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Post on 06-Feb-2018






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erur clf.$ tll~ ih'umtner l'lllti1i'l; and fs • hatlhhlp whfcb n4Jitlior Uiey !1l)r thoee> the; ~cailJt.oj),

.u~. .•• Weafetn Fun"~ Mortt;i! .. Havt Oot!t.

\\1tathU ~o douowith tbta \'alt. bot• rowl!cl ea]iiltalt t.allol! has 'bt!en l!lriJilo.redr !tl!o'UUda -ot \tl~, W'lfli• tattd oUJ.es

. Tho •ubiJd,v lt is }lroposod to attll1 wUb will bo abou~ PX>,OOO per .rear.

'l'b.eoommlttee ot oommuulc!ltloQ b,v ~" GnU ot Moxtoo and Clm'ltw&u Sea Will tooOJnliielld that.tllo United Statcs'pl\f tho aubald.lea of tbo Gutr of Mcx.!oo line., bfJ cauao now l;ll~'all the countrlci. border­Ing on the sttll p&jr the aoverai!Jnca a veey heavy aub&ld,y, and they could no~ uautno moro expenses of thla clau than those the,v at present lu.ve.

lkxlco. for> roa\ancc, P41Y11 t~ Ame.rka!\ UnCI to ~ew Orlean• and· othtl!' American p01U va,o bcav7 aobaldlca bo.aldot \hcao ab11 to tho Ftcnc~. German and Span·

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u wu l't!JI(lrted favorablY. . fur poa~oftloo In Wublogton, D.

pasact2 by \ho Homo. Io'nmu, .MAncu 7. ·

&!nato cal on dar

wltbou~ actlcn.1 and c:llll\o up u unnntab·

caao Clark

SA.Tunnu, lliJWU 8. Tho Senate WM not Ill aeialoo. . Uoralll- 'i'he morning hour> ,,.., con·

aomed fn d!Jcuaalon or" bill for com~orz •tWndanoe of wltllcallt!ll before realatcra Otl&Od omcc., Puaed, ·

Tile lloll.le then, in commlttoo of tho whole, resumed oonaldoraUon of public bulllllilstmcunrca. Tho. llnt bm called tip wu Utat. tn~lng from t;;:;o,ooo to -.:.o,ooo, tho Ulii!& of tho oca&. of tho public blllldlnp a\ Newark, Now JCUtly, and making an approprlaUon or tJOO,OOO Ill• ere&&&. .

Mr. Dlotul& ra!acd tho J)lllnt or order that. U. wu not within tho J)Owcr of tho eotn· tnht.eoon public bultdln~~~t nnd .,ronnda to rcco~mend an approprlalloa, and arrer a long dii.Clltalon tbo opproprlatlon clau~ W&!lalritkcn out, and tho bill &II amended laid aafde with ravotriblo f'CI'.OmmondaUou.

!\luMDA.Y, MAucn 1 o. Ss:!IA'tc-Mr. 6!4nford otrcrtd a pro-.

amble and rcaolut!on lnatrncUng tho com· mlltoo on flnkllco to lnqulro wbli\ rcliol for .tho ClldaUng •lfl'l~hltarul oopl'()Uion tnlal be flll'tlllbOO by tho United State~, and JlU!lcularly wbcU:er loan. may nnt. ba n:ade by tlio Government on mo~ on Teat ata!b in!lcp~:::ulcot of lmprovcmcotsil ataucb ut.es an:Uo ancll amo~nt u wi make Ule to tbo GPVC!l'Dcetlt lJCl" feet. the to recctvo acm11 •m•U rate or> :3 per ocut.) and t.0 bEl a ~tago ot tbo loana at ft. d~\!0::1. lie lo support of tho

to the comt::~lttceon

which ot

. . KAllA 0\JTRAG~S •

Wublnflon, anybody who toucl!.ca that. bat touches ooorse 011d I'll .C.bt blm. Wba\1 Nobody w.nta to touch Otol'ICI 'l'bcm wo•u open aoot.her botUo.•• · Tho orgle wound up In • mud tr.o i!Rbt

Ia tho atreeti ot qultt old Hamlltou., In wll,lch tho ll&l'!Jluter, who wu In tho crowd, got whipped ud McCalla,.,.. bod· ll,y thrown out ot a cardaro. A po!Joe oftt' ~r tried t.0 anet' McCalla, bu& b and a mau whipped fbe onlcer lnd wero put aboard by aome Amerlcapa before thl) om. cera sot tbcre.

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MRS. RC~D·g .LONOEVJTY. -MeCaUabu ukcd tor a coon ll1Utlal A 8tory o1 a Man•it Inhumanity to ucl wlllRCJUt. --WomAn. · .

