perth: friday, february 10. [1899

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[Published by Authority. ]

No. 6. } P.O. No. 6. PERTH: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10. [1899.



Complete Specifications accepted

Applications for Registration of Trade Marks




Note.-'l'hroughout this Gazette the utl1l1eS in Italics \yit,hin parentheses are those of Communicators of IUYt.:utiom;,

Complete Specifications.

Patent OfJice, Perth, 16th Decemuer, 1898,

OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Applications for the Grant of Letters Patent,

and the eomplete Speeifications ctnnexed thereto, Imve been accepted, and are now open to public inspection ~tt this Office,

Any person or persons intending to oppose <my of such applications must leave particuhtl's, in writing, in duplicate (on Form D), of his or their objections thereto, within two calendar months from the first appearance of this advertisement in the vVestern Australian Government Gazette, A fee of ten shillings (10s.) is payable with such notice.

Application No. 21l1.·-J OSEPH RUL E, ofCoolg<udie, Western Australia, Mining Engineer, "An IIn­p1'oved Tailings Elevator or Wheel." -Dated 22ncl June, 1898.

Application No. 2226.-JAlIlES STOCKEI< SCARJ<, of Eliz<),beth Street, Hohtrt, in the Colonv of T,ts­mania, Ironmonger, " Impmvement in tlw manu­factu1'e of PalJ81' Hcmgings."-Dated 27th Sep­tember, 1898.

Application No. 2277. -WILLIAlII JHIIESON, of No. 31 Queen Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Mining Investor, "An ImpToved 1vlethod of Sepa,mting 01'ej1'om Gangu,c." - Dated 8th November, 1898.

Application No. 2282.-JAlHES COUSTON, JAlIIES FINLAYSON, and DAVID FINLAYSON, all of Perth, \Vestern Australia, Contractors, "Im]J1'ovcd Ju,nction Ring faT Pipes."-Dated lOth Novem­bel', 1898.

Application No. 2296.-ElIULIO BACOT, GIOVANNI GIULIANO, BARTOLOl\IEO COSTA, and FELICE LOPEs, of 592 Collins Street, Melbourne, in the Colonv of Victoria, Manufacturers and Im­portel~S, "An Imp1'oved Oompositionf01' Olecining and Polishing PU1'P0SCS." -Dated 18th November, 1898.

Application No. 2302.-JOSEPH BLAsco DE LERY, Gentleman, of No. 27 \Villiam Street, New York, United States of America, " IrnpTovcments in Incandescent Gas B1iTnC1's."-Datecl 19th November, 1898.

Application No. 2303.-JYlxURICE JYL,-RY JOSE PH OWEN O'CONOR, of Inisfctle Island, Drum­slmmbo, in the County of Leitrim, Ireh111c1, C,1,ptain in the Thircl COlllll\l.1f:\·ht R,1,ngers. "Tmp1'ovements in Dnclging Appnrullls."';;'­Dated 2nd June, 1898.

Applieation No. 2310.-JYIE'l'ALIJUIWISCHE GEsEIJr,­SCHAF'l', A. G., of 14 JUlwhofstntsse, Frankfort­oll-the-Main, German Empire (Assignee of }<'RIEDRICH AR'l'I-IUH, ~fAXIlIln,IAN SCHIECHEIJ, Engineer, of Fran kfort-o!l-the-n'l<,ill, aforesaid), "l.liagnetic 8epwmtO?'."-~Dated 26th November, 1898.

Application No. 2317.-WILLIAlrI JOHN HAWKINS, Photographer, and REGINALD HARCOUR'l' vV RIGHT, PhysiGian lOud Surgeon, both of Partington, in the County of Chester, Enghmc1, "Improved JYleciils 0./ Aclvcl'tisiny."-Dated 3]"(1 December, 1898.

Application No. 2:318.--Guy DE BECHI, of 17 Bouleyard de la r.fadelcine, P,uis, ]<']"<111ee, Chemieal Engineer, " 111Ip1'ovemenfs in the Treaf­'Iiwnt of Complex Ores fUT the Recovery of Oopper, Zinc, ancZ Lead." -Dated 3rd December, 18H8.

MAl,COLJYI A. C. ]lRASER, Registrar of Patents.

* Filed uncler Section 3 of "Amended Patent Act, 1894."

Patent Office, Perth, 28,'d Decembe,', 1898.

NJO'l.'ICE is hereby given that the undermentioned 1..' Applications for the Grant of I,etters Pcttent., and the eomplete Specifications annexed thereto, have been accepted, and are now open to publie inspection at this Office.

Any person or persons intending to oppose any of such applications must leave particulars, in writing, in duplieate (on Form D), of his or their objections thereto, within two calendar months from the first appearance of this advertisement in the 'Western Australian Govemment Gazette. A fee of Ten shillings (10s.) is payable with such notice.

Application No. 1964.-CARL AUGUST NIELSEN, of 78 York Street, South Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Fisherman, ".An improved Deep Seci 01' Shoal Fishing Gea?"." -Dated 4th March, 1898.

498 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. 10, 1899.

Application No. 1983.--LEWIS FINDLAY EAST, of 16 Stanley Avenue, Auburn, in the Colony of Victoria, Civil Servant, "ImpTovernents in LieZs m' Coven for Jugs and other Vessels. " -Dated 15th March, 1898.

Application No. 2014.-0LIVER STEPHENS GARRET­SON, of the City of Buffalo, in the County of Erie, in the State of New York, United States of America, Manufacturer, "ImpTovements in JJiatte and PYTitic Smelting aneZ Conve1,ting 01' Besseme1'isinfl 1vlatte." - Datecl 13th April, 1898,

Application No. 2301.-THOlUAS BENNETT, of 70 fLud 71 Tmnmill Street, Farringdoll Road, IJondon, Engla.nd, Goldbeater, and HERBER't' BENNE'rT, of Queen Anne's Mansions, St. Jmnes's PfLrk, London, England, Gentleman, " An imp1'oved Tool f01' Te?novinf! anel TepZacing the Cm'e1'S of Pne~mudic Tyres." -Dated 19th November, 1898.

Application No. 2305.-AI,FRED EDwARD Ap­I'LETON, of Trinity "Walk, rrewkeslmry, in the County of Gloucester, England, Builder, "Im­provements in Nails." - Dated 22ncl November, 1898.

ApplicfLtion No. 2308.-JAlIIES JOHN150N SnuT'nE­WOltTH, of "Lauriston," Hyde, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South vV,tles, Architect, " Impmveel StolJPe1's and Fastenings f01' Bottles, Jan, Casks, and oiheT VeKsels." - Da,ted 221lCl November, 1898.

Application No. 2309.-· VV ILLIAIII JOHN BREWElt, of 15 Denbigh Place, Belgrave goad, Pimlico, I..Jondon, Civil Engineer, a,nd JOHN Emv ARD COOPER, of 1 Ghtdstone Villas, Prince's Avenue, vVithel'l1sea, in the County of York, Engineer, " Im!pl'ovements in A 1!tO-l1wtm' Ca1'1'iages 01' VeMcles."--Dated 24th November, 1898.

A pplica,tion No. 2311.-J OSEPH lhu, of Bm'ley Engine Works, Leecl::;, Enghnd, Engineer, " I1np1'ovements in JJiacliine1'y.tin' T1'ealinfl Skins, lIicZes, Leathe1', anel the lilee subsfances."-Datec1 29th November, 1898.

Application No. 2316.-VoLENI'l'E LIlIrrrED, of 16 St. Relen's Phce, in the City of Lonc1OlJ, England (assignee of FRlmEIUCIC IJAlITPLOUGH, of 5 Green 'rerrace, Roschery A venue, London, England, Engineer), " ]l,Ietho~l a:ncl Appamt?lsfo1' Sat'llmting, Vulcanising, and Oxidising Fib1'01ls lrledC1'ials in the P1'ocZlwtion 0/ 1JIlatel'ial to be lcsecZ /O?' Insulatinfl and othe1' 11'/l,1'poses." -Dated 3rd December, 1898.

