knockout touch footy -

Post on 05-Jan-2022






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Knockout Touch Footy

■ 2021 ■ Term 3 ■ Weeks 1, 2 & 3 ■ Principal: Owen Gill

■ Phone: (02) 6924 5227 Educating, Enriching and Empowering Students

■ Fax: (02) 6924 5224 Eurongilly Public School

■ Email: Eurongilly Road

■ Website: Eurongilly NSW 2663

Eurongilly Public School ■ Principal: Owen Gill Educating, Enriching and Empowering Students

■ Phone: (02) 6924 5227

■ Fax: (02) 6924 5224 Eurongilly Public School

■ Email: Eurongilly Road

■ Website: Eurongilly NSW 2663

■ 2021 ■ Term 3 ■ Weeks 1, 2 & 3 ■ Newsletter


Term 3, Week 3

Monday 26- Friday 30 Education Week

Friday 30 July Olympics Theme Day

Term 3, Week 4

Friday 6 Aug Jeans for Genes Day

Cootamundra Zone Athletics

Term 3, Week 5

Friday 13 August PJ and Pizza Day

Term 3, Week 6

Monday 16- Friday 20 Student-led conferences

Wednesday 18 Aug Newsletter

Friday 20 Aug Riverina Athletics

Feature Photo

Knockout Touch Footy win over Humula Public School

In this issue... A message from Mr Gill .............................................................. 3

Education Week 2021 ............................................................. 3

Gymnastics program ............................................................... 3

Term 3 staffing update........................................................... 4

Term 3 events ............................................................................ 4

Zone PSSA Athletics Carnival .............................................. 4

Touch Football success .......................................................... 4

Whole School assembly review .......................................... 5

2022 Kindergarten enrolment ............................................. 5

COVID-19 update ..................................................................... 5

P&C News ........................................................................................ 6

News from K-2 ............................................................................... 7

News from 3-6 ............................................................................... 8

Writing: ......................................................................................... 8

Mathematics: .............................................................................. 8

Visual Arts – We have a few projects on the go! ......... 8

Eurongilly Public School

Educating, Enriching and Empowering Students Page 3

A message from Mr Gill

Education Week 2021

Education Week is an annual celebration of NSW public

education and the achievements of our schools,

students and education system. This year Ed Week will

run from Monday 26 to Friday 30 July 2021 celebrating

the theme Lifelong learners.

Like last year, the COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted

our original plans of welcoming family and friends to

celebrate Education Week at school. Instead, staff have

adjusted planning to provide initiatives with a more

home focused approach. We hope you all enjoy what

we have come up with for 2021.

Firstly, check out our 2021 Education Week slide show

on our school website page


We would like to thank Alice Worldon for the time and

energy she put into this project. Students have also

been provided with a STEM activity to complete at home

with their families. The finished results will hopefully be

captured in film. We will cap off Education Week with a

mini-Olympics theme day this Friday 30 July.

Gymnastics program

Our K-6 students had a flipping fantastic start to the

term, with Little Champions Gymnastics visiting our

school and providing 4 intensive gymnastics lessons.

The students were smiling ear to ear during the

programmed lessons but were certainly complaining of

sore muscles the next day. Little Champions Gymnastics

returns in Week 10 of this term, to provide a further 4

lessons. This program has been made possible through

the school being successful in receiving yet another

Sporting Schools Grant.

Eurongilly Public School

Page 4

Term 3 staffing update

We would like to welcome both Miss Rhiannon Lieschke

and Mrs Jessica Carter to the Eurongilly Public School

staff team of 2021. Whilst Miss Lieschke finalises her

studies, she has been provided conditional approval to

teach. It is wonderful to have her working with both

classes each Thursday and Friday, bringing with her

passion, enthusiasm and new ideas. Jess has been a

consistent and invaluable asset, volunteering every

spare minute towards helping with day-to-day school

operations in between her position as school cleaner.

She has recently completed further mandatory training

and we look forward to employing her as a School

Learning Support Officer on a couple of mornings a

week as an extra support to our individualised student

learning programs.

