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Bishop Stripped At Altor By Reds. Witness Reveals

Future High School, Parish Site

Hon* Kon*-<NC>—Bishop Cuthbert O'Gara of Yuan-ling*, Canadian F»ssioni§t, was stripped to his underwear at this altar of his churxsh when he was arrested by the Reds in

a;June 1950, according to an eye-Witness account now received here-

T r i e 67-year-old missionary w u taken t o the Gospel side of :the,«altar for this stripping cere­mony^. The Reds insisted on •tripping t h e Bishop to search "him f o r "Incriminating evidence."

FATHER PAUL UBINGEB. •59-year-old Passlonlsi mission­ary from Pittsburgh, had to sub­mit t o the same embarrassing "search" ceremony, the eyewit-ness account states.

The arrest of Bishop O'Gara and Father TJblnger came nine months after the Reds had seiz­e d control o f Yuanling. Hun.in province. A native of Ottawa, Bishop O'Gara completed his priestly studiei in the United States and w a s ordained at Union City, N . J.. In 1915. He was as­signed to the China missions in 1924. Father Ublnger began h i s missionary career in China In 1922.

COMMUNIST POLICE sur­rounded the mission compound o n the morning of June 30, 1930, the eyewitness account relates.. The chief of police produced warrants for the arrest of the! Bishop and Father Ubinger, •earthed the premises and then ordered the whole religious com­munity into the , neighboring church, it states.

"While w e sat there the offi­cial photographer took pictures." i the account goes on. "He a l s o photographed the official notices! t h t Bishop bad hung o n the In­ner church wall concerning the 'autonomous church movement' au well u the notice o f excom­munication incurred by those who signed the demand for the expulsion o f Archbishop Riberi, i the papal Internuncio at N a n ­king. Later these notices w e r e taken off a s evidence against t h e two'ertsUnsusV


U, S. Chaplain

To See Freed War Prisoners

• y REV. P. J . O'COMMOB

Muasaa. Korea - ( N O — F a t h ­er (Lt. CoL) William F . Nera, of Milwaukee. Wis., deputy BUrhth Army chaplain, will b e on hand in the camp now being; prepared here t o receive sick and wounded prisoners t o be released b y the cofununlats. H e li one of the Eighth Army headquarter! chap­lains who, according to a n of­ficial source, will attend the easaa.

B O M B Q g t h s a e srisawws have „ „ , -KKmvmmm-f,^ # ^

Vatican Paper

Warns On Red "Good Faith'

Borne — iRNSJ—The Western powers should consider the Soviet Un.in'1 anti-religious policy be­fore Teaching any concluiion about the good faith of recent Russian peace overtures, Osserv-

&*atore Romano, Vatican news­paper, said here.

Osservatore expressed the opin­ion that In Moscow, "everything continues as before and i s not better than before."

The Diocese o f Rochester hwpurchaseo1 7o*acres of Spina* 'on North Goodman Street i n Irondequoit for * proposed* j Catholic boys' hiEh,school and a new parish church: * **> 1 Purchase of the extensive property was announced! thlt | week by Monsignor James C. J^cAniff, chancellor of tnsltlio* i cese, who also disclosed that the diocese lias made application ' to the Irondequoit Town Planning' Board for p e r m i t s ^ to use the North Goodman Street property for *the «stablult» ment of a boys' high school and a parish church.

the new property is located On

Courier Subscribers

43*04* Final results of i t s annual cir-

A1BVEKW rHOTO of ft acre tract In I n s i s t s u i t pwrduMed by t h e Macese'for a proposed s e w , Cstlwlle feoys alga sehsal sad a sew parish ckereh. I

Its warning appeared to be at c u | I t i o n drive reveal that the variance with the tone of an edi C o u r l e r . J o u r n a J * h a s M a c h e d an

K e P p l n p e e r ^ ' M alltlme peak o f 41048 subscribers.

At that time. Osservatore s a i d , ™ " raarta ^T^J^^ it felt Chinese Premier Chou-En- \ hut year of 9,418 subscribers, la i ' s offer to conclude negoUa-'. Translated into readership the tions on Korean prisoner-of-war, new circulation figure meami ap-exchanges without insisting on i proximately 172,009 weekly read-rorclble repatriation w a s the most e n . Important of recent signs that! Circulation of t h e C o u r i e r the Communists were adopting a' Journal — t h e only -weekly news-mllder attitude toward'the West-

T B B SEEMING change in atti-

1st Division Marine Leathernecks Name 'Our Lady Of Fatima' Queen In Korea

T _ tude can be attributed to a new Russian s t u c k on the Vatican, which Osservatore declared was "perfidious."

The Russian criticism w a s con­tained in a Moscow Radio broad-

paper in Rochester which it a member of t h e Audit Bureau of Circulations — Is t h e largest o l any 'ABC-audited weekly i n New York State outside t h e N e w York metropolitan area.

Complete results of subscrip­tions received through parishes of the diocese in the campaign

1 t Goodman Street North, between & j Ridge Road E a t and Titus Av-jenue, and i s * iwwn sip the Duerr fFirm, which includes t h e b a r k e r ' : Firm and part o f the «edman * Estates '-- •- .,-

! C » W C I « B f W G r a E i n i * e d i a t e prospects f o r constructing the new h i g h school and new church, Monsignor afcAhlff stated:

-Jim data has fceea set for the coastruesion o f either unit, atr aaas s a y - " f — r rammi My been selected la staff the •roseaes school."

He retailed that "the s e w *»-»* Mgh aeboot Is the north eastern area, of stentester 'was jweaised a y Bsatos J a W E . a>ara»y sat the i r r a i h m a f the high aestal fsad drhra last f a l l wheat II* e . u . M s h . a goal was

1 * < s

B y BEV. r . i, O'CONNOR

Wkth The First Maria* Divl-ataa. Korea — ( N O — CatasUc karfheraecha of this division de­clared Oar l a d y of Fatima their (gaeea i s aa Easter Sua-e s y ceremony s t the dlvfcriea

post a i l l valley.

Bishop Paal Bo, Vksr.Apo*. hsac o f gtsssl, aavellsd sad erawscd the s t a t e * , - writes Father (LI.) iMsttbew 8 t n u » •h i of the Dtorese of f*rov|.

half years. The First Bar iM EhvUlem is

organizing the camp, which t s In a Marine area. The camp stiff wear aa a r m b a n d marked, "RAMP", (Recovery Allied Mill-

. tary Persoeinel). Newsmen have already named t h e camp, "Free-dom Village." but t h e Marines call k "End o f the Rainbow Camp." \ %

An important part of the caifip Is the Eighth Army's 45th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, a type known popularly, a s "MASH." All these MASH hospitals have done magnificent work In t h e Korean

'war, often dangerously close to the front lines.

The 45th was formerly known as 1076 MASH. The entire hot -1 . 1 - ; ' ' '"* pital stsff, with their tents and 1 " 1 * n'm

equipment made an all-night

Federal Probe Of Clergy OK, Says

then Paul were called ever t o t h e Geaptl aide a a d ahwjacefulty stripped and searched In t h e presence of al l . The. Bishop w a s gjrand—Jutf like h e w a s taking part fa. a pontiacal c e r a a M y .

"He soMsttRly took o C JUrpec ' toral c r o s i - a a d Jdsstd . it .^Th*n when they, h a d stripped: 1dm t o h i s underwear he took off t h e

San Diego, Calif. — (NC) — A majority of San Diego clergymen would not oppose a Federal investigatkHi of* churchmen for communistic affiliations or activities.

This was disclosed in a "spot- — , checjrmade by.John Springer, of rssggid usaxMi laaS l / prsss . |

Caasrehes af —swan fag Jaya|-ty save ana log te fear," the

The Uitfaiv local dai ly'newapa "per.* '

Rep. Harold H. Velde. of TUI-

*Wert^W1MWWn^ta'Y^J^a^: *"«« Kominent Protestant neck_a»d kissed that aad t n t r - . ^ J f O n T r ^ H c i n " n S S g ? ! ! f ™ ' r U « * » * » *»*• «PPr°v«i to rendered It also. ^ committee mijtht launch a 'he projected investigation al-

"When he had put h i s c l o t h e * . p r o b e into communist Infiltration though some declared that cer-o n again, he blessed htoaelf wi th I o ( t h e c t a r g y , , ntg^uMrim should he pro-a huge snd solemn sign of t h e ' . . . . . . . . cross a s If he were beginning t h e ' n W B O r CBABLER F. Buddy vided. Pontifical Mass. Father Paul did ° ' Sa™ D'ego said there Is no Dr. Thomas Law Coyle. F*res-likewise and then they were put reason why the church as well as byterlan, aaid If the Investifja

* in separate pews with guards I other organizations should ob- tions "are to be fair and honest. carr>1ng drawn revolvers guard- J** t o * •"searching investigation then our churches should not be

regarding communist Infection." i exempt. After a l l . we are an in-Some church groups, he contin- tegral part of the American

dence. auUtant division chap k4n, referred daring Holy Week.

The ceremony took place la tali afteraooa at aa outdoor stage Before a gatherlBg ef Marine oflsceni a a d ealiated atea. The stage had earlier fanaed the sanctuary for two

of them a Rich wwk a afarlae chair s4se>-

ssg. ^ . After the unveiling, •pekea-

Mea far GBIBMHCS a€ three real-meats aad s ix other units af the First Maria* Dfviaion sro-a s a s r e d the sledlge (• Oar < l a d y .

T a w Catholic m m of Bead-Sjaartem Division stodge tJsem-tMhrea So the Blessed Virata Mary. Oar Lady of Fatjma, to

wrpaiitii l>y |»aa^a».'' J2*a «»»hM» aaWjhwaf ths

a*>Ps*a* BSg . n a a S M 9C^w4cinsfswBBss>BB 9/ttBt

after the akdges hair* seen esaoeted, the laat balkig for which win he made ta.Veeem. her of IBM," lteatiiraar Me-

.AiafXiat t .


Attorneys acang in the prop* erty negotiation were David M. Shearer for the Diocese of Roch­ester and Arthur T. Parmenter for Kenneth Duerr, seller of the

"AT ABOUT T P. M. w e were again herded together under ued. have aroused suspicion by structure.'

fiffa^aaS l a i * « a « ^ S * ^ ^ m S ^ m S ^ ' f ^ * ^ — ^ . t 1 • E L J E ^ - he said, 120 miles, more than, halt way ^ p a u ) ^ ^ deno\mced M , tern of sponsonn R ' Red lectures f w o f ^ ^ ^ h o w c o n j m u

^ha t

* across Korea, from t h e former location at Hwachon, aVrlvirtir at thfi c i w p tl*e hmr* nn Saturday morning. April 4.

• V SUNDAY, t h e tents had al­ready been erected. The Catholic doctors, nurses and enlisted men-made sure they would not m i s s Easter" Mass. They sent a hell-

"^copter for a priest. Father CL.t,) Matthew Strumski, o f Provi­dence. R. I - a Marine -.chiplain,

"who celebrated Mass in a tent la ta o n Sunday.

The normal capacity ot the ' M A S H hospitals is,«0 beds each,

hut in, emergencies they can t a k e 200 eases. They.' have ,abouf twelve^ Army do«orav>'t|jwipi, nurses ' in each. They "don't h a w a chaplain on the staff. Lt. Col, Charles A. Holllngswarth is the

^commanding officer of tht-45th hospital. * 4

v It I s expected that t h e Tme^ will b e moved

- through the. camp. S o m e J y h be on t l s t l r ^ a y s f t e f f lours . The seriously i l l may' held for a maximum of t w o ^ i . before being transferred; to * i* evscuatioti hospitals 6 e hoip»lt|l

••tftffajK i l t , l )orn*>%h^i; fS i»r-


Vicar GsntralNamd By Card. S]

&m-V. Dar*ln. has been appoint­ed flcar Kcnersl of the JSfew Kftrk arcadiocese by Hli ^mlrience Francis Cardinal Spellman,

1% paslor of St. Gregory'i Church in Harrison, N. Y„ he succeeds the late Mtgr. Idward R. .Oaffmy and will serve with AuxllUry Bishop Joseph P, pot, ahue, ah^ vicar general.

'terrible criminals* by t h e police chief and ordered out tinder guard. That w a s the last we s a w of them. We- heard later they were marched t h r o u g h t h e streets with an entire company o f soldiers as guards—the Bishop saying his Rosary and Father Paul swinging his fan t o k e e p cool on the walk t o JaiL"

and disseminating discord and n i s m n t s . ^ ^ l n A „ p , ^ , , h , , r e d - should be loyal to the American)

"The present day tensions way ot life, and I further believe demand a definite stand either that there are clergymen who far or against ear form of jhave become confused on the is-geverament," the Bishop said. |sue."

••Weaklings aad i n B a t e d Churches "should have nothing s inks aasa l l n o laager be per- Ito fear" from a federal InvesQ-l tarried t e straddle or aribale. j Ration, the Rev. Anile T. Sever*-l e t t h e n stand the test af s son. Evangelical Lutheran, said.

pray for the conversion of Bus-s i s aad the pesu-r of tfw world,'* Father Strannki dec-tared ovrr a loudspeaker In behalf of hl« aaea. Father (Lt. Cmdr.) I - F. Blee, o f ' the Bedemptorists' eastern province, snsde the same derlaration for Catholic* of the 11th Marine Regiment. Bishop Bo received the pledge ba the asme of the Korean CathoUea of S e o u l

Father Strumski reminded the congregation that the pledge Implied reception of the Sacraments, recitation of the

B o s a r y and wearing the scapu­lar. B e emphaaixed that smong the Marines participating were veterans of the Korean battles of Bunker Hill, Warsaw aad

cast of a.Soviet magaztoe article ^ m a e d „ , ifartfd o n Page claiming the Vatican had issued;} . j w , ^ ^ ^ t\mt$i parishes a new code of international m o r - j h a v e 'f^g^ „, subscriptions a l s sanctioning the propaganda, ta fronl ^ p e r a n t , 0 l o r >

of atomic and germ warfare. p ^ cent co^^r.ge 0 f their fam-Osservatore said that the at-, njes. This represents betterr than

, Uck, Moscow's first statement on 60 per cent o f the parlshea in the t pfopjjjjy ' religion since Premier Georgl M.' Diocese. ] JCZ ^ L J_ Malenkov came to power, repre- These subscripttons, added t o T h * P10?03**.Pchool^In-Ironde-sented "a new chapter o f anti- those received directly through {fl"0'^ iMt-Erowlns; suburban area religious policy and obviously a th e 0 |Bce during the course o f on t b e north east , flank ot the

. prelude to harsher persecutions." the year, bring the total over t h e idty o l Rocheiter; would provide f IN AROTBBB srtkle, Oaserva-1-W-000 I n * r l t * , % ' E h w G M p t n - j ^ third- C*thn*Jc *t»ya'-ldgh Itore cornmenteti on , .the a t r a n g e a ^ ' ^ Circulation Manager, ^ 4 s d « l - l a ^ h e dty, area. J T

case in which 15 Russian doc - i v e * J e a - / . . - ^ » . . . . ^ . _ . . ; . . . ^ . _ . tors previously accused a f con-1 T h e riutnageinent of t h e [ C o ^ U S ^ S ^ ^ i ^ J ^ ^ spiring to shorten the lives or'Jer Journal fa sincerely g«rahi*ur/»(«^. .Avaasw an R 0 c * s r 9 r i s Soviet leaders were released and. to the clergy and laity e f the ithe «uly enhWc boy*' Ugh held to be Innocent. jdioceae for their *uPP™*> '^•fachota serving t h e ansa. ...

The Vatican paper said t h e case f 2 S P K K ' t t ? ? ! S « . i ^ % o « ° / u * * 'mmtb> *°™v'r, the Jes-should open a door t o the p o s s l - / ^ " ^ g T t o T £ L ? £ - u " F ' t h m P U r d M U e d » • a i M f

blUty of revising the trials in I £ £ " ^ ^ J ^ * t h V ^ o c e s e o n r n * c o r n , s r ot Hm^ood Av-*-hich many prominent Roman J ^ T L r ^ ^ L , in n ^ U o ^ ' * n u e * « d C I i " ' » n A « n « * S""^-Carholie churchmen were con- zLJ^T , ^ T ? M r t . ^ A.iiv-JrTTof' *» Brighton, saiburb south eut ot demned for crimes they never ^ ^ . s p a ' p e r « c l w S t ! ^ « • ^ ^ « t e

m « ~ , * » °j ? » *^1^ new McQuaid High School for commit tpd.

But tteservatore added iha! it was not at all hopeful thar such a revision would be made bj Communist authorities. j

* T h e rexlslon of trials is not, as we have seen, for the Catho­lic Church and tor its heroic' faithful." said the Vatican organ.

088ERVATOBE said that "con­fessions," extracted .from inno­cent men. as the Russians said

, had been done in the doctors' case, had been used to convict many Catholic priests.

, It named Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty, Primate of Hungary. who was condemned to lifer Im­prisonment In 1949. and Arch-

Slowdown Hinted In Red Attacks Against Church

• i

Tokyo — «NC) — The ssew Bass l sn raters m a y slacken their-penecatien ef the Caatrch wfclle .they are entnnesdng themselves i n power. Bishop Joan fleenau of sT eeas, En-

boys. Plans for the budding of McQuaid High School are now in preparation and It Is hoped to ti»vt It ready for the Fall pf 1934.

THE niOCBSAV-WIDE high school fund drive, held last Octo­ber 28 t o November 11 in honor o f Bishop Kearney's fifteenth an-niversaxyas Bishop of Rochester,

aght lng took place one week earlier.

Telerlslon Stars' Baby atepttod

bishop Joseph Grosz of Kalocsa, Vjrgas, the Mil where bitter \ w . n o became head of the Hungar

ian Bench of Roman Catholic Bishops after Cardinal Minds-

Before the anveillng of the zenty's Imprlsonrnent and who atae Bishop Bo roeArmed 31 ' was sentenced to 15 years in rises ranging la rank from 'June. 1951.

private to a tteutenaat colonel,

The Bishop's HJgTa. School Jub- \ Uee Fund, as the campaign w a s called, provided for four new di­ocesan high schools, plans for

gland, toM a PseMc Stsrs snd > which are n o w In the making. Stripes reporter b e t e . Besides McQuald High School,

The Bishop mete fat state- these n e w high schools include: ment during a visit to Bares Mount Carmel High School for and Japan t o see Common- ) boys a n d girls in Auburn. Notre

Dame etc Lourdes High School for boys a n d girls In Elmira. and S t Agnes High School for girls in Fiochester.

St. Agnes High School will be built on a 20 acre tract on the

wealth troops In the area. Bishop Beenan, accoraina: to

the Stars anal Stripes reporter, revealed that he had once spent a month in Russia dJagnlse-d as

a receat coavert. On the pre-rfoes evealag Father Slramskl swathed three converts. ,

A Marine helicopter new l a t h e r Bo a a d two Koreas priests to the scene here far t h e ceremony. The copier lend-est ta the Seoul cathedral grounds to pick up the Btshop.

^ After the ceremony the.ma­jority af the 'Mariaes preseat s igned tfcV-Blue Army idedga" k* the laisai palate Meart of Mary. It calls for saying part o f the rosary dally and wearing t h e scapular "all la reparation.

Jfoc.alas. thod. a*tjast s o sorrow-f«|llyJsnTeat.'' -i The ststae was carved of

psychiatrist. He w a s aaoted a s saying that the new atns- ; East, River Road in Brighton by

Besides these, said the paper, ^ . n premier. Georgi Malenkov; riKe Sisters o f St. Joseph, who w e think also of their accusers | , , weaker man than Stalin also conduct Nazareth Academy

and "hell look around for al- " . _ . lies. He l l try to plaeste the opposition . . . To keep power Malenkov may be glad to come t o terms all along Use line.*'

and tormentors, many of whom were later punished for treason and even for espionage—the very same charges that they had con­trived against their victims."

for girls in Rochester arid Naz­areth College, ior girlf in Mtts-ton). ,~ .. \;J$

Birth Control Advocates Opposed In Connecticut

JWon-THE BOCHBSTEB roe,.Cptiniy axea..waj;,assignad, a '

son ^wm^s^mm^f* High School - Jubilee fund earn-p*iin.,, "This ^^i^m0iSih

, THimf^Asidsasnft. \&t&fflmU ' ^ ^ s ^ s a ^ l l U a t B J m

mediately loreciitUie r ossl of 'ouiidlni/ *;third¥;le^''

••weed Messed by Bashep Jose ttng birth prevention methous. I,Aires Correhv a s , nuvs of ' jLeiria last Ocloaer IS at the

shrine of F i t ima . It Is s e e of t w o t e a t to f a t h e r HaroM Col-g a a a t rlaaaaeW, N . JH dlrec-

j^BTsarw BBp»BB^fWBMs' s^anrBB^BBB**SJ|j aBBf" a l n W

iS^wfw^P^'-W^IPP* «pfBiiassB\sj( wk wew

Hartford; Conn.—(RC)—Claims that opposition to birth control is a "Catholic'' project were refuted during hearings on the Mth attempt jw burth control advocates to change ^^S^SJ^RS^BKSi Connecticut State law which pro-, — — *- m t t a m o f W&$^m&mm hibits Dhvsidan. from orescrib- .». , — . . u - t - , . . . th« 75 acres i n l r o n ^ u d l f f ^ e

t i n t s t e p in the realization 'of t h e Bishop's forecast,, t«.."*£ '

Indicaatlve o f lire irowfttg'bith* o l ic population in IrondeiiuaU i*

BaMywese-^ilsrWm aaara i ^ ^ . A I | a a M | ^ f t i a ^ ^ ^ ^ —md^A i s L _ asa__fc~ •^^^kZfLJf j L - - 1 # * > A B B > B B K M ^ h J k a A - | |

- ? ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~Ba» i^apfrB^BBasj ^aag4|BBBSsr RagaBX ^B/SBBBJ VBBBJrMaVBRjB. BEBJ JB; HB^saVBtP "sag^sisBBi • •

Be •faSsfta aaaV aaav Tsa'aseasa sAskseasft asBasas^aaaat" , r^*^ t'l^Br^psasm^SBi sss^saaaj| ^ea^Baasaa^ ^aflBP1- ^sBBa^ajpaaa faBBBBBraBB^Bsanjaj BBaaflaeaBBarTsysaaasr

s^_^%^^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *s\Jk^sA 1^1*3+ tfts«a7«HaMahslsd ^^^^^nm * ^ T ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ x J JMa^ssasSBS, s^l^M^f

>^%fttat &*»& A


w,s . „ . . . . , A^rTre^r^PBa^sBW

Oar Lady ef ass Va . J | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ igafcaa, sssBsaaan sBaT <Bn RBaaam

»1- M


' ' • J /. ? i




Testifying before the .State Legislature's Public Health and Safety Committee, Attorney Jo­seph B. Cooney of Hartford pointed out that opponents of the .proposed amemln^t are not asking hew leguuatkm IH#: s e the^ attempling to enact into a*' a s^aued Catholic ViewioUs^r''

'tiBV-1**--^' -»'-»—" Ttini -••' -•••••»••»' ' , .*IBE •l*uBBRXT' fPIa?

fBV'|M|BwBW« I * BBafRl J B T BaBaPB aTCB>BBV|t' i , ^ f e . - ^ ^ ^ . , , ^ ^ ^ - T 1 a'i «|-*l-__i'

BWs raw. BaWH arM W4ers*a 'Y^jSm^S^m^Smai

',"'Pl5?7lk"J??"'-.X^' 1?"'^ l^tw^wA,'!^ I*"'i|!nt •^Mta' aarmsat aaaai (not -ifatiaBiiB 'liK vWielBsi

. , . ' B ^ « B f a B » W 4 * J M i ^ |J_B*Jl -W ' maWWatsl shf ^ajkdVaatt I a. f - . - j i-af- IsMS/ %ajaaat - '^ . fg-^a^-J '

» W r s » | J ^ l BaV BBBJH^BBr • » • BBBPasaasBj^a 1 p f ^ B / vB B B g B { r ' aas^sw ^ B B B t saBBBf^"BBJBBJ t •»*»« '

•*— >*«*w W J0aht)ik»whariaUunB taetr vhws BBBSa ^BassssaBBBBaaaBsjpSf la^fnnBsig^ ^ssswars

*^^^^^_ « « • assaitL. I *ft» tha . eisssa that aassasata a f r asjaBBBBaaBBBBBj "BaRBBs BBBaRaBssw ^ i B \ * ' a^aags* s^aaaBBBaai aa^naaav- ^ssssasaaaaassisssaa) ^sas>

the proposed n e w legislation rep resent a small minority, Mr. Cooney answered that "the fact o f the matter is t h a t a sreat many people besides the Catho­l i c s are opposed to this lejrUla-taon." •:,

He said a s t a t e w i d e refer**-b e "concluilvely lit

^ t a the -wrlM clalmi

the diocesan step towards tail* " »ew parish hi the iMu

WMl Catholfcs are present •ly lervjed by eight parishes wnoae

h *r> et 1 i%

^ i » .

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