office of the -...

Post on 25-Mar-2018






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BLOCK - E-2, ROOM NO.-1702, MINTO ROAD, NEW DELHI - 110002

F. o. Pr. CIT-14/0pen Tender/2017-18/392 Dated 06.12.2017





Sealed tenders are invited from reputed agencies for outsourcing of skilled workers (Data Entry Operators-DEO - Graduate) and unskilled workers (Multi Tasking StaIT-MTS) for Resource Cen ter cum Library. Civic Centre. in the charge o r PI'. CIT. Delhi-14. New Delhi . Interested persons/agencies may send sea led bids in the manner spec itied in thc tender

documents to DDO, 0 /0. Pr.CIT. Delhi-14. New Delhi in the Room No. 1914, 19th Floor. Block E-2, Pratyaksh Kar Bhawan, Civic Centre, Minto Road, ew Delhi - 110002 on or before 12.01.2018 upto 5:00 P.M. Documents may be obtained from the DDO, 0 /0. Pr.CIT. Delhi-14. New Delhi or from the official website ww\

The technical bids will be opened on 15.01.2018 at 3:00 P.M. at Room No. 1705, I t h

Floor. Block E-2, Pratyaksh Kar Bhawan, Civic Centre. Minto Road. ew Delhi - 110002, in the presence of the representative of the interested agencies. if they make themselves available at that time. financial bids of'technically qualified agencies. will be opened on the same day at 4:00 P.M. at Room o. 1705. I t h Floor. Block E-2, Pratyaksh Kar Bhawan. Civic Centre. Minto Road. New Delhi - 110002, in the presence orqualified parties il'they choose to be present.

Copy to:

Drawll1g & Disbursing Officer 0 /0. PLClT. Dclhi-14, New Delhi

~ 'r<t ~ ~ I Drawing & Disbursing Officer <t> 1 .. f<'l" llQR ~ ~<m. ~-14 0 /0 . Pro CommiSSioner of Income Tax. Delhi-14 ~ w. ,gl4. ,g~ ffiI. ~~ t-2. i(~ ofi 'rH. OO~ 1Ri. ~ liotf Room No. 1914. 19th Floor. Siock E·2. Kar ShaNan. C'"G Cer.~e ;;\ . 1/OI. ;j~ lfITf. ~ ~/J. l.NehruMarg.NewDelhl.ll0002

I. The Web Manager. with the request that the above tender notice is placed on the website of the department.

2. Notice Board, Pratyaksh Kar Bhawan. Civic Centre. New Delhi




Sealed tenders are invited from reputed agencies for outsourcing of skilled workers (Data Entry Operators - Graduate) and unskilled workers (Multi Tasking Staff). hereinafter referred as DEO and MTS respectively, on the following terms and conditions:


I) The total number of DEO and MTS deployed shall be at the sole discretion of this office.

2) Insurance cover protecting the agency against all claims applicable under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1948 shall be taken by the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall arrange necessary insurance cover of any persons deployed by him even for short duration. In the event of any liability/claim falling on this office, same shall be reimbursed/ indemnified by the Service Provider.

3) The personnel , if not found working satisfactorily, must be replaced by the Service Provider immediately.

4) The personnel should be punctual and should complete the work assigned to them promptly and meticulously.

5) The personnel should report to the Office-in-Charge assigned by the office.

6) The Service Provider is responsible for payment of monthly wages including leave wages bonus gratuity etc. to the personnel as appl icable to them under law. The Service Provider / Vendor should ensure that wages are paid to the DEO and MTS by A/e Payee cheque or RTGS/NEFT only. Further, it is mandatory for the Service Provider to pay the prevailing wages prescribed by the Minimum Wages Act, of the Delhi Government to the DEO and MTS.

7) All existing statutory regulations of both the State as well as the Central Governments shall be adhered to by the Service Provider and all records maintained thereof shall be made available for scrutiny by this office . Any failure to comply with any of the above regulations or any deficiency in service will render its contract liahle lor immediate termination without any prior notice.

