mechanism for de novo rna synthesis and initiating

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doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2007.03.041 J. Mol. Biol. (2007) 370, 256–268

Mechanism for De Novo RNA Synthesis and InitiatingNucleotide Specificity by T7 RNA Polymerase

William P. Kennedy, Jamila R. Momand and Y. Whitney Yin⁎

Department of Chemistryand Biochemistry, Institute ofCellular and Molecular Biology,University of Texas at Austin,Austin, TX 78712, USA

Abbreviations used: RNAP, RNAhepatitis C virus; BVDV, bovine viraE-mail address of the correspondi

0022-2836/$ - see front matter. Publishe

DNA-directed RNA polymerases are capable of initiating synthesis of RNAwithout primers, the first catalytic stage of initiation is referred to as de novoRNA synthesis. De novo synthesis is a unique phase in the transcriptioncycle where the RNA polymerase binds two nucleotides rather than anascent RNA polymer and a single nucleotide. For bacteriophage T7 RNApolymerase, transcription begins with a marked preference for GTP at the+1 and +2 positions. We determined the crystal structures of T7 RNApolymerase complexes captured during the de novo RNA synthesis. TheDNA substrates in the structures in the complexes contain a common Φ10duplex promoter followed by a unique five base single-stranded extensionof template DNAwhose sequences varied at positions +1 and +2, therebyallowing for different pairs of initiating nucleotides GTP, ATP, CTP or UTPto bind. The structures show that the initiating nucleotides bind RNApolymerase in locations distinct from those described previously forelongation complexes. Selection bias in favor of GTP as an initiatingnucleotide is accomplished by shape complementarity, extensive proteinside-chain and strong base-stacking interactions for the guanine moiety inthe enzyme active site. Consequently, an initiating GTP provides the largeststabilization force for the open promoter conformation.

Published by Elsevier Ltd.

*Corresponding author

Keywords: T7 RNA polymerase; de novo RVA synthesis; GTP specificity


DNA-directed RNA polymerases (RNAP) areessential enzymes in transcribing genetic informa-tion from DNA into RNA. Unlike DNA poly-merases, RNA polymerases initiate RNA synthesisin the absence of a primer. The first step in initiationis called de novo RNA synthesis, in which RNAPrecognizes a specific sequence on the DNA template,selects the first pair of nucleotide triphosphatescomplementary to template residues at positions +1and +2, and catalyzes the formation of a phospho-diester bond to form a dinucleotide.Several aspects of de novo RNA synthesis by

bacteriophage T7 RNAP differ from subsequentsteps of RNA synthesis. First, the initiatingnucleotides have lower affinities for the polymer-ase than those used during elongation. The Kdvalue is 2 mM for the first initiating NTP and

polymerase; HCV,l diarrhea author:

d by Elsevier Ltd.

80 μM for the second,1 whereas the Kd is ∼5 μMfor NTPs during elongation.2 Second, RNAPexhibits relatively slow chemistry during de novosynthesis. The rate of formation of the firstphosphodiester bond by T7 RNAP is ∼7.8 s−1, incontrast to 220 s−1 for formation of the same bondbetween an NTP and the 3′ end of the nascentRNA during elongation.3 In fact, de novo synthesisis the rate-limiting step during transcription. Thedifference in rates of bond formation implies adifference in the mechanistic details of catalysisduring the two phases of transcription. Third, T7RNAP exhibits a strong bias for GTP as theinitiating nucleotide.4 Among the 17 T7 promotersin the genome, 15 initiate with GTP (and 13 withpppGpG), whereas there is no obvious NTPpreference during transcription elongation.The mechanism for GTP selection as the initiating

nucleotide is not known. However, such selectionseems broadly used: DNA-directed-RNA polymer-ases from other members of the T7 supergroup ofbacteriophages (e.g. T3, SP6, K1-5, K1E, K1F, andK11), and the RNA-directed-RNA polymerasesfrom many pathogenic Flaviviridae family viruses(e.g. Dengue, West Nile, hepatitis C, and bovine

Table 1. Sequences of DNA substrates for crystallographicstudies

Substrates SequenceInitiatingnucleotide





257De novo RNA Synthesis by T7 RNA Polymerase

viral diarrhea viruses) all initiate RNA synthesiswith GTP.5

In order to understand the structural basis fornucleotide selection by T7 RNAP, we determined thecrystal structures of T7 RNAP binary complexescaptured during de novo synthesis with four pro-moter variants, together with their ternary com-plexes containing the corresponding incomingnucleotides; and we measured the stabilization ofopen promoter complexes by different initiatingnucleotides. The structures of the ternary complexesprovide a rational basis for initiating nucleotideselection and add to our understanding of the rate-limiting step of transcription.


Transcription initiation by T7 RNAP can bedivided into at least four steps: (1) promoter DNAbinding, (2) promoter unwinding to form an initialtranscription bubble, (3) initiating nucleotide bind-ing and (4) the first phosphodiester bond formation.See equation (1):


where DNAc and DNAo are closed and openpromoter DNA, respectively.The structures of a T7 RNAP promoter complex

corresponding to the product of step 2, and aninitiation complex with a 3-mer RNA correspondingto the product of step 5 have been reported.6,7 The 3-mer RNA initiation complex represents the nextcompleted reaction after de novo synthesis. Thestructures described here correspond to the pro-ducts of steps 2 and 3 of the transcription reaction.The difference between the step 2 structuresreported previously and those described here isthat the present promoters, like those employed toelucidate the structure corresponding to step 5,7

contain a single-stranded template extension. Inorder to capture de novo complexes with variousinitiating nucleotides, DNA substrates were con-structed to contain a common duplex Φ10 promoterfollowed by a 5 nt single-stranded template whosesequences are unique at positions +1 and +2: CC,TT, GG, or AA. They are therefore complementary tothe initiating nucleotides GTP, ATP, CTP or UTP,respectively. The DNA constructs are namedaccordingly: T-CC, T-TT, T-GG or T-AA (Table 1).Four binary complexes of T7 RNAP were formed

with the respective DNAs. In order to capture T7RNAP at the pre-chemistry stage, ternary complexeswere made by mixing the binary complexes withappropriate 3′-deoxynucleotide triphosphates (3′-dNTP) as non-reactive analogues of the normalinitiating rNTPs. As 3′-dNTPs are unable to com-plete phosphodiester bond formation, T7 RNAP isstalled at the pre-chemistry stage.

