n.i.j.c. cardinal review, vol 22 no 13 april 3, 1968

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College


Cardinal Players Start Rehearsals For Play In April

Th· Q,1d .-. Pl,.yel'!'< llan 0011111 tch!'arsa111 to: "Hoiel" , their 11rst &trle>ta pl&y, accord· Inc to Elolr.e \\Ur.on. publl· Clt)' chairman.

"Thrtllln1. "Xclllr.g, and vr.ry dramatic. 'Hol.f!I' la no: • •tarcm' 1 "' .ti.Ua:a Wilson aa.ld. Thia drama .. 111 be preatnt.1 , April 26·27 In lhl! :-llJC c­at 8 : 15 p.m. Thoali preattt• In& !'ilJC 111uden1 body card will be admitted lree. Adwl:I: "Ill b< ·har ed S I.00 ar.d 50c (01 llUdenr...

Meir.t;,.,r~ or tll<: cut Include Chuck Hann~ r as P eter, llO:el ma.naaer. Elolr.e l'illsoo u Christine. Tom L.amb u Albert \\ells . \!arcla Ed"'&lds u Duchess. Gary Chap~U as Duke, Jack Reynolds u L.yle , Kris~· Belto as Marsha.

Other cast members a re Harry Hayward as Aloysius Royce; Pete Olson as Trent. Jim Clnrk as Curlis O' Keere. Eiieen Albertini as Dodo. Moses J ordan as Dr. Nicholas. Charlea Dodson as Dr. lnsram. Kathy Klein as Mrs. lncram. Jim S..ck u Herbie. Gar:r Judd as Olchle. Claudia McDmnld a.. Mee. Rita Darn· lano as Emile. and Jo,·ce Andtrson as the younc 'll'om'an.

Terry Turrell Is In chars~ or stac" srulncs, and Jem DA.)'h·y 1~ t<'cbnlcal dlrector.

Engineers Ball Set For April 20

The annual Enclneer 's &11 ponaored ~· :>!JC En&ineers

Club. will b<. held April 20 from 7.00·12:00 p.m. at th!' CO<!UI d'Aknt' Elks Club accordln E 10 Keith McG1nnls. president o! tbe Ellslne"rs Club,

The ball will cost S6.00 per couPle with dinner beln'

I "''l••.•d at i ;OO p.m. and danc1n' 10 lhe music from 8:00·12:00 p.m.. !.!cGJnnls :;aid

TlckMs :ue &\"allable from llf\l' member or the Eni!neers Club.

A kins and qu1•en "'Ill be choM•n to : el1111 O\'er lbe ball . Candidates for kin, ar~ L.und.r 1\:1.n~d . Ron Rius ll.lld K@llb \lcGuuus. Th• qu ·n w!ll bo: cbosen at tn ball \lc:Glnnls satd •


,.G \QUI b. Clad~" . sa..d C .r 1 I Dodson cha.l.rman uf campus days. The annual " bed :ace" Is ~cbeduled for "'"-' 9 snd all entrtr~ must b" 11utxnlt1ed ~ May 6. Persons to contact ror !llce t>ntiy arc On \"l' Prlano, Ted l.~ Volf.. and Cbullc Dodson.

DO<lson a&ld lbe :3Ce will bc~at $C\etilh aad Sherman. The llnlsh line wlll be in lront or th :o;uc Ad:::1nls:ra· don Bulldlni;. He ad~d tbAt am persons ,.lsbing t0 aid by k pin' &:: ets clear dm· Inc tilt> race a:e to contac! nny ! th h- I"" 'lll'lllS mM· t1 .tdpr~ \:tou


SUrptl• Olrr 0\1.I b< Prt'· ''"'' d \111) 1·6 at 1:30 In the

SUB. 11ccordlns to Tom Moms SAC chalrmlltl H ~aid th~ lllm nnmen arc betnc held for lln •I 'II n< ot surpnse. It la h prd that I.his portion or "4 P ~" ...-111 be njoyod by all

Mock Presidential Election Planned For NUC April 24

UCll w • ........ Clwtce 68 Sa 111 <:<; •cla:r P:a· Id ·tW Ptica:1 w U t>e •,1 .::i U! &!II ntrance ol U:e AdclDlat:a• on Bu 1:11 April ~4 .

Ca::dldatu r r Ulr llte51· deoc:J HI d bJ' ta ;iro­sram'a su1dec!& dlrectora are Fred Halstead, Uult Hatfield. L.,yndon Johoscm Rober: Kenn"d)', \Cartin l.uthor Kin' Jobn Lindsay Eu- ne :.le CartllY.Rlcbard ='lllDll Charles Percy. Geor~ R.o=q. Ror.ald Reasan . !'ielsoc RoctereU<!:, Harold SlasRa. and Gee.~ ll'allace.

Three rd ere ::d q .,..Ill ti. on Ill ballot T..-o dul with US lnYOI nt ~ \ 'let :Sam, and one •Ith :lie prlortlles or SO\"e=e t s~11d· Inc In conlrantmE lb ·ban crll\ls".

An.' atudtnt nroll In an Am,·rlcan coll es r tm.IVl!rsltJ .. m be ell Sible to '°'" in 1!1e Choice 68 elecll:.:1. Thi.& tnclud~11 llllduat part-~ and foreign stud~nu;, as well as those s wdrlnc a.broad l.:i Allledc:nn branch unlveC\lt ."5.

Choice 68 orr ~ collea:e atudPnts the oppow .. n1:y :o eip-s thelr pre!e:ence en Pn!aldent1al candldate.s acd &elected luues to &peak !a: the !ln111Jme u a body Pollt.c. The :o;a1lonal Colle date Pres· ldentlal Primary will be a imJor pollllcal event or set· ficlent scope 10 merit the natlon'i; attention and con· &Ide ration . Tt~!E maa:azlne hu ap-••ed

to underwrite the cost or nallooal adm:.nlstratlon or Choice 68. as a public s~nice. Time w!U also tabulate. anallze acd publlsb tM re­sult., or this eltc: c:i. How· eHr. the: 1s no coa:ecUac bfttw••,, ,~,. P:-.. i:r..a.zy !L:ld rdt\. n-• # n'""'" TWO APPOINTED TO FILL SAC VACANCIES

'I" r I>.. n atil'\llnt...d t Stuc a: Ac:.Jvttles Co=lltee ror :.be duration ol this school 7ell.t.