8) The payment shall be made to the Service Provider on or belore til of the following month, subject to the availability of funds. At the time of submission of bill for payment the Contractor / Service Provider should submit the proof or the previoLis payment made towards statutory liabilities. The Service Provider shall make only statutory deduction from the wages p id to the personnel.

~ '([it . I Drawing & Disbursing Officer ~f<;r-q U ~ 3ITlj'ffl. ~-14 0/0 Pro Commissioner of Income Tax Oelhi-14

1i1ffi lio 1ft4. tHl ~. iill~ ~-2. V'fll!l ~i 'ffl. ~~ ~ ~ ffi

Page 1

9) Payment to the Service Provider will be made by ECS/e-payment only, on presentation of the bill. Income tax shall be deducted at source as per the rates notified by the Income Tax Department.

10) The personnel's engaged by the Service Provider will be In the employment of the Service ProviderlYendor only.

II) The Service ProviderlYendor shall indemnify and keep this ortlee indemnitied against all acts of omission negligence dishonesty or misconduct of the personnel engaged and this office shall not be liable for any damages or compensation to any personnel or third party.

12) All damages caused by the personnel to the property of the officer shall be recovered from Service ProviderlYendor.

13) The contract will be t'or a maximum period of 12 months starting from 01.02.2018 to 31.01.2019. The office reserves the right to extend the contract further on the same terms subject to satisfactory performance of the Service ProviderlYendor.

14) No other person except Service ProviderlYendor's authorized representative shall be allowed to enter the ofllces.

15) Department/Office will not involve in any dispute between the Service ProviderlYendor and DEO/MTS.

16) Proper uniform and identification card shall be provided by the Service ProvidcrlYendor to the personnel deployed as DEOs. It must be ensured that the same arc worn to work & 10 cards are displayed on personnel.

17) The Service Provider shall ensure that workers deployed by it maintain discipline or the highest order and that they restrict themselve to their assigned work only.

18) Any incidence of inappropriate behavior by any of the OF-Os and MTS or any interference by them in the official functioning shall be viewed very seriously and may even lead to termination of the contract, ifneed be.

19) The Service ProviderlYendor wi II provide the personnel particulars of the DEO and MTS giving details of education qualifications. The DEO and MTS is required to abide by the following rules:

i) Will work in the Income Tax Onice premises only ii) Wi II not part with any information pertaining to the ortice.

20) Notwithstanding anything contained herein. this office reserves the right to terminate the services of the Service Provider/ Vendor at any time without giving any notice or reasons whatsoever.

3TI~ ~ ~ "'n ~·n/

'il;T<Jr.:>nJ ~{'.fr-T 31 '~3Tnj<Rf. ~~-14 010 Pro Commissioner of Income Tax, Delhi-14

.-.m lIo 1814, 19o!1 U~. l<11if; 4-2. l/i1l~ if;! 'qq.f, Mof 11..-( ~ rn

Page 2

21) The Successful bidder will have to make a security deposit of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty

Thousand Only) (5% of approx value of contract as per General Financial Rule 158) with the 000 during the subsistence of the contract. This security deposit shall be forfeited in the event of violation of any of the terms and conditions of this tender by the bidder or in the event of any verifiable compliant non-payment of minimum wages as per law to the DEO and MTS.

22) The employer ' s contribution of EPF & ESI for each DEO and MTS would be reimbursable at the stipulated rate as applicable. The proof of payment of both the employer and employee ' s contribution to respective authorities i .e. EPF & ESI in the respective account of each D EO and MTS should necessaril y be submitted by the Service ProviderlYendor with the bill for subsequent month in form of ECR receipt etc.

23) I f. it is found that the Service ProviderlYendor has paid wage to any DEO and MTS which are lower than the minimum wages as notilied by the Labour Directorate of the Government of NCT of Delhi. or through any mode, other than those prescribed by the Govt. ofNCT of Delhi then the contract shall be liable to be terminated .

