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Enhanced thermal stabilityof nanograined metals belowa critical grain sizeX. Zhou,1,2 X. Y. Li,1* K. Lu1*

The limitation of nanograined materials is their strong tendency to coarsen at elevatedtemperatures. As grain size decreases into the nanoscale, grain coarsening occurs at muchlower temperatures, as low as ambient temperatures for some metals.We discovered thatnanometer-sized grains in pure copper and nickel produced from plastic deformation at lowtemperatures exhibit notable thermal stability below a critical grain size.The instabilitytemperature rises substantially at smaller grain sizes, and the nanograins remain stable evenabove the recrystallization temperatures of coarse grains.The inherent thermal stability ofnanograins originates from an autonomous grain boundary evolution to low-energy states dueto activation of partial dislocations in plastic deformation.

Refining grains of metals into the nano-meter scale may greatly enhance theirstrength and hardness (1). But the intro-duced high density of grain boundaries(GBs) provides a strong driving force for

grain coarsening accompanied by property deg-radation. The instability temperature, whichmarks the onset of grain coarsening, decreasessubstantially for nanometer-sized grains in metals(1–3). In some nanograined metals, such as Cu,coarsening occurs even at ambient tempera-tures (1, 4). The inherent thermal instability isan “Achilles’ heel” of nanograined materials andhinders technological applications at elevatedtemperatures. The temperature response alsocomplicates the processing of nanograined metalsfor further structure refinement and propertyenhancements (1).Grain coarsening in polycrystals is basically

a GB migration process, which can be inhibitedby various alloy methods. Coarsening kineticscan be suppressed by pinningGBs with a second-phase drag, a solute or impurity drag, or bychemical ordering (5–8). Lowering GB energyby solute segregation may reduce the thermo-dynamic driving force for coarsening and hencestabilize the nanograins as well, as observed inFeP, Ni-P, and Pd-Zr systems (9–11). But thesealloy-based approaches may unavoidably in-fluence, and often deteriorate, mechanical, phys-ical, or chemical properties of nanograinedmaterials. Stabilizing nanograined structuresin pure metals without alloying is technicallychallenging.Recent experimental results showed elevated

thermal stabilities of nanolaminated structuresin several pure metals with low-energy interfaces,

such as twin boundaries or low-angle boundaries(12, 13), relative to nanograined structures withconventional high-angle GBs. Apparently, reducedinterfacial excess energy is effective to stabilizenanostructures in pure metals (1). Nevertheless,generating three-dimensional nanograins in puremetals with every GB in a low-energy state ispractically very difficult.We discovered an auton-omous structural evolution in GBs toward low-energy states in pure Cu andNi as the grain sizeswere reduced below a critical value by plasticdeformation. This evolution led to notable ther-mal stability in nanograins, for which the appar-ent instability temperature was even higher thanthat for coarse grains.We processed coarse-grained oxygen-free Cu

bar specimens with a purity of 99.97% by using asurface mechanical grinding treatment (SMGT)in liquid nitrogen to generate a gradient nano-grained surface layer (14) (table S1). After thetreatment, randomly oriented grains with anaverage transversal size of ~40 ± 2 nm and anaspect ratio of 1.7 were formed in the topmostsurface layer (Fig. 1, A and B). Using longitude-sectional transmission electronmicroscopy (TEM)measurements, we found that the transversalgrain sizes increased gradually with increasingdepth, to about 70 nm at a 20-mm depth and200 nm at an ~150-mm depth. We observed de-formed coarse-grained structures adherent onthe deformation-free core in the depth span of150 to 500 mm.We found weak {111}<110> texture in the sur-

face layer of the as-prepared SMGT Cu samplewith the use of electron diffraction analysis un-der TEM and electron backscattered diffraction(EBSD). The fraction ofmaterial with this texturechanged slightly from 37.3% at the topmost sur-face level to 31.5% at a 40-mm depth (14) (fig. S5).We examined possible processing-induced con-tamination in the surface layer with the use ofTEM–energy-dispersive spectroscopy and elec-tron energy loss spectroscopy. The compositionremained constant with increasing depth, and

