northamptonshire climate change strategy - corby climate change... · synopsis to seek member...

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Open Decision Item

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One Corby Policy Committee 3rd August 2010

Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy

SYNOPSIS To seek member endorsement of the Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.

1. Relevant Background Details In 2006 the Council signed up to the Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change, committing to reduce CBC’s impact on climate change. In furtherance of this, in 2008 OCPC approved a Climate Change Strategy for the Council. CBC was the first council in Northamptonshire to create a Climate Change Strategy. Substantial progress has been made to achieve the aims stated in this strategy – a progress update has been previously circulated via email and is available in the Members’ room.

As awareness of the threats posed by climate change has increased, and as scientific consensus of the scale and consequences of climate change has grown, UK politics has increased its commitment to taking action. All three main political parties are committed to reducing the UK’s carbon footprint by 34% by 2020. Pressures on CBC to take action to reduce the Council’s and the borough’s impact on climate change have increased. The Council now reports on three climate change-related national indicators, and it is likely that the new Government administration will devolve further powers, responsibility and possibly resources to tackle climate change. This is a hot topic that shows no signs of going away.

2. Report Much of the climate change impact of Corby borough, its residents and businesses, is outside the control of CBC. National policy has a great influence – central Government sets the fuel tax escalator, sets building codes and funds the Warmfront insulation scheme, for example. Other powers are vested in the County Council – such as the energy efficiency of schools and provision of public transport.

However, action can and will be taken at a local level. Actions CBC can pursue include promotion of home energy insulation, liaison with the County Council to reduce traffic congestion and provide public transport, reduction of energy use by the Council’s own services, and offering support to residents and businesses to reduce their energy use.

The Northamptonshire Local Area Agreement (LAA) 2008-2011 includes two climate change-related national indicators, and CBC reports on an additional third climate change national indicator. To coordinate the delivery of effort to meet the targets in these national indicators, a climate change strategy for Northamptonshire has been created. The strategy has previously been circulated via email and has been made available in the members room.

The Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy sets out how the LAA partners will work towards achieving the various climate change commitments in the LAA, which reflect those in the Northamptonshire Sustainable Communities Strategy. Associated national indicators include NI186 ‘Reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from the local area’ and NI188 ‘Adapting to climate change’ (LAA indicators) and NI185 ‘Reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from local authority operations’.

The county’s impact on climate change will be mitigated by reducing carbon dioxide (and methane) emissions, which are major contributors to climate change.

The strategy aims to start the long-term process of achieving at least a 34% cut in emissions by 2020 and at least an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050 compared to a 1990 baseline, in line with national targets and ultimately becoming a carbon neutral county.

The strategy breaks down an analysis of the current situation and what needs to be done into three main sections: raising awareness of climate change, reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and planning and adapting to climate change.

The strategy will be implemented by the Northamptonshire Climate Change Officers’ Group in association with a range of partners as relevant for each activity. An action plan, initially for 2010/11 has been developed (see Appendix I) to support the implementation of the strategy and progress will be reported annually to the Public Service Board.

Extensive consultation took place on the Strategy, including with CBC members and officers and third sector organisations. CBC submitted a representation during the consultation period which has largely been adopted into the final strategy.

The Public Service Board has recommended adoption of the strategy and action plan by each LAA partner organisation.

3. The Issues The Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy contains a commitment to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 34% of 1990 levels by 2020. This is in line with national targets that are legally binding on the UK Government. The current CBC target is a 25% reduction – which is in line with the national.

4. Options to be considered (if any): 1a) Adopt the Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.

If CBC adopts the Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy it commits to the national target, which a local authority is not currently required to do by law. Adopting the Strategy will not change any current LAA target – changes will only be made post-2011 when new LAA (or equivalent) targets are set.

Officers believe this will benefit CBC by providing access to pooled resources and additional external resources to ensure best value, by pursuing the Council’s climate change commitments made in the Sustainable Community Strategy and Nottingham Declaration, and perhaps most importantly by acting as an exemplar to residents, businesses and other local authorities.

1b) Do not adopt the Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy.

