fowers - roman catholic diocese of...

tK4i\iit*mw*imr'¥b*>. KfiU^^^i^ .***•«. *^,^v*Mbjhfti •*^w*p™» J F"53ai ( »«a^^ * ***»**£«*, *tjrmi*i^ *** #<**»» % -v < * - * i vjdf y> tot ^ v-***^ *v/l *TtJ(tti t^M*^ •"wit 1 * —*^w^W-fC—******** •4 ***«(-*. b*>»« av-^^*-* .*„-*» •"•«i»t*'%»"»« «-- «nve tv -W***' "**™.A. -a •*4*" v^ff^j^-^v*^ '^"S'-'^'^*"-^//^"^^'.*^'"-^ 1 " 1 irj ~l—_ V- Ro *^» # H«.»"iiH S#»*l'4tft^f J ' ir ' l< '''' l V' |lT ' lu 'f | ' l i l ' lll 'l' 'V^' 37-T !». -'^SOCIAL CALENDAR S . v *-^_ r i Friday £ Vi Spin i<^£j)jp4 A|flf |®s«tv^|Sy f> St I WafV^)«K&, Swtja„ S^rn. VlNwne Sarte C«jfr L*d5r *f LeardssSa&titw EWra, palish halt. 8:80. &m, Thursday "Wsft^^SDato- ist Church, Smh-a, t4ew'Ihglaffir' !•% Sail CWhalls fwryderjr tend* («r*d. »u!» «*«r tao&x *wr ryaftiair. SIMM M-ni *<W<M» jWHC. .EKC^ESBMt- A.^i^i.i.f.^ni.Blii..Hi >•< 'mi'" ••<•• ,•*•?<• • pr,,* Ne- e* •> St. and Sfc inooowv* e*i Tu«f «l«y at At O** Lady ef VIc- •JfW&g ^tfWMMSr 51*. ( * arty i t Scored I Vulgar ^fteab^eijjejr beawty contests mi."^fejcougiiy Vffi^ii* Ard»- MshOp IMnlel M»nnlx of Mel- bourne ;«Ue*| upon Catholic Speakinp »t the N»tt(ml C««»Bc Gtil«» Mowiment : § i t « « ^ vffefcb&' ? i ^ j M ^ ii^r Ssiifit^. iip^--;eo«.teiiL*' J^Wpfljf-' e-MHith, -to be «c- . '' ; S « i i -.«*t«a»«»' 'lite :JMS >le, 1M Mli, of how '*CTKtiT«4MW •^'•^Ksktm'_ ... - if*- ....... ,f*p» MNHflMi *^-?«*i. -Kc bi»t Mwt *wfci tkM 'mekmfr ->— m,v&S "'I .,1.1.11.., Nazareth Alumnae At Annual Dinner ,>t»v^ T^'^mr'Jm^m'' .^-Hmnm; "College 1 MUltor- 06nner (left), wualbn Aliimiuu* *—-•-•"--•'-^--.- - . . . ~- ...... lew chalmiaii, wfOr p Ke«i«<§^ i i m t »pe«ker, »nd »«» I (Courier Staff JPhofaft yalty Urged By BishopfitNazareth Reunion ^ it "IrM^aii by WSAY Evwy NKghf »ttd['the only pos^jbie solution IsJLiiienns <)f loy^ of its gra& WleV His S^eeitefccy Bishop Ke«rney teUt ; 'if\(!tn&ers ot.Naz- M?th QaUSegft .Alumime Assocla- t t o i at* "tiMs third annilal re\jpUon «i* ' ' - / - Tjie #uft«i»e-gaitheredtfoe#j,e fflbsner nt Hotel Sbwatoa hwwd tije Bishop »t«ss loyalty to\^heir "Tier alumiMie wre bjought btcSt' by ,the voice of thfcir {iw^her, -Ate* W*ter t to wJiOni their p e r s o n n l relationship al- ways remains the same," the Bkhop smld .'' "$ ir the spirit of Joyilty (o k treat iii»tltutlon, a spirit which cga be joefged on^r t>y Cod hhti- felC Only He tawws. how the value* she Has. instilled arc af- feetijijf,tfae wfiE*^ 'lieajt aifl soul o| J^ ; tr^ate8.*?., God wis the central part of ^ " e o j i e t e "fit a*ii3e«t cliiysj the Bisfeop recaiI«S=and. said -"There instmed the highest Ideals I of Christian and Catholic wom- anhood - -which, eadil. graduate HfptStt. % liar lite a£ !»«$?» m fcer •ptdtoiateit .«r-iit fier-Telatiqn- *li3|pr"«Bfc-etheW,* ' t ___-" T6ft* Sfaaan jtbnfidad <2werjr 3Sf*» eatertaloed wfth. dinner MUs Hilda Cojmor was gen- era* chairman assiated by Miss MiBr*a*fc Beddiagtoo..J*ck Jos- 'epk jidUttitilfa/' Met. "Moitis Donahue, Miss Constan<«"Smith,' Mrs. J, BSaUOrK toos and menv, Mte. Jack Tucker, Mi». J. Nel- ber* of .the„"»oara of the asso^ isoa Coofee, Mrs. Donald Kipp,»ciatibiu WHAT'S DOING AT THE WVLYS' \ " - x • i Out of tht Mouths of Bobts " \ " iijj.nm.i/y ly ..I iiiiji. I. Rochester, T$»3& M^MIIMVMMf^MW^ai •)»ll AMONG WOMEN Preparing For Riches • y MARY tINNON SNYDEt Since this is an age which seems to forget-or prefers to ignore-so many of God*s Conanadnieiits, it should not be sur- prising to learn that the Fourth Commandment is widely flouted, But to all of us who have only the memory of par- <ents ta honor, the callousness of many people tbward their eiderly* parents is a sourqe of wond^rrheht and ahoek. Recently I was talking with an e&perienced worker among elder- ly people," She told me that