Although all constructs could be crystallized,variation in crystal quality was observed. The crys-tals diffracted from 2.2–3.2 Å resolution, the best-diffracting crystals were obtained from the ternarycomplex T-CC with 3′-dGTP. All complex crystalsbelong to the primitive orthorhombic space groupP21212 with unit cell dimensions of approximatelya=220 Å, b=73 Å, c=81 Å, α= β=γ=90°, except forthe T-GG binary complex, which crystallized in thespace group P2221 with unit cell dimensionsa=73.25 Å, b=160.58 Å, c=225.24 Å, α=β=γ=90°.

The smaller unit cell contains one complex perasymmetric unit, whereas the larger unit cellcontains two complexes per asymmetric unit. Thestructures were solved by molecular replacementusing the T7 RNAP 3-mer initiation complex as thestarting model (PDB accession code 1QLN) andfurther refined to the working R-factor ∼27% (Rfree∼30%). The diffraction data and refinement statisticsare presented in Table 2.The T7RNAP/T-CC/3′-dGTP ternary complex

structure will be discussed in detail because itgave the highest resolution, is the physiologicallymost relevant structure, and reveals numerous fea-tures of de novo RNA synthesis and of GTP selection.The other complexes of T7 RNAP provide insightsinto the structural basis for the discriminationagainst initiating nucleotides other than GTP.T7RNAP can be described by the canonical “right-hand” configuration, with thumb, palm and fingersdomains. The palm domain contains the active sitethat harbors the catalytic residues (D812 and D537)in an accessible, open conformation.

No induced-fit conformational change by theinitiating nucleotide

The polymerase remains in a nearly unchangedconformation in all binary and ternary de novocomplexes. The rmsd for the backbone of thepolymerase in all structures is less than 1.2 Å,suggesting that binding of initiating nucleotidesdoes not induce conformational changes in RNAP.This is different from elongation, where binding of

Table 2. Summary of crystallographic analysis

T-CC ternary complex T-GG ternary complex T-AA ternary complex T-TT ternary complex

A. Data collectionIncoming nucleotide 3′dGTP 3′dCTP 3′dUTP 3′dATPResolution (Å) 2.4 3.0 3.2 2.5Space group P21212 P21212 P21212 P21212Cell dimensions

a (Å) 224.65 219.06 221.32 219.76b (Å) 73.59 75.47 75.82 79.74c (Å) 79.51 80.63 81.46 73.30α (deg.) 90 90 90 90β (deg.) 90 90 90 90γ (deg.) 90 90 90 90

Number of reflections 236,540 82,121 149,615 26,968Rsym

a (%) 10.8 11.2 7.0 10.5Completenessb 98 (77) 77 (45) 99.3 (99.9) 72 (44)

B. RefinementRwork

c (%) 27.9 26.5 28.2 28.8Rfree

d (%) 29.1 28.7 30.1 31.4RMS deviations from ideal values

Bond (Å) 0.0078 0.0081 0.0097 0.0087Angle (°) 1.54 1.67 1.34 1.67

C. Data collection T-CC binary complex T-GG binary complex T-AA binary complex T-TT binary complexIncoming nucleotide None None None NoneResolution (Å) 3.2 2.2 2.6 2.6Space group P21212 P2221 P21212 P21212Cell dimensions

a (Å) 222.67 73.25 221.67 220.31b (Å) 82.71 160.58 73.38 73.36c (Å) 77.67 225.24 79.58 78.26α (deg.) 90 90 90 90β (deg.) 90 90 90 90γ (deg.) 90 90 90 90

Reflections 86,540 538,541 214,012 218,570Rsym (%) 10.8 11.4 10.6 10.6Completeness 98 (77) 94.8 (89.4) 81(43) 95.2 (88.5)

D. RefinementRwork (%) 27.4 25.2 26.6 27.7Rfree (%) 29.3 28.3 29.5 30.4RMS deviations from idealBond lengths (Å) 0.0108 0.0088 0.0115 0.0090Bond angles (deg.) 1.57 1.54 1.61 1.71

a Rsym=∑|Ii–⟨I⟩|/∑Ii where Ii is the ith measurement and <I> is the weighted mean of all measurements of I.b Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell.c Rwork=∑hkl|Fobs(hkl)–Fcalc(hkl)|/∑hkl|Fobs(hkl)| for reflections in the working data set.d Rfree is the same as Rwork for 5% of the data randomly omitted from refinement.

