lean ux: getting out of the deliverables business

Post on 17-Aug-2014






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This is an expanded presentation detailing how to focus on leaner user experience design methods and reducing the amount of deliverables in your work. It advocates focusing on the actual experience being created and not the deliverable itself as the end state of a project by reducing waste and choosing the right tool at the right time at the right depth. See also bit.ly/LeanUX


Lean UXGetting out of the deliverables business


Who is this guy?I’m just doing this for the lanyards.

Jeff GothelfCurrently: Director of UX at TheLadders.com

Previously: Publicis Modem, Webtrends, AOL, Fidelity and an assortment of startups

Blog: www.jeffgothelf.com/blog

Twitter: @jboogie

Email: jgothelf@theladders.com


In the beginning…UX began with Information Architecture which no one had ever heard of

http://www.ucdesigners.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/stockxpertcom_id21589-world1-1024x794.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

Deliverables helped define the practiceAnd this was good

#LeanUX | @jboogie

IA evolved and expanded into IxD and her sistersDarwinism at work

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Deliverables helped define the practiceAnd this was good

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Value has ultimately been placed on the deliverableNot on the experience being created

#LeanUX | @jboogie

With interactive experiences evolving rapidlyThe deliverable is just not enough

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Lean UXInspired by Lean Startup and Agile development theories, it’s the practice of bringing the true nature of our work to light faster, with less emphasis on deliverables and greater focus on the actual experience being designed.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Agile• Individuals and interactions over processes and tools• Working software over comprehensive documentation• Customer collaboration over contract negotiation• Responding to change over following a plan

LeanLean Startup initially advocates the creation of rapid prototypes designed to test market assumptions, and uses customer feedback to evolve them much faster than via more traditional software engineering practices.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

It goes a little something like this…Look familiar?

Concept Prototype

Validate Internall


Test Externally

Learn from user



Just the UX process

#LeanUX | @jboogie

You can’t hide behind your monitor any more!Seriously. It’s time to come out.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/yamagatacamille/4799648425/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

Get it out there. Fast.In public. (Yes, where people can see it.)

#LeanUX | @jboogie

What Lean UX is NOT

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Lazy.Sorry. You still have to work hard.


“…the best part … is that the team is doing a F@&K-TON of UX. They document a ton of stuff explicitly on the walls and implicitly in shared understanding among team members.”

- Austin Govella commenting on Whitney Hess’s “Why I Detest the Term Lean UX”http://whitneyhess.com/blog/2011/02/27/why-i-detest-the-term-lean-ux/

#LeanUX | @jboogie

The only thing being removed is waste.You leave that stuff laying around and it starts to stink!

http://www.flickr.com/photos/mims/326748812/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

This is NOT design-by-committee!We all know where that leads

http://www.flickr.com/photos/mims/326748812/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

What Lean UX is…

#LeanUX | @jboogie

ControlYou’re still in charge

#LeanUX | @jboogie

But I’m giving up control of my work!You’re not, actually. It just feels that way.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/alshepmcr/4561517216/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

You don’t need “The Spec” to keep controlIt’s the last mile of the value you bring to the team

http://talkingtraffic.org/wp-content/images/stack_documents.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

If you spend 3 months perfecting a design only to find out it fails to meet customer and/or business needs, you’ve just

wasted 3 months of your life, not to mention your team’s

#LeanUX | @jboogie

From Design Criticism and the Creative Process by Cassie McDaniel on A List Apart, 11 Jan, 2011.

http://www.alistapart.com/articles/design-criticism-creative-process/ #LeanUX | @jboogie

Designers shouldn’t be expected to get it right the first timeNobody else has to

You are the “Keeper of the Vision”The greater goal of the design is YOUR responsibility

http://www.flickr.com/photoshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/kubina/1386979654/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

MomentumEveryone’s engaged. Everyone’s motivated.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Keep everybody moving forwardYour clients, stakeholders, your design and you.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/37541410@N03/3901861703/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

QualityDon’t compromise

#LeanUX | @jboogie

“Speed first. Aesthetics second.” – Jason Fried, 37Signals.com

#LeanUX | @jboogie

“Going for the bronze.” – A Creative Director I used to work with

#LeanUX | @jboogie

What about the quality of the design?Iterations mean quality continually improves.

http://stockthemind.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/project-cartoon.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

FeasibilityMake sure it can be built (and built well)

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Prototype it!But not all of it.


