“pancasila interaktif” the political map a survey on ideologies

Post on 19-Feb-2018






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7/23/2019 “Pancasila Interaktif” the Political Map A survey on ideologies

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“Pancasila Interaktif” the Political Map 

A survey on ideologies


Ideology as a set of ideas, perspective or guidance used by individuals to act on political matters is laid

on a multidimensional map, with at least two axes: “source of values” and “methods” prior to

presenting it to human agents, the participants, the real political actors. Presentation is held

interactively with a web interface, not only to gain empirical bases for the 'ideologist', but also to

provide assistance for the participants to decide where s/he would take a stand under different political

circumstances. The generically-designed web interface is easily adjustable, and in this report, is arranged

in such a way to fit Indonesian political system, hence the nickname, “Pancasila Interaktif”. 

Keywords: political value, ideology, web-based survey

1. Introduction

Political world is familiar with ideologies such as capitalism, communism, secularism, theocracy, etc.

Each represents a set of ideas which is not necessarily unique to each other but is essentially useful for

the political actors, the citizens and the elites alike, to identify oneself of where one politically belongs,

to help describe a political problem, and sometimes to determine the solution, be it as simple as who to

vote for in the next election, or as meticulously hard as what to draft on an upcoming legislation.

Despite being such an elusive concept with various, mostly abstract meanings, and sometimes

inconherently constructed, an ideology is instrumental for its followers. It provides the ideals, especially

of a society, from which a concrete solution to a political problem may be derived[1].

There are two extremes when we use ideologies as the starting point to understand political behavior at

the individual level: we may see them from the top down as an externally constructed entity instilled

Ardian Maulana

Dept.Computational Sociology


Rendra Suroso

Dept.Cognitive Science


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into belief system of individuals, or as an innate mechanism which will manifest as the situtation


The former is what we regularly see on the mass media with the plethora of ideological terms they

publish, despite how the general public actually receives them. Some surveys[2,3] show that generally,

the majority of the population are not politically equipped enough to come up with coherent anddetailed reasoning from the abstract ideological level down to the concrete political decision, or just do

not have the time to do so. This is apart from the fact that ideology in itself is not a fixed set of values—

such that meta-ideological categorization becomes even more complicated. Ideology must evolve

through time and place, incorporates new social phenomena, and resolve inconsistencies as much as

possible; or otherwise, it will become alienated to its supposed followers and eventually die. On the

other hand, political world is also a dynamic power play involving political acts among political elites

often invisible to the media, which further clutters the supposed ideological reasoning as perceived by

the general public. The idea of ideology as a top-down social construct becomes more and more blurry

at the individual level. However, its simplest yet pervasive form remains under the trivial labeling “left”

or “right”, which is applicable in most political subjects, readily available for the general public, andcreates a more distinct polarization among elites.

The latter departs from the idea that ideology is 'innate' in individuals, a tacit guidance to interpret

political information according to known political concepts which forms a political orientation, or at

least, tendency. Human cognitive capacity is limited, which makes it impossible to process all relevant

information on a particular topic[4]. But of this limited capacity, certain set of values can still be thought

of, internally organized, and sometimes expressed. This kind of political values of an individual which is

often overlooked by standard political studies[5] is what determines the reception of external ideology

dictated by ideologists or political elites[6,]. The more attributes an external political concept has in

common with individual political concept, the more positive sentiment it will gain, and vice versa[7]. Inthis viewpoint, one is not necessarily ideologically knowledgable to act ideologically[8]. The depth of

individual's knowledge does not matter so long as what the external and the internal ideas overlaps

sufficiently in their attributes.

Recent development in evolutionary psychology has given us the possibility to bring the studies of

ideology closer to the subjective experience of the individual [8,9,10,11,12]. Jonathan Haidt, for

example, proposes five foundational pairs: harm—care, fairness—reciprocity, ingroup—loyalty,

authority—respect, purity—sanctity; of which configuration is highly related to one individual's political

tendency [5,11]. As Haidt demonstrates, the difference between the American liberals and

conservatives is closely related to the difference in configuration of these pairs[11].

But the ideological differences between the liberals and conservatives are not in universal relevance.

