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User Guide

PocketCAD PRO Version 4.0

May 2001

Arc Second, Inc.

Copyright Notification

Copyright 2001. Arc Second, Inc. PocketCAD is a registered trademark, CadExchange, and EditTrak are trademarks of Arc Second, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

All rights and privileges for PocketCAD PRO are vested in the patent, trademark, or service mark owner, and no other person may exercise such rights without express permission, authority, or license secured from the patent, trademark, or service mark owner.

Notice and Caution

This document and any Arc Second, Inc. product to which it may relate is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Arc Second, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to this product and document without further notice.

Arc Second, Inc. has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all information in this document. However, Arc Second, Inc. assumes no liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions or by statements of any kind in this document, its updates, supplements, or special editions, whether such errors, omissions, or statements result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

Arc Second, Inc. 44880 Falcon Place Suite 100 Dulles, VA 20191 Voice: (703) 435-5400 Facsimile: (703) 435-5994 E-mail: info@pocketcad.com Internet: www.arcsecond.com Web: www.pocketcad.com

ii PocketCAD PRO User Guide



DOCUMENTATION AND SUPPORT ........................................................................................9 USER AUDIENCE ...................................................................................................................9 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................10 CADEXCHANGE™ AND EDITTRAK™ ...............................................................................10 WHAT ELSE IS NEW IN POCKETCAD PRO 4.0?...............................................................10

2—INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE .................................................................12

INSTALLING MICROSOFT ACTIVESYNC............................................................................12 INSTALLING POCKETCAD PRO .......................................................................................13

3—USING CADEXCHANGE ..............................................................................15

THE CADEXCHANGE WINDOW .........................................................................................15 Drag and Drop File............................................................................................................16 Update the .CAD File ........................................................................................................17 Replay Edits .......................................................................................................................17 Convert .CAD to .DWG or .DXF files..............................................................................18

4—POCKETCAD PRO CONCEPTS..................................................................19

PLACE, MOVE, AND LIFT...................................................................................................19 PICK POINTS AND SET POINTS FEATURES ...................................................................19 TOGGLE BUTTONS..............................................................................................................20 POCKETCAD PRO WINDOW ............................................................................................21 Setting Autohide ................................................................................................................21 Setting the Keyboard or Pen.............................................................................................22 Using the Tools Menu........................................................................................................23 Setting Drawing Parameters.............................................................................................24 Setting Unit Preferences....................................................................................................28 Selecting the Layer To View .............................................................................................30 Using the Color Pallet........................................................................................................30 POCKETCAD PRO TOOLBAR ...........................................................................................32 ONE-HAND CONTROLS ......................................................................................................35

5—USING POCKETCAD PRO ...........................................................................36

CREATING A NEW DRAWING.............................................................................................37

PocketCAD PRO User Guide iii •

SPECIFYING POINTS IN A DRAWING..................................................................................38 EDITING ENTITIES..............................................................................................................42 SNAPPING TO END POINTS .................................................................................................44

6—DRAWING TOOLS.........................................................................................46

USING THE DRAWING TOOLS ............................................................................................46 Drawing Points...................................................................................................................46 Drawing Circles .................................................................................................................46 Drawing Lines ....................................................................................................................48 Drawing Arcs .....................................................................................................................55 Drawing a Rectangle..........................................................................................................56 Using Text...........................................................................................................................57 Using Pick Points ...............................................................................................................58 Using Set Points..................................................................................................................58 Drawing on a Layer ...........................................................................................................58 Using the Dimensions Tools ..............................................................................................61

7—BLOCK TOOLS ..............................................................................................63

USING THE BLOCK TOOLS .................................................................................................63 Inserting a Block ................................................................................................................63 Making a Block ..................................................................................................................66 Writing a Block ..................................................................................................................69 Creating Text Attributes ...................................................................................................71 Exploding Grouped Objects .............................................................................................74

8—EDITING TOOLS............................................................................................75

USING THE EDITING TOOLS ...............................................................................................75 Selecting Entities................................................................................................................76 Editing Specified Points ....................................................................................................76 Taking Undo and Redo Actions........................................................................................76 Deleting Entities .................................................................................................................76 Moving Entities ..................................................................................................................76 Copying Entities.................................................................................................................78 Rotating Entities ................................................................................................................80 Trimming Entities..............................................................................................................81 Editing Common Boundaries ...........................................................................................82 Offsetting Entities ..............................................................................................................83 Editing Layers....................................................................................................................84 Changing Layers................................................................................................................84 Editing an Object On Its Property Page..........................................................................84

9—INQUIRY TOOLS ...........................................................................................93

iv PocketCAD PRO User Guide

USING THE INQUIRY TOOLS...............................................................................................93 Panning ...............................................................................................................................93 Zooming on a Window ......................................................................................................93 Returning to the Previous View........................................................................................94 Zooming to Display all Entities ........................................................................................94 Viewing Properties of Objects ..........................................................................................94 Determining Distance Between Points .............................................................................94

APPENDIX A—CADEXCHANGE .....................................................................97

OVERVIEW OF CADEXCHANGE .........................................................................................97 OVERVIEW OF EDITTRAK..................................................................................................98 LAUNCHING A CADEXCHANGE SESSION...........................................................................98 USING THE CADEXCHANGE WINDOW ............................................................................100 Changing the Mobile Device Directory..........................................................................100 File Management Toolbar...............................................................................................101 CadExchange Pull-Down Menu Options.......................................................................102

APPENDIX B—LOADING ADD-INS...............................................................113


PocketCAD PRO User Guide v •

List of Tables Table 1. Tool buttons, names, and descriptions ________________________________ 32

List of Figures Figure 1. CadExchange window on your desktop PC ___________________________ 15 Figure 2. Drag and drop .DFX or .DWG files in CadExchange____________________ 17 Figure 3. PocketCAD PRO window_________________________________________ 21 Figure 4. Example showing pen activated instead of Keyboard____________________ 22 Figure 5. PocketCAD PRO extended Tools menu ______________________________ 23 Figure 6. Options dialog box ______________________________________________ 24 Figure 7. Drawing showing the Coordinate Display box _________________________ 25 Figure 8. Background Color change message box ______________________________ 26 Figure 9. PocketCAD PRO window with white background and toolbar hidden ______ 26 Figure 10. Preferences – Unit settings _______________________________________ 28 Figure 11. Color pallet selection by object ____________________________________ 30 Figure 12. Layer dialog box _______________________________________________ 31 Figure 13. Color pallet selection by layer_____________________________________ 31 Figure 14. The pop-up menu on a Windows-powered mobile device _______________ 36 Figure 15. PocketCAD PRO window on a Windows-powered mobile device ________ 37 Figure 16. Default view for the Set First Point dialog box________________________ 39 Figure 17. Absolute X/Y page in the Set First Point dialog box ___________________ 40 Figure 18. Relative X/Y page in the Set First Point dialog box ____________________ 41 Figure 19. Using the Select Entity button to pick an entity _______________________ 42 Figure 20. Using two points to pick entities ___________________________________ 43 Figure 21. Pick Points dialog box___________________________________________ 44 Figure 22. Drawing tools _________________________________________________ 46 Figure 23. Circle drawn with Center Point Radius tool __________________________ 47 Figure 24. Circle drawn with Two Points tool _________________________________ 48 Figure 25. Circle drawn with Three Points tool ________________________________ 48 Figure 26. Drawn lines using end points _____________________________________ 49 Figure 27. Setting a specific line angle and distance ____________________________ 50 Figure 28. Drawing using Polyline tool ______________________________________ 51 Figure 29. PocketCAD PRO – new polyline buttons ____________________________ 52 Figure 30. Polyline Pick Start/Pick Vertex points ______________________________ 53 Figure 31. Polyline drawing using lines and arcs _______________________________ 53 Figure 32. Freehand drawing using Sketch tool ________________________________ 54 Figure 33. Arc drawn with Three Points tool __________________________________ 55 Figure 34. Arc drawn with Center tool_______________________________________ 55 Figure 35. Rectangle drawing______________________________________________ 56 Figure 36. Text Designer dialog box ________________________________________ 57 Figure 37. Layer dialog box _______________________________________________ 59 Figure 38. Current Layer pull-down list ______________________________________ 60 Figure 39. Example of horizontal dimensioning________________________________ 61 Figure 40. Example of vertical dimensioning__________________________________ 62 Figure 41. Example of aligned dimensioning__________________________________ 62

vi PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Figure 42. Block tools ____________________________________________________63 Figure 43. Insert Block dialog box __________________________________________64 Figure 44. Example of block inserted in current file _____________________________65 Figure 45. Standard Windows File Open dialog box_____________________________65 Figure 46. Selected entities for Make Block ___________________________________66 Figure 47. Make Block dialog box __________________________________________67 Figure 48. Make Block showing new insertion point ____________________________68 Figure 49. PocketCAD PRO window with block created _________________________68 Figure 50. Write Block dialog box __________________________________________69 Figure 51. Save As dialog box showing block to write ___________________________70 Figure 52. Selection set for Write Block ______________________________________70 Figure 53. Example of new block creation ____________________________________71 Figure 54. Text Designer dialog box _________________________________________72 Figure 55. Property dialog box for attributes___________________________________73 Figure 56. Property table for block insert _____________________________________73 Figure 57. Editing tools ___________________________________________________75 Figure 58. Moving entities by picking 2 points_________________________________77 Figure 59. Moving entities using Set Points ___________________________________78 Figure 60. Copying entities by picking 2 points ________________________________79 Figure 61. Copying entities using Set Points___________________________________80 Figure 62. Rotation Angle dialog box ________________________________________81 Figure 63. Example of trimming ____________________________________________82 Figure 64. Offset tool dialog box____________________________________________83 Figure 65. Example list of layer properties ____________________________________85 Figure 66. Color pallet____________________________________________________85 Figure 67. Object Properties dialog box for a line_______________________________86 Figure 68. Object Properties dialog box for an arc ______________________________87 Figure 69. Object Properties dialog box for a circle _____________________________88 Figure 70. Properties for text _______________________________________________89 Figure 71. Object Properties for polylines_____________________________________90 Figure 72. Object Properties for a block ______________________________________91 Figure 73. Object Properties for a block attribute _______________________________92 Figure 74. Inquiry tools ___________________________________________________93 Figure 75. Example of Measure tool output ___________________________________95 Figure 76. ActiveSync window showing connection to device_____________________99 Figure 77. CadExchange window __________________________________________100 Figure 78. Mobile Directory pull-down in CadExchange window _________________101 Figure 79. CadExchange file management toolbar _____________________________101 Figure 80. CadExchange File menu commands _______________________________102 Figure 81. File Open dialog box ___________________________________________102 Figure 82. Convert to DWG or DXF popup menu _____________________________103 Figure 83. Save As dialog box in CadExchange _______________________________104 Figure 84. Conversion Progress dialog box in CadExchange________________105 Figure 85. Transaction Replay message dialog box ____________________________105 Figure 86. View Transactions shortcut menu in CadExchange____________________106 Figure 87. Example PocketCAD Transaction Log _____________________________107 Figure 88. Desktop version of the CAD file __________________________________109 Figure 89. Properties dialog box ___________________________________________110 Figure 90. CadExchange Connect menu _____________________________________110 Figure 91. CadExchange Tools menu _______________________________________111

PocketCAD PRO User Guide vii •

Figure 92. CadExchange window - Preferences dialog box______________________ 112 Figure 93. PocketCAD PRO window – Add-ins ______________________________ 113 Figure 94. Loaded Add-Ins dialog box______________________________________ 114 Figure 95. Open dialog box for Add-ins_____________________________________ 114 Figure 96. Unload an Add-in _____________________________________________ 115

viii PocketCAD PRO User Guide


Thank you for purchasing PocketCAD PRO—the only fully functional CAD software for Windows powered mobile devices.

P ocketCAD PRO is a pen-based Computer Aided-Design (CAD) Application designed specifically to operate on a Windows-powered Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).

PocketCAD PRO is best suited to compliment a desktop CAD application. In this type of arrangement, you can work on a CAD application on your desktop PC and then, with your Windows-powered mobile device connected to the desktop PC, you can copy or drag-and-drop files into PocketCAD PRO. In the same manner you can also work on CAD files on the Windows-powered mobile device and then transfer them back to the desktop PC.

Documentation and Support A full PDF copy of the PocketCAD PRO User Guide can be found on our Web site at www.PocketCAD.com under the Support section. For questions and technical support you can contact us by phone at (703) 435-5400 or by e-mail at info@pocketcad.com.

User Audience The user audience consists of those who use CAD applications and/or depend on blueprints or design drawings in some aspect of their job. The assumption is made that the user already has at least limited experience with a CAD application, is familiar with commonly used CAD terminology, and knows how to run applications in a Windows-powered mobile device or other mobile device operating environment. The purpose of the PocketCAD PRO User Guide is to explain how to use PocketCAD PRO tools to view, design, and edit CAD files on a Windows-powered mobile device.

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 9


System Specifications PocketCAD PRO runs on any Windows powered mobile device such as a Windows-powered mobile device or Handheld PC. It is compatible with most desktop CAD applications and reads AutoCAD DWG and DXF files from Release 12 through 2000i. The program stores data in 3D double precision.