#LeanUX | @jboogie

Once validated, demo to the team.Presto! Instant documentation (no additional deliverable needed).


No additional deliverables are needed!

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Then show it to your customers.Keep it light and cheap.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/forakerdesign/3657336793/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

Fill in the gapsWhat did you not think about?

#LeanUX | @jboogie

The more you talk about itThe more you realize what’s missing

http://www.flickr.com/photos/adysmiles/4822749055/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

Can it be done?A tale of two cultures.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/kadelmann/3564028694/sizes/z/#LeanUX | @jboogie

The internal software/web design shop.Well within your grasp.

http://www.istudyathes.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/microsoft-20team-201978.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

You are in the problem-solving business and you don’t solve problems with design documentation. You solve them with elegant, efficient and sophisticated software.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

The interactive agency.Tougher sell. Worth it in the end.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Agencies are in the deliverables business.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Recapping the “internal” Lean UX process….Remember?

Concept Prototype

Validate Internall


Test Externally

Learn from user



Just the UX process

#LeanUX | @jboogie

For agencies it looks slightly differentGive your clients the power. They like that.

Concept Prototype

Validate w/client Learn

from user


IterateValidate w/client

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Consultants are specialized mini-agenciesSuccess with Lean UX will be determined by attention level

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Reducing deliverables efforts reduces revenueIn theory…

Fewer deliverables Fewer billable hours


Project delivered faster

Happier, more empowered client

Repeat customer

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Invest in your client’s successIt shows the confidence you have in your work

http://www.flickr.com/photos/19638298@N00/143127498/sizes/z/#LeanUX | @jboogie

Is this good for every project?Use it where it makes sense.

http://www.krackblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/david_hasselhoff_gary_coleman-e1275077640952.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

Functional, task-flow projects work well.There’s a clear end goal.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Highly experiential marketing projects will struggle.Time to ideate and create options is essential.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

What about content heavy experiences?Some up front planning is necessary.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Distributed teams do it remotely!If they’re a part of you, it’s on! If not, not bloody likely.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2361/2076450897_be1b8ace7c.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

Case Study100 Days of Collaboration

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Problem Statement:“You’re like Monster, but I have to pay for it.”

#LeanUX | @jboogie

3 days, 3 themes:Acquisition and conversionResume servicesA human in every interaction

#LeanUX | @jboogie

#LeanUX | @jboogie

#LeanUX | @jboogie

#LeanUX | @jboogie

#LeanUX | @jboogie

#LeanUX | @jboogie

How do I get started?Here’s one way. Get everyone involved early.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Can you guess who sketched this?The answer will shock you!

http://www.flickr.com/photos/janekeeler/4677093058/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

Can you guess who sketched this?The answer will shock you!

http://www.flickr.com/photos/janekeeler/4677093058/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

Can you guess who sketched this?The answer will shock you!

http://www.flickr.com/photos/janekeeler/4677093058/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

The whole execution team did in a modified “design studio.”You can also call it collaborative sketching.

Design studios Cross-functional team Everybody draws, presents and

critiques Refine ideas through 3 rounds Generate tons of raw ideas Huge headstart for UX Early team-wide alignment Team-wide feeling of ownership

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Start small.6 of your best ideas as fast as possible.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Refine to 3 or 4 better ideas.Add detail.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

And once more to one, final, detailed idea.Let your one best idea shine.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Designers are used to being heroes. Lean UX is distinctly, anti-hero.

http://www.abegoodman.com/Images/greatest-american-hero.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

This is an evolution. Not a revolution.Evolve to stay relevant.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/freejay3/2387714157/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

Let’s get back to the experience design business.It’s where it’s at (as the kids say)

http://www.flickr.com/photos/expressmonorail/3057998218/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie






Thanks!Ask me some questions. Here. Now. Or later.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

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