar recurrence relations hold in case of type I or-thogonality for

Qn(x) =r



Also, type I and type II are related by a biorthogonality property:

PnQmdµ = 0

except for the case when m = n+ ek for some k, and then the previous integralis not zero (under the normality condition).

To describe an analogue of the Christoffel-Darboux formula let mj bea sequence of multiindices such that m0 is the identically 0 multiindex, andmj+1 coincides with mj except for one component which is 1 larger than thecorresponding component of mj . Set Pj = Pm

j, Qj = Qm

j+1and with m = mn

h(j)m :=

Pm(x)x(m)j dµj(x),

where (m)j denotes the j-th component of the multiindex m. Then (see Daems–Kuijlaars [19]), again with m = mn,

(x − y)



Pk(x)Qk(y) = Pm(x)Qm(y) −r







Thus, the left hand side depends only on m = mn and not on the particularchoice of the sequence mj leading to it.

Orthogonal Polynomials 113

The Riemann–Hilbert problem

There is an approach (see Van Assche–Geronimo–Kuijlaars [96]) to both typesof multiple orthogonality in terms of matrix-valued Riemann–Hilbert problemfor (r + 1) × (r + 1) matrices Y = (Yij(z))r

i,j=0.If dµj(x) = wjdx, then one requires that

• Y is analytic on C \ R,

• if Y ±(x) denote the limit of Y (z) as z → x ∈ R from the upper, respec-tively the lower, half plane, then we have Y +(x) = Y −(x)S(x), where

S(x) :=

1 w1(x) w2(x) · · · wr(x)0 1 0 · · · 00 0 1 · · · 0...


. . ....

0 0 0 · · · 1


• as z → ∞

Y (z) =


I + O





z|n| 0 0 · · · 00 z−n1 0 · · · 00 0 z−n2 · · · 0...


. . ....

0 0 0 · · · z−nr


The first entry Y11(z) is precisely the orthogonal polynomial Pn of type II, andthe other entries are also explicit in terms of the Pn’s and wj ’s (all other entriesare either a constant multiple of Pn−e

kor a Cauchy transform of its multiple

with wj). For type I orthogonality the transfer matrix is

S(x) :=

1 0 0 · · · 0−w1(x) 1 0 · · · 0−w2(x) 0 1 · · · 0


.... . .

...−wr(x) 0 0 · · · 1


the behavior at infinity is of the form

Y (z) =


I + O





z−|n| 0 0 · · · 00 zn1 0 · · · 00 0 zn2 · · · 0...


. . ....

0 0 0 · · · znr


and the multiple orthogonal polynomials Qn,j are Y1,j+1/2πi.

V. Totik 114

16 Matrix orthogonal polynomials

In the last 20 years the fundamentals of matrix orthogonal polynomials havebeen developed mainly by A. Duran and his coauthors (see also the work [9] byA. I. Aptekarev and E. M. Nikishin). The theory shows many similarities withthe scalar case, but there is an unexpected richness which is still to be explored.

For all the results in this section see Lopez-Rodriguez–Duran [48] and Duran–Grunbaum [25] and the numerous references there.

Matrix orthogonal polynomials

An N × N matrix

P (t) =

p11(t) · · · p1N(t)...

. . ....

pN1(t) · · · pNN(t)

with polynomial entries pij(t) of degree at most n is called a matrix polyno-mial of degree at most n. Alternatively, one can write

P (t) = Cntn + · · · + C0

with numerical matrices Cn, . . . , C0 of size N × N .The number t = a is called a zero of P if P (a) is singular, and the mul-

tiplicity of a is the multiplicity of a as a zero of detP (a). When the leadingcoefficient matrix Cn is non-singular, then P has nN zeros counting multi-plicity.

From now on we fix the dimension to be N , but the degree n can be anynatural number. I will denote the N ×N unit matrix and 0 stands for all kindsof zeros (numerical or matrix).

A matrix

W (t) =

µ11(t) · · · µ1N (t)...

. . ....

µN1(t) · · · µNN (t)

of complex measures defined on (or part of) the real line is positive definiteif for any Borel set E the numerical matrix W (E) is positive semidefinite. Weassume that all moments of W are finite. With such a matrix we can define amatrix inner product on the space of N × N matrix polynomials via

(P, Q) =

P (t)dW (t)Q∗(t),

and if (P, P ) is nonsingular for any P with nonsingular leading coefficient, thenjust as in the scalar case one can generate a sequence Pn∞n=0 of matrix poly-nomials of degree n = 0, 1, . . . which are orthonormal with respect to W :

Pn(t)dW (t)P ∗m(t) =

0 if n 6= mI if n = m,

Orthogonal Polynomials 115

and here Pn has nonsingular leading coefficient matrix. The sequence Pn isdetermined only up to left multiplication by unitary matrices, i.e., if Un areunitary matrices, then the polynomials UnPn also form an orthonormal systemwith respect to W .

Three-term recurrence and quadrature

Just as in the scalar case, these orthogonal polynomials satisfy a three-termrecurrence relation

tPn(t) = An+1Pn+1(t) + BnPn(t) + A∗nPn−1(t), n ≥ 0, (16.1)

where An are nonsingular matrices, and Bn are Hermitian. Conversely, theanalogue of Favard’s theorem is also true: if a sequence of matrix polynomialsPn of corresponding degree n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., satisfy (16.1) with nonsingular An

and Hermitian Bn, then there is a positive definite measure matrix W such thatthe Pn are orthonormal with respect to W .