Application No. 2320.-JAlI{ES FINLAYSON, JAMES COUSTON, ttnd DAVID FINLAYSON, ,tll of Perth, vVestern A ustmlirt, Contraetors, "Imp1'ovecZ 1JIlethoeZ of and Apl'Clmtlls f01' 1'eclnciny A711'ij'e1'o71s ]}[attC1' by means of Wa,shiny."---Datec1 5th December, 1898.

A ppliea,tion No. 2321.-'rHEoDolm HENRY BRYANT, of Milton Terrace, Sydney, in the Colony of New South vVales, Gentleman, "An I1Ilp1'oved ]}[oele of and Appamtlls f01' fhe extmction of Edible Fed anil JJIeed Jnices fro'ln Animal Ca1'cClses."-Datec1 6th December, 1898.

Application No. 2322.--WILLIA1II JAlIUESON, of No. 31 Queen Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Mining Investor, "An ImlJ1'oved 1JIlecchine fO?' use in the Sepamtion of 01'e /1'01n Gangne." - Dated 6th December, 1898.

MALCOLM A. O. FRASER, Registrar of Patents.

Patent Office, Pe1'th, 80th Decernber, 1898.

NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Applieations for the Grant of Letters Patent,

and the complete Specifications annexed thereto, have been accepted, and are now open to public inspection at this Office.

Any person or persons intending to oppose any of such applications mnst leave particulars, in writing, in duplicate (on Form D), of his or their objections thereto, within two calendar months from the first appearance of this advertisement in the vVestern Australian Gove1'nment Gazette. A fee of ten shillings (10s.) is payable with such notice.

Application No. 2190.-ALFRED SEU, of Colac: in the Colony of Victoria, Builder, "An i111p1'oved AppewClt~tS (manually opemted) f01' lifting, load­ing, ~cnloa.ding, and stacking Goods 01' 1JIle1'Chan­dise." -Dated 1st September, 1898.

Application No. 2326.-ERNEsT KINGSCOTE, of 31 Lower Seymour Street, Portman Square, in the County of IJonc1on, England, Physiciall, "The 111amcfact711'e and pt'oduction of a new 1JIlate1'ial to be employed in place of Woo el, hon, LeathM', and the like, in the mamtfewhwe of 1Ya1'ious Al'ticles."-Datec1 13th December, 1898.

Application No. 2327.-URIAH DUDLEY, of Drake, in t.he Colony of New South vVales, Mine Manager andJ\1ining Engineer, "Imp1'ovements in Clips 01' Binders." --Dated 13th December, 1898.

Application No. 2328.-THEoPHILus DAVIEs F ARRALIJ, of 2 Ossulston Street, Euston Road, in the County of London, Electrician, "An improvement in Incandescent Elect'ric Lamps."­Dated 13th December, 1898.

Application No. 2329.-CHARLES Sm£ENcK BRAD­LEY, of New York, in the County and State of New York, Electrical Engineer, " ImJ]1'0'Venwnts in Elect1'ic FU1'naces."-Datec1 13th December, 1898.

Application No. 2331.-GEORGE vV ILLIAM DE TUNZELlIIANN, of 27 Martin's T.J,tne, Cannon Street, London, Oonsulting Engineer, "I111p1'ove-1nents in 01' 1'elating to the Composition of Ca1'bons f01' Eleci1'ic -Welcl'ing, Bmzinf/, wnd the Wee PU1'­poses, eind Appa1'at'lM for use therewith."--Datec1 15th December, 1898.

MALCOLM A. C. FRASER, Registmr of Patents.

Patent Office, Pe1,th, 6th JCL1Hta1'Y, 1899.

N OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Applications for the Grant of IJetters Patent,

anc1 the complete Specific,ttions ttllllCXed thereto, have been accepteeZ, and are now open to public inspection fLt this office.

Any person or persons intending to oppose any of such applications must leave particulars, in writing, in duplicate (on Form D), of his or their objections thereto, within two calendar months from the first appearance of this advertisement in the Western Australian Goven~1nent Gazette. A fee of ten shillings (10s.) is payable with such notice.

Application No. 2231.-HENRY VALDER, of 54 Lambton Qmty, Wellington, New Zealand, Storekeeper, "I1np1'ovements in 01' 1'elating to Weighing lVIachines, Scales, and the like."­Dated 30th September, 1898.


Application No. 2298.-HARRY l\1:CMILLEN HAJll­RICK, l\1:echanical Engineer, and VV ILLIAJ'lI SIE­GER MILLER, Chemist, both of 802 "Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylmnil1, U.S.A., " ImpTovementsin R7wners." - Dltted 19th November, 1898.

Application No. 2299.-HARRY JYlcJYlrLLEN I"IAlII­RICK, of 802 Witherspoon Building, Phila­delphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., JYlecha.nieal En­gineer, "I'lnpTovements in Btirne1·s."-Dated 19th November, 1898.

Application No. 2300.-HARRY JYICJYIILLEN HAlII­RICK, of 802 vVitherspoon Building, Phila­delphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., l\1:ec1mnicn.l En­gineer, "I1npJ'ovements in BurneTs." -Dated 19th November, 1898.

Application No. 2319.-JEAN LOUIS Pr,ANcKAERT and FELIX VUYLSTEKE, both of Wa.ttrelos les Tourcoing (N ord), France, Manufacturers," A New 01' Imp1'oved Process for Tanning Rabbit and other 87dns."-Dated3rc1 December, 1898.

MALCOLJYI A. C. FRASFJR, Registmr of Patents.

Patent Office, Pm·th, 18th JO/iWO/i·Y. 11:199.

N OTICE is hereby given that the unc1ermentioned 1.. Applications for the Grant of Letters Patent, and the complete specifieations annexed thereto, have been accepted, ,md are now open to public inspcetion at this Office.

Any person or persons intenc1ing to oppose any of such applications must leave }ll1rticulars, in writing, in duplieate (on Form D), of his or their objections thereto, within two calendar months from -I-.he first appearance of this advertisement in the vVestel'll Australian Govemmeni Gazette. A fee bf ten shillings (10s.) is paYl1,ble with such notiee.

Application No. 2005.--DAvID li,OCHE, of Ealing, Lonc1on, Englemd, Engineer, "A new 01'

irnp1'oved method of 1'aising and lmue1'ing PiTe­escapes and the like."-D>ttec1 28th JYIctrch, 1898.

Application No. 2333.-RICHAJW PEAltSON, of 100 St. Martin's Lane, London, England, Engineer, "Im]JJ'ove'lne1tis 'in A 1domcdic OocZe Teleg1'Ciph Fire Ala1'1n Appcimtns."-Dated19th December, 1898.

Application No. 2336.-AuGus'wS HOWAIW, R.N., of 1025 Pine Street, San Franciseo, State of California, U.S.A., Engineer, "bnprovl:;lIwnts in P1'opellers."-Dated 19th December, 1898.

MALCOLM A. C. FRASER, Registrar of Patents.

Patent Office, PM·th, 20th Januo,,'y, 1899.

N0'l'ICE is hereby given that the unc1ermentioned Applications for the Grant of Letters Patent,

ana. the Complete Specifications annexed thereto, have been accepted, and are now open to public inspection at this Office.

Any person or persons intending to oppose any of such applications must leave particulars, in writinO', in duplicate (on Form D), of his or their objectio~s thereto, within two calendar months from the first appearance of this advertisement in the vVestern Australian GoveTnment Gazette. A fee of ten shillinG'S (10s.) is payable with such notice. b

Application No. 2343.-WILLIA1'II HENRY CRAINE HARRISON, of Torrens Road, vVoodville, in the Province of South Australia, Flour JYIill Pro-

prietor, "A method of and means for attcwhing the indeppnclent Tools 01' Bits tlsed in condul1ciion 10ith {l B'l'CICe 01' othe1' form ol socketecZ hancZ piece."-Datec1 29th December, 1898.

Applica,tion No. 2348.-THE "ERA" INCANDESCENT OIL LAJlIP COllIPANY, LIlIIITED, of 1 Palmer Street, ,Vestminster, in the County of London, England, JYI,1,nufacturer (assignee of THOMAS JAlIIES CRANSTON, of Ringfield, Fownhope, Here­fordshire, England, Engineer), "Improvements in Blil'1Lel'S f01' Incandescence Oil Lamps."­Dated 30th December, 1898.


Registrar of Patents.

