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8:30pm Mike Durina


9:00am Don Foley

11:30am Sr. Lois Walter


8:30am Arthur Dietz


5:30pm Florence M. Cleary


8:30am Betty Haster


7:00pm Kem Jarvis


8:30am George Senda


8:30pm Patty Naples

1:30pm Fleming ♥ York Wedding


4:00pm Alice Callahan

SUNDAY APRIL 7 ~ Divine Mercy

9:00am Elizabeth & Frank McCaffrey

11:30am Anne Buckley

EASTER REFLECTION – We are all on a great climb. The wall is high and the stakes are higher. We took our first step the day we embraced Christ as the Son of God. He gave us His harness, the Holy Spirit. In our hands, He placed a rope, His Word.

Our first steps were confident and strong, but with the journey came weariness and with the height came fear. We lost our footing, our focus, our grip and we fell. For a moment, which seemed like forever, we tumbled wildly out of control, out of self-control, disoriented, dislodged, and falling. Then the “Rope” tightened and the tumble ceased. We hung in the “Harness” and found it to be strong. We grasped the “Rope” firmly and found it to be true. Though we cannot see our guide, we know Him. He is strong and able to keep us from falling. Only those who have faith can believe. Jesus Christ who was dead is Alive and Glorified and filled with Divine Power. Alleluia!

March 24th Collection $6,607 (164-Envelopes) Mass Attendance 409



4:00pm N/A Kathy Lewis

9:00am Mary Ann Cashier Mary Cleary

11:30am Carroll Necko Ryan Cox


4:00pm (F) ~ Florence Duffy (B) ~ Mellie Espino

(P) ~ Deacon Jim Smith

9:00am (F) ~ Clara Mullen (B) ~ Jeanne Foley

(B) ~ Fely Puray (P) ~ Deacon Jim Smith

(P) ~ Mary Ann Kobus

11:30am (F) ~ Isabel Tarr (B) ~ Betty West

(B) ~ Susan Burns (P) ~ Deacon Jim Smith

(P) ~ Lorna Carolipio


4:00pm 9:00am 11:30am

Ray Leone Johnny Jablonski Valerie Thomas

Bob Clifford Anna M. Thomas

Lauren Ladd


F. Puray, B. Clifford, J. Jablonski

Mrs. Patricia Cernica is donating the Host & Wine for the month of April in Memory of her grandson, Patrick Lallo, the Cernica and Marinelli Families and Jim Mullen.

STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: May we join with Mary and the apostles, running to seek the Lord, and striving to understand the way in which he is asking us to live our lives in Him. May the joy of Easter invite us to carry the Paschal Light to all our brothers and sisters in need. Alleluia! Alleluia!


OUR SINCERE THANKS & DEEP APPRECIATION to all who helped make our Lent & Holy Week so prayerful, beautiful and meaningful. God bless you for helping us to pray! A special thanks to the Parish Activities Committee for serving great meals on our Tuesday Lenten evenings.

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Speak out, reach out, and live out our Catholic faith

What is the Magisterium?

Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith. April 2013

The Magisterium is the teaching authority of the Church, exercised by the pope and the bishops (Catechism of the Catholics Church, 2033). Christ gave this authority to Peter and then to the Apostles as a group when he gave them the power of binding and

loosing (Matthew 16:19, 18:18). This authority involves

matters of faith and morals. As Catholics, we believe the

Holy Spirit guides the thinking of the pope and

bishops. We are therefore required to accept these


Recent studies reported that of all Christian denominations, Catholics are least likely to share our faith with others despite having the same requirement to “make disciples of all the nations.” Try these ideas to speak out, reach out, and live out the Good News of our Catholic faith: Talk about love. For someone who hasn’t experienced God or who has become inactive in her faith, hearing how you have personally experienced God’s love can be powerful. Don’t hesitate to share how God has blessed you when you sense someone is ready to listen. Brush up on Catholic terms and positions. When asked or when you sense there is confusion, be ready to explain the meaning of such terms as

“Sacrament” or “Communion” or the Church’s position on social issues. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a reliable reference or you can refer to the U.S. bishops’ website:

Support parish ministries. During parish drives, collect food and clothing from neighbors, coworkers, and relatives. Those are

prime opportunities to talk about the

Catholic dedication to serving the

poor and hungry. Use social media.

Whichever platform you choose, tweet an inspiration from the Bible, post your favorite devotion, pin a picture of your patron saint, or update the latest way God has worked in your life. No door knocking is required.

St. Mother Théodore Guérin The Year of Faith saint for April is

St. Mother Théodore Guérin, who

predicted at age ten that she would become a nun. At age 25, she became a Sister of Providence of Ruillé-sur-Loir in France. She was soon asked to lead missionary sisters to Indiana where their base was a log cabin with a porch for a chapel. By her death in 1856, she had opened schools throughout Illinois and Indiana, trusting in God’s providence to accomplish the impossible.

Speak the truth Do you speak out against injustice or sin? Yes, you may be called “intolerant” for sharing Gospel truths but tolerance doesn’t render truth untrue. In fact, saying nothing can be worse. Christ is clear: “When your brother sins, rebuke him and when he repents, forgive him” (Luke 17:3).

"The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness."

Pope Benedict XVI

St. Edward Parish FamilyMsgr. Robert J. Siffrin, Pastor

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April 2013 Page 2

What is the Golden Rule?

John 13:31-35, Love one another

Success Publishing & Media, LLCPublishers of Growing in Faith™ and Partners in Faith™

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(Unless noted Bible quotes and references are fromthe Revised Standard Version and the New American Bible)

To provide practical ideas that promotefaithful Catholic living.

© Copyright 2013 Success Publishing & Media, LLC

What kind of happiness do we want to choose for ourselves? The happiness society suggests involves possessions, status, popularity, celebrity. Few people, if any, attain that level of happiness nor does it last when achieved. Real lasting happiness is the kind Jesus wants us to choose. It means placing ourselves in God’s care, choosing what he wants for us and ignoring what the world tells us we need. This kind of happiness lasts forever.

Trust God completely. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or about your body, what you will wear … Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom (of

God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides” (Matthew 6:25, 32-33).

Express gratitude. If we aren’t thankful for what we already have, it will be hard to ever be happy. Spend time each day appreciating what

you have and it will increase in value.

Don’t worry, be happy

“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12) is often called the Golden Rule. For Christians,

however, it is just a start. In its broadest sense, the Golden Rule means that we are to treat each other with extraordinary love.

“Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” Jesus made it clear that he wants us to imitate the way he loves us by putting others’ needs before our own. Jesus’ sacrificial love for each of us is our model. Love God. And we do all of this because of our love for God. “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind … You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:37, 39-40). That love is the basis for all we do on Earth so that we can be happy with him forever in Heaven.

April 23 – St. George (300). Although many legends surround St. George, we know he was a soldier under Emperor Diocletian who persecuted Christians, and that he died a martyr in Palestine. He is celebrated as a model knight, protector of women, and combatant of evil. He is a patron of England, Portugal, Germany, Spain, and Italy. April 28 – St. Peter Chanel (1841). Born a peasant in France, he was ordained a priest and entered the Society of Mary. He was sent to evange-lize the Marshall Islands. Despite

The Last Supper was a confusing night for the Apostles. Although Jesus talked of his glory soon to come, they didn’t yet understand that Jesus’ glory involved great suffering. Jesus prepared them by giving them an important command that would help, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you should also love one another.” This is carefully worded by Our Lord. Jesus wanted his followers to be clear that this love is not a warm and fuzzy feeling. The love we are to have for each other is to be as

sacrificial as the love he demonstrated throughout his life and on the

Cross when he gave his life for us. Also important is the second part of this command, “This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Jesus intended for Christians to stand out in the world by behaving differently

than non-believers. He is no longer visible on Earth with us, so he left us to be his hands and his heart to those around us.

adversities, he baptized the natives, including the chieftain’s son. He was martyred by hostile warriors. The island converted two years after his death. April 30 – Pope St. Pius V (1572). Born to a poor family in Italy, Antonio Ghislieri became a Dominican, taught theology, and became Pope Pius V. As Pope, he established seminaries and hospitals, and published the Roman Catechism, Roman Breviary, and the Missal. He is known for his efforts to implement the Council of Trent.

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Wednesday April 3

9:00am Adoration

Friday April 5

6:00pm Wedding Rehearsal

Saturday April 6

9:00am Adoration

Sunday April 7

10:15am RCIA

Wednesday April 10

9:00am Adoration

6:00pm Parish Council ~ Vincentian Hall

ALLELUIA! Once again, we are celebrating the most important feast of the lives of all Christians – the feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord. May the glory of Our Lord’s miracle strengthen your faith and renew your hope. May his gift of peace this Easter bring every happiness to you and your loved ones. In this spirit of faith and hope, I wish you a Holy and Happy Easter.

Msgr. Siffrin


If you have not yet registered as a member of our parish, please take time to complete this form and return it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. A registration form will be sent to complete the registration process. Thanks for your interest in our parish and God Bless.

Date: _______________

Name: ________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

City: _________________________ State: _______ Zip: ________

Phone ___________________

Please use this form for change of address also.

St. Edward Parish 240 Tod Lane Youngstown, OH 44504 330-743-2308

OUTSIDE THE PARISH FIRST FRIDAY CLUB’S next program series meets Thursday, April 4, 2013 at Antone’s Banquet Centre, Market Street from 11:30am-1:00pm. The speaker is Dr. Paul Wright, retired Cardiologist. He is the author of Mother Teresa’s Prescriptions: Finding Happiness & Peace in Service. Topic: “What Mother Teresa Taught Me about the Meaning of Life.” Please, call the Rectory, 330-743-2308 to make your reservation. ST. PATRICK SCHOOL, HUBBARD is now accepting registration in grades K-8 for the 2013-2014 school year. We offer busing for Youngstown, Liberty, Brookfield and Hubbard as well as a before/after school program from 7am-6pm daily. Kindergarten screening will be May 15th from 8:30am-2pm. The Ohio Ed. Choice Scholarship (voucher) is accepted. Students must be registered prior to screening. For information or to register call 330-534-2509. BEATITUDE HOUSE is seeking a Housing Specialist/Case Manager to serve as coordinator of services for homeless families with disabilities. For more information or to apply for this position go to BEATITUDE HOUSE is also seeking a part-time case manager to work with homeless families with a disability in Mahoning County. For more information to apply, go to ST. JOSEPH THE PROVIDER SCHOOL will hold their annual Chinese Auction on Friday, April 5th at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel social Hall, Youngstown. Buffet begins at 7:30pm. Drawing begins at 9pm. Donation/$20 for dinner and 25 tickets. MIDLOTHIAN FREE HEALTH CLINIC is having a “Spaghetti Dinner” at St. Patrick Church, Youngstown from 11:30am to 4:30pm Sunday, April 7, 3013. ST. BRENDAN’S annual spring bingo & card party is 1:30pm on Sunday, April 14th in Maxwell Hall. Admission/$5.00, includes lunch. Tickets sold at door.

† MAY THEY REST IN PEACE † Mrs. Alice DelBane-Callahan, of our parish who died recently. She leaves her husband Kurt, two sons, a daughter and one grandson. † Mr. Frank Thewes, brother of Mary Ann Schueller of our parish who died recently.


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Liberty Health Care Center

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affiliates ofWindsor House, Inc.



911 Elm St.744-4387

T he Catholic Community together in death-as in Life

330-799-1900 330-792-4721

Resurrection Cemetery Calvary Cemetery

Featuring Community MausoleumsMonument Marker Sales

“Bringing Health CareBack Home”

4891 Belmont Ave.


fax 330-759-9564

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3230 Belmont Ave.

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Closed Sunday

Tu-Th 2-9pm • Fri. & Sat. 2-11pm • Sun. 12-7pm

3807 Belmont Ave., Youngstown759-3699759-3468 Fax

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Complimentary Sponsors

• Dr. Alejandro A. Franco & Family• The Christophers• Dr. Reynaldo Carolipio & Family

• Dr. & Mrs. Jacques S. St. Julien• Dr. & Mrs. Mark Davanzo• Bill & JoAnn Reali

• Dr. & Mrs. John Buckley• Dr. Charles DeMario• Dr. Joseph Baytosh

Single CatholicsOhio

Jeff Byce, GPPABroker, Auctioneer, Appraiser

Gayle Gillespie“Assistant”


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2323For Advertising Inform

ation CALL

1-800-282-5106JOHN A. McNALLY, III, CO., L.P.A.

John A. McNally, III • John A. McNally, IV

600 City Centre One, 100 Federal Plaza East330-744-5211 •

Social Security Disability & S.S.I.Business & Employment Law

Estates, Trusts & GuardianshipsPersonal Injury & Wrongful Death

419 Belmont Ave.E-mail:


SkilledNursing Care

Alzheimer’s CareRehabilitation

Assisted LivingProvided by:

Omni Manor Health Care Center

& Omni WestAssisted Living Residence

Liberty Health Care Center

& Liberty ArmsAssisted Living Residence

affiliates ofWindsor House, Inc.



911 Elm St.744-4387

T he Catholic Community together in death-as in Life

330-799-1900 330-792-4721

Resurrection Cemetery Calvary Cemetery

Featuring Community MausoleumsMonument Marker Sales

“Bringing Health CareBack Home”

4891 Belmont Ave.


fax 330-759-9564

b s h mbalog steines hendricks & manchester architects inc.

15 Central SquareSte. 300

Youngstown, OH 44503

330.744.4401fax: 330.744.2370

Compliments ofYOUNGSTOWN


• Janitorial Services• Window Cleaning

Since 1904


1842 Belmont Ave. • 330-743-3222

Jimmy’s ItalianFood Specialities

3230 Belmont Ave.

759-2904Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Closed Sunday

Tu-Th 2-9pm • Fri. & Sat. 2-11pm • Sun. 12-7pm

3807 Belmont Ave., Youngstown759-3699759-3468 Fax

Compliments of


Choose Wellness Technology! Peacock 330-719-6250 Distributor

Complimentary Sponsors

• Dr. Alejandro A. Franco & Family• The Christophers• Dr. Reynaldo Carolipio & Family

• Dr. & Mrs. Jacques S. St. Julien• Dr. & Mrs. Mark Davanzo• Bill & JoAnn Reali

• Dr. & Mrs. John Buckley• Dr. Charles DeMario• Dr. Joseph Baytosh

Single CatholicsOhio

Jeff Byce, GPPABroker, Auctioneer, Appraiser

Gayle Gillespie“Assistant”


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