the old tearjerking words "Over the Mis to the poorhouse" express not just a maudtinly sentimental story but sometimes the heart- breaking end to a life well lived in the service of raising a family. The cases are monotonously sdihllar down to the last sordid grasping detail, "but the heart- breaking lies -in the fact that each instance is not. a "case" b«t It was that last-piece of string that caused all the trouble ~ stpng tiedln a harry to get to the "interesting" part of the upholstering. If only Yd tied those chair springs properly»». " , ' ^ The Head of the House sat down with a thump on the newly upholstered, chair •*- «at through it, rather. "Oh43, look at DaddyV Glnny jumDea ,up and down with ex-: eUement; "He'a stuck!^ We hafi quite a time extri ."May.teok1heisarae^ the Head - .mmam (mriotu* mtemm ^ om>t ^ .»w^i»u an i^»| <$£. uHHk fwm M i a m i J Mp TtnMBpM* m una, mm mmmm # t^u—j^t md-^^f>uf jn^^^^ a^A^tf ^^^ww^*w »5W*^a^**t^f M v ^ ^ H V R M F P n M n > Iwi <^i ^^w lIM Mil tfiiHr ,' JWatllliftfniiltgftfWtt ~ gHM*«**«? S^-^f^lNHVfHfaa^aUtlr^IMn^^ BIBI »i»| »t IBJ-I *Ti fiWiiiitin ail f - ^m^n« -HI p iii|i| wnww ^pp^ v«p«i»BF9f^BB^p JVTCPmPm MfeW Ha« - MtW Coff*#c &fl»fo« IHC! jplvKi; 'JnM&lk &.. jlliiiililliiuilri jift,,alwBi [HM'lli ).»H1»| liK, •inll in III*I.I<P,T-7II<.-|. »« fnP^M 4WI MMM <JnA«r «r iferiHwt Or**. 5^i it 9 . " ' eating iSiddjr iron* the base, "with. tbi yellow velvet cover rippling atound W» middle. Very funny, the children tfiOttght-fWhlch-it jwasn't at alL * r ' ' • *«illy ecoMtny/ the He«4 of of the Hoase grawMed, atmg- gnat ia get oot of hto yeBow wlittftanie. "fP&y mhttye* call aa. vphobttertTt" "Bat Ifa easy cfealr to - io," X proteatei "Th» easiest fei Uw house aad" IVa done it » dosen ilmea before." TTprigM agalri, the Head of the Botts* turned #J* thing over and saw. ih# way the aprmga ww tied.. *3Tou expect t*afe to bold a human^body?** he, aafeed. ' W h s t t coutfvir broken; my -neefcj* *Yc# Jie«fe waa^lafe enough, Oid4M w lWajW* giggled, ^utjraM CtWt*a.4.'-, ,•*";• '•'•'•• «<m tat- JH4" he orttred. *fiVety "ttat 'One ot ;jfqtt,. .firs going to'show ^oftr mother Bow a chair should be redone. Get .1JipBtaKtt , he *epeatedr -a* f3*e audience lingered to see how the blaster Mad wOUjdlcopt with 3fejgggeav '•''•• >^ **^@ng' Jtt-«f- .^ ^tritiWHaiHiP!' drama rnoyei to the'baseHeiil:. Seachet,^^pupil-and^^ chair* • '" "- Jif<sm 1ftf» iee.'*' J !teael»er--p«t- on his' Swisses and analyzed the i %& . ' ft Hloat -Mpottant-r-fdtaidj - atibw-^have Jprfngsr tied- righfi*? > AndtowTM tkd those springs —all four aides, fop and bottom, 1h^vpiiiJe&-tae- first .JPpe .over. ; ior tacam^ -"Bamtaer!* -Be •*&£ ' dottle Vjpgjjiifter *^caiee|l" ; Now where waa 1 that bammexl' *&tmaX* I'ouTedt :§<m|eBOdy .»currie|i : ' 'm :Mtcnen-' ££«&$£?" * h * 9 '' w*ht lo the "loot oj the sfcafta; ariff '3ihoSite3: iff the ..-i^na.'.'.'floor, *$$&$£%&&£$* .inofe ;jfc!uJcry«tg ,ts?ouM ; apitifr* Wtf&ffitt, thert gafegtf i«mt' # th#- -ifooi M. .the: : tsml*l^«tau«?' , 0anttaerl'*" ,', *9ttimune* coming** 'Bit aft- *#er»oJ rumtmg'aft the way to ifte-fc*»»ient, atoltowed by the other five. They stood around in bare feet surveying the pvty eedurev , . ' * **fclE» "MQWal'holeaV' the Bead of* the House ,wa» attittermg, Ittye fcr plug "em upf wflh plat- tic w<Jod»** ' , ^|«acwTJOdl w Fatheganthe « « a l budfe-pasafeg tmol Cteny . w««f to the Mcbeft to rummage *t «e toot drawer, *Niai Wasted •WOodF t*e repeated, . ^ » r # , i» t a i e i t a p tome*- Ktmr the Kaater Carpenter jtataV "Ckw* Jay. Satnriar- 1 a^ a«alcetbail MaryiMla. .**»*»? Marti* eWppea ia. 4 Mnp!