intoxicated childhood

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Intoxicated Childhood



    There has been a lot of fuss going around these days regarding BJPs electoral campaign and yes, how

    we can forget our own, BJP patriarch, Advaniji. In the midst of all these, today I want to broach an

    issue that has never been come to light. Children are considered to be the future of every naon but

    what if their childhood is intoxicated. What if so called future of India live their life in oblivion and

    there is no authority or custodian showing their concern towards the plight of these children. How

    can we say anything about the future of India, if future makers (children) are not worried about their

    own future and there is no one to falter this predicament?

    You may be unaware of the fact or may be brazen enough to except that children of age 7-17- who

    are not aware of the implicaons of their acons or to be more precise who are not old enough to

    think of implicaons- have already started living their life under the aegis of intoxicaon. Most

    aected are the children who do not have proper resources or suer privaon. Children at this age

    must be in school, ponder over their books and play videogames but at this crucial stage they have

    been hunted down by various intoxicants. According to the survey, these children fall prey to

    intoxicaons because they dont have schools to go, toys and videogames to play, friends to talk to

    and most important parents to talk to, as parents of these children are mostly out in search of some

    work or they themselves have excepted alcohol (or some cheap intoxicant that only ruin their health)

    as their solace. You must have heard many mes government saying we are here to help those who

    cannot help themselves but how government- which cannot resist itself from corrupon and

    inghng-will help those incapables if it itself is incapacitated. I have wrien this arcle to sgmaze

    government, oh what am I saying, have I forgoen that government is already embellished with

    many disgraces. Each day every newspaper has headlines proclaiming about our inecient

    government and various scams that get unveil. On days when newspapers have no scams to be

    enunciated about, they target ri among the pares and various virulent comments given by party

    leaders to opposite pares. Has it never occurred to disparate pares that these scams and quarrels

    are only symptomac of India sll being underdeveloped?

    So to conclude, I would only say that since we have tainted government it becomes our duty to

    obviate such grievances, at least we can make those students understand the right thing if we see

    them doing such ignominious task. I only want to urge government if in future it ever give up its

    insouciant atude, please mandate some policies for the future of those kids who cannot look aer

    themselves and dont even have someone to look aer them.

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