Pa,tent O.tfice, PM·th, 27th Jem1taTY, 1899.

NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Applimttions for the Grant of Letters Patent,

and the Complete Specifications annexed thereto, have been cU!cepted, and are now open to public inspection at this Offiee.

Any person or persons intending to oppose any of such ,1pplications must leave p'Lrticulars, in writing, in duplicate (on Form D), of his or their objections thereto, within two c,Llenc1ar n10nths from the iirst ,1,ppec1l'l],nce of this all vertisement in the IVestern Australian Gove1'?~1nent Gazette. A fee of ten shillings (10s.) is payable with such notice.

Application No. 2335.--AuGUSTUS HOWARD, R.N., of No. 1025 Pine Street, San Fnuwisco, Califor­nia, United States, America, Engineer, "Im­]Jl'ovements 'in JJIothJ(! EUflincs."-Dated 19th December, 1898.

Application No. 2337.-AuGUSTUS HOWARD, RN., Engineer, of No. 1025 Pine Street, San ]'ran_ cisco, California, Uniteel St,1tes, America, ,1nd VVILI,AIW RElm G11EBN, "Engineer, of No. 1325 Gilpin Street, Dellver, Colomclo, Uniteel States, AmeriCcL, "1mp1'o116111ent8 in the Method of ccndAppamt7ls f01' the OonIJe?'Bion afthe Ene?'gy of Fuel and an Ea;pan.sion nIeclium 'into PoweT." Datec119th December, 1898.

Applieation No. 2339.-PAUL Nys, Engineer, of 25 Rue Auguste Orts, Brussels, Belgium.­"Im!j)1'ovements in 01' l'elatiug to DecO?·tieating JJIachines."-D'1,tec1 19th December, 1898.

A pplicatiol1 No. 2341.-CHARLES SIlIll1lONS, of Kintore, near Coolgc1rdie, Western Australia, Civil Engineer, " Im]J1'ovements in A2Jpl'iances j(J1' Liftinfl and Tuming Drills fo?' Rod; B01'ing and athe1' PW:;lJoses.-Dated 2211c1 December, 1898.

Application No. 2B4.4.--JOHN DEY, JYLA., of 102 Temple Street, Syracuse, New York, United States, Ameriea, lHerchant; and ALEXANDER DEY, LL.D., of 62 Albert Drive, Pollokshields, Glasgow, Scothmc1, H.JYI. Inspedor of Schools, "Imp1'ovemenis in Time Reco?'CZe1's."-Dated 29th December, 1898.

Application No. 2345.-GEORGE EDWIN RICHARD­SON, of Port Road, Thebarton, South Australia, Engineer, "I1nprovements in Water lJ!Ioto1'S.­Dated 29th December, 1898.

Application No. 2346.-THE MONORAIL PORT­ABLE RAILWAY COllIPANY, LII>1:ITED, of 22-23 Laurence Pountney Lane, London, Englanc1 (Assignee of HENRY JuLES CAII,LET, of 7 Boulevarel St. Denis, Paris, France, Engineer), "The lvIonomil Portable Railway." - Dated 29th December, 1898.

500 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. 10, 1899.

Application 2347.-WAW'ER HOLLAND, of Vulc,m Iron VV Or}eS, Worcester, Ellghtnd, Engineer; a,nd W ILLIAllI GRIFFITHS and W ILLIAlVI JOHN GRIFFITHS, both of 61 Sinelair Road, West :Kensington, England, Engineers, "Imp1'ove­ments in OJ' l'clcding to F'ac'ing Point, Loc7e, and f:Hgna.lliny AppCt1'at1~s fo?' Ra.ilways." -Dated 2£)th December, 18£)8.

lVIA LCOLlVI A. C. FRASER, Registrar of Patents.

Patent o.fJice, PC1·th, 8rd Febr1~a?'Y, 1899.

'1\.T OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned 1.. ~ ApplimLtions for the Grant of Letters Patent, and the complete Specifications annexed thereto, have been accepted, and a,1'e now open to public inspection ,Lt this Office.

Any person or persons intending to oppose any of sneh lLpplieations must leave particulars, in writing, in c1uplieate (on Form D), of his or their objections thereto, within two calendar months from the first :tppeamlH.:e of this advertisement in the Western Austmli:tn Government Gazeite. A fee of ten shillings (lOs.) is pay,tble with such notice.

Applie,ttion Nu. 2016.-HENltI AUGus'l'ji] LAUIWIX, of 21 Bouleva,rd Poissonniere, Paris, and ALFRED CARI,ES DE CAUDl"lVTBERG, of Niee, Alpes lVIaritimes, Doetor, all in the H,epublic of France, "Process of P1'csc'l'ving O?'gan'ic Snb­stnnces." -Dated 13th April, 1898.

Application No. 2357.-HENRY PmuIPs, of No. 56 Oxford Cha,mbers, Bourke Street, lVIel­bourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Engineer, " An ImjJ?'m'ecl Appcwains f01' sepcLl'a.ting o'l'pCt1'tly sepnnding Gold and lvletall~f'e1'(iUs Mcderinl from Eaa'ihy D'ltst, 01' other S1tbstcmces, by mewns of c~ CU1'1'ent of Air·."-Dl1,ted 10th January, 1899.

Applicittion No. 2358.-THE SUPERIOR Dmu COlVIPANY, of Springfield, County of CIark ltnd State of Ohio, U,S.A. (assignee of EmvARD Ii. BUCHWALTER, President of said COlnlXtllY, ltnc1 GEORGB P. OA'1'ES, Pattern-maJmr for the said Comp,my, both of Springfield, Clar!': C011nty, Ohio, U,S.A.), Improvements in Agitato·rs f01' F'eTtilizC1' Peecl f01' 8eecl'ing Machines.-Dated 10th Jmmary, 1899.

Application No. 2363.-JOHN GAltDINlm S'1'ARR, of ,1.2 St. GeOl'ge's Terrace, Perth, and VVILI,IAJlf 'l'BTmuJ,T, CLARK, of VV cIel Clmmbers, St. George's rrerrn,ce, Perth, in the Colony of vVestern Austmli:t, Engineers, "An Imp1'ovC1nent in the Joiniing of Pipes f01' the C01weynnce of }Vater 01' for othM' p·/wposes."-Dftted 12th January, 1899.

Applicf1tion No. 2368.-FREDERICK WILLIAM J ONES, of Bm'wick, nearvVare, in the Countv of Hertford, Engbnd, Chemist, " Imp1·ovwm.eni.~ in 01' connected ·with the T)'ent'llwnt of E;vpZowi·vl!s."-­DatecllGtb Jmnmry, 189£).

Application No. 2369.-VVILLIAJl1 JYloYSER TURNER, of R,weeonrse, Toowoomba, in the Colony of Queensland, Caretaker, "An Improved Star·ting jjI[achine fo), Hone Races." -Dhted17th J a,lluary. 1899.

MAI,OOLlVI A. C. FRASER, Hegistrar of Patents.

J'atcnt Office, I'erlh.

10th Ji'cbnta1'y, 1898.

NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Applications for the Grant of Letters Patent,

ftnd the complete Specifications annexed thereto, have been accepted. and are now open to public inspection :Lt this Office.

Any person or persons intending to oppose any of such applications must leave particulars, in writing, in duplicate (on Form D), of his or their objeetions thereto, within two calendar months from the first appearance of this advertisement in the vVestern Australian Government Gazette. A fee of ten shillings (10s.) is payable with such notice.

Application No. 2332.--HENRI Er,r,rs D'ALBITES, of 265 Lygon Street, Carlton, Victoria, Chemist, "A lVleclicated Ape1'ient Edible, and P1'ocess of Mixing and JJ1anufactu1'ing snm.e."-Dated 19th December, 1898.

Application No. 2351.-THE BOULDER lVIILLING COJlfPANY, LIlVlrrED, of 55 and 56 Bishopsgate Street Within, London (Assignee of WILLIAM ADoLPH KiiNElVIAN), " I-mpr'ove'llwnts in Roa.sting P1wnaces."-Dated 6th J,1lluary, 1899.