The new members ar~ Miss Kathie Poln:nl!r and s:e'-e ShePJ>Crd. Mlss Potntner and Shepp rd were elected trw:: • aroup or pe:aaas !.nuniell'l!d Ma:~h H

Freshmlut la:.eniewa ! r

CA LR YD AR ,_ p..,.· .. ~-

D tat l _z:::. Pl April 10: :.i •1 - " The

Appaloosa" Apr.I t:•HI' Sprt• \•CllU D

April 13 Ca ""'· Dar:


J~m R" t Cr ·I K pr .. dtnt :-iu. r ....... ~ ..:. .:.~ •• .n 11tu~n1A ubm1t dellll ror pruJ ens th club C1U1 und :· taktl.

.VORAD Band L eadrr

(. • c .

L.t. Col. \'lctor J. M olzer Ute ll .S. Air f'orc who dl rector • lb ~orlh Am•r Air Deteaae Commo ;"ORAD "Cualcade 0 lol~5!c" ho,.. 10 be pr~ent l!Ar 9 at ~D:tll !dab? Junior Coltec- bu '" ,.. d nM .-ar. cd slcal background.

Col M Jur u• :ided s • ms .. 11 Unh nil:y lb C;rlfs lnstltuu. of M~slc 111 Phil•· delphla lbt' Eaatman School of Alcslc llnher.s!IJ or M.in. IL'ldaod t."alllollc Unher· s!t7, ll"UblAgton, D.C. He received bl& maattr or arta de;-nie at the Uolttr.s!tv o! Hswall.

1n clYU!an c sic cl:cln Col ~o!.u: ~r!o:a:ed w tll tbe ~e• O:ll!IU:s Sy pboc; i.::e De11 : ll!>lcipal B&lld and Cbe Oen Yer S,-p!:ocy. He hlLI been 11c:he I!: th tleld m cb ral sic, ond .s • c=b:!r o: th Mo:slc Ed c:i­tor.i l\aUocal Co11r ~nee 11.::d the l\at:oca.l&ndAs$0Cla:lon

He enter d m.U.taq aen1ce ui 1910 and! r 10 years•­uecu:I Wcu o! Air F : t:.DCl.s at the Pentaeon. Pr 10 bis ualcr::n at ln 1964 SOR.AD Col. Mlllu· w . duector or the Al: Fo: e & or the Paci!.~ and c i:ui

nd '1ir et r Pa trt~ ,\ I F'


p be la:! to

ASB Authorizes New FM Tuner

Au·n • "" . ·r. 6tu~ent &an! or C<>11ll<>1 for the pur· cbaae o: a new P.M. tun•r wss; clvea to Harlan Siebert. ~lecuonlcs l.Mtructor Tbo umer •Ill a llo• mua lc to bc t.r.-dcnat into the weattm portion or the SUB from an f'.LI. radio 1tatlo11. according tu Shannon CarlllQn ASS aecre:ary.

Tbe &tud•nl boi.rd al&O passed • propo11d to allow th Endneera Billi to ti. be Id olf ca::ipu11. The bi.II will be at tbe E!h Club.

CbarUe D<ld&Oll, !r~sban clus pr Id :, Claudia Mcl>fn:ild. scp omore aecre· tacy. DaTid Snu ASB ~rt'lll· d~:-e.-ct and P A. Olllco, ."58 \ice·preald nt-Plect bav be :i a~ nted to revise :be !>r· laws of th ASB coostitu· :Jon. Th l.alcn •Ill ~

• ,.,.,tl"'(f tn • •url "It twvtv , l \f .lJd.


S ua •·


NUC Guidance Day For Area Seniors April 17 ~ .. ~UC "" •Ill .t ..ii a 1Wdan onl r n

Rl>Onsored b.> lhC! C ur cl' Alene Cr-.ambt'r ol Com r Coour d'AIPDC! Ktwanla Club and scholarsh111 llono111 At'rll 17, accordln, to O •ter )IQlilN , head or th counMlln1 11"t1artmen1.

Th• conrrr~nc•. be•lnnlnc at 9:30 a.m alms to Intro· llU('f' MW ldr11 c•onc~rnln& work opportunlll"• on thl' aeml·pror~olonal II•• I En· tertalnment will II<! proYldrd I» a coll""' 111ut1•n1 croup. A 1>11nl!I dlacuaelon on "0PIJ<lr· tunllles In th" &-ml•Pruln· elonal Work" wlll follow. A aulded tour of thC! "hool "Ill conclude the p10&1am . \loser aald.

Those ar.-a arhools puru· clpa11n1 will be' PnM ~alls ,

Sl. Marica. Plumrwr, L•ke• land. Kootrnal, llf\I and \\or I• y. Mo~n aa Id.

Clrclr K. Cordlnul 5'•r•I<" Club. Phi Thct11. Kappa 11nd SNEA wlll 11ulst durln11 th• tour and lunch. L.unr.h will br tumlshrd by thr slutlent union, Moa"r conclut!Pd

Frosh, Sophs To Have Tug-of-War

Th mu.. rh of tli <Jpho-moro class wl II comt>Qte aplnat those of lh• lmahmu1 cla11. accordln1 to Charil" Dodaon. campus daya chair man.

The tai1-of·war ~tv.e•n th" t"o claaae.s will tak<! place May 10 at 4:30. Dodfton aald. Th~ U~ to be USPd will b(l

behind th" Admlnl&tretlon wlldlna n-ar the woods. H~ said tb~r" will be no lino ror one 11ouo to pull the other actou, lna~ad thNe will be • hie mud puddle . H" add~ lh4t ~ pn.ze for ltct wl1111 ra b dcy and clnn clotll!'s. Ethto1$ aou:

St1<dUI$ ::ur lrrno a ccoad ul of clotMa tf tAcp are go1110 to part1e1patc in tkl i:ctuttr . ,\o &tJtd£•1rrtlA1ut cloth.ea will ~ a/loirrd •• to thl' SIJB or Adml111 lrat1011


Aer ... ptab~'" da.> 1 'A'!: ap­pa: , ror •c.mw " .... 111 iqilc or a ceellac called lclareh 20 b7' lclrs lkttJ McLain d an of women a.t th• rlf'Qu.•I o' !acul!J c:e:1brr:11.