,--------- Man'• Juhumanlty to man Ia n-·tblu~ Europe Can't Buc:k Amtrlea. :ompl\rcd to hle lobuW!Ullty to wo•

N.&w Yonx, March 6.-A ltomo e{M» mnn, ea)'e tho Chlcn::o Uorold. .. The 1a1 to Lho Herald IllY•: .f.ll Rome wU cJ;· won of an lowB widow nro proof or thJs. clkd tcHla,y over a \rl&l of"Dutralo lllll'a" l.lra.Margt'Ot. Grabnm Wll!l nyoUDll' nn!l Cllwboya on wlld boraca tnl'lllallld b,v Ulo rnJr wlaow whoa abc rocolvcd nn otror Duko ot Senconcta. - manlngo of lrom n wo:Jilby mnn whom •'or aovcral da,ya tbo.Uoman authOriUca abc Wll!l dlapoand to woo. Du ~ &ho w~ bavllbooll.aupcdnt.cndlnc lh•~rectlon -otftl1rtnl,ont nnd illiO bad monily, eo ebo e&tm blll'l'lora to keep tho aav.,. ·~ conaulk!d her frlolld nolabtior • .J. n. tro:n rcachlnR tbe andlenoe. Ikcd, lu whom abo hnd nbldluulaltb.

Tho lllllmala camo from tilt duko'a J~· ltccd wu mnrrlcd. llo told tho wfdow 001 herd on tho l'onUna manlles, ant! bo lbal. be did no& wnnt bor to marry tlto

rlcb man. Why bocnuso ho wanted clawllha\ norowbo,yoa eal1h OOUld rldo hor bhnsolr: lila witc Wll!l IlL She ooc. 'l'ho rowboyalautbed at. tho bDut. would no~ Uvo loull'• Could tho wldO\V Then tho duko ducd Ulcm to mount any wa.n.P Bho could aml clld. Ono yea~ onool t.ho ali. Ever; man, woman and rolled luolf up Into a bundlo and took cbUd expected thut tw9 or 'Ultto m~p Ita ftaco on tho •holt o!Abo duoty pnat. woa!d bo killed In tho cxporlmcn,, OVCl' SUI &ad'D wtro nto thrco moGI9 & ~000 carrl.agca woro Orlven ·to the PtoUo d11y. Threo 1ftiU'IJ nddcd tbolr chlpa dl Caswllo, and an audience of 20,000 pro- to tho fnck·pot nnd (lrow out ot \ho plo braved the drlpptor rain, Lonl Dot· g11mo When f.he bottlug ~ot. too hiJrh Ccrln and ma111 other> diploma\& wt:re~· for thom. Mrs. Uocd Alop& nod cnt 1o tho 1peclal tflbnllo. Among tho Wo!re Wllb p:llnful regulorlly. 1-'iYo nornaunroro.thc.wlfe ~t Vrtlalcr -crla"" purclla!JCd tlcltot& ill th& lottcrr

¥• nn'd drow blnnb 1\fra. ltocd'e and aciOllJI of uU tho no~lo h011a~ Juuga fllloo tl1omaolvca with puro aJr

Two ot tho \71M bonos wcro driven Into cvcey avo 10conda. Sovoo yoQI'8 took t!lo arena. 'l'l:ey had nelthcr u.dd!• or to tlio~lvce wJoga nod wout to flnd · brf:llo on. lJUtrato Bill &DnO:lnted that tho north vole of torcaoUullnC$3. they would be ronquardl lo tlvtl !lllntilcs. This wu too )llUch fol' ~11'1. need. Sbo '.rho oowbosalaaaood, milled, bridled and won~ too• And :&Ir. need who bn!l tn~rt~nU:d the horses. 'l'llo anlmat. leaped borrowed tilo widow's Jnouoy all \h()ao In the air, wrlthtcl, bucked and reU1!4 yea-. took to lllmeolt • youn~r nml madly. bot all Ia yafo. In Jlva mloutca blutblog bride. Tha widow 19 a wJdow they wctt~ r!aden euiJ,y around whne the aUll. .. &mace roari:d an4abrlcked with dllltbC.

ll\ltralo Blll now d~UU any Roiiii.D to

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0~-T: p.\JirijL -:- -- - -- - --~--~.- -~~~~--·~4V.&Oa.t.Y •

• . PA~KER & G~AY" . . '

Harness And Saddle· ntaoturers. '



Cilii Engineers and Arobitects,

ltfakct1u~benStoc~Saddlcir• tlto SotdTttcat mui /)m.t.ratf.t~t- t1ten~c. , 'Jf't>IQlicit>t1n. IMptclion. of ouJ" St~:k cmll1?riu.1. ~-. •~: ""' .