In addition to PocketCAD PRO 4.0, Microsoft’s ActiveSync is required to enable the Windows-powered mobile device to connect to the desktop PC. A cradle or direct cable connection from the Windows-powered mobile device to the desktop PC is also required. This connection for file transfer can be made via a USB port, serial port, or network connection, depending on the capabilities of your desktop PC.

CadExchange™ and EditTrak™ CadExchangeTM is a new companion application that is included with PocketCAD PRO 4.0. Installed on your desktop PC, it eliminates the need for the file filters that were required in earlier versions of PocketCAD PRO. The purpose of CadExchange is to provide you with an easy, fast and user-friendly way to better control information and move files between the desktop PC running a CAD application and the Windows-powered mobile device running PocketCAD PRO. CadExchange provides a Windows-based graphical user interface and is used instead of Microsoft’s ActiveSync.


EditTrakTM is a merge technology that makes it possible for PocketCAD PRO to replay and merge field changes into the desktop CAD file back at the office. The introduction of EditTrak is a significant enhancement to PocketCAD PRO because it eliminates any problem of lost data. Through the use of EditTrak the original file is never converted—it is simply updated. Please note that EditTrak only works when using CadExchange instead of ActiveSync. Chapter 3 explains the basics of CadExchange. Refer to Appendix A for detailed

information about the features and use of CadExchange and EditTrak.

What Else Is New In PocketCAD Pro 4.0? In addition to the CadExchange application and EditTrak merge technology, numerous updates have been made to PocketCAD PRO 4.0 to enhance usability and extend its capabilities. These enhancements are noted below and are explained in detail in the appropriate chapters.


User Interface Features:

Easier File Save and Open

Extended Options now include setting a Point Size and Elevation for drawing

Hint Window

Preferences now include better Unit support

10 PocketCAD PRO User Guide


• Architectural

• Survey

• Engineering

• Decimal

• Fractional

Extended Capabilities

Accommodation for third party Add-ins


Multiple Undo and Redo

2D and 3D polylines


Additional methods of selection

Better support of color (256 color picker window)

This symbol appears in various chapters beside the new tool features that have been added in this release of PocketCAD PRO.

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2—Installing the Software

2—Installing the Software

M icrosoft’s ActiveSync software must be installed and running in order for CadExchange to control the files between your desktop PC and the Windows-powered mobile device. If you purchased a Windows-powered mobile device from us with your order of PocketCAD PRO, you need to

complete the following installation and setup. The Microsoft ActiveSync CD is in the sealed Microsoft Outlook package that is inside the Windows-powered mobile device box. ✒ Note: You must install and configure ActiveSync on your desktop PC before physically

attaching the Windows-powered mobile device to the computer. Note: Even though you will be using CadExchange instead of ActiveSync to convert and work with your CAD files, ActiveSync has to be installed for CadExchange to work.

Installing Microsoft ActiveSync

Do the following to install ActiveSync on your desktop PC:

1. Close all open programs.

2. Insert the Microsoft ActiveSync CD into the CD-ROM drive.

3. Click the Start button and select Run.

4. Type d:\setup.exe (where D is the CD-ROM drive) in the Open text box and click OK.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions. The installation wizard prompts you to physically attach the Windows-powered mobile device to the computer.

6. Make the connection and then turn on the Windows-powered mobile device.

7. Take one of the following actions.

• If you have a cradle for the Windows-powered mobile device:

a. Attach the AC adapter to the cradle.

b. Attach the cable from the cradle directly into the desktop or laptop computer. Be sure that your Windows-powered mobile device rests securely in the cradle.

• If you do not have a cradle for the Windows-powered mobile device:

12 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

2—Installing the Software

Connect the Windows-powered mobile device directly to the desktop PC with a cable. The ActiveSync software automatically detects the type of physical connection that you establish.

8. Click Yes when the New Partnership dialog box appears on the computer screen, asking if you want to establish a partnership. Respond to all questions that the wizard presents. When you click Finish the setup will be complete.

Why Establish a Partnership?

The Windows-powered mobile device can maintain a partnership with two computers, be they desktop or laptop computers. Thus a partnership allows you to keep the same contact information on your desktop PC at work, the desktop or laptop computer at home, and the Windows-powered mobile device. No matter where you are, you can have the information that you want at your fingertips.

Tip: We recommend that you simplify the task of getting started with your Windows-powered mobile device by selecting only one computer partnership at this time. Refer to the ActiveSync on-screen help for instructions on creating an additional partnership.

Once you have established a partnership, your desktop PC and Windows-powered mobile device can synchronize and you can proceed with the installation of PocketCAD PRO.

Installing PocketCAD PRO Perform the following steps to install PocketCAD PRO and CadExchange on your Windows-powered mobile device:

1. Close all open programs on your desktop PC.

2. Insert the PocketCAD PRO CD into the CD-ROM drive.

3. Click the Start button and select the Run command. The Run dialog box appears.

4. Type: D:\pcadpro.exe (where D is the letter of the CD-ROM drive) in the Open text box and click OK.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions. Be sure that CadExchange is selected for installation. The installation proceeds to completion.

Do the following to confirm that the installation was successful:

1. Verify that the PocketCAD PRO program was installed correctly:

a. Click the Start button in the toolbar that is located in the top left corner of the Windows-powered mobile device.

b. Select Programs. A PocketCAD PRO icon should appear in the Programs window.

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2—Installing the Software

2. Verify that CadExchange was installed by checking to see if the CadExchange icon appears on the Desktop, as shown below, on your desktop PC:

14 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

3—Using CadExchange

3—Using CadExchange

T his chapter presents the basics of CadExchange to help you get started quickly. Refer to Appendix A for a detailed explanation of the CadExchange window, features, menu options, commands, and toolbar buttons.

✒ Note: Though the CadExchange window appears in your desktop PC, it is actually

showing the files that are present on your Windows-powered mobile device.

The CadExchange Window To open the program, double-click on the CadExchange icon that is located on the desktop of your desktop PC. The CadExchange window appears as shown below:

Menu options

File Management toolbar

Current directory on the mobile device

Figure 1. CadExchange window on your desktop PC

✒ Note: PocketCAD PRO uses its own file format called .CAD. All references to .CAD

files note to the files present on the Windows-powered mobile device.

The columns (left to right) in the window display the following information:

• Remote file: Name of the .CAD file on the Windows-powered mobile device

• Status: The status of that file

• Last Update Date: The last time is was updated

• Local Location: The location of the source .CAD file on your desktop PC

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3—Using CadExchange

• Remote Size: The size of the .CAD file on the Windows-powered mobile device

CadExchange allows you to move information between the Windows-powered mobile device and the desktop PC in the following ways:

From: Desktop PC

To: Windows-powered mobile device

Method: Drag and drop file from desktop to CadExchange window

Update .CAD file in the CadExchange window

From: Windows-powered mobile device

To: Desktop PC

Method: Replay transactions (merge) in the CadExchange window

Convert .CAD to .DWG or .DXF in CadExchange window

Drag and Drop File

To send a copy of the desktop PC CAD file to the mobile device, do the following:

1. Open both Windows Explorer and CadExchange so that you can see both windows on the computer screen.

2. Select the appropriate directory in the Mobile Directory list box in the CadExchange window.

3. Browse in Windows Explorer to find the CAD file that you want to move.

4. Select, drag, and drop the .DFX or .DWG file into the CadExchange window, as shown in Figure 2.

Note: You can drag and drop multiple files. ✒

16 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

3—Using CadExchange

Figure 2. Drag and drop .DFX or .DWG files in CadExchange

Update the .CAD File

To send updates from the desktop PC .DFX or .DWG file to the corresponding drawing .CAD file on the Windows-powered mobile device, do the following:

1. Highlight a .CAD file name in the CadExchange window.

2. Do either of the following:

• Click the File menu and select Update Mobile File.

• Place the cursor on the selected file, right-click the mouse, and select Update Mobile File from the shortcut menu that appears.

CadExchange displays the progress of the update in a Conversion Progress dialog box.

Replay Edits

Tip: Make sure that you do not have the source file open in your desktop CAD application when you use this procedure. Most desktop CAD applications lock open files and this prevents CadExchange from opening the file and performing the merge.

To replay (merge) any file edits from the Windows-powered mobile device to the desktop PC file, do the following in the CadExchange window:

1. Select the .CAD file to merge and click the Replay Transactions button on the toolbar.

2. Select the .CAD file to merge, click the File menu, and select Replay Edits.

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3—Using CadExchange

3. Place the cursor on a selected .CAD file, right-click the mouse, and select Replay Edits from the shortcut menu that appears.

A message informs you of the successful merge.

Convert .CAD to .DWG or .DXF files

You can convert a .CAD file on the Windows-powered mobile device to a .DWG or .DXF file that the desktop CAD application can recognize. Perform one of the following options to convert a .CAD file:

Option 1: Use the Convert CAD To command in File menu:

1. Highlight one or more .CAD files in the CadExchange window. (Hold down the Shift key to select multiple files.)

2. Click the File menu. A list of commands appears.

3. Click the Convert CAD To command and then select DWG or DXF.

Option 2: Use the DWG or DXF toolbar button:

1. Highlight one or more .CAD files in the CadExchange window.

2. Click the DWG or DXF button.

Option 3: Use the file shortcut menu (Note: can only be done to one file at a time):

1. Highlight a .CAD file in the CadExchange window.

2. Place your cursor on the highlighted file and right-click the mouse.

3. Select Convert to DWG or Convert to DXF from the popup menu that appears.

Option 4: Use Convert to CAD and then set the preferences:

1. Click the Convert to CAD button. The Open dialog box appears, allowing you to browse the desktop PC system.

2. Select the type of file that you wish to create on the desktop.

3. Click the File menu and the Save As command. The Save As dialog box appears.

4. Select the location and file name for the file to be converted.

5. Click the Save button.

Tip: To set format and version preferences, select the Tools menu and the Preferences command in the CadExchange window. The settings are described in the “Preferences” section in Appendix A.

18 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

T he primary use for PocketCAD PRO is to provide the design professional with a mobile, yet effective CAD tool for quickly viewing, modifying, or creating drawings. The goal for the product has been to keep the process simple while maintaining accuracy. This section highlights important concepts and

features that you need to understand to effectively use PocketCAD PRO.

Place, Move, and Lift PocketCAD PRO uses a pen-to-screen interaction called Place, Move, and Lift, meaning that points are received when the pen is lifted from the screen as opposed to when the pen is placed onto the screen. This allows the user more control in locating points, particularly when the physical environment that you are working in is not entirely stable or you have to hold your Windows-powered mobile device in the palm of your hand while drawing. The process works as follows:

1. Place your pen on the screen to enter the start point, of a line, for example.

2. Move the pen over the screen to the location you desire.

3. Lift the pen from the screen to record the end point of the line

The same place, move and lift is used for all PocketCAD Pro commands.

Pick Points and Set Points Features To create drawings there are essentially two key features that you need to master:

• Using Pick Points to get an entity feature quickly

• Using the Set Points to specify exact point coordinates

The Pick Points feature allows you to place the pen on the PocketCAD PRO window and drag the tip near an existing entity. Given the right settings, the cursor will automatically snap to that particular point as the pen nears a pick point. For example, if you have end points turned ON, the pen will be snapped automatically to the end point of any line within range as you drag your pen around the window.

The Set Points feature allows you to specify the exact coordinate that you want to use when drawing. This coordinate can be an absolute coordinate or a relative coordinate, as referenced from a picked point on the screen. Relative points reference a base point. They can be specified using either distances along the X and Y-axis or they can be located using a polar distance and direction from a base point. Set Points can be used

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4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

for both drawing and editing objects. For example, you can use Set Points to move a selection set an exact distance and direction.

You will be most productive with PocketCAD PRO when combining the Pick Points and Set Points features. For example, when drawing a line you can use Pick Points to pick the end point of an existing line to set the start point. Then, using that start point, you can set the end point with Set Points and can specify a distance and direction.

Toggle Buttons The toggle button is an important feature that you will use in PocketCAD Pro. An example of a toggle button is the Line tool button. When you pick the Line tool button you are working with the Line command. All toggle buttons in the Toolbar work in this manner. If you pick the line tool button before completing the drawing of a line, it will reset the command.

20 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

PocketCAD PRO Window The window shown in Figure 3 appears when you launch PocketCAD PRO on your Windows-powered mobile device. You will remain in the line command until you pick a different command.

1 2

Display Bar features:

1 Menu options/commands

2 Tool Select button

3 Toolbar Show/Hide button - also displays the tool currently in

Header Bar

Click on the Start button to view the Program options.

Click on the OK button to access File Open and Save options.

Figure 3. P


PocketCADwindow spnumber 3 tool, it wilbox that is


Drawing window

3 4 5 6 7


4 Current Layer pull-down list

5 Color selection button

6 Keyboard pop-up for text entry

7 Control mode for text entry

Clear current selection

Add to selection set

Remove from selection set


Display bar

ocketCAD PRO window


PRO uses an Autohide function to create a pop-up Toolbar to optimize ace. When set to Autohide, simply click on the Show/Hide button (labeled as in Figure 3) in the Display Bar and the Toolbar pops up. When you select a l again close the Toolbar. You can also set Show/Hide in the Options dialog described later.