*4* ft »«med., $^- ^omethlteif titat tj da i*eai day, 'So -ft* Head ofcwe Wmt/m- TtiwMm ms Mm tern «tc*#» *'«1|yklXy .th«'atJ«ir wai »t- ; turned to the urvihg rooiiv-com- pleteHwjlth yellow velvet cover. ''Look^lust trie way Mom had it before," M»rfeie remarked. of the House answered, "but you can ait on it now." "^ So we an aat on it -V. Ginny even Jumped on it, . . and the Head of the House thumped his 195 pound* on ff—safely/ Ewryoae was impressed. "Xftow whatt" we heard Mar- ide whl»p«r to Mary, "Baddy really does thissgs ti«ht. Mom last Makes 'en* look good." ^Thatf* why he'a, the Head of the HoTtsse-,'* Mary whispered back. Out of the mouths, of babe*-. Most frequently it seems to be the mother who is victimized by her own children, their wives, and husbands. / v UEFT A WIDQft with a home, grown cluldreh, and pitifully small "savings, ahe ts persuaded to deed oVerhef property to the children who agree to take care of her as long as she lives, eta, t once the lingering sick- nesses of old age sets in, the children tire of the responsibility, she is sent tp a, nursing home. Then to meet the costs of main- taining her there she becomes a public charge or as we say "goes on Welfare". The details are sordid, alcken- ing, and untO^I had talked with people in this sort -of work, X thought these things Happened only in stories. Equally hard hearted are the children who arc willing to pay for care in a well run nursing home, but who think only of the material wants of the elderly parents and who fail to give even a polite show of interest in the parent's Ufe. . .ONE CASE of which I know happens- to be an elderly, mart, father .of six children, all of whom are prosperously employed and living In the same city as he. For several years has been a patient in a nursing home, and r know reliably that in all that time, none of those children has ever come to pay a real^v^slt to the old gentleman. They "drop In" on their way home from Sunday Mass, stop at the door of his room to say a few words, never enter the roomer-sit down to visit, -and then hurry'^Sn., To overcome this unbelievable selfishness we have groups of women or various ages and in- terests who visit the age^.and •the lonely for an hour or two each week. FOE THOSfc of us who have parents released from the cares of thli life, the thought of adopt- ing a father or mother araonfe the friendless should be attrac- tive. None us would have to look far to find someone whose de- clining years we could brighten H And as we keep eternal values in mind w* might help our elder- ly friend to see in his loneliness and illness the hand of a loving Father Who in separating him the story of an individual Ufe^imm thejgood things of" Time is preparing riches. him for everlasting COMPLETE OVEN BAKED PAINT JOB ONY CAR . ALL WORK GUARANTEED . CHOICE OF 10 COLORS . TAKES ONLY 24 HOURS . PAY LATER... $ 5 A MONTH incfiE 1 'mC4LmMi3)eafn' i 18 S UNION SI EXPERT METAL WORK AUTO GLASS INSTALLED; Make A Retreat For Women, Cenacle Sfi 12 Valentine Cakes ?««* Sh »j»* Honey Bee Cokes Nut Topping With Cream Fining FRIED FISH EVERY FRIDAY BELLS BAKERY CHor. 3872 —- Irondecjuoit Shopping Wend Banquet Headquarters -, cv- BEST PUCE To Stag. All Get-Togeihtrs Very best food pei/edly «tved, roomSTd? 10 $> 800, bin- qoct department to help you plan, moderate prices. Phone Mr, Caraaiu/Msitrc D Hotel, LOcust 6400. . ,• Joseph J. SeinwqyA/y. 'W*M£ I ni l i *'ii»'il«MUt'\i11 m<<:._ ffotei\fowers ROCHfSIIR 14 N Y :®rjMsisiimtnH!rii:tmtfmTraiumi.immH tXfMT My W « TAHO*M> F f t U U M Expert Dry Cleaning fine Tailored Pressing Skilled Tailoring ^ " tlCK, HOtHISrtW r(*fM0»T-&Wf CtfANK wide Dalivtry Coll MOnree 14 #4 ^4mm *$m-WiMom FINE Htr***~* tfowtetopkk tip yttw Spring fautdbsg at savfeis. Yotrtl hfi iM »itt» ... all' theflew*tafc* lit navy, ted^*»»«£- blidc and NoteforViftatis*** Day) »Wd low a ftew i«idi)a»f«)B«.'