258 De novo RNA Synthesis by T7 RNA Polymerase

the incoming correct nucleotide causes the poly-merase to undergo conformational changes andadopt a closed structure. The open conformation ofthe RNAP before NTP binding is termed the pre-insertion state, while the NTP-bound closed con-formation is termed post-insertion. The two statesare so named because both structures are differentfrom the true open conformation of T7 RNAP inthe absence of DNA. RNAP in the pre-insertionconformation is unable to bind to NTP because itsbinding site (N-site) is partially precluded by theactive site residue Y639.10 In addition, the templat-ing residue n+1 is in a flipped-out position and isthus unable to form a base-pair with the incomingnucleotide. In the post-insertion conformation,RNAP is competent for NTP binding because theconformational change in the DNA-binding fingersdomain causes rotation of the O helix (residues

627–638), the binding site for the triphosphate ofincoming nucleotides, towards the palm active sitedomain. In addition, residue Y639 rotates, allow-ing the incoming nucleotide to access the N-site,and the flipped-out template n+1 nucleotide toreposition (Figure 1). The overall result of theconcerted conformational changes is that anincoming NTP is able to bind in the N-site, andthe n+1 nucleotide can base-pair with the NTP.10

Because the set of conformational changes occursonly when RNAP binds to the correct nucleotide,it constitutes a mechanism for nucleotide discri-mination. During de novo synthesis, however,RNAP shows no initiating nucleotide-inducedconformational change, suggesting a differentmechanism for NTP selection. The templatesequence is likely to play only a relatively minorrole in nucleotide selection because the rigid active

Figure 1. Configuration of the active site of T7 RNAPbefore and after NTP binding. (a) The pre-insertionconformation that is incompetent for NTP binding. Thetemplating residue n is in a flipped-out position; the NTP-binding site (N-site) is occluded by Y639 and the O-helix isinward, away from the NTP site. (b) The post insertionconformation induced by NTP binding. The conforma-tional changes move Y639 away from the N-site, reposi-tions the templating residue n, and rotates the O-helixtowards the active site.

259De novo RNA Synthesis by T7 RNA Polymerase

site cannot accommodate the various base-pairsequally well.

Unique template DNA conformation

The DNA from positions −17 to −1 in the denovo complex adopts a conformation identicalwith that in the binary 17 bp open promotercomplex (PDB code 1cez). The locations of the +1and +2 template residues are restricted by thepromoter and, relative to the −1 residue, are fullyextended towards their 5′ end. The +1 and +2template nucleotides are flanked by Y639 of thepolymerase and the −1 template base, and arepoised to form hydrogen bonds with two incom-ing nucleotides simultaneously (Figure 2(a)).Superposition of the de novo and 3-mer initiationcomplexes suggests that the templating residue

during elongation is equivalent to the +3 positionin the de novo complex. In de novo complexes the+3 template residue is in an inactive, flipped-outposition, as in a typical pre-insertion complex.However, the conformation of this residue has noeffect on binding of the two initiating nucleotides.The template DNA forms an arched structurefrom positions −1 to +3, which may stabilize thesingle-stranded DNA region in the open promoterfor initiating nucleotide binding. The templateconformation in subsequent steps, as exemplifiedin the 3-mer initiation complex, adopts the A-formin the heteroduplex region.

Novel binding sites for initiating nucleotides

Template positioning within RNAP determinesthe unique binding sites of the initiating nucleo-tides. Since the templating residue during elonga-tion is located downstream of the two initiatingnucleotides during de novo synthesis, the latternecessarily bind at locations different from that ofthe incoming NTP during elongation. Previousstudies on elongating T7 RNAP defined theincoming NTP binding site as the N-site and the3′ end of the RNA product site as the P-site(Figure 3(b)).10,11 In de novo complexes, neither ofthe initiating GTP nucleotides binds in the N-site;rather, one binds to the P-site and the second isfound in a novel site located upstream of the P-site. This new substrate-binding site is named theD-site, for de novo synthesis (Figure 3(a)). The lackof flexibility in the D and P-sites suggests that anucleotide that can form the most interactions withthe residues lining those sites, and thus has thehighest affinity, will be preferred for de novosynthesis.In addition to Watson–Crick base-pairing inter-

actions with the template, the two initiating GTPnucleotides form guanine-specific interactions withthe polymerase. The first nucleotide, 3′-dGTP(1),interacts with the polymerase primarily throughthe guanine moiety, whereas the second nucleo-tide, 3′-dGTP(2), interacts with the polymerasethough both base and triphosphate moieties.Specifically, interactions between guanine of 3′-dGTP(1) and the polymerase include: the 2-NH2forms bipartite H-bonds with 2NH+of H811 andthe guanidino group of R425; O6 and N7 makewater-mediated H-bonds with the guanidinogroup of R632; and van der Waals interactionsare made with H811 (Figure 4(a)). These dataprovide an atomic explanation for the preferenceof T7 RNAP in initiating synthesis with a purine,specifically a guanine, nucleotide and the discri-mination against 7-deazaGTP.12 No direct contactbetween the triphosphate of 3′-dGTP(1) isobserved, despite the presence of the positivelycharged residue R394 in the vicinity (6.0 Å) of theγ-phosphate. Any electrostatic interaction may beneutralized by the presence of the negativelycharged residue D351 located at an equal distance(6.2 Å) (not shown in Figure 4(a)). Selection for

Figure 2. Comparison of the de novo RNA complex and a 3-mer RNA complex shows the novel initiating nucleotide-binding sites, different DNA template conformation and DNA scrunching. Both complexes are in the pre-insertionconfiguration. (a) The DNA template (light blue) forms an arched conformation during de novo synthesis. The +1 and +2template residues are flanked by the −1 nucleotide on the template and Y639, and are poised to form base-pairinginteractions with two initiating GTP nucleotides (pink). The +3 template nucleotide is in a flipped-out position. (b) TheDNA template in the 3-mer complex adapts an A-form conformation in the heteroduplex with RNA transcription in the 3-mer RNA (pink) initiation complex. The −1 template residue forms a bulge from its position in the de novo complex,showing thatDNAscrunching originates from the−1positionwhen theRNA transcript reaches three nucleotides in length.