24) The Service Provider/ Vendor will submit the bill, in triplicate, in respect of a particular month by the 5

1h of the following month. The payment will be released within reasonable

time of submission of bill . subject to the availability of fund , after deduction of taxes deductable at source under the laws in force. However. the delay in release of payment by the Office should not be made a ground for delayed payment to DEO and MTS. It is reiterated that it is to be done within the stipulated time as tixed by the Govt. of CT of Delhi.

25) This office reserves its right to reject any or all bids at any stage of bid process without gIvIng any reason .

26) During the contract period. if services provided by the Service Provider/ Vendor are found unsatisfactory, then this office shall have a right to discontinue the contract with immediate effect without giving any reason .

27) There is no Master and Servant relationship between the employees of the service provider and this office and further that the said personnel of the service provider shall not claim any absorption in this office.

28) The Service Provider ' s personnel shall not claim any bendit I compensation / absorption I regularization of services.

29) The service provider 's personnel shall not divulge or disclose to any person, any details of of'fice. operational process, technical know-how. security arrangements and administrative / organizational matters as all are of con fidential /secret nature.

30) The Service Provider' s personnel should be polite. cordial, positive and efficient, while handing the assign work.

Page 3

B. Eligibi lity for DEO for Resource Centre cum Library:

The duties of the DEO for Resource Centre cum Library would broadly include and not restricted to handling queries, issuing id 's, renewal, issue of books, journals, etc, handling applications related to library. recommending I providing reference material to users. maintaining library database, generating report of stocks in library. etc.

The following condition should be fulfilled by the vendorl service provider:

I. The person should be a graduate with English as one of the subjects. II. The person should have minimum typing speed of 40 wpm.

III. The person should have handled general I reference queries, received from calls or through mails.

IV. The person should have handled Issuel Returnl Renewal! Reservation of Books, Journals, Al1icles, DVDs, Kindle etc.

v. The person should have handled membership. over dues and follow ups. VI. The person should have handled software'sl application related to library.

The person should have good knowledge of reference tools and procedures. VII. The person should have handled task related to maintaining accurate library database,

records and reports (Stock Taking) etc. VIII. The person should have good knowledge of Library Management.

IX. The person should have innovative and team management skills. x. The person should have minimum 2 years or experience in professional I institutional

libraries. The person should possess knowledge of MS OFFICE and MS ACCESS.

XI. The age of person should be between 21 years to 35 years.

C. Eligibility for MTS for Resource Center cum Library:

I. The person should have minimum qualification or 10lh Pass! Matriculate. II. The person should have a fair knowledge of reading and writing of English and Hindi

language. III . The person should have experience in book keeping, maintaining registers and other

related activities of library, or as desired by the office. IV. A person with minimum I year of experience will be preferred. v. The age of person should be between 18 to 35 years.

The working hours for DEO and MTS will be from 09:30 hI'S to 06:00 hrs, if necessary even on holidays with half an hour lunch time break. The work shall be done on all working days and payment will be made on the basis of attendance.

Total I (One) Data Entry Operator and 3 (Three) Multi Tasking Staff are required. The requirement of DEO and MTS may further increase or decrease during the period of contract and the bidder would have to provide additional personnel or reduce the number of personnel, if requi red, on the same terms and cond itions.

3ll"iR"T ~ lifuRoT ;fi I Drawing & Disbursing Officer <t>lllf""ll Ut:fR ~ ~iffi. ~-14 010 Pro Commissioner of Income Tax , Delhi-14 fllJ 110 191( mi ifil ..0. 4-2. ~ .H 'fof'l OOt RI. OOt ffi RMM Nfl 1QU 10th CItVII' 0t.....1. c " n..-.1. *'_.\,. v n .