Unlike the innate ideas, this external construct is sensitive to local surroundings of which local—and

often endogeneous—culture is major contributing factor. Culture is no less elusive catchall phrase than

ideology, of which various objects may be packed in, from linguistic practices to vernacular habits of

certain group of people, with of course typical way of thinking included. However, despite the

elusiveness, culture is apparently different from region to region, from time to time. We will set forth

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from this cultural standpoint, our version of meta-ideologically external political object, adjusted to

Indonesian political context, and later on, corroborated with the help of a web-based survey with real

human participants.

2. Methodology

Many existing dimensions are always the primary concern when one wants to map commonly-accepted

political values in a certain group to, e.g. a diagram, in the field of study of politics or in social psychology

in general[1]. Since our case of study is related to Indonesia, we intentionally choose Pancasila, the

nation's political foundation, as our starting point, under the assumption that what it conveys is what

'officially' considered to reflect what Indonesian citizen daily behaves[13]. Of the five principles

Pancasila has and of what political values the citizens are allowed to embrace according to these

principles, we assume that certain configuration of individual acceptance towards each of the principles

will reflect individual political values. Hence, the variety of political values of Indonesian citizens can be

seen as the difference of the aforementioned configuration as shown in Table 1. The same table also

shows the equivalent of Pancasila principles with what previous theorists propose.

Table 1 : Comparison between five principles Pancasila to what previous theorists propose [9,21] 

What to tackle next is how to represent such configuration in a diagram, namely, a set of measurements

of orthogonal dimensions of at least one dimension in it. Popular approach is using the 'left-right'

bipolarity in which the left is often associated with the liberal and the right the conservative[1]. One

dimension is however not sufficient [14] while we also persistent to preserve the orthogonal condition

(a change of value in one dimension should not influence the value in another).

For the case of Indonesia, we propose two dimensions: “source of value” and “method”, inspired by the

typology of society proposed by Kuntowijoyo[15] which are based on two axes of orientation: ethical—

esoteric, and traditional—modern. In this typology, a change in society is an inevitable process although

the rate of its change varies from region to region. Hence, even though in reality Indonesia is one big

nation, there are considerable differences among its subgroups, in terms of their rate of adoption to

new ideas. This gives us the traditional—modern axis. Also, among subgroups there are different

viewpoints on what is considered immanent and what is transcendental, giving us the ethical—

esoterical axis.

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Pancasila is by nature avoids extremisms such that in Figure 1  we place the point (0,0) as the most

'Pancasilais', i.e. the closest to the ideals. In other words, when this diagram is applied to political values

of a real citizen, it is assumed to reflect how 'Pancasilais' one is.

Figure 1: Political value diagram (right) adapted from Kuntowijoyo model (left) 

Heretofore we call ethical—esotherical axis as the source of values (V) dimension, while based on

Kuntowijoyo's typology, we call the other dimension, the progressive—conservative axis as the method

(M) dimension.

2.1 Source of Value Dimension

Dimension V, shown in Figure 2a, defines the principles of individual with respect to morality. This

provides two extremes with these following characteristics:



An individual is leaning towards hierarchical source of values, assuming that there is a moral source

somewhere out there as the prime source of reasoning and guidance in daily life. The source may be

holy scriptures, ideologies, teachings of the wise, etc. Individuals tends to display a higher degree of

obedience to those with higher moral authorities such as the parents, the elderly, the leaders, the

statesmen. The state is viewed as a human-protecting entity, such that it serves no different in terms of

spirituality than that in, e.g. religious systems. Heroic patriotism is praised and gains respect as much as


 –   ethical: 

An individual believes that the primary source of morality is no other than human existence. Every man

is created equal and each may contribute rationally to achieve collectively agreed morality. Man is the

ultimate source of wisdom. All human creation must be directed towards the betterment of human

lives. Each individual is the one who is responsible to make one's own choice, to make one's own life

meaningful. State is an organic entity brought about by the aspiration of the individuals. The center of

the state is the individuals.

