ina board annual report 2011

Post on 08-May-2015






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INFORMATION NETWORK OF ARKANSAS BOARDINFORMATION NETWORK OF ARKANSAS BOARDA r k a n s a s ’s O f f i c i a l e G o v e r n m e n t P r o v i d e r


Table of Contents

Information Network of Arkansas Profi le……………....…....…...…...…...…..............…..…..… 3

Board of Directors...……………………........……………...…...…...…...……..........…..…..…....4

2011 Service Highlights

- INA County and Local Services...........………………...…...…...…...….......................…..…...5

- Mobile Payment Processing Portal.................…...…...…...….............…..…....8

- Centralized Electronic Network for Sex Offender Registries System (CENSOR) ....…..….. 10

- Arkansas Department of Higher Education YOUniversal ….…...…...…..................…..…....12

- Portal…...........…................…...... ….…...…...…...........…................…..…... 14

INA by the Numbers………………………………………...…...…...…..........................…..….. 16

Security………………………………………………….......…...…...…...…...….............…..….. 18

Awards and Recognition……………………………...…...…...….………......................…..….. 19

2011 New Services/Websites…………………......…...…...…...…...…........................…..…... 20

Top Government Services………………………........….....…...…...…...…..................…..….. 23

Governor’s Letter

As Governor since 2007, I have worked continually to make state government more accessible to Arkansans and more effi cient in its delivery of services. Over the past year, the state’s offi cial website introduced 93 new eGovernment online services and websites. Th ese allow citizens to search for information and resources more easily, whether online or via mobile smartphones.

Government agencies, which have a digital presence through Web and mobile off erings, provide government transparency, information sharing, and convenience via online services for citizens. Th e Information Network of Arkansas (INA) continues to deliver state and local government in formats that keep citizens connected. State agencies have also included social-media tools, including Facebook and Twitter, to maximize off erings and eff ectively engage the public. Th e state portal,,combines all relevant social-media streams into one view for the public, and creates an easy point-of-access for developments in state government.

Arkansas has become a national leader in using technology to make government more responsive, and it will be exciting to see where we are headed in the future. In 2011, the state’s website was named the best state government site in the nation, receiving a fi rst-place ranking by the Center for Digital Government. Th is research institute has ranked in the top-ten state websites for each of the past fi ve years.

We are grateful to receive this recognition, and my administration will continue working to improve the information and services the state provides online. As technology continues its rapid development, Arkansas will strive to remaina national leader in serving our citizens with these new technologies. I believe we have created the most effi cient and innovative Web portal to meet the needs of Arkansans, and we look forward to providing an ever-more accessible and user-friendly state government.


Mike Beebe

INA Board Chair Letter

Information Network of Arkansas had quite a few

success stories in 2011. introduced a major

redesigned fully mobile-ready website which included a

smart search, Text4help, and geolocation services. ACIC

launched the new online Centralized Electronic Network

of Sex Off ender Registries (CENSOR) which will save the

state approximately $55,000 by eliminating the notices sent

to off enders via certifi ed mail every six months.

“YOUniversal” Financial Aid System saw an application increase of 441% over the

previous year with the addition of the mobile version and increased Financial Aid

availability just to name a few. In addition, INA designed/developed and launched

93 new online services and websites for the State of Arkansas.

2011 was a year of accolades for and the state. Th e Center for

Digital Government ranked the portal site,, Best of Web for 2011.

Mobile and Online Services Suite also won a Center for Digital

Government Achievement award in the Government-to-Citizen category as well

as earned a National Association of State Chief Information Offi cers (NASCIO)

fi nalist award. And last, but not least, “YOUniversal” Mobile Application won the

Center for Digital Education Achievement Award.

INA has proven to be a leader in the industry and I am sure it will be interesting

to see what INA produces in 2012.

It is my privilege to serve as the INA Board Chair and on behalf of the

INA Board members we sincerely hope you fi nd the annual report a useful

reference for Arkansas state government services and that it provides some

potential solutions for your organization as well.


Ann Purvis

INA Board Chair


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

The Information Network of Arkansas (INA) Board was created in 1995 and operatesunder the authority of Arkansas code 25-27-101 et. seq. with the statutory responsibilityof assisting the state in exploring and improving citizen and business access to publicinformation and services. INA is a State Governing Board that consists of individuals fromboth the public and private sector that represent different communities of interest.

