how to start twitter for a buisiness

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Twitter is a great social media device to use to promote a


How to get started

• Twitter is easy to start, using a computer or mobile device

Welcome to Twitter

This is the first page seen when first getting onto the Twitter website to login or start a new account.

Starting a Twitter account

This is all the information that is needed to start a Twitter account, four easy steps and then the account is created. It is very easy to get started.

The account is now started

The account is started, now it needs followers and people to follow.

Time to start building the timeline

Follow things that you like to build a timeline.

More ways to build a timeline

After the account is started, it will ask you to follow five things and then follow five more on the next page.

Personalize the timeline

Add a picture of yourself or business to personalize the page and describe yourself or business to add to the profile.

The finished page

This is what the account will look like when it is all setup ready to have followers and follow others to connect through social media.

Time to tweet

This is the box that will show up when a tweet is made. It appears when the blue box on the top right of the screen is clicked.

Making a tweet

• A tweet can be no more than 140 characters

• A picture can be added

• The location can be added

• Instead of liking something it is just retweeted

How it will benefit a business

• Make the business seen more

• Get the product out and available to everyone on social media

• Get the prices of products available so they can be compared with others

• Makes the business connected with others

Advantages of being on social media

• Business is connected with consumers

• Products and prices are seen

• Can be updated easily

• Can comment and speak up for the company if something is said that is not true and will make the business or employees look bad

Disadvantages of being on social media

• It gives consumers another place to talk bad about the business or its products

• It may be harder to keep updated accurately

• A skilled person needs to be in charge of it so that no one gets offended by what is said under the company name

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