rosary leaders · ciee...

••••* v t w f 4M|SP§^^?^^HIMS^ ther -an-' aza- II 8*!*>«)SBSe>4^*>y*'eia|l^^ " l ' P Madrid Faithful Madrid, Spsin (NO -Dow Carmen Polo de-Franco, wife of the Spanish* Chief of State, was> among 100,000 faithful who took part here in the traditional Len ten veneration of a miraculous- image of Christ preserved, in the Capuchin church. , Vud can art n tivS nftaaValer w^- »*lt» thim. , < W jtp«t«,-;i» tMtfc at ^Hr^'-jji;wr; cir ,.wt nil Coupe, f«llr equipped. '41 $89 DESOTO Sedan, heat cmlom model. iHeater, e*- frotler, automatic shift. I tait* c reen. $125 CHEVROLET felly eqaippee]. '48 Cu«pe. IMW aeiat. $395 '49 CHEVROLET Cl«b Coap*. R * H. 4tfc—to' •aliit, etc. Anal aire eft*. " '51 FORD Coup*, tally tqeippej, pal* Mew InitJt $895 '51 NASH $695 Sedan. R * H, defraUr, wtatktr *y* conditioner, many ether extra*. $895H I' Alt Cm Dhpbytd luio* Shop IK Camfert OOCOCIMUMUMMnMimne* **••*• 69 Day Guarantee Free Parking in Bear of BUg. Courtesy <& Satisfac- tion Always- CBtOICE OF Sf OTHBSS SIMMONS "K? Kinh*»ter'« OM**t and Larseit ', DeSole and riymeettV Dealer 3 3 6 EAST AVE. 1MB Open Eves, til 9HM| Rosary Leaders Set On Auburn's WMBO Saturday, March 27—Raymond Sullivan, St, Aloysius; " "•*' . _Junday,.JSliu^_281 J ^lwitliam:i£li ^-3^eK^r"KnliKts^T'Co1inr^ 1 *' bus; Monday, March 29 — Conrad |Bydelek, St. Hyacinth: Tuesday, March 30—Lay repre- sentative, SS. Peter and Paul; Wednesday, March 31-Charles Gosier, St. Mary; '. Thursday, "April 1-Joseph Ca- mardo, St. Francis; •'Friday, April 2—Robert Kahl, Holy Family. —o— __ Women More than one-third of ll^ : ; | | i ^ & | . «st»dent body of. Nazareth College will be partly||i|ij [yttitik 'the. :$0«tfoice> Glee Club of the Catholic womb's^Pjlejrejpie^eiits its #ia»tial concert?Sunday aftternoon, Mar. of §&. Joseph by; Floe ^eeiters^ana -SingenberiEer's ""Jubilatje"' will be deluded; 28, in the rcdllege auditorium 4245 East Aye,, beginning at 3 o'clock. J. Theodore Holjenbach is dlreetor. Tickets will be sold at the door. Guest of honor will be His Ex- cellency Bishop Kearney, who ar- ranged a Latin text in comerrt- oratjon™ of the Marian Year for one of the selections on the pro- gram, Beethoven's "Isnmaculata," GENERAL INSURANCE Egbert F. At hlay Co. 4 2 EAST AVENUE HAmilton 1156-1857-1851 Roch«st«r* # N, Y, M52 102 Y*K*I* \954 The .coriperf will end withya »he Tenebrae of « o i y Thuri*aay, OHAlt '• 3.# -W 0951 KUIAWA K.Vriifct»*tiaiiti 512$l(»n«Rd, trti ~ aiifhj^n W honor of the Blessed Mothei;, faux gii&i wwrnbecs by the Ciee Club^ of Sit John Fisher's College, wlici cBntrlbtttetl to last year's concert, will be included. Vocal and piano solos by music majors in the women's college and a balanced program of sacred and secular offerings by the wo- men are scheduled. LAST SUNDAY the .Nazareth College Glee Club gave a concert in DeSales High, School, Geneva. Tuesday they appeared before the Rochester Rotary Club. In the past they havi sung In various cities of central aoid v/estern I*Jew York and have entertained civic and educational groups In Roch^ ester. Soprano Anita Gullo. junior of JNewark^ N. Y., -will s i n g Mich- aela*s prayer from Bizet's-opera- "Carmen," accompanied by Jsa- belle Sciscioli, Rochester. Pianist Carol Von \yancteel, freshman of Jackson Heights, N. Y., will "Allegro Appassionata," by-Sai Saens. Accompanied by Dolores as, senior of Buffalo and chairman of- the concert, Uife Glee^ Club will open the urog»pam with Its customary Introductory num- ber, the spirited "Alma Mater," 'composed by Sister Kathleen, S.S.J.. chairman of the Nazareth College music department and Glee Club moderator. , The first group of sclectJoni_ will commemorate the Marian Year,. In addition to the "Immac- ulate," the yount women, dressed* In formal academic attire, will' slnfe the "Ave Ms"Tla" by Vittorlit and "Assumpta Est" by Aichir ^er-Montani. NEXT WILL come a tribute to St. tenary of €h»^Sfet«hi tit St Jo- seph fn the Rochester diocese. "Te Joseph C&ebnnr by Ravaft- ello, the Gloria ifom the group ;of flight; arid serious sec ulsr workSr^'*A L-lj^tles China Fig- ure" by L«onlJPranco, "Dreams" by Wagneif, "HQWfecjell'pjhtThy Name" by Hanson, "Postscripts" by Freed,. and. 