Should OCPC not adopt the strategy, resulting in targets remaining as they stand, there is a reasonable chance the Government will, over the next Parliamentary term, devolve additional responsibility to local government, which may in effect make the national target legally binding on CBC anyway. Should OCPC not adopt the strategy, it is still likely to be adopted by a majority of other Northamptonshire local authorities, with the result that the new LAA (or equivalent) target is likely to be set in line with the strategy, irrespective of CBC’s position. Consequently, by not adopting the Strategy CBC will be less well able to meet its climate change targets, or protect its vulnerable customers and its services from the impacts of climate change.

5. Issues to be taken into account:- Policy Priorities The Strategy is designed to channel action to meet the Northamptonshire Sustainable Communities Strategy and LAA. The Council’s Corporate Plan ‘One Corby’ 2008-2013 includes priorities to ‘Reduce the impact our actions have on climate change’.

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Financial Implications No additional resources are necessary to adopt the Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy. An action plan is included in the strategy and will be regularly updated. Current actions are fully-funded. CBC is not obliged to contribute to or partake in any action.

As the Strategy is a document shared by all LAA partners, responsibility for delivery is shared across the LAA.

Any significant financial implications that arise from the implementation of this strategy in the future will be referred back to OCPC, prior to any cost being incurred.

Legal Implications, Human Rights, Equality Impact Assessment, Community Safety No significant implications

Performance Information Progress will be reported annually to the Public Service Board and will be monitored annually via the national indicators 185, 186 and 188, but will also benefit national indicators 187 ‘Percentage of vulnerable households in fuel poverty’ and 194 ‘Reduction in nitrous oxides and particulate matter emissions from the local area’. Best Value By pooling resources and actions as a county, CBC is better able to achieve best value and make a greater impact with limited resources. A joint approach also adds greater weight to bids for third party funding.

Sustainability The proposal seeks to ensure climate change is mitigated and adapted to.

6. Conclusion A county-wide approach to tackling climate change through the adoption of The Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan will ensure CBC is better able to meet its obligations. LAA partners have committed to tackling climate change, and a coordinated approach ensures they are better able to meet their targets, achieve value for money, pool resources and attract external funding.

7. Recommendation That Committee:-

i) support Option 1a – to adopt the Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.

Background Papers Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy

Corby Borough Council Climate Change Strategy

Corby Borough Council Climate Change Strategy progress update

List of Appendices Appendix 1 – Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy Action Plan

Officer to Contact Simon Winch, Sustainability Officer, Direct Dial 01536 464682, Email - Smith, Head of Environmental Quality, Direct Dial 01536 464061, Email -

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Raising Awareness of the Issue of Climate Change 

 The Public, Community Organisations and Businesses    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. Communications and Marketing Workshop ‐ Northamptonshire Partnership 

members to share good practice and to better co‐ordinate and further develop existing awareness programmes (e.g. the NCC waste and transport campaigns, schools programmes, ‘Climate Friendly Communities’, etc.) via a facilitated Communications and Marketing Workshop. 

Northamptonshire Partnership 

• Northamptonshire Partnership will fund a facilitator. 

• Best Practice Guides  

2. Pledge to Reduce CO2 ‐ Encourage organisations and individuals to sign up to a “pledge” to reduce their own carbon dioxide emissions and to work to make their activities climate resilient.  

Climate East Midlands 

• Daventry Charter model • CRed @ UEA • Link to whatever Climate East Midlands 

adopt once available 3. Northamptonshire‐based Events ‐ Organise campaigns and use existing events 

where possible to raise awareness of climate change / encourage reduction in CO2 or to promote the “pledge” and to support people to take action, e.g. a ‘Switch‐it‐Off/ Turn it Down 1 degree’ campaign across Northamptonshire and/or an annual ‘Environment Week’. List events for 2010‐11: 

EST Advice Centre (East Midlands) 

• EST Advice Centre • List of planned events to be updated 


4. Third Sector – Utilise existing networks, forums or annual event to raise awareness of climate change and opportunities for reducing CO2 within   voluntary and community organisations, volunteers and service users. 

NCC   (Community Partnerships).  

• EST • Northants Infrastructure Consortium 

5. Shared Website Information ‐ Develop further visual aids to help to communicate key messages around Climate Change, e.g. maps showing emissions data, climate details, etc. and resources for practical actions that people can take, and signposting to other sources of information and advice, financial support, grants, etc. which can be shared and then hosted on respective websites.  (Link to Wellingborough  Toolkit and Daventry info.) 