we did not detect impurities such as carbon andoxygen deeper than 0.5 mm from the processedsurface in Cu (14) (fig. S4). The compositionalstability resulted from performing the SMGTprocess in liquid nitrogen, which suppressed theatomic diffusion of elements. We removed themeasurement data for the topmost 1-mm-thicklayer from our analysis to avoid any potentialcontamination and surface effects.We examined the grain size effects on thermal

stability with the use of scanning electronmicros-copy (SEM) observations of the gradient nano-grainedspecimensannealedat various temperaturesfor 30 min (Fig. 1A and fig. S1) (14). As annealingtemperatures exceeded 373 K, sporadic coarsenedgrains began to appear in the subsurface layer ina depth span of 20 to 50 mm, where the originalgrains were 70 to 110 nm in size. At higher tem-peratures, coarsening became more evident andthe coarsening layer thickened. At 453 K, theupper front of the coarsening layer migratedslightly upward and the lower front migrateddownward to ~120 mm deep, where the initialgrain sizes were ~175 nm. The grain size andnanohardness profiles we measured along in-creasing depths for the annealed samples showedan obvious softening corresponding to the coarse-ning in the subsurface layer (Fig. 1F). The higherthe annealing temperature, the lesser the hardnessand the larger the depth span of the coarseninglayer, consistent with SEM observations.Coarsening should start with the topmost,

smallest grains instead of the subsurface layers.We were surprised to find coarsening begin in adifferent part of our sample. More notably, wedid not detect any grain coarsening under SEMin the top 20-mm-thick surface layer that we an-nealed below 453 K (Fig. 1, A andD).We observedno obvious change in either the morphology orthe size of the nanograins after annealing (theaverage transversal size was 43 ± 2 nm after an-nealing at 433 K) (Fig. 1C) with the use of TEMcharacterization. Under the same annealing con-ditions, the submicrometer-sized grains in deeplayers coarsened into micrometer-sized grains.The hardness of the nanograined top layer wemeasured remained unchanged after annealing,verifying the TEM and SEM results. The nano-grains were stable as annealed at 433 K even for12 hours (14) (fig. S3). Clearly, the degree of ther-mal stability of the nanograins in the top layerwas higher, rather than lower, than that of thesubmicrometer-sized grains.As annealing temperatures exceeded 453 K,

large grains appeared in the top surface layer(Fig. 1, A and E), most of them elongated, morethan 10 mm long in parallel to the surface, and afew micrometers thick. These large grains wererecrystallization products of the nanograins, buttheir morphologies were distinct from those ofthe coarsened grains underneath. Increasing theannealing temperature causedmore recrystallizedgrains to form. These grains were embedded inthe nanograins and were attached to the under-neath coarsened grains, located in the interior ofthe nanograined layer, or found in the topmostsurface layer (Fig. 1, A and E). We frequently


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1Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science,Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences,72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, China. 2School ofMaterials Science and Engineering, University of Science andTechnology of China, Hefei 230026, China.*Corresponding author. Email: (X.Y.L.); (K.L.)

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observed nanograined layers sandwiched withrecrystallized grains. We were surprised thatsome nanograins remained stable even after an-nealing at 623 K (14), about 230 K higher thanthe coarsening temperature for the submicrometer-sized grains in the same sample. We found ageneral trend in that the smaller grains closerto the surface were more resistant to recrystal-lization. As the annealing temperature exceeded623K, no nanograins survived and the top surfacelayer fully recrystallized.Several lines of observational evidence indicated

that the nanograins in the top surface layer weremore thermally stable than the larger grains. Thisrelationship differs fundamentally from the tradi-tional view of the “smaller less-stable” trendwithregard to thermal stability. This difference is notfrom surface contaminations or texture effects, aswe foundno change in chemical composition andtexture across the grain size regime (14). Recrys-tallization of nanograins at the topmost surfacelevel before those in the interior is an indicator ofnegligible contamination at the processed surface.For further verification, we used the same SMGTprocess but with lower strain rates and a highertemperature (173 K) to prepare submicrometer-sized grains in the top surface layer (Fig. 2). An-nealing this gradient submicrometer-grainedsample above 433 K, we found grain coarsening