Term 3 events

Originally planned Term 3 events this year included

Athletics Carnival, Education Week activities, Book Week

activities, Father’s Day Breakfast BBQ, student-led

conferences, swimming lessons, Stage 2 and 3 camp to

Sydney and an end of term assembly where students

would share their speeches as part of a focus on public

speaking. With COVID-19 restrictions in place, we are in

the process of revising most planned events. Please find

a term planner attached to this newsletter for your

convenience. We are striving to continue with as many

events as we can in a COVID-safe way and finalised

details will be provided once confirmed. We thank you

for your continued understanding that we are

responding with best intentions and that some school

events just can’t proceed at this point in time under

current guidelines.

Zone PSSA Athletics Carnival

This week, our 8 years and older students are taking part

in school-based qualifications ahead of the zone

athletics carnival scheduled for Friday 6 August, being

held in Temora. Traditionally, students qualified through

the Junee Small Schools Athletics Carnival, which

disappointingly has been cancelled for 2021. We wish

our students the best of luck in their track and field


Touch Football success

Congratulations to our school’s touch football team

who defeated Humula Public School late last term 7-6.

The participation, skill and sportsmanship from both

schools created a wonderful spectacle. Jesse was

outstanding as one of the senior leaders and organisers.

Sam found gaps in the middle of the field and scored at

an important time of the game. Lily, who was originally

hesitant to play, was one of our more consistent

achievers throughout the game. Scarlett used her mind

for the game, impacting in both attack and defence.

Malee, Archer, Cooper, Stanley, Willow and Tom all rose

to the challenge and played their roles confidently. Our

next game of the state knockout is on hold as we await

further advice.

Eurongilly Public School

Educating, Enriching and Empowering Students Page 5

2022 Kindergarten enrolment

Kindergarten enrolment and transition planning is

underway for the 2022 school year. We would love to

hear from all families considering the enrolment of their

child at Eurongilly Public School. We look forward to the

opportunity to share further details and information

about our wonderful small school community.

POP (Parenting Payments Online)

Go to the school’s website and click on

$Make a Payment at the top and follow the prompts

to make a school payment online with either your Visa

or Mastercard.

Whole School assembly review

Staff and students were thrilled with the wonderful roll

up of parents, family and community members at our

end of Term 2 assembly. On a wintery day, the big crowd

all managed to squeeze inside and celebrate student

achievements through student awards, student leader

reports and a dance display from both classes. Thank

you to everyone who was able to attend. We look

forward to hosting you again, hopefully sooner than


COVID-19 update

A reminder to our community that the most recent NSW

Department of Education guidelines and updates in

response to the COVID-19 pandemic can be found at

( Schools outside of Greater Sydney ( )

Eurongilly Public School

Page 6

Summary of key messaging ‘advice to families’- The

key information that we would appreciate everyone

taking particular note of is as follows.

• Staff, students and essential visitors practice

personal hygiene, including washing and

sanitising hands regularly, cover a cough or

sneeze with elbow and avoid physical contacts.

• Parents are asked to support key messaging by

following up with children at home.

• Non-essential visitors are not permitted in

schools. Ring the school ahead to notify of your


• Parents should maintain physical distancing by

not gathering outside school gates.

• Unwell staff and students must stay at home

and should not return to school until they have

received a negative test result and are

symptom-free. Students who have other

medical reasons for recurrent symptoms are

asked to seek a letter from a GP.

• All workers and visitors must wear a mask and

use the QR code sign-in as well as normal

school sign in procedures.

• Masks are recommended for all staff.

P&C News

Thank you to everyone who helped out with our very

successful 2021 Pie Drive, and to all families and

community members who placed orders. A special

thank you to Richard Cusack for being the pieman driver

and delivering to Eurongilly. A total of $1727 was raised

for our school, well done!

A reminder that there is a clothing pool available for

anyone who would like to purchase uniforms. Any

clothing items looking to be re-homed are always

welcomed and appreciated.

Eurongilly Public School

Educating, Enriching and Empowering Students Page 7

News from K-2

Last term, K/1/2 wrote fantastic teaching books. They

looked at features and learnt methods that real non-

fiction authors use to teach about their topics and

applied these to their own writing. Many students have

been opting to use their Monday writing sessions to

continue publishing their books.