^&ftr*»i 4 " . . . aOTH IAG$ -«— $5.00 fo 7M C0XDE SAGS $7M fo 1t9$ CAM* *A<& $$M to W,$0 GRAIN mm$ *^GS ~-„ *io*°5 AW6ATOR iAOS $P0M h| 125.00 LIZARD SAGS $25,00- $22.50 'mAm SKIN BAGS ^•iW»*i»« nor amr $2.00 to 3.00 $3.00 ta 5.00 $3.00 to 6.95 $3.95 $68.50 to 75.00 REG. $ 5 . 0 0 HIMDBAOS $2;or 1 «kfli<Si- ^tphrnm*1«* 767 MAIN 3T, i. corner CorHawJ s - \ > ™ . . > » . *-,»>*«. -1 .- i mil in ! iiiliiii.iiiiiniiiiriiiinuiii mil MiniII Bishop Naarao Hears Pitiful Plea! "Mthvp, are year cWHrea. ,Doa't abandon as.. Beta oa to preaenra .•ar tiitk! Wa art year but weTtopa we are worthy of the Lords merer aiurUaestai." spoke the people when Bishop Naarao visited them bt Kaasawr, la TSf aft afcrtheiifem Syria. We have been there onr- sttres »*m we knew hew abmdoned these Catholics are. Dear Bbkey Naaaw fcaa written a»«l*(etfcall]r for $1,200, bat we ahooia be proaii ta ttls> kiss kel» Ms pear. Won't you help us to send the Bbkay this asaaaat? We hate met him satny tunes and we know bow much he lakers far the Lars'. / K ON FEBtTOARY 11 WE HONOB OOR-LAJDV 01" LOOBDES. IS ANOXBER LOUBDES, AND WE- BEG A WX& FOR THE SHHINB CSHAPEL OP OUR 1WU3V OT FATIMA, WHICE WE * \ B U J U > AT ALWAYE, INDIA. WHEN YOU SENtJ YOUR <3IFT TO ' ->Y,ASK FOB ^EADtlNES IS BEAVm» OCR PAMPHLET. W« eaUlmr School Club,after St Basil, who wrote a lovely boofcjm how to educate chudnen. Won't you join, glvins a dollar monthly at a member Of 8t Ba5U ; i BASIL- flANS. AU_thed«* th!*mofittt I'd to worthr Blihop Naamo. St, Basil will certainly bSus, all' hit loyal friends. BAD LUCK? "Every two dollar bin I get fctar to JN1U,** This friend sent us m of them—not bad luck. On Fehro- ary 11, the MONICA GUILD, named after Sfc Mon|ca, mother of S t Attfuitine, Is seven years oh Your dollir mohthar helps as. jive altar fornishlngs to poor>Xcar ^eh**!*. . - , / • auk* «f .tar her f«r aew aws*. earXaxtaalatlwsnr , . 4**4 seals a»4ktalk«4< Its, Tkeatkar ears .far- laaeir. -rafiH Wj -m** «D«f *frtat A ateaakersklp «4rcrtts: is a itrlnileta lift, which M «iNrf» air neediest eaitfc Enroll yMtstlf, year family, «*• a leredieae deeeasei. ° MembenWp fer a waale year U-i fatditiiaal, ll^aially* |5. Perptt. mt. Why n.teh?oll a beloVe* sal! iltr VttT ia^er*a?-.The Hote Fattet has xranted rick indMtenees aa II- *»M of theyear to an who k c l i ^ i ..fWr,,, 'WON* XdU ENROLL*^. £3—4 i •-•'•• - : J*MRTjrAlEY » IS STi, CYfttt'SfcEASt.H&-BE^ESDEB^ ||OTfliEBaoo».oF Go^mmm^mmcs. AKTER Bar WI S*.YE.NAiro»*OUR^EitMkRY Of STTCYRIL AT GIKEH, EGY«% CAN YOtT MAKE ONE Of THE STUDENTS FOR THE PRIESTHOOD THERE YOUR ADOPTED SdN, GIVING THE SIX HU«DBED Do£ LARS[NmDm>OVER A PERIOD OFSDT, YEARS?. THllb YOU GIVE A PRIEST TO GODr^ v » 4 v r _ W.I.III I. ..r.i fr nn. ' , i .^ L fF 8 ITAPff ADS-i-lIKCaASSiBED •••Wants* *AH m w missiaa fm&t aajohi Ruatlan asllts. Tha •• waalleM • » • « * / M t t f n l l y ac^jried. FATHER GINO PIOVESAK" TOKO, JAPAH***Baaly aeedeit Any help at all for ItesmaaiS rtfiKtet Craat hekiai th« Iran Curtain. Monjlrnor JOHN K«£ Holy fatkera w»r*s*atatt»*, MAimiD, SPAIN'«•«,«, *&&£»•,f r « „&• RKrUGEKS***Three a>Ilahi #hleh will hay ! a salabeya, a liliie unD Ittttfar merahaa ekUd. fAlPHERHENRi A&OWTTS. J EGYP* S3? W" £%* f# f*if*^' W^«TO™W*«aVE^5 *lL?X£8^ i *m*?&& m JW&i* at * «M*WUW MISSION* "•Striael*#« ittiai* tttt handred. mora ads |!lte these, w ™ {. ; , i •""^^ lll| ^ "" r " "' •'' , . : ' IT OUR DEATH 1| SUfiDEtf, MAY IT BB PJIOVJDED tOH WHPri ' TOR mr ommm m otf» ''SUSPENSE CAto» AND iim^l; 3^R|N5Of tHEOREaOMAITW^SSE| A!TER%#OEITI °"| jfete^list^tottsj^i- jf «v ftimfi C«ntJ*rt f>*ilmf% FfttWtnt flWJft j^kWwwyw y winfpfW»wjf j to.m,xmm&. vfe 'A ».%i M&tfK* \ j. ,J. v i^HM^w^^tsnffiS^i^^^^^^ ^mmmm$mmmmim- miAfA »4<| ; IA.3I&.'''»^WS*VJ !«»«**«*<»«*««"«<'"»* •» "