Sbol".s beoad.u and " t ctr.." ,.~,.. ccosld r~ un· 11ultable!orclus1olr1. ~l.aln said. --TbJ.a la not a nr• pulley. and It dou noi u1 "d beyond the class.room" Mr• McLain said. "Pan• dns " tbat 100 closcb r s mbl~ one·plcc<' •horl • t and mlnl·aklt16 •Ith "bloanf'D" 1ir the only &U' lea r strl t"11 "Th "'barr b<!enno r Ill

UOD5 cmdr cancc>rnln1 111 kn&UJofskJrts" )I,., M Lain e111clarkd

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW J\.-.i•.,_.tl .S,....• .....,.... M"'t "'• Co •o- ., ..-;r

f'. • • AuK••••4 ..,,,..,., 8odr • '


0 "'•'" • P l.m.U..r JS. y..,..c .....

A••l• .. 1111 &411• • • • • J',4W~tJ•I .. ... _ •• , • • • • ••••••• 0 0 0 :PM:lillftl . . . . . . . . ,, ,., \..,,.... CJr-c•l• I .... ·-··' a-a.r • ..,.,,. ,. ttperlll • ...,..., ••

••p-Mt.-" ... ltW'd P••• • ..,.

....... J•• Y'euftl' J•• .... "". • • . • • • ,, • ,. • • • • JI• Curu.• 1•• ewtaa. o.- ....... , •. c.. • •Nd

TnM-•' R••• • .._ P" ' pe ..... ~- • 9urr

SOCIOLOGY PROF PRESENTS PAPER :;, rth fcUtl Jv. r r· llr

aoc1olr &l 1n tr. t r A ... Do!cke:. p. sen•«! his re ar •. paper. "lb" R--laUor.ablp • f'olkl::ire to \'alue MAlnl :::in In :; ortbwrst Coa I 1Ldl1L Sode():· at a m ellni ot lhe Cultural Transmla&lon an1 Eocmomlc Theory Seaalon or Social Sclrnc~s DlvlMon o( the .Sorr.h1<e1118<'lcnt111<:: A6SO· c!Atfon. at Central Wuhlr1cton Sta"1 Collt-&r, F:ll osbu11. \\ash • Marcb 2~·23

1bt' paper, demonaua1rd I.he slcnlllcanct- or tolk·hlator;. ci7tb. l••cend aiid C10ral 1111H ln uansml 11100 and =1.c.te"­nancc or soclcllll •alu a In the lt>ss a.•h'anc d 11oel lies ot thf> i>orr.h•eat Coolll or .Sorlh America. Th• paper olSo hlll lmpll,.allooa for con· iem1><>1arv Arn rlcnn 11oclt17

The ('.onclualons !lrown ln ll'lla l)Oall\'r al'<' the rr ulta of t n v~a pr,rnary and second ary ethnoloclca I r a r h of 'IUtll~ll' t rt> .\II b~ l~'!f'llt

lr11Jo ~-------------


Hr publican H• ••It <I lu bund· point, March 17, "hrr r.h• y met .. 1111 repr ••nlattvra or S.mn 1 anil Koo1.Gn11 Count7 \'ounc R•1•ubllCllns IO rh•c1 dl11dct oltlC•H nreor llni: to ~lillll Hom' R • ln rlu!J

lllllll, ("ire:



0.1 Gittel

Jt1 He":... A ... · C .. w 4"At.•e

Music Has Been With Man Since Cave Man Days

• JBtc nu c.an s Ince Ule t :a ca an ~p:i beallns o:i o hollow Joi. M ualc com n many tollll6 and ls used for t.n7 tAinp II can bco u rl rc;r aound r!Crcta. auch a& a aerl .. .a ol orpn cho:ch In a mO!l!I' : movl ror Inn lll!r 1~ a tun m or ,.. dd cc • A ch!.·j au.on

AboUI 1 tn a ot collc,e alumni tnit>ot1d t tht>lr C'Ulltp a appeal to~ funds

STAMP ITI ,..,, ....... ltCOUUO.lt


S LI .. TUT - ·2 n. - 1-ll'llUCIUU IUTll. POa.n IUMU lfUlt \, ' r .

..... clw--i. • • • ",... a. • .i ... ' ,.. ...... • : • C.• s. ~ ..... ........ +...~ .... ..... ... .. __ ... __

TM• ... o .... CO. , 0 .. 1M.rts.- i.... .....

ll\.Ull~ I& Ml. ..

Auditions For Summer Theater Begin April 9


\ ' . ·-.... ,Q I' " Br

t r v.as~ • M.irc.h 2~ .,, ... c:od< tu' :be Technlcbn Club Thi' tour wu i:u1dcd b1 \\ lll1am Lsuterba~h man&i:Pr of tbf' w tem ar 11 al Co:n· mun catl011S SatelUte Col'tlO­nauoa

o.r ~;; 1br tou· r:icmbera or l~b leam"'2 Lha: th "'

a.re lhrt' sate !II ta u IH!d lo tl:ls CCC .:tlcuUaa.s netWOOI.

' Thi w 1 ll ~ a :eperto.7 )lllpany and Cll)ell 10 &DJ•

on Interested In partlc:.· 1*11 c" tor said. '\\e

si;>rct ID tu colle~ atu-ll Ola tro::i I !Ullo 'fiub., 0, • C&JJ f and l.t I llUs srasoc "

1 Th y a: to orbit Z:?.300 miles abo\"e tile e10::-Jt. The 1111ttl· 111 s e:ich CO\-er & dlstant:tl or anr·tbud o! IM earth'5 aw· her lll&intalnlni: ~linuowi ccri:mmlcation wllb &II puts o: the wa:ld. accc:rdlni; to D ct J.lcKJ~n. Tec1Ullclall$ Club p:esideat.

dl: c:led "i\Lss Kate" t: n- last se:u;on,

fa curr ntl-f teac:hini; and dl:~t1n1 lhtttre In Cle Los Ang I arn.

Oar tl:ntatltt scbedale In· cla~s "S•op tbe liorltl I Ila t IO Oct O!!.. "Sou:b Pacl!lc" all11 .. Ca.":l!lsel" cuslcals and a co:n~:· Ob Dad Poor D&d They Locked Yen: le lb Cl<w.'t and I F So Bad."

C "'1111 members .... rec l• • ulal). plus : and board ror the season, Juli 6 l.ll:ouldl ~pt. L.