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 Figure 2: The dimension of political value: (Left) source of values (V) dimension (vertical);  

(Right) method (M) dimension (Horizontal) 

2.2 Method Dimension

Dimension M, shown in Figure 2b, defines the set of tools an individual uses to achive one's ideals within

the society. This dimension has two extremes:

 –  progressive:

Individual in this leaning will tend to focus on what human currently has achieved. Openness to science

and technology, acceptance to new ideas, exercise of critical thinking and the use of reasoning in

general are what makes social and political system move and progress. Principles of freedom and

humanity must be the source of social justice, statesmanship, and every other aspects relation to social,

economic and political life.

 –  conservative:

An individual cannot separate the social process of a collective throughout the course of its history with

its current state, thereby one should always look on traditions, religious teachings, and various wisdoms

as the source of inspiration when it comes to developing and answer for a current problem which is

happening in social life. Ultimate values which govern the way to achieve individual goals must be

grounded on the history of the state.

3. Survey

3.1 Design and Implementation

With the description in Section 2 we are ready to formulate and implement a framework to have it

excercised on real political actors. The framework F forms a kind of questionnaire with this following

general specification:

F = <D, Q, U, S>

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where D is the dimension, Q is a series of question in its most general form such that for each question

q, there is a scoring function f such that f:q → ℝ. ℝ  is a range of quantity later on defined by the

experimenter, usually in forms of the real interval [-1,1]. U is an identifier of a particular human agent,

and S is a set of possible configuration of f(q).

For each participant u and dimension d, the use case for political values known as 'Pancasila Interaktif'1

 is as follows:

-  Q  

Throughout the entire survey, the participant must answer a series of 14 multiple-choice questions

related to certain theme such as gender, leadership, etc. (See appendix.) The key characteristics of this

framework compared to usual survey is that the participant is not asked to give an answer in a Likert-like

scale. Instead, each answer a in the set of all answers A has the scoring function f  j(qi=a) ≡  γi=a where γ is

the weight of the answer defined by the experimenter. Overall scores are aggregated and normalized as:



Figure 3: Snapshot of survey Questionnaire

The order of appearance of each question is randomized. Figure 3 shows how a question looks like in

front of a participant. When all dimensions taken into account, we will have the Cartesian product

|u D|= |ud=1| х |ud =2| for two dimensions.

-  S 

All possible configurations is mapped by a regioning function  g :|u D|→ G defined by the experimenter

according to preliminary works in Section 2, where G represents a set of sub-regions in the ideological

diagram such that: 

1 http://spektika.com 

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F igure 4 Snapshot of user political value; b. The label of sub-regions of political value diagram 

Experimenter assigns each Gl  sub-region a label accordingly such that the participant is able to look at

her/his own final 'political value' as shown in Figure 4a . The diagram itself appears like Figure 4b if all

the labels are visible at the same time. And to make the diagram look closer to analyses from previous

theorists, a direct comparison is presented in different diagram under the name 'alternative

representation' as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 sketching Indonesian political ideologies on political value diagram 

To give the participant the bigger picture of where s/he stands among other participants, a simple

aggregation is presented as shown in Figure 6

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Figure 6 a. About the application; b. The statistic of user results. 

3.2 On Participants

According to some reports, the Internet has reached 20% in Indonesia[17], of which 62% use mobile

access[16]. Compared to 30% of penetration worldwide, this number is not particularly outstanding,

resulting in less representative data for our survey. Despite relatively low penetration, Internet for mass

survey is still the cheapest, the fastest, the less error-prone, and has the greatest potential to reach

wider audience in the future, compared to any other media[18, 19]. Internet also makes related service

beyond survey easier, such as voting advice application, ideological mapping related to more factors—or

the so-called 'dimension' in our framework, etc[20].

Figure 7 Internet users in Indonesia (in million [17] ) 

Political value mapping model discussed in the previous is implemented in a web-based survey model.

Furthermore, The survey is designed as an application which aims to help respondents locate the

posisition of their political value interactively. When respondents took the survey, then, automatically

the datas are being collected and processed to produce respondent political values directly.