PRO User Guide 21 •

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

Setting the Keyboard or Pen

PocketCAD Pro provides a keyboard (labeled as number 6 in Figure 3) in the Display Bar, so that you can use your pen to pick out the letters and numbers that you want to type into text boxes. If you click on the arrow to the right of the Keyboard icon, a shortcut menu pops up and you have the option to select Character Recognition instead of Keyboard. Character Recognition activates the pen for writing as shown in Figure 4 and the pen icon then displays in place of the Keyboard icon in the Display Bar.

You can pick out letters and numbers on the Keyboard or write with the pen in the lined area. A Keyboard or pen icon displays beside the arrow, based on the selection that you made.

Figure 4. Example showing pen activated instead of Keyboard

22 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

Using the Tools Menu

The Tools menu (designated as number 1 in Figure 3) has been expanded to provide more options as shown below.

Figure 5. PocketCAD PRO extended Tools menu

File > includes the following options:

• New: Allows you to open a new file to create a new drawing. The file is named untitled.cad until you save it and give it a different name.

• Open: Lets you open an existing drawing. One of the following occurs when you pick this option:

• The File Open dialog box appears so that you can select a file

• You are prompted to save the existing file

• Save: Causes the current drawing to be saved under its present name.

• Save As: Displays the Save As dialog box where you can save the current drawing under a different name

• Preferences: Displays the Preferences dialog box that allows to you set unit parameters.

Options displays the Options dialog box that allows you to set the drawing parameters.

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 23 •

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

Addins displays the Loaded Add-Ins dialog box where you can load or unload extensions for PocketCAD PRO. Refer to Chapter 2 for more information about this capability.

About shows you vendor and version information.

Exit lets you quit the application.

Setting Drawing Parameters

Before you begin to use PocketCAD PRO you need to set some basic parameters that will apply to all drawings. You can do this as follows:

1. Click the Tools button (labeled as number 2 in Figure 3) in the Display Bar. The menu displays.

2. Select Options. The Options dialog box appears as shown in Figure 6.

Click on OK to save your changes.

Figure 6. Options dialog box

This dialog box lets you set the drawing options for the following:

24 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

• Set Template/No Template. Click on the Template button to select a template and a File Open dialog box appears. Browse to the file that you want to use as a template and double-click on it. You are returned to the Preferences dialog box with a template drawing selected.

If you do not want to use a template drawing, click on the No Template checkbox and the Template file will be cleared.

You can use any drawing as a template and create new drawings from it. Changes that you make to the new drawing do not affect the template. When you use an existing drawing as a template, all information is passed on to the new drawing.

• Coordinate Display. Click on the checkbox to have the Coordinate Display box displayed as shown in Figure 7. This feature is useful when you are drawing or editing entities in the PocketCAD PRO window and you want to know the coordinate location of the pen as it moves around.

It is auto sensing, meaning that it moves automatically to a different corner of the PocketCAD PRO window as your pen approaches, so as not to interfere with your drawing.

When unchecked the Coordinate Display box does not appear.

Figure 7. Drawing showing the Coordinate Display box

• Set Black Background. Click on the checkbox if you want the background color of the PocketCAD PRO window to be black. Leave the box unchecked if you want the background color to be white.

PocketCAD PRO must be stopped and restarted in order for the background change to take affect properly. The Background Notice message box appears when you change the color. Click on the OK button which will automatically restart the PocketCAD PRO.

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4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

Figure 8. Background Color change message box

• Set Auto-hide Toolbar. Click on this checkbox if you want the toolbar to be hidden. Leave the box unchecked if you want the toolbar to automatically display on the PocketCAD PRO window. You can always display the toolbar by clicking on the Show/Hide button (labelled as number 3 in Figure 3) in the Display Bar.

Figure 9 shows how the PocketCAD PRO window looks when the toolbar is hidden.

The window background can be set to black or white.

You can display or hide the


Figure 9. PocketCAD PRO window with white background and toolbar hidden

26 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

• Set Text Height. Type a number into this text box to specify the height of text in a drawing.

• Set Point Size. Type a number into this text box to specify the point size of the drawing. The examples below show how different settings change the appearance.

This example shows a Point size value of 5. No matter how

you zoom the drawing the Points will always be displayed

the same size

This example shows a Point size value of 0.

• Elevation. Type a number into this text box to specify the Z value to be used when

creating new objects.

Click on the OK button in the Header Bar of the window to save the settings. The values that you set remain consistent across drawing sessions until you change them.

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4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

Setting Unit Preferences

Greater capability has been provided for units. You can set units for a drawing as follows:

1. Click the Tools button (labeled as number 2 in Figure 3) in the Display Bar. The menu displays.

2. Select File and then select Preferences. The Units dialog box appears as shown below.

Figure 10. Preferences – Unit settings

3. Click the down arrow to display the list of choices as shown in the following examples.

Base units set the value that defines the units to be used in the drawing.

28 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Example Report Formats:

Scientific 1.55E+01

Decimal 15.50

Engineering 1'-3.50"

Architectural 1'-3 1/2"

Fractional 15 ½

Examples of Systems of Angle Measurement:

Decimal degrees: 60.0000

Degrees/minutes/seconds: 60d0’0”

Radians: 0.3654r

Dimension precision establishes how far behind the decimal point should be when displaying a dimension.

29 •

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

Selecting the Layer To View

Click the Layer pull-down arrow (labeled as number 4 in the Display bar in Figure 3) to see a list of the layers in the drawing that is displayed in the PocketCAD PRO window. Click on one of the layers in the list to view that layer.

Using the Color Pallet

A color button (labeled as number 5 in Figure 3) has been added to the Display Bar at the bottom of the PocketCAD PRO window. This button allows you to set color in two ways:

• Specific to the selected object

• Specific to a selected layer

To assign a color by object, do the following:

1. Select the object to color in the drawing.

2. Click the Color button in the Display bar. The color pallet appears as shown in Figure 11.

3. Click on a color grid to select the desired color.

Figure 11. Color pallet selection by object

To assign a color to a layer in the drawing that you are working on, do the following:

30 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

1. Click the Layers tool button in the Toolbar. The Layer dialog box displays as shown in Figure 12.

2. Select the layer that you want to assign a color to and click the Properties button. The color pallet appears as shown in Figure 13.

3. Click on the color that you want.

Click the layer to color.

Figure 12. Layer dialog box

Click the color that you want.

Figure 13. Color pallet selection by layer

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4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

PocketCAD PRO Toolbar There are four major categories of tools that you will use in PocketCAD PRO to perform various functions:

• Drawing tools (D)

• Block tools (B)

• Editing tools (E)

• Inquiry tools (I)

Some tools can perform more than one function, and thus fall into more than one category. For example, Set Points allows you to do both Drawing and Editing. Many of the tool buttons also provide access to dialog boxes where you can use the pen to select or edit various parameters.

Table 1 shows each Toolbar button, the tool’s name, the type of tool/function, and the its description. The letter designation under Type stands for drawing (D), block (B), editing (E), and inquiry (I). The buttons in the table appear in the order that you see them on the Windows-powered mobile device, reading from left to right. You may want to print out these pages and use them for a handy reference as you are learning how to use PocketCAD PRO.

Table 1. Tool buttons, names, and descriptions

Button Tool Name Type/Description

Pan I Slides the drawing across the window as you move the

pen in the direction that you want the view to move.

Zoom Previous I Returns you to the previous view.

Zoom Window I Zooms in on a specific region of the drawing after you

specify the opposite corners of a rectangle with the pen, through place, move and lift.

Zoom Extents I Zooms the drawing into a position that will display all

entities in the drawing within the PocketCAD Pro window.

Pick Points D Snaps to a specific point as the tip of the pen nears an

existing object.

Set Points D/E Specifies the coordinate – either an Absolute

coordinate or a Relative coordinate on an X-Y axis that is referenced from a picked point on the window.

Measure I Displays the distance between two picked points on

the window.

Undo E Steps back through the previous operations that you just completed.

32 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

Button Tool Name Type/Description

Redo E Does a redo of the undo operations that you recently performed.

Layers D/E Organizes a grouping of drawing entities that overlay

on a drawing. An object is drawn on the layer that is set to current. A new drawing has one default layer 0.

Change Layer E Moves selected entities from their existing layer to the

current layer.

Select Entity E Selects a set of objects to edit. Also allows for multiple

edits to be performed on the same selection set.

+ Clears the current selection set.

+ Switches to the Add method, allowing selected objects to be added to the selection set by using the Crossing window method.

+ Switches to the Remove method, allowing objects to be removed from the current selection set using the Crossing window method.

Object Property Page

E Displays the properties of a selected object for viewing and editing purposes. Allows you to view/edit: lines, circles, arcs, text, polylines, rotation, blocks, and block attributes. Layer, Color, and defining values can be changed for any object.

Delete E Deletes selected entities.

Move E Moves selected entities a distance and direction as

defined by two picked points.

Copy E/D Copies selected entities a distance and direction as

defined by two picked points.

Rotate E Rotates selected entities according to the selected

base point.

Trim E Selects entities to be cut after you select the cutting

edge and the entity to trim.

Extend E Edits entries that should have common boundary

edges after you select the entity to serve as the boundary edge and the entity to be expanded.

Offset E Offsets an entity after you select the distance, the

entity to offset, and the side to offset toward.

Points D Inserts a point entity into the drawing.

Circle with Center Point

D Creates a circle using a center point and a radius.

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 33 •

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

Button Tool Name Type/Description

Circle with 2 Points

D Creates a circle using two points to define the diameter.

Circle with 3 Points

D Creates a circle by fitting a circle through three picked points.


D Creates a line by specifying the two endpoints.

Polyline D Creates polylines that are connected line and arc

segments - from a start point until you lift the pen or close the polyline.

Line: Arc: Forces the segment between vertexes to be drawn as line or segments. This button toggles between line and arc.

Direction: Controls the direction of an Arc that is being drawn.

Undo Vertex: Removes the last vertex from the Polyline allowing the user to redo the last point.

Close. Closes the polyline by drawing a segment between the last point and the start point of the polyline. The segment can be either an arc or a line depending on how the mode is set

Sketch D Creates a freehand polyline that traces the motion of

your pen as you move around the window.

Arc with Center D Creates an arc line by specifying the center, start, and

end of the arc.

Arc with 3 Points D Creates an arc line by specifying three points on the


Rectangle D Draws a rectangle by selecting the two corner points.

Text D/B Creates text or text attribute for use within blocks. (An

attribute is a storage location within a block that allows you to update the text without having to redefine the block).

Insert Block B

Inserts one or more blocks located at a selected point.

Explode E Explodes objects that are comprised of more than one

object (such as blocks and polylines) to one level deep to their base object.

Make Block B Creates blocks (groups of objects treated as one)

based on the selected objects.

34 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts

Button Tool Name Type/Description

Write Block B Creates a separate file from an internally defined block

or from objects selected in the window.

Horizontal Dimensions

D Linear dimensioning that measures the distance between two points parallel to the X-axis.

Vertical Dimensions

I Linear dimensioning that measures the distance between two points parallel to the Y-axis.

Aligned Dimensions

D Linear dimensioning that measures the absolute distance between two points regardless of the relative position of the axes.

One-Hand Controls

One of the goals of designing software specifically for the Windows-powered mobile device platform is to provide one-handed access to data. To accomplish this goal, the Pan and Zoom features in PocketCAD PRO have been enabled to work through a switch control that is located on the Windows-powered mobile device. You can manipulate the switch control with one hand.

There are typically two types of switches:

• Rocker Control. A rocker control is usually located on the upper left side of the Windows-powered mobile device with an associated directional icon that appears on the PocketCAD PRO Display Bar (as shown above). As you move the rocker control up or down the directional arrow on the icon shows the action that you are performing. To switch the mode between vertical/horizontal panning and in/out zoom, you press the rocker control in directly and let go. Clicking the rocker control repeatedly will cycle through the Pan Vertical, Pan Horizontal, and Zoom modes.

• Button Control. This is usually a large control that is located on bottom front of the device. It consists of a center Zoom button that is surrounded by four separate buttons with built-in directional arrows for left, right, up, and down. With this control you simply click on the appropriate button to perform the desired Pan or Zoom function. There is no associated icon with this type of control.

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5—Using PocketCAD PRO

5—Using PocketCAD PRO

G etting started with PocketCAD PRO is easy. There are different ways to launch the program, depending upon the type of Windows-powered mobile device that you have. They are explained as follows:

1. Turn on the Windows-powered mobile device and the Today window appears.

2. Click on the Start icon in the upper left corner of the window. The pop-up menu shown in Figure 14 appears.

Click on the Programs

Menu and then click on the PocketCAD icon.

Figure 14. The pop-up menu on a Windows-powered mobile device

3. Do one of the following to launch PocketCAD PRO:

36 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

5—Using PocketCAD PRO

• For Windows-powered mobile devices: Click on the PocketCAD icon that was created on your program folder.

• For Handheld PCs: Click on the PocketCAD icon in the Programs menu or the PocketCAD icon on the desktop.