The objective of INA is to improve the accessibility of Government in the form of publicinformation or electronic transactions. These transactions may be between Citizens andGovernment, Businesses and Government or between Governmental Agencies andoffices. INA manages the State’s web portal and provides secureonline payment processing through Arkansas GovPay, the State’s payment portal.

Operating under a self-funded model, the INA network, its infrastructure, employees,office space and equipment are fully funded through portal convenience/transaction feesassociated with information requiring limited access by statute and electronic filings thatrequire a fee. The State does not appropriate any funds for this network. State servicesthat do not have a fee remain free to businesses and citizens. State and local agenciesdo not pay for the development or hosting of the online services. If agencies needexpedited development services, INA may charge rates consistent with state publishedrates for each biennium.

In 2011, INA developed 93 new services and websites for the citizens and businessesof Arkansas and processed more than $2.25 billion in transactions for state and localagencies.

The Information Network of Arkansas provides non-partisan support for more than 270government agencies, boards, and commissions and has created over 890 onlineservices at no cost to the agencies or using state appropriated funds. The Arkansas.govwebsite was named “Best of Web” in state web portals in the nation in 2011. INA continues to bring innovative solutions and creative design to eGovernment in the State of Arkansas.

Information Network of Arkansas Profi le


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

Board of DirectorsINA Board Members

Ann Purvis (Chair)

Representing Arkansas Departmentof Health501-280-4545

Matt Cashion (Vice-Chair)

Representing Independent Insurance Agents


Mark Martin

Representing Arkansas Secretary of State


James Representing Arkansas Science and Technology Authority



Representing Chamber of Commerce


Nancy Representing Arkansas Public Library Association


Phil Billingsley Network Manager

Representing Arkansas Information Consortium


Claire Bailey Department of Information Systems 501-374-9977


Representing Arkansas Bar Association



Representing Department of Financeand Administration


Ron Pittsrpitts@arcpa.orgRepresenting Public Accountancy



Representing Arkansas EconomicDevelopment Commission870-682-1124


Representing Bankers Association



2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

INA County and Local ServicesThe Information Network of Arkansas continues to work with County offi cials in order to expand their online services throughout the state of Arkansas. In 2011, INA launched 22 new county services.

Website Development: Working in collaboration with Connect Arkansas’s e-Community Strategies program, INA developed fully funded new websites for approved counties across the state. The new websites help create a central location where users can fi nd information on county government, general news and other county specifi c information. Having a county web presence provides new avenues for civic engagement in shaping smart growth within a county’s footprint for the future. Using Content Management System (CMS) technologies, the CMS solution provides the standards, compliance, and tools, for counties to have a fi rst class web presence that is easy to maintain and keep current.

This year INA launched the geolocation widget to which is designed for inclusion on local and community websites that want to embed code for city, county or state online services “near me” within their own website. Because its geolocated, the widget returns search results based on the user’s location.

Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Payments: A new service launched in 2011, the Emergency Medical Service payment application allows citizens who use this county service to make payment online or over-the-counter using a credit or debit card. Online, citizens can enter their account number along with required information and submit payment to be applied to their existing account. Over-the-counter citizens can now use a debit or credit card where formally the only accepted method of payment was cash or paper check.

Personal Property and Real Estate Tax Payments: The tax services include Online, Telephone Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Over-the-Counter (OTC) and Mobile payment options for citizens. These services allow county residents to pay for their property and real estate taxes with a credit card or e-check. Currently 41 counties offer the ability to pay personal property and real estate taxes using the GovPay payment engine. These counties represent almost 75% of the State’s population.

Hot Check Restitution Payments: This service allows defendants the ability to pay their restitution and fee payments online via credit card for hot checks written and prosecuted. Offenders can go online to make restitution and possibly prevent a warrant from being issued for their arrest. INA is currently providing this service to 41 counties in Arkansas.

2011 Service Highlights


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

INA County and Local ServicesINA County and Local ServicesCourt Record Payments: The online court records application allows businesses and citizens to search the county court records index for free. Court images may also be purchased and downloaded from the service.

