industrial revolution

Post on 25-May-2015






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  • 1. By Emma Werthein,Delfina Beines, Segundo Maxit, Miguel Guerrero and Juan Ignacio Longarela.

2. Index 1) Introduction. 2) What were the transport that affected the British Empire most ? 3)What were one of the functions that the Railway station did? 4) What is a railway station? 5) Which were the essentials for a train to have? 6) When was the penny farthing bicycle invented? 7) Transatlantic travel 8) Conclusion 9)sources 3. Introduction. 4. What were the transport that affected the British Empire most ? 5. What were one of the functions that the Railway station did? 6. What is a railway station? 7. Which were the essentials for a train to have? 8. When was the penny farthing bicycle invented? 9. Transatlantic Travel 10. Conclusion We learnt that transport in the Victorian times was very important because it set a big revolution in the early Britain. Only the higher class could have their own transport so bicycles, boats and trains were precious in that age. 11. Sources Victorian age Railway Revolution 1825- 1845 Coals and canals Google Images 12. Thats all folks!!

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