Application No. 2352.-THE BOULDER MILLING COJlfPANY, LUIITED, of 5,5 anc1 56 Bishopsgate Street, 'iVithin, London (Assignee of VVILLIAM ADOLPH KiiNEMAN), "jjllethocl of tTeating Lnmp Roasted 01'es by Hycl?'o-metallll1'yical menns."­Dated 6th January, 1899.

Application No. 2353.-THE BOULDER lVIILLING COMPANY, LUfITED, of 55 and 56 Bishopsgate Street Within, London (Assignee of VV ILLIAlIf ADoLPH KiiNEMAN), Method of and Appamtus fm' the Recovery of Gold 01' Gold ancl Silve1' f1'om Oyanide 80l~{.tions."-Dcttecl 6th January, 1899.

Application No. 2354.--TIIE Bour,DER lYIILLING COlVIPANY, LIMITED, of 55 and 56 Bishopsgate Street Within, London (Assignee ofW ILLIAM ADoLPH KiiNElIIAN), " Appnmt1tsfor' the l'l1acem­tion and Agitat'ion of jJ;Ietallije1'ous 01'e Pl~lp."­Dated 6th January, 189£).

Application No. 2355.- CHARLES CAlIIPBELL W OR'I'HINGTON. of IrvillgtOll, vVestehester County, New York, Uuited States of America, Mechanical Engineer, "Im.ZJ1'ovemenisin Steam P-nmps."--Dlttec1 (';th Jall11tLry, 189:l.

Applic'1tioll lS"0. 2359.- FRANK ]30ULTON ASPINALL, of 25 Dacre Pm'k, T"ee, in t,he County of Kent, England, Electrical Engineer, and EDOUARD CURIS'1'OPHER ElCS'I'ROJlIER, of 213 St. John Street, Clerkenwell, in the County of lVIic1cllesex, Ellghtnd, Ell'eirical Engineer, "I111-]J1'ovements 1'Claiin[! ill the Ea;trClction of PTecions lVletals from thci1' Ores." - D,tted10th January, 1899.

Application No. 2360.-JOHN EDwARD KINGS­BURY, of 79 Colemml Street, in the City of London, England, lVImmger, "J'I1I,p1'ovements in Telephonic Systems a:nd Appa.mtns."-Datecl 10th Jam1lLl'y, 1899.

Applieation No. 23HJ.-JOHN IDDwAlm KINGS­BURY, of 79 Colemnn Stree1. in the City of London, Engln,nd, JliImmger, "Imp'rovel1~ents in Telephonic Systems and Az)p({1·ntz~s." -Dated 10th January, 1899.

Application No. 2362.-JOHN EDWARD KINGS­l3URY, of 79 Coleman Street, in the City of London, England, lYlanager, "Imp1'Ove-ments in Telez)lwnic Systems and Appa1'Cdns." -Dated 10th January, 1899.


Applica,tion No. 2367.--THE lVIERlULL PROCESS STEEl, COMPANY, of Hoe Buildings, St. Louis, lVIissonri, United States of America (Assignee of GIWRGE SpgNCER 1VIImRII"l"), "Improvements in the Art of and Apparat'l18 fm' working Metals."­Da,tec116th January, 1899.

Application No. 2370.--Professor WALTHER NERNST, Ph.D., of 50 Burgerstrasse, Gottingell, in the Empire of GermallY, " Electrical Incan­descent L(('1np."-D<Ltec117th Jal1llfLry, 189H.

Applic;a,t,ioll No. 2371.-HENKY LAWRENCE I.~EAD, of Coolgardie, vVesturn Au::;tmlia, Gentleman, "'Wooden 8tave Pipe."-Dc1tec1 17th January, 1899.


Hegistmr of Pa,tents.

Trade Marks.

Patent o.ffice, Pm·th,

10th Ji'eb1'1ta1'Y, 1899.

I T is hereby notified that I have received the under­mentioned Applications for the Registration of 'frade


Any person or persons intending to oppose any of such applications must leave particulars in writing-, in duplicate (on Form F), of his or their objections thereto, within two months of the first advertisement of the appliCf1tions in the Western Australian Gove'yn?nent Gazette.

A. fee of £1 is payable with such notice.


Registrar of Designs and Trade Marks.

Application No. 1550, dated 6th December, lS9S.-JA;q; CHALLONER and "VrLLIA~I CUALLONER, junior, both trading as " lYIiles Stapleton & Co.," of 312 Flinders Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Medicine Proprietors, to register in Class 3, in respect of Pills, a Trade Mark, of which the following is a representation :-

The essential l)M,ticulMs Qf the 'l','aae Ma,'" n'l'0 lhe device ana the W01·a "Dr. Q1~ain's," ana the (tpplicants (Zist;/IJ11n ,'ight to the exclttsive use of the naaea 1Jwtter, except t"acZing name, "Miles Stapleton <t Co."

GAZETTE, 'iV.A. 501

'1'his lYlark was first advertised in the "Vestern Australian Government Gazette of the 16th Dccember, lS9S-viae notice at head of Trade lI'Iark advertisements.

AppliCfltion No. 1553, dRied 9th December, lS9S.­\VILLIA!lI ERYF' and (:h~OltGE EltPFJ trading as H Erpf Bros.," "Vellington Street, Perth, in the Colony of "Yestern Aus­tralia, '1'obacco l\Ierchants, to register in Class 45, in respect of 'fobacco, Cig<1rs, a,nd Cig'1l'cttes, a '1'rade lilark, of which the following is a, reprosentation :--


This lYI,u-k was first ,"c1vcrtis('c1 in tho Westtlrn Austmlian Gove1'1wwnt G(zette of the 2grd December, IS9S-~'icle noticE'­at head of Tmde l\Ia,rk advertisements.

Applicn,tion No. 15;')0, d"ted 12th December, lS0S.­CnOWDrm &; Lr"l'CHE'ORD, I,illlitod, 4-8 l\Iurray Street, Porth, Aemtl'd "Vater ,mc1 Cordial lilanuf,wturcrs, to reg'ister in Ch1Ss 44, in respect of Mineral and Aerated "Vaters, natural and "rtific;"l, a '1'rade Mark, of which the following is a representn,tion :-

'1'hc essclltioJ of a· Ctoss COlA

'Il((rP.cnW)·s n( Ihe Tracle 1JIa,." arc the clevice 1c(Jnl " Bo·u(I.(XiL"

(By consenl.)

'l'hi81d1trk Ims fil'c3t advertised in the "Yeotel'l1 Austmlic.r,n Government G(!octte of the 2:ln1 December, 1S9S-vide notice ~1t helld of Tl'ctde l\fark advertisements.

Application No. 1561, dated 14th DecOlnber, 189S.­THE DUNLoP PNlWnIA'l'lC 'l'YlUG Co., Vl'D., King Street, Perth, W.A., Pneumatic Tyre lYlanufacturers, to register


in Class .JO, in respect of Goods mrmufnctul'ec1 from Inclia­rllhhm' ;cnd G nthLporcha not included in other olasses, a, 'J'mc1o ·l\Im·k, of which tho following is n, reprcsentation:-

::'lID LTI F J,E

This ::ILuk WitS first ad v8rtisec1 in thc vYestcrn Australian Govcl'illnenl Gu:;cllv of the 281'(1 Dcccm1Jcr, lo\)o-vide notice at head of 'l'l'ltc1e Mark "dvcrtiscmcnts.

Applimtion Ko. 1(5i5G, dieted 12th Dceclllbor, lo\JS.-Gus­'l'AVE Aouwc, .JUI~ES IvloUNli.:I{'A'l" l~:\llLJ~ LOUIS Itoussy, and AUGuS'l'J<: Th1AY01'o, trading·;cs "Hollri Nestle," ofM,Can­non Strcet, London, ]~ngl;cncl; Christi;~nia, Norw;cy; and V8VCY, Switzcrland, Merchants, to register in Class -12, in l'cspect of Condensed Milk, a Tmde Thlm'k, of which the following is ;c reprcsentation :-

oj' lhe '/'1'(1,(.; ilJ",'/': m'o the C01Jl­

ldnuliolL {:l ctnd thl' 1~(Y(d ., l'iftillUl" ((lid 'wc d'i.,,'d(ri1r~ uny rn:ghllo the (!a;clns'i·pc 1!,SC 0./ lhe wldetl fJl ILl le)', ercc!?pI, in su f(r,' (~S i.t consists of owr own nu/rne (l,nd uadrcsses.