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4. Concluding remarks

This paper begins by discussion of ideology as a proxy for individual political behavior tendencies. On

one hand, the ideology can be seen as a collection of ideas constructed by the political elite and

disseminated to the public in a "top down" way,mostly related to matters that are considered to bring

beneficence to the community as a whole. However, the extent to which the effectiveness of ideologicalideas in directing the political behavior of voters depends on their compatibility with the system of

values inherent in the system of individual cognition. Thus, on the other hand, ideology is understood as

a system of values that innate within the individual and becomes a sort of predisposition to assess and

interpret the information it receives.

In this paper we construct two-dimensional models for the mapping of political values. Here we use the

Pancasila as a reference in determining the political value of individual. Diagram of political value

consists of source dimension that defines the source of individual moral value, and the dimensions that

define a method for individuals to realize the societal conditions that is perceived ideal by each


The model is implemented online by the use of web-based survey model called “Pancasila Interaktif ” as

a medium to collect data. However, given the risk inherent in this kind of survey method, the use of

conventional survey method must also be considered in order to give a deeper understanding

concerning political value and individual ideology.

Political value is an alternative approach to explain the tendency of individual political behavior. And

Indonesia is the perfect place to explore the diversity of value systems as well as political orientation

who live in the community given their very high heterogeneity. What is proposed in this paper is an

initial step to further understand the complexities of the political dynamics in Indonesia related to the

diversity of political values of individuals who live in it.

5. Acknowledgment

The authors thank the colleagues in Bandung Fe Institute for their encouragement and assistance in

writing this paper. All errors are the responsibility of the author.

6. References


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Moral Foundations. Psychological Inquiry 20(2): 110-119. 


Lakoff, G.,(2002)., Moral politics: how liberals and conservatives think. University of Chicago



Haidt, J., Graham,J.,(2007)., When Morality Opposes Justice: Conservatives Have Moral

Intuitions that Liberals may not Recognize., Social Justice Research 20(1): 98-116. 


Jost.et.al.,(2009).,Political Ideology: Its Structure, Functions, and Elective Affinities., Annual

Review of Psychology. Vol. 60: 307-337


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A. Appendix

Dimension No Question Value

II 1. Hukum dan pemerintahan yang baik seharusnya mencerminkan nilai-nilai

dari agama dan kepercayaan yang benar.

Hint: Konstitusi perlu mengatur agar setiap orang wajib untuk menjalankan

ibadah menurut agama yang dianutnya. 


Aturan-aturan pemerintah seyogianya dibuat agar mendukung kehidupan


Hint: Pemerintah perlu mengeluarkan aturan-aturan guna membantu

kelancaran sekaligus saling menghormati aktivitas peribadatan setiap agama


Pemerintah harus mendorong munculnya toleransi antar umat beragama.


Toleransi terhadap keberagaman keyakinan adalah kunci hidup bersama. 


Agama itu individual dan spiritual, tak ada kaitannya dengan kehidupan


Hint. Ibadah merupakan soal keyakinan yang sifatnya sangat pribadi bagi

setiap orang. 


II 2 Berderma merupakan wujud kerelaan individu untuk berbagi dengan orang

lain yang tidak mampu.

Hint. Bagian dari tradisi gotong royong yang telah berakar dalam



Berderma menjadi kewajiban sosial setiap individu yang mampu.

Hint. Menjadi mekanisme sosial untuk mengurangi ketimpangan ekonomi di



Tradisi berderma sebagai bentuk partisipasi kolektif masyarakat hanya

dibutuhkan pada kondisi tertentu saja (bencana dll).

Hint. Aktivitas derma hanya melengkapi tapi tidak boleh menggantikan

 peran Negara dalam mewujudkan keadilan sosial. 


Orang yang tidak mampu seharusnya tidak menggantungkan diri dari

kemurahan hati orang lain.

Hint. Setiap orang seharusnya bisa mendapatkan apa yang dibutuhkannya

dari Negara. 


II 3 Akses dan kualitas pendidikan yang sama untuk semua orang merupakan

satu parameter terpenting kesejahteraan rakyat.

Hint. Setiap orang seharusnya mempunyai kesempatan yang sama untuk

memperoleh pendidikan. 


