micro teaching

Post on 08-Apr-2017






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What Is Micro TeachingMicro teaching is one of the most important developments in the field of teacher training. Micro teaching is a scaled down encounter in which a teacher teaches in, small unit to a group of 5 to 10 students for a small period of 5 to 10 minutes and one teaching skill is practiced during teaching.

Definition Of Micro TeachingMicro teaching as a scaled down teaching encounter in class size and class time - Allen D.W-(1996)

Micro teaching as a system of controlled practice, that makes it possible to concentrate on specific teaching and behavior and to practice teaching under controlled conditions - Allen Eve-(1968)

Characteristics Of MicroteachingMicroteaching is a teacher training technique and not a teaching methodMicroteaching is real teaching, though the teaching situation is simulatedIn microteaching the teacher trainee practices one specific teaching skill at a time, till he/she attains mastery over the skillMicroteaching is scaled down teaching encounter in class size(5-7 students),content(one concept),and class time(5-7 minutes)Microteaching operates on a predecided model: Plan, Teach, Feedback. Re-plan, Re-teach, Re-feedback etc

Merits Of Micro teachingThis helps teacher trainees to gain more confidence in real teaching.Micro teaching helps in reducing the complexities.Micro teaching create among the teacher-trainees an awareness of the various skills of which teaching is composed of.Microteaching helps in systematic and objective analysis of the pattern of classroom communication through specific observation schedule.Microteaching simulates the classroom scene and gives the teacher trainee an experience of real teaching.

Demerits Of Micro TeachingIt may not work in actual classroomsIt requires teaching laboratory or small classes for re-teaching which are not available in our schoolsIt is very time consuming device for developing teaching skillA large number of trainees cannot be given such opportunities of re-teaching and re-planningIt employs more controlled situation with a limited practice teaching to specific teaching skills

Types Of Teaching Skills In Micro Teaching Skill of introducing a lessonSkill of explanationSkill of illustrating with examplesSkill of questioningSkill of blackboard workSkill of reinforcementSkill of stimulus variation

Nafeesath A.S

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