klp 3 english

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  • 7/28/2019 Klp 3 English



    A cube is a region of space formed by six square, all sides of which are the

    same in largerst. Three edges join at each corner to form a vertex. The cube canalso be called a regular hexahedron.

    figure of ABCD. EFGH cube

    Parts of a cubea. Side

    A cube has six sides which are all squares, so each side has four equal

    edges and all angles are right angle.

    b. VertexA point on where three edges meet to each other. A cube has 8 vertices.

    ABCD.EFGH cube has 8 vertices, are :

    A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,

    (corner symbolized by " ")

    c. EdgeA line segment on where two sides meet. A cube has 12 edges. Because all

    sides are squares and congruent to each other, all edges of which are the

    same in length.

    ABCD. EFGH cube has 12 edges of the same length, namely:

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    Base edges : AB, BC, CD, AD

    Vertical edges : AE, BF, CG, DH

    Horizontal edges : EF, FG, GH, EH

    d. Side DiagonalsSide diagonals is line segment linking the opposite corners of a side. Sidediagonal divide side into two parts of the same area.

    Each side has two, for a total of 12 in the cube. Diagonals length of the

    ABCD.EFGH cube are same, AC = BD = EG = HF = AF = BE = CH =

    DG = AH = ED = BG = CF

    e. SpaceDiagonalsSpace diagonal of a cube is a line segment connecting two opposite corner

    point in a cube which are not are the same side. A cube has 4 space

    diagonals. Space diagonals intersect in the middle of the cube.

    Diagonal length of the space AG = BH = CE = DF

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    f. Diagonal PlaneDiagonal Plane of the cube is plane through two opposite edges.

    There are six areas of the diagonal, namely: ACGE, BDHF, ABGH,


    Diagonal plane ACGE = BDHF = ABGH = CDEF = ADGF = BCHE

    Surface Area of a CubeSurface Area of ABCD EFGH cube with side length s units is equal to the

    area of side x 6

    The area of BCGF = s x s

    = s2

    Surface Area of ABCD.EFGH cube = 6 x Area of side

    = 6 x s2

    Surface Area cube with side length s units are 6 x s2 (unit area)

    Volume of a cubeVolume of a cube ABCD with side length s units

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    The area of base (ABCD) = side x side

    = s x s

    = s2 (unit area)

    Volume of a cube = the area of base x height of cube= s2 x s

    = s3

    Volume of the cube with side length s = s3 (unit volume)

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    A cuboid is a three dimensional object with six sides of a rectangle with

    opposite sides are congruent.

    figure of ABCD.EFGH cuboid

    Parts of a Cuboida. Side

    A cuboid has six sides which opposite sides are congruent.

    In ABCD. EFGH cuboid, there are :

    1. Side of base = ABCD2. Side up = EFGH3. Front side = ABFE4. The back side = CDHG5. The left side = ADHE6. Right side = BCGF

    Sides of ABCD = EFGH, the ABFE = CDHG, the ADHE =


    b. VertexA point on where three edges meet. ABCD.EFGH cuboid has 8vertices, are :

    A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,

    (corner symbolized by " ")

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    c. EdgeA line segment on where two sides meet. A cuboid has 12 edges.

    Because in the cuboid there are two sides are congruent, so there are

    4 pieces edges of which the same length.

    AB = EF = DC = HG, BC = FG = AD = EH, and EA = FB = HD =


    d. Side DiagonalsSide diagonals of a cuboid is a segment connecting two points on a

    side opposite angle. There are 12 pieces of side diagonals in a cuboid.

    Diagonal length of the AC = BD = EG = HF

    Diagonal length of the AF = BE = CH = DG

    Diagonal length of the AH = ED = BG = CF

    e. Space DiagonalsSpace diagonal of a cuboid is a segment connecting two opposite

    corner point in a cube which are not are the same side. Space diagonals

    of cuboid intersect in the middle of a cuboid.

    There are 4 space diagonals in a cuboid which are the same in length,

    AG = BH = CE = DF

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    f. Diagonal PlaneDiagonal plane of a cuboid is plane through two opposite edges.

    Diagonal plane divide the cuboid into two equal parts.

    There are six areas of the diagonal, namely: ACGE, BDHF, ABGH,


    Diagonal plane ACGE = BDHF, ABGH = CDEF, and ADGF = BCHE

    Surface Area of a CuboidThe surface area of a cuboid is the sum area of all sides.

    Area of (ABCD + EFGH + BCFG + ADEH + ABEF + DCHG)

    as we know, ABCD = EFGH, BCFG = ADEH, ABEF = DCHG

    so the formula can be simplified into,

    The surface area of a cuboid = 2( AB x BC) + 2(BC x CG) + 2(AB x CG)

    AB is equal to length of cuboid, BC is equal to width of cuboid and CG is

    equal to height of cuboid.

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    Volume of a CuboidVolume = base area (ABCD) x height of cuboid

    as we know area of ABCD = AB x BC

    So the volume of a cuboid = length x width x height (unit volume)

  • 7/28/2019 Klp 3 English



    Definition of PrismPrism is a solid geometry that have two parallel side. This is one of

    the example of prism.