Page 4


I) The sealed tenders shall be addressed to the DDO 0 /0. Pr.CIT, Delhi-14, New Delhi , Room No. 1914, 191h Floor, Block E-2, Pratyaksh Kar Bhawan, Civic Centre. Minto Road , New Delhi - 110002.

2) The bidders/service providers are required to submit two bids. i.e . Technical bid and Financial bid in the prescribed formats i.e. Annexure-I and II (available on In the Technical bid, the bidder will provide details about his experience in the applied field, details of the other organizations where the bidder is providing such services, details regarding compliance of statutory law etc (detailed conditions given in Para III ). In the Financial bid, the bidder will submit the quotation for hi s charges (detailed conditions given in the Para IV ). It should be written boldly on top of both of the envelopes as TECHNICAL BID and FINANCIAL BID. Both the envelopes should be submitted in a single sealed cover duly addressed and super scribed with QUOTATION FOR OPEN TENDER FOR OUTSOURCING OF SKILLED WORKERS (DATA ENTRY OPERATORS - GRADUATE) AND UNSKILLED WORKERS (MULTI TASKING STAFF) FOR RESOURCE CENTER CUM LIBRARY, CIVIC CENTRE IN THE CHARGE OF PRo CIT, DELHI-14, NEW DELHI on top. The bidders / service providers will be short listed on the basis of their technical competency after opening of technical bids. The Financial bids of only those bidders/service providers, who are ShOl1 listed on the basis of Technical bid will be opened. Further the lowest quotations among the opened bids will normally be approved.

3) The department has the right to relax technical qualification, In case, where sufficient numbers of quotations are not received .

4) This office reserves the rights to postpone or extend the date of receipt or opening of rates/quotations or to withdraw the same without assigning any reason thereof.

5) The bidders/service providers are required to submit the complete rates/quotations only after satisfying each and every terms and conditions laid down in the tender.

6) All the rates must be written both in figures and words. Correction, if any, are to be made by crossing out, initiating, dating and rewriting. In case of any discrepancy between the words and figures, the rates indicated in figure shall prevail. All overwriting/ cutting/ insertions shall be authenticated and attested.

7) Rates/Quotations should be submitted and signed under the seal by the firm/person with its current business address.

8) The bidder/service provider shall sign and stamp each page of this tender document and all other enclosures appended to it as a token of having read and understood the term s conditions contained herein and submit the same.

~~ ~ ~ . r I DraWing & Disbursing Officer Cf>IOQf<'lll Y l ~'{ 3fn!<Rf. ~-14 0/0 Pro Commls r of Income Tax, Delhi-14 ~ wo 1914. 19~ ~. iO!f~ 4 -2. ~ ~l '1H. ~ lRl. fflf,\-t ll--t.

M ~(\ 1Q1 Q~' RIN"'1t ~.? Pr:liov::aW-c.h \(!It R"~n ('Iu\l' ("on-fA

Page 5

9) The bidderl service provider must comply with the ratesl quotationsl specification and all terms and conditions of contract. No deviation in context to the terms and conditions of the contract shal l be entertained, unless speci fically mentioned by the service provider in the rates/ quotations and accepted by the department .

10) The last date for receipt of sealed tender is 12.01.2018. The sealed tenders should be submitted to the DDO 0 10. Pr.CIT, Delhi-14, New Delhi, Room No. 1914, 19' h Floor, Block E-2, Pratyaksh Kar Bhawan, Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi - 110002,

between 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on all working days.

II) Bids received later than the stipulated date and time will not be considered under any circumstances. This office reserves the rights to reject any tender. even the lowest one without assigning any reasons thereof.

12) Conditional bids shall not be considered and will be out rightly rejected at the very first


13) All entries in the tender form should be legible and filled clearly . If the space for furnishing of information is insufficient, a separate sheet may be attached. No over writing or cutting is permitted in the Financial Bid Form . in such cases, the tender shall be summari ly rejected. However, the cuttings, if any, in the Technical Bid application must be initialed by the person authorized to sign the tender bids. All the pages of the bid sha ll be signed by the authorized signatory in ink with rubber stamp of the agency.