The PocketCAD PRO window appears as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15. PocketCAD PRO window on a Windows-powered mobile device

Refer to the “PocketCAD PRO Toolbar” section in Chapter 4—PocketCAD PRO

Concepts for an explanation of each tool in the Toolbar.

Creating a New Drawing Do the following to create a new drawing in PocketCAD PRO:

1. Click the Tools menu button on the Display bar. (Refer to Figure 15). A list of menu options displays.

2. Click File. A list of commands displays.

3. Select New.

On some Windows-powered mobile devices the menu bar displays in the lower left hand corner of the window and the menu commands actually open from the bottom of the display upwards. If you have this type of device, do the following to create a new drawing:

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 37 •

5—Using PocketCAD PRO

1. Click on the File option in the menu bar. The following list of commands is displayed.

• Create a New Drawing • Open an Existing Drawing

• Save your current drawing

• Save your current drawing as another name

• Access the preferences controlling your drawing.

2. Select the command to Create a New Drawing.

Now that you have created a new drawing, you are nearly ready to begin drawing in PocketCAD PRO. But first, there are three functions that you need to learn more about:

• Specifying points in a drawing with the Set Points tool • Editing entities (objects in a drawing) with the Select tool

• Snapping to end points with the Pick Points tool.

Note: The words objects and entities are used interchangeably in this document. ✒

Specifying Points in a Drawing PocketCAD PRO allows you to specify points in a drawing by doing any of the following:

• Placing the pen on the screen, moving to the desired point, and lifting the pen • Clicking on the Set Points button in the Toolbar

• Picking the points on the screen

Refer to the section “Place, Move, and Lift ” in Chapter 4 for an explanation of the place, move, and lift function.

Set Points tool. When you click on this button the Set First Point dialog box appears as shown in Figure 16. The Set Points tool makes it easy to set the location of the next point that you want to use. By entering the X and Y components of a point or specifying a distance and direction from a Base Point you can set the next point. The default setting for specifying the next point is Relative Distance and Direction from the Base Point. ✒ Note: The Base Point is the last point of the last drawn entity. In the case of a line

being drawn last it will be the end point. In the case of circles it will be the center of the last circle drawn.

38 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

5—Using PocketCAD PRO

Set Points always tracks what you are doing in the drawing or editing process. It displays the point it is setting in the title bar of the Set Points dialog box.

Click OK to save your settings.

Select a tab according to how you want to select

the next point.

Click the button to backspace in the current text box

Click the button to reset Angle and Distance to 0.0

Select pre-defined angle options. Number pad.

Figure 16. Default view for the Set First Point dialog box

The following buttons appear in the Set First Point dialog box when the Relative Distance and Direction from the Base Point tab is selected: Pick Base Picking this button closes the Set First Point dialog box and

allows you to pick a point from the screen. Using Pick Points here makes it easier to get the desired point.

Use Last This button is provided in case you select a Pick Base point but need to use the last point.

Pick Angle Picking this button closes the Set First Point dialog box and allows you to specify an angle by picking two points from the screen. Using Pick Points here makes it easier to get the desired point.

Pick Distance Picking this button closes the Set First Point dialog box and allows you to specify a distance by picking two points from the screen. Using Pick Points here makes it easier to get the desired point.

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5—Using PocketCAD PRO

Pick a Predefined Angle

Pick the desired angle and that value will be placed in the Angle text box. The pallet of commonly used angles is there for your convenience.

Number Pad The number pad allows you to easily use the pen to supply input. To pick your own angle or distance, click on the Pick Angle or Pick Distance text box and then select your numbers from the number pad.

Reset Picking this button sets the value of the Angle and Distance boxes to 0.0.

Backspace The backspace button lets you use the pen to control input. Click in the box you want to work in and click on the Backspace button until you reach the desired value.

Foot This button allows you to use feet and inch notations for distance. Valid formats are:

6’ 3-½ = 75.5 inches

6’3.5 = 75.5 inches

6.5’ = 78 inches

Note: The inch sign is not required.

Figure 17 shows the Set First Point dialog box with the Absolute X/Y tab selected:

Figure 17. Absolute X/Y page in the Set First Point dialog box

40 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

5—Using PocketCAD PRO

On this page of the Set First Point dialog box you can enter the absolute X and Y coordinates of a point. The result is based from the Origin of (0,0)—regardless of what the Base Point is set to. Negative values are valid and will result in a position either to the left, below, or both from the Origin Point of (0, 0).

Figure 18 shows the Set First Point dialog box with the Relative X/Y tab selected:

Figure 18. Relative X/Y page in the Set First Point dialog box

On this page of the Set First Point dialog box you can set the point by entering the X and Y distances from the Base Point. In the example in Figure 18 it is the first point being set. Negative values are valid and will result in a position either to the left, below, or both from the Base Point.

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5—Using PocketCAD PRO

Editing Entities Most of the editing tools in PocketCAD PRO require that you first make a selection of the entities that you want to edit. The tool that enables you to make selections of single or multiple objects is the Select Entity tool. You can use this tool to select individual objects or sets of objects, regardless of the tool that you ultimately intend to use.

Select Entity tool. In order to perform editing commands you must first pick one or more entities to edit. To select an entity in the PocketCAD PRO window, click on the Select Entity button and then pick the entity that you want to edit. You can add entities to the current selection set by clicking on the + sign (shown in the figure below) and picking each entity that you want to add to the selection set. To remove entities, click the – sign and select the entities to remove from the selection set. Entities that are picked with the Select Entity tool display a dashed line as shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19. Using the Select Entity button to pick an entity

Selection sets can also be made using a crossing window that you generate by picking two points with the stylus. All entities contained completely within and crossing the rectangle are selected (or deselected) for editing. The selected entities display a dashed line as shown in Figure 20.

42 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

5—Using PocketCAD PRO

New Select Entity tool buttons

Figure 20. Using two points to pick entities

To aid in the build up of objects within a selection, the following new buttons have been added to the Select Entity tool:

Clears the current selection set.

Switches to the Add method, allowing selected objects to be added to the selection set by using the Crossing window method.

Switches to the Remove method, allowing objects to be removed from the current selection set using the Crossing window method.

Tip: Remember that the active tool in PocketCAD PRO is the one that is selected and it remains active until you toggle that tool off or pick another tool.

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5—Using PocketCAD PRO

Snapping to End Points The Pick Points tool in PocketCAD PRO determines how your pen operates in the drawing window, depending upon the parameters that you set up.

Pick Points tool. This tool allows you to place the pen on the PocketCAD PRO window and drag the tip near an existing entity. Given the correct settings, the cursor automatically snaps to that particular point as the pen nears a pick point.

Click on the Pick Points tool to view the Pick Points settings. The Pick Points dialog box appears as shown in Figure 21. If you use any of the Pick Point settings, Pick Points displays a plus when you move the pen near a snap point. Pick Points can be turned on or off in the middle of a command sequence.

Figure 21. Pick Points dialog box

✒ Note: Calculating Intersections takes processor time. For best performance only use it

when you need to. As devices become more powerful this will become less of an issue. The following settings are available for the Pick Points tool:

Orthogonal Mode. Orthogonal Mode constrains pen movement to the horizontal or vertical directions. ✒ Note: Use care when drawing Rectangles with Orthogonal Mode ON. It is easy to

specify the opposite corners along the same line with Orthogonal Mode ON.

44 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

5—Using PocketCAD PRO

Grid Spacing. Grid settings restrict your cursor movement to specified intervals. The points that you pick with your pen are locked into alignment based on the value set in the Spacing text box.

A change in the snap grid affects only the coordinates of new points. Objects already in the drawing retain their existing coordinates. The grid is invisible.

Intersection. Intersection snaps to the overlap of objects such as lines, arcs, circles and polylines.

End. End snaps to the closest end point of objects such as lines, arcs, circles and polylines.

Insert. Insert snaps to the base or insertion point of text or a block.

Point. Point snaps to any defined point in the drawing.

Midpoint. Midpoint snaps to midpoint of lines.

Center. Center snaps to center point of arcs and circles.

Quadrant. Quadrant snaps to closest quadrant of an arc or circle. (Quadrants are defined as 0, 90, 180, and 270 degree positions.)

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 45 •

6—Drawing Tools

6—Drawing Tools

T his chapter explains how to use the drawing tools in PocketCAD PRO. You can draw circles, lines, polylines, arcs, rectangles, text, layers, and dimensions.

Using the Drawing Tools The figure below shows the drawing tools that are available. Refer to the section “PocketCAD PRO Toolbar” in Chapter 4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts for a description of each tool.

Figure 22. Drawing tools

Drawing Points

Points tool. This new tool allows you to pick points on the screen. The points act as nodes to which you can snap objects. The display size of points is determined by the value that is set in the File>Options page. The current elevation sets the value of the Z coordinate. To insert Points, pick the Point tool and then pick one or more points on the screen.

Drawing Circles

There are three types of circles that you can generate in PocketCAD PRO.

Circle with Center Point and Radius tool. This tool creates a circle via a center point and a radius. The first point requested is the center point. The next point sets the radius distance. When using the Set Points dialog box it is the Center that is retained as the Base Point.

46 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

6—Drawing Tools

The following example shows how to use the Set Points tool to draw a circle with a radius of 2.25.

Figure 23. Circle drawn with Center Point Radius tool

Do the following to draw the circle:

1. Pick the Circle with the Center Point Radius tool.

2. Place your pen on the screen and move it into position and lift it. This action sets the Center point.

3. Pick the Set Points tool. The Set Second Point dialog box opens. (The Base Point is the first point you picked on the window.)

4. Set the radius by typing 2.25 into the Distance text box. This action sets a second point at a distance of 2.25 units away from the Center point. The result will be a Circle drawn centered at the point you picked with a radius of 2.25.

Concentric Circles. Do the following to draw concentric circles:

1. Draw the first circle as described in the previous Steps 1 through 4.

2. Pick the Circle with the Center Point Radius tool.

3. Pick the Set Points tool. The Set First Point dialog box opens. Remember that the last point of a circle is the center point. Click on the OK button. This sets the first point of the new circle to the center point of the last circle.

4. Pick the Set Points tool again. The Set Second Point dialog box opens. Repeat Step 4 again, typing your new radius distance in the Distance text box. The result will be a concentric circle.

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6—Drawing Tools

Circle with Two Points tool. This tool creates a circle using two points to define the diameter. Even when using the two-point method of drawing circles the last point will be the center point.

Figure 24. Circle drawn with Two Points tool

Circle with Three Points tool. This tool creates a circle by fitting a circle through three picked points.

Figure 25. Circle drawn with Three Points tool

Drawing Lines

There are three tools that allow you to draw lines:

• Line tool

• Polyline tool • Sketch tool

48 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

6—Drawing Tools

Line tool. This tool creates a straight line by specifying the two end points. Figure 26 shows an example of a drawn line specifying two end points.

Figure 26. Drawn lines using end points

You can also draw a line using the Set Points tool as shown in Figure 27. For example, you could pick a point on the screen and draw a line 12 units long at a 45-degree angle from the point picked, as follows:

1. Pick the Line tool.

2. Place your pen on the screen and move to the desired position and lift. This enters your start point.

3. Pick the Set Points tool. The Set Second Point dialog box appears.

4. Pick the Predefined 45-degree button and the result will be placement of 45 in the Angle text box.

5. Use your pen to click in the Distance text box. Using the pen, click on 12.25 in the number pad.

6. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar. The result will be a line that is 45 degrees from the point picked.

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6—Drawing Tools

Figure 27. Setting a specific line angle and distance

Do the following if you want to draw continuous lines:

1. Draw the first Line as shown previously in Steps 1-6.

2. Pick the Set Points tool. The Set First Point dialog box opens. The Last Point of a Line is its endpoint point. Click on the OK button. This action sets your start point to the end point of your last line.

3. Pick the Set Points tool again. The Set Second Point dialog box opens.

4. Repeat Steps 4-6 in the previous procedure, typing your distance and direction. The result will be continuous line segments.

50 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

6—Drawing Tools

Polyline tool. Polylines are drawing elements that consist of connected lines or connected arc segments as shown below.

Figure 28. Drawing using Polyline tool

A polyline is treated as one object for the purpose of performing further operations such as move, copy, rotate, and so forth.

The following new polyline buttons have been added for better control of this tool:

Line: Arc: Forces the segment between vertexes to be drawn as line or arc segments, whichever is set. This button toggles between line and arc.

Direction: Controls the direction of an Arc that is being drawn.

Undo Vertex: Removes the last vertex from the Polyline allowing the user to redo the last point.

Close. Closes the polyline by drawing a segment between the last point and the start point of the polyline. The segment can be either an arc or a line depending on how the mode is set.

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 51 •

6—Drawing Tools

When you select the Polyline tool, the polyline buttons appear on the bottom

of the PocketCAD PRO window

Figure 29. PocketCAD PRO – new polyline buttons

Note: Polylines have a property that allows for area calculations. ✒

To create a polyline do the following:

1. Pick the Polyline tool. The polyline tools display at the bottom of the PocketCAD PRO window. PocketCAD PRO prompts you, via a message at the bottom of the window, to pick a starting point (P1), and then a vertex (P2).

2. Pick a starting point.

3. Pick the first vertex. The program expects you to draw more than one segment so the “Pick next vertex” message continues to display. The example in Figure 30 shows that the Pick Start and first Vertex points have been picked and the program is waiting for the third vertex.