Tak ada orang yang bodoh, yang ada adalah orang yang tak mendapatkan

akses ke pendidikan yang baik.

Hint. Urusan pemerintah dalam pernikahan hanya semata-mata persoalanadministratif saja. 


Siswa yang terbaik berhak mendapatkan jaminan pendidikan yang


Hint. Sementara aktivitas sosial masyarakat (melalui beasiswa dll)

membantu anak-anak yang tidak mampu untuk memperoleh pendidikan

yang layak. 


Orang cerdas akan selalu memiliki cara untuk memperkaya dirinya dengan -10

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Hint. Pendidikan yang baik itu memang sewajarnya mahal. 

II 4 Pernikahan itu sakral dan hanya bisa dianggap sah dan benar jika dilakukan

secara agama.

Hint. Pernikahan merupakan ikatan lahir dan batin antara pria dan wanita

untuk membentuk keluarga sesuai dengan tuntunan agama. Sebuah

 pernikahan hanya sah jika dilakukan berdasarkan aturan-aturan yang

ditetapkan oleh agama. 


Pernikahan harus sesuai dengan aturan agama.

Hint. Sebuah pernikahan hanya sah jika telah memenuhi ketentuan-

ketentuan dalam agama sekaligus sesuai dengan aturan-aturan dalam

hukum sipil. 


Pernikahan tidak boleh melanggar nilai-nilai moral yang ada dalam


Hint. Perbedaan agama dan adat istiadat seharusnya bukan jadi halangan

untuk sebuah pernikahan. 


Pernikahan itu perwujudan cinta, bukan soal Negara, adat ataupun agama.

Hint. Urusan pemerintah dalam pernikahan hanya semata-mata persoalan

administratif saja. 


II 5 Jangan tanyakan apa yang telah negara berikan kepadamu tapi pikirkan apa

yang kamu harus berikan untuk negaramu

Hint. Dalam kondisi apapun setiap orang harus siap sedia membela



Mencintai negara adalah kesediaan untuk bela negara tanpa imbalan apapun

dan keberanian untuk mengkritiknya dengan resiko apapun.

Hint. Ada saat-saat dimana kita harus siap melakukan bela negara tanpa

 perlu berpikir lebih jauh. 


Kepentingan Negara adalah kepentingan individu-individu yang ada di

dalamnya. Bela Negara adalah pembelaan kepentingan individu itu sendiri.Hint. Kepentingan Negara adalah kepentingan individu-individu yang ada di

dalamnya. Bela Negara adalah pembelaan kepentingan individu itu sendiri. 


Tindakan bela negara adalah pilihan. Setiap orang berhak memutuskan

mana yang terbaik untuk dirinya.

Hint. Bela Negara semata-mata adalah keputusan individu. Tidak boleh ada

 pemaksaan untuk melakukannya. 


II 6 Dunia mistis adalah bagian dari kearifan yang ada di luar pemahaman


Hint. Banyak hal dalam hidup ini yang belum kita ketahui . Soal mistisisme

tidak dapat dipahami dengan nalar semata. 


Walaupun sulit untuk menyakini hal mistik, lebih bijak untuk tidakmelakukan sesuatu yang melanggar hal-hal yang dianggap tabu.

Hint. Mistik dan tahayul itu sudah jadi bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat

kita sehari-hari. Selama tidak merugikan, tidak ada salahnya untuk



Saya tidak mempercayai kekuatan mistik ataupun takhayul. Tapi saya bisa

memahami jika orang lain mempercayainya.

Hint. Tradisi mistisisme sebaiknya dimaknai sebagai mekanisme untuk


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memelihara nilai-nilai lokal seperti kebersamaan, kekerabatan, dan


Orang yang sehat seharusnya tidak mempercayai hal-hal yang berbau mistik

dan takhayul.

Hint. Kita tidak mungkin bisa maju kalau logika mistik masih mendominasi

cara berpikir masyarakat. 


II 7 Pemerintah dan elemen masyarakat harus bahu-membahu melindungi

kebudayaan bangsa dari kepunahan maupun dari klaim pihak asing.