'I'hi~ Th[;wk \\':LS iil'st adv"J'tis"d in tl1<) IVestern Ans· tr,di:Lll Govemmenl Gazette of the Oth :J;mn:tI'Y, IfSn!J-vitle notice nt hcad of 'rmcle lYIIl,l'k advertisements.

AppliclLtion No. 155G, lbted 12th Decembcr, 18D8.-Gus­rl'AVE AGUli;'l', JULES 1YIoU~EI{'A'l', E1\rIL1~ 1~OU1S li;oussY,

all,l Anolls'n: lYIA VOlt, trading' as" lIenri L\l'stj6," of "s C:\,11-non StJ'cd, London, Englnncl; Christi;mia, NOJ'\v:Ly; and Ycn,y, SlVitzcr.ia,nd, lVIc'l:elmnts, to l'l'g-iste]' ill CIn,s ,J,2, in J'osp()et "I Condensed Milk, n Trade Thlnrk, of which the following is a represent:Ltion :-

'1'he essential of the 'I''l'Cule ilJcO'k a J'e the clevice cmd the w())'d Vikinfj," wncl 1VC disclaim any "ight to the exclnsive '/Lse qf the culcled tlwttel', except in so fa,' as it consists of OlLr Mun nwne anct adclresses.

GAZETTE, 'V.A. [FEB. 10, 1899.

This l\'Inrk was first advertised in the vVestern Australian Government G"oettc of the (ith J:uuuuy, 18()\)--vide notice nt he"d of 'J'mdc Thlltrk "clnn·tiB8ments.

Apl'lieation No. 15157, ,bted 12th December, 18\)8.­GUS'l'AVg AGUJi~'l', ,TULI':S l\IouNlmA'l', E"ru,JiJ LOUIS ]10USSY, a,nd AUGus'!'}; J11AYOH" trading as "lIeDl'i Nestle," of 4..8 Cannon Streot, London, Engla,ncl; Christillnitt, :Norway; ;cnd Vcvey, i:lwitzcrl:md, )ferchants, to register in Class 42, in respect of Condensed Milk, " 'l'rade M:1.l'k, of which the following is '" ropresentation :--

NORWAY By HENRI NESTLt, Vevey, ~witzerland

WholeOQ.le Depot: 43. CANtlON ST., LONDON, E.C.

'rhe cssentiuJ the '/"I' 111(11'1,; (( re the device (fm,{ the 1!!01'd 'we disc/nim a1111 I'ifthl to fhe cxclnsi?)c nse 0./ Inu,llc'I'J except in so fa')' as it consisls of 0 U/f' na-nw (f.,ncl ad(ln~::;ses.

This Mark was first advertised in tho SYestcrll Australian (}"venwwnl Gcwette of the cth Jannary, lS!JD--vicle notice at head of Trade m""k ;cdvertisemonts.

Applicntion No. 1558, dated 12th December, lS!J8.­GUS'I'AVg AGUE'l', JUI,r,s MOUNgI~A'I', Enrrr,,~ LOUIS Roussy, ;l,nd AUGUS'I'g MAYOr<, hnding ns "HOlll'i Nestle," of 48 Cmmon Street, Lonclon, England; Christi:cnia, Norway; ;cnd Vevey, Switzcrhcnd, Mel'ch;cnts, to register in Class 42, in rcspect of Conclensed Milk, n Tra:I0 lVIark, of which the following is a representation :-



'l'he cssentic,l pa1'tic1,t",·S of the 'I'mcle JJIa"k a,'e the device cmel the ,vo"cl "Nest," ancl we disclaim, nny "ight to the CXCl1,sive 1I,se of the actdectmatte,' except in so fa,' as it consists of 01'" nctnLC ,mcl adc/1·e8SGs.


T'his liIark W[IS first. advertised in the 'Western Australian Government G<1zette of the lith January, lS99-vicle notice at head of Trade iYIark advertisements.

Application Xo. 15li2, (hl,ted 15th Dccemlwr, lSHS.­VEBED!J(l'l'E PINSEl,-];'AIlltIKEX (United J3rnsh 1I1nllllfac­tOl'ies), 21 rl'atel'stl'HSS{', Nlll'ell1hul'~', Bavaria, Gel'lnan Elllpll'e, Brush l\IDJ11uf'actiul'el'';, to rt~g;i~tel' in Clas~; ;30, Sub-section 5, in respeet of brushes indnded in that class, 'I Trade ilIark, of .vhich the following is a representation:

This nu,rk was first adv~rtised in tho ,Yostern Anstl'llliml Government Guzet{e of the Gth Jmnuuy, lS99--vi(le notice 'It head of Tnlde lYIn,rk [l.clverLisomentB.

Application No. 1i5liR, (j,ltod 2;';1." J)eecllllJc~J'. 1S~n.--­EDll;LBEH,'J' lIu'l'cnfNsoN H.ll(l 01IIV[~1\', Gll;O!"UE I[u'l\c!l[".'{~~ux, tr<tding' as "A18ton 80n.p [md Cmldle " \,idol';'" Park, tluuth Perth, SWI}> lIhtll1lfaCLllrors, to in Cla'is <17, in rospect of Candles mlcl 80"p:-


Thi. JYI rlrk was first :cd vertised ill the vi' usknl A llslralian Government G([zeite of the Gih Janllary, It;UH---vitle 1l0tlc:C [It head of 'l'ra,de Mark advOl·t,i~(Jments.

Application No. 1551, cla,ted 6th December, 1898.-HAIG & HAW, LUJI'l'Jm, 1, 2, and 3 'l'rinity Place, 'I'oWGl: Hill, London, Distillers, to register in Cbss <1:1, in respect of ,V'hisky, a Tmde iYhrk, of which the following is a repro­sentation :--

The essenti(Cl pm·tienl<1j· of the 'Pmcte ]:[m'k is the comui­nfttion of tlevices, mtd nppZiwnl C01nl'<1ny cliscZ<1ims fmy 1'i!lhl lo the excZ1ts;'ve 1,se of lhe <1(/,led "'ftlter, S<1ve <1ncl except lhei1' 1w",e (Cncl <1elel,.ess.


'l'his Mark was first advertised in the 'vVestern Australi,m Government Gcu,etle of the 13th January, 1899-vicle notice at head of 'l'rac1e Mark advertisements.

Application i'lo. 15"52, (hied Gth Decembor, 189R, HAW & HAW, LDllTED, 1, :l, and 3 T"inity PlacQ, 'l'ower Hill, London, Distill!Jrs, to rcgister in Clrl.SS 'L:3, in respect of 'Yhi8k,)'. a 'I'mele nlal'k, of whic:h the following is a repro­BCllta:Liull :--

'l'he'essentic,Zllct?·tieuZu,1·s q( the T"<1ele ]Ictl'k is the combina-lion (:/, (Zeviecs, uncl (l,l'pliwnt Com/lanll (Ziscluims nny to the civclnsit'e use of' lhe ((elclcd m(tt/cl', sure (me? na1ne and gIJd'l'ess ..

'1'his l'ibl'k W>"LS iiut [1dvcl'tiscd in the ,Yostcrn Australian C;overnmcill (!(I,zellc of the 1:3th .Jmnmry, lSUU-vidc notice [Lt hen,cl of '.l'r<tdc lii<tl'k advertisellleuts.

,\pplication i'lo. 155,t, dated 8th Doccml)Ol', J.i;[J8.-'.I'me JlUNHURY Bl{,];w};rtY Co., LTD., (;olonirll JYIutual Chmubc'l's, Si. GeOl'go's TCr1'>ICe, Perth, to registm' in ebss j,g, ill respect 01' J('ulTnented Licluors [mel Spirits, a'1'l'ade i\[m:k, uf which LllU following is a rcpresenh1.tion

'1'he essenl'i<1Zl'twticlLluJ' ql the 'I'mele JlIlal'kis thc device 0/ <1

dOff'S hwcl ,vithin <1 ei1'Clc, "n,l <1ppliwnt Comp(tny tlisr;l<1ims <11Vlj 1'ighi to the excl1,si'vc 1"se (~f' lhe <1«ded m<1ttc)', except lhei1' nan~e.