52 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

6—Drawing Tools

Figure 30. Polyline Pick Start/Pick Vertex points

You can change from drawing line segments to drawing arc segments by toggling the line button to arcs. The example in Figure 31 shows a combination of line and arc segments.

Figure 31. Polyline drawing using lines and arcs

✒ Note: Pick Points can be set to insure accurate drawing. Set Points can also be used

to draw polylines accurately.

Refer to Editing an Object On Its Property Page in

Chapter 8—Editing Tools to see how to edit polylines.

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 53 •

6—Drawing Tools

Sketch tool. This tool creates a polyline that traces the motion of your pen as it moves around the window. Figure 32 shows an example of a polyline drawing.

The polyline is constructed of short line segments whose lengths are determined by your Zoom factor. If you are zoomed in, your sketch will create a higher resolution polyline than if you were zoomed out.

Do the following to draw a polyline with the Sketch tool:

1. Pick the Sketch tool in the toolbar.

2. Place your pen on the window and draw the shape that you want to create. When you lift the pen a polyline will be created.

✒ Note: Pick Points will be ignored when you are using the Sketch tool, as the intended

use of this tool is to record the freehand movement of the pen as you draw.

Figure 32. Freehand drawing using Sketch tool

54 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

6—Drawing Tools

Drawing Arcs

There are two types of arcs that you can generate in PocketCAD PRO. Arcs are drawn in a counter-clockwise direction.

Arc with Three Points tool. This tool creates an Arc line by specifying three points on the Arc. You are to supply three points as if you were moving along the Arc.

Figure 33. Arc drawn with Three Points tool

Arc with Center tool. This tool creates an arc line by specifying the center, start, and end of the Arc.

Figure 34. Arc drawn with Center tool

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 55 •

6—Drawing Tools

Drawing a Rectangle

Rectangle tool. This tool creates a Rectangle using two points to represent the opposite corners of the box. For example, do the following to draw a rectangle that is 5 units wide by 4 units tall:

1. Pick the Rectangle tool.

2. Place your pen on the screen and move to the desired position and lift. This action enters your start point.

3. Pick the Set Points tool. The Set Second Point dialog box opens.

4. Select the Absolute X/Y tab. Use the pen and number pad to enter 5 in the X Coordinate text box and 4 in the Y Coordinate text box.

5. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar. The result will be a Rectangle with a length of 5 units in the X direction and 4 units in the Y direction, as shown in Figure 35.

✒ Note: The second point picked is the last point for rectangles. Also it is valid to use

negative numbers in the Set Points dialog box. This gives you the control to draw the rectangle from any of the four corners.

Figure 35. Rectangle drawing

56 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

6—Drawing Tools

Using Text

Text tool. This tool creates a string of Text located at a point that you select. When you pick the Text tool, PocketCAD PRO waits for you to select a point on the window. When you lift the pen the Text Designer dialog box appears as shown in Figure 36.

yo .

Type the text string in this text box.

The Attribute Definition feature is optional. Click the checkbox ON (checked) if u want to use this feature

Figure 36. Text Designer dialog box

This dialog box allows you to specify the text string that you want to insert into the drawing. You can also set an alternate text height as well as set the angle that you want the text to be rotated at. The rotation angle is based on rotating around the picked point in a counter clockwise motion. PocketCAD PRO defines 0 degrees as the position that is located horizontally to the right from the selected point. ✒ PocketCAD PRO remembers the last text height you used, so once it is set it will

remain the same until you change it. A special feature of the Text tool also allows you to create attribute definitions for use in blocks. Attributes are storage locations within blocks that allow you to update text information without having to redefine the block. Refer to the “Creating Text Attributes” section in the Chapter 7—Block Tools for information on using text attributes in blocks.

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 57 •

6—Drawing Tools

Using Pick Points

Pick Points tool. This tool was described previously. Refer to the “Snapping to End Points” section Chapter 5—Using PocketCAD PRO for detailed information about the tool.

Using Set Points

Set Points tool. This tool was described previously. Refer to the “Specifying Points in a Drawing” section in Chapter 5—Using PocketCAD PRO for detailed information about the tool.

Drawing on a Layer

Layers tool. A layer is a grouping of drawing entities that overlay on a drawing. Using layers helps you to organize your drawing. This tool allows you to select the layer on which you want to create a drawing. You should note the following information about Layers:

• In the Layers dialog box that appears when you pick the Layers tool, you can perform drawing setups for layers and you can also edit the setups.

• When you create a new drawing, it has one default layer: 0.

• You can have one layer or many layers.

• Entities are drawn on the layer that it is set to current.

• It is the color of the layers that controls the color of the entities. For example, if layer WALL is assigned to color RED then all entities drawn on layer WALL will be RED. However, you can override object colors by changing object properties.

• By controlling whether a layer’s state is ON or OFF you can change the appearance of your drawing to display only the information on the layers that are turned ON.

• Turning OFF layers that are not being used helps the performance of PocketCAD PRO.

• You can add layers, specify the active layer, or rename layers. • Duplicate layer names are not allowed.

• Layer names can be as long as you want. There is no character length limit.

58 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

6—Drawing Tools

✒ Note: Your desktop CAD application may limit the number of characters allowed in a layer name. Please review your desktop CAD application documentation for specific details.

To work effectively, plan the layers to be used in advance and create them in a systematic manner. Creating a Template Drawing with your layers already created is the most effective way to use the Layers tool.

Layers can be controlled using one of two methods.

• The Layer Dialog Box, which allows you to add new layers and gives you absolute control over the all layer properties.

• The Current Layer Pull-Down List, which is the pull-down list box on the PocketCAD PRO window Display Bar that shows all the layers currently ON in the drawing. Picking a name from this list allows you to set that layer to the current layer.

These two methods will be described in succeeding sections.

Using the Layer Dialog Box

To look at Layer information, pick the Layer tool in the toolbar. The Layer dialog box opens as shown in Figure 37.

Current Layer pull-down list box

Figure 37. Layer dialog box

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6—Drawing Tools

From the Layer dialog box you can do the following:

Create a new Layer. You can create a new layer at any time. Newly created layers do not have to have drawing entities on them right away. The layers of a drawing are not listed alphabetically, but according to their time of creation.

Do the following to create a new layer:

1. Pick the New Layer button and New Layer 1 is added to the layer table. The name New Layer 1 increments to New Layer 2 if New Layer 1 already exists.

2. Pick the text of the layer name and then select the Properties button. The Properties dialog box appears. Through that box you can change any property of the layer – name, color, or state.

3. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar. Every new layer is assigned the color 7 (black).

Set the Current Layer. To set the current layer simply highlight the text of the layer name you want to be current and pick the Set Current button. A red check mark indicates the current layer. Also see the section, "The Current Layer Pull-down List" as an alternative way to set the current layer.

Change a Layer’s State. By controlling whether a layer’s state is ON or OFF, you can change the appearance of your drawing to display only the information on the layers that are turned ON.

The checkbox next to a layer’s name indicates whether the layer is ON or OFF. Checked is ON. Simply click on the checkbox to toggle the state OFF and ON. The current layer cannot be turned OFF.

Define a Layer’s Color. Pick the text of the layer name that you want to assign a color to and then select the Properties button. The color pallet displays and you can select the color that you want.

Using the Current Layer Pull-down List

You can see all the layers that are currently turned on in a drawing by clicking on the down arrow in the Current Layer pull-down list on the Display Bar that appears under the Toolbar. You can pick a name from this list to set that layer to the current layer. Figure 38 shows an example of the Current Layer pull-down list.

Figure 38. Current Layer pull-down list

60 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

6—Drawing Tools

Using the Dimensions Tools

There are three dimension tools available for your use in PocketCAD PRO. They are described in this section.

Note: Use the Pick Points tool to get to quickly select the definition points. ✒

Note: The third point specifies where the extension line will be drawn but it also defines the center point of the text to be placed.

Horizontal Dimensions tool. Horizontal dimensioning is linear dimensioning that measures the distance between two points (definition points) parallel to the X-axis.

To use this command, first define two points of measurement and then define a third point to locate where the text of the dimension and arrowheads are to be located. Figure 39 shows an example of horizontal dimensioning.

Figure 39. Example of horizontal dimensioning

Vertical Dimensions tool. Vertical dimensioning is linear dimensioning that measures the distance between two points (definition points) parallel to the Y-axis.

To use this command, first define two points of measurement and then define a third point to locate where the text of the dimension and arrowheads are to be located. Figure 40 shows an example of vertical dimensioning.

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Figure 40. Example of vertical dimensioning

Aligned Dimensions tool. Aligned dimensioning is a type of linear dimensioning that measures the absolute distance between two points, regardless of the relative position of the axes. This makes it possible to dimension spaces that are not located on the X or Y-axes.

To use this command, first define two points of measurement and then define a third point to locate where the text of the dimension and arrowheads are to be located. The absolute measurement between the two points will be inserted into the drawing as shown on an aligned plane.

Figure 41 shows an example of aligned dimensioning.

Figure 41. Example of aligned dimensioning

62 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

7—Block Tools

7—Block Tools

T he block tools allow you to group and ungroup entities, move them to different layers or files, and edit the text in blocks.

Using the Block Tools The figure below shows the block tools. Refer to the section “PocketCAD PRO Toolbar” in Chapter 4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts for a description of each tool.

Figure 42. Block tools

Inserting a Block

Insert Block tool. This tool inserts a block located at a selected point. PocketCAD PRO can insert blocks that are already defined in the drawing or you can insert other PocketCAD PRO files as blocks into the current drawing. PocketCAD PRO uses the following rules concerning block definitions:

• If you insert a file with the name of a block that is already defined in the drawing, PocketCAD PRO uses the definition of the file being inserted.

If you have a nested block (a block inside a block) in a file that is being inserted and there is a block in the drawing with that same name, you can redefine the existing block or the original definition will rule.

Do the following to insert a block that is already defined within the current PocketCAD file:

1. Pick the Insert Block tool. The Insert Block dialog box appears as shown in Figure 43.

2. Click OK on the Header Bar and the Insert Block dialog box closes. PocketCAD PRO waits for you to select a point on the window.

3. Lift the pen and the block is inserted into the drawing, as shown in Figure 44.

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7—Block Tools

If internal blocks are defined within a drawing, click on the Block button and a list of the blocks that are defined appears. You can select the one that you want.

This is a block file that is currently selected for

insertion into the drawing.

Figure 43. Insert Block dialog box

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7—Block Tools

Figure 44. Example of block inserted in current file

Along with blocks that are defined within the PocketCAD file you can insert other PocketCAD files into your current drawing to create blocks. Do the following to insert another PocketCAD file into your drawing to create blocks:

1. Pick the Insert Block tool. The Insert Block dialog box appears.

2. Click on the File button. The standard Windows File Open dialog box appears as shown in Figure 45. Browse to find the CAD file that you want to insert.

3. Double Click on the file or click on the file and hit OK to insert it. You are returned to the Insert Block dialog box.

4. Set the X and Y Scale Factors and the Rotation Angle for the file that you are inserting.

5. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar. The Insert Block dialog box closes. The block is inserted.

Figure 45. Standard Windows File Open dialog box

Inserted files have an insertion Base Point of (0, 0). When you insert a PocketCAD file into your drawing, the path of that file is recorded. That directory then becomes the default directory for where you get your symbols. If you put your symbols in the same directory PocketCAD PRO will always open that folder when you insert a file.

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7—Block Tools

Making a Block

Make Block tool. This tool creates blocks (groups of objects treated as one) based on the currently selected objects in your drawing. Do the following to create a block:

1. Pick the Select tool to highlight group of objects that you want to block, as shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46. Selected entities for Make Block

2. Pick the Make Block command. The Make Block dialog box appears as shown in Figure 47.

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7—Block Tools

Figure 47. Make Block dialog box

3. Supply a name for the new block or pick the name of an existing internal block to redefine it.

4. Supply the X/Y base points for an Insertion Point, if you require one other than 0,0.

✒ Note: The use of Pick Points makes Step 4 easier and more accurate (See Chapter 5 for how to use the Pick Points tool.

5. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar. You are returned to the PocketCAD

PRO window with the Make Block tool active. In the Figure 48 example a new insertion point was specified in Step 4 and it now appears in the window.

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7—Block Tools

Figure 48. Make Block showing new insertion point

6. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar. The items that you had blocked off disappear from the PocketCAD PRO window, as shown in Figure 49, indicating that a block was created.

Figure 49. PocketCAD PRO window with block created

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7—Block Tools

Writing a Block

Write Block tool. This tool creates a separate file from either:

• An internally defined block • Objects selected from the window

If there is nothing selected in the PocketCAD PRO window when you pick the Write Block tool, the default is that you must pick the name of an internally defined block. However, if you have selected objects, then you are given the choice to use what is selected or pick a name of an internally defined block from the pull-down list in the Display Bar.

Writing an Internally Defined Block

To write out an internally defined block do the following:

1. Clear any selection set that appears in the PocketCAD PRO window.

2. Pick the Write Block tool. The Write Block dialog box appears as shown in Figure 50.

Block pull-down list

Figure 50. Write Block dialog box

3. Pick the desired block to write out from the Block pull-down list box. The Save As dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 51, displaying information about the block that you selected.

