minutes - pinellas.gov · 9/5/2013  · september 5th, 2013 8/1/2013 1 . approval of minutes from...

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Enterprise GIS Steering Committee 9.5.2013 1:30pm – 3:05pm Clerk’s 4th Floor Conf Room

Chair Pam Dubov, Property Appraiser’s Office (PAO)

Vice Chair Larry Arrington, Planning (not in attendance)

Facilitator David James, Business Technology Services (BTS)

Note taker Becky Reed, BTS

Attendees Voting Committee Members Bruce Moeller, PSS David Walker, Planning David Wise, SOE Guests Steve Clark, BTS Charlie Dye, PAO Neal Fuhler, Clerk Jason Graziano, BTS Nancy Halvorsen, eGIS Bureau Karen Heyse, DEI Christy Kretschmann, eGIS Bureau Kristin Preston, Sheriff Alan Shellhorn, Planning Penny Simone, DEI Heather Smith, BTS Toni Smith, eGIS Bureau Art Stadlin, BTS

Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of July meeting minutes 3. eGIS Bureau update 4. eGIS Development update

a. Q2/Q3 Release b. GIS Inc. c. Provisional Q4 Release d. PCSO update e. Damage Assessment update f. PCU Maps update

5. User Training update 6. GIS Day 7. Aerial Imagery update 8. 2014 ESRI User Conference attendance 9. Open Discussion 10. Adjournment

Agenda Items Approval of minutes from July meetings Presenter David James

Discussion No changes.

Conclusions The Committee unanimously approved the minutes.


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eGIS Bureau update Presenter Toni Smith / Nancy Halvorsen

Discussion • Municipal Boundaries/Annexation – a map has been created to show annexations. Since March 2013, 100 parcel annexations have been processed. This map will allow a historical view of annexations. Contact Toni if you need assistance locating this map.

• Community Map – the data for this map was submitted to ESRI on July 24th. They are in the Data Analysis stage of processing this submission.

• Wave 1 Data – the Bureau is in the process of editing MPO data and the first batch of EMA data.

• New data has been added in the ESRI platform from PAO, PSTA, PPC, and PSS. They will now be editing and reviewing their own data.

• Other activities include: o restructuring Zoning and Future Land Use datasets o gathering all school data in one dataset o creating a ArcGIS Online training webinar o the LaSala Map Project, which includes demographics, Amenities,

Housing, Code Violations, Crime Stats, Neighborhood Assessments, and Planning. The Map will be split into North and South segments, which are currently in templates awaiting data. This information will be available online and current.

o Planning Sector Sidewalk maps for the Bicycle Pedestrian map o a Map Book for Public and Private Roads in the East Lake Fire District o Points of Distribution maps for PCR o working with GIS Inc.

Contact the Bureau for any of your mapping and training needs.


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eGIS Development update Presenter Art Stadlin

Discussion • Q2/Q3 Release update – several items have been completed, while others are in various stages of completion. The Working Group Demo session, eGIS Geocoding Service, and EAM-GIS Workshops are items On Hold. The goal is to complete all items by the end of September.

• GIS Inc. – ESRI-approved partner under contract to assist with internal applications and legacy data migration, as well as a few external applications, while leveraging the ESRI platform. Kick-off meeting was August 15th with most of the collaboration virtual. This project will be completed around December 19th.

• Q4 Release – a list of Required and For Consideration items are under review by the Working Group and the items approved will be included in the Q4 Release. A few items included in the Required list is the PCU Maps replacement, Address Template and Roads Layer Updates for Routing Study, and Legacy Data Migration for EAM datasets. If time allows, several items up for consideration are Road Closure & Debris Clearing Service, Working Group Demo session, FEMA National Flood data loaded into the eGIS database, and ArcGIS for Portal Service. Pam received an email from Sally Bishop August 1st regarding the Storm Surge item. Her email indicated there are grant funds available but only for a period of time. If ESRI is not able to complete this item prior to grant expiration, how should she proceed with a different route to get this completed? David James has already spoken to Bruce and Sally and provided her direction and approval to move forward because it is compliant with the current policy. Sally is generating a document to provide Purchasing, which will go out to bid. Sally will select from responding vendors. Sally will keep the Committee informed on the status. Pam recommended moving the Storm Surge item listed under For Consideration to the Required list.

• PCSO update – The Legacy GIS migration is still pending. Security requirements and design will begin in the next couple weeks. The PCSO-eGIS Roadmap will also be developed utilizing ESRI EEAP credits and finalizing the schedule.