14) The tender will be opened on 15.01.2018 in the oflice of the Joint Commissioner of Income Tax Range-41, 0 10. Pro C IT, Delhi-14, New Delhi at Room No. 1705, I t h Floor. Block E-2, Pratyaksh Kar Bhawan, Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi - 110002. in the presence of members of tender committee at 03:00 P.M.

15) Earnest money deposit of Rs 10,0001- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) per application in the form of Demand Draftl Postal orderl Banker's Cheque of Schedules Bank in favour of the DDO 0 10. Pr.CIT, Delhi-14, New Delhi, shall accompany with the qualifying bids. Qualifying bids without EMD will be rejected . The EMD will be returned to all the unsuccessful bidders. However, the EMD shall be forfeited in case successful bidders withdraw or the details furnished in Annexure I & II are found to be incorrect and false during the tender selection process. No interest shall be paid on the EMD and the EMD of selected bidder will be returned on furnishing performance guarantee.

16) The successful bidder/ service provider have to make a security deposit of Rs. 50.0001-(Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) or 5% of approx value of contract. whichever is higher. with the 000 during the subsistence of the contract. This security deposit shall be forfeited in the event of violation of any of the terms and conditions of this tender the bidder or in the event of violation of any verifiable compliant or in the event of non­payment of minimum wages as per law.

3lTf.'fUT ~, / Drawing & Disbursing Officer <m<Jr<'nt UEIFI' if"l" 3IT7!<f\'f. ~-14 0/0 Pro Commissioner of Income Tax. Delhi-14 ~ ~. 1914. 19~ 0.1 '<l1i1> ~-z. V<'l(l t( 'ffl. ~4l\·~. ~ ffi

Page 6

17) The tender details are also available at Notice Board on ground floor of Pratyaksh Kar Bhawan, Civic Centre, New Delhi - I 10002 and on the website of the Income Tax Department i.e. www.i

18) For any other clarification on the matter, prior appointment may be made with Shri. Parmod Agnihotri , DDO 0 /0, Pr. CIT, Delhi-14, New Delhi at Room No.1914, 19th

Floor. Pratyaksh Kar Bhawan. Civic Centre. New Delhi - 110092 .


I) The registered office or one of the Branch Offices of the Service Provider Company / Firm / Agency should be located within the National Capital Territory of Delhi only.

2) The bidder/service provider should provide documents showing completing at least one service of value not less than Rs .30 lakhs per annum or at least two services of value not less than Rs.15 lakhs per annum related to providing human resources in single contract, in the last three years, in the following format:

Sr. Particulars of Office of Order No .1 F. Working Total Gross

Amount per year No . Work No. & Date Period

per work I

3) The bidder/service provider should have mlllimum three years of experience in deploying/supplying personnel to Government Departments and the sealed quotation should be accompanied with necessary proof of execution of' such order (within last three years) in the following format. (Preference to be given to agencies who are already engaged with the department)

Sr. Particulars of Office of Experience

Working Certified Amount

Certificate of work executed No. Work

No. & Date Period

per year I

4) The bidder/service provider should have valid GST. Service Tax. Trade Tax Registration , Labour Department Registration and PAN/TAN, a certified copy of which is to be


'd d ' hid . provi e In t e sea e quotation. Sr. No. Particulars of Certi ficate Certi ficate No. & Date Expiry Date


Tax Deduction and Collection ,)

Account Number 4 Labour Certificate 5 Service Tax 6 EPF NO 7 ES IC NO

The bidder/service provider shall prqvide CA. certified copy of IT return last three financial year ~ oM

~ ~ <ifll'cRvT ~ Drawil g & Disbursing Officer Cf>ll1f<'1l1 "IlCfR 3fnf~ <ffi'. ~-14 0/0 Pro CommisSioner of Incom,:! _Tax. D~~hi-~4


fi I es for the

Page 7

6) The bidder/service provider should be registered with ESIC & EPF authorities. A certified copy of each certificate should be provided in the sealed quotation.