    Characteristic of PrismThe characteristic of the prism such as :

    1. A prism has two bases, which are congruent polygonslying in parallel planes.

    2. Base area of the prism can be n-edges3. Prism has a lateral edges thet the lines formed by

    connecting the corresponding vertices, which form a

    sequence of parallel segments.

    4. Prism has lateral sides that the parallelograms formed bythe lateral edges.

    Prism has two base there are upper and lower bases.

    Triangle ABC is called triangle prism lower base. Triangle DEF is

    called triangle prism upper base. AD, BE, and CF is lateral edges

    of the prism that perpendicular with the base of the prism.

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    Types of prismThere are many types of prism such as :

    Right prismA prism whose lateral edges are perpendicular to the bases. In a

    right prism, a lateral edge is also an altitude.

    Oblique prismA prism whose lateral edges are not perpendicular to the base.

    ParallelepipedsThe bases of parallelepiped prisms are parallelograms.

    CuboidThe sides of cuboids are rectangular side.

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    Net of PrismThere are so many shape of net prism, its depending of the base prism


    Triangular Prism

    Number of endpoints : 6 Number of sides : 5 Number of edges : 9

    Rectangular prism (cube or solid)

    Number of endpoints : 8 Number of sides : 6 Number of edges : 12

    Pentagonal Prism

    Number of endpoints : 10 Number of sides : 7 Number of edges : 15

    The conclusion from the three example above are :

    Number of endpoints : n x 2 Number of sides : n + 2 Number of edges : n x 3

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    Volume and Surface area of prism Volume

    Volume of prism is base area multiplied by height or can be


    V= b x h

    Surface areaSurface area of prism is perimeter multiplied by height add

    with two times of base or can be written

    A : (2 x b) + (c x h)

  • 7/28/2019 Klp 3 English



    Definition of CylinderCylinder is a solid geometry whose base is circle.

    Characteristic of CylinderThe characteristic of cylinder such as :

    1. Base and top area of the cylinder are same circle with the sameradius.

    2. Height of the cylinder is distance of base and top of circlecenter point

    3. A cylinder has two parallel sides that are circles and one sidesthat wraps around the two circles at right angles to each.

    Types of CylinderThe types of cylinder such as :

    Right Circular CylinderCylinder that the base are perpendicular to the height of


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    Oblique Cylinder

    Cylinder that the base and top is displaced each other.

    Net of CylinderThis is the net of the cylinder.

    Number of sides : 3 The blanket of cylinder like the rectangular shape

    Volume and Surface Area Volume

    Volume of cylinder is surface base area multiplied by

    height or can be written.

    V : r2h

    Surface AreaThe surface area of cylinder is two times surface base area

    and add by circumference circle multiplied by height or can

    be written

    A : 2r2 + 2rh

  • 7/28/2019 Klp 3 English



    Sphere is a body, bounded by a spherical surface. It is possible to receive a

    ball, rotating a half-circle (or a circle) about its diameter. All plane sections of aball circles (Fig.90). The largest circle is in a section, going through a center of

    a ball and is called a large circle. Its radius is equal to a radius of a ball. Any two

    large circles are intersected along a diameter of a ball (AB, Fig.91). This

    diameter is also a diameter for each of these intersecting circles. Through two

    points of a spherical surface, placed on the ends of the same diameter (A and B,

    Fig.91 ), it is possible to draw an innumerable set of large circles. For instance,

    through the poles of Earth it is possible to draw an infinite number of meridians.


    A three-dimensional figure with all of its points equidistant from its center.

    Radius: r

    Diameter: d (2R)

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    Sector of a Sphere

    The part of a sphere between two right circular cones that have a common


    At the center of the sphere, and a common axis. (The interior cone may have a

    base with zero radius.)

    Radius: r

    Height: h

    Segment and Zone of a Sphere

    Segment: the portion of a sphere cut off by two parallel planes.Zone: the curved surface of a spherical segment.

    Radius of sphere: r

    Radii of bases: r1, r2

    Height: h

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    Shell of sphere

    An object that is bounded by some part of sphere and the shell of cylinders or

    truncated cones are draw in a cylinders.


    In general axis can be defined as imaginary line around which something

    rotates. A line that passes through a sphere in such a way that the part of the

    sphere on one side of the line is a mirror reflection of the part on the other side

    of the line.


    Part of the circumference (edge) of a circle, or part of any curve.Given two

    points on a circle, the minor arc is the shortest arc linking them. The major arc

    is the longest.

    A. Surface Area of Sphere1. The curved surface area of segment of sphere

    The curve area of segment of sphere is


    t: borderline high

    r: radius of sphere

    2. The curved surface area of shell of sphereThe curved surface area of shell of sphere is

    3. Surface area of a sphere

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    The curved surface area & the total surface area of the sphere are equal.

    The surface area of a sphere is given by the following formula


    r = radius of sphere

    d = 2r

    Volume of a Sphere FormulaVolume of a sphere is a measurement of the occupied units of a

    sphere. The volume of a sphere is represented by cubic units like cubic

    centimeter, cubic millimeter and so on. Volume of a sphere is the

    number of units used to fill a sphere.

