mosec, mobile secretary - betaspring demo day pitch

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Mosec startup pitch, Betaspring class of 2011. Founders included: * Bernard Huang * David Pham * Austin Ball


m secmobile secretary

1Friday, September 9, 11

Hi, I’m Bernard Huang, Co-founder and CEO of Mosec. But before I tell you about Mosec, let me introduce to you, my friend

2Friday, September 9, 11

Joe. Joe is your typical salesperson - he makes tons of phone calls a day and uses salesforce as his customer relationship management tool or CRM.

3Friday, September 9, 11

However, Joe can’t use his CRM effectively on the go. Especially when he’s driving.

4Friday, September 9, 11

He ends up typing up follow up notes like these - which are garbled up and impossible to understand.

= ?

5Friday, September 9, 11

Leaving him unsure of what actually went on during the phone call when he checks his CRM later.

6Friday, September 9, 11

This makes Joe an inefficient salesperson because of his inability to keep up with his CRM on the go.

36.65 Million

7Friday, September 9, 11

As a matter of fact, there are more than 36 million “joe’s” in the world. These include any mobile professionals including: lawyers, politicians, realtors, financial advisors and mortgage brokers to name a few.


8Friday, September 9, 11

Right now, after sales meetings or phone calls, you have to go to your computer and type in your notes. By then, you probably will have forgotten what you needed to do.

9Friday, September 9, 11

It doesn’t help that these systems are extremely complex to use. Imagine if there were a simpler way to doing this.

What if you were able to speak what you

needed instead?

10Friday, September 9, 11

What if you were able to say what you needed instead.

m sec11Friday, September 9, 11

<walk to other side> Meet Mosec, your own personal mobile secretary for the android phone. After each call, Mosec takes a voice note, transcribes it and attaches it to the contact in the CRM of your choice.

CRMm sec

12Friday, September 9, 11

Using voice input, you can directly say what you need into your CRM, any time - any where.

We make existing CRMs useful

13Friday, September 9, 11

40% of CRMs fail after they have already been purchased and implemented!! - Mosec makes existing CRMs actually useful.

Let me show you how it works...

14Friday, September 9, 11

Now, let me show you how it works...

First of all, you need to get a call - like this.

15Friday, September 9, 11

After you hang up the call - mosec prompts you if you want to leave a voice note. After I hit yes, all I need to do is speak my voice note - and allow Mosec to transcribe it

16Friday, September 9, 11

I then get taken to an edit screen to make changes and when i hit finish -

17Friday, September 9, 11

it just goes into my salesforce underneath Allan Tear as a note.

Why now?

18Friday, September 9, 11

Why is Mosec so important now?

CRM is everywhere

19Friday, September 9, 11

CRM is everywhere. The industry has more than tripled its revenue in billions of dollars from 2006 - 2011. That’s a lot -

Mobile professionals are growing



m sec

20Friday, September 9, 11

The number of mobile professionals are growing every year. More and more people are on the move and on their smartphones. As of today, half the phones in circulation are smartphones.

m sec21Friday, September 9, 11

Mosec allows individuals and businesses to bridge the gap between calls and inputing important information into their CRMs.

convert more leadsdrive customer loyalty

increase revenue

22Friday, September 9, 11

With the help of Mosec, people can convert more leads, drive customer loyalty and ultimately increase revenue.

Why are we capable of doing it?

23Friday, September 9, 11

So, why are we the team to execute on this idea?

Bernard HuangCEO / Designer

Austin BallCMO / Marketer

David PhamCPO / Developer

24Friday, September 9, 11

<walk to other side>This is a picture of us demo’ing our product at Techcocktail Boston just last week.I’m Bernard Huang, CEO and a Designer. I used to be an online poker player. I used the money that I made to buy a restaurant in Cedar Park, TX so I know how to run a business. That’s Austin, CMO and Marketer. He is a proficient blogger and guest writer at this here is David, our baller developer and Chief product officer. He developed dropulous, was also a keynote speaker at DevChatt 2011 and won the Twilio Developer Award for programming conferous.

25Friday, September 9, 11

We even had an article written about our product by techcocktail - let’s see what the attendees had to say about Mosec.

26Friday, September 9, 11

Jonathan - “was not super impressed with techcocktail last night - the only company he liked was Mosec - very practical”Eric - “neat! Mosec let’s you record calls and attach them to CRM as a voice memo”

27Friday, September 9, 11

We were also mentioned on killerstartups just yesterday!

How do we make money?

28Friday, September 9, 11

how does Mosec make money?

Basic Paid50


Transcriptions / Mo

Free $10 / Mo

CRM HooksCRM Hooks


29Friday, September 9, 11

We are currently offering two plans - the basic and the paid. The basic service allows users to try out our product - and if they like it they can move onto the monthly paid service.

Referral System

+Social Hooks


30Friday, September 9, 11

We have also implemented a referral system and social hooks. Users can obtain additional voice transcriptions by referring people, friending us on facebook or following us on twitter. This allows us to grow organically.

How are we going to do it?

31Friday, September 9, 11

How are we going to do it?

32Friday, September 9, 11

We have already developed Mosec for the Android phone and built in integrations with SalesForce, Highrise and Batchbook. We are focusing our marketing efforts on independent sales agents.

33Friday, September 9, 11

Next, we will make Mosec intelligent. Now what does intelligence mean? It means that Mosec will be able to understand commands like “Schedule an appointment with John on Thursday” - and actually be able to go into your CRM and book an appointment with John on Thursday. This will allow us to market Mosec towards groups and teams.

34Friday, September 9, 11

Finally, we plan on taking over the world!!! Everyone should have a Mosec on their smartphone.

Meet our Partners

35Friday, September 9, 11

Meet our partners. We are using Nuance for the speech to text transcriptions, and currently integrated with Highrise, batchbook and salesforce.

m sec36Friday, September 9, 11

Mosec allows individuals and businesses to bridge the gap between calls and inputing important information into their CRMs.


37Friday, September 9, 11

With Mosec, converting more leads, driving customer loyalty and increasing revenues is a piece of cake!!!

150k38Friday, September 9, 11

We are raising a 150k advisory round. This 150k will be used get us from milestone #1 to milestone #2 - which is selling Mosec to groups and teams.


Free Download for


m secmobile secretary

39Friday, September 9, 11

Mosec is available for download in the android app market today! Mosec is your own personal mobile secretary. Come find us in the black shirts after the presentation!

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