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7—Block Tools

Figure 51. Save As dialog box showing block to write

4. Click on the OK button.

5. Use the pen to pick the name for the new file when prompted to do so.

Writing Objects Selected from the Window

Do the following to write out a selection set of objects:

1. Use the Select tool to select the desired objects as shown in Figure 52.

Figure 52. Selection set for Write Block

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7—Block Tools

2. Pick the Write Block tool. The Write Block dialog box appears with the radio button checked for Current Selection.

3. Reset the Base Point if you do not want to use 0,0. ✒ To change the Base Point from 0,0 pick the Select tool and the Write Block page

closes. Use Pick Points to select some other point as the Insertion Point and then pick the Make Block tool again.

4. Click on the OK button. A new block named "new_cubicle" is created as shown in

Figure 53.

Figure 53. Example of new block creation

5. Click on the OK button and you will be presented with the Save As file dialog box. Supply a file name and click on OK to create the file.

Creating Text Attributes

Text tool. This tool allows you to create a text attribute for use within blocks. Attributes are storage locations within blocks that allow you to update the text information without having to redefine the block. The steps required to create attribute definitions are similar to creating text.

Do the following to create attribute definitions:

1. Pick the Text tool. The Text Designer dialog box appears as shown in Figure 54.

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7—Block Tools

Figure 54. Text Designer dialog box

2. Toggle the Attribute Definition to ON (checked). The Attribute Definition values populate the dialog box as shown in Figure 55.

3. Supply a Tag, using the pen to pick the name from the keyboard.

4. Supply the Prompt that you want displayed when you access the block with this definition in it.

5. Toggle the desired mode for the definition to ON (checked). Select from the following:

• Invisible. Specifies that attribute values will not be displayed when you insert the block.

• Constant. Fixes the attributes value for block insertions.

• Verify. Requires you to verify that the attribute value is correct when you insert the block.

• Preset. Sets the default attribute value when you insert the block

6. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar to add the attribute object to the drawing.

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7—Block Tools

Figure 55. Property dialog box for attributes

When inserting blocks with Attribute Definitions you are presented with a Property dialog box, as shown in Figure 56, in which you must supply an initial value.

Figure 56. Property table for block insert

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7—Block Tools

Exploding Grouped Objects

Explode tool. Some drawings are comprised of more than one object. For example, blocks and polylines are compound objects. With this tool you can explode (ungroup) these objects one level deep to their base object. ✒ Note: In the case of nested Blocks (Blocks inside of Blocks) it may take more than one

explode procedure to get to the base objects. To explode a block or polyline, do the following:

1. Open the drawing in the PocketCAD PRO window that contains the grouping that you want to explode.

2. Pick the grouping to explode by clicking on it with the pen.

3. Pick the Explode tool.

74 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

8—Editing Tools

8—Editing Tools

T he editing tools provide great flexibility in controlling and changing objects that you have created in your drawings. This chapter explains how to use the editing tools in PocketCAD PRO.

In particular, the Object Property Page, which displays the properties of a selected object, is very useful for quickly editing lines, circles, arcs, text, polylines, rotation, blocks, and block attributes.

Edit commands are not persistent like draw commands. Once you pick an edit tool and perform the edit task, you are returned to the control of the tool that was active when you initiated the edit. In a typical edit, you may do the following:

1. Open the drawing that you want to edit.

2. Click on the Select tool. Select or pick an entity to edit. To add additional items to the selection set, make sure the + sign is selected before selecting additional items. To remove items from the selection set, click on the – sign and then click on selected objects to remove them from the selection set. For further information on selecting (or deselecting entities) please refer to Chapter 5, Editing Entities.

3. Click on the edit tool that you want to use and pick on the selected entities. The edit command executes.

Using the Editing tools The figure below shows the editing tools. Refer to the “PocketCAD PRO Toolbar” section in Chapter 4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts for a description of each editing tool.

Figure 57. Editing tools

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8—Editing Tools

Selecting Entities

Select Entity tool. This tool allows you to select a set of entities to edit. This tool was described previously. Refer to the “Editing Entities” section in Chapter 5—Using PocketCAD PRO for detailed information about the use of the tool.

Editing Specified Points

Set Points tool. This tool serves a dual purpose. It allows you to both specify points in a drawing and edit them through the Set Points dialog box. This tool was described previously. Refer to the “Specifying Points in a Drawing” section in Chapter 5—Using PocketCAD PRO for detailed information about the Set Points dialog box where you can perform edits.

Taking Undo and Redo Actions

Undo tool. Click on this tool to cancel out the last action that you performed in the PocketCAD PRO window.

Redo tool. Click on this tool to recreate the last action that you performed in the PocketCAD PRO window.

Deleting Entities

Delete tool. Click on this tool to delete selected entities.

Moving Entities

Move tool. This tool moves a selection of entities a distance and direction as defined by two picked points. As with all edit functions, Move requires you to select the entities that you want to move. Make your selection and then click on the Move button. PocketCAD PRO waits for you to pick two points to define the distance and direction to move the selection set.

If you select multiple objects to move, they will be moved together in exactly the same relationship as they are currently placed.

When performing a move command, the first point that you select is the reference point for moving the objects. The second point that you select defines the distance and

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8—Editing Tools

direction that you want the selected objects to move. You can pick points on the window using Pick Points and Set Points.

To perform a move using two points from the window, do the following:

1. Create your selection set.

2. Pick the Move button

3. Pick Point 1 on the screen.

4. Pick Point 2 on the screen. Figure 58 shows the objects in both their original and new positions.

Figure 58. Moving entities by picking 2 points

Using the Set Points tool with the Move tool gives you complete control over the final position of the selected entities. To perform a Move using Set Points, do the following:

1. Use the Select tool to select the entities to move.

2. Pick the Move tool.

3. Place your pen on the screen and pick ANY position and lift. This sets the base point.

4. Pick the Set Points tool. The Set Second Point dialog box appears as shown in Figure 59.

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8—Editing Tools

Figure 59. Moving entities using Set Points

5. Pick values for the Angle and Distance text boxes, using the pen and number pad. You can use the Pick Angle button to set the Angle by picking two points on the window. You can also use the Pick Distance button set the distance by picking two points from the window.

6. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar.

Copying Entities

Copy tool. This tool allows you to copy a selection of entities a distance and direction as defined by two picked points. Pick the Copy tool and PocketCAD PRO waits for you to enter two points to define the distance and direction to copy the selection set to.

You can select multiple objects and they will be copied together in exactly the same relationship as they are currently placed.

When performing a Copy command, the first point that you select is the reference point for copying the objects. The second point that you select defines the distance and direction that the selected objects are to copy to. You can pick points on the window using Pick Points and Set Points.

To perform a copy using two points from the window, do the following:

1. Create your selection set.

2. Pick the Copy button

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8—Editing Tools

3. Pick Point 1 on the screen.

4. Pick Point 2 on the screen. Figure 60 shows the objects in both their original and new position. This was done to help you visualize the process. In reality, the selected items would no longer appear on the drawing.

Figure 60. Copying entities by picking 2 points

Using the Set Points tool with the Copy tool gives you complete control over the final position of the selected entities. To perform a Copy using Set Points, do the following:

1. Use the Select tool to select the entities to move.

2. Pick the Copy tool.

3. Place your pen on the screen and pick ANY position and lift. This sets the base point.

4. Pick the Set Points tool. The Set Second Point dialog box appears as shown in Figure 61.

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8—Editing Tools

Figure 61. Copying entities using Set Points

5. Pick values for the Angle and Distance text boxes, using the pen and number pad. You can use the Pick Angle button to set the Angle by picking two points on the window. You can also use the Pick Distance button set the distance by picking two points from the window.

6. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar.

Rotating Entities

Rotate tool. This tool allows you to rotate drawing entities on the PocketCAD PRO window. To perform a Rotate action, do the following:

1. Pick the Select tool and select the entities to rotate.

2. Click on the Rotate tool.

3. Pick a base point for the rotate action on the drawing. The base point is the point about which the rotation will occur. It is handy to pick a corner or a center, but you can pick any point that will produce the desired result. The Rotation Angle dialog box appears as shown in Figure 62.

4. Pick the angle on the number pad. The numbers appear in the Rotation Angle text box. The Rotation Angle used is always counter-clockwise around the base point. Negative values are valid for rotation angles and result in a rotation in the clockwise direction.

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8—Editing Tools

5. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar. PocketCAD PRO rotates the selection about the specified base point.

Figure 62. Rotation Angle dialog box

Trimming Entities

Trim Command. This tool allows you to trim an entity as shown in Figure 63. Valid cutting edge objects include lines, arcs and circles. Exactly what is trimmed depends on where you make a selection on the cutting edge and the selected entity. For best results when picking these entities, pick near where the point of intersection occurs.

The Trim tool in PocketCAD PRO allows you to select multiple cutting edges before you trim any entities.

Do the following to trim an entity in a drawing:

1. Pick the Trim tool. PocketCAD PRO then waits for two selections to be made on the drawing.

2. Select the entity or entities that will be the cutting edge or edges.

3. Select the entity that will be trimmed. The portion to be cut is determined by which side of the cutting edge you pick the entity to be cut. As the entities are selected, they are trimmed and the trimmed portion disappears from the drawing.

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8—Editing Tools

Figure 63. Example of trimming

Editing Common Boundaries

Extend tool. The Extend tool allows you to edit entities that should have common boundary edges. Parts of objects can be expanded to the intended boundary edge. Valid boundary objects include line arcs, and circles.

Exactly what is Extended depends on where you select on the boundary edge and extended entity. The Extend tool in PocketCAD PRO does require that you reselect the boundary edge before you can extend an entity. However because of PocketCAD PRO’s persistent commands, you are working under the Extend tool until you choose something else.

Do the following to edit common boundary edges:

1. Click on the Extend tool. PocketCAD PRO then waits for two selections to be made.

2. Select the entity that will serve as boundary edge. This entity will remain unchanged.

3. Select the entity to be expanded. The extension of a selected entity is always executed from the end point, which lies nearest to the pen where it selected the entity.

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8—Editing Tools

Offsetting Entities

Offset tool. The Offset tool copies a selected entity a distance from the original entity. The original entity remains in its original position. The type of drawing entity offset dictates how the new entity is created. Valid offset objects include line arcs, and circles.

For lines, identical parallel copies are created at a distance that you define in the Offset dialog box. For circles and arcs concentric copies are created. They are also scaled by a selected factor that is based on the distance used in the Offset dialog box. The center of the arc or circle is the base point for this scaling.

To perform an offset, do the following:

1. Select the entity to offset using the Select tool.

2. Pick the Offset tool. The Offset dialog box appears as shown in Figure 64.

3. Supply an offset distance in the Offset text box.

4. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar. You are returned to the PocketCAD PRO window.

5. Pick the entity to offset in the window.

6. Pick the side to offset toward. The command executes.

Figure 64. Offset tool dialog box

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8—Editing Tools

Editing Layers

Layers tool. This tool serves a dual purpose. It allows you to both draw on and edit the layers in a drawing. A layer is a grouping of drawing entities that overlay on a drawing. Refer to the “Drawing on a Layer” section in Chapter 6—Drawing Tools for detailed information on the Layers dialog box where you can perform edits.

Changing Layers

Change Layer tool. The Change Layer tool allows you to move selected entities from their existing layer to the current layer. To change a layer, do the following:

1. Select the entities that you wish to change. Use the Current Layer Pull-down list to set your current layer to where you want the selected entities to go.

2. Pick the Change Layer button and all the selected entities will be moved to the current layer.

Editing an Object On Its Property Page

Object Property Page tool. The Object Property Page exposes the properties of a selected object for inquiry and editing. This page lets you view/edit: lines, circles, arcs, text, polylines, rotation, blocks, and block attributes. To display or edit the properties of an entity you will typically do the following:

1. Open a drawing in PocketCAD PRO.

2. Select an entity to view/edit.

3. Click on the Object Property Page tool. The dialog box for the selected entity (such as line, circle, and so forth) appears with its properties displayed.

4. Click on a property to edit. Other dialog boxes, list boxes, or the keyboard may pop up if applicable. In some instances you may want to use Pick Points or Set Points to make the property changes.

5. Make your edits.

6. Click on the OK button in the Header Bar to save the edits. The entity that you had selected is updated.

Editing Layers and Colors

Each entity type contains some unique properties as well as common properties such as Layer and Color that you can change on the Object Property Page. The example in Figure 65 shows the list of layer properties for a line entity.

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8—Editing Tools

To change the Layer property, do the following:

1. Pick on the Layer property and a list box displays the available layers that you can choose from.

2. Pick a layer and click the OK button.

To change the Color of a layer, do the following:

1. Pick on the Color property and a color pallet displays as shown in Figure 66.

2. Pick the color that you want from the pallet and click the OK button.

Figure 65. Example list of layer properties

Figure 66. Color pallet

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The dialog boxes for the entity types are shown on the following pages.


Figure 67. Object Properties dialog box for a line

About lines . . .