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Post on 13-Sep-2018




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tK4i\iit*mw*imr'¥b*>. KfiU^^^i^ . * * * • « . * ^ , ^ v * M b j h f t i • *^w*p™» JF"53ai (»«a^^ *

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S#»*l'4tft^fJ' ir' l<'''' lV' | lT' lu'f |' li l' l l l'l' ' V ^ ' 37-T

!». - ' ^ S O C I A L CALENDAR

S . v *-^_r i Friday £

V i

Spin i<^£j) jp4 A|flf |®s«tv^|Syf>StIWafV^)«K&, Swtja„ S rn.

VlNwne Sarte C«jfr L*d5r *f LeardssSa&titw EWra, palish halt. 8:80. &m,


"Wsft^^SDato-ist Church, Smh-a, t4ew'Ihglaffir'


Sail CWhalls fwryderjr t e n d *

(«r*d. »u!» «*«r tao&x *wr ryaftiair.

SIMM M-ni *<W<M» jWHC. .EKC^ESBMt-

A.^i^i.i.f.^ni.Blii..Hi >•< 'mi'" ••<•• ,•*•?<• • pr,,*

Ne-e * •> St. and Sfc

inooowv* e * i T u « f « l «y a t

At O** Lady ef VIc-•JfW&g ^tfWMMSr 51*.

( *

arty i t Scored

I • Vulgar ^fteab^eijjejr beawty contests mi."^fejcougiiy Vffi^ii* Ard»-MshOp IMnlel M»nnlx of Mel-bourne ;«Ue*| upon Catholic

Speakinp »t the N»tt(ml C««»Bc Gtil«» Mowiment :§it««^ vffefcb&' ? i ^ j M ^

ii^r Ssiifit^. iip^--;eo«.teiiL*'

• J^Wpfljf-' e-MHith, -to be «c-

. ' ' ; S « i i -.«*t«a»«»' 'lite :JMS >le , 1 M Mli , of how

'*CTKtiT«4MW •^'•^Ksktm'_

... - i f*-

. . . . . . . ,f*p»

MNHf lMi * ^ - ? « * i . -Kc • bi»t

Mwt *wfci f« t k M 'mekmfr

->— m,v&S " ' I .,1.1.11..,

Nazareth Alumnae At Annual Dinner , > t » v ^

T^'^mr'Jm^m'' .^-Hmnm; "College 1 MUltor- 06nner (left), wualbn Aliimiuu* *—-•-•"--•'-^--.- - . . . ~- . . . . . .


chalmiaii, wfOr

p Ke«i«<§^ i i m t »pe«ker, »nd » « » I (Courier Staff JPhofaft

yalty Urged By Bishop fit Nazareth Reunion

^ i t " I r M ^ a i i by WSAY Evwy NKghf

»ttd[ ' the only pos^jbie solution IsJLiiienns <)f l o y ^ of its gra& W l e V His S^eeitefccy Bishop Ke«rney teUt;'if\(!tn&ers ot.Naz-M?th QaUSegft .Alumime Assocla-t to i at* "tiMs third annilal re\jpUon