Northamptonshire Partnership (via a sub‐group established at the workshop under 1 above) 

• Updates on existing LAA partner websites 

• Possible sub‐site for Northants on the Climate East Midlands website (this already shows local NI186 data) 

6. Materials about climate change for people with audio and visual impairments ‐ explore opportunities for sharing materials developed by RNIB within Northamptonshire once these have been made available in Autumn 2010. 

NCC  EU funded MUSICC project (RNIB Herefordshire is UK lead) 





Raising Awareness of the Issue of Climate Change  

Raising Awareness through Education Settings    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. Baseline Report ‐ Undertake a baseline study regarding what is already being 

offered at all of the different levels of education, including further and higher education and the resources available – and make recommendations for further action and share report with key stakeholders / NCCOG. Exploring such opportunities as: • Developing a ‘Learning for Sustainability’ Forum/ Strategy; • How best to support more schools to become Sustainable Schools and/or 

Green Flag Eco‐schools; and  • Establishing stronger linkages between the Education Business Partnership, 

colleges of further and higher education and the University of Northampton. 


NCC  • University of Northampton • RCEEM ‐ Regional Centre of Expertise 

on Education for Sustainable Development: East Midlands  

2. Carbon Trading Schools Pilot – Working with the Local Government Information Unit support Northamptonshire schools to participate in the pilot Schools Carbon Trading Scheme. 

NCC  NCC has allocated resources for this – linking into a national pilot 

3. Twinning businesses with local schools – Carry out an investigation to identify the potential for this. 

NEL  • Potential link to STEM Ambassador programme (NCC C&YP) 




Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 

 Improving Home Energy Efficiency    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. NHEEP Work Programme – Undertake energy efficiency measures through the 

home energy advice and discounts offered through the various schemes operated by Northamptonshire Housing Energy Efficiency Partnership (NHEEP), and actively seek funding from external sources to increase reduction of CO2 emissions. The current schemes include: • Climate Friendly Communities/Greener Communities scheme • Chillout scheme (insulation measures for private sector housing) • Promotion of renewable technologies • Identifying vulnerable households in fuel poverty and monitoring/reporting 

on fuel poverty (NI187)       

Northamptonshire Housing Energy Efficiency Partnership (NHEEP) 

• NHEEP  • EST Advice Centre • Commercial partners • The NHEEP work programme also 

includes support for the implementation of the Northamptonshire climate change strategy and some of the other actions  included elsewhere in this action plan. 

2. Collaborative Working ‐ Work more closely with the Energy Savings Trust (EST) to provide information to householders to inform them of the steps that they can take to improve energy efficiency and the typical costs and benefits. 

NHEEP  • EST website • Internet access points at libraries and 

local authority customer service centres 3. Staff Engagement ‐ Support all Northamptonshire Partnership members to 

encourage their staff to insulate their homes where possible, use low energy light bulbs and appliances and to eliminate any wastage of energy in the home. 

NHEEP  EST Advice Centre 

4. Local Renewable Energy ‐ Support community groups to invest in local renewable energy projects to generate income (and/or reduce fuel poverty) by taking advantage of the new ‘Feed in Tariffs’ and the proposed ‘Renewable Heat Incentives’. 

EST Advice Centre  Regional Microgen Co‐ordinator (at ESTAC) 

5. Energy Monitors ‐ Extend the ‘energy monitor’ scheme piloted in Kettering & Brixworth to provide free monitors on loan via public libraries. 

NCC  NCC Environment EST 

6. Climate Friendly Communities – continue development work undertaken by countywide energy efficiency advisor. 

NHEEP  Energy Efficiency Advisor (based at DDC) 




Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 


Improving Energy Efficiency in the Business, Commercial and Voluntary Sectors    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. Resource Efficiency for SMEs – Building on the success of the CWIC (Cut Waste – 

Improve Competitiveness) scheme operated by the University of Northampton, develop a partnership project to offer support to SMEs and encourage them to reduce CO2 through providing, specialist information and advice, B2B support using existing business networks, and hand‐holding to deliver real CO2 reductions (and savings for the businesses).  

NCC / NEL  • NCC have allocated funds to support project 

• University of Northampton • Districts/ Boroughs 

2. Green Days – Working with EST develop a ‘Green‐day’ programme to engage staff in large companies to reduce their CO2.  

EST Advice Centre  EST Advice Centre 

3. Regulator Services ‐ Explore with regulatory agencies (e.g. Trading Standards and Environmental Health, Environment Agency) the potential to raise with businesses the issues of reduction and adaption to climate change and signpost help and information as part of their regulatory activity especially in relation to Display Energy Certificates. 