The three-term recurrence formula easily yields the Christoffel-Darboux for-mula:

(w − z)



P ∗k (z)Pk(w) = P ∗

n−1(z)AnPn(w) − P ∗n(z)A∗


from which for example it follows that

P ∗n−1(z)AnPn(z) − P ∗

n(z)A∗nPn−1(z) = 0,



P ∗k (z)Pk(z) = P ∗

n−1(z)AnP ′n(z) − P ∗

n(z)A∗nP ′


The orthogonal polynomials Qn of the second kind

Qn(t) =

Pn(t) − Pn(x)

t − xdW (x), n = 1, 2, . . . ,

also satisfy the same recurrence and are orthogonal with respect to some othermatrix measure. For them we have

P ∗n−1(t)AnQn(t) − P ∗

n(z)A∗nQn−1(t) ≡ I,

andQn(t)P ∗

n−1(t) − Pn(t)Q∗n−1(t) ≡ A−1

n .

With the recurrence coefficient matrices An, Bn one can form the blockJacobi matrix

J =

B0 A0 0 0 · · ·A∗

0 B1 A1 0 · · ·0 A∗

1 B2 A2 · · ·0 0 A∗

2 B2 · · ·...


.... . .


V. Totik 116

The zeros of Pn are real and they are the eigenvalues (with the same multiplicity)of the N -truncated block Jacobi matrix (which is of size nN). If a is a zerothen its multiplicity p is at most N , the rank of Pn(a) is N − p, and the spaceof those vectors v for which Pn(a)v = 0 is of dimension p. If we write xn,k,1 ≤ k ≤ m, for the different zeros of Pn, and lk is the multiplicity of xn,k, thenthe matrices

Γk =1


(lk−1)(xn,k)Qn(xn,k), 1 ≤ k ≤ m

are positive semidefinite of rank lk, and with them the matrix quadratureformula

P (t)dW (t) =



P (xn,k)Γn,k

holds for every matrix polynomial P of degree at most 2n − 1.If we assume that An → A, Bn → B where A is non-singular, then


n →∫


z − t

locally uniformly outside the cluster set of the zeros, where WA,B(t) is the mea-sure matrix of orthogonality for the sequence of matrix orthogonal polynomialsSn with recurrence coefficients A, B for all n, i.e., which satisfy the three-termrecurrence

tSn(t) = A∗Sn+1(t) + BSn(t) + ASn−1(t).

The distribution of the zeros themselves will be 1/N -times the trace of the ma-trix measure of orthogonality for another sequence of matrix orthogonal poly-nomials Rn satisfying

tRn(t) = ARn+1(t) + BRn(t) + ARn−1(t), n ≥ 2,

with appropriate modifications for n < 2.

Families of orthogonal polynomials

If the matrix of orthogonality is diagonal (or similar to a diagonal matrix) withdiagonal entries µi, then the orthogonal matrix polynomials are also diagonalwith i-th entry equal to pn(µi), the n-th orthogonal polynomial with respectto µi. Many matrix orthogonal polynomials in the literature can be reduced tothis scalar case. Recently however, some remarkably rich non-reducible familieshave been obtained by A. Duran and F. Grunbaum (see [25] and the referencestherein), which may play the role of the classical orthogonal polynomials inhigher dimension. They found families of matrix orthogonal polynomials thatsatisfy second order (matrix) differential equations just like the classical orthog-onal polynomials. Their starting point was a symmetry property between the

Orthogonal Polynomials 117

orthogonality measure matrix and a second order differential operator. Theyworked out several explicit examples. Here is one of them: N = 2, the measurematrix (more precisely its density) is

H(t) := e−t2(

1 + |a|2t4 at2

at2 1


, t ∈ R,

where a ∈ C \ 0 is a free parameter. The corresponding Pn(t) satisfies

P ′′N (t) + P ′



−2t 4at0 −2t


+ Pn(t)


−4 2a0 0




−2n − 4 2a(2n + 1)0 −2n



There is an explicit Rodrigues type representation for the polynomials them-selves, and the three-term recurrence (16.1) holds with Bn = 0,

An+1 :=

n + 1



γn+3/γn+2 aγn+2γn+1

0 γn/γn+1




γ2n := 1 +







Connection with higher order scalar recurrence

Matrix orthogonality is closely connected to (2N + 1)-term recurrences forscalar polynomials. To describe this we need the following operators on poly-nomials p: if p(t) =

k aktk, then

RN,m(p) =∑



i.e., from a polynomial the operator RN,m takes those powers where the expo-nent is congruent to m modulo N , removes the common factor tm and changestN to t.

Now suppose that pn∞n=0 is a sequence of scalar polynomials of correspond-ing degree n = 0, 1, . . ., and suppose that this sequence satisfies a (2N +1)-termrecurrence relation

tNpn(t) = cn,0pn(t) +



(cn,kpn−k(t) + cn+k,kpn+k(t)),

V. Totik 118

where cn,0 is real, cn,N 6= 0 (and pk(t) ≡ 0 for k < 0). Then

Pn(t) =

RN,0(pnN ) · · · RN,N−1(pnN )RN,0(pnN+1) · · · RN,N−1(pnN + 1)

.... . .

...RN,0(pnN+N−1) · · · RN,N−1(pnN + N − 1)

is a sequence of matrix orthogonal polynomials with respect to a positive definitemeasure matrix. Conversely, if Pn = (Pn,m,j)

N−1m,j=0 is a sequence of orthonormal

matrix polynomials, then the scalar polynomials

pnN+m(t) =



tjPn,m,j(tN ), 0 ≤ m < N, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,

satisfy a (2N + 1)-recurrence relation of the above form.


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Bolyai Institute, University of SzegedSzegedAradi v. tere 1, 6720Hungary, and

Department of MathematicsUniversity of South FloridaTampa, FL, 33620USA

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