«i* ' ' - / -Tjie #uft«i»e-gaitheredt foe #j,e

fflbsner nt Hotel Sbwatoa hwwd tije Bishop »t«ss loyalty to\^heir

"Tier alumiMie wre bjought btcSt' by ,the • voice of thfcir

{iw^her, -Ate* W*tert to wJiOni their p e r s o n n l relationship al­ways remains the same," the Bkhop smld . ' '"$ i r the spirit of Joyilty (o k treat iii»tltutlon, a spirit which cga be joefged on^r t>y Cod hhti-felC Only He tawws. how the value* she Has. instilled arc af-feetijijf,tfae wfiE* 'lieajt aifl soul o | J^ ;tr^ate8.*?.,

God wis the central part of ^"eojiete "fit a*ii3e«t cliiysj the Bisfeop recaiI«S=and. said -"There

instmed the highest Ideals I of Christian and Catholic wom­anhood - -which, eadil. graduate HfptStt. % liar lite a£ !»«$?» m fcer •ptdtoiateit .«r-iit fier-Telatiqn-*li3|pr"«Bfc-etheW,* ' t ___-"

T6ft* Sfaaan jtbnfidad <2werjr 3Sf*» eatertaloed wfth. dinner

MUs Hilda Cojmor was gen­era* chairman assiated by Miss MiBr*a*fc Beddiagtoo..J*ck Jos-

'epk jidUttitilfa/' Met. "Moitis

Donahue, Miss Constan<«"Smith,' Mrs. J, BSaUOrK toos and menv, Mte. Jack Tucker, Mi». J. Nel- ber* of .the„"»oara of the asso^ isoa Coofee, Mrs. Donald Kipp,»ciatibiu


\ " • • - x • i

Out of tht Mouths of Bobts " \ • "

iijj.nm.i/y ly ..I iiiiji. I.

Rochester, T$»3&



Preparing For Riches


Since this is an age which seems to forget-or prefers to ignore-so many of God*s Conanadnieiits, it should not be sur­prising to learn that the Fourth Commandment is widely flouted, But to all of us who have only the memory of par-<ents t a honor, the callousness of many people tbward their eiderly* parents is a sourqe of wond^rrheht and ahoek.

Recently I was talking with an e&perienced worker among elder­ly people," She told me that the old tearjerking words "Over the Mis to the poorhouse" express not just a maudtinly sentimental story but sometimes the heart­breaking end to a life well lived in the service of raising a family.

The cases are monotonously sdihllar down to the last sordid grasping detail, "but the heart­breaking lies -in the fact that each instance is not. a "case" b«t

It was that last-piece of string that caused all the trouble ~ stpng tiedln a harry to get to the "interesting" part of the upholstering. If only Yd tied those chair springs properly»». " , ' ^

The Head of the House sat down with a thump on the newly upholstered, chair •*- «at through it, rather.

"Oh43, look at Daddy V Glnny jumDea ,up and down with ex-: eUement; "He'a stuck!^

We hafi quite a time extri ."May.teok1heisarae^ the Head

- .mmam (mriotu* mtemm

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> Iwi < i ^w lIM Mil tfiiHr

,' JWatllliftfniiltgftfWtt ~ gHM*«**«? S^-^f^lNHVfHfaa^aUtlr^IMn^^

B I B I » i» | »t IBJ-I *Ti fiWiiiitin ail f -^ m ^ n « -HI p iii|i| w » w n w w ^ p p ^ v«p«i»BF9f^BB^p JVTCPmPm

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eating iSiddjr iron* the base, "with. tb i yellow velvet cover rippling atound W» middle. Very funny, the children tfiOttght-fWhlch-it

jwasn't a t alL * r ' ' • *«illy ecoMtny/ the He«4 of

of the Hoase grawMed, atmg-gnat ia get oot of hto yeBow wlittftanie. "fP&y mhttye* call aa. vphobttertTt"

"Bat If a a » easy cfealr to -io," X proteatei "Th» easiest fei Uw house aad" IVa done i t » dosen ilmea before." TTprigM agalri, the Head of the

Botts* turned #J* thing over and saw. ih# way t h e aprmga w w tied.. *3Tou expect t*afe to bold a human^body?** he, aafeed. 'Whst t coutfvir broken; my -neefcj* • *Yc# Jie«fe waa^lafe enough, Oid4MwlWajW* giggled, ^utjraM CtWt*a.4.'-, ,•*";• ' • ' • ' • •

«<m tat- J H 4 " he orttred. *fiVety "ttat 'One o t ;jfqtt,. .firs going to'show ^oftr mother Bow a chair should be redone. Get .1JipBtaKtt,'» he *epeatedr -a* f3*e audience lingered to see how the blaster M a d wOUjdlcopt with 3fe jgggeav '•''•• >

* * ^ @ n g ' Jtt-«f- . ^ tritiWHaiHiP!' drama rnoyei to the'baseHeiil:. Seachet, pupil-and ^ chair* • '" "-Jif<sm 1ftf» iee.'*' J!teael»er--p«t-

on his' Swisses and analyzed the i %& . 'ftHloat -Mpottant-r-fdtaidj -atibw-^have Jprfngsr tied- righfi*? >

And tow TM tkd those springs —all four aides, fop and bottom, 1h^vpiiiJe&-tae- first .JPpe .over. ;ior tacam^ -"Bamtaer!* -Be •*&£ ' dottle Vjpgjjiifter *^caiee|l";

Now where waa1 that bammexl'

*&tmaX* I'ouTedt :§<m|eBOdy • .»currie|i:' 'm :Mtcnen-' ££«&$£?" *h*9'' w*ht lo the "loot o j the sfcafta; ariff '3ihoSite3: iff the ..-i^na.'.'.'floor, *$$&$£%&&£$* .inofe ;jfc!uJcry«tg ,ts?ouM; apitifr* Wtf&ffitt, thert gafegtf i«mt' # th#- -ifooi M. .the: :tsml*l^«tau«?',0anttaerl'*" ,',

*9ttimune* coming** 'Bit aft-*#er»oJ rumtmg'aft the way to ifte-fc*»»ient, atoltowed by the other five. They stood around in bare feet surveying the pvty eedurev , .

' * J » •

**fclE» "MQWal'holeaV' the Bead of* the House ,wa» attittermg, I t tye fcr plug "em upf wflh plat-tic w<Jod»** '

, ^ |«acwTJOdl w Fathegan the « « a l budfe-pasafeg tmol Cteny

. w««f to the Mcbeft to rummage * t « e toot drawer, *Niai Wasted •WOodF t*e repeated, . ^» r# , i» t a i e i t a p tome*-Ktmr the Kaater Carpenter jtataV "Ckw* Jay. Satnriar-

1 a ^ a«alcetbail MaryiMla. .**»*»? Marti* eWppea ia.

4 Mnp!*4* ft »«med., $ ^ -^omethlteif titat t j da i*eai day, 'So -ft* Head ofcwe Wmt/m-TtiwMm ms Mm tern «tc*#»

* '«1 |yk lXy .th«'atJ«ir wa i »t-;

turned to the urvihg rooiiv-com-pleteHwjlth yellow velvet cover.

''Look^lust trie way Mom had it before," M»rfeie remarked.

of the House answered, "but you can ait on it now." "

So we an aat on it - V . Ginny even Jumped on i t , . . and the Head of the House thumped his 195 pound* on ff—safely/

Ewryoae w a s impressed. "Xftow whatt" we heard Mar-ide whl»p«r to Mary, "Baddy really does thissgs ti«ht. Mom last Makes 'en* look good." ^Thatf* why he'a, the Head of

the HoTtsse-,'* Mary whispered back.

Out of the mouths, of babe*-.

Most frequently it seems to be the mother who is victimized by her own children, their wives, and husbands. / v

UEFT A WIDQft with a home, grown cluldreh, and pitifully small "savings, ahe ts persuaded to deed oVerhef property to the children who agree to take care of her as long as she lives, eta,

t once the lingering sick­nesses of old age sets in, the children tire of the responsibility, she is sent tp a, nursing home. Then to meet the costs of main­taining her there she becomes a public charge or as we say "goes on Welfare".

The details are sordid, alcken-ing, and untO I had talked with people in this sort -of work, X thought these things Happened only in stories.

Equally hard hearted are the children who arc willing to pay for care in a well run nursing home, but who think only of the material wants of the elderly parents and who fail to give even a polite show of interest in the parent's Ufe. . .ONE CASE of which I know happens- to be an elderly, mart, father .of six children, all of whom are prosperously employed and living In the same city as he.

For several years has been a patient in a nursing home, and r know reliably that in all that time, none of those children has ever come to pay a real v slt to the old gentleman. They "drop In" on their way home from Sunday Mass, stop at the door of his room to say a few words, never enter the roomer-sit down to visit, -and then hurry' Sn.,

To overcome this unbelievable selfishness we have groups of women or various ages and in­terests who visit the age^.and •the lonely for an hour or two each week.

FOE THOSfc of us who have parents released from the cares of thli life, the thought of adopt­ing a father or mother araonfe the friendless should be attrac­tive.

None o£ us would have to look far to find someone whose de­clining years we could brightenH And as we keep eternal values in mind w* might help our elder­ly friend to see in his loneliness and illness the hand of a loving Father Who in separating him

the story of an individual Ufe^imm thejgood things of" Time is preparing riches.

him for everlasting






. PAY LATER. . . $ 5 A MONTH

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Very best food pei/edly «tved, roomSTd? 10 $> 800, bin-qoct department to help you plan, moderate prices. Phone Mr, Caraaiu/Msitrc D Hotel, LOcust 6400. . ,•

Joseph J. SeinwqyA/y.