Our focus for Term 3 has moved from exploring non-

fiction in both Reading and Writing, to fiction – realistic

fiction. Students have been enjoying reading the real-

life adventures of characters such as Henry and Mudge,

Mr Putter and Tabby and Iris and Walter. In their own

writing, they have learnt to think of a pretend character,

give them a name; imagine a setting for where the story

is taking place; imagine the ‘real life’ trouble their

character gets into and think of a way of getting their

character out of trouble. They have been sketching their

story across the pages in their mini books, then

constructing the story in words. Again, students have

been applying ideas

gained from our

mentor texts to write

their own realistic

fiction adventures.

Students have also

been investigating

Whole Number and

Addition and

Subtraction in


Kindergarten have

been working on

subitising whilst

Stage 1 have been

counting forwards

and backwards by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s and learning

how to count into the hundreds and count by 10s off

the decade. All students have been enjoying their

Number work and it has been pleasing to witness their

increasing confidence and abilities.

Continuing on from our Geography work last term,

K/1/2 have been creating free-draw maps of Australia,

putting their own stylistic interpretation to their

artworks. They have also commenced some Australian

animal, Indigenous inspired collages – discussing the

habitat of their animals and how the colours of that

landscape can be reflected in the collage backdrops of

their artworks. Students are excited at the prospect of

their pieces featuring in the upcoming Illabo Show.

Eurongilly Public School

Page 8

News from 3-6

Yaama (hello)!

Wow! Would you look at that! Term 3 already! Here’s

what 3-6 have been up to:


We have been learning

about procedural texts

and we looking forward

to using our final

written texts in the



Stage 2 are focusing on

Whole Numbers part 2

(ordering 5-6-digit


Stage 3 are focusing on

Whole Numbers part 2

(integers such as

negative numbers and


Visual Arts – We have a few projects on the go!

Bunjil – The Creator

For history and reconciliation week we learnt about

Bunjil the creator. Unfortunately, Bunjil was too heavy to

stay up on the roof so we have found a place up high

on the wall. Well done to all students who worked

collaboratively to form this wonderful piece of art.

Abstract Art

Here are a few finished examples of our amazing chalk

pastel abstract portraits! During whole-school rotations,

we have been working on blending and smudging

analogous colours (groups of three colours that are next

to each other on the colour wheel). We have used black

glue to boldly outline the face. Our abstract artwork is

inspired by Sandra Silberzweig. (K-6 Abstract art will be

entered into the Illabo Show.)

Clay Modelling

We are very lucky to continue with our visual arts this

term as we work towards master pieces for the Illabo

Show. Next, we are going to be working with clay and

sculpting animal pinch pots. Inside the pot, each student

will have the opportunity to plant and grow a succulent.


We are currently learning

to sketch using light to

add tone (shading).

Stage 2: Half Fruit Sketch –

Please can students decide

what fruit they would like

to sketch and bring in a

piece of fruit or vegetable

to school on Wednesday

4th August. In class, we will

cut it in half and students

will begin their final


Stage 3: Outside sketch of


Eurongilly Public School

Educating, Enriching and Empowering Students Page 9

Eurongilly Public School Term 3 Calendar

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

3 Education


26 July 27 July 28 July 29 July 30 July

Olympics Theme



2 August 3 August 4 August 5 August 6 August


Zone Athletics

Jeans for Genes


9 August 10 August

11 August 12 August 13 August

PJ and Pizza Day

6 Student led


16 August 17 August 18 August


19 August 20 August

Riverina Athletics

7 Book Week

23 August 24 August

25 August 26 August 27 August

?Book Parade?


30 August 31 August 1 September

?Father’s Day


Footy Colours Day

2 September 3 September


6 September 7 September 8 September

Touch Footy Gala



9 September 10 September

Public Speaking



13 September


14 September


15 September

?Excursion Dates?

16 September

?Excursion Dates?

17 September

?Excursion Dates?

Eurongilly Public School ■ Principal: Owen Gill Educating, Enriching and Empowering Students

■ Phone: (02) 6924 5227

■ Fax: (02) 6924 5224 Eurongilly Public School

■ Email: Eurongilly Road

■ Website: Eurongilly NSW 2663

■ 2021 ■ Term 3 ■ Weeks 1, 2 & 3 ■ Newsletter

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