Hint. Kebudayaan nasional diperlukan sebagai identitas nasional



Pada akhirnya, tak ada itu gamelan jawa, ulos batak, angklung sunda,

songket Palembang. Yang ada adalah gamelan, ulos, angklung, dan songket


Hint. Kebudayaan lokal didorong agar saling berinteraksi untuk munculkan 

inovasi-inovasi baru. 


Kita harus bisa memilah-milah, mengikuti tradisi dan kebudayaan yang baik

dan meninggalkan yang buruk.

Hint. Perkembangan kebudayaan lokal perlu dijaga dan dihindarkan dari



Esensi dari pengembangan kebudayaan ada pada nilai-nilai kemanusiaan.

Manusia berkembang, budaya berkembang.

Hint. Tradisi dan kebudayaan harus dibiarkan berkembang secara organis

sebagaimana adanya. 


I 1 Harus diakui bahwa modernitas membawa perubahan pada nilai-nilai tradisi

yang ada di dalam masyarakat.

Hint. Kita harus secara aktif mencegah masuknya “nilai -nilai asing ” yang

tidak sesuai dengan nilai tradisi. 


Nilai-nilai tradisi harus terus ditanamkan melalui pendidikan.

Hint. Tidak semua yang “asing” itu buruk. Namun anda percaya beberapahal harus dicegah karena bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai tradisi. 


Tradisi harus terus dikembangkan agar nilai kearifan yang ada di dalamnya

dapat bertahan.

Hint. Tradisi yang terbuka terhadap perkembangan akan terus bertahan

dalam masyarakat. 


Setiap generasi berhak memilih dan memiliki nilai dan tradisinya masing-


Hint. Nilai-nilai tradisional itu tidak selalu cocok untuk segala zaman. Dunia

akan terus berubah dan menciptakan nilai dan tradisi baru. 


I 2 Pada dasarnya, inti dari berbagai persoalan sosial dan politik di Indonesia

saat ini adalah persoalan moralitas dan etika yang telah sedemikianbobroknya.

Hint. Kita harus secara aktif menghilangkan hal-hal yang menjadi sumber

kerusakan moral dalam masyarakat. 


Sepintar apapun seseorang, pada akhirnya orang lain akan menilainya dari

moral, akhlak, dan etikanya dalam kehidupan pribadi maupun dalam


Hint. Sistem pendidikan harus diarahkan untuk pembangunan akhlak dan


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moral bangsa. 

Moralitas itu sifatnya sangat individual dan relatif. Saya kurang setuju jika

cara pandang moral digunakan dalam justifikasi persoalan publik.

Hint. Penegakan hukum dan kebijakan publik yang tepat adalah solusinya. 


Moralitas itu penting, tapi ia tak boleh jadi landasan demi mengekang hak-

hak individual untuk meng-aktualisasikan dirinya.Hint. Menurut anda, argumen moralitas sering jadi alasan munculnya

kekerasan dan pengekangan hak individu. 


3 Keadilan adalah saat mereka yang rajin bekerja serta giat dalam usahanya

mendapatkan kehidupan yang memang lebih layak.

Hint. Jiwa kewirausahaan dan kemandirian merupakan sokoguru kehidupan

 perekonomian yang sehat. 


Kerja keras dan tanggung jawab sosial untuk berbagi adalah dua sisi keadilan

yang tidak terpisahkan.

Hint. Rasa keadilan akan terpenuhi saat mereka yang telah hidup layak

membantu mereka yang tidak beruntung. 


Keadilan sosial tak bisa dilihat dari siapa yang kuat, maka dialah yang

menang. Justru keadilan tercipta ketika ada rasa tanggung jawab yang kuat

melindungi yang lemah.

Hint. Keadilan adalah saat Negara memastikan bahwa setiap orang

mempunyai kesempatan yang sama untuk hidup layak. 


Tak ada orang yang terlahir miskin, karenanya keadilan sosial adalah

ketiadaan kesenjangan ekonomi.

Hint. Negara memastikan setiap orang hidup dengan layak. 


I 4 Pemimpin yang baik tak hanya mengenal siapa dirinya, ia juga mengenal

siapa yang dipimpinnya.

