new year resolutions

Post on 08-May-2015






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Traditions of English-speaking countries.

New year resolutions

Traditions New Year's Resolution Week is observed

during the first week of each New Year. Its purpose is to encourage people to make firm resolutions, set challenging goals, and develop detailed action plans for their accomplishment that will enable them to have the best year of their life.

How is this tradition observed?

New Year's Resolution Week is celebrated in schools, businesses, churches and in homes.

Do many people keep their promises?

New Year's is the season for making -- and breaking -- New Year's resolutions. 

Unfortunately, research shows that over 80% of resolution-makers become resolution-breakers.

Typical resolutions

 Lose weight and keep it off

  Quit smoking (and kick other addictions)

  Achieve more personal and professional success

  Break bad habits, and cement new habits

  Rebound from setbacks and negative experiences

  Create a more balanced, satisfying life

You can also include in your list:

Write letters to my grandmother once a month;

Get a driving license/learn to drive; Find a part-time job; Pass an exam for Estonian citizenship; Knit/finish knitting the sweater; Keep my room in order; Not to borrow money/save ;

@ be kind to everyone;

@ cut down on junk food;

@ watch less TV;

@ be punctual;

@ read more books;

Why not write:

Do it!

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