'Thfllesis^pam- ozel'* by Gojdsworthy. Miss Eliz- abeth Goldallen of. the Nazareth College faculty wlil be featured at the harffin the last-named number. jihn Fisher's Glee The St. Annapurna- «moni^f^ljw|f^U'tt«td^rAnd70iTxaia^ - make plani: % o hoy»»„ furnitutav car wh«n youVesaving money r«gularly. I like to save at Community b«caust it's convenient... it's a sav- ings bank .. . a n d they. hav« many other services to help hit^NrV^y^clon^^bil itciirf ari HjtcaiWnt. at Cdtnhiunity^" $i<» $5 # of $1'Q ifdrtf- yog» Club, dlrecti Plleckl and ai aid Boderu wl Maria" by P.H.J.C.; Jeroi the Night,"- the! rangement of hagen" front the hio^tf ChrJsUart Anderson," and ' V W Insugentibus," an antiphoh frtjin by Francis J. mpanied by Ron- offer the "Ave ter Florentine, Kern's "Still of red Waring ar- ul Copen- by Pileckl, ASSISTING Ml^gPhontas^wd co-chairmen Effte .Lancaster^ and Anita Gullo a / e / t h e following committee hp&ds: tickets,.. Rita Marie Dun/; posters, Gallista Esterguard 1 ; ushers, Ann Hfllo- han; properties, Helen Marls O'Neill; decorations, Mary Col- lins and .Eleanor Tyndall; invi- tations, Maureen Grotty; patrons, Barbara Moore and Joan Dakin; and publicity, Isabelle Sciscioli. Miss Thomas is president of the Glee Club; Miss Lancaster, secretary-treasurer. Llbraraians are Donna Ryan and Ann Daly, Membership in the organization is open to qualified students from any department of the col- lege. Rehearsals are held weekly throughout the school year. ; 0- . a Praise In m —Donald JtteFndaje, will repeat last year's role of Demetrius in ~^eifceniear£-PIijr,"the Bfebe^T MhedtdeaV for^Fawkm Week Joseph MJ&oor csC.the-3paiJ-ji»aluctl<«*. Apft'5'fi) 11,- by •>,. _. ^«.«-^ _-. B , - ^ T ^ j h ^ f c f r v - l i o l y FalknUy Tne- aire. KeservaUons may be made by caalllne- GEnesee 5?|2, or at Mass+ Tucker'it, SO* E. Main St. KEV. SAiMT BO HI*ACE UK&mMtito-r trao^.tt>, u, 12:15 mimi $*%^S&*-fiM»&: " 330 SHE60HY ST. iJM Ttm'M'A' mtfk 'm^ii OUH IAKED G000$:A«I. MAW . TRE FINEST (NfillBlIkTfcTHL, ARE DiFFEttWf. : ^mW?$$i Come in ami look over t»or ; 6o^,S«uHi:';A^>Koaa ..Mtwroa 4I5S •»••»<«»..•»••;»in-.• »^•»;• » . . . ^>M RUG ^JWPtL-,^1. Pharmacy -«&* %^ __, ikt.^faitoJi ltOnro»|»M ' Ml 0I&0&M ^ZMm Outside Grtot»v L wmMm:i York Prlendiy Gulf Service FUNEtAlHOME 74$ SOUTH AVE. SsS^igKj Legion of Decency Listings CLASS Al Unobjectionable for General Patron*** Battle of Rogue Diver •Bmaath-nfta-TPwiIrt-'"*""' .Mil. Rttt BIK tcagiMr, *Ih< Bor from Oklahoma •Caddy. The Calamity Jan* •M Fira >mmand, Tha . .wqunt at CochlM Glnquttt Of E v t m l , Th« qr»ijle»». All Amer-iCtm cSatura of t h e Bluck linaoon, Th« Cnafl S«a, Tha DnaWa Cold Edila Cantor Starr, £l AVmeln Eacalk From Fort -•SorMattrftr •*• - Great lHamoni ^Robbery. Sld«ri to the Stain "CKi83 Heidi Hell and Mih W«ter Hom'*JIi>iitb Glva a OKI i Break Half hefltto Hon Houu.. Tnv»*r» From Mara IHSf Ofove, Tha Louli Story. Tha lui Gaem let* From Spatn ns of th« Khybtr Riflca , Knlthta of tha Sound XltU« Boy Loal l-lvlm Daiert, Tht I/)nr, lailiir Trailer, Tha Money t"rtm Ho«w Murder On llondar Paratrooper Nature'* Half Aera Pltkwlcfc Ptii*r» J?rlfe of tlw Blue Grass groleet JM K«*-Riv»rShorar StriliaMf Werai Affair WW Alaska Sf Alweji 1 AH"" Vatftit Apaajle War •moke ArgKntnent tau Murder ehhcait. J _ tan* Bar \ ' 1 Both Side* of tJ)tfLa*r ' Cant. John Smltlr,«hii Poca" K«clnK Blood 'CUSS AZ - UnobJecrJonabk for Adult* Kobkoy SOM Marie Boril Alrlean XIBaa Saadla .* Sea Around Ui, Tha Seal bland S«a Of jLoat Ehlpe Secret of Outlaw Klata Sky Commanito ' Sonl of The Land Stand at Apache JUVar Swetihearu oh rarkah T«u Bad Han .. Two Gun-M»rlhall - Tanui end The She-Derll Tax*, Son of Cochlea Terror on a Train Thunaerbirdi /• • Thornier Over the Plain* War Arrow "Water Bird* •While Mime Veaterdx? and Tode* Vufcon Vem»««ea lahsnta* CaaanoVa'a Bijc Nllht Gharse of the> Ijncfr» CrTm* Wa*e Eaar To Love Dinmrind Queen, Tht Banovin't. BrJelno Drum* of Tahiti . St?nhant,WaJk . Exeeuttva'Suite" C*» Ad¥*htu*e>. Tht' G*nevle*« ^ ^ , Golden Co««h. The Greatett Love, The «li Maieaty O'Keel* Sow Ta Mim? s _ Mllllonalra Interna Zt Should JHeppen To You Sack Sled. Jeeee Jewel r«. The DMUMI* -*eni)l'*r L aiO*ro Juhtlea Tr«l! 1.1111 _ Llltk^ojltlva -XiDonhole- Mti Matciclnn. The MiuUiiere Canyon Mill RoBlnMn Crtnoa SatliM Jarigle. Th« jSehtMaaim Tha QyerlanaiiiP*elfic Peiuiohtite; Sentry, The ParMhat Ar7«lr Phantom of the Run Monrue Plunder o{ tin Sua Powder Hirer Fritonera of Tha) Cuhah Privnto Eyes SJuctn of Shoha RideClemriofDiaoto - Riot lii Cell Bloc*' IV' Koram Holiday' .. Sailor at the Kin»- Saakatchewaa Shark Rlv«r , She OoulSn't Say NO Sin«InK Tiwl ,Uriy«r Spice of Life, TBe)' Stranter On The Prowl Sword and The Rote. The Sun Shines Bright TjUwTh*-HIi(h-Gre«M. - Thoet Redhead* from Senttle '" * Three GIHa from Ttoert* Three Younjr Tenant Taming Point, Tn»* VlcaSdu**- BerKo? 'Reqdeiiv Listed At Eastman The Rochester Oratorio Society will give a performance of the Requiem of Hector tierliw in the Eastman Theater on Apr. 10, conducted by J. Theodore Hollen- bach. Requiring a huge number of Instruments, this riuinber has been seldom performed. In addi- tion to a. full-size lymphony or- "chestra, an oversize tympanl sec- tion is specified in the score, with four brass choirs hi at many points of the hall representing the four points of the compass, or "comers of the earth". There are ten movements In the work, "A Mass for the Dead", much of the music being of tre- mendous proportions, and atbejc part* .6Mt wry, <#et, but;« re- liglQu* meditation throughout.- vocal-^vork,-4Ehelr Approximately 30O lingers make .up the chords. Tickets are availattft^irom any weinber'oi the Oratorio SoclfetjC ~ Family ftarjio Rosary Leaders —Saturday?-*!arch -27 -s^QlrN.' Santangelb, Holy Redeemer; Sunday, March 28 Edwin Repp, Holy Ghost; Monday. March 29 — EU; D'Amlco, Our Lady of Mt. rnel; , Tuesday, March.. 30 - J Freda, St, Francis of Assii Wednesday, March 31 ~ ard Schlossei 1 , St Monica! Thursday, April 1 — Wi Ehrsteln; St, Andrew's, ai panled by Holy Name Friday, Aprll.2—Dr. Ra: L, .Sortperjf _ . -accoiinpinL memMfl o f St* Bohaventut versi^A^hlAstpctation, ester^Chapier. ' '' robes, 130 young worhen of Naz- areth. College CSlee iClyb- filed im- pressively, on stage in De Sales High School Auditorlurh Sunday to give a concert of distinction before a goodsized audience. Stormy weather outside was forgotten as the audience listened to the clear, fresh, young voices raised in sons. The Glee Club pre- sented a Well-baiajncela prpgraim of sacred music' and secular music, particularly appropriate for the Lenten season, TWO GENEVANS, Miss Mary Ann Handlan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Handlan, 96 Pulteney$t., andTMSss Joan Stats- ko, daughter OTMK ana"3Wrs. An- thony F. Stasko, 169 Maxwell Ave., are members of j6h»<Glee Cjub, .Both are Ireshrher*" » P tj&e" college. Sponsored by Court Geneva; Catholic Daughters of America, the program will be recorded as a highlight of. their 1953-54 caleav dar. Besides the remarkably fine choral work the Glee- Club tee," tured two talented young solo* ists. Miss Carol Von, Wahckeli plan* 1st, exhibited unusual dexterity and technique in her rendition of "Allegro Appasalonat*," by Saint Saens. Possessor of a rich and beauti- ful soprano voice of wide lahg*,, Miss Anita GuHo, sang Michiela*s Prayer from Blttt's *'a«rmeru ,, Isabelle Sciscioli was accompan- ist, r UNDER THE direction of J, Theojlore Hblleribacli, conductor,. the G l e t c j u V tnernbets jdenvorii •trated a t h o u g h training: in voices, were well matched,- perfectly controll- ed, and blended into fine harmOhy, The result was a sparkling dy* namlc performance, First part of the program In- cluded-selectlons in-Commerhora- *ion of the MTarlan Year, .featux- ing "Irrtmaculata," 'Btrethovcn, a Marian Vear anthem ti> Our Lady. Latin text- was arranged by the JJHojstRe&J^esJS^ Second grbup Included light and serious secular worJcs. Third and'final group in the concert was given a s a tribute to Saint Joseph in honor of the cen- tenary of the Sisters of St. Jo- seph In the Rochester Diocese, Moderator of the Glee Club is Sister M. Kathleen, S.S.J„ chair- man of the Nazareth College Mix sic Department Dolores Thomas, senio* nnTslc major af the college, j « i s the very able *ceoitapaiU>rr at the piano, ^ MEMBERSJ&rthe Glee Clttb accompaniedj^rj? their moderator, Sister Ka^pen: aitd several mem- bers r^flflcollegfe.faculty, travel- ed iA^eneva in two buses. -^l*ueriV A ' « l t « . Jfan3u«i^NjE>aiis1 ] Jamts P* ) M % f M « M e ( Hie the Victory' mnwmt after a civic par:a:dielo^||e1psirnpathy for the five nae,n!osri of the House of Jteprgsen^tlyeei shot b> Puerto Rltsui iMalbn^Js s in the Capitol of Washington? on March CI.ASS » - Objectionable In Part Abbott and Coattllo Gm To Mam AH of Love Adventure* of C»i>tilm rahtait All Ashore Anna .*,.«•- Androcle* and the Won Angef raw ' .. AWDointnioht m Hondtt*** Atrftl In Tarts Bad ana the Beattiful.. The J Bad JfSr JEaeh Othtf .. Bili Bitile Circuit . ., Bert of, the Basditittl'" •' Bin teAt _ • . . BIK Niirht. The Bigamist. The , ; ' BlttM- Kh* ' t - ,'• Bohiha arid the Jun«te Canteln'a VtSH^H'fbit I tfafativer WaWlelt* - 4 - - ~ s -- fltwBaheialH-the-lle* City That.NewiT'Sleepei Clown, The; Come Back Little Shefcw nanger JtftjKe„ . , . t*t--hi«.r it Dwkheta bftadllne -.. -- .; riwiwrais SaartfiyTbe- I)c»tIhHtion >r«frfiiinn3P ncvottftft Bo#aj5N«nfcafl . Shelt«Vl«&F*3 ,. KMtsFSuntitrjk fat**?.Face . ., Fathsi?* Bjtemnia Fear aijid **««*» 4<rfc»lfco*VteV;fti»l JFIIght To Taacter *%rblddte. , Forbidden Games PViifgvaii 1 . female, ^HoJBiKesre t« JBteMllty JkTIiilUlW. 3r?K*ll TrlBta Gentlenien r r « * r Blonde* ,G3r a |» the in'eM M»|W«f As*.., Bf>^iCora*tli».G»ll HS^TiWJ, »5tfr« ifelI«ilJr.-Try«ek , Kryionw Th*_' ' rrordMl8»*M«, The 4 ; Ji, The JrijrV * Ttma "Gitl Conad'enltal KaniMeKale mb®?**?. .• 1.itlle Cwelitr Man lie_Mnd.Tht_ Cult ^l^ti'Cftat*., MT»« fatUsK-:, .. MJastiflftt}} Gnhifelei' MEojilih Koine ' mtMfpWMhoiit'Tiir* NS&r yjiceJa. . !&»K#l^tSiee* l O^'if^ffjl ' OgJfa^^'Sirk * s*1« « Parli Model Pleaeui* Garden. The Pxesddenf* Udy, The Problem Girt* , Public Enemy Red G»rter» , Renoenvttaa V?IU* Tomorrow Return ta Partdlee (Rhar'ody Rome, u o'clMlc Ssalome - ,, Sengnrce 5*a Devils Serjiept of th» ISla Sharfled " 'E3ri» of JiraeeW ! Btttti of Bagdid Sliaht Gaae of Larceny, A ' South Scat Woman Stranja tteccKtlon BtS-ltfW WltKe** S*trt«l. The . t«H ; M*T6(-toWi« toan»*}13kit-; Thy NeT*Shof'*.Wife Ttornicnto Two Cofttelyorlri of Hope Unknown toVer, The Vt-ilsof Bji*d*d,' The WrRlnita Y*ftnno .,, ; wisdojvTiiirW ;, WatklnB SI* Baby p*ek Itohl* , - WWdliter of till Mhrtefla *. Wnat,*He*4Wl*Sfte*r I m«m , w>mt v ; Wild 0ni\ The '• Wfrtn*n Theij' Almett j laraihW ' ^^^Conftenirw* -*eo-«feV**»nt- >»6-' .'a:- *?F I't'll-.f'.^L! FraneKtthi, TK*.- ' King of King* Film Slated At Wolcott Wolcott Members of the Holy Name Society oLSt. Mary Magdalen Church will sponsor the motion picture "King of Kings" on Sunday afternoon and evening March 28 in the parish hall. Showings will be 3:30 p-m. and 7:30 p.m. Men of Church of the Epiphany Holy Name Society, Sodus will show the picture on Wednesday. April 7. 7". ':•• '•.M&SSfc .•/.'•'siiVf <^JlTOrtuKNAL Friday ' % 4| March,«£f, 1934 kMMl •*«••» tjneijayen *^dey*iireri m y 2n4 Y«ir Original A Cut KEALIY LIVES ON THE HAGJL- _ April 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 . 9 - 1 0 - 1 1 HOLY FAMILY AUDITORIUM TICKETS I»MAT I TUCKER'S. SMB. MAIN ', OB J CKnetaa IIH ^ SwMoreil by the Good^ Shepherd G u M •I* 1 » iRlC'S HOF BRAU. 406 lYELt AVE. |J»C RECKLINGHAUSEN Home of Imported German Beer and Wine GLen. 314t LENTEN SPECIALS SE»VKD DAILY FISH FRY 70< SEA FOOD MATE $1.30 And Other Selections IMPORTED GERMAN BEER O N DRAFT •H0K8 MADI PIM. KIC. SPEGIAL SUNDAY PLATE DINNERS SwAr/Spttlerl Your Favorite Cecktail 43f apAsrictujtr TURKEy with emtiKd SAUXR BRATKrf I with r*t*t*rPiiuak*r W i >«>**aaVaaa*ti>|>> 1 & . BOYS WmtU>,^ Grataaiar S«k*«La^Htr^'-C«lie|».-'^ ' . -" TO FOLLOW CHRIST—Tp SAVE SOUS , ., TO-is^airY^i^EV»ni$ •". % .,^ t, a^Mkig rriNts 1. m CaiMKale-Fri.Kltt*. Q^fmMif f,raea*a^C^?*il*t)t* * ,t .-fi INVITE YQU It) MEFAlt&fOR MHHOO0 TflrT«lfSf«06tSr^ , , nt .awtfaaanwwv r Work: TEACHINS, Parish. * Weew: in our Monlsferies, StrnT- ' Horn* «nd foreign mission},. rarr«, Parlshet, Minion*. 9 Writ*: Fr. Jomas, - - NtyfawtKlt^Qfclltliltitf-.- 5 :-;- —- ^-J!f^~i 1,'T.O.R*, leK'aif, Holll'tftr^larf^i^rtln-g:^ THE AMERICAN SPECIALTY 00^ In Food Servic* Mqtiipmeiit and Svgpltee,^ _ CUitawtre .1 •>. 0 g ' CeffM Vrm ViaaulaT •AJKERDCS CATKIEKEAB «W". •>«»• HZSL SCBftOM ilOMPMAia ^ ^ i , Complete Stock Sitr Egttip**erit and Supplies 283-291 CENTRAL AVE. (Behv-een Clinton and Sti Paul) BAktf2m s-L ••>•: '•"•'• '" RotihMter 5, New York •., . «rJj^.l|.M*'.r''% i W AJHi ALE Ii'MtmwHIiMBtttUtfe in Jem -- -»•»-*•» •— ?- •IVERAGES l|#S-W^^''«*:'i^f.|*M[a ^ H w **oz __i CUT RATE PRICES ON ondALE-BY BEVERAGES M $3" 1 M6£$ BEER IS HERE Soft Drinks: 1JM» ofc f 1.2* U—12 oz. $1.8B ''".I: ^AJRI HACK r Prop. Qjm. W<t4>-L fttfijfc- l^lT«lni'«I»f!9|ii Ctefi' Sun. - Mon.- :l i SheKordBoad at Empire Bird. CTJIver « 0 2 _ •Tyei, aaaeaaaea for your DOORS WINDOWS INTERIOR TRIM SCREENS STORM SASH CABIMETS -. C0MI* DOORS fiEfLlMi HARDWARE M1HT WINDOW FRAMES AONT»C 625 So. Goodman St. MO. 6695 -«.*rt ^w ^»*i 5i*tf t?mM •CaaaneJahiaa* *fwtvs »*, .- NORTH MAW SCTEBT .. . , . . KE-V; AU>i^St|^K CJRIHMiKS -i*AS»lS-«.** «.' IV f.nV'i*! -li\ at'i— *' ALICE R. FARRIIX ' ; j-^-WOMEN'S AtfAUtt , Phoe, m*>H ' . ' a^Mkli^k "\ ^NANDAIO^J^.^ BEATRICE FAIUMIO Modtrn Btau W* JiaV. tha WrnrlW *orisijiin:g|o.wa'. ^KfeFialt* llrt#- Cuilottihullt Grtahi. F. H. MeaWEEftSON FUNEBAtBIBJECTOES "Setae ef Qeallty Farailan" 'm^Airi-atBBiir'i. CANANDAIGUA. N. a*. SHINKMAN'S T^HE Nik* STORE CAHANDAIGUA. N. r. -. Ctetiiiaii iKd FarriiihinU -'ii<^pir : -1 \*-M*tL0 * ^ ciiuacii Ti:M ASSUMPTION M Kaa* A«„ Pair**** a^la^Sla .--»>..•. HARRY P. VAN HORN | KecheaUr Hlllaiea .»••»• aieeaal-a _. .ygt&^a^asyj^Blf^ - aeaaaae—f aa m mi • • aaeass*««aT*s^awtaa»>»maaai GENERAL INSUItANiC* F U N I R A l DIRECTOR 6,fc *^Sff a»« U L*NCs ssarn:! t wumW*** W*K TELKPHONK 411 Fir* Aeiaiaaeil* rieleW^^jJear^b 41 5. aaarn Bt ra*r»trt. N. T. v ^ §U^^gUmfX »\ • • mm •••Hi Hiieiu.M.t «..e ; .e«t»'it»« <iiaiaTii* , 4 PARKSIDE DAIRY CLAUDE W. EM»Y QUAUTY MHX em*1 OttAM Wflt^ynU!JfcM «t E. co*timiwA "ASfc-aK " !>^- -,,t J..I -.?.:<;* eaeKeMh A <JekJBt1eaMlk>S>jea : 2*e,U •\4&* s ' : ^^d! h h*^**^^^d4*m~<< «• •» "*••'•*'>*•"-•* -***• -* ±1 •^^^^T'^^ S**^^*®*^***^* ^^^^^^^^^t '«** A* **-*> *»• llptl. 1pb,*tf!f WfSft ^A ' "I. *1<- \ t 1 **

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Page 1: Rosary Leaders · Ciee Club^ of Sit John Fisher's College, wlici cBntrlbtttetl to last year's concert,

••••* v t w f

4 M | S P § ^ ^ ? ^ ^ H I M S ^

ther -an-' aza-


8*!*>«)SBSe>4^*>y*'eia | l^^ " l '


Madrid Faithful Madrid, Spsin — (NO - D o w

Carmen Polo de-Franco, wife of the Spanish* Chief of State, was> among 100,000 faithful who took part here in the traditional Len ten veneration of a miraculous-image of Christ preserved, in the Capuchin church. ,

Vud can art n tivS n fta aValer w^- »*lt» thim. , <W jtp«t«,-;i» tMtfc at ^Hr^'-jji;wr; cir ,.wt n i l

Coupe, f«llr equipped.



Sedan, heat cmlom model. iHeater, e*-frotler, automatic shift. I tait* c reen.


f e l l y eqaippee].

'48 Cu«pe. IMW aeiat.

$395 '49 CHEVROLET Cl«b Coap*. R * H. 4tfc—to' •aliit, etc. Anal aire eft*. "

'51 FORD Coup*, tally tqeippej, pal* Mew InitJt


'51 NASH $695

Sedan. R * H, defraUr, wtatktr *y* conditioner, many ether extra*.

$895H I' Alt Cm Dhpbytd luio*

Shop IK Camfert OOCOCIMUMUMMnMimne* **••*•

69 Day Guarantee Free Parking in Bear of BUg. Courtesy <& Satisfac­

tion Always-CBtOICE OF Sf OTHBSS

SIMMONS " K ? Kinh*»ter'« OM**t and Larseit ', DeSole and riymeettV Dealer

336 EAST AVE. 1MB Open Eves, til 9 H M |

Rosary Leaders Set On Auburn's WMBO

Saturday, March 27—Raymond Sullivan, St, Aloysius; " "•*' . _Junday,.JSliu^_281J^lwitliam:i£li ^-3^eK^r"KnliKts^T'Co1inr^1*' bus;

Monday, March 29 — Conrad |Bydelek, St. Hyacinth:

Tuesday, March 30—Lay repre­sentative, SS. Peter and Paul;

Wednesday, March 31-Charles Gosier, St. Mary; '. Thursday, "April 1-Joseph Ca-mardo, St. Francis;

•'Friday, April 2—Robert Kahl, Holy Family.

—o— __

Women More than one-third of l l ^ : ; | | i ^ & | . «st»dent body of.

Nazareth College will be p a r t l y | | i | i j [yttitik 'the. :$0«tfoice> Glee Club of the Catholic womb's^Pjlejrejpie^eiits i t s #ia»tial concert?Sunday aftternoon, Mar.

of §&. Joseph by; Floe ^eeiters^ana -SingenberiEer's ""Jubilatje"' will be deluded;

28, in the rcdllege auditorium 4245 East Aye,, beginning at 3 o'clock. J. Theodore Holjenbach is dlreetor. Tickets will be sold at the door.

Guest of honor will be His Ex­cellency Bishop Kearney, who ar­ranged a Latin text in comerrt-oratjon™ of the Marian Year for one of the selections on the pro­gram, Beethoven's "Isnmaculata,"


4 2 EAST AVENUE HAmilton 1156-1857-1851

Roch«st«r*# N, Y, M52 102 Y*K*I* \954

The .coriperf will end withya »he Tenebrae of « o i y Thuri*aay,


'• 3.# - W

0951 KUIAWA K.Vriifct»*tiaiiti 512$l(»n«Rd,

trti ~ aiifhj^n W honor of the Blessed Mothei;,

faux gii&i wwrnbecs by the Ciee Club^ of Sit John Fisher's College, wlici cBntrlbtttetl to last year's concert, will be included. Vocal and piano solos by music majors in the women's college and a balanced program of sacred and secular offerings by the wo­men are scheduled.

LAST SUNDAY the .Nazareth College Glee Club gave a concert in DeSales High, School, Geneva. Tuesday they appeared before the Rochester Rotary Club. In the past they havi sung In various cities of central aoid v/estern I*Jew York and have entertained civic and educational groups In Roch^ ester.

Soprano Anita Gullo. junior of JNewark^ N . Y., -will sing Mich-aela*s prayer from Bizet's-opera-"Carmen," accompanied by Jsa-belle Sciscioli, Rochester. Pianist Carol Von \yancteel, freshman of Jackson Heights, N. Y., will "Allegro Appassionata," by-Sai Saens.

Accompanied b y Dolores as, senior of Buffalo and chairman of- the concert, Uife Glee^ Club will open the urog»pam with Its customary Introductory num­ber, the spirited "Alma Mater," 'composed by Sister Kathleen, S.S.J.. chairman of the Nazareth College music department and Glee Club moderator. ,

The first group of sclectJoni_ will commemorate the Marian Year,. In addition to the "Immac­ulate," the yount women, dressed* In formal academic attire, will' slnfe the "Ave Ms"Tla" b y Vittorlit and "Assumpta Est" by Aichir ^er-Montani.

NEXT WILL come a tribute to St. tenary of €h»^Sfet«hi tit St • Jo­seph fn the Rochester diocese. "Te Joseph C&ebnnr by Ravaft-ello, the Gloria ifom the

group ;of flight; arid serious sec ulsr workSr '*A L-lj tles China Fig­ure" by L«onlJPranco, "Dreams" by Wagneif, "HQW fecjell'pjht Thy Name" by Hanson, "Postscripts" by Freed,. and. 'Thf l l e s i s^pam-ozel'* by Gojdsworthy. Miss Eliz­abeth Goldallen of. the Nazareth College faculty wlil be featured at the harffin the last-named number.

jihn Fisher's Glee The St.


«moni^f^ljw|f^U't t«td^rAnd70iTxaia^ -make plani: % o hoy»»„ furnitutav car wh«n youVesaving money r«gularly. I like to save at Community b«caust it's convenient.. . it's a sav­ings bank . . . a n d they. hav« many other services to help hit^NrV^y^clon^^bil itciirf ari HjtcaiWnt. at Cdtnhiunity^" $i<» $5# of $ 1'Q ifdrtf- yog»

Club, dlrecti Plleckl and ai aid Boderu wl Maria" by P.H.J.C.; Jeroi the Night,"- the! rangement of

hagen" front the hio^tf ChrJsUart Anderson," and 'VW Insugentibus," an antiphoh frtjin

by Francis J. mpanied by Ron-

offer the "Ave ter Florentine, Kern's "Still of red Waring ar-

ul Copen-

by Pileckl,

ASSISTING Ml^gPhontas^wd co-chairmen Effte .Lancaster^ and Anita Gullo a /e / the following committee hp&ds: tickets,.. Rita Marie Dun/; posters, Gallista Esterguard1; ushers, Ann Hfllo-han; properties, Helen Marls O'Neill; decorations, Mary Col­lins and .Eleanor Tyndall; invi­tations, Maureen Grotty; patrons, Barbara Moore and Joan Dakin; and publicity, Isabelle Sciscioli.

Miss Thomas is president of the Glee Club; Miss Lancaster, secretary-treasurer. Llbraraians are Donna Ryan and Ann Daly, Membership in the organization is open to qualified students from any department of the col­lege. Rehearsals are held weekly throughout the school year.

; 0- .

a Praise In m

—Donald JtteFndaje, will repeat last year's role of Demetrius in

~^eifceniear£-PIijr,"the Bfebe^T MhedtdeaV for^Fawkm Week

Joseph MJ&oor csC.the-3paiJ-ji»aluctl<«*. Apft'5'fi) 11,- by •>,. _. « . « - ^ _-. B, -^T^jh^fcfrv- l io ly FalknUy Tne-

aire. KeservaUons may be made by caalllne- GEnesee 5?|2, or at

Mass+ Tucker'it, SO* E. Main St.


S A i M T BO HI*ACE UK&mMtito-r trao^.tt>, u, 12:15

mimi $*%^S&*-fiM»&: " 330 SHE60HY ST. iJM Ttm'M 'A' mtfk 'm^ii •

OUH IAKED G000$:A«I. MAW . TRE FINEST (NfillBlIkTfcTHL, ARE DiFFEttWf. :^mW?$$i Come in ami look over t»or ; 6o^,S«uHi:';A^>Koaa ..Mtwroa 4I5S • » • • » < « » . . • » • • ; » i n - . • »^ •» ; • » . . .



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Legion of Decency Listings CLASS A l — Unobjectionable for General Patron***

Battle of Rogue Diver • •Bmaath-nfta-TPwiIrt-'"*""'

.Mil . Rttt BIK tcagiMr, *Ih< Bor from Oklahoma •Caddy. The

Calamity Jan* • M Fira >mmand, Tha

. .wqunt at CochlM Glnquttt Of Evtml, Th« qr»ijle»». All Amer-iCtm

cSatura of the Bluck linaoon, Th«

Cnafl S«a, Tha DnaWa Cold

Edila Cantor Starr, £l AVmeln Eacalk From Fort

-•SorMattrftr •*• -Great lHamoni ^Robbery. Sld«ri to the Stain

"CKi83 Heidi Hell and Mih W«ter

Hom'*JIi>iitb Glva a OKI i Break Half hefltto Hon Houu.. Tnv»*r» From Mara IHSf Ofove, Tha

Louli Story. Tha lui Gaem let* From Spatn ns of th« Khybtr Riflca

, Knlthta of tha Sound XltU« Boy Loal l-lvlm Daiert, Tht I/)nr, lailiir Trailer, Tha Money t"rtm Ho«w

Murder On llondar Paratrooper Nature'* Half Aera Pltkwlcfc Ptii*r» J?rlfe of tlw Blue Grass groleet JM



• Werai

Affair WW Alaska Sf Alwej i 1 AH""

Vatftit Apaajle War •moke ArgKntnent tau Murder

ehhcait. J

_ tan* Bar \ ' 1 Both Side* of tJ)tfLa*r '

Cant. John Smltlr,«hii Poca"

K«clnK Blood ' C U S S AZ - UnobJecrJonabk for Adult*

Kobkoy S O M Marie

Boril Alrlean XIBaa Saadla .* Sea Around Ui, Tha Seal bland

S«a Of jLoat Ehlpe Secret of Outlaw Klata Sky Commanito ' Sonl of The Land Stand at Apache JUVar Swetihearu oh rarkah T « u Bad Han .. Two Gun-M»rlhall -Tanui end The She-Derll Tax*, Son of Cochlea Terror on a Train Thunaerbirdi /• • Thornier Over the Plain* War Arrow "Water Bird* •While Mime Veaterdx? and Tode* Vufcon Vem»««ea •

lahsnta* CaaanoVa'a Bijc Nllht Gharse of the> Ijncfr» CrTm* Wa*e Eaar To Love Dinmrind Queen, Tht Banovin't. BrJelno Drum* of Tahiti .

St?nhant,WaJk . Exeeuttva'Suite" C*» Ad¥*htu*e>. Tht' G*nevle*« ^ ^ , Golden Co««h. The

Greatett Love, The « l i Maieaty O'Keel* S o w Ta Mim? s _ Mllllonalra Interna Zt Should JHeppen To You Sack Sled. Jeeee Jewel r«. The


-*eni)l'*r LaiO*ro Juhtlea Tr«l! 1.1111 _ Llltk^ojltlva

-XiDonhole-Mti Matciclnn. The MiuUiiere Canyon Mill RoBlnMn Crtnoa SatliM Jarigle. Th« jSehtMaaim Tha

QyerlanaiiiP*elfic Peiuiohtite; Sentry, The ParMhat Ar7«lr

Phantom of the Run Monrue

Plunder o{ tin Sua Powder Hirer Fritonera of Tha) Cuhah Privnto Eyes SJuctn of Shoha RideClemriofDiaoto -Riot lii Cell Bloc*' IV' Koram Holiday' .. Sailor at the Kin»-Saakatchewaa Shark Rlv«r , She OoulSn't Say NO Sin«InK Tiwl ,Uriy«r Spice of Life, TBe)' Stranter On The Prowl Sword and The Rote. The

Sun Shines Bright TjUwTh*-HIi(h-Gre«M. -Thoet Redhead* from

Senttle '" * • Three GIHa from Ttoert* Three Younjr Tenant Taming Point, Tn»* VlcaSdu**-

BerKo? 'Reqdeiiv Listed At Eastman

The Rochester Oratorio Society will give a performance of the Requiem of Hector tierliw in the Eastman Theater on Apr. 10, conducted by J. Theodore Hollen-bach.

Requiring a huge number of Instruments, this riuinber has been seldom performed. In addi­tion to a. full-size lymphony or-"chestra, an oversize tympanl sec­tion is specified in the score, with four brass choirs hi at many points of the hall representing the four points of the compass, or "comers of the earth".

There are ten movements In the work, "A Mass for the Dead", much of the music being of tre­mendous proportions, and atbejc part* .6Mt w r y , <#et, but;« re- „ liglQu* meditation throughout.- vocal-^vork,-4Ehelr

Approximately 30O l i n g e r s make .up the chords. Tickets are availattft^irom any weinber'oi the Oratorio SoclfetjC ~

Family ftarjio Rosary Leaders

—Saturday?-*!arch -27 - s ^ Q l r N . ' Santangelb, Holy Redeemer;

Sunday, March 28 — E d w i n Repp, Holy Ghost;

Monday. March 29 — EU; D'Amlco, Our Lady of Mt. rnel; ,

Tuesday, March.. 30 - J Freda, St, Francis of Assii

Wednesday, March 31 ~ ard Schlossei1, S t Monica!

Thursday, April 1 — Wi Ehrsteln; • St, Andrew's, ai panled by Holy Name

Friday, Aprll.2—Dr. Ra: L, .Sortperjf _. -accoiinpinL memMfl o f St* Bohaventut versi^A^hlAstpctation, ester^Chapier. ' ''

robes, 130 young worhen of Naz­areth. College CSlee iClyb- filed im­pressively, on stage in De Sales High School Auditorlurh Sunday to give a concert of distinction before a goodsized audience.

Stormy weather outside was forgotten as the audience listened to the clear, fresh, young voices raised in sons. The Glee Club pre­sented a Well-baiajncela prpgraim of sacred music' and secular music, particularly appropriate for the Lenten season,

TWO GENEVANS, Miss Mary Ann Handlan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Handlan, 96 Pulteney$t., andTMSss Joan Stats-ko, daughter OTMK ana"3Wrs. An-thony F. Stasko, 169 Maxwell Ave., are members of j6h»<Glee Cjub, .Both are Ireshrher*" »P tj&e" college.

Sponsored by Court Geneva; Catholic Daughters of America, the program will be recorded as a highlight of. their 1953-54 caleav dar.

Besides the remarkably fine choral work the Glee- Club tee," tured two talented young solo* ists.

Miss Carol Von, Wahckeli plan* 1st, exhibited unusual dexterity and technique in her rendition of "Allegro Appasalonat*," b y Saint Saens.

Possessor of a rich and beauti­ful soprano voice of wide lahg*,, Miss Anita GuHo, sang Michiela*s Prayer from Blttt's *'a«rmeru,,

Isabelle Sciscioli was accompan­ist, r

UNDER THE direction of J, Theojlore Hblleribacli, conductor,. the G l e t c juV tnernbets jdenvorii •trated a t h o u g h training: in

voices, were well matched,- perfectly controll­ed, and blended into fine harmOhy, The result was a sparkling dy* namlc performance,

First part of the program In-cluded-selectlons in-Commerhora-*ion of the MTarlan Year, .featux-ing "Irrtmaculata," 'Btrethovcn, a Marian Vear anthem ti> Our Lady. Latin text- was arranged by the

J J H o j s t R e & J ^ e s J S ^

Second grbup Included light and serious secular worJcs.

Third and'final group in the concert was given as a tribute to Saint Joseph in honor of the cen­tenary of the Sisters of St. Jo­seph In the Rochester Diocese,

Moderator of the Glee Club i s Sister M. Kathleen, S.S.J„ chair­man of the Nazareth College Mix sic Department

Dolores Thomas, senio* nnTslc major a f the college, j « i s the very able *ceoitapaiU>rr at the piano, ^

MEMBERS J&rthe Glee Clttb accompaniedj^rj? their moderator, Sister Ka^pen: aitd several mem­bers r^flflcollegfe.faculty, travel­ed iA^eneva i n two buses.

-^l*ueriV A ' « l t « . Jfan3u«i^NjE>aiis1 ] Jamts P* ) M % f M « M e ( Hie

the Victory' mnwmt after a civic par:a:dielo^||e1psirnpathy for the five nae,n!osri of the House of Jteprgsen^tlyeei shot b> Puerto Rltsui iMalbn^Js s in the Capitol of Washington? on March

CI.ASS » - Objectionable In Part Abbott and Coattllo Gm

To Mam AH of Love Adventure* of C»i>tilm

rahtait All Ashore Anna . * , . « • -Androcle* and the Won Angef raw ' . . AWDointnioht m Hondtt*** Atrftl In Tarts Bad ana the Beattiful..

The J Bad JfSr JEaeh Othtf .. Bili Bitile Circuit . ., Bert of, the Basditittl'" •' Bin teAt _ • . . BIK Niirht. The Bigamist. The , ; ' BlttM- Kh* ' t - ,'• Bohiha arid the Jun«te Canteln'a VtSH^H'fbit I tfafativer WaWlelt* - 4 - - ~ s --fltwBaheialH-the-lle* City That.NewiT'Sleepei Clown, The; Come Back Little Shefcw nanger JtftjKe„ . , . t*t--hi«.r it Dwkheta bftadllne -.. -- • .;

riwiwrais SaartfiyTbe-I)c»tIhHtion >r«frfiiinn3P ncvottftft Bo#aj5N«nfcafl . Shelt«Vl«&F*3 ,. KMtsFSuntitrjk fat**?.Face . ., Fathsi?* Bjtemnia Fear aijid **««*»


JFIIght T o Taacter *%rblddte. , Forbidden Games PViifgvaii1. female, ^HoJBiKesre t« JBteMllty JkTIiilUlW. 3r?K*ll TrlBta Gentlenien rr«*r Blonde*

,G3r a |» the in'eM M » | W « f A s * . . , Bf>^iCora*tli».G»ll HS^TiWJ, »5tfr« ifelI«ilJr.-Try«ek , Kryionw Th*_' ' rrordMl8»*M«, The 4 ;Ji, The JrijrV * Ttma "Gitl Conad'enltal KaniMeKale

mb®?**?. .• 1. i t l le Cwelitr Man lie_Mnd.Tht_ Cult

^l^t i 'Cf tat* . , M T » « fatUsK-:, ..

MJastiflftt}} Gnhifelei'

MEojilih Koine ' mtMfpWMhoiit'Tiir* NS&r yjiceJa. .

! & » K # l ^ t S i e e * l

O^'if^ffjl ' OgJfa^ 'Sirk * • s*1«


Parli Model Pleaeui* Garden. The Pxesddenf* Udy, The Problem Girt* , Public Enemy Red G»rter» , Renoenvttaa V?IU*

Tomorrow Return ta Partdlee (Rhar'ody Rome, u o'clMlc Ssalome - ,, Sengnrce 5*a Devils Serjiept of th» ISla Sharfled

" 'E3ri» of JiraeeW ! Btttti of Bagdid Sliaht Gaae of Larceny, A ' South Scat Woman Stranja tteccKtlon BtS-ltfW WltKe** S*trt«l. The . t«H;M*T6(-toWi« toan»*}13kit-;

Thy NeT*Shof'*.Wife Ttornicnto Two Cofttelyorlri of Hope Unknown toVer, The Vt-ilsof Bji*d*d,' The WrRlnita Y*ftnno .,, ; wisdojvTiiirW ;, WatklnB SI* Baby

p*ek Itohl* , -WWdliter o f till Mhrtefla *. Wnat,*He*4Wl*Sfte*r I

m«m,w>mt v ; Wild 0ni\ The '• Wfrtn*n Theij' Almett j

laraihW ' ^^^Conftenirw*

-*eo-«feV**»nt- >»6-' .'a:- *?F I't'll-.f'. L!

FraneKtthi, TK*.- '

King of King* Film Slated At Wolcott

Wolcott — Members of the Holy Name Society oLSt. Mary Magdalen Church will sponsor the motion picture "King of Kings" on Sunday afternoon and evening March 28 in the parish hall.

Showings will be 3:30 p-m. and 7:30 p.m.

Men of Church of the Epiphany Holy Name Society, Sodus will show the picture on Wednesday. April 7.

7". ':•• '•.M&SSfc


<^JlTOrtuKNAL Friday ' % 4 |

March,«£f, 1934 kMMl

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m y

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ASSUMPTION M Kaa* A«„ Pair****


. - - » > . . • . HARRY P. VAN HORN |

KecheaUr Hlllaiea . » • • » • aieeaal-a _.

.ygt&^a^asyj^Blf^ -

aeaaaae—f aa • m mi — • • aaeass*««aT*s awtaa»>»maaai


FUNIRAl DIRECTOR 6,fc*^Sff a»«UL*NCs ssarn:! t wumW*** W*K

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