music video purposes work sheet 2

Post on 20-Mar-2017






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Music Video Purposes Analysis

Comment on the following aspects in relation to PURPOSES and BENIFITS for artist/band and target audience

Sadie Bailey – Marilyn Manson- Sweet Dreams-

Provide an explanation in relation to benefits (promotion, extension of income & outlets, synergy opportunities and strategies used by producers to benefit label and artist)

Provide any research evidence you can find that supports explanations of benefits for artist, record label and audience

Promotional The artist Marilyn Manson is signed to the labels Cooking Vinyl, Interscope records, Nothing records, and Hell etc.The artist started off as a band called Marilyn Manson and the spooky kids, in the early 90’s they were mostly known for their controversial lyrics and appearances.The artist has a series of Social media pages and accounts where he and other band members now promote their tour dates and recent album releases. He has a facebook page, twitter, myspace and a Youtube channel where all music videos are released for the fans to watch and listen to.

Music Video Purposes Analysis

Link to his facebook page: to twitter account: to myspace: to youtube account:

Music Video Purposes Analysis

Extension of income The artist has an official website where his different merchandise is available to buy , and he has his most recent music videos are posted on their aswell as his Facebook page, and Youtube account , to give fans who haven’t seen the videos and heard the songs , a chance to watch them, to promote them and his new album coming out so they can buy it therefore making him more money. He also has a list of the different concerts that he is doing, and a link that takes the fans to where they can buy the tickets and how much they are etc.

Music Video Purposes Analysis

Link to Artists official website: to Facebook Page: to Youtube account:

Extension of outlets The artists extension of outlets are that he does a series of interviews promoting his different tours, and his new music, also when he appears in magazines promoting himself , and making more money for him and the magazine because his fans will buy more of them because he is featured in them. In the music video Sweet Dreams , because he is known for doing controversial stuff a lot of this was featured in the video, to sell the idea of him being a controversial artist that parents don’t want their kids to listen to , because of his offensive, lyrics , ideas& beliefs, because they believe this will influence their kids in some sort of way. This is done by making the artist and the rest of the band wear dark clothing and make up, which has an earie effect, the set seems to look like some sort of abandoned house making it look scary as if it was a scene from a film, the effects they use such as colour correction , and the distortion to try and scare the audience, this is to shock them by the bizarre stuff featured in this, to make him somewhat more hated, this promotes him and his music.

Music Video Purposes Analysis

Synergy The synergy for this artist is the fact that over the years, his type of music hasn’t been common for its shock value , therefore making people who don’t like his music, or his beliefs go against him. He has appeared on numerous tv shows in the US where parents whose children listen to his music, try to portray him as evil because of the amount of stuff they don’t agree with are in the songs. There for promoting him and his band.

Producers strategies The producer strategies for this music video for the audience the added different creepy themes to the video the setting seems like it is in an abandoned house, and the clothing the band is wearing appears to be quite dark.The effects also used in the video such as a blurry/distorted effect which gives a more of a horror film effect on the video. By doing this the producers known how this will attract an audience to bring out , the similar ‘theme’ of the video to the audience as the music , does because of the scary sounding music, the controversial and somewhat offensive lyrics and the dark imagery of the band.

Music Video Purposes Analysis

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