Roawell• ." - .. - N C"\.V M-exico.

o.~DA;E~STqnoo~~~c:~ur. TROTTER . & DANIEL~ . Batter &: Cleghorne; I • • ~ '1\:TD A n.c· T.T''t'r11~oTs·

-norasaw..- .. BUILDERS Jill 4'1J., - .t1.1."\i m~~ , Restaurant & ShQ~ Order House, . . sotr.rn MAlN STRE'm', noswnU. N. K. . ~ :_ . '

Roswell, If. M. , ' . Bstlmalu and Platts furn.Wud on all }:lnils of t~·ork on $7~_orlJWtiu. '· . . _-

---1 GO T0.-2.~-•

Hervey & Blackwood's -fl 8,.~}f~~tt- • ~A~OO!{,

.v ...... -1-~-- ~- ------ . -~~~--.-- -·--- ·-- -·--- -' . .. · . ..:ifP' · -FOR-

Good "Wines, Liquors and Ci~ta.rs. 0 . -.. . . . .. . . ' -

-.-:BIG BARGAINS: -m--

Sa•h, Dour• Blinds, .,

And Lumber of all d~riP.. tions. and everything in -Building }.taterial a~ the , Krr lnkf Plllitt lint

E. LAS VJIOAI.-lf•lL ' .

TEXAS·· ~k . . '

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no-ta-~~~~~ ...., f± .. t m- ·a "':J ''f *';:to!W ·• .w~_.._. - e· · 'hci&H J - • b<l' b'' - *

lfOUNTAIH4MIHTifrl BlJT(JHfms •.

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-.-• · MQULDINGS, F~NOE PO,STS,,. &C. ·. '

-New "Mexico • ~

.. . A FIILL I.Utt; OF

·' •

. ;t1)1p.# _+p,0 ere\ . · · · ~oo;:ra & ·MoDO ~D, 0

P{~i,!• W~olesale ~ R~~ail Liquor Dealers. · .. Cultivator•, ·. · Harrowa, Choice 'Wines & Ci,gars.

Double Shovel•, Ranch Trade SOlicited. Hay Rakee, Bottle Goods A Spectaltj.

' .. .


. Mower•,· Main Street, Ro•·.Vol ~n, N. M • • 8Uikey•,

• t .t .W. A. J£%fKI!fa. c., c., ' .\V. A •. JENiilNS &

--A-'1'·--~- --

., P. F. OARaU'l'.


k. General Machit~e Ag e11ts,.

Roc bottom Prices . DIALitll···" . ~


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ALL KINDS li'~RM Il\IPLE?.IENTS, .ltzd 'Solicits tTw insptctio,, of Impr,em.~nis before p:1rlles purclwslnJI

· ·· elscw1urc. · ,



Pla.11s a11d Specif~cations. . ~ .

• I£8T&MAfta MADI ON


W. F.Sw.a: • •



Fine Steel 'Work A Specialty .


-- J

Mrs. -A. O~Neil, Propriet.or."

D g St t~ n4 -;-V · HODBOtL;I ru S, d ~a ~0 U~-J Photographic ·• Ari • Gallelf .

. ' . 4 Tolftt Artlcf••· ·~·· ....... .

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:Mocha, Java and Rio. A DIAUTIFUI. OOUVIHIII

Picture Card Gb.roD WJTII IVIIlV .. OUNO .. JICICAOI '

LION COFFEE When IOU hoy rtmr. Orooorlal '17.

pukll.uo LlON UOirl~Jm.. Ub dlf I:Jc:t lntJ.o Uoltnd BtatGI··mado upfro01 • eclcctlun of )forha1 Jav, and RIC?. pru~rl7 blended oqd 11 fODccdcd J!7 aU to mmhlltba nlccct ('Up of Colr+e lo the l~nd.. For Snlo Everywhere.

Woolson Spice Co,, Manrra, KANIAI 0JTV1 Mo. TOLWDO,.O.

IWilUl! I!ITR JC[! mru F.ol nla&. . _,.. ---,,

""'·""'• "' J J. m:rnw~ort, rm~VJUI.

\ 01' \YJI.J, II.A I. ~OlfJt1' T;r:;o. lain ar.d Trm 1;13

and •II ('J 11•

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· 1\t ftUIIdaa, j llf&f thtJ. ~it -ooe )'eat" :UWto 1 tna;,

nod some way"ot etcaplor ll'Om tblt unlll~t cuit<Jm bonae, to: t~ Jt a 'fort art~vo:a tllraMom. I do nll or•

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obtliS~. . ~~bf~~~we~t'.Ji'*~ ' . , · · : ·w. y,:.uona~!'.w;,.t:·

· .. ~&ue ~W'M.tli~f.lf, O,m-.ll~ l'leP< 'f•ll!ll' GpQtJyfllil' n\lb.btll,'lal'e.the belt.

Tbe woman who Wllntl to be c;illed wt llll!lCI getl mad when you a&JJ ber • llttlo tsrt.

Scott'• Emulsion of' Pure Cod Ldver OJI, with Hypophoaphitea. For LYna'n'oublcs antl1Vns:tnl1 Dllauu

Dr. J. Bu&O:!UCP New Or!eau., La •• •11•= "&oWt Emublonla the Jlnett pre. paratloll ottbO kloO, In aft'(l(:llOlll ot tbo luna:a and on:er wutln~t dlteuca, we !flllY conalder It our mrn\ ffll&bio agent. to a a perfectly elegant and qroeablo fohn.

lt. . ---

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