260 De novo RNA Synthesis by T7 RNA Polymerase

rNTP rather than dNTP by RNAP may beachieved by K441 though an ionic interactionwith the ribose 2′-OH. The second initiatingnucleotide, 3′-dGTP(2), is seen forming chargedinteractions at the triphosphate moiety with thepositively charged residues of the O-helix. Theguanidino group of R627 and the ε-NH3

+ of K631are located 2.9 Å and 3.3 Å, respectively, from theγ-phosphate of 3′-dGTP(2) (Figure 4(b)). Base-specific interactions with 3′-dGTP(2) include: R632forms bipartite H-bonds with O6 and N7; andboth H784 and R425 make van der Waalsinteractions with 2-NH2. Selectivity for rGTP islikely via a hydrogen bonding interaction betweenthe ribose 2′-OH and γ-O− of D812.The two 3′-dGTP nucleotides are bound nearly

parallel with each other in the active site, with a 7°twisting angle and a separation of 3.6 Å, anarrangement that provides maximum base-stack-ing free energy. It appears that the affinity for thefirst nucleotide is strengthened by the secondnucleotide; when we examined the structure of acomplex formed with GMP at concentrationequivalent to that of GTP in the T-CC ternarycomplex, no electron density corresponding toGMP was found (data not shown). The selectivityfor two GTP nucleotides as initiating nucleotides isachieved primarily by the free energy from base-stacking, plus specific interactions between thepolymerase residues, the guanine moieties of theinitiating nucleotides and base complementarityinteractions.

No translocation until after synthesis of a 3-merRNA

During de novo synthesis, the first two nucleo-tides are located in the D and P-sites, whilebinding of a third nucleotide to the N-site isprohibited by interactions of the O-helix with thetriphosphate of 3′-dGTP(2). However, after dinu-cleotide formation and release of PPi, and theconformational changes described above, the thirdNTP can bind in the N-site and be incorporatedwithout requiring translocation of the dinucleo-tide. Therefore, T7 RNAP can synthesize a 3-merRNA without translocation. After the 3-mer hasbeen synthesized, its 3′-end extends into the N-site, and thus translocation is necessary forincorporation of the fourth nucleotide. Incorpora-tion of the third nucleotide therefore begins thereiterative nucleotide addition cycle.To visualize the initial translocation step, we

compared structures of the DNA templates in thede novo complex described here and the 3-mercomplex.6,7 The two complexes correspond to thesteps before binding of the third and fourth NTP,and both structures are in the pre-insertionconformation. While the −17 to −2 region of thepromoter is bound identically by the enzyme inthe two complexes, the −1 to +5 region of the 3-mer complex has been translocated by onenucleotide. Consequently, residue −1 is bulgedout in the 3-mer complex (Figure 2(b)), suggestingthat DNA scrunching coincides with 3-mer RNA

Figure 3. Schemes for nucleotide incorporation duringde novo synthesis and 3-mer RNA formation. (a) Arrange-ment of the nucleotide-binding sites during de novosynthesis, where the D-site (orange oval) and P-site(green oval) denote the binding sites for the first andsecond initiating nucleotides, respectively. These sites areupstream of the elongating nucleotide-binding site (N-site,pink oval). The transcription start site on the templateDNA (blue) is numbered +1. (b) Incorporation of the thirdnucleotide. The third NTP binds in the N-site (pink oval)without translocation of the dinucleotide, and then reactswith the 3′-OH of the dinucleotide in the P-site (green oval)to form the 3-mer RNA. RNAP uses only the P-site andN-site for subsequent cycles of nucleotide incorporation.

261De novo RNA Synthesis by T7 RNA Polymerase

synthesis and originates from the −1 position. Thebulged nucleotide fits into a pocket in RNAPbounded by residues R143, W201, L294, O417,and I761. These structures provide the first directevidence for DNA scrunching.

Enzyme catalysis

During elongation, the phosphoryltransfer reac-tion occurs when the nucleophilic RNA 3′-OH in theP-site attacks the α-phosphate of the incoming NTPin the N-site. The reaction is catalyzed by twodivalent metal ions: metal A facilitates nucleophilicattack by lowering the pKa of the 3′-OH, whereasmetal B stabilizes the pyrophosphate leavinggroup.13 The locations of the initiating nucleotidesin the D and P-sites position the two reacting groupsaway from usual reacting locations (P and N-sites).This raises an interesting question about themechanism of catalysis because of the known fixedlocations of the catalytic residues.In the de novo T7RNAP/T-CC/3′-dGTP ternary

complex, two metal ions are observed: each isassociated with the triphosphate moiety of the two3′-dGTP nucleotides. The location of both ions isconsistent with that of metal B in the elongationcomplex, so that only one metal ion is found in theactive site of the de novo complex. The metal ionassociated with 3′-dGTP(1) does not participate inany reaction. Nometal ion corresponding to metal Ais observed in the de novo structure due to theabsence of the 3′-OH in 3′-dGTP.We wanted to reconstruct the active site geome-

try for formation of the first phosphodiester bond.We superposed the active site palm domain of theonly T7 RNAP ternary complex that contains anincoming nucleotide in the active site and twometal ions (PDB accession code 1s77), and the samedomain of the de novo ternary complex. Alignmentof the incoming nucleotide in 1s77 with 3′-dGTP(2)then allowed metal A to be modeled into the denovo complex (Figure 5). Although structure 1s77 isan elongation complex, modeling of metal A intothe de novo complex should be reliable, because thepolymerase palm domain that contains the activesite maintains the same conformation throughoutthe entire transcription cycle. The active sitegeometry with a bound incoming nucleotide willtherefore be almost identical in initiation orelongation complexes.6–9 Modeling suggests thatboth metal A and metal B can be coordinated bythe catalytic residues D537 and D812 in the de novocomplex. However, in the de novo complex, theattacking 3′-OH of GTP(1) and the leaving PPi ofGTP(2) are skewed relative to their counterpartsduring elongation. As a result, the distancebetween metal A and the 3′-OH of GTP(1) ispredicted to be ∼3.0 Å in the de novo complex(Figure 5). This distance is significantly greaterthan the 2.3 Å found in the elongation complex,suggesting that T7 RNAP is optimized for catalyz-ing elongation using the P and N-sites, rather thanthe D and P-sites necessary for de novo synthesis.