"Thia 1s tbe !ourlll season ttperto17 lhnitr IA Co.ur d' Al'nr. Last su:::::u~r COI Uun 8 000 all nde'.1 tbe pr,,. du I Ollll

"Co:np:ui7 :n ::bers .. 1.1 cCIC 0011 ha~ an oppo:-1111111 io p:a:llc i=r.e In 11. f!:st·ntle rep rto11 r.huue tor llu mw1bs bul th<7 •Ill also h&v an opp<Jrtunlly to work with prof s11lon.U di ~c LOZ3 " Mo sald

l>IJC stud nts llllU' s'nd a 1 su:nr to :Joe =•c rod1r tor &I 1007 B:l~na \1ata A.. nt D. San Cl n• C I I U Jr all




s.. ~· lcr bc 0 e•.es., ne-e: e!.. 'l\,,~s

• ~ t!":O"oers

•'••e;> Mr'• ·rod os o• e::>0 • Ot" any oi '°le ODOYe

I02 .... ... . MO •·1000

The! CO!.ISA T. C.JC111111nlca· Uoa11 Sate!1112 Co:poraUon, a pr1nte ®.1>0:atlon. Is localed al &e~ter bee&aae or tbc law ra.mCall. no aea:b7 radio at&uons. and no hldt moun· lllln&. AU or these would e!fec1 lbe sooot.ll transmlllln; ar.d recehll!£ or television, radio and tl'lepllooc communt· ,.., ...., a sa• llJ• M•Kll>-

• j_


"lJC A Capp ... Ch Ir COCI·

-ID J w :its. March 16, 111n1t1ni:. and acrvtnic spa· chrtll, The PUf1'0St OI the le"'1 was to ra..lac funds to na1u1ce the lla.rch 3h\prtl ' tour, &ccadiDc to Lou KellY. direct(.:.

"The chclr ce:nbc'rs al)t'nl ClallY hours 1n p:t!'paratloo ror th c•~t. The taak force bcpn worlr.lni:on !bl' pre>1ous n ning p~pann~ the spa· ~etll In &n ('flort to meet the demand brouKht about b) Ill<' larCI) adninced llcket

Theo stud nta did a rf'Ol I ob !'"rl~ and Sal·

as they pu: the tlnllh· 1 t~s lato lbe ctforl

II a succ 1111,"


T' •IJC w


• ... - S. .·'> """ Cl • ..Jla B:owlllee parJclpa~ In two exhlt Uor:.s brto:e speech and draca dusea a: Lewis and Clart N :m&I. In Lewh11on. on 1.1.uch 18 ace rJln11: 10 Rieb.rd L. Hyn ~ d'bllte coa b

i.css &!lto also ~res r.ted a Ltncoln- Do '111.s d ta bet .

Lewis• Cb:aC r l.e1o a


Taste that beats the others cold!

Doubt hpressed For Success Of Dress Standards . ,.,,

Anolh< r att .. mpt h~ been r:iade b) th 111Jmlnl11tratton to dlc!Ate r.hc manner ol •PPMU· a.nc" to: let:iale atudcnts. "At:emp1·• 111 cc:rect because lht:e I:. so:ic docbl about the auecess tk!s new project wll~ ta Ye, Colle~ he alw&)'B been

conslde:et:! a placc ot 1.-amlnc. ai at1r:actln1 att nllon to lh• !lrOPtr drfllB lor womon, the administration has also drawn aiienuon to the question or 114 C<ln«m Cor tcachlna as coc:pa~ to that or 11npressln1 socual st:u1dards on the r.tcdcnts.

Tl'hn: are th!! rl~111 or tndl· \1duals to tbc dkt:a1011al eo~rm:ient ot a school~ Wbo should ;.e1 standards• Slud~nts. as a ~ner:al rule.

want to eonCorm v. lr.h their peer IJOUP· ll'l'atlng short slmt.s Is currenlb a lad, 01

s1rle, ollly :lme \\Ill tl'll •blcb. Pt:scns wrar.na these ta.sbloos \"&l} tro.'ll ,.... Is&> 10

Ja.cquellnf Kl'nnrd,r. It Is. not unusul. therefor~. Ulat wcrnen &t :'\UC want to con· roan and uatn March zo. ha\e felt !rrc l· do 110.

The 11u~sllon or "ho should set standards oC dl"ss Is unn.:>oh"'1. But when slu· dents are told b1 members otl &D older cenerauan that their d:ess does not meet atandartb, lb~· &Sit. "whose standards•" \'oonc proplr •ant to b allowed to •et tllelr o""· Un· tor1<1na.teu, ln an artl nctal environment llko colleac. only Ont.' &ill CIOUP IS rCPh!SCntl!d.

One 1U11dUlll<l11 trom the collea•• world Into on• quite dlC!~rent. In soclel,)' ont mua~ usualb coolo1111 to ~oc1~11·a standards to be acce11111bl~. Wom<>n should realize that :mce they emrrK•· from campu Ufo, the) will no lon1••r ta.cc r.he \\Olld as a 1roup, but as lndhlduah. Thvlr U5oclates ,..tll tw ol a dtrrerc•nt type wh will not re11dll.y aoc<'pt them It they do not conform

The ndmlnt:suaUon recoc· ntus r.hese Cacti. and Is Ir: i:eneral actln1 In the best lnter•Sl or the lllUdents. nowever. perhaps a rc-e\alua· !loc or ~tandards, tllose of' both i;rours. would result In a bl'tter UDd ·rstandln~ or tbe



RE.HT · SALES · REPAIR o,.ft;,,t & T»l•t s...,11 ..

INTlltSTAlC TY,CWlllTD Co • 17 ~~ A•• • ftii ... 4. Mll

Woodcock's Drug Store C ond•H - Sundrie1


124 N. num. SI • Ce .. , 4 Alone

Hagadone Building

EVERSON'S JEWELRY : . s~.,...r

Mol>ow~ ,.m3

FLOYD'S C;M~~ CENTER' ms ........

Parking, Tennis Problems Solved

So.'111' bull ta · ,.. . t be l't'allud cu:icc:mlns; I.Ac new cement pazktnc lot Altboudi

• conara1ulaUona Die In ordn1 for the cooperation between faculty ar>d atuden1&. lack of Pl&nnlnc bas owersh:i.dcno d lhl' ICSUIUI. Sot only did the noisy cement trucks dla· rupt c l&.~ acs. but acnral &IUd<'nts WfrC lanl1 IO e:J&saes becau11e they hill! to PQll o:i Shcnnan A vr., du" to th lack or pa: kine llpace. lie mlah1 ree1c1!ull.l' add lhat someone forcot to put p tb "l'iet Cement" sl1115

The latter la presrn•lnc somewhat of a problem. Three overanxious student drivers wanted to be the fira· to use th~ new parkln1> lot F'ortunately It required oDJ.y three hours to rescue thes• hapless drivers b) m'9JIS o' a bellcop1er lift from thelz mired automobiles.