onset at the top surface with the smallest grainsand in the subsurface layer (Fig. 2B). At higherannealing temperatures, the coarsening contin-ued throughout a surface layer that was morethan 100 mm thick (Fig. 2C). These results sup-port our discovery that the marked thermal sta-bility of the surface nanograins is a grain sizeeffect rather than a result of processing-inducedcontamination.We annealed anumber of individual specimens

by heating them directly to preset temperaturesand holding at those temperatures for 30 min(14) (fig. S1) to determine the grain-coarseningtemperature as a function of initial grain sizein Cu samples (Fig. 3A) (15–21).We found that forgrain sizes above 70 nm, the coarsening temper-ature drops with decreasing size, in agreementwith the reported trend for nanograined Cu pro-cessed from different plastic deformation routes.Grains below 70 nm exhibit distinct stability.Smaller nanograins becomemore stable, and theirinstability temperature rises up to 0.45Tm (Tmis the equilibrium melting point), which is evenhigher than that of the recrystallization tem-peratures of coarse-grained Cu (usually below0.4Tm). The instability temperature for 40-nmgrains in the topmost surface layer (623 K) isabout 290 K higher than that for Cu grains withcomparable sizes prepared from inert gas con-

densation (~333 K), which falls in line with theconventional trend.We performed the same experiments with

gradient nanograined Ni samples (99.5% purity)prepared with the use of SMGT. As we observedin Cu, nanograins in the top surface layer ex-hibited much higher stability against annealingthan the submicrometer-sized grains in the sub-surface layer (Fig. 4, A and B). The sizes andmorphologies of the nanograins remained stableeven after annealing at 873 K (Fig. 4, C to E).Under the same annealing conditions, micrometer-sized grains were formed in the subsurface layerwith initial grain sizes larger than 90 nm. Thevariation of grain coarsening temperature withinitial grain size in Ni was similar to that in Cu.The instability temperature of nanograins inNi can be as high as 1173 K (~0.68Tm) (14) (fig.S2), which is much higher than the recrystalliza-tion temperature of coarse-grained Ni (Fig. 4F)(13, 22, 23).Generally, the driving force for recrystalliza-

tion and coarsening of the nanograins is storedenergy in the forms of dislocations and GBs. Wemeasured this energy by differential scanningcalorimetry (DSC) (14). We cut foil specimenswith nanograins and submicrometer-sized grainsat different depths from the as-prepared Cu sam-ple. Upon heating, an exothermic peak due to

Zhou et al., Science 360, 526–530 (2018) 4 May 2018 2 of 4

Fig. 1. Annealing-inducedstructure changes in thegradient nanograinedstructure in pure Cu.(A) Cross-sectional SEMimages of the as-preparedgradient nanograined Cusample (left) and samplesafter ex situ annealing atvarious temperatures (asindicated) for 30 min. Dottedlines represent the treatedsurface. Cross-sectionalbright-field TEM images withselected area electrondiffraction patterns (insets)for the nanograins at a depthof 2 mm from the surface in theas-prepared sample (B) and asample annealed at 433 Kfor 30 min (C). Typical cross-sectional EBSD images ofthe top surface layer in theCu samples annealed at 433 K(D) and 473 K (E) for 30 min.(F) Variations of averagegrain size and nanohardnessalong increasing depths fromthe surface in the as-preparedand the as-annealed Cusamples treated at 413 and453 K for 30 min. Error barsindicate the variation range ofmeasured statistic grain sizeswithin a depth span.