7) The bidder/service provider shall provide ECR copy of anyone work (12 months), completed in last year along-with a list in the following format. The details provided, if found incorrect, the tender is liable to be rejected.

Sr. No. Name of Work Month TRRN Details January February March April May June July

August September

October November December

8) The bidder/service shall provide ES IC details of any onc work (12 months) completed in I I' h 'f ast year. a ong-wlt payment certl Icate. Sr. No. Name of Work Month ES IC Challan Number

January February March i\pri I May Junc .J uly

August September

October November December


9) The Performa at Annexure-II duly filled in.

10) Acceptance of terms and conditions mentioned in Annexure -I.

I I) Demand draft for earnest money deposit.


12) The technical bid would be rejected and the concerned bidder would be excluded from further bid process ifany of the eligibility criteria or ifany of the requisite documents is not fulfilled by the Servi e Provider.


~~ ~ If<i <tf<Imvr I Drawing & Disbursing Officer if>IQ(""q '\JQR 31Ft 'i'( . ~<fil'. ~-:-14 0/0 Pr CommisSioner 0 Income Tax. Delhl-14 ~ 110 '~14. '9~ 1!il . ..n. ~2. VfII9 tl ,,<Fl. 00. t~. ruf.f~ i!~

__ ... 0- ,~ __ .... _ ~ ... r .. ... n",lrtl

Page 8

13) The bidder should submit an Affidavi t worth Rs.50/- stating that the agency has not been

blacklisted by any Centra l/State Government institution and there has been no pending

litigation with any government department on account of execution of similar services.


I) Amount to cover cost of monthly salary/wages that would be paid by the service provider to each DEO and MTS including statutory levies like PF, ESI etc.

2) Service charges of the Service Provider per DEO and MTS.

3) Total amount that is aggregate of clause (I) & clause (2) of Financial Conditions, per DEO and MTS.

4) The Lowest bidder sha ll be decided on the basis of amount in clause (3) above. Note: It may be clarified that Service Tax/GST, as app licable. will be separately paid with each monthly bill on actual basis .

5) The DEO and MTS shall be paid as per the prevailing wages prescribed by the minimum wages Act of the Delhi Government. Any change in minimum wages made by the Government wi ll automatically change the wages payable to DEO and MTS, under this


6) The contractor/bidder will have to specify the amount to be charged by it towards service charges for providing the DEO & MTS, as per the wages mentioned in clause (4) above. It may be noted that in order to eliminate frivolous bids and disguised share/deduction from salary of personnel provided, service providers bidding absurdly low service charges sha ll be disqualified.

7) Both the technical and financial bid, should be put in separate sealed envelopes

earmarked as technical bid and financial bid respectively and should then be placed in

main sealed enve lopes super scr ibed as "QUOTATION FOR OPEN TENDER FOR OUTSOURCING OF SKILLED WORKERS (DATA ENTRY OPERATORS -GRADUATE) AND UNSKILLED WORKERS (MULTI TASKING STAFF) FOR RESOURCE CE TER CUM LIBRARY, CIVIC CE TRE IN THE CIIARGE OF PR o C IT, DELHI-14. EW DELHI" "Tender for Data Entry operator and Multi Tasking staff/un-skilled manpower" . This should be addressed to the DDO 0 /0. Pr.CIT. Delhi-14.

ew Delhi, Room No. 1914, 19th Floor, Block E-2. Pratyaksh Kar Bhawan, Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi - 110002. and sent by post or by hand delivered on or before 12.01.2018, upto 5.00 P.M.

8) Financial bid of only those bidders would be opened, who qualify in technical bids.