Besldei; the new cemt'llt parkinc lot, NUC now has three nev. permanent menu· ments: A '55 Ford, a '64 Pontiac, and a 1968 StlncRa,) Corvette. Ed11DT' s nolt'. Tb " prob/err of rc•0t·attao tll.c tciir.u COIUI •a.• bt't'a •olt~d It IS bruted under ctrncxc


belns ln•·estlptcd by the BSA Boa rd. accord Inc 10 Slow Rel Uy. presldtnt

RA!lllJ' "41d the SSA Boa:d ha.s appolnt<'d a s!l"c:t.I cam· mtuee to ln\i?!ltls;at~ embez· zlement or Circle KKK funds. He said the rundl> amounttnc to $t.30 "Aetc found mtJ;stnc tn Hensbe) Cl!blc, advisor.


Relll.y said the 111~mber who committed this serious offense will be round and punished. H• llddl'd lbat XlJC does not take such cnmes Uchtb.

New evidence. ln the lorm o r a letter "ritteo b) his own band. pro•es that Marx ..-as a capitalist

MARC SU Beauty Salao & Scbool

Ev•"'"~ •ql'i' lO tef'S

tot I (M\I "'If' •


Vets Club Got Carried Away 'I' -•~- r.he land·

1n1 at :-; ~rm1111d,r In Wo:l d War II. tJr lbc \"etcllllls Club. has so:ten a : ttle oct I band, ac:ccm!Joi; IO Leo Drlcket, upJ05lves exiitrl for the club. He ad .St'JI u,. lbat tbt' Ute! at r.hr coart house Is nearly extlncuis~ no" and lhe ta::la are loni;e r bloctlni; t:arnr Sherman A\CDUe •be: SCI cara "Atrt d taint<! ro1 on· three bout$ yest :da1

Drlcktr aroloi;ized f • t~ lnCaO\'l!nl~nce to the l •a.· people. Thu nutt> landlni: ha" been canc:l'llt.>d now. He a5kstbat nu:,car the people be a l11tle more pat DI as tr ltno,.s nolhUI& was don lnten· tlonelly by thl' \tirrans.

Unlit the re!llalolnc Wld m111es can be ~d. Dtlcll.er advised that pedestrians l\'fraln r1am 111.rolllnc tbrousb lhl' CllY patk.

:-:o date has bt>t'n set for re·!nacimcnt ol this v~: l'\CPt. - -------zso 000 men w1U ~ draned Ibis J'ear bu• wlll n~ be alllpped t0 \'le: :-°a!:l - L.8.J wlll take them lO Ult' c:on.-en t1c1n.



IZ07 N. f..,,,~

s,,.c10/1 .. n9 in Calle9iat• HHJs for H• alth anJ Happ1n•u

Ou1 Ploio R .. "'""'"' Ploous Polo!• ud P•n~


S."" " 9 Your SruJenl Unlo"

PASTEURIZED MIUC MEANS 100% SAFE MIUC - .. - - o...i- - 1_.,

COEUR D' ALENE CREAMERY )CJ N, '• • • t • " t r - t

, ..

Robot Purchased To Stop Littering

.... . ' 8 ..-111 co=r to 11n rod accaldlnc to East ttatcb t ad' Iser Of th s:u nt • .\CU\ ti a C=· m •tee I\: lllOtalloa SACKl. SACK bu purcllascd 1l i:r•

roboi •l:lch wlll end the prob!=. H11tcll t Hid

1be robo a a a ,. mode I d il:ned and CODS tru tcd IV' !he ~ lJI ar.d Bolts C In Cbic:aco. llllnots. For the bat two 1 ars It bu been

ed OD a trial basts at thcr 1 :::..:;r ot caur mla - 11 and l:as i;.r 11 Itself

Iii t b tr UVf' llatchN ulrl

The :ollot call d IV' It's b."&lld na:e ~ r~ll •lll In· sailed l:l lllP SUB A~rll ~I. A!ttr this d&te stud nts .-bo

t pt to lea\'t! th sea without nrat tluaalnc tllet: dlsbeS wlll be anel'l!b b :1 caybc ..- •at't ti, Tink •bell's bUllt-ln luer bum. A POI n wu1 will remind at 112•n:.a rtkttnc ul: a on th rtoor to ke p tb r SUB dnc.. Ultta· secret m thods w UI be em­rloyed tO prPKrnt \'11Ddah$t:J

!l .... t ll~t·h ! Al1 ~


~ I p~ "O"'lp&ll.> Is -·-• - ··- .le.It"

duke on the p.,- telcrhOD In lht' SUB. 1lCCOri:lln1 I Mrs. Elois Mac&ln, de&n o: women Mrs. Mac8eiri aatd that tbe remale t.Ulde111 talk ao lone that oilier r.to· d nts cannc.: use lb" t<-le· phone. The tl111•• device known GS "httle c•tle" •Ill enable mor atudenlJI to i:se the phcce beca::s• the llme lil::i: Is rive minutes. II a student l 111101es lb• wamlni: buzzer. a dOGr opens and a mecha."llcal llrind reaches 01:: ai:d &Jatchea tile pllone and hllllss 11 up. Tile cw.necuon belnc broken, tile :elellbone 111 lrtt !or someone rise. Tilt .. -1~ al - :u the ll1lCe

r -o...-,...., "-Hoe


T =clanall;p '" u "'id\,;a April 8.

accordioc to H<1Wlltd Fuatoe, project chltl:man.

'111! re:::atninc con:es:ant.a are RJc:ba •d H1 stiman a od Marrin 1) per. Each !Jue s perfect record •l!ll 110 lo.uea.

F'azzt.oe aatd ~ w1one r will be :be one wtio co;::i!etes 1:1s t:al! o! the paz.zlc nrat. Tho pazzle wlU cocslst o! pieces Gt a Pn!!alrlcued dor=.


