the three branches of government

The Three Branches of Government Mrs. Glover 4 th Grade History Class

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A presentation for The Read/Write Web class.


  • 1. The Three Branches of Government Mrs. Glover 4th Grade History Class

2. How does the government get the power? Under the Constitution, the powers of government are limited by law. The Constitution had to give the federal government the power to govern the nation, but it also had to protect the states and citizens from that power. The Constitution also required the national government to defend the country and to work for the common good of the nation. 3. Separation of Powers Under the Constitution, three branches share government powers. The delegates created this separation of powers to keep any one branch from controlling the government. It creates a limited government, protecting both citizens and the other branches. 4. The Three Branches of Government Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch 5. Lets Watch a Video School House Rock: Three Ring Government- It's Our Political Circus!! By: Kyle Hardaway 6. The Branches of Government 7. Legislative Branch In Article 1 of the Constitution, we find the explanation of the legislative branch. The legislative branch is also known as the lawmaking branch of the government. The Congress is given the powers to make laws to manage conflict, raising an army and a navy, declaring war, and coining and printing money. Congress also controls commerce, or trade. 8. Legislative Branch Congress became two housesthe House of Representatives and the Senate. Either house could propose most bills. For a bill to become law, a majority in each house would have to vote for it. 9. The Executive Branch In Article 2, we find the explanation of the executive branch. The executive branch has the power to enforce laws. The delegates decided to have a President., who is also known as the chief executive. Citizens vote for electors, who vote for the President. This group of electors is called the electoral college. 10. To Qualify to be the President One must be at least 35 years old born in the United States live in the United States for 14 years. 11. The Executive Branch The President could veto, or reject, bills passed by Congress. However, Congress could then override the President's veto with a two-thirds vote. 12. Executive Branch The delegates also made the President commander in chief of the military. The President's main power, however, would be to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. If this duty was not met, Congress could impeach the President, or accuse the President of crimes. If found guilty, the President could be removed from office. 13. The Judicial Branch The countries court system Interprets the meaning of laws Determine how laws are applied Determines if the law follows the guidelines of the constitution. 14. The Judicial Branch The states have their own courts. A federal court system was developed by delegates. Federal courts would decide cases that dealt with the Constitution, treaties, and national laws. Federal court also decide cases between states and between citizens of different states. 15. The Supreme Court The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. It is the head of the judicial branch. The President would nominate the Supreme Court justices, or judges. The Senate would vote whether to approve them. The delegates decided that Supreme Court justices could stay in office for life. At first, there were six Supreme Court justices. Today, there are nine. 16. The Supreme Court The Supreme Court has the power to strike down any law that goes against the Constitution. Only by changing the Constitution can Congress restore a law struck down by the Supreme Court. The government must also apply laws equally to every person. This is called rule of law. 17. Resources Berson, M., Howard, T. & Salinas, C. (2010). Social studies: the United States, making a new nation. Orlando, Fla: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt School Publishing. Branch of Government Photo Retrieved June 4,2014 on 683998145/sizes/m School House Rock: Three Ring Government- It's Our Political Circus!! Retrieved on June 4, 2014