T'his JVLtrk W[1S first ;),dvertised in the VVestern Aust1'aJian Government Ga,zette of the 18th J amm1'Y, IS99-vide notice at head of 'I'racle l'IIark [1dve1'tisemcntE.

,lcpplieation )fo. 15GO.-Datcd 13th Deeemhor, ISHS.­l,VILUA"I DOClmg, of 280 Goorg'e Street, Sydnoy, in the Colony of New South VValos, Varnish l'IIfLlluf,wturel', to register in Class 1, in respect (jf Va.rnishcs, Colours, 1LncJ ,1 't'r;),do ]\!Iark, of which the following is a

'1'he essenti(el particula;'s of the Trade JYIcwl; M'e the device aml lhe 11J01'cl "8"n," ancl the ({iselaims (tny ;'ight to lhe cmcl1tsivc use of the a(lded

This :i'!Tark was first advertised in tlw "'Western Anstl',dhtn Govem;]1cnl Gazette of the 18th JfLmmry, ISDD-vide notice ,d head of 'J'racle l'ilm'k advertisements.

AppJic;1,tion No. 156;'5, dated 22nd Decombo1', lSDS,­GrtfFFI'rHS BnO'l'HEgS PgOPRIlD'I'AIW, LDl1'l'lm, vVilli[1l1l Street, F1"()nmntle, and Hay Street, Perth, 'rea, CoiIee, COCOrL ::\Icl"ehmlts ftncl Importers, to in Class ,j,2, substances used as Food or [1S in Foods, n, Trade JYhrk, of which the following is it represcllhttion :-


The essGnli(LilXt1"(;icttlwi"s of the T-J"ade Maj'k consist of the device (oul the '1co1"(l "Signal," and the applicant Gompa,ny

GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. 10, 1899.

disclaims any l'ight to the emelusive use qt" the toM'ds "All Tight."

This Mark was first [1dvertised in the Western Australian Govemment Ga~ette of the 1!3th January, ISDD-vide notice at head of Trade lYI:Lrk advertisemonts,

Application No. 1;372, chtocl :iOth Decmnher, ISHS,­VVILI,IA}I ROS.1N'l'HAL, trading' as "VV. I{osenthal & Co,," of 15 London Wall, IJondon, England, Corset Manufacturer, to register in Class 88, in respect of Articles of Clothing, suoh [cS Corsets, a Tmde M'Ll'k, of which the following is a ropre­sent[1tion ;-


The essential pa1'ticttla;' qf the Tmde JYlal'k is the wM'd "Sisana," and any ;'ight to the emclnsive "se qt" the added mattej' is discl[timed.

This ]\![ark was first advertised in tho Western Australian Govej'mnent Gazette of 18th J annary, lSH9-vide notice at head of Tmde Mark advertisements,

Application No, 1573, dated :30th Decomber, lSHS.­VVILLIAlVI ROSEN'l'HAL, trading as" VV, Rosentlml &; Co.," of 15 London Wall, London, England, Corset Mmmfacturer, to reo'ister in Class 8S, in respect of [1rticles of Clothing, such ~s Corsets, a Trade l'IIark, of which the following is a representation :-


The essential }Jcwticonla-)' q( the 'C;'adc ll[ark is the lU01'd "vVhalonia," ancl any riUht to the exdll,sive onse of the [tdded matter is <lisclaimed,

'1'his m~1l'k wns first advertised in the VVestern Australian Govem11wnt Gctzette of the 13th J ammry, ISDH-vide notiee >Lt head of Trade ]\!J.lLrk advertisements,


Applimtt,ion 1'\0. 1<125. cbted l'~th .June,. lS98.-ALASKA PACKERS' ASSOCIA'l'IOX, of SanlFrancisco, .,\morica, to register in Chlss ·12, in respcIOt of Preserved Fish, '" Trade l\1ark, of which the following is a representation :".

'lThe essent'ial pal'ticnla/'s of the 'jlj'ade JJlark {Lre lhe/ollolriny :--The cornln~nation of ([ev'ices an/I. the~wunl "O'i'~~i8er," anLZ the applicaxd disclaims (my right to the~exclttsice use 0/ the acZdecl mal,lel', except in so fm' (CS it consists oj its:01vn n(mIC and add,·ess.

'I'his :iYlark WltS first advertised in the 'Western Australian Gove1'nmcnt Gazette of the 27th .Jammry, lS99-vide notice at head of'l'mde :iYlark advertisements.

Application 1'\0. H2(), dated Hth June, lS9S.-ALASIL\ PACKERS' A8S001A'1'1OX, of San Francisco, America, to register in Class 42, in respect of Preserved Fish, l\ 'l'rade lVlal'k, of which the following is '" representation :-

The essential particula1's Qf the 'Trade ]Jfark a.'·e the combina,tion Qf devices amdthe ,cords "Au1'ol'a Borealis," and the appliccmt disclaims any right to the exclnsi've nse Qi' the aclded ma~tte,. save and except its t,.ading name and a,dd,'ess.

This lVlark was first advertised in the Western Australian Government Gazette of the 27th .January, lS99-vicle notice at head of Trade Mark advertisements.

Application No. 1427, dated 14th .June, lS9S.-ALAsKA PACK}~Rf3' ASSOCIATION, of San Francisco, America, to register in Class ,1.2, in respect of Preserved Fish, a 'rrade lVIark, of which the following is a representation :-

The essential pM,ticulM' qf the ,[,,'(,cle ilia,./c is the clevice, cmd the applicant disclaims any "if/ht to the eOJCllbSive 1,se of the added matter, except in so fM' as it consists of its own name a,ncl address,

'I'his Mark was first advertised in the v\Testel'll Austmliml Government Gazette of the 27th .January, lS90-vide notice at head of Trade Mark advertisements.


Application No. H29, dated l'1th June, 1898.-ALASKA PACKERS' ASSOCIA'rIOK, of San Prancisco, America, to register in Class 1·2, in rcspuct of Preservp.d Pish, et 'l'ntde Mark, of w hi"h the following is a reprl,sclltlttion:-

'1'hc essentietl pn1'ticn/o.l'$ tiisc[etims CinY ,'ight to the

the 'l't· lYIa.,·k ,o'c the combinettion of cleviees "ncl the,eo)'(l "Scroll," und the a,pplicetnt 1LSC of the ,,,Ideel medic?'.

'1'his Mark was first advertised in the 'Western Austl'"lian GovM'nment Ga.Ciette of the 27th Ja.nuary, 18D[)-·vide notice a.t hCltd of Trade Mm'k ltdvcrtisE'lllcnts.

Application No. H30, dated uth June, IHDH.-ALASKA PACKERS' ASSOCIA'I'lON, of San Ji'mncisco, Americ,t, to register in Class ·1-2, in respect of Preserved };'ish. It 'l'mde lYL1.l'k, of which the following is a representation :-

'The essential part'icnlm's ~t' the T"ade ]}fco'k eh'e the combi,naf;ion ~t' devices ancl the 'wonls "Boltl!Cl,tt'y Line," ,mel the upplicant disclaims eeny 1'1,ght to thc cxclnsive 1tSe of the adelccl metttc?', except in so fa,' as it consists of its own n((mc (encl addt·css.

'l'his Mark was first advertised in the Western Australian Gov6>'nment Geczette of the 27th .Jauuary, 18H9-vidc notice at head of Trade lY[al'k advertisements.

AppliClttion No, B3I, chtpcl lA,th JUllG, IHDS.-ALASKA PACKERS' ASSOCIATION, of San Francisco, Amcrica, to register in Chtss '12, in respect of PrGserved Fish, :t 'l'l'Hcle )I:uk, of whieh the following is re reprosentation :-

!The essential )J(tt'ticnlars the (pf'(~(re :JIn'l'k ({,1'C the co)nbintttion of (tevices ancl the 'Wo"fcl "8C')"oll/) (oul the applicant discln1ms nny 'l'iUht lo the "'",,,',."",,," ",se ~/ the added ntattc'>', except i,t so far etS it consists ~l its OHm m,mo cm cl ae/dt·css,

'l'his )Iark was first adv~rtised 111 the "IVestern Austr:1liall Govc'mment Gazette of the 27th January, I899-vicZe notiee ltt head of 'l'rade lYlark advertisements.