Each local authority  ‘Green Scorecard’ developed by DDC 

4. Training for Community Organisations ‐ Develop a programme to offer training and support to voluntary organisations to help them reduce their emissions and improve resource efficiency, and extend the work being carried out by ACRE through their Village Halls Network 

Northamptonshire Groundwork Trust ACRE NCC  

• Grants from WREN • ACRE • Poss. pilot in East Northants this year • NCC 

5. Carbon Reduction Commitment – Investigate how support could be provided to organisations that are subject to the CRC. 

University of Northampton NCC 

• Environment Agency • EMDA  • Low carbon technologies website being 

developed by NEL • Local Government Information Unit 




Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 


Improving Energy Efficiency in the Public Sector    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. NI 185 Delivery – local authorities to undertake activities to ensure a reduction in 

their NI 185 returns (CO 2 emissions for local authority activities) to meet their respective targets.  Information to be shared with the county council prior to it being jointly reported to government by the County Council.  

Each local authority  East Midlands Carbon Management Programme 

2. Business/ Staff Travel ‐ Share information on the potential for reducing emissions from business and staff travel and vehicle fleets (e.g. Liftshare facility). 

NCC  Travel Choices Team 

3. Sustainable Procurement ‐ Identify opportunities for reducing emissions through sustainable public procurement initiatives and minimising waste and communicate these to all local authorities.  

NAPS  Flexible Framework for Sustainable Procurement 

4. NHS ‐ Implementation of year one NHS Northamptonshire Sustainable Development Management Plan and any additional activities required to achieve new mandatory target of an annual 10% reduction in CO2 emissions. 

NHS Northamptonshire 


5. Shared Service for Sustainability – Higher Education Funding Council bid for £250k to deliver carbon reductions across public sector in Northamptonshire – implement if bid successful 

University of Northampton 

£250k if successful, other resources and in‐kind match funding from University, NCC and other partners. 

6. Spend to Save Competition – To encourage local business to provide energy and financial savings schemes for NCC properties. 

NCC  NCC Prize fund allocated to award contracts (each award of less than £10k in value) 

7. Local Authority Partnership and Collaboration – Explore opportunities to improve efficiencies, maximise gain and minimise costs for local authorities and public bodies. 





Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 


Reducing Energy Use and Emissions from Transport    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. A Re‐focus on CO2 – Ensure that more focus is given in the new LTP towards 

carbon reduction. In particular baseline current activities to show contributions toward reducing CO2 and to inform future priorities: • Northamptonshire Integrated Passenger Transport Strategy; • Encouraging bus operators to ‘green’ their fleets; • Improvements to the local rail network, both facilities and services; • Improvements to the walking and cycling infrastructure; • Bus Development Plans; • School travel planning; • Getting freight off the roads and on to railways and inland waterways etc... 

NCC  NCC Transport Highways Dept. NHS Northamptonshire ‐ Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives Strategy 

2. Green Transport Exemplars – Northamptonshire Partnership members to lead by example by promoting the adoption of green travel plans, procurement of energy efficient vehicles, ‘eco‐driving’ techniques for staff and ‘cycle friendly employers’. 

NCC  Green Fleet Reviews available from EST 

3. Modal Shift and Area Travel Plans – Ensure a consistent and coordinated approach to the preparation and implementation of travel plans associated with development ‐ leading to area –based travel planning. 

NCC, Districts/ Boroughs and Developers 

NCC Transport Highways Dept 

4. CO2 Reduction in County Council Highways Contract – Secure CO2 reductions from our highway delivery partners MGWSP. 

NCC  MGWSP Sustainability Plan 2010‐11 



Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 


Sustainable New Development and Land Use    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. Land‐use framework ‐Develop a common approach across the County to utilise the 

planning system to encourage more sustainable and energy efficient construction, more renewable energy generation and reduced need to travel. Ensure development plans incorporate this. 

JPUs, NCC, district councils, WNDC, NNDC,  

• Incorporate through the development plan process 


2. Plan Updates ‐ Update planning documents to take account of the changes to Part L of the Building Regulations that are scheduled for October 2010. 