• Both the Start Point and End Point of a Line can be reset. • The Property page hides when you pick the value in the Start or End point text

box. • You can then pick from window, using Pick Points or Set Points to change the

value of the end point.

86 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

8—Editing Tools


Figure 68. Object Properties dialog box for an arc

About arcs . . .

• You can reset the Center Point.

• The Property page hides when you pick the value in Center Point text box. • You can then pick from window, using Pick Points or Set Points to reset the value

of the Center Point.

• The Radius, Start Angle or End Angle can also be reset by picking the in the respective text box. The number pad pops up so that you can use the pen to pick a new value.

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8—Editing Tools


Figure 69. Object Prop

About circles . . .

• You can reset the Center P

• The Property page hides w• You can then pick from w

of the Center Point.

• The Radius can also be res


The number pad pops up so that you can use the pen to pick a new value.

erties dialog box for a circle


hen you pick the value in Center Point text box. indow, using Pick Points or Set Points to reset the value

et by picking the value in the respective text box.

PocketCAD PRO User Guide

8—Editing Tools


Figure 70. Properties for text

About text . . .

• You can edit the text string by picking the Text Value text box and updating the text.

• You can pick in the Insertion Point text box to change the Insertion Point.

• Then pick from the window, using Pick Points or Set Points to reset the Insertion Point.

• The Rotation, Height, and Width can be can also be reset by picking the in the respective text box. The number pad pops up so that you can use the pen to pick values.

• You can reset Horizontal and Vertical Justification by using the pull-downs to choose the desired value

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8—Editing Tools


The area bounded by the polyline is displayed here. Area is displayed both as square units and square units divided by 144 (square feet).

Figure 71. Object Properties for polylines

About polylines . . .

• You can update Polyline vertices by picking in the appropriate Vertex text box. • You can then pick from the window, using Pick Points or Set Points to reset the

Vertex Point. • The bulge field has been added. The bulge factor is the amount of curvature at a

vertex point. It is, mathematically, the tangent of 1/4 of the included angle of an arc segment. If the arc goes clockwise from the start point to the endpoint, then the bulge is negative. Using the direction button during creation controls whether this is a positive or negative number. A bulge of 0 indicates a straight segment. A bulge of 1 is a semicircle.

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8—Editing Tools


Figure 72. Object Properties for a block

About blocks . . .

• You can pick in the Insertion Point text box to change the Insertion Point.

• Then pick from window, using Pick Points or Set Points to reset the Insertion Point.

• You can reset the Rotation, X Scale, and Y Scale by picking the in the respective text box.

• The number pad pops up so that you can use the pen to enter values.

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8—Editing Tools

Block Attributes

Figure 73. Object Properties for a block attribute

About block attributes . . .

• You can update Attribute Values, when detected within a block, by picking in the attribute text box that you want to change.

• You can provide a new value that will update when you click on the OK button in the Header Bar.

92 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

9—Inquiry Tools

9—Inquiry Tools

I nquiry tools allow you to manipulate your drawings in ways that will enhance your viewing and use of them. This chapter explains how to use the inquiry tools.

Using the Inquiry Tools The figure below shows the inquiry tools that are available. You can pan, zoom, see the previous view, zoom to show the entire drawing, view the properties of drawn objects, and measure distances.

Refer to the “PocketCAD PRO Toolbar ” section in Chapter 4—PocketCAD PRO Concepts for a description of each tool.

Figure 74. Inquiry tools


Pan tool. This tool slides your drawing across the window in the direction that you are moving the pen. When you pick you pen up the drawing is refreshed. To pan, pick the Pan tool, place the pen on the window, and move the drawing as you wish. The entire drawing moves as a unit.

Zooming on a Window

Zoom Window tool. This tool lets you zoom in on a specific region of your drawing. This region is defined by specifying opposite corners of a rectangle with your pen. The Zoom Window tool is the only tool that does not use the Place, Move and Lift method. To use the Zoom Window tool, do the following:

1. Pick the Zoom Window tool.

2. Place the pen down to set one corner. Slide the pen to another position without lifting it from the window.

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9—Inquiry Tools

3. Lift the pen to define the other corner of the rectangle.

Returning to the Previous View

Zoom Previous tool. Pick the Zoom Previous tool to return to the previous view. PocketCAD PRO remembers the last 20 views that you specified.

Zooming to Display all Entities

Zoom Extents tool. Pick the Zoom Extents tool to zoom the drawing into a position that displays all entities in the drawing.

Viewing Properties of Objects

Object Property Page tool. This tool serves a dual purpose. It displays the properties of a selected object for both inquiry and editing purposes. It allows you to view/edit: lines, circles, arcs, text, polylines, rotation, blocks, and block attributes. Refer to Chapter 8—Editing Tools for detailed information about the tool.

Determining Distance Between Points

Measure tool. This tool displays the distance between two picked points on the window. To use this tool, do the following:

1. Select the Measure tool.

2. Place the pen down and move it across the window to the desired location for the first point. When you lift the pen the first point is recorded.

3. Repeat the same step to locate the second point.

The display updates in real-time while the second point is being located. The display stays present until you pick the next tool or take another measurement. Figure 75 shows an example of the output that the Measure tool generates.

Tip: For best results use Pick Points to select precise object features.

94 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

9—Inquiry Tools

Figure 75. Example of Measure tool output

✒ Note. The Options Settings (Tools menu>Options>Options dialog box) control the units

that the values display in.

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 95 •

9—Inquiry Tools

96 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Appendix A—CadExchange

Appendix A—CadExchange

T his Appendix explains in detail the use of CadExchange, the PocketCAD PRO 4.0 companion application that uses EditTrak technology to merge changed field data into the desktop drawing file back at the office. CadExchange is automatically installed on your office computer when you install PocketCAD

PRO 4.0 and a desktop icon is created that allows you to access the features of CadExchange.

EditTrak is an integral part of the CadExchange application. It was designed to address the loss of data problem that can occur during file conversions. File conversion problems do not occur with EditTrak because the program is designed to simply update, rather than convert, the original file.

Overview of CadExchange Typically, Microsoft’s ActiveSync program is used to handle the transfer of files between the mobile device and the desktop. Although CadExchange uses ActiveSync to make the connection between the device and the desktop, it greatly expands ActiveSync’s capabilities and is thus a separate application with merits of its own. ✒ Note: You must have ActiveSync loaded and operational in order for CadExchange to

work. CadExchange performs the following major functions:

• Moves files back and forth between the desktop and mobile device • Merges changes made in PocketCAD PRO back into the file on the desktop

CadExchange provides two ways to send files from the desktop PC to the mobile device:

• Drag and drop

• Update mobile file procedure

CadExchange provides two ways to get files from the mobile device back to the desktop:

• Convert and copy the CAD file to either a DWG or DXF file

• Merge the changes from the CAD file into either a DWG or DXF file

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Appendix A—CadExchange

In addition to choosing the format that you want CadExchange to use for file transfer, you can now also select the format version from those shown below:

For DWG files: R13, R14, 2000

For DXF files: R12, R13, R14, A2000

The real power of CadExchange is in its merge and update capabilities. CadExchange allows all entities to remain in AutoCAD except for the changes and additions that need to be merged. In this way the features and objects that PocketCAD PRO does not support (such as Layouts or 3D solids) are preserved.

Overview of EditTrak EditTrak is part of the CadExchange application. The core of the EditTrak technology is its capability to replay the field edits. As a mobile user edits a drawing in the field, PocketCAD PRO silently logs all changes. PocketCAD PRO logs creation of new geometry, the moving, copying, rotating, editing, or erasing of existing geometry, creation or manipulation of layers, or any other editing done to the CAD file. When the mobile user saves the file, this log is written out to the file system of the device, allowing CadExchange to later merge the updates into the corresponding desktop file.

EditTrak files are given the same name as the drawing file, with the date and time appended, followed by a .txn extension. For example, editing and saving sample.cad could result in an EditTrak file named sample-2001-04-01-10-56-36.txn. Each time the file is saved on the mobile device, a new EditTrak file is created. Thus, over several editing sessions of a particular CAD drawing—with no synchronization in between—multiple EditTrak files will be created.

Although you cannot view the EditTrak .txn files on the mobile device, you can be assured that they contain the information required to replay the changes and update the desktop file. The desktop application, CadExchange, provides the mechanism to replay these files. After EditTrak files are successfully replayed on the desktop, they are automatically removed from the mobile device.

Launching a CadExchange Session To initiate a CadExchange session, do the following:

1. Make certain that your mobile device is plugged into the cradle that is attached to your desktop PC.

2. Push the Async button on the cradle or double-click the ActiveSync icon on the Desktop. A bright green circle in the task bar indicates whether or not you are connected.

98 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Appendix A—CadExchange

3. Verify that ActiveSync has connected the device to your desktop by double clicking on the green icon. The Microsoft ActiveSync window appears as shown in Figure 76. Close or minimize the window once you verify the connection.

Figure 76. ActiveSync window showing connection to device

4. Double-click on the CadExchange icon that is located on the Desktop, as shown

below. The CadExchange window appears as shown in Figure 77.

5. Perform the desired actions.

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 99 •

Appendix A—CadExchange

Using the CadExchange Window This section explains the features of the CadExchange window.

File Management toolbar

Current directory on the mobile deviceMenu options

Figure 77. CadExchange window

You can perform commands in the CadExchange window as follows:

• By using the buttons on the file management toolbar

• Through the pull-down menus in the menu bar • By right-clicking on a highlighted file and accessing a popup menu

The columns (left to right) in the window display the following information:

• Remote file name

• The status of that file • The last time is was updated • The location of the source file

• The size of the remote file • The location of the mobile device where the remote files are located

Changing the Mobile Device Directory

You can change the working directory on your Mobile Device by using the pull-down menu in the Mobile Directory list box, as shown in the figure below. This setting impacts other functions that copy files to and from the Mobile device.

100 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Appendix A—CadExchange

Figure 78. Mobile Directory pull-down in CadExchange window

File Management Toolbar

The toolbar, as shown below, appears in the CadExchange window and provides a quick way to perform the basic tasks necessary to keep the mobile device and desktop PC files in synchronization.

Figure 79. CadExchange file management toolbar

Convert to CAD

Convert to DWG

Convert to DXF

Replay Transactions (merge)

Delete Selected File

Display Properties The use of these buttons is explained in the next section, which describes the corresponding menu commands.

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Appendix A—CadExchange

CadExchange Pull-Down Menu Options

This section explains the functions of the commands that display under each menu option in the CadExchange window.

FILE The File menu allows you to perform the commands shown below:

Figure 80. CadExchange File menu commands

Convert to CAD

The command allows you to convert and transfer a selected DWG file to a CAD on the mobile device. The CAD file is copied into the current mobile directory that displays in the Mobile Directory text box in the EditTrak technology window.

To use the command do the following:

1. Select Convert to CAD. The File Open dialog box appears as shown below, allowing you to browse the system to select the drive, directory, and file that you want.

Figure 81. File Open dialog box

102 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Appendix A—CadExchange

2. Highlight the file (one or more) to convert to CAD.

3. Click the Open button. ✒ Note: You can also convert the files by dragging and dropping DWG/DXF files from

Windows Explorer into the CadExchange window.

Convert CAD to DWG or DXF

The command enables you to bring files from the mobile device back to the desktop. Perform one the following procedures to convert a CAD file to DWG or DXF:

Use the command on the pull-down File menu:

1. Highlight one or more files in the CadExchange Window. (Hold down the Shift key to select multiple files.)

2. Click the Convert CAD To command.

3. Select DWG or DXF.

Use the toolbar button:

1. Highlight one or more files in the CadExchange Window.

2. Click the Convert to DWG or Convert to DXF button.

Use the file shortcut menu:

1. Highlight a file in the CadExchange window.

2. Place your cursor on the highlighted file and right-click the mouse.

3. Select Convert to DWG or Convert to DXF from the popup menu that appears, as shown below.

Figure 82. Convert to DWG or DXF popup menu

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Appendix A—CadExchange

Use Convert to Cad and then set the preferences:

1. Click the Convert to CAD button. The File Open dialog box appears, allowing you to browse the system.

2. Select the type of file that you wish to create on the desktop.

3. Click File and then Save As. The Save As dialog box appears as shown in the following example:

Figure 83. Save As dialog box in CadExchange

4. Select the location and file name for the file to be converted and click the Save button.

✒ Note: The format and version of the file are controlled through the preference settings

as described in the “Preferences” section.

Update the Mobile File

The command allows you to update the drawing file on your mobile device. Do the following to perform the command:

1. Highlight a remote file name in the CadExchange window.

2. Do either of the following:

• Click the File menu and select Update Mobile File.

• Place the cursor on the selected file, right-click the mouse, and select Update Mobile File from the shortcut menu that appears.

CadExchange displays the progress of the update as shown in the following Conversion Progress dialog box.

104 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Appendix A—CadExchange

Figure 84. Conversion Progress dialog box in CadExchange

Replay Transactions

The command enables you to replay (merge) any file edits from the mobile device. Warning: Make sure that you do not have the source file open in your desktop CAD

package. Most desktop CAD systems lock open files and this prevents CadExchange from opening the file and performing the merge.

To perform the replay, do any of the following:

• Select the files to merge and click the Replay Transactions button on the toolbar.