Figure 4. Guanine-specific interactions between the initiating GTP nucleotides and the active site residues of thepolymerase. (a) Interactionof the firstG:Cbase-pair betweenGTP (gold) and the+1 cytosine on the template (blue)withRNAP.(b) Interaction of the second G:C base-pair between GTP (gold) and the +2 cytosine (blue) on the template with the RNAP.

262 De novo RNA Synthesis by T7 RNA Polymerase

The increased distance between metal A and the 3′-OH of GTP(1) provides an atomic explanation forthe slow formation of the first phosphodiesterbond, relative to the formation of the same bondduring elongation.

Non-consensus initial transcribed sequence

The initial transcribed sequence refers to theregion of DNA template from positions +1 to +6,

Figure 5. Formation of the first phosphodiester bond.The metal ion associated with 3′-dGTP(2) whose positionis consistent with metal B (MB) is observed in the de novocomplex. The metal ion associated with 3′-dGTP(1) isirrelevant to the reaction and is omitted for clarity. Themetal ion A (MA) is absent and is modeled on the basis of aT7 RNAP elongation complex containing an incomingnucleotide (PDB code 1s77) after superposition of the twoactive site domains. The metal coordination showsincreased distance between the 3′-OH of the ribose andmetal A, suggesting slower chemistry than phosphodie-ster bond formation during elongation.

which for T7 promoters is a conserved sequence3′-+1CCCTCT+6-5′. To ask whether the preferencefor GTP as the first initiating nucleotide arises fromthe fact that T7 RNAP interacts directly with theconsensus initial transcribed sequence, we exam-ined the DNA conformation in various binarycomplexes. Both consensus and non-consensusinitial transcribed sequence showed poor electrondensity in binary complexes, suggesting that poly-merase has weak affinity for the single-strandedtemplate strand for this region of the template.Among the ternary complexes, only the T-CC

complex shows clear density for the initiatingnucleotides. Weak density that likely correspondsto a low occupancy of 3′-dATP was observed in theT-TT ternary complex. T7 RNAP uses ATP as theinitiating nucleotide at two natural promoters onthe T7 genome. The øOL and ø2.5 promoters are,however, rather weak,14–16 observations that areconsistent with reduced binding of ATP in the denovo initiation complex. The ternary complexes withT-AA and T-GG showed no density for 3′-dUTP or3′-dCTP, suggesting that their dissociation constantsmay be lower than the concentration (5 mM) usedfor crystallographic studies.

Initiating nucleotides in promoter melting

Wemeasured the effect of initiating nucleotides onpromoter melting by using conformation-sensitiveDNA substrates that contains a 2-aminopurineincorporated at the −4 position, which is wherepromoter unwinding begins, during which base-unstacking of 2-aminopurine increases the quantumyield of fluorescence decay.17–19 Fluorescence inten-sity is therefore proportional to the amount ofpromoter DNA unwound. The DNA substratesused in these experiments are similar to those usedin structural studies, except that they were perfectduplexes (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Substrates used in pre-steady-state kineticstudies.

263De novo RNA Synthesis by T7 RNA Polymerase

The affinity of each promoter variant for T7 RNAPwas determined in the presence or in the absence ofthe corresponding initiating nucleotides using anestablished procedure.1 Despite variations in se-quence, all four DNA substrates showed affinitysimilar to that of T7 RNAP in the absence of aninitiating nucleotide (Figure 7). The Kd values weredetermined to be: T-CC, 0.63 μM; T-GG, 0.60 μM; T-AA, 0.65 μM; and T-TT, 0.72 μM. These data confirmthe conclusion made from the binary complexstructures: residues at positions +1 and +2 on thetemplate strand contribute little to overall promoterbinding by RNAP. However, significant differencesare observed in the presence of initiating nucleo-tides. The largest fluorescence change was observedwith the T-CC promoter, where the amplitude offluorescence increased twofold over that seen in theabsence of GTP (Figure 7). This leads to a 4.8-folddecrease in Kd to 0.13 μM, suggesting that thepresence of GTP strengthens DNA binding andincreases promoter opening by RNAP. Similarly, thepresence of ATP results in a 1.8-fold decrease in Kdvalue to 0.39 μM at the T-TT promoter. The smallerdecrease, relative to that seen with GTP, is consistentwith the lower occupancy of 3′-dATP in the T-TTternary complex. UTP or CTP had little effect onfluorescence changes at their respective promoters,suggesting that they do not stabilize an open pro-moter significantly.

Figure 7. Effects of initiating NTP on promotermelting. Observed fluorescence changes are plotted as afunction of DNA concentration at a constant concentra-tion of the polymerase, in the absence (open symbols) orin the presence (filled symbols) of initiating nucleotides.Four DNA substrates are measured, T-CC (circle), T-TT(triangle), T-AA (square) and T-GG (diamond), either inthe presence or in the absence of their cognate initiatingnucleotides.


