heslin’s sport photography

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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Heslin’s Sport


My BusinessMy business model is freelance Sport Photographer.

I can offer my services to a range of local newspapers, relevant newspapers, websites etc…

As a company I will specialise in Football Photography because that is what I feel passionate about, but of course I am qualified to photograph any sporting event I see fit whether that be, horse racing, football, cycling or anything I am required.

Can I survive on my own?

It’s a risky investment putting a lot of money into an individual who is looking to start his own freelance business.

There is a lot of money being made in photography nowadays and not all of that is going into big corporations.

In 2012 60% of photographers were self employed, that’s a staggering amount, this proves that going down my own route wouldn’t be a risk for you!

Is there really a need for this business?

Is there a need for this Business…? YES.

My brother plays Sunday League every single weekend, I am always there with my camera taking photos and uploading them to my website. (www.HeslinPhotography.co,uk)

I am Approached all the time by parents, friends, family of players or staff at the club asking to buy the photos I have taken, there is a huge gap in the market right now and I want to fill that gap.

Promotion, How will I get myself out there?

• I plan to set up my own accounts on all social media platforms. (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkdIn) Twitter being the main platform I will focus my attention on because it is the biggest one and the easiest way to get yourself seen.

• I also plan to hire a graphics designer to design me top quality posters, these posters will be placed in, gyms, colleges and also buildings that often host sporting events such a the Mountbatten centre in Portsmouth. I will place these posters in these areas because this is most likely where my target audience would be found, therefore I have more chance of picking up clients.

How can I make a living from this?

I plan to survive financially by keeping a strong profile and maintaining a strong marketing plan, and making sure I am always in a strong position and that I always have jobs and clients around the corner, there are many examples of companies or football clubs I can work or for example Portsmouth Football Club Gosport Borough FCThe News  Another place I could get work is putting myself forward for local Sunday League football tournaments  

The main place I would like to work is the Portsmouth News. Information below. The News Centre 1000 Lakeside North Harbour, Western Road Hampshire PO6 3EN England 023 9266 4488

Cost/Finance The Camera I will be using is the Nikon D5100, I have chosen this camera because it is cheap and very highly related by websites all over the internet. (http://www.techradar.com/)

The average cost of the D5100 is £368 this is very cheap but of course I will need a lense, the lense I will be using is a Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8 ED Lens, this is a perfect lens for Sport Photography and is also very higly rated amongst other sport photographers. The average cost of this lens is £597.99.

The average cost of a graphic designer would be £7 hourly rate, I would pay my designer for my promotional posters that rate.

I hope you see how passionate I am about this business and I know you know this business will be

a success!

Thankyou for your time.

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