• Damage Assessment update – ESRI EEAP credits were used August 22nd and 23rd to validation requirements and key workflows, demos of COTS solution options, and validation of hardware requirements. ArcGIS Online is the preferred solution providing a Connected Mode only, along with ArcGIS for Mobile application for Disconnected capability. The ArcGIS for Mobile application will then be retired once the ArcGIS Online Disconnected Mode is functional in late-2014. The Disconnected Mode will allow access to the data while Connected access is rendered unavailable. Once the ESRI report is received and reviewed, solutions will be configured during Q4 Release. The goal is to have this completed prior to 2014 Hurricane Season.

• PCU Maps update – DEI’s field hardware (laptops about 10 years old utilized by 100 users) is old and outdated. Replacement field hardware is scheduled for rollout September – November; however, the new hardware does not support the PCU Maps application. BTS will begin working on a solution in September, with the completion of the software configuration in Q4 Release. In the meantime, the laptops up for replacement in the next 30 days will be retained by DEI until this solution is completed and functional. Jason requested approval from the Committee to move forward with initial work in late Q3, with the remainder of the work approved as part of Q4. The Committee approved the request.

User Training update Presenter Heather Smith

Discussion A total of 70 employees have completed training through data editing. A Post Training Assessment will be completed to follow-up with these employees and possibly utilize them to train others. This assessment will also provide direction on future training. The assessments will be sent out by November.


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GIS Week Presenter Toni Smith

Discussion GIS Week is scheduled for November 18th through 22nd. There will be displays set up in the Courthouse lobby. Planning and PPC Open Houses will be held November 20th. USF St. Pete Campus GIS Day is November 19th.

Aerial Imagery update Presenter David James / Charlie Dye

Discussion Aerial Cartographics of America (ACA), a vendor located in Orlando, has been selected to provide updated images. We are leveraging the SWFWMD contract. Draft ACA contracts were reviewed. Deliverables will include an updated Digital Elevation Model, Vertical images in 6” pixel resolution, a Vertical imagery mosaic, Oblique images (from Pictometry) in 4” pixel resolution, and metadata for all imagery. The total cost came in at approximately $208K. Flights are scheduled for December. The ACA contract is currently in review by the County with final authorization by the County Administrator. Contract will be awarded before the end of September. Pam noted the cost savings and recovery is immediately recognized just by the benefit of having these images for use by her staff.

2014 ESRI User Conference attendance Presenter Jason Graziano

Discussion 18 nominations to use the Free User Conference Registrations have been received; however, only 10 are available through the contract. The nominations are: DEI (6), PSS (2), PAO (2), PCSO (2), and BTS (6). BTS may send (2) staff to the Developers conference in early 2014, which would drop the BTS nominations to (4). Pam and David will reach out to ESRI to find out if we may be able to acquire additional Free Registrations. The decision on who to send to the conference will need to be made by this Committee. Pam would be willing to reduce her nominations from (2) to (1), if necessary, depending on the recent National Flood Insurance. Penny will discuss who in DEI is slated to attend. Bruce will also check to see if he can reduce his from (2) to (1). Unfortunately, ESRI does not provided free registrations for the Southeast Conference; though, registration is only around $300 per attendee. David is also pushing to get a Special Achievement Award, which could result in a few more free registrations. Pam suggests making hotel reservations now and cancelling them later, if necessary. It would be ideal if all attendees stay in the same hotel or at least within close proximity to each other.

Action Item Assigned to Deadline

Schedule conference call with ESRI to discuss possibility of acquiring additional free User Conference registrations

David James / Pam Dubov


New Business / Open Discussion N/A

EGIS Steering Committee Update

September 5th, 2013

1 8/1/2013

Approval of Minutes

from the July 11, 2013 Meeting

2 8/1/2013

eGIS Bureau Update

3 8/1/2013

“The greatest danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too

high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low and

achieving our work.” - Michelangelo

9/3/2013 4

• • • •

eGIS Development Update Q2-Q3 Release

Completed: Road Closure & Debris Clearing Prototype 100% Upgrade eGIS Test Server 100% Train CSC on ArcGIS Online Support 100% PSS Gap Assessment 100% Define Standard Changes 100% Add PAO Data to eGIS 100% In Progress: Evacuation Level Processing 75% - waiting on end-user approval eGIS Aerial Imagery 75% - ready for final test Community Map Project 75% - Esri reviewing Generic Data Collection App 75% - in UAT eGIS Disaster Recovery Site 75% - writing test plan Working Group Demo Session 75% - ON HOLD Justice CCMS Web Service 75% - promote to production end of Sept. Data Proj: Add New Data Layers 75% - PSS 100%, PPC 75%, PSTA 75%