We have presented detailed structural analyses ofternary complexes of T7 RNAP captured during denovo synthesis and before formation of the firstphosphodiester bond. These complexes are distinctfrom previously determined complexes of T7RNAPcaptured during the initiation6 and elongation8,9

phases of transcription.The DNA substrates used in our structural studies

are only partial duplexes. Nonetheless, the com-plexes made with single-stranded template DNAfaithfully represent conformations of substratescontaining downstream DNA and polymerase dur-ing de novo synthesis. The DNA from −17 to −1 inthe de novo complex adopts a conformation identicalwith that in the binary 17 bp open promotercomplex (PDB code 1cez). The locations of the +1and +2 template residues within the active site of T7RNAP are therefore fixed by the promoter. Theregistry of the single-stranded DNA template shows

that binding of a single-stranded DNA template inthe partial duplex within the active site of thepolymerase is identical with that of the correspond-ing sequence of an active transcription bubble; theregister and orientation of the template is notchanged in the absence of the non-template strandand downstream duplex DNA.8,9 Furthermore, T7RNAP does not have a sequence-specific interactionwith downstream DNA.8–11 The interactions areexclusively between the phosphate backbone andthe positively charged DNA-binding cleft in thepolymerase. T7 RNAP is therefore able to recognizeand position the DNA template in the absence of adownstream duplex, a feature that may contributeto T7 RNAP's ability to transcribe both single- anddouble-stranded DNA templates.Transcription by T7 RNAP is relatively fast

during elongation, and Watson–Crick pairing rulesare followed for nucleotide incorporation. In con-trast, de novo synthesis is slow and there is a strongbias in nucleotide utilization. Fifteen of the 17promoters in the bacteriophage T7 genome initiatesynthesis with GTP, and 13 do so with pppGpG.20

On the basis of the ternary complexes of T7RNAPreported here, the structural basis for the composi-tional bias and slowed rate of nucleotide incorpora-tion during de novo synthesis derives from severalfeatures: (1) utilization of a novel NTP-binding site,the D-site, adjacent to the previously characterizedP-site and N-site;10 (2) exploitation of favorablestacking interactions between the incoming purinenucleotides in the D and P-sites as they are po-sitioned by residues in the active site; and (3) lessfavorable geometry during the formation of the firstphosphodiester bond compared to subsequentrounds.9,21,22

264 De novo RNA Synthesis by T7 RNA Polymerase

The independent binding sites for the initiatingNTPs are distinct from the NTP-binding site duringelongation and reveal several unique features of denovo RNA synthesis that clearly differentiate thisphase from subsequent steps. The mechanism forselection of initiating NTPs differs from that of anelongating NTP. During elongation, the incomingnucleotide induces conformational changes in thefingers domain of T7 RNAP, which is thought to beimportant for discriminating against incorrectnucleotides. This ability is critical for polymerasefidelity. Studies of members of the DNA Pol1 family,to which T7 RNAP belongs, suggest that conforma-tional changes induced by binding of the correctdNTPprovide themechanism for discrimination. Thedesolvation effect associatedwith the conformationalchange is thought to enlarge the affinity differencebetween the correct and incorrect nucleotides.23–27

Binding of the initiating nucleotides, however, isnot accompanied by structural changes, suggestingthat a different mechanism exists for correct initiat-ing NTP selection. The initiating NTPs make directcontacts with the active-site residues of RNAP.Nucleotides other than GTP will be discriminatedagainst due to the lack of these specific interactions.For example, the interaction between the 2-NH2 ofguanine and R425 and Y427 of RNAP is absent if theinitiating nucleotide is adenine. Although the H-bond between O6 of guanine and R632 of RNAP canbe formed using the 6-NH2 of adenine, the 2-NH2interaction has been shown to be important. ITP hasa tenfold higher Km value during initiation thanGTP.28 Similarly, the interaction with N7 of GTP(1)with R632 of T7 RNAP explains the biochemicalobservation12 that usage of 7-deazaGTP is inefficientduring de novo synthesis. The differences betweenNTP discrimination during elongation and initiationcan be likened to the former using an induced-fitmechanism, whereas an initiating NTP uses a lock-and -key mechanism.In the enzyme active site, non-polar contribu-

tions to base-stacking interactions predominate.Non-polar contributions to base-stacking havebeen calculated by combining van der Waalsinteractions with the hydrophobic effect in athermodynamic transfer cycle.29 Purine:purinestacking provides far more free energy thanpurine:pyrimidine stacking, with pyrimidine:pyr-imidine stacking providing the least. Among allstacked purines, G:G stacking provides the mostfavorable free energy (−9.74 kcal/mol), followedby G:A (−9.31 kcal/mol), A:G (−8.65 kcal/mol)and A:A (−8.52 kcal/mol). These data suggest thatthe natural promoters initiating with GA or AGare weaker than promoters initiating with GG.This is known to be the case. Comparison to thedirect interaction with the polymerase, where oneH-bond is estimated to contribute to ∼1 kcal/molto binding energy,30 the purine:purine stackinginteractions would appear to dominate ground-state stabilization for de novo RNA synthesis. Thegeneral trend of these calculated free energies is inaccord with the apparent stabilities of the ternary

complexes examined in this study. Those contain-ing 3′-dGTP are most stable, those containing 3′-dATP have only partial nucleotide occupancy,while ternary complexes containing 3′-dCTP or3′-dUTP could not be detected.Biochemical evidence in support of the impor-

tance of stacking interactions comes from studies onpromoter mutagenesis. Substitution of cytosine forguanosine at template position +1 results in a ∼15-fold decrease in promoter strength.31 C:G stackingprovides only −6.22 kcal/mol, significantly less thanfor G:G, and the reduction in promoter activityargues against Watson–Crick base-pairing being theprimary driving force for incoming nucleotideselection. Switching the +1 base-pair from dC:rGto dG:rC would not be predicted a priori to causesuch a significant change in promoter strength.Different binding modes are observed for the

initiating and elongating NTP. While the polymer-ase interacts with elongating NTPs through theircommon triphosphate moiety, it makes base-specificinteractions with the initiating GTP. T7 RNAP doesnot interact with the triphosphate of the firstnucleotide, GTP(1), which is reflected in the differentKd values for the first and second NTP.1,32 The lackof any interaction with the triphosphate mayactually benefit translocation. As the product RNAretains the triphosphate of GTP(1), a strong interac-tion between it and the polymerase may impedemovement of the DNA-RNA heteroduplex. The lackof interaction with the triphosphate of GTP(1) alsoexplains why both GMP and GDP can initiatetranscription in vitro.28

T7 RNAP exploits specific enzyme–nucleotidesubstrate interactions and innate base-stackingdifferences in stabilizing heteroduplex formationduring de novo synthesis. However, preferentialbinding of GTP would likely lead to misincorpora-tion in subsequent steps of transcription. By sepa-rating de novo RNA synthesis, which requires twoinitiating NTPs to bind in the D and P-sites, fromelongation synthesis, where the 3′-OH of the nascentRNA and incoming NTP are in the P and N-sites, theenzyme is able to accommodate both nucleotide-specific initiation and nucleotide non-specific elon-gation. A trade-off for having separate binding sitesfor the initiating NTPs is a slower chemistry ofphosphodiester synthesis. This slower rate isexplained by the off-set locations of both the 3′-OHof GTP(1) in the D-site and the α-phosphate of GTP(2) in the P-site, relative to the fixed positions of thecatalytic aspartate residues and the magnesiumions.1,32Although T7 RNAP is capable of unwinding the

promoter DNA, binding to the initiating nucleotideshifts the equilibrium towards open promoterconformation. Structures of all binary complexesshowed disordered, single-stranded templates, eventhough they mimic an open promoter configuration.This suggests that the open promoter is not poisedproperly for transcription in the absence of NTPs.The template strand becomes ordered in thepresence of GTP because the initiating nucleotides

265De novo RNA Synthesis by T7 RNA Polymerase

provide additional stabilization interactions. How-ever, the positions of the +1 and +2 templatenucleotides during de novo synthesis are stillgoverned by the −17 to −1 promoter DNA, whichis tightly bound to RNAP. As a consequence, the +1and +2 template residues in the de novo complexmust be upstream of the templating position usedduring elongation. The structural data shown hereand previous kinetic studies are consistent inshowing that GTP best stabilizes the open promoterconformation. Initiating nucleotides with lower af-finity for the polymerase, e.g. CTP and UTP, areunable to stabilize and guide the template ade-quately in an open promoter. Both structural andkinetic data indicate that stabilization of the tem-plate DNA by an NTP is related directly to itsaffinity for RNAP.Site-directed mutagenesis of residues surrounding

the D-site or P-site of RNAP, R425A and Y427A,results in reduced polymerase activity and areduced ability to open the transcription bub-ble.32–34 We reason that these mutations decreasethe affinity of the initiating nucleotides for thepolymerase, which in turn reduces promoter un-winding. The initiating nucleotide is known tostabilize the open promoter configuration;1,32,35–37

we have now shown that the initiating nucleotidedoes so by guiding the open promoter into the activesite as stronger interactions are formed in theternary complex.The footprint of Escherichia coli and T7 RNAP on

DNA enlarges during initiation, and a modelwhere the DNA becomes scrunched within theenzyme has been proposed.38–40 Using single-molecule FRET as a probe for structural changes,it has been shown recently that scrunching in E.coli RNAP occurs when the RNA product is >2-mer.22,41 Our structural data show conclusivelythat scrunching in T7 RNAP occurs at the 3-merstage. The initiating NTP-binding sites (D and P-sites) allow T7 RNAP to synthesize a 3-mer RNAwithout translocation, because the third NTP canbind to the N-site after synthesis of the dinucleo-tide is completed. This feature of the initiationreaction may serve to increase transcription effi-ciency by stabilizing the 2-mer heteroduplex in theactive site.When the 3-mer RNA is translocated, the template

DNA at the −1 position is scrunched into a pocket ofRNAP. Assuming that the size of the pocket does notchange, we estimate that four to five nucleotides oftemplate DNA can be scrunched in this manner. Noequivalent pocket for the non-template strand isapparent in the structure.The innate stability of G:G stacks may have been

exploited by enzymes other than T7 RNAP forinitiation. The preference for GTP as an initiatingnucleotide extends to many RNA-directed RNApolymerases from pathogenic Flaviviridae familymembers, including hepatitis C virus (HCV), WestNile virus and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV).Bacteriophage Φ6 RNA polymerase, whose mecha-nism of initiation has been characterized structu-

rally with a series of crystal structures captured inde novo synthesis, also uses GTP as the initiatingnucleotide.42,43 In an attempt to identify thecommon features in polymerases for initiating denovo RNA synthesis with GTP, we compared theT7 RNAP de novo complex with the structures ofHCV, BVDV and Φ6 RNA polymerases.44–46,34

There is no corresponding ternary structure forHCV and BVDV polymerases, and we thereforedocked the initiating GTP nucleotides from the T7RNAP complex onto the HCV or BVDV RNApolymerase structures after superposition of theactive site palm domains. The initiating nucleo-tides were positioned into the HCV and BVDVactive sites without steric clash (Figure 8).Two common features in the active sites of these

RdRP polymerases are noteworthy in regard to denovo synthesis. There is a positive charged residue,often arginine (Figure 8), that can make a stabilizinghydrogen bond with O6 of the initiating GTPnucleotides and thereby provides discriminationagainst adenine during de novo synthesis. In addi-tion, a conserved tyrosine is stacked against the firstG:C base-pair, which may stabilize the binding ofthe first NTP and formation of the de novo complex.The tyrosine in BVDV RNAP has been substituted

with alanine; mutant Y581A gave the predicteddecrease in transcription initiation but also showedan unanticipated increase in activity for initiationwith a primer.47 An RNA primer enables the poly-merase to bypass the initiation phase and enterdirectly into the elongation phase.48 The effect of theY581A mutation is to decrease the ability of theenzyme to perform de novo synthesis but to retainfull capacity to synthesize RNA in the elongationmode. The different effects are consistent with theidea that de novo synthesis is a unique phase oftranscription for RNA-directed RNA polymerases,as it is for the bacteriophage DNA-directed RNApolymerases.

