how to get started with google plus in 9 easy steps

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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9 Tips on How to Start Using The Google Plus Social Network. Will you jump on the Google + bandwagon?


The Google Plus social network is now open for business…but how do

network marketers and business owners take advantage of this new

social media platform that some say will rival Facebook?


After being an invitation-only site for many months, on September 22,

2011, the Google Plus social network became open to the

general public.


Google Plus is probably the one and only site that can even attempt to put a dent in the behemoth that is Facebook’s social

network. Posting record numbers, Google+ is up to an estimated 50 million users in just 3 months since offering the service…it took Facebook 3 years to get

to that point! So should network marketers be paying attention,


Also, don’t forget the 70% web browsers come to Google first as

it’s the most popular search engine and the largest source of traffic for

many websites.


So How Do Network Marketers Get Started With Google Plus?


1. Set Up Your Personal ProfileUnlike Facebook, Google+ does not

yet support businesses or organizations. So as an individual

business owner, you must begin to connect with influencers and leaders in your niche and make connections

with people you already know.visit:

2. Understanding How Google Plus Works

Google is great for creating step by step instructions on how to get the most

their tools. It’s important to understand the features and

functionality of how Google Plus works. Check out these comprehensive

guides to learn everything you need to know about Google Plus:

• Google+ Tips and Tricks: A Collaborative document on Tips and Tricks users have uncovered.

• Inside Google Plus: Google+ Tricksvisit:

3. Create CirclesAfter you configure your privacy

settings and learn the features start adding Circles. Google plus

allows you to create Circles, which allows you to categorize your

connections and selectively share information with certain people.


You may want to post something that you only want your business

acquaintances to see. You can select your “Acquaintances” circle, and only the people you’ve tagged as “Acquaintances” will be able to view that post. Mark your post as public if you want everyone to see it. This is a great way to streamline

your information.visit:

4. Decide On What To PostAs with any social network, the rule of

thumb is to always give value. Before you post anything, ask yourself if it is going to be beneficial, useful or value to others. Even though you can share

selectively between friends, acquaintances, family members and

people you are following just be careful about what you post to make

something of value.visit:

5. Hang out in the Google Plus Space

This is a feature that as a business owner you should be definitely be taking advantage of. The hangout

feature allows you to use a live webcam (videoconferencing) with

up to 10 other Google + users.visit:

6. Tagging PeopleIf you want to mention someone in a post, you can simple type the + sign followed by their name. The Google Plus smart search will populate their name as you type. The person you

mentioned will then be notified with an e-mail that they’ve been

mentioned in your G+ stream.visit:

Tagging people is a great way to network or spark up a conversation

in your stream.


7. The Plus One ButtonSo we have all seen the Google +1

button…it was actually introduced long before Google announced their social network. if you’ve done any

type of Google search you’ve seen it pop up on the side of the search engine results. The Google +1 button is a way to “vote for” or “like” content. It’s

Google’s version of the Facebook “Like” button.


There are a number of reason why as network marketers we should start

implementing Google Plus. As a member of the community you will

get a chance to share content, provide value, and comment on

other people’s content. The comment that you just “Plus

One’d” is going to show up in your G+ stream along with the site.


8. Positioning Yourself For An SEO Explosion?While we are all still waiting to see just how the Google + 1 button and social network is going to

factor in to our search engine optimization, Google has stated that they are somehow going to integrate G+ data to influence ranking and

SEO. We could assume that the more Google + votes you get the more SEO benefits you’ll see

as a result. So if you are wondering if you should show up to the party, I say add me to the guest



So you could interpret that to mean sites that get more plus one votes could see an SEO benefit down the

line. The bottom line is this…marketers leverage the power of the

Internet through building relationships and connections and

anytime you can take advantage of these connections to influence your

Google’s authority you shouldn’t take it lightly.visit:

9. A Few G+ Social Network TipsMake sure you completely update your Google Plus profile and start adding posts. As with any social

site you want people to know who you are and what you are about so take the time to update picture and



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