Application No. 1433, dated .June, 18H8,-AIASl{A PACKERS' ASSOCIATION, of San Francisco, America .. to register in Class ·12, in respect of PrcsolTccl Fish, a 'l'rade l\Ia.rk, of which the following' is a representation :-

'The e~:)entil~ll}a:}'t'iC'nla'l's q( the :[lnHle j110 rk Uf'~ the cOYHiJination of dev'iccs ltncL the tt;oyd H r.feieo'r," o/;td the g1Jplicant (Z,tsclu.,inlts Ui/bY "ight to Lhe excl",ive "\Se Qi' the added matter ewcl;pt in so far LtS it consists of its Otvn nc"ne ancl Ltelel,'ess,

'l'his iYbrk was first rtdvertisecl in the IV ('stern A nstraliml Government Gazette of the 27th January, 1899-vitle notice at head of JHal'k a(lv~rtisements, •

ApplicHtion No, 1<1,34, datod 1Mh JUllC, 18!l8.-ALAsKA PAcKlms' ASSOClA'l'ION, of Sml Franoisco, /llnel'ica, to l'cg'istol' in Class 4·2, in respect of Preserved J<'ish, a 'l'rrtde 1\1;",k of which the following is a representation:-

The essential l)Lt,·tic1!la,·s Qf the T,'aele JYIc",/.; 0."0 the com~ination of de~'ices o"ncl the wo1'[1 "Ancho,'," u.nel the app"iccmt cliscla·ims cmy j'ight to the excl1!sive nsc of the addecl mattel', except in so f(l,1' as it consists of its own name and o,del,'ess,

This ~fark was first ~tclvertised in the 'W estern Anstrali~tn Govemment Gc(zette of the 27th .J anllary, 1899-vide notice at head of Trade lYIark advertisements.

Application No, 1485, dftted Hth June, 1898.-ALASI<A PACKERS' ASSOCIATION, of S~m Frftncisco, America, to register in '12, in rospect of PresGrved Fish, ft '1'1'<1,(10 JYlm,'k, of which the fo110'\'ing is a representation:-


The essent-ic(l, Qf the T"(1cte 1'IIo.l'k (we the following :-The combincttion Qf devices o,ml the 1VO'l'el "Eelelllstone," (mel the appliccmt ctnYl'ight to the erCCl1(sil'e l(,Se of' the "dded matter, cwcept in so fn)' as it consists Qf'its own nctme and adelress,

This :;\!Iark w"s first adve,rtisec1 in the '\Vestorn Anstralia,n Government Gazette of the 27th January, 1899-vide notice ",t head of Trade l\Iark adv8rtlsemcnts.

508 GOVEI1NMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. [FEB. 10, 1899.

Application No. 1436, dated Hth June. 1898.-ALAHKA PACKEUB' ASSOCfNl'TON, ofl Sml Pr,wcisco, .'-met·iCFt, to register lJl

Class 42, in respect of Preserved ];'ish, a 'l'racle Mark, of which the following is a representation :-OhE .• ';

The essential pa1·ticulan ~( lhe T'i"ade JYle,r!.; a?'e ihe following :-The comvination ~l (levices anel the 1vonls "Hone Shoe," anc/' the applicant disclaims any r;,ghl la Ihe excZ1esive ",se of the aeZdedmattm', except in so fa,,' as it consists q{ its own name and add,.ess.

This Mark was first advc\rtisod in thc 'Western Austmlian Gove1'mneni GMette of the 27th .JmlUary, 1899-vide noticc at head of Trade Mark advertisemonts.

Application No. 1<187, dn,ted ],I,th .June, 189R.-Ar,AsKA PACKERS' ASSOCINl'TON, of San 1<'rancisco, Amcrica, to reg'ister in Class 42, in respect of Preserved ]'ish, a 'l' Mark, of which the following is [t representation ,-

The essential pa1·ticuln1·s of the 'l'racle JJlw'k ((re the following :--The combination of ,Zevices gnd the 'Word "Nati01wl," and the applicant disclaims any right to the e,eclusive lese q/ the etdeled mettler, e",cept in so fa,r as it comist.; of its own name and adel,'ess.

This Mark was first advertised ill the Western Australi:tn Govemnwnt Gazette of the 27th .rf1nn;1ry, 1 SU!J-~"i,le notice at head of Trade lYI,uk advertisements.

Applic:1tion No. 1438, cbtecl Hth June, 18D8.-ALASKA PACKERS' ASSOCIA'l'LON, of S,m 1<'r:111(5i8CO, Auwriea" to register in Cla"ls 42, in respect of Preserved Pish, n Trade Mark, of \\'hiell the following is a represent.1tion:-·


'l'he essenlial particnlm's q( the 'I"mele JJfa)'k are the foUo/vin!! :-'I'he com/)ination (~r tlevice.; "nd. /;he WOJ'd "Lion," gnd the "P1Jlicanl elisclaims an,!! "if/ht to the exclusive nse of the addc,l matter, except in so fa." as it consists of its Own name and add)·ess.


'l'his J\lark was first aclvertise(l in the "Western AustraJiml Ciovanmenl Gnzclte of the 27th January, 1899-vide notice at head of 'frac1e JiIark advertisements,

Application No. 1439, dated 14th June, 1898 :-Ar,AsKA PACKERS' ASSOCIATION, of San Francisco, America, to register in Class 42, in respect of Preserved Fish, a 'l'rac1e :iYlark, of which the following is a representation :-

The esscntinl pan1ceU,Ott,'S of the Ttcule jJI",.k "re lhe following: -'1'he GombinCLtion ~f' devices (m(l the woyds "Ooleman Plng," (oul the discZ(('ims nny ;'ight to the e;cclns;"e 'ase ql' lhe (uldc(lnw.lle,·, e;ecept in so /0,), "s -it consists ~f' its own 1wme "nd ("ltlress.

This Mark was first advertised in the VITostel'll Austl'l1li>tll OoveJ'nmenl Gazette of the 27th .Janllary, lS99-vide notice at head of Ifr>tde lYhrk n.dvertiscments.

Applicn.tion No. 1<140, dnted 14th Junc, lS})S,-ALASKA PACKERS' ASSOCIATION, of San J;"rnncisco, Amel'icn, to register in Class 42, in respect of Preserved J;"ish, a Trade :YL1.l'k, of which the following is n, representntioll:-

The essent-i((l pm·ticul(,,'s ~f the Trade M,,1'7, (WC the following :-'1'he cmnuinat'ion q( (leviees and the wOl'd " Ancon," mul the "ppl-iwnt (z,:scl(j/;mls "ny 1'iUht to the credllsive ?LSe qf the wlded matte,', ewcepi -in so fa1' u~s it consists (:t' ,its own name "n(l a£l(/,'esB.

'J'his nHLrk[wns first advertisod in the VVestel'n Austrnlian Ciove1'lwwnt a"zette of thn 27th .Jannary, 1899-vide notice at head of 'l'mde Mark advertisements.


Application No. 1574, dated 10th January, 1899. PHIr,LIP JAm~,s lYIn,LER, 13 Eagle Chambers, Hn,y Street, Perth, to register in Class 45, in respect of ]ylannfactnl'ed '1'OblLC80, a rl'rade Mark, of which the following is a representation:-


This Mark was first advertised in the vVestern AustralilLn Gove1'1tmcnt Ga.zeUe of the 27th Jannary, 1899-vide notice at head of Trade Mark advertisements.

Application No. 1575, dated 16th January, 1898.-ANNIE JEl>.""NESS lYIrLLEI{, of" The Cairo" Apartment Honse, vVash­ington, District of Columbia" United States of America, Lecturer and Author, to register in Class 38, in respect of Articles of CloU,ing', a Trade lYIa,l'k, of which the followin~' is a representation :-

The essential pOil'ticulal' ~f' the 'I'·j·ade lYla,.J,: consists in ihe 'w?'itte'n sifj'}1cdwl"c as hereon 1'cpl'eRente(l; an(Z [he a,ppllclflll (Usclaims the excl'usive "sc qj' the (uldcll m"Uei'.

