music video purposes work sheet daughter (2)

Music Video Purposes Analysis Zara Yaffe Comment on the following aspects in relation to PURPOSES and BENIFITS for artist/band and target audience Daughter – Youth Provide an explanation in relation to benefits (promotion, extension of income & outlets, synergy opportunities and strategies used by producers to benefit label and artist) Provide any research evidence you can find that supports explanations of benefits for artist, record label and audience Promotional Daughter raise awareness of their band by using social media when new songs are released, although not much at any other time. They don’t tend to write things about themselves but ‘retweet’ or share things that other people have written about them, including their record label. They last used Twitter on December 1 st . Although this was over 2 months ago from now, they retweeted about 10 things about this new upcoming release all in one go. They tend to over-use it quickly and then soon enough stop using it completely.

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Music video purposes work sheet   daughter (2)

Music Video Purposes Analysis Zara Yaffe

Comment on the following aspects in relation to PURPOSES and BENIFITS for artist/band and target audienceDaughter – Youth

Provide an explanation in relation to benefits (promotion, extension of income & outlets, synergy opportunities and strategies used by producers to benefit label and artist)

Provide any research evidence you can find that supports explanations of benefits for artist, record label and audience

Promotional Daughter raise awareness of their band by using social media when new songs are released, although not much at any other time. They don’t tend to write things about themselves but ‘retweet’ or share things that other people have written about them, including their record label. They last used Twitter on December 1st. Although this was over 2 months ago from now, they retweeted about 10 things about this new upcoming release all in one go. They tend to over-use it quickly and then soon enough stop using it completely. However, this is an effective way of broadcasting their work. They have 82,900 followers on Twitter that they can reach out to personally and so this shows that many people do want to hear what they have to say, even if they don’t seem to be as active as other artists or bands that are on it continuously throughout the day. The main thing they do tweet about is upcoming releases. Their Facebook page has been inactive since December 1st too, as well as their Instagram. This shows that social media is not the thing they primarily use to advertise and promote

Page 2: Music video purposes work sheet   daughter (2)

Music Video Purposes Analysis Zara Yaffe

what they do. They do upload all their work onto YouTube and when they do advertise, they use the YouTube URL link. Their record label, 4AD, has a page on their website dedicated to Daughter although this is very irregularly updated. I think that this shows that the record label don’t take Daughter as their main priority and may have bigger people signed to them that are more popular. The more promotion the band and record label do for Daughter, the higher income they’ll get which is a massive benefit of promoting the band. The more promotion, the more money gained. These screenshots show the amount of follows and likes Daughter has, as well as showing how rare the website showing latest news of Daughter is updated.

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Music Video Purposes Analysis Zara Yaffe

Extension of income The independent record label that Daughter is signed to is 4AD. They were originally funded by Beggars Banquet Records but are now completely independent. They generate an income for themselves by promoting their artists and bands they have signed and then they get a proportion of the income from what Daughter gain. They use Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to promote what they do and speak directly to their audience. The higher the audience gained on social media, the more money the artist/band will gain as well as the record label themselves. 4AD have more indie type bands and artists signed to the record label including Bon Iver. 4AD have a page on their website for gigs and concerts and this engages the audience which will then encourage them to want to actually see them live therefore making them gain a broader audience and bringing in more money too. Social media is the primary way to gain an audience as it’s free and also global and so the audience gained from it would be all over the world. Radio gains an audience too. The more frequently songs are played on radio, the more popular they become and so this is like advertisement for the artist or band. Advertisements such as films can be used to promote a band or artist and bring in a higher income too. Although Daughter don’t have their own film, if they did then it’d gain them a higher audience. This is not a technique used by Daughter. Merchandise is used as an advertisement because one person can see These screenshots show Daughter’s record label (4AD’s) Twitter and website page for Daughter.

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Music Video Purposes Analysis Zara Yaffe

another person wearing certain things to do with Daughter and search it for themselves and then become a fan of whatever that thing is, which can have a knock-on effect on other people who see this second person wearing something which then carries on like dominoes all because of that one person who originally wore it. The merchandise also costs money to buy and so this brings in a higher income too, as well as more fans being brought in by the merchandise and buying tickets to concerts and albums being bought.

Extension of outlets The band ‘Daughter’ have their own website for their audience to view. This is On this website, there are URL links to other outlets that they have. These are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, SoundCloud and Instagram. Also, there is a URL link that takes you to their merchandise website. This website is The merchandise they sell includes tote bags with song titles on them and T-shirts with album covers printed onto them. Merchandise could be used as an advertisement because if one person is wearing a T-shirt with an album name and cover on then someone may see this and want to listen to it too, gaining a broader audience. Their Twitter has a follower count of 82,000 people and their Facebook page has 720,452 likes. These likes and follows help build a broader audience as they can reach out to fans directly that can then spread the word

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Music Video Purposes Analysis Zara Yaffe

more by sharing their Facebook posts and retweeting their Twitter posts which gets other people looking at them, for example. This will then take them onto YouTube to view and listen to what they do which has gained them 182,988 subscribers up to now and a large 30,424,693 views on their videos. The music video I chose, ‘Youth’, is a performance video. Because this video is on YouTube, it’s more personal to the viewer as it’s a performance video and so it’s as though they’re singing directly to who is watching. This can then prompt someone to want to see them live, gaining a broader audience. This, in turn, will bring in more money for Daughter. These screenshots show the merchandise that Daughter have on offer, as well as YouTube subscribers and views as well as how many likes they have on Facebook.

Synergy A synergy is when more than one force or company works together for a mutual benefit. Although I don’t quite know who makes the merchandise for Daughter, it obviously isn’t the band themselves. When the merchandise is made, it costs to make. Daughter fans then buy the Daughter based merchandise from the company which brings money in and gains a profit over how much it all originally costs to make. The merchandise is gaining money for Daughter as it spreads the word around about them and also Daughter is gaining money for the merchandise company. This is a mutual benefit for both the band and the merchandise company. This screenshot shows the website Daughter have up for their merchandise.

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Music Video Purposes Analysis Zara Yaffe

Producers strategies The producer’s strategies include social media. Although this is not used so often, as mentioned in ‘extension of outlets’. 4AD do have a website page for Daughter, although it’s not often updated. They have over 30,424,600 hits on YouTube which shows us that they have been viewed a lot, even if they don’t promote themselves so often. When a new song is coming out, they do Tweet a lot about it on Twitter but then seem to not go on Twitter a lot afterwards. This screenshot shows how many YouTube subscribers and views Daughter has.