god bless america magazine - july 2015

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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G O D B L E S S A M E R I C A C R U S A D E . C O M 3

It Was Ona Thursday

That Thursday evening was life changing for me. It took place in a baseball stadium.

When I was 8 years old my family moved back to Virginia after a short time in Buncombe County, North Carolina. I loved to play outside as a child! Those were wonderful days!

Some Christians in my area began to have a burden from the Lord. These believers wanted to get the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the cities of Hampton and Newport News, Virginia.

At God’s direction, 12 churches began to work together to conduct an evangelistic campaign.

I am not sure of all the details that took place, because I did not attend any church.

I guess I just played on Sunday like any other day.

The evangelistic campaign included 6 nights of services in the local baseball stadium.

I was personally invited to attend on the 4th night of the meeting. I went. I had never heard preaching. The subject of the sermon was “Hell.” At the invitation I wanted to go forward and get saved, but I did not.

By the grace of Almighty God I was in the stadium for the 5th service. The message that night was “Jesus Saves!”

Hallelujah! That was the glad night of my salvation! God used a city-wide gospel crusade to reach me with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.–John 3:16

byron foxx is an evangelist, music publisher, songwriter, and the founder and president of Bible Truth Music.


GOD BLESS AMERICA Volume 1, Number 1editor Byron Foxx | assistant editor Kevan Bartlett | managing editor Tim Cruse | production assistant Caleb Cruse

We would love to hear from you! Please write to Editor@GodBlessAmericaCrusade.com.

4 G O D B L E S S A M E R I CA J U L Y 2 0 1 5


In Acts 13:44 it says, “And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.”

That must have been an exciting time for every believer with Paul and as the news spread to churches in other places, God had to be glorified.

Any of us would be thrilled to have almost all of our city come together to hear the Word. I certainly have many questions about how that happened but I love thinking about it.

If we are going to impact our cities, our nation, and our world for God, we must get the Word of God to them.

Pray much for Richmond, Virginia, that The God Bless America Crusade will be used of God to get the Word to that city. It would be great if everyone reading this would find a way to be part of this great effort.

We can all pray and probably give. Many can actually participate. It is a worthwhile cause.

john reynoldsis the senior pastor of Volusia County Baptist Church in Orange City, Florida.

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G O D B L E S S A M E R I C A C R U S A D E . C O M 5

ThePartnershipof Good FellowsBY T. KEVAN BARTLETT

An old Swedish proverb says, “A shared joy is a double joy; a shared sorrow

is half a sorrow.” Even though we hold a firm position as independent Baptists, believers are not to be isolated from other Christians.And local Churches are not to be isolated from other local churches.

The Bible has MUCH to say about partnership. We see the word in Luke 5:7, “And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them.”

But we see the same Greek word (metochos) translated as the prefix “fellow” in a wide variety of settings. This is a biblical reminder that ALL believers are part of the body of Christ and therefore have the capacity and purpose of

t. kevan bartlett is the senior pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church in Charleston, West Virginia.

functioning together. Many instructive terms help us under-

stand how interactive the Christian life should be. Believers are called fellow-citizens, fellowdisciples, fellowservants, fellowhelpers, fellowlaborers, fellowmem-bers, fellowprisoners, fellowsoldiers, fel-low workers. The simple truth is that we are all in the work of the Lord – together! We should find ways to partner with one another for the sake of the Gospel. God Bless America Crusades and Rallies are excellent opportunities for biblical part-nership.

Each church, of course, has a great responsibility to minister to “their Jerusalem.” When we start reaching out to our large cities, counties, states and

regions let us be energized by the synergy of pulling together, working together, praying together, giving together, and rejoicing together.

Partnership places the emphasis on the BIG picture: a lost world that needs to hear about Jesus Christ. When considering a partnership the most important question is not, “How will this help my church?” The most important question is “How will this advance the cause of Christ?”

The gospel presented, Hampton, Virginia, God Bless America Crusade, 2012

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R evival possibility deniers” are increasing. “The day of revivals is

past” they say. In these days of rampant sin, hostility to God’s word, and ineffective churches and Christians, we can have revival!

 There is the possibility of revival for the child of God! The Psalmist cried in Psalm 85:6 “Wilt thou not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee?” Notice “us” and “thy people.” A backslidden Christian can seek forgiveness (I John 1:9) and be spiritually brought back to life (revived). In 2014 as I preached in a revival, a man “got right” with God. In the next few nights he brought seven people to church that got saved! He had personal revival!

We are told by some that we are in the “Laodicean age” and we cannot have church revival. Christ’s command to the lukewarm, materialistic Laodicean church was to be “zealous” and “repent” (Revelation 3:19). When lukewarm church members repent that is revival. In a revival last fall, a church that averaged five to seven members on visitation weekly had seventeen vow on the last night to begin to witness. The church recently had a week when over fifty went soul winning with sixty-four praying to be saved! That’s church revival!

We are told that our nation is too far gone for a revival but enough of God’s people getting right with God will provoke God

bruce miller is the president of Atlantic Coast Baptist College in Laurel, Delaware.

to “heal their land” (II Chronicles 7:14). In history, God sent revivals like the first and second great awakening, the revivals of the late 1880’s and early 1990’s. We can have community and national revival! We have the Biblical possibility of revival. In coming articles we’ll look at the problems requiring revival, the prescription for revival and the God-glorifying product of revival.

Let’s seek Almighty God for revival!

June 1-September 13

Bible Reading and Prayer Campaign at

NOON each day

Please join us in a concert of prayer to God for revival in America!

600-Voice Choir, Charleston, West Virginia, God Bless America Rally, 2011

G O D B L E S S A M E R I C A C R U S A D E . C O M 7

God Bless America CrusadeANNOUNCEMENTSThe 40 Days of SoulwinningAugust 1–September 10

Mandatory Workers TrainingAugