levels of government not to be confused with branches of government. what are they?

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Levels of Government

• Not to be confused with Branches of Government.

• What are they?

Draw Government Cake

Add in “Decorations” for each layerStudents must draw cake in their notebook

Federal Government

• Most Powerful• In Washington DC• Federal means same as National• Leader is President• Law Makers called Congress• Has a Supreme Court

State Government

• 2nd most powerful• Leader is Governor (Terry Brandstad)• Located in Des Moines• Has a state Congress: makes state laws• Has a state Supreme Court

Local Government

• Le Claire or Bettendorf• Leader is Mayor (Le Claire= Scannell,

Bettendorf = Gallagher)• Law makers called City Council. • County courts and police/fire

For each of the following scenarios you have to decide if the power is Federal, State, Local, or shared between all 3?

Issuing the new $20.00 Bills

ANSWER: Federal

Declaring War

ANSWER: Federal

Establishing public schools

ANSWER: Mostly State/Local but a little bit Federal

Making a peace treaty with North Korea

ANSWER: Federal

Trading with China

ANSWER: Federal

Changing Interstate Speed Limit


Changing speed limit on Devils Glen Rd. in Bettendorf


Setting a midnight curfew for minors (those under 18)


Providing Hospitals

ANSWER: Mostly state but also some federal

Taxing citizens

ANSWER: All 3!!!

Which Branch of Government?

• You must decide which branch of government has the power for the given change.

Sending troops to Afghansistan

ANSWER: Executive (Commander and Chief)

Declaring War

ANSWER: Legislative (war not always officially declared)

Raising tax rates

ANSWER: Legislative

Changing Interstate Speed Limit

ANSWER: Legislative

Requiring taxes to be paid for online purchases

ANSWER: Legislative

Negotiating peace with North Korea

ANSWER: Executive

Allowing African Americans into white schools in the 50’s

ANSWER: Judicial (Brown vs. Board of Ed.)

Border dispute between Iowa and Illinois

ANSWER: Judicial

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