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recrystallization and grain coarsening of thenanostructures appeared. With the measuredenthalpy release and grain size changes, specificGB excess energy was determined to be ~0.52 ±0.03 J/m2 (minor contributions of other defectswere ignored) for an average grain size of 125 nm.This value is consistent with the conventional GBenergy for Cu (21, 24, 25) and for submicrometer-grained Cu produced from plastic deformation.For grain sizes of ~50 nm, we obtained GB ener-gies of 0.23 to 0.27 J/m2, only half of conventionalGB energy but consistentwith that innanograinedCu prepared from plastic deformation (18). Fromthe availableGB energy data for Cuprocessedwithdifferent plastic deformation techniques, wenoticed an obvious drop in GB energy as grainsizes decreased below ~100 nm (Fig. 3B). Thisseems analogous to the observation that morestable interfaces with low excess energy wereformed during extreme plastic straining in bi-metal nanoscale multilayer films (26).We found a reasonable correlation between

the critical grain sizes for the GB energy dropand the thermal stability change (Fig. 3, A and B)when measurement errors in grain size weretaken into account. A drop in GB energy meansa reduced driving force for recrystallization, con-sistent with the enhanced thermal stability ofnanograins below a critical size. Our measuredGB energy for a size of ~50 nm is much lowerthan that for comparable grain sizes preparedfrom inert gas condensation (0.45 J/m2) (21)but is in good accord with the difference inthermal stability we observed.The GB energy drop we observed at small

grain sizes may be inferred from the grain re-finement mechanism and the GB relaxationprocess during plastic deformation. Because ofthe high strain rates and low temperatures, plasticdeformation in the top surface layer of the SMGTsamples is dominated by the formation of stack-ing faults and twin boundaries. In terms of thegrain refinement mechanism discussed previouslyin the literature (27, 28), most nanograins wereformed from fragmentation or shear bandingof the lamellar bundles of nanoscale twins andstacking faults, generating plenty of GBs thatare in low-energy configurations, analogous tothose in the nanograined Cu produced from dy-namic plastic deformation (18). TEMobservationsof the SMGTNi samples showed that the fractionof grains containing twins or stacking faults inthe top surface layer is much higher than that indeep layers (14) (fig. S6).In addition, plastic straining may trigger re-

laxation of GBs in nanograins so that GB struc-tures transform into a lower energy state via GBdissociation processes (29–31). Simulations andexperimental investigations on a range of tiltGBs in several face-centered cubic metals indi-cated that dissociation of GBs occurs by emissionof stacking faults (29). This provides a generalmode of GB relaxation, especially in metals withlow stacking fault energies, such as Cu. Similarprocesses are anticipated in high–stacking faultenergymetals such as Ni under high shear stress,as in our process. Formation of nanometer-scale

Zhou et al., Science 360, 526–530 (2018) 4 May 2018 3 of 4

Fig. 2. Annealing-induced coarsening of submicrometer grains in the top surface layer in Cu.Cross-sectional SEM images of the as-prepared gradient submicrometer-grained Cu sample (A) andsamples after annealing at 433 K (B) and 453 K (C) for 30 min. Dotted lines represent the treatedsurface. (D) A bright-field TEM image of the top surface layer. (E) Corresponding grain size distribution,with an average size of 140 nm.

Fig. 3. Grain sizedependence ofinstability temperatureand GB energy in Cu.Measured graincoarsening (instability)temperature (TGC)(A) and GB excessenergy (B) as a functionof average grain size inCu. Literature data for Cuprocessed with differenttechniques [strainmachining (15), equal-channel angle pressing(ECAP) (16, 17, 24, 25),dynamic plasticdeformation (DPD) (18),high-pressure torsion(HPT) (19), cold rolling(CR) (20), and inert gascondensation (IGC)(21)] are included.Conventional GB energies(gGB) and energies forstacking faults and twinboundaries (gSF/TB)of Cu are indicated. Errorbars in (A) indicate thevariation range of measured instability temperatures within a grain size span. Error bars in (B) indicatethe variation range of measured GB energies within the grain size span.