Districts / Boroughs, JPUs 

Already in hand 

3. Construction‐wise ‐ Establish a mechanism to work with the county’s construction sector, through training and education, to promote sustainable development, disseminate best practice and raise awareness of the exemplar projects which exist in Northamptonshire.  • Encourage developments that suit community needs, helping to build resilient 

sustainable communities as a whole. • Encourage green roofs, sustainable urban drainage (SUDs) and other innovative 

technologies. • Also raise awareness among the general public/building users to empower them 

to become more demanding in the levels of sustainability they expect in new buildings. 

I‐Net (University of Northampton) NNDC/ WNDC Transform MKSM (Excellence Awards) 

• Advice on design from Sustainability Consultant (2 days/week) 

4. Land‐use implications ‐ Undertake a research project to gain a fuller understanding of how land use currently contributes to the total emissions of Northamptonshire and the potential for this to contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions (e.g. through habitat restoration, or through farm efficiency measures). 

NCC  • Natural England • Climate East Midlands DEFRA funded 

project on adapting through natural developments  

5. Infrastructure Needs – Ensure that climate change implications are considered in developing infrastructure plans including transport, green infrastructure, water and energy. 

NCC /NNDC/ WNDC Local Authorities  

• Investment by infrastructure providers 

• Development contributions 6. Training for local authority planning departments and Council Members ‐ Support 

the capacity of local authorities to provide advice on the technical aspects of sustainable design. 

Climate East Midlands 

• CLG funding available via the East Midlands Improvement and Efficiency Partnership 




Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases  

Minimising Waste    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. Northamptonshire Waste Partnership – NWP to continue to engage with 

Northamptonshire Climate Change Officer Group to help reduce CO2 by reducing, reusing and recycling waste. 

NWP  Northants Waste Partnership (NWP) 

2. Waste Education Team ‐ Continue to raise awareness of the links between climate change and waste through the promotion of the waste minimisation campaigns and the Schools Waste Education Team. 

Waste Education Team 


3. Energy from Waste ‐ Undertake research to identify the potential of utilising waste products to create a localised energy supply e.g. wood waste, anaerobic digestion/biogas, landfill gas, etc. to inform production of an Energy Strategy for the County. 


4. Water Resource Efficiency – Engage with the water supply companies, the Environment Agency and OFWAT to identify what is already being done and further opportunities for action. 

Environment Agency  NN Water Cycle Strategy work 

5. Energy Crop Production ‐ Investigate utilising former landfill waste sites as location for energy crop production. 

NCC  NCC commission RNRP to undertake feasibility and recommend actions.  

6. Minerals and Waste Development Framework ‐ Adopting and implementing the MDWF 





Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 


Increasing Low and Zero Carbon Energy Use    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. Energy Strategy ‐ Produce an ‘Energy Strategy’ that draws together key 

information needed to understand the planning, transport and local  issues surrounding the development of small and large‐scale renewables throughout Northamptonshire.  • To  include an environmental constraints map to show the locations in the 

county that are most feasible to accommodate renewable energy technologies, especially wind farms; and 

• Identify opportunities to develop large scale renewable energy generation and community heating schemes with combined heat and power in association with new developments, including the potential of organic waste to generate renewable energy 

NCC  NCC Energy Study for North Northamptonshire Northants Waste Partnership Carbon Trust Natural England 

2. Financial Incentives Take‐up ‐ Promote via existing business networks and communication channels, the financial incentives that are available to help towards the cost of renewable energy systems, e.g. the grants available from DEFRA to farmers wishing to grow bio fuel crops. 


• Low Carbon Buildings Programme • ‘Feed in Tariffs’  • Natural England 

3. Technology / Innovation ‐ Establish a mechanism to support the business opportunities of low carbon technologies and encourage collaboration and innovation in environmental technologies in Northamptonshire. 

NEL  • Low carbon technologies website being developed by NEL 

• Encraft – free web tools to help identify the best renewable technology 




Plan and Adapt to the Impacts of Climate Change 


Public Services    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. NI 188 Targets ‐ To achieve LAA Target LEVEL THREE for NI 188 Planning to Adapt 

to Climate Change by March 2011.  NCC  Climate Change project Officers via ‐ EMREIP 

Funding 2. Business Continuity ‐ Encourage all public services in Northamptonshire to factor 

in climate change when undertaking risk assessments and developing business continuity plans. 

