media edit def

Post on 24-Jul-2015






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CutThe instantaneous change of one camera shot to

another. This is used when the action is continuous; when there needs to be a change of impact, or when there is a change of information

or location.

FadeA gradual fade (in or out) of the picture to black or

white suggests a passage of time, usually of hours or to the next. It can also be used at the beginning or

end of a programme or film. Its also sometimes used for flashbacks in a narrative.

DissolveAlso known as the mix, this is the transition from one shot to another with two images being overlapped, so that near the end of one shot, the next shot becomes

gradually more visible. This is used for changes in time, location, for slowing down time, or for flashbacks.

wipeA type of mix, this is the replacement of one

image with another, by means of a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line, which wipes the image of

the screen to be replaced by another.

Editing The selection of shots (or sounds), linked as a

continuous sequence.

Continuity EditingAn approach to editing that makes

the edit appear seamless and disguises text construction.

Action matchIf a character or vehicle is to leave the

frame from the left, the same character enter the next shot on the right to

maintain continuity.

Cross cutting/ parallel action

A cut from one shot in one location to the second shot in the second location and then a cut back to the first location, suggesting to viewers you are at

both locations simultaneously.

Jump cutUsed majorly in television adverts.

When 2 shots are shot from almost the same position, and immediately follows another when the text is edited. It seems like to the audience

that part of the action is missing, can be used to create excitement and tension.

Long takeWhen a shot is recorded, it is called a take.

A long take is one that’s allowed to remain for a longer duration before it’s cut

SuperimposeWhen writing/symbols or images on top of

an image are present.Both are visible at once so viewers have to

take in more in one shot.


Slow motionEditing process to slow down the

action for emotion or comedic effect.



Character is aware of these sounds.Is that which is part of the texts internal world + this is

made by the characters as well as the audience e.g dialogue, sound effects that relate to the action on

screen and background

Non diegetic soundCharacters not aware of (sounds)

Sounds is added for the audience only, also as atmospheric music or a voiceover

SoundtrackA recording of the musical accompanient to a movie

Incidental music

Music used in a film or play as a background to create or enhance a

particular atmosphere

Sound effect

Sound other than speech or music made artificially for use in a play

movie or other production

SFX- Special effectsBigger sounds e.g explosions


Conversation between 2 or more people

C.G.IComputer generated images

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