Hint. Pemimpin adalah orang yang diberkati kualitas kepemimpinan (biologi,

moral, sosial dan pengetahuan) yang jauh lebih baik dari orang lain. 


Pemilu disebut sebagai pesta demokrasi karena merupakan ajang di manawarga negara menentukan siapa yang layak memimpinnya secara periodik.

Hint. Tidak semua orang dapat menjadi pemimpin walaupun tidak ada

 pemimpin yang sempurna. 


Kita harus berhenti memandang bahwa pemimpin adalah seorang yang

harus dipatuhi, karena pemimpin sejatinya adalah pelayan bagi yang


Hint. Orang yang secara mufakat ditinggikan kedudukannya dan dipatuhi



Pada akhirnya, setiap orang adalah pemimpin bagi dirinya sendiri.

Hint. Kedudukan pemimpin sifatnya konstekstual. Pada suatu masa dia

dapat menjadi pemimpin dan pada saat yang lain dia harus patuh kepadaorang yang memimpinnya. 


I 5 Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang pandai menghargai jasa-jasa para


‘Hint. Seperti halnya orang tua, jasa seorang pemimpin harus dijunjung

tinggi sedangkan kesalahannya sebaiknya dilupakan. 


Daripada sibuk mencari kesalahan para pemimpin di masa lalu, lebih baik

kita fokus ke masa depan.


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Hint. Kita harus bijaksana menilai para pemimpin kita. Hal yang salah tidak

 perlu diteruskan, sementara kebijakan-kebijakannya yang tepat sebaiknya


Kita harus bisa bersikap jujur dan obyektif dalam menilai dan menulis

sejarah bangsa kita sendiri.

Hint. Kesalahan maupun jasa para pemimpin harus diungkap agar kita bisa

belajar dari masa lalu. 


Hukum harus ditegakan. Bahkan untuk para pemimpin sekalipun.

Hint. Benar dan salah tegas batasnya. Setiap kesalahan harus mendapat

ganjaran agar tidak terulang lagi. 


I 6 Isu kesetaraan gender itu kompleks, dan multidimensional. Keterlaksanaan

kesetaraan gender harus memperhatikan perspektif sosial, budaya,

termasuk agama.

Hint. Bagaimanapun juga, pria berkewajiban melindungi kaum wanita. 


Semua individu manusia itu unik, apalagi eksistensi seorang laki-laki dan

seorang perempuan.

Hint. Pria dan wanita mempunyai peranan yang berbeda di keluarga

maupun masyarakat. 


Harus diakui bahwa gerakan emanisipasi perempuan telah banyak

kebablasan dalam hal persamaan gender.

Hint. Perempuan memiliki posisi yang sejajar dengan laki-laki walaupun,

dalam beberapa hal, perbedaan natural keduanya mengharuskan mereka

menjalankan peran yang berbeda. 


Di mata hukum, laki-laki dan perempuan memiliki hak dan kewajiban yang

sama sebagai warga negara.

Hint. Perempuan mendapatkan perlakukan sama dengan pria dalam hak

maupun tanggung jawabnya di masyarakat tanpa terkecuali. 


I 7 Keputusan yang tepat lahir dari orang-orang yang tepat

Hint. Kunci pemerintahan negara yang sebaik-baiknya adalah ketika orangyang tepat menempati posisi yang tepat di waktu yang tepat (the right man

in the right place at the right time). 


Kita harus mengutamakan persamaan dari pada melihat perbedaan.

Hint. Tak ada persoalan dalam kehidupan sosial yang tak dapat di-

selesaikan, jika musyawarah tak dapat menyelesaikan persoalan,

 pemungutan suara yang jujur dan adil dapat menyelesaikannya. 


Setiap orang boleh berpendapat asal sesuai dengan aturan.

Hint. Kepastian dan tegaknya hukum merupakan satu-satunya jaminan demi

mencapai keadilan di tengah masyarakat demokratis. 


Perlakukanlah orang lain sebagaimana kau menginginkan orang lain

memperlakukanmu.Hint. Secara natural setiap orang itu berbeda. Oleh karena itu kita saling

menghargai satu sama lain 


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