Traffi c and Court Payments: This service allows courts to accept court, traffic andparking tickets, bonds and fine payments online or over-the-counter (OTC). This service can be standalone or integrate with any case management system. Payments may be made by credit/debit card.;

INA also provides payment processing services for the Arkansas Administrative Office of the Courts eTraffic

City Utility and Permitting Payments: This service allows cities to offer online and over-the-counter (OTC) payments for water, waste disposal, and city permitting. This service can be standalone or integrate with any backend database solution. Payments may be made by credit/debit card or by electronic check.

All of these services were created using the INA self funded business model. The counties do not pay for any development, maintenance, customer support, hosting or payment processing of these applications or services.


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

$45 Million Property and Real Estate Tax Payments

Hot Check Restitution Payments Totaling More Than


$10,217 Emergency Medical Payments

$17,498 Court Records Online

Over $1 Million Traffi c and Court Fine Payments

$52,049 Utility Payments

22 New Services Added

Serving 61 Counties in Arkansas and 90% of the population


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

Statistically becoming the technology of choice by Americans, mobile smartphones are embedded in our daily life connecting us with the world in which we live. INA continues to develop our mobile suite of services delivering state and local government in a format that keeps citizens engaged. In 2011 two new services were added to our mobile offerings suite, Auditor of the State Unclaimed Property search and Arkansas Department of Higher Education YOUniversal Mobile. The Center for Digital Government Achievement awarded Arkansas as winner in the Government-to-Citizen category for Mobile and Online Services Suite.

Not only was Arkansas 1st in the nation to offer mobile payments with a smartphone but Arkansas was 1st in the nation to offer Text4help which is a customer service support function using text messaging technology.

Serving Arkansans on the go, the mobile payment applications take advantage of the same GovPay payment processing engine as the online solution providing a convenient, simple and secure option for users to access government services which are available on all smartphone operating platforms, including Apple iOS, Rim Blackberry, Android, and Windows Phone.

Below is a listing and description of the mobile services available and can be found on your mobile device at

Unclaimed Property Search | Auditor of the StateEach year millions of dollars in unclaimed property are turned over to the Auditor’s offi ce by companies who cannot locate the owners. If your name is on this list, money could be waiting for you!

YOUniversal Mobile | Arkansas Department of Higher Education Mobile version of the YOUniversal Financial Aid System which allows Arkansas students the ability to determine scholarship eligibility and streamline the application process for applying and receiving available scholarships.

Inmate Deposit Service | Department of CorrectionDeposit money into an inmate’s trust or pre-pay phone account

Probation and Parole Payments | Department of Community CorrectionPay monthly supervision, drug court, or restitution fees

Personal Property and Real Estate Taxes | 32 Arkansas CountiesSearch for parcel information and pay installments or the total amount due on personal property and real estate taxes

Mobile Certifi cate of Good Standing | Arkansas Secretary of StateSearch businesses registered to do business in the state of Arkansas, purchase acertifi cate that contains a validation code which may be verified by any party requiringproof of good standing

Game Check | Arkansas Game and Fish CommissionAllows hunters throughout Arkansas to check their deer and turkey kills Mobile Payment Processing Portal


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

Game and Fish Commission: Game Check 40,153

1st State in the Nation to Offer Mobile Payments with smartphone and Text4help

Processed over $1,745,530 in Mobile Transactions

61,104 Number of Mobile Payments in 2011

Inmate Deposit Service 13,904 Personal Property and Real Estate Taxes 3,128 Probation and Parole Payments 3,882


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

Centralized Electronic Network for Sex Off ender Registries System (CENSOR)

The registration of sex offenders and the ongoing management of their information have been signifi cantly improved in comparison to formerly used paper-based processing methods with the launch of the online Centralized Electronic Network for Sex Offender Registries System (CENSOR) in March 2011. CENSOR, which contains data records on over 11,720 sex offenders in Arkansas, not only provides more effi ciency for the Arkansas Crime Information Center (ACIC), local law enforcement and the Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC) but it also allows more timely information about these sex offenders to be communicated to citizens.

Through a collaborative effort between offi cials at the ACIC, the ADC and local law enforcement to streamline the registration and verifi cation processes, local law enforcement offi cials now utilize this unique application to reduce the time it takes to update the statewide sex offender registry system at ACIC and ensure the ADC has current sex offender data available for assessments. Offi cers can also conduct the sex offenders’ scheduled verifi cations and update their information through the online system.

“This new system gives us a sex-offender registration process that is faster and safer, and saves our taxpayers money,” Governor Mike Beebe said. “Along with notifying the public sooner, the system also increases accountability for offenders, giving law-enforcement agencies more confi dence in tracking those who are living in their communities.”

This one of a kind system seamlessly integrates with a web camera to capture current photos of sex offenders and electronically transfer the images to the statewide sex offender registry at ACIC. Offi cial registration and acknowledgement documents are automatically generated and are able to be signed by the offender and the registration offi cial on an electronic signature pad. All information, including photos, is saved securely into the ACIC imaging system. That ADC offi cials regularly receive updated data fi les through the CENSOR system allows these users to start the sex offender assessment process immediately.

The development of the CENSOR system was enabled by new legislation that allowed ACIC to mandate electronic sex offender registration, which alleviated the state’s responsibility to continue sending certifi ed letters. As a result of this change, the state has realized savings of $55,000 annually that includes a reduction in the manual processing of the Verifi cation of Residency forms. Since the launch of the CENSOR system in March 2011, 515 users from ACIC, ADC and law enforcement have registered for the system across the state. These users submitted a combination of over 9,800 registrations, verifi cations and other allowed administrative changes.


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

Th is one of a kind system seamlessly integrates with a web camera to capture current photos of sex off enders and electronically transfer the images to the statewide sex off ender registry at ACIC.

CENSOR contains data records on over 11,720 sex offenders

in Arkansas.

The state has realized savings of $55,000 annually.

515 users from ACIC, ADC and law enforcement were registered for the system across the state.

A combination of over 9,800 registrations, verifi cations and

changes were submitted.


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

Arkansas Department of Higher Education The “YOUniversal” Financial Aid System was developed to help students determine which scholarships they may be eligible for and to streamline the application process. The system consolidates 21 programs from different governmental agencies into one unifi ed database and then applies a rules engine that takes basic information from the student or parents and returns a list of scholarships for which they may qualify.

The result is an easy to use tool that walks Arkansas students, parents and counselors through a series of questions to fi nd and apply for available scholarship funds within one application. The agency sees signifi cant savings in staff administrative work as the system has automated many of the manual functions that were previously being performed to join information from disparate systems.

The system automatically integrates processes and information from the Federal Government FASFA application process, Arkansas Department of Education TRIAND data for student transcripts, and Higher Education Institutions for student enrollment verifi cation and fi nancial aid awards. Students manage their profi le and can review the award process in the system throughout their higher education experience.

Because many of Arkansas’s students use smartphones or other mobile devices, creating access from a mobile device was key to this programs success. A mobile version of the site was created along with apps in the Apple, Android and Windows 7 stores. The YOUniversal mobile system includes several innovative features. Integration with Facebook, Twitter and the nation’s fi rst state government SMS Text4help service allows students to text their questions and receive answers via text message, keeping them on the mobile application. nancialaid/login.aspx



2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

To date, more than $335 million distributed since inception of program

64,845 scholarships applied for in 2011

Th e agency sees signifi cant savings in staff administrative work as the system has automated many of the manual functions that were previously being performed...


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t Portal

The new design is a vehicle for bringing Arkansas E-Government to the forefront by becoming the fi rst state government to use groundbreaking technology, delivering state agency information quickly, and effectively through the latest electronic devices for citizens of every generation that utilize state services.

The nation’s fi rst state government mobile payment services were created by the portal. Mobile payment services were designed to cater to Arkansans on the move. Citizens from 32 counties have the ability to complete mobile property tax payments. Tax payments, traffi c and court fi nes, utility payments, and business licensing cover almost 92% of the state’s 2.9 million residents. Approximately $2.5 billon eGov transactions are processed yearly. This year mobile transactions for the portal increased approximately 16 percent. This increase solidifi es INA’s initiative to be the leader for implementing new technologies in the government sector. Text4help and the YOUniversal Financial Aid Scholarship System are two examples of unique mobile systems that are supported via text messaging technology. Users can quickly and effectively communicate with technical support representatives by sending and receiving information using only text messages.

Monthly there are approximately 178,745 portal visitors that benefi t from our user centric smart searches that quickly locate information for county, state agency, and the local community. The portal displays the State’s public meeting calendar that lists state agency public meetings, provides links to relevant meeting documents, and offers location mapping. The eGovernment services section offers a geolocation widget that embeds code for eGovernment services and pushes them to community websites; showing where the services are in proximity to the user. This widget assists local entities in better serving the needs of their citizens.

The portal combines convenience and improved accessibility by seamlessly readjusting the size of the mobile website to match the screen of many electronic mobile devices from the iPad to the Android device. Podcast, eNewsroom, the latest road conditions, and portal Alerts can all be accessed via smart devices. From Amber Alert notifi cations to property tax payments the portal redesign encompasses just about everything the average Arkansan would want to access from their government.


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

$2.5 billion eGov transactions

$1.7 million mobile payments processed

2.1 million portal visitors

Th e nation’s fi rst state government mobile payment services were created by the portal.


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

INA by the Numbers











page visits


processed through portal

in sales and use tax and withholding tax

online services developed and supported

state and local partners

new websites in 2011

state agency users supported jobs posted applications processed


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

INA by the Numbers









new Services in 2011

71 agency services

22 county and local services

value-added services; limited access by statute, requiring

authentication subscriptions with monthly billing

subscriber accounts with monthly billing

help desk phone calls

live help chats in 2011

application change requests

facebook and twitter followers

tier support team


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t


Information and Payment Processing Security The Information Network of Arkansas takes its responsibility as the state board providing e-government services in Arkansas very seriously. INA recognizes that not only should there be a focus on the government more effi ciently conducting its business, but also on the citizens being assured that all possible efforts are being made to ensure that their information is used solely for the purposes they intended.

Portal Information Security Employees, project requirements, development practices and infrastructure hosting services must meet rigorous security standards to protect our state and local government partners. A security review is required and conducted on all new and modifi ed software code before being released to the public and adheres to strict privacy guidelines. The portal also has regular communications with a dedicated security team that provides information on new and upcoming security risks.

Payment Security As the payment processor for the State of Arkansas, INA complies with the Payment Card Industry/Data Security Standard (PCI/DSS). PCI/DSS contains more than 60 specifi c requirements for ensuring the integrity and confi dentiality of payment information submitted. INA conducts a full re-assessment of its compliance with PCI/DSS annually and receives quarterly scans from an approved scanning vendor. In 2011, INA securely processed over 4.2 million transactions for the State of Arkansas. These transactions accounted for over $2.5 billion through the portal’s payment processor.

In addition to compliance with PCI/DSS, INA holds additional security certifi cations. The INA partnership with Arkansas State Police and the Arkansas Crime Information Center mandates that INA comply with the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) security policy. INA also undergoes an enterprise-wide security assessment as part of the Verizon Business/CyberTrust Security Management Program (SMP).

Financial Data Assurance To ensure the integrity of all fi nancial systems and transactions INA participated in an annual SSAE16 Assessment. The assessment, conducted by a third party accounting fi rm, ensures that all of INA’s fi nancials systems are confi gured to ensure that fi nancial transactions and disbursements are accurate, follow industry best practices in terms of reconciliation, and fi nancial data security.


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

2011Center for Digital Government Best of Web Winner - State Portal - website was completely redesigned and fully mobile ready. The new design included a smart search, geolocation services and the fi rst in the nation to include Text4help.

Center for Digital Government Achievement Award Winner - Government-to-Citizen: Mobile and Online Services Suite

Center for Digital Education Achievement AwardWinner - Department of Education Digital Application/Project: Arkansas “YOUniversal” Mobile Application.

NASCIOFinalist - Digital Government: Mobile and Online Services Suite

2010NASCIOWinner - Cross-Boundary Collaboration and Partnerships - Arkansas YOUniversal Financial Aid Management System

Center for Digital Government Best of Web2nd Place - State Portal

Digital Government Achievement Award Honorable Mention - Honorable Mention - Offi ce of State Procurement – Professional Consulting Services Contract System

Juggle.comTop Government Website

2009Center for Digital Government Best of Web3rd Place - State Portal

Digital Government Achievement AwardWinner -, iPhone Application

Digital Government Achievement AwardHonorable Mention - Arkansas Departmentof Finance and Administration Commercial Driver Alcohol and Drug Reporting System

2008 Center for Digital Government Best of Web Finalist - State Portal

National Electronic Commerce Coordinating Council First Place - The State Portal and Payment Processor Security Initiative

First Place - Innovation in the use of social networking to enhance citizen involvement in government - Governor Mike Beebe - News Room and website.

Center for Digital GovernmentDigital State Survey12th Place - State of Arkansas

2007 Center for Digital Government Best of Web Finalist - State Portal

Digital Government Achievement AwardWinner - Franchise Tax Suite

2006Center for Digital Government Best of Web5th Place - State Portal

Digital Government Achievement Award Honorable Mention - IT Budget Planning System

Center for Digital Government Digital States Survey6th Place - State of Arkansas

Awards and Recognition


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

2011 New Services/Websites

Agency Service

Adult Probation Parole Association Website

Arkansas State Board of Architects, Website Landscape Architects, Interior Designers Arkansas Arts Council - DAH Emma - eNewsletter & Marketing Service

Arkansas Users of Telecommunications and OTC GovPay Payment Information Systems (AUTIS) Processing

Arkansas Users of Telecommunications and Membership RegistrationInformation Systems (AUTIS)

Attorney General Facebook Page

Auditor of State Emma - eNewsletter & Marketing Service

Auditor of State Mobile Unclaimed Property Search

Auditor of State Website Board of Apportionment bbPress Message Board

Board of Apportionment Website

Board of Apportionment WordPress BlogBoard of Apportionment Emma - eNewsletter & Marketing Service

Board of Podiatric Medicine Website

Capitol Zoning District Commission Website

Capitol Zoning District Commission Flickr Photo Gallery

Career Education, Arkansas Department of (ACE) Website

Career Education, Arkansas Department of (ACE) YouTube Channel

Career Education, Arkansas Department of (ACE) Flickr Photo Gallery

City of Eureka Springs OTC City of Eureka Springs

Columbia County Sheriff Court & Traffi c Fine Payment System

Commissioner of State Lands OTC Sales Offi ce

Community Correction, Department of Website

Contractors Licensing Board Website Correction, Arkansas Department of (ADC) Website Correction, Arkansas Department of (ADC) Flickr Photo Gallery

Correction, Arkansas Department of (ADC) Paws in Prison Donation FormCosmetology Board Third Party GovPay IntegrationCrime Information Center, Arkansas Centralized Electronic Network of Sex

Offender Registries Dental Examiners, Arkansas State Board of License Renewals - Dental Hygienist

Dental Examiners, Arkansas State Board of License Renewals - Dentist

Education, Department of Emma - eNewsletter & Marketing Service


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

Agency Service

Emergency Management, WebsiteArkansas Department of Emergency Management, HazMat Tier II and Toxics Release Inventory Arkansas Department of (TRI) Payment Processing

Examiners in Counseling, Board of Website

Examiners in Counseling, Board of Online Forms - fi llable PDFs and form genies

Finance and Administration, Department of OSP Emergency commodities/services registry

Finance and Administration, Department of Personal TVR (Instant Access)

Finance and Administration, Department of ARBenefi ts Website

Finance and Administration, Department of Offi ce of Child Support Enforcement - My Workers

Forestry Commission, Arkansas Website

Game and Fish Commission YouTube Channel

Governor’s Offi ce (GOV) Website

Governor’s Offi ce (GOV) No Kid Hungry Campaign Form

Governor’s Offi ce (GOV) Scholastic Honors Day

Governor’s Offi ce (GOV) State Seal Use Form

Health Information Technology, Offi ce of Website

Health Information Technology, Offi ce of Emma - eNewsletter & Marketing Service

Higher Education, Department of ADHE YOUniversal Mobile App

Historic Arkansas Museum Foundation Membership, Memorials & Honoraria Registration

Historic Arkansas Museum Foundation OTC GovPay

Payment Processing

Hot Springs, City of Website

Human Services, Arkansas Department of Website

Information Network of Arkansas Local Services GeoIP Widget (eGov Services Near Me)

Information Network of Arkansas Migrate to hosted Google Search

Information Network of Arkansas CDB Tools

Information Network of Arkansas Portal Redesign (2011)

Information Network of Arkansas Text4help

Information Network of Arkansas Google Analytics

Lieutenant Governor Website

Lieutenant Governor Flickr Photo Gallery

Lincoln County, Star City Website

Little Rock, City of Little Rock Environmental Court Tickets

Little Rock, City of OTC Traffi c/Warrants/Business License


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

Agency Service

Little Rock, City of Little Rock Cemetery Donations

Livestock & Poultry Commission, Arkansas Website

Minority Health Commission Online Event Registration

Minority Health Commission Emma - eNewsletter & Marketing Service

Natural Heritage Commission, Arkansas - DAH Emma - eNewsletter & Marketing Service

Nursing, State Board of Board Meeting iPad ApplicationPoinsett County Sheriff Court & Traffi c Fine Payment SystemPope County EMS Payment System

Prairie County Online Property Tax Payments

Prairie County OTC Property Tax Payments

Prairie County IVR Property Tax Payments

Prairie County Mobile Property Tax Payments

Psychology Board, Arkansas Website

Pulaski County District Court OTC Pulaski District Court

Saline County OTC Circuit Clerk Payments

Saline County Circuit Clerk Fax Filing Payment Systems

Science and Technology Authority, Arkansas Website

Secretary of State (SOS) Website

Secretary of State (SOS) YouTube Channel

Secretary of State (SOS) Blog (Guestbook)

Senate - President Pro Tempore Senator Search (by address)

Shannon Hills, City of Utility Payments

Sharp County Website

State Police, Arkansas Emma - eNewsletter & Marketing Service

Stone County Online Property Tax Payments

Stone County OTC Property Tax Payments

Stone County IVR Property Tax Payments

Stone County Mobile Property Tax Payments

Tobacco Control Website


2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t

Top Government ServicesArkansas, one of the leading Government States, has implemented over 890 online Government services for Government to Business, Government to Citizen, and Government to Government functions since 1997. Below are a few of the top services. Visit for a complete listing.

Business Services

Criminal Background Checks Service

Business Entity Searches and Filings – 1st state

Uniform Commercial Code UCC Searches & Filings

Business Tax Filings

Franchise Tax Filing

Unemployment Insurance Tax Filing

Alcoholic Beverage Sales Permits

Child Support Employer Payments

Commercial Driver Alcohol and DrugTest Reporting

Commercial Vehicle Driver Watch

Food Permit Renewals

Motor Vehicle Driver Records

Motor Vehicle Title, Registration, and Lien Search

Professional License Renewals andSearches


Financial Disclosure Online Filings and Reports Search

Election Night Returns Reporting and Results

Voter Registration

Voter View/Voter View Mobile - Voter Registration, Polling Place Search

Elected Offi cials Search

Agency Services

IT Budget Planning SystemState Vehicle Reporting and Safety SystemsAgency Surplus Disposal Form

Administrative Rules Search

Correctional Industries Catalog

Citizen Services

Arkansas State Jobs – 1st state

Child Support Payments

Citizen Alert System

City Business Licensing

City Traffi c and Court Ticket Payments

Concealed Handgun Carry Licensing System

County Court Records

County Property Tax Payments (OTC, online, mobile, IVR)

Forestry Commission Seedling Sales

Game and Fish Permits & Game Check

Game Check Online System

Inmate Search & Banking Service

Probation and Parole Fee Payments

Legislative Bill Tracking & Code Search

Mobile Payment Processing

Professional License Searches

Sex Offender Registry Search

State Police Accident Records

State Surplus Auction

State Vehicle Inventory Search

Unclaimed Property Search, Treasure Hunt

YOUniversal Financial Aid Search and Application System

Information Network of Arkansas425 West Capitol, Metropolitan Tower, Suite 1620

Little Rock, AR 72201Phone: (501) 324-8900


top related