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Htr***~* tfowte to pkk tip yttw Spring fautdbsg at savfeis. Yotrtl hfi iM »itt» . . . all' the flew *tafc* lit navy, ted^*»»«£-blidc and Note for Viftatis*** Day) »Wd low a ftew i«idi)a»f«)B«.' &ftr*»i 4 " . . .

aOTH IAG$ - « — $5.00 fo 7M C0XDE SAGS $7M fo 1t9$ CAM* *A<& $$M to W,$0 GRAIN mm$ *^GS ~-„ * io*°5 AW6ATOR iAOS $P0M h | 125.00 LIZARD SAGS $25,00-

$22.50 'mAm SKIN BAGS ^•iW»*i»«

nor amr $2.00 to 3.00 $3.00 ta 5.00 $3.00 to 6.95

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767 MAIN 3T, i . corner CorHawJ s - \ > ™ . . > » . * - , » > * « . -1 .-

i mil i n ! iiiliiii.iiiiiniiiiriiiinuiii mil MiniII

Bishop Naarao Hears Pitiful Plea! "Mthvp, w« are year cWHrea. ,Doa't abandon as.. Beta oa to preaenra

. • a r tiitk! Wa art year but weTtopa we are worthy of the Lords merer aiurUaestai." S« spoke the people when Bishop Naarao visited them bt Kaasawr, la TSf aft afcrtheiifem Syria. We have been there onr-sttres »*m we knew hew abmdoned these Catholics are. Dear Bbkey Naaaw fcaa written a« a»«l*(etfcall]r for $1,200, bat we ahooia be proaii ta ttls> kiss kel» Ms pear. Won't you help us to send the Bbkay this asaaaat? We hate met him satny tunes and we know bow much he lakers far the Lars'. /



W« eaUlmr School Club,after St Basil, who wrote a lovely boofcjm how to educate chudnen. Won't you join, glvins a dollar monthly at a member Of 8 t Ba5U;i BASIL-

flANS. AU_thed«* th!*mofittt I'd to worthr Blihop Naamo. St, Basil will certainly bSus, all' hit loyal friends.

BAD LUCK? "Every two dollar bin I get fctar to JN1U,** This friend sent us m of them—not bad luck. On Fehro-ary 11, the MONICA GUILD, named after Sfc Mon|ca, mother of S t Attfuitine, Is seven years oh Your dollir mohthar helps a s . j i v e altar fornishlngs to poor>Xcar ^ e h * * ! * . . - , / •

auk* «f .tar her f «r aew aws*.

earXaxtaalat lwsnr , . 4**4

seals a»4ktalk«4< Its, Tkeatkar ears .far- laaeir. -rafiH

Wj -m** «D«f * f r ta t A ateaakersklp «4rcrtts: is a

itrlnileta lift, which M « iNrf» a ir neediest eaitfc Enroll yMtstlf, year family, «*• a leredieae deeeasei. °

MembenWp fer a waale year U - i fatditiiaal, l l ^ a i a l l y * | 5 . Perptt. mt. Why n.teh?oll a beloVe* sal! iltr VttT ia^er*a?-.The Hote Fat t e t has xranted rick indMtenees aa II-*»M of theyear to an who k c l i ^ i

..fWr,,, 'WON* XdU E N R O L L * ^ . £3—4 i •-•'•• - : J*MRTjrAlEY » IS STi, CYfttt'S fcEASt. H&-BE^ESDEB^


. ^ L f F 8 ITAPff ADS-i-lIKCaASSiBED • • • W a n t s * *AH m w missiaa fm&t aajohi Ruatlan asllts. Tha •• waalleM • » • « * / M t t f n l l y ac^jried. FATHER GINO P I O V E S A K " T O K O , JAPAH***Baaly aeedeit Any help at all for ItesmaaiS rtfiKtet Craat hekiai th« Iran Curtain. Monjlrnor JOHN K « £ Holy fatkera w»r*s*atatt»*, MAimiD, SPAIN'«•«,«, *&&£»•,fr« „&• RKrUGEKS***Three a>Ilahi #hleh will hay !a salabeya, a liliie unD I t t t t f a r merahaa ekUd. fAlPHERHENRi A&OWTTS. J EGYP* S 3 ? W" £%* f#f*if*^' W^«TO™W*«aVE^5 *lL?X£8^i*m*?&&mJW&i*at* «M*WUW MISSION* • "•Striael*#« ittiai* tttt handred. mora ads |!lte these, w ™ {. ; , i •""^^ l l l |^ " " r " " ' • ' ' , . : '

IT OUR DEATH 1 | SUfiDEtf, MAY IT BB PJIOVJDED tOH WHPri ' TOR m r o m m m m otf» ''SUSPENSE CAto» AND i i m ^ l ; 3^R|N5Of tHEOREaOMAITW^SSE| A ! T E R % # O E I T I ° " |

jfete^list^tottsj^i-jf «v

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flWJft j kWwwyw y • winfpfW»wjf j to.m,xmm&. vfe

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