Taste that beats theold' others c •

=--=-A ssa$sination Plot Foiled

' ~•"-'ID&I< 8SA Pr ~Id nt Slow Reill\ •a.. fo led 11'Pdn s~ a cCl>' l.r i lODeancUI n Hershe) Olble .

Four student.~ w'1c o'er· hl'atd d1scuss1nc lh11 plan by our slerl SS\ \'lcl'·Plfslrl••nt Denn.s Otci;:s. The plan wu

peur coke on thc strrs to the boohtcx ao Rt'lllY would sllp and fall to his death.

Oun Olble ~aid 01 sc:" 11rter tiearlnc of the evil In tentlons ot th•sc llud nt.a ambuab~ tho plo1te111 In thl' sun bathrooms. Ald•d b)

h lo,al member.1 ot lhr •IUd nt body (all malol OICP ~ mean.~ 'liblch we cannot rePOrt cnrtured the unt"ll.'an llthtmt-M.

Stonu1111n1. the ltx"•I f'B! as nt, toa a.ssult!d this re· porter I.bat the plot ,.oulJ ba\'11 IDC\llabty fdlrd ThP plotte111 did not tllk" Into consldtratlon lhe landln1 In the stcP5 which would ha\ b:olltn Rtilb'• !all ar.d with Ille loH or momrntum. Uttle damase would have bocn dc.ne. ho! e•plalned

To pr <rent a ro ·O«<Urenc~ cl till• aort, the plotttra wtll be unable to buy cok••• tn the 6U8. Olbh! Hid. Thay hav• also been banished from lht "a•'lt"""'-~ br<"llU•" 1he1 are

'ldl'•lrabl~ ..J•·rnent


Th "I> 01 .. :." alcohol ttns n campu ha.. been broken,

accotdlnc to Oley Ch••cke r, social lnveatlp.tor "Boot· Jes" alcohol nrst •PPdred on campaa Marcil 2~. 1950 du1ln1 eum week. An lnten· etrl..d lnv11sUsatlon hu Clnalb paid o!(.

Br akl.01 tile r1n1 ... mot!! dll!lcult tll:ln npect.t!d, Cbeck'!t said. because secret acenlll werf! too easily per· aua1ed to Join the p.n1.

Act Inc Oil a IWZIOr, Checker followed ce11aln lndtvlduala and ClnaUy loca.trd th~ 111111 and made the arrPata wben tlle 11111 pthered ror a bol· tllnc bee la the admtnl.ltrauoo ol!lce. Because or the elu ot the r Inc. cluaes bavt' been uansrerred to 1he county ~.: SC a -aJodtr Of lb• :.:d.n~ 'an a:~d.


, n:t< T ~ Clfif :Sc::'

1811 aadlJf~ pro111a-ed /Ot ll<t.:" paper ~-:rtung.

M7 n&.':IC ts Revie,.. 1 have been procra=..S tO write Jou:nalls:lcall1. I cannot ... alte a mistake. I am a Pl!r· !· ct machln macb!ne machine

&Chia lll&dtllll!

T'M• J119ol• • • · · ""'·· .. • • l

A;tt'O .... 1.0..,

Coeur d'Alene Lau11dry & Dry Cleaners

+ lie cH!Otl •lion.is• orw:J launder ~ res•

c ~·· +

Janitor Strike Paralyzing lllJC Th" Htnlt •r 'trlk· h1t Par•

~l•ud :-iWC a rd•n1 10 \\l&S Siiano Clot I 1 llSA 6 fetal)

Th Bttlkr "hlch l>t>pn Jan. I hu 11lmo11 ~topped cotl~'c f111 ct1on11. \11611 Catt'lcs• aid

Tht! Uuh In th SU 8 ha5 r athO<I Ibo ct'lllni;. Al tu hav~ bl.'~n du• to nllo"A 11111· dt'nt; to •ntN lh bull lln1, Ml&a CA"'I uld. Thi' rubbh•h • n th main rntran e land~lld<'d •ntl burlml 3 atud~nts. ~'bM lhlnklna on the 11G1l or Dun Rock H\td the students from &mo1herln1.

)llu careleaa aalel the llt'lll't'h p11t\ hu llllll bfo••n 11nohlt' to locutu 111 c ~tu•lrnta loM In th SUB 11lnce \111 h I 1110 &t'atth wlll contlnu<' untll April 15.

Tho B..<;A bontd hn c .. n. c"lloo all alu<J,.nt 11••tlv1th•a 11ntll th• p1obl<'m haa be~n aolvrd. \111111 Carri as a ld<Jtl that th rcacu~ crew Is tun· Miine lo th• USI\ l•'.l<lm to ''"' om· mPmbrn< ~1111 trnplJ<'d lhl'I - - ----PTK SU B DANCE COMPLETE FAILURE

Th•· Sl' B ria" •· pon 01 d b> Phi Thota Kawa •a • comple111 lallut<'. accotdln~ to Un cir. Drnnv Burh•y, pro~!· dMI.

Butlt'f Mid lhNe Wrt few pe1aons •ho altotVJed the dune". Burh y uttrlhot a this to the door ch••ckcrs. lie said most or !hem .... ,. lntoxlcmted and 1dused arimlltanc t0 many who cnme. The rloor ch~ck~r5 brok• the door to tho men' a la vutol}' an•I JOI Into three flat Ollhts.

Burley said D t111 ll&ht broke out tietwe~n t\\o llU• drnlS on the ~:lncc 11001. He said each had lone hair and !JlQUllflt the otlltr to II(' a cul. Tho dl:ico,i?ry 1ha1 both were 11111le was ma.d~ .vbtn each 1tlcd IO lead

Burley said that future danees •Ill be chaperoned by the Coea1 d' Aleo National Cuard Unit

car Buffs do it!

English leath~ ,,_ ___ ...... _ ...

301 f•Ot!" I _ .. wry _,.,,...,_ I ,.. ALL..PUll,.OIE LOTION 11.tO a.oo •IO,,_ .. _ ,_ ·...., o11HGLISH LIA,._ -·-·-- -- - .

SNEA Delegates At IEA Meetings

l:"rnl : £ icbr.a 4nd J on OrHIHh5 1111 ml• a :I> Stud .. nt M3 ho Edut"atton Association o.ss~mbly In Bois<' Maccb ::?:? u :o;IJC d• lept "· \larch 23 th ,. at~nd••d the Int da.- of !ll IEA us mb.; •I &:nsc.