Each local authority  Via Emergency Planning legislation 


Industry and Commerce    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. Adaptation leaflet – Utilise the Business in the Community leaflet detailing what 

businesses (and other organisations ) need to do to adapt to climate change – Reproduce with Northamptonshire Partner logos ‐ and make available as PDF download / and or circulate using existing communications channels.  

Northamptonshire Partnership NCC 

NCC Climate East Midlands 

2. Targeted Support ‐ Identify the businesses in Northamptonshire that are most sensitive to the impacts of climate change and work with them to help them take adaptive action. 

University of Northampton 

Carbon Trust 


The Built Environment    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. Local Development Frameworks (LDFs) ‐ Review the Planning Authorities’ Local 

Development Frameworks to ensure that they will be effective in encouraging sustainable construction. 

Planning Authorities   

2. Green Infrastructure ‐ Promote the increased use of urban green spaces and green roofs as elements of the urban environment that can contribute to adaptation to climate change (e.g. increasing temperatures and rainfall) 

RNRP?  East Midlands Green Infrastructure Network 



Plan and Adapt to the Impacts of Climate Change 


Biodiversity, Agriculture and the Natural Environment    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. Improved Biodiversity  – Continue to support the partnership project 

with the Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust to improve our LAA target Ni 197 indicator – Improved Biodiversity by 3% by March 2011. 

NCC Wildlife Trust  

• NCC, Environment Agency, Natural England, NNJPU and Wildlife Trust  funding  (Yr 2 project)  and in‐kind from Daventry DC. 

• Biodiversity Partnership (oversee LWS system) 2. Wildlife Opportunity Maps ‐ via the Biodiversity Action Plan ‐ develop 

strategic wildlife opportunity maps that define areas where species and habitats can flourish and expand in range under climate change to inform future priorities. 

Natural England  NE (carrying out regional mapping), WT/ NBRC (supplying the data), LAs (to use the product) NB. Limited financial resources from NE to assist with data gathering & production of regional product.   

3. Land Management Schemes – Continue to target environmental land management schemes in places that contribute to climate change adaptation such as restoration of flood meadows. 

Natural England   Natural England (target areas and approve applications). RNRP, FWAG & other organisations prepare applications 

4. Implementation of GI Strategies ‐ implement the actions that have been identified within local and county‐wide Green Infrastructure studies to ensure that the level of GI provision continues to increase outside of new developments. 

All   Via  site specific elements of LDFs 


Flood risk management    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. NI 189 – Working with the Environment Agency ensure local authorities meet the 

requirements of NI 189 – in dealing with river catchment management plans  and their implementation and recognise the potential adverse impacts of climate change on flood management.  

Each local authority   

2. Flood and Water Management Strategy for Northamptonshire – Ensure that the flood and water strategy to be developed for Northamptonshire by the county council (as a result of new responsibilities) takes full account of the likely impacts and opportunities of climate change.  

NCC  EA contributions 





Further Development of the Climate Change Strategy  

Monitoring Progress and Review    Lead Organisation  Resources available 1. Further analysis of data on emissions – Carry out further investigation into the 

various sources of emissions in order to inform the prioritisation of action. (E.g. where are the most significant emissions coming from? Is it the domestic sector, transport, industry or agriculture that should be targeted to have the greatest impact?)  

NCC  • EST Models • Climate East Midlands resources 

2. Prioritisation of Actions – Carry out a cost/benefit analysis of the actions identified in the Climate Change Strategy (including those in the ‘What do we need to do?’ sections of the strategy document that are not in the first year Action Plan) to determine the priorities in terms of their impact on climate change and their economic viability.  

NCC  • EST Models • Climate East Midlands resources 

3. Set Targets for 2011 ‐ 2014 – Based on the above analysis and the national targets for reduction in CO2 emissions, establish a set of realistic but challenging targets for the next three year period.   

Northamptonshire Partnership 


4. Consider the use of TrACE to monitor progress – Carry out an exercise to map the various actions in the Action Plan to the sections of TrACE and develop a procedure for the collation of data from partners. 


5. Members’ Climate Forum – Consider the establishing a forum to engage Council Members in the review and further development of the climate change strategy. 

Climate East Midlands NCC 

• EMREIP funding for training for members (if agreed)  

6. Action Plan for 2011‐12 – Develop a further Action Plan for the next year.  NCCOG     


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