• Select the files to merge, click the File menu, and select Replay Transactions.

• Place the cursor on a selected file, right-click the mouse, and select Replay Transactions from the shortcut menu that appears.

A message such as the following appears:

Figure 85. Transaction Replay message dialog box

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Appendix A—CadExchange

View Transactions

The command lets you view edits made to a drawing file via your Internet Explorer—prior to updating the desktop file.

To use the command, do the following:

1. Highlight the desired file in the CadExchange window.

2. Place the cursor on the selected file and right-click the mouse.

3. Select View Transactions in the shortcut menu that pops up. A transaction log name displays, as shown in the following example.

✒ Note: Depending on the file that you selected, there could be more than one name

displayed. Some CAD files may have multiple transaction logs.

Figure 86. View Transactions shortcut menu in CadExchange

4. Select the log that you want to view and it displays as shown in the example


106 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Appendix A—CadExchange

Figure 87. Example PocketCAD Transaction Log

Clear All Transactions

The command lets you delete EditTrak transaction files that are associated with the selected CAD file. Perform either of the following procedures to delete the files from the mobile device:

Use the command on the pull-down menu:

1. Select a CAD file in the CadExchange Window.

2. Click the File menu.

3. Select Clear All Transactions.

Use the file shortcut menu:

1. Select a CAD file in the CadExchange window.

2. Place your cursor on the highlighted file and right-click the mouse.

3. Select Clear All Transactions from the popup menu that appears.

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Appendix A—CadExchange


The command allows you to delete selected files from the mobile device. To delete files do any of the following:

• Select the files to delete and click the Delete button on the toolbar.

• Select the files to delete, click the File menu, and select Delete. • Place the cursor on a selected file, right-click the mouse, and select Delete from the

shortcut menu that appears.

Open Desktop File

The command enables you to launch the desktop CAD system to display and review the original source of the CAD file. To display the desktop CAD file, do either of the following:

Use the command on the pull-down menu:

1. Select a file in the CadExchange Window.

2. Click the File menu.

3. Select Open Desktop File. The AutoCAD window and your file appear as shown in Figure 88.

Use the file shortcut menu:

1. Select a CAD file in the CadExchange window.

2. Place your cursor on the highlighted file and right-click the mouse.

3. Select Open Desktop CAD File from the popup menu that appears. The AutoCAD window and your file appear as shown in Figure 88.

108 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Appendix A—CadExchange

Figure 88. Desktop version of the CAD file


Each CAD file possesses its own set of properties. The command allows you to view the properties of a CAD file. To display a file’s properties, do either of the following:

Use the command on the pull-down menu:

1. Select a file in the CadExchange Window.

2. Click the File menu.

3. Select Properties. The Properties dialog box appears as shown in Figure 89.

Use the file shortcut menu:

1. Select a file in the CadExchange window.

2. Place your cursor on the highlighted file and right-click the mouse.

3. Select Properties from the popup menu that appears. The Properties dialog box appears as shown in Figure 89.

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Appendix A—CadExchange

Figure 89. Properties dialog box

4. Click Close when you are finished.


The command allows you to exit from the CadExchange application.

CONNECTION Most of the time if you are connected via ActiveSync you will probably be connected to CadExchange. However, there may be times when you want to control your connection. The Connection menu provides such functionality.

Figure 90. CadExchange Connect menu


To connect CadExchange to your mobile device, do the following:

1. Ensure that ActiveSync is connected.

2. Click the Connection menu and select the Connect command.

110 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Appendix A—CadExchange


To disconnect CadExchange from your mobile device, click on the Connection menu and then select Disconnect. You can use ActiveSync to disconnect as well.


There is no automatic refresh for the display of files in the CadExchange window. It is recommended that you select the Refresh button after you delete or drag and drop files. The Refresh action initiates a scan of the mobile device and displays the files that are currently located in the working directory.

Tip: If ActiveSync is not connecting, try removing the connecting cable, resetting the device, and then plugging the device back into the connection cable (or cradle).

TOOLS The Tools menu provides access to Preference settings and the Advance tools of CadExchange.

Figure 91. CadExchange Tools menu


This command allows you to set the format and version of the DWG and DXF file types that are created when you transfer files from the mobile device to the desktop CAD system. You can also:

• Set the directories where the CadExchange and Transaction Replay system files are stored

• Create a .BAK backup file prior to the merge of transaction files by putting a checkmark in the Backup Desktop File Before Replaying Transaction box

To use the command do the following:

1. Click the Tools menu option and select Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears as shown in Figure 92.

2. Set the DWG format and version in the DWG Save Format pull-down list box. Your choices are: R13, R14, 2000.

3. Set the DXF format and version in the DXF Save Format pull-down list box. Your choices are: R12, R13, R14, A2000

4. Click OK.

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 111 •

Appendix A—CadExchange

Figure 92. CadExchange window - Preferences dialog box

✒ Note: If you are replaying transactions CadExchange will store the file in its original



There may be times when you want to copy CAD files from your mobile device but you do not want them converted yet. This might occur if there is an issue with a file and technical support or Arc Second’s Engineering department needs to see the file. It might also occur if you want to copy a library of symbols from one mobile device to another.

To move files from the mobile device to the desktop without converting them, do the following:

1. Select the files that you want to move.

2. Click the Tools menu.

3. Click Advanced and then select Transfer CAD File To Desktop. A File Save dialog box appears.

4. Set the directory where you want the file moved to.

5. Click Save.

112 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Appendix B—Loading Add-Ins

Appendix B—Loading Add-Ins

his is a new capability in version 4.0. Add-ins are extensions to PocketCAD PRO that are made using the PocketCAD SDK. They provide third party developers with the tools to extend PocketCAD PRO’s capability. Add-ins can range from simple utilities to full blown applications.

T Do the following to load an Add-in:

1. Turn on the Windows-powered mobile device (or the Palm or Hand held PC). The Today window appears.

2. Click on the Start icon in the upper left corner of the window. A drop-down menu displays. Choose the Programs option.

3. Click the PocketCAD PRO icon to start the program.

4. Click the Tools button in the lower left corner of the window. A menu of commands displays as shown below.

Figure 93. PocketCAD PRO window – Add-ins

5. Click Addins. The Loaded Add-Ins dialog box appears as shown in Figure 94. This dialog box allows you to load or unload Add-ins.

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Appendix B—Loading Add-Ins

Figure 94. Loaded Add-Ins dialog box

6. Click the Load button to load an Add-in. The File Open dialog box appears as shown in Figure 95. Browse the system to find the Add-in to load.

✒ Note: On Windows-powered mobile devices the Add-ins must be located in the My

Documents directory or a sub-directory of My Documents.

Figure 95. Open dialog box for Add-ins

114 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

Appendix B—Loading Add-Ins

7. Double click on the PRX file to add it into PocketCAD PRO. Any buttons that are associated with that Add-in will appear in the toolbar.

A check mark to the left of the Add-in

denotes that it will be loaded automatically

the next time that PocketCAD PRO is


To unload an Add-in, highlight it in this dialog box and click

the Unload button.

Figure 96. Unload an Add-in

8. Pick OK to exit from this dialog box after loading the Add-in.

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 115 •

Appendix B—Loading Add-Ins

116 PocketCAD PRO User Guide





definition of · 113 Loaded Add-Ins dialog box · 114 purpose · 113


blocking tools · 63



description of · 10 File Management toolbar · 101 file transfer methods · 16 launching a session · 98 main window · 15, 100 overview of · 97 replay transactions (merge) · 17 use of · 97

CadExchange command

Connection>Advanced>Transfer to CAD File · 112 Connection>Connect · 110 Connection>Disconnect · 111 Connection>Refresh · 111 File>Clear All Transactions · 107 File>Convert CAD to DWG or DXF · 103 File>Convert to CAD · 102 File>Delete · 108 File>Exit · 110 File>Open Desktop File · 108 File>Properties · 109 File>Replay Transactions · 105

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 117 •


File>Update Mobile File · 104 File>View Transactions · 106 Tools>Preferences · 111

CadExchange menu options

Connection · 110 File · 102 Tools · 111

concentric circles · 46

continuous lines · 49

convert CAD to DWG or DXF files · 17

create a new drawing

editing entities · 41 Select tool · 41

snapping to end points · 43 Pick Points tool · 43

specifying points · 37 Set Points tool · 37


dialog boxes

Color pallet · 29 Insert Block · 64 Loaded Add-Ins · 113 Make Block · 64 Object Property · 85 Offfset Tool · 83 Options · 23 Pick Point Settings · 43 Rotation Angle · 81 Set First Point · 38 Text Designer · 72 Unit Preferences · 27 Write Block · 69

drag and drop files from decktop to mobile device · 16

drawing tools · 45


editing tools · 75


description of · 10

118 PocketCAD PRO User Guide


overview of · 98 use of · 98


hide the toolbar · 21


inquiry tools · 93


Add-ins · 113 CadExchange · 14 Microsoft ActiveSync · 13 PocketCAD PRO · 14


merge files from mobile device to desktop · 17


New PocketCAD PRO 4.0 features

list of · 10


pen style · 19

place, move, and lift · 19 Pick Points tool

overview · 19 PocketCAD PRO

description of · 9 display bar · 20 main window · 20, 35 one hand controls · 34

button control · 34 rocker control · 34

Options dialog box · 23 Options settings

Auto-Hide Toolbars · 25 set background color · 24

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 119 •


set elevation · 26 set point size · 26 set text height · 26 turn on coordinate display · 24 use a template · 24

Preferences settings set units · 27

Start menu · 35 start the program · 35 support for · 9 Web site · 9

PocketCAD PRO display bar

Color pallet button · 29 Layer View button · 29 Pen/Keyboard toggle button · 21 Show/Hide toggle button · 21 Text entry button · 20 Tool dependent availability

Polyline Arc button · 33, 50 Polyline Close button · 33, 50 Polyline Direction button · 33, 50 Polyline Line/Arc button · 33, 50 Polyline Undo Vertex button · 33, 50 Select Entity Add button · 32, 42 Select Entity Clear button · 32, 42 Select Entity Remove button · 32, 42

Tool Select button · 31 Tools menu button · 22


select entities in a drawing · 41

set absolute X/Y coordinates · 40

set drawing parameters · 23

Set Points tool

overview · 19 set the relative distance and direction from the base point · 38

set the relative X/Y coordinates · 40

set unit preferences

angular units · 28 dimension precision · 28 display mode · 28

System Specifications · 10

120 PocketCAD PRO User Guide



toggle button usage · 20

toggle to keyboard or pen · 21

Toolbar · 31

Block Tools · 63 Blocks · 63 Explode Objects · 74 Text Attributes · 71

Drawing Tools · 45 Arcs · 54 Circles · 45 Dimensions · 60 Layers · 57 Lines · 47 Pick Points · 57 Points · 45 Rectangle · 55 Set Points · 57 Text · 56

Editing Tools · 75 Common Boundaries · 82 Copy · 78 Delete · 76 Layers · 84 Move · 76 Object Properties Page · 84 Offset · 83 Rotate · 80 Select · 76 Set Points · 76 Trim · 81 Undo and Redo · 76

Inquiry Tools · 93 Measure · 94 Object Properties Page · 94 Pan · 93 Zoom · 93

Table showing button icons, tool names, and descriptions · 31 types of tools · 31


Aligned Dimensions tool · 61 Arc with Center tool · 54 Arc with Three Points tool · 54 Change Layer tool · 84 Circle with Center Point and Radius tool · 45 Circle with Three Points tool · 47 Circle with Two Points tool · 47 Copy tool · 78

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 121 •


Delete tool · 76 Explode tool · 74 Extend tool · 82 Horizontal Dimensions tool · 60 Insert Block tool · 63

Insert Block dialog box · 63 Layers tool · 57, 84

Layer dialog box · 58 Line tool · 48 Make Block tool · 66

Make Block dialog box · 66 Measure tool · 94 Move tool · 76 Object Properties Page tool · 84

view/change arcs · 87 view/change block attributes · 92 view/change blocks · 91 view/change circles · 88 view/change layers · 84 view/change lines · 86 view/change polylines · 90 view/change text · 89

Offset Tool · 83 Pan tool · 93 Pick Points tool · 43

Modes · 43 Pick Points dialog box · 43

Points tool · 45 Polyline tool · 50 Polyline tool buttons · 50 Rectangle tool · 55 Redo tool · 76 Rotate tool · 80 Select Entity tool · 41 Set Points tool · 37

Set Points dialog box · 37 Sketch tool · 53 Text tool · 56

Create Attributes · 71 Text Designer dialog box · 72

Trim tool · 81 Undo tool · 76 Vertical Dimensions tool · 60 Write Block tool · 69

Write Block dialog box · 69 Zoom Extents tool · 94 Zoom Previous tool · 94

122 PocketCAD PRO User Guide


Zoom Window tool · 93 Tools menu options · 22

About · 23 Addins>Loaded Add-ins dialog box · 23 Exit · 23 File>New · 22 File>Open · 22 File>Preferences · 22 File>Save · 22 File>Save As · 22 Options>Options dialog box · 22


unselect entities in a drawing · 41

update the mobile file · 17

PocketCAD PRO User Guide 123 •


124 PocketCAD PRO User Guide

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