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twins from a GB is also able to lower the GBenergy state, as it has been observed that atomicdiffusion in Cu is obviously slowed along the GBsadjacent to the triple point where they meet atwin boundary (32). Formation of stacking faultsor twins from GBs, both with evolving emissionsof partial dislocations, may induce GB relaxationto lower energy states and stabilization.Dislocation activity is grain size dependent.

Full dislocation activity may be inhibited at verysmall grain sizes as partial dislocation activitybecomesmore favorable. In terms of the Orowanrelation (33), the resolved shear stress requiredfor expansion of a dislocation loop with a diam-eter of D is tRSS ¼ mb

D , where m is the shearmodulus and b is the Burgers vector of disloca-tion. Full dislocationmultiplication requires thatFrank-Read–type sources have a minimum grainsize (D*) at the yield strength (sy) of

D� ¼ mbsyðD�Þ=m

where 1/m is the average Schmid factor forpolycrystals (m= 3). In terms of the yield strengthof the nanograined Cu, the calculated critical sizeisD* = 70 nm [which is very close to that reportedby Legros et al. (34)]. This would mean that asCu grain sizes become smaller than 70 nm, fulldislocation is inhibited and partial dislocationactivity becomes dominant in the deformation ofmost grains, hence enhancing the GB relaxationprocess. This behavior is exactlywhatwe observed,as both the GB energy drop and the enhancedthermal stability in nanograined Cu appearedaround this critical size. As the GB relaxationprocess is triggered by plastic deformation, itmaynot happen in the nanograined metals produced

from inert gas condensation, which possess highGB energy and hence poor thermal stability (Fig. 3).The discovery of the marked thermal stability

of nanograins in Cu and Ni is important for un-derstanding the nature of GBs at the nanoscaleand their response to external thermal and me-chanical stimuli. Stabilizing nanograins is alsovital for developing stable nanostructuredmetalsand alloys for high-temperature applications.


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We thank F. H. Duan for technical assistance with DSCexperiments. Funding: This work was supported by the Ministry ofScience and Technology of China (grants 2012CB932201 and2017YFA0204401), the National Science Foundation of China(grant 51231006), and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (grantzdyz201701). Author contributions: X.Y.L. and K.L. initiated thestudy; X.Z. and X.Y.L. performed the experiments; X.Z., X.Y.L., andK.L. analyzed the results; and X.Y.L. and K.L. wrote the paper.Competing interests: We declare no competing financialinterests. Data and materials availability: All data are available inthe main text or the supplementary materials.

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS and MethodsFigs. S1 to S6Table S1

7 December 2017; accepted 26 March 201810.1126/science.aar6941

Zhou et al., Science 360, 526–530 (2018) 4 May 2018 4 of 4

Fig. 4. Annealing-induced structure changes in the gradientnangrained structure in pure Ni. Cross-sectional SEM images ofthe as-prepared gradient nanograined Ni sample (A) and a sampleafter annealing at 873 K for 30 min (B). Dotted lines representthe treated surface. Typical bright-field cross-sectional TEM imagesof the nanograins (at a depth of ~25 mm from the surface) in the

as-prepared state (C) and after annealing at 873 K (D) and the correspondinggrain size distributions (E). (F) Measured grain coarsening temperatureas a function of average grain size in Ni. Literature data for Ni processedwith different techniques [HPT (22), ECAP (23), and SMGT (13)] areincluded. Error bars indicate the variation range of measured instabilitytemperatures within a grain size span.


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Enhanced thermal stability of nanograined metals below a critical grain sizeX. Zhou, X. Y. Li and K. Lu

DOI: 10.1126/science.aar6941 (6388), 526-530.360Science 

, this issue p. 526Sciencethermal stability.temperatures. The processing method creates low-angle grain boundaries between the nanograins, which promotes

discovered a way to avoid this problem by mechanically grinding copper and nickel at liquid nitrogenet al.Zhou grained materials start to coarsen at relatively low temperatures, wiping out their most desirable properties.−very small

Synthesizing metals with extremely small (nanoscale) grain sizes makes for much stronger materials. However,Smaller but more thermally stable



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