    Formula for volume of a sphere was found by Archimedes.

    Archimedes found after several experiments that the volume of a sphere

    and also its surface area is exactly of the volume and the surfacearea of a cylinder with the same outer dimensions.

    In the above diagram, let rbe the radius of the sphere. Since the

    over all dimensions of both the sphere and the cylinder are the same, the

    height of the cylinder is 2r.

    Volume of a cylinder = Area of the base x Height of the cylinder.

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    = x 2r


    Therefore, as per Archimedes formula the volume of the sphere is,

    () ()

  • 7/28/2019 Klp 3 English



    Definition of Pyramid

    Pyramid is a three dimensional figure that has a polygon for its base

    and whose faces are triangles having a common vertex. Line t is the height

    of the pyramid and T is the common vertex. The name of pyramid is depend

    on its base.

    The elemen of pyramidElements owned by a pyramid:

    1. VertexVertex is a point where two lines meet to form an angle

    2. Common VertexCommon vertex is the vertex which is made from more then two

    lines. The highest point on the pyramid


    SideSide is th plane which bound it to be a three dimensional figure

    4. Field side5. Slant length

    Slant length, is the distance from the common vertex to the base

    through the field side. In this case, the slant length is same with the

    height of the field side from the pyramid.

    6. Base

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    Base is the surface on which figure stands, in pyramid the base is

    polygonal figure.

    7. Ribs The caracteristics of a pyramid:

    1. Fields on the form of a point2. Plane as the base3. The form of field side is a triangle

    The nets of Pyramid





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    Kinds Of Pyramid

    There many kind of pyramid, the type of pyramid can be found from

    the form of its base such as :

    1. Tetrahedron (Triangular Pyramid) :This type of pyramid has :

    a. 4 Vertex. They are A,B,C and Tb. 4 field side. There are ABC, ABT, BCT, and ACTc. 6 ribs. They are AB, BC, AC,AT,BT and CT

    2. Square Pyramid:This type of pyramid has:

    a. 5 vertex. They are A,B,C,D and Tb. 5 Side :

    1 base : ABCD

    4 feild side : ABT, ADT, BCT, and CDT

    c. 8 ribs.4 Ribs in the base : AB, BC, CD and AD

    4 Ribs in feild side : AT, BT, CT, and DT


    Pentagonal PyramidThis type of pyramid has:

    a. 6 vertex. They are A,B,C,D and Tb. 6 Side :

    1 base : ABCD

    5 feild side : ABT, ADT, BCT, and CDT

    c. 10 ribs.5 Ribs in the base : AB, BC, CD, DE and EA

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    5 Ribs in feild side : AT, BT, CT, DT, and ET

    Pyramid has volume same as the other three dimensional figure. Becausepyramid is three dimensional figure so we can find the area of its base and

    also the area of its field side.

    - The volume of a pyramid is a measure of how much it would taketo fill the shape. For a pyramid, the formula is:



    Where B is the area of the base figure, and h is the height from

    the base to the vertex. The volume is expressed in measurement

    units, cubed, like cubic inches. See if you can imagine little cubes

    filling up the interior space of the shape.

    This formula is true for pyramids of any shape base.

    - The area of its base is depend on the shape of the base- The area of the field side is

  • 7/28/2019 Klp 3 English



    Definition of ConeA right circular cone is similar to a regular pyramid except that its

    base is a circle. The vocabulary and equations pertaining to the right circular

    cone are similar to those for the regular pyramid.

    The elemen of ConeElements owned by a Cone:

    1. VertexVertex of cone is the angle on the top of the cone

    2. SideThe side of the cone is not a triangle or rectangle like the other

    three dimensional figure.

    3. Slant lengthSlant length is the distance from the common vertex of the cone

    to the base through the side of hte cone.

    4. BaseBase is the place where the side stands, the shape of the cone is a


    5. HeightHeight is the measurement from the base to the top of a cone

    6. RadiusRadius is a stright line from the centre of a circle to any point on

    its outer edge.

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    The caracteristics of a cone:1. Fields on the form of a point2. Circle as the base3. It has a flat base4. It has one curved side5. Because it has a curved surface it is not a polyhedron

    Cone is a pyramid which had base a circle, as same as the other threedimensional figure, cone also has volume, area of its base and the area of its


    1. Volume of a coneGiven the radius and h, the volume of a cone can be found by using the


    Where B is the area of the base of the cone and H is the height of the

    cone. Since the base is a circle, area of the base = . Thus, the formula

    is Vcone =

    2. The formula to find the area of its base is , where r is the radius of its base.

    3. The area of its side are- -

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    Where r is the radius of its base, h is the height of the cone and s is the

    slant length.

    Conic surfaceThe conic surface consist of two parts, one is the curve side, the other is the

    base of cone. If we slice and open the curve and then we spread out at the flat

    field, we will get one of circle nets. Given the radius of the circle is r, the

    curve side is a circle nets that had a radius and the length of arc is

    circumference of cone base, that is 2r. From this, we get the formula of conicsurface is the sum of the area from the base of cone and also the side of cone.

    The formula of the area of conic surface is (r+s).

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