9/3/2013 5

eGIS Development Update Q2-Q3 Release

In Progress, cont.. Upgrade ArcGIS Desktop 50% - testing deployment Zen version 10.2 Damage Assessment 50% - Esri workshop help, requirements validated eGIS Geocoding Service 25% - ON HOLD Pending: EAM-GIS Workshops ON HOLD Retire Legacy License Manager Not started; coupled with 10.2 upgrade eGIS Security Architecture 2-day workshop planned 9/17-9/18 PCSO-eGIS Roadmap (Q4) Dependent on security architecture

9/3/2013 6

GIS Inc. Update

• Project Kicked Off 8/15/13 • Clarifying & elaborating on requirements with GISi • Collaborating with GISi is virtual

– Using hosted SharePoint and GoTo Meeting

• Stakeholder approval of requirements 9/4/13 – Solution Set 1 (internal apps & legacy data migration) – Solution Set 2 (external apps)

9/3/2013 7

GIS Inc. Update • Solution Set 1 (internal apps & legacy data migration)

a) County Owned Property b) Fire Hydrant Maintenance [6] c) eGIS Viewer d) Future Land Use Viewer [36] e) Geo-processing Tool f) GIS Intranet Page g) Public Notifications h) Data Migration: Environmental Management Datasets (all) i) Data Migration: Public Works (subset)

• Solution Set 2 (external apps)

a) eGIS Data Downloads b) Future Land Use c) GIS Internet Web Page d) MPO Road Projects e) My Neighborhood

9/3/2013 8

GISi Project Gantt Summary

9/3/2013 9

2013 Q4 Candidates Initial Pass

REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION [5] Damage Assessment Service [16] PCU Maps Replacement [64] eGIS Security Architecture

Study [70] eGIS Disaster Recovery Site

Test Exercise [74] PCSO Roadmap Planning [90] Address Template & Roads

Layer Updates for Routing Study

[ ] DEI Sandbox / DB [ ] LDM for EAM Datasets

[1] Storm Surge [2] Census 2010 [3] Community Analyst /

Business Analyst SW Evaluation

[4] Road Closure & Debris Clearing Service

[19] Evacuation Level Processing Enhancements

[85] Working Group Demo Session

[87] ESRI Monitoring Application Evaluation

[94] User Forum / User Group

[93] FEMA NFHL to eGIS Database

[95] ArcGIS for Portal Service

[N/A] Data Projects

9/3/2013 10

PCSO Update • Legacy GIS migration still pending.

Increasing focus.

• Start with security requirements and design – tentative for 9/17-18

• Develop PCSO–eGIS Roadmap

– Utilize Esri EEAP Engagement (previously approved credit usage)

– Schedule Pending

9/3/2013 11

Damage Assessment Update

• Esri EEAP Engagement Completed 8/22 – 8/23

• Multiple Stakeholders Engaged – BDRS – Emergency Management – PAO – Risk Management – Real Estate Management – DEI – PSS – BTS

9/3/2013 12

Damage Assessment Update, Cont...

• Requirements Validation

• Validation of Key Workflows

• Esri COTS Solution Options - Demos

• Validation of Hardware Requirements

9/3/2013 13

Damage Assessment Update, Cont...

• ArcGIS Online

– Multiple Devices (Laptop, Phone, Tablet)

– Web based / easy to deploy.

– Tailored views by function (private property, county infrastructure, etc)

– Connected Mode Only

9/3/2013 14

• Additionally: ArcGIS For Mobile App

– Deploy for disconnected capability

– Retire once ArcGIS Online disconnected function is functional.

Decision: Which Esri Solution?

Damage Assessment Update, Cont...

• Next Steps

– Review Esri Report – Receipt Pending

– Prioritize Damage Assessment for Q4 Release

– Configure Solutions in Q4

– Test, Train and Rollout in Q1 (Jan – March)

9/3/2013 15

PCU Maps Update • PCU Maps field hardware is very old and failing

• Replacement field hardware

– Rolling out Sept – Nov

– Does not support PCU Maps

• Esri Based Solution has been identified and validated

– Esri Water Utility Mobile App

– Meets functional requirements

– Compatible with new field hardware and Esri support is verified.

9/3/2013 16

PCU Maps Update • BTS has some availability to start initial work in Sept


• Will propose completion of software configuration as an item in the upcoming Q4 Release

Requested Action: Steering Committee to approve commencement of initial work in late Q3, with remainder of work to be approved later as part of Q4.