This Mark was first advertised in the IVcstm'n Austl'ali,w Government Gazette of the 27th .Jammry, lRDO-vi,7e notice at head of 'rrade lVlark :ulvGrti3clmmts.

AppliclLtion No. 157S, dat8d 17th .hnun.ry, lRHO.-'I'll1' J\lHERICAN CICl-tEAL C01\TPANY, of Chicag'o, United Statns of America, to register in Cla,ss 4,2, in respect of Cereal~. Pulses, :tnd ,dl descriptions of Cm'ea] PJ'eparnJions, it '1'J'ade Mark, of which the following is a rcprcsontlLtion -

FIEND This lYI:trk was first a,dv01·tised in the vVestern AustrnJian

GoveJ'nment Gazette of the 27th .January, 1800-cide notice at head of 'l'mde lYIark n,clvertisements.

Application No. 1581, elated 17th January, lS9~).~· VVILLIAlII .JONATHAN GREEN, of" IVerundah," Young Street, Croydon, nem' Sydney, in the Colony of New South vVales, Gentleman, to register in Class 3, in respect of a JYledicin,d Preparation, a 'l'rade Mark, of which the following' is a representation :-

'rhis lYlark was first advertised in the vYestern AustraJian Government Gazette of the 27th .January, 18H9-dde notice at head of Trade lYlark advertisements.

Applieation No. 1582, datecl 21st .January, 1R99.·-}L BEETHAlII & SON, of 22 "Promena,de Villas," Cheltenlmm, England, Chemists, to register in Class 4S, in respect of

GAZETTE, VV.A. [FEB. 10, 1899.

Perfumery (including Toilet Articles, Preparations for the Teeth and Hair, n,ncl Perfumed Soap), a Trade Mark, of which tbe following is a rCl}l'C'sentation :-~

This }lark waS first advertised in the Western Australian Go ve;'nment G(n:ctte of the 27th .J annary, 189H-vide notice at head of 'l'rad8 }i[ark "clvel'tisemonts.

Application No. 1588, dated 21st January, 1899.-NoBLEs & HOARE, of 8 CornwnJl R,oad, Stmnford street, London, S.E., YnTnish Manufacturers, to register in Class 1, in respect of Varnishes, Jnpalls, Colours, ancl "B'illing-up, " 'l'racle JYlm'k, of which the following' is a representation:-

'I'he s(lid ']';o"do "jjLa;ok 7uIS been nse,z /,y the wppliwnts in I'CSjJCr:t i,o the a/j,tides nwnUone(Z sin,er! 185Y, cd least.

'l'his j\[,lT1;: wns first advertised in the \VostCl'D A.ustrnJia.n (:OI'eI'H1JJeJlt Guzdfe of the 27th Jann:Ll'Y~ ]H0D. 1Jide notice at 11(';1,<1 of rf\,:t(le AT,u'k n,dv(~rti:-3eltlCl1ts.

Applic"tion No. l5GH, ,htecl 2Hth December, 18HS.-A. J. IVOIt'l'HINGcl'ON AND COMPANY, of Portland l'iIills, Leek, StaJl'ol'dshirc, in Ellghl1l1, Silk }'IanufactU1'8rS, to register in Cbss :30. in r8spcct of Sewing and Embroidery Silks, ?lIachine Silk '['wist, Silk 'I'wist, and Legee rrwist, a '['racle lYIark, of which the following is ,t rOl)rCsentation :--

The sa·id 'Fi'ade lJInj'l, hnving been used by them in j'espect of the articles mentione,l fo)' t11;0 1Jea;'s b~loj'e the fii'st dny of Jwmwl'Y, 1885.

This lI'Iark wns first advertised in the vVestel'll Australian Goremment G(tzette of the 3rd FebnUlry, ISH9-vicle notice at head of Trade iHark advertisements.

FEB. 10, 1899.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 511 ~~-----~~--~ -~ -~-~~.-~ --~-~-~~~~ -----------~----

Application No. 1570, dated 29th December, 1898.-A. J. VVORTHINGTON AND COilIPANY, of Portland llElls, Leek, Staffordshire,in Enghmd, Silk JYlanufactnrers, to register in Class 30, in respect of Sewing. and :Embroidcry Silks, Machine Silk Twist, 8ilk 'l'wist, tmd Legee Twist, ,L Trade Mark, of which the following is a representaJion ;-

The said 'l'rade JJia"k ha1.,ing veen 1tsed by them in respect of the (c,·ticles mentioned f01' thi,·ty~lo1ti· yea1'S b~ro)'e the first d"y of JIln1wry, One thonsctnd eight h1<1ull'etl and eighf'lI~tiife,

This Mark was first advertised in the 'Western Anstmlian Go'vetnuwnt O(~zette of the ;~l'cl Februal'Y, lS~H)~", ri(}c notice at head of 'l'rnde i\'Inrk advertisc1llent~ ..

Application No. 1;37U, cbted 17th Janunrv, 189$).-~'J'Hlc AilUCRICAN CfmEM, COilIl'ANY, of Chiea,go, UJ{ited Statc8 of ~\111ericn" to register 111 Class ,1,2, in respect of Cereals, rulses, and all descriptions of Cerea,] pl'upl1l'atiollS, at'rl'at1e J\.Ta,rk, of whic:h the following is it rcpmsent<1tion;-

The essential pm'tic"le", qf'the T1'aeZe JIIia1'7, is the ele'V;ce, anci lhe excl1tsive 1(,Se Ql the a,cldecl matte,' is discla.imcd.

This Mark was first advertised in the ,Vestern Australinn Government Gazette of the 3rd ];'ebrm1,ry, lS99--"ide notice nt head of Trade Mark a.dvertisements,

Application No. 1;'577, clntecl 17th ,January, lS99,-TlIE AilIElUCAN CEgEAL COlllPANY, of Chicago, United States of America, to register in Clnss 42, in respect of Cerenls,

Pulses, and all descriptions of Cereal Preparations, a Trade JYIark, (.f which the following' is a representation:-


'I'his :;}Iark was first advertised in the vVestern Australian Got'crnment Gazette of the 3rd February, 1899-vicle notice at head of Trade JYlark advertisements.

Application No. 1580, dnted 17th Jammry, 1899.-LIVE STOCK AILilIE:N'l'S REMEDY PROPlUE'l'ARY, LUII'l'ED, of 98 l~liza,beth Street (The Block), JYIelbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, to register in Class 2, in respect of Chemical Substances used for Agricultural, Horticulturnl, Veterinary, and Sanih1,ry Purposes, n. Trade JYIark, of which the fol­lowing is ,1, representation :-


'J'his .Mark was first nc1vertised in the ,Vestern Australinu Go'Ve)'nment Gc,zettp, of the 3rd February, 1899·-vide notice at hend of 'l'rade :;}Iark advertisements.

Application No. 1584, dated 2Mh .Jammry, 1899,-HENRY 'Vn ... LLA:3-1 )lli'HIC rJ'ANNBR, trading- as "J. C. Bl'ennan & (~o.," Anstrll,lia Hotel, East ]'remantle: Cigctr Importer and MmlU­faetmcr, to register in Ch1,sS ·M, in respect of Tobacco, whcther nmllufacturccl 01' unmanufactured, Cigars tcnd Cigarettes. a Trade JYhrk, of which the following is a re­prescntrLtioll

The essential ,~ ;.ilootball,') and cl,t's it, e ?Lse Ql tit e

the Traile JJla?'7c is the 'wo,'cl disclaims cmy ,'i ht to the ex-

'l'his J'lIn,rk 1ms first advertised in the VVesterll A ustraliall Govenrment Gazette of the 3rd Pcbl'lmry, 1899~-viele notice ,vt hend of Trade Mark ndvertiselllcnts.

Application No. 1;';89, dated 4th Pebruary, lS9D.-A, E. LITTLE & COilJPA:NY, of Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America, nfanufncturers, to reg'ister in Class 38, in respect of Articles of Clothing, such as Boots and Shoes, a 'J'rade Mark, of which the following is a repre­sentntioll ;-

This Mnrk was first ndvertised in the vVestern Australian Go'Vernment Gazette of the lOth February, 1899--vide notice at head of Trnde JYlark advertisements.

Governmcnt Printer, Perth,

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