9) The successful bidder shall have to execute the contract within 3 days of the otTer and furnish performance guarantee amount as per clause 28 Annexure-I

10) The office reserves its right to reject any or all bids at any stage or bid process without assigning any reason thereof.

~ ~ . 31 I Drawing & Disbursing Officer Cfil<lf<"l<l qqr 3IT>TCfi'( ~<f\"f. ~-14 010 Pro CommiSSioner of Income Tax. Oelhi-14 ~ ~o 191( 1 9~ if<l. '<'I1 i1i 1-2. ~ ili i 1f<R. f~", ll~i fl;f{t Mi

Page 9



Sr. Particulars To be filled by the Bidder


I Name of the Service Provider

Detailed registered office address of the Service Provider with 2 office Te lephone Number, Fax Number. Mobile Numbcr and

Name of the contract/authorised person ') Date of establ ishment of the Service Provider J

Whether registered with concerned Government Authorities 4 I ike EPF & ESI (Copies of certificates of registration to be "Enclose list as mentioned in E.

enc losed) Technical Condition Clause 4"

5 PAN/TAN Number (Copy to be Enclosed)

Whether the Service Provider has been blackl isted by any 6 Government Department or any criminal case is registered

against the firm or its owncr/partner anywhere in Indi a

7 Length of experience in the field and specially with Income Tax Department "Enclose list as mentioned in E.

Experience in dealing with Govt. depal1ment ( Indicate the Technical Condition Clause 3"

8 names of the Depal1ment and attach copies of contracts order placed on the services provider)

9 Whether copy of the terms and condition (Annexure-II), duly signed in token of acceptance or the same, is attached

10 Whether Service Provider Profile attached - - -- - - ---- -

II Details of Earnest Money Deposit

"Enclose list as mentioned in E. 12 List showing detai Is of work executed Technical Condition Clause 2,

along-with documents"

"Enclose list as mentioned in E. 13 List showing details of ECR copy of PF Technical Condition Clause 7,

along-wi th documents" "Enclose list as mentioned in E.

13 List showing details ofES IC Technical Condition Clause 8. along-with documcnts"


IIWe hereby certify that the information furnished in Annexurc-I are truc and correct to the best ormy/our knowledge. IIWe understand that incase, any deviation is found in the above furn ished information, at any stage. I/We will be blacklisted, the EMD submitted will be forfeited and will not have any dealing with department in future.


r ~ ~ / Drawing & Disbursing Officer Cf)IQ <'fQ UQT'l 31TtF1R ~iffi. ~-14 0/0 Pro Commissioner of Income TO'll( n",lh; 1 A

Signature of Authorized Person(s)

Page 10



Sr. Particulars

No. Amount

I Name and address of the Serv ice Provider

Minimum wages of DEO (ski ll ed worker (Graduate)) 2 and MTS (Unski lled worker) as per Delhi State

Labour Department

3 PF


5 Service Charge

6 Service Tax/GST

7 Total


I/ We hereby certify that the information furni shed in Annexure - I & II are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. IIWe understand that in case, any deviation is found in the above furnished information, at any stage, I/ We will be blacklisted. the EMD submitted wi ll be forfeited and wi ll not have any dealing with department in future.


3/T~ !<f / Drawing 8. Disbursing Off'cer if> lll! <"17.1' "\:l 3fnTifi-{ 3IT>];<fl.'f. R-"",H - '14

0/0 Pr Comm 'oner of Income Tax. Delh,·44 ~.lffi ~o 1914. 19~ iIil. "'I<l> 4-2. V<!lCl ~l ~H fflA"~ l!<l. fflfH Ii ~, Room No 1914. 19th Floor. Block E·2, Pratya,sh Kar Shawano Gille Cert·~ ;;\ . 1f<'I. "~ l!flf. ~ ~/J, L.NehruMarg , NewDelh l ·mOO.

Signature of Authorized Perso n(s)

Page 11

top related