international influence of the usa the usa has huge influence internationally the following slides...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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International Influence of the USA

• The USA has huge influence internationally

• The following slides examine the ways that the US has global influence

Economic Influence of USA

• One way that the US has an influence over other countries is through trade. The USA imports goods from other countries and also exports many products. For example, some of the US’s biggest trading partners are Canada and China and it exports goods including machinery, oil and vehicles.

US exports to the UK

America’s exports to the UK in 2014 amounted to $53.9 billion or 3.3% of its overall exports.

1. Aircraft, spacecraft: $9.1 billion

2. Machines, engines, pumps: $6.3 billion

3. Gems, precious metals, coins: $5.7 billion

4. Electronic equipment: $3.8 billion

5. Collector items, art, antiques: $3 billion

Military Influence

• The US also has a huge influence over other countries because of its military strength. The US has the most powerful military in the world and spends more money on its defence than the UK, Russia and China combined. It also has military bases in many countries around the world including the UK and Germany which adds to its influence.

Economic Migration

• The US also influences other countries because people want to come to the USA. This could be because of better economic opportunities such as jobs. For example, millions of Mexicans have entered the US over the last several decades in search of jobs and better lives.

Cultural Influence

• The US also has a huge cultural influence internationally. In the UK and other Western countries, the cultural influence of the US is visible in many aspects of life including music, food and film. For example, fast food restaurants like McDonalds exist all over the planet and US musicians tour the world.

International Organisations

• The US is an influential member of many international organisations. For example, the US is a member of the United Nations Security Council. This gives the US huge influence as they have a key part to play in decisions affecting other countries, including whether to impose economic sanctions or take military action against a country.

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