Experimental Procedures

T7 RNA polymerase and substrate DNA preparation

T7RNAP was purified as described49 from E. coli strainBL21 containing the plasmid pAR1219.50 All DNAoligonucleotides were purchased from Integrated DNATechnology Inc., and purified by HPLC on a reverse phaseC4 column. The 3′-deoxynucleoside triphosphates werepurchased from the TriLink BioTechnologies. UltrapureGTP, ATP, GTP and UTP were purchased from GEHealthcare Life Sciences.

Crystallographic studies

Four DNA partial duplexes, whose sequence areshown in Table 1, were formed by annealing equalmolar amounts of template and non-template strands in50 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.5), 50 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA,heated to 75 °C for 5 min and cooled to 20 °C over thecourse of 2 h.

Figure 8. Conserved interactions in RNAP complexes during de novo synthesis. (a) T7 RNAP; (b) hepatitis C virus(HCV) RNA polymerase; (c) Φ6 RNA polymerase; (d) bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) RNA polymerase. TheseRNAPs have a conserved positively charged residue (T7: R632; HCV: K141;Φ6: R204; BVDV: R522) that interacts with thesecond initiating nucleotide, and a conserved tyrosine residue (T7: Y427; HCV: Y448; Φ6: Y630; BVDV: Y582) thatpositions the first nascent base-pair between the initiating nucleotide and the +1 template residue.

266 De novo RNA Synthesis by T7 RNA Polymerase

T7 RNAP-DNA binary complexes were prepared bymixing 200 μM T7 RNAP and 240 μM DNA in 50 mMTris–HCl, (pH7.5), 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 1 mMDTT, and incubating at 25 °C for 5 min. Complexes werecrystallized using 50 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.5–8.0), 200 mMLi2SO4, 10 mM MgCl2, 1 mM DTT, 20–30% (w/v), PEG8000 using the vapor-diffusion method at 20 °C. Ternarycomplexes of T7RNAP/DNA were prepared using250 μM T7RNAP/DNA complex with the corresponding3′-dNTP (5 mM). Complexes formed extremely thincrystals with dimensions of 500 nm× 300 nm×5 nm.Diffraction data were collected at Advanced PhotonSource (APS, ID14) at 100K using X-rays of wavelength1.05 Å, and were recorded on an ADQX charge-coupleddevice detector. Diffraction data were reduced with theprogram HKL2000.51 Structures were solved by the mo-lecular replacement method using programs AMoRe,52

and CNS.53 The T7 RNAP-promoter complex (PDBcode 1QLN) was used as a search model for phase calcu-lations. Structures were refined with programs CNS andRefmac,54 and rebuilt with program O.55

Kinetic measurements

The sequences of the substrates are shown in Figure 6:2-aminopurine was incorporated into the template strand

by substitution of the −4 adenine. Duplex DNAs wereprepared by annealing equal molar amounts of the twoDNA strands at 75 °C for 5 min, followed by cooling to20 °C over the course of 2 h.

Fluorescence measurements

Equilibrium DNA-binding experiments were con-ducted at 25 °C in a 2 ml quartz cuvette using aspectrofluorimeter (Photon Technology international,Inc.); fluorescence signals were analyzed using thesoftware Felix. Fluorescence titrations varied theamount of DNA added to a constant amount of T7RNAP (5 μM) in 200 μL of the reaction buffer (40 mMTris–HCl (pH 7.9), 10 mM MgCl2, 10 mM DTT, 2 mMspermidine). The effect of the initiating nucleotides onpromoter opening was measured in a second titration thatvaried the amount of DNA added to a constant amount ofT7 RNAP-NTPmixture (2.5μMT7RNAP+ 5mM3′-dNTP)in 200 μl of reaction buffer. Fluorescence values werecorrected as necessary by the dilution factor and bysubtracting the corresponding fluorescence values of 2-aminopurine DNA.The observed fluorescence changes were plotted

versus DNA concentration in the presence or in theabsence of the initiating NTP; in order to obtain Kd

267De novo RNA Synthesis by T7 RNA Polymerase

values, the data were transformed using the programGraFit:

FcFmax½fðkd þ Et þDtÞ�MðððKdþ Et þDtÞ2Þ�4ðEtDtÞÞg=2�where Et and Dt are the concentrations of enzyme andDNA, Kd is the equilibrium dissociation for the T7RNAP-DNA complex, and Fmax is the maximumfluorescence change at saturating concentrations ofDNA.

Protein Data Bank accession code

The coordinates for T-CC binary and ternary com-plexes have been deposited to the Protein Data Bankwith accession codes 2PI5 and 2PI4, respectively.


We thank I. Molineux for critical reading of themanuscript, and K. Johnson for advice and use of hisspectrofluorimeter. We thank and acknowledge thestaff and facilities of the Advanced Photon SourceID14. This work was supported, in part, by a grantfrom the Welch Foundation (F-1592).


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Edited by R. Ebright

(Received 16 October 2006; received in revised form 14 March 2007; accepted 14 March 2007)Available online 21 March 2007

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