9/3/2013 17

Post Training Assessment

User Training Update

8/1/2013 18

Aerial Imagery Update

• Contractor – Aerial Cartographics of America, Orlando

• Leveraging SWFWMD contract

• Draft ACA contracts, including technical specifications reviewed by Charlie Dye and Penny Simone and other County staff

9/3/2013 19

Aerial Imagery Update, cont… • Specifications overview:

– Digital Camera 201 mm lens – Datum: NAD 1983/HARN – Vertical imagery – 6 inch pixel resolution – Oblique imagery – 4 inch pixel resolution

• Deliverables: – Updated Digital Elevation Model – Vertical images – Vertical imagery mosaic – Oblique images – Metadata for all imagery

9/3/2013 20

Aerial Imagery Update, cont…

• Total cost - $208,979

• Available funds (10/1/2013) - $270,000

• Current status:

– ACA contract in County contract review

– Contract subject to County Administrator authorization

– Contract award prior to 9/30/2013

9/3/2013 21

2014 Esri International UC

• Nominations for 2014 Complimentary Passes

– DEI 6 – PSS 2 – PAO 2 – PCSO 2 – BTS 6 Total 18

9/3/2013 22

Requested Action: Steering Committee discussion

and decision on how to allocate the 2014 complimentary passes.

Open Discussion

9/3/2013 23


9/3/2013 24

9/5/2013 1

9/5/2013 2

Since March 2013, 100 parcel annexations have been processed to the Annexation Activity data set and the Municipal Boundaries Data Set. Those cities are: •Clearwater – 25 •Dunedin – 8 •Safety Harbor – 7 •Largo – 34 •Oldsmar – 6 •Pinellas Park – 11 •Seminole – 8 •Tarpon Springs – 1

9/5/2013 3

Data submitted to ESRI on July 24, 2013 Parcels Fire Stations Road Centerlines Law Enforcement Sites County Boundary Cultural Facilities Railroads Parks Municipal Boundary Schools Trails Trail Overpass/Underpass Airports Zip Codes

9/5/2013 4

MPO DATA Cleaning/Updating: •Trails/Bike Lanes •Sidewalks •MPO Construction

EMA DATA Cleaning/Updating: •Accommodations •Supermarkets •Mobile Homes •Gas Stations •Churches •Law Enforcement Sites •Security Checkpoints •Traffic Control Points •Essential Government Facilities •Health Care Sites •Hazard Sites

MPO and EMA are now set up with the Workflow Manager Extension and the Data Reviewer Extension. With training given, they are in the process of utilizing the Bureau’s Quality Control Standards using these extensions!

9/5/2013 5

PSTA DATA –Completed

Bus Routes Bus Stops

PSS DATA - Completed

•Access Roads •Airport Runways

•Buildings •FD Map Text

•FD Map Square •Golf Course Boundary •Golf Course Fairway •Golf Course Green

•Map Text •Park Trails •Rail Lines

•Sports Rec •Sports Rec Lines

PPC DATA – In Process

PAO CAMA Data –Completed

9/5/2013 6

Planning: Working on re-structuring Zoning and Future Land Use data sets. School Data: Have been working with members of Pinellas County School Board, Planning, MPO, DEI and the Sheriff’s office to gather all school data in one data set for all to use. ArcGIS Online: Working on creating a beginner/refresher training webinar sometime in mid/late September. GISi Project: Business analysis support with the GISi project.

9/5/2013 7

The Pinellas eGIS Working Group members are planning 3 events :

GIS Week in the Lobby November 18th-22nd County departments will display examples of GIS maps throughout the lobby

315 Court Street

GIS Day Celebration Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

Alan Shellhorn of the Planning Department and

Michael Schoderbock of the Pinellas Planning Council will host a GIS Open House

310 Court Street

USF St Petersburg Campus GIS Day Event – Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

A focus group of eGIS Working Group members have volunteered to operate a booth at this event.

More details to follow . . . www.stpt.usf.edu/gisday

9/5/2013 8

Creating a Pinellas County Map Atlas. The book will consist of these individual analysis units: •Basic Demographics •Amenities and/or Special Facilities •General Housing •Rental Housing •Section 8 Housing •Code Violations •Crime •Activities or Opportunities •Neighborhood Assessment •Planning

9/5/2013 9

Templates have been created to represent the north and south halves of Pinellas County and will use the Census Tracts.

9/5/2013 10

Planning Sector Sidewalk maps for the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan for MPO.

9/5/2013 11

Map Book was created to show the Public and Private Roads in the East Lake Fire District.

9/5/2013 12

Point of Distribution Maps for Parks and Recreation.

9/5/2013 13

The eGIS Bureau is here to help support your mapping and analysis needs such as: *BCC Agenda Item(s) *Departmental Requests *Training

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