Ourln& tbt' 5p~elal 1£A assembl). \larch 21. Idaho ""llS plac d on 1~ache111 c .. n. sure sanction. t;nd•t this san :Ion, It vrould bo! uMthl­ca J for any EM! rllOn nc1 ctr · "ntly contract d to tl'ach to al111n con:"' : LI> li'llch durlns the l'.168·69 achoo! yroar. Tbr SJEA conc~mod 1· elf wllh lr.te11uetallon ot lh~ ""cur· rcnllr contract"d"" chau •· of th("' c~nsutt sl.at"m n~. aeccrd· lnE to Eln<'&t Ecklund prosl· d nt of :-OiJC 5};£A

Th SIEA 1nterpretatlon. ,.hlch "as :u:l>!·Pt<'d b> th<! IEA •Hb some am•ndmenia. s1av•d that any &tudent cur· rrntb .. nroll,.d in II t•Kcller 1 duentton program lt'lldln1 to an Idaho 111J.ndard cerUtlcat.c 1S consldrr"d th!< sam" 116 • conunulnt conuacc tcachtr. Und•r this accept d lnt•rpt"· talion, gradualln1 1968&i>nlor, wltb o staodam cenlllcaU' oan aOC:f'Pl a POSIUOn In an ldnbo school without ~Ina con&ld•t"d unethlcal or unpro­rc,alonaJ Ecklund aJd


FNnk £\•nn~. blolo,.v In .. tructur. nlt• ndPd thr North Am•·rlClln lllldllf" ~ Natural R"SOurc~a Conh·r•nrr ond lh Sutlonal lllhlllfr Con· lcl''OCt held In Houllton. Tu. ~1'tch 1·13.

"111< Dllt·n•lant" • l auch conh·rcnc• s 11 consldor••d hoth n prl\11t•i;• ~nd an obi!• ptlon 11f lhll!lt who Pb rt I cl· put• In r rnrch urul 1 .. 11chlna of t1Cll'nc1 nnd orller coll<·KH dl1clpllnr11, 00 f:\ans a11ld.

1 II• lhrm••li 01 th• ~· n••nal fi•&~IUllK ul 001h th•• N.A,\\. Cunl1" nc1 on<J th•· Nut. Wlldlllr Vo~, Con" ntlon plurcll ~P• clue f'rnphosls ou ·n1 lrnnmrntul pwbl1 m . Evan

1 unclu~"d


Prulr,•or Jutm Houck rrnm lhf ,tthool ot tr1r1·~tn· Ill th•' UnlwrnJty 1•! ldnhCJ. Kpok1 nt th• l· 111t1wrr· l~nQUt'l Ma rrh Z8. llou~k'" I Nc ""' "llood Utlll. utton ••



MISSOURI LUNCH 107 Sherfft.Dtt Av•. • C~ur cf' AIW'e


" Thf.' FwmdJv Sr°"" "


KRYSTAL PLUNGE " OD<>n 5,. . ..., .. (? J.r tt010i'\1J

T ~~doy - 4:00 • 8·00 Frodoy - "3:30 - 10:30

So• :.:i, - I :00. 10:3(1 ~~""'°Y - I :()( · 6:00

R::•&, - NIJC S ·.,~n •s 5, "' SO~ • S:>cno B::rhs I 00


From aH wporu recehed SLJC had 11 s:OOd rtpr, en:~ rh e oontlncent ot ca: from bOth the >"Or.atlonal and 1101· dernlc st'ctloos a: Che o;oenln;: ;o-tound.> of D er Park Ora' Stnp. ~tarch 31. con:.-?01tu.n· l1011s 10 all It Is ur.lo>nunau. \llat no crudlts can b<! otrer d fo: !Ile a"'ount or Lim" tho\ lb""e 5tudr:.ta spend Ir. actf~e pan.c!~!lon in tills sport.

In llJlS"l'el to th : I.Ill' queneauto'lrbotbe w1rrdo' a.t<' that ha\ been sr n running arou.~d •oim sine tllP warmth of cne spnoi:: ..... athN ha.s set In this !(>porter spent rscme lime 1<1'1ltchlnK and round out :hat those pcrsoos o.to noL really wkrdo's, but NIJC'.s t:ack teom In thPlr warm up aulr . The squad ff•ftrred ID by or rntmbet u the ' 0 !"'dicarP Squad"". la mado up o< \ho,,_ athletu •h<>. even thO<J Jl they ha,... Machrd a :natur age. 111•• £1111 willing to sa.:­rlflcc 11Ch1'5 and pa1ns tor th~ reward& or DCCOmpllsh· mtn!$ In t:-•Ck 1J1d llnld Pv1•nts.

NLJC"a an,wM 10 Arnold PalmN an~ Jock :-;1c111u5 8"n Hor;c n and Sam S:1e11d can II<• found prdc!lclnc on thr Co~ur d' Al• nc Publi c Oo!t Cou"'c on th<,se da~ whcneH•r th< weather prrmlt such acth"lty. NIJC' , Lr t•·Dm, Comll'lll<'d of tho D\'lll 10 Lhc pon IS COllCh j by non<> olh r than \\arr ·n "Squltl" K<>nllng.

The i;<1tr h om wlll be In acll \'O comp• tl!lon throullhout th•· 111 on h111lni: alread} comp•t1>d at Pasco. Oood "lnitlnc "'"11.-

TOLLO II EEK Is 61111 cornlna. II aomrbod> citn find II ma.;·b· I~ \ Clln P• It on u. wuv


En•ln•""' Club ulfl~ r l Odta ChaPt• r 11 NIJC' WN~ lll'lt"d 10 lh<' Ida Sorl"ll u f PtOI• !l&lonnl Fn nN•tH Dtnn• r. to be h<'l<I Ar•U 3. Th dlnn r •Ill bl' In !hr studo nt union llulldlnc nt Ult l'nlwr&I~ ol Idaho In Mo ,c \\.

Allrn Jo.nsnr·n \\Ill l"'O.rd hc·"n ws to nun v.ho paassl'<l lh•· ••nc;ln1 N>i •'Umlm1tlor .•

T .me on your /"cf'o"S'

M· <'' your fra.-nd o• ·


E .... ,., no· ••dov ·' LOO'f•a ''S""t' "'4•f"fl Te J!'l• J' Oolt

For a Lifetime of

PL EASURE Learn to

BOWL While You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. 1414 M. F.ott~ St •• C..ew cl"Ale••

NIJC Track Team Shows Work Pays

A .,u ns :"..; •r:h ld...t Jur, I Coll"~ :mck 1eam su:prl.sed all but one !cam Muell 23 In a 10·1.H.m field at the annual Banana Belt Rela\S !n t..ewl,;ton.

.o\lthoucll not • c ldnc am ortlcllll potnt total • =-:1JC !1nlshed JK'COnd to 'o\$1J lrosh with 3~ po\nts. Theo Coe· tnbea finished lO first "Ith ;;o poin:a. "I thlnli IL l& ar. llldlcaUon

our track procrw:: ls P&Jlnc o!!." To::; Rt.lbb C.i:dlllJll tlll~k coach aald. '"Ma•be our laud o;ofk ... u pa, :L" In th~ S&lllf.' 1:1ert laa: 3 e..r ..-e w•rtl do•n thM_. and dtdn"t do L~) tbtni;." Robb said.

All.lloui;t. tills 'n1s :he debUt :b'" L:acl! SqLllld bro-. &ht horn<' a first In d1Scus o! 130 feet, 6 lnebes tum· d 10 br Lam Bur.r.s fol!o"' ed clos l; bf Tony ThJessen and cahe:a placed In lodl\ t"1U..I r v~r.t!I.


Cl!'f'I< K ' 3..,i! tbe Klir.:in1& att<t " Dll1'11 !oa~1 ba.sl<ell:iall i;ame plo.y d \luch 19. Jerry Riebe Clrc K preald~nl, aald they hall lots ot run, bu1 ihey ll"ish ~ n:.or per50ns hill! au.end d.

Circle K w!sbed to cxteoo o. &Pf'clal thonk.s to Lindi. Scli:z and Ph) Ill& Tho:r.rsfltl !or llll'lr hA!p. ,\l:;o II SpCCltll lhanka 10 Ed Justus and Ed Gall~• for th •Ir "h <>f off!· c .un~ ti!• •= . THREE SURVIVE IN CHESS TOURNAMENT

T.H• r. r ln mp tlllun 1..11 I • tam·

pion, aC"cordlnc w Tom ·.1 m SAC chair an

Thr :ht e c nl~ tan! a: RoltM \" rr.c.n. Ron Orotzk nnd Grant :.z, rrlmllll n. ~harr.p1 n hlr --;ir- , I r>la• :1 1111~ n 1

f<1/i1 l•C O'°'d Hv,,•1t1q fou'fJi"'e"'


JOS Sk• r-.,. ,._.,.. .. MOh•t '-1721

Columbia Basin, Big Bend Win Doubleheaders

o! th~ pm+'. The second ~" sa11 tbt

l!.de tum BS :0-1JC blld lgb! h.15 10 C.B.':. fh·e but C.B. won ~-3. :-OIJC"< Don Holom hnd !hr f' base hits and Bill Schu tz two. Three Ca:dlntlls wen! thr1)"a"tl out at homeplatP.

"All rntn did a real fine Job and I p!an on playini: the sa.-:ie person~ In the Sllme p!ac<s." Bloxoc: :>ald. a.a •<u--•

1'1.nt u. ... -l<[JC 000 000 CDC 1:1 000

$1-C'Mld O.rr..- -l<t)c 100 tOI CDC 1t• 11 l


0-4 ' ' ... O·l • l ... '

An SIJC 101! lelllll la;t th• H Clr:.t Unks competlllon aplnst Columbia Basin Col· lei;e ~!:arch :?~ In Pai>co. Wuh. a<'.con!J.oc Lo Yiarr •n KeaLln11. gotr coach.

Cardinal Tlr-' MNcdlLh was th low medalist wtth 88. but teammlllc~ Ed Smo.tlan Tol~y <1,lktns &b run and Tem· ~.~ ... ,, um1.bh to :-.core aro point In :h· th. mateh ;:nme.

LORD Jl\I 0 mO\'ie or t ID lh~ mlddlt" l'llSl

\\U shown to a 1 ~ ".larch H In

NIJC " o-~ ror th s"t1..~on Ir Pf't'd two bnscball i:um• 3-:: an~ 1·0 to Big &nrl C.:>tnawnlt) Coll.,i:c at :.t~l' l...nk1l \11 u...-..h. ~hHC'h 26~

NIJC sho" in~ lnt'Xp( rh'nce In ddi>Me and a &'•·mini: 1nnbllm· to hi! th" bull plu\·~d ·tv.o error Hll<'d ~··· bca!I l;IUtl<'S.

"V.>' Pl&.\" d lust fl< bud a11ln:-1 811: St>nd ns "" pltl) .-c:1 good D.tm.1nst Columbui Ba.sin," Jack Bloxom bnti~· ball coach so.Id. "'II~ ar.­ctt=ln ctnti our pmctlce time from 3 :30 p.m. to :?:30 p.m.," Bloxom continued "ln All

effort to o'·ercome our hlltlna problt!ms. It 1~ t"01ng to tak ... a IOI or hard \\Ori< ll5 we shO\\ A deflnl~lack or <>XPNlence." B•• Sc_..,•

,.,.., 0.aw -


BJc S.nd kt;and c.. .. -


01c &tl:MS








liewly 11lec1ed OfCl<"ers ot the Cllrdlnal 5'.>11·lc<' Club were 1tn11ounced Mtuch 20. dunn~ OJI e\"enlng bnnquet held ut the Clark House In Hasd<'n Lllk· .

Co1S11ge:; were presented to !he Incoming olClcers b)· Miss Linda Amell. presldPnt. N•'\\ officers ar~ Jnnet Haz<'I. president-elPct. and Lindo Howland. :<~cr~tnry·elect.

A patr or slhN candll'stlck holders were presented 10 \llss Amell by Miss Linda Sell:t. banquet ch111rmnn. The holdNs were 11 i:lft from club mrmti.-rs.

As o tok,•n of DPPh•clntlon for the work !hr mPmbt>r~ hD\'I! done. club rund:< \\NC UR<'d to pay tor the dinner. \!Is.~ Ameoll said.



Pho,.• MO~ewk 4--l I •5 or .... M76 213 Shet'fM.ft Ave. • Coe1.1r cl'Al•n•

What did you say about our little sister?

Just that she's mod about the refreshing taste of Coco-Colo. -It hos the taste you never get tired of. That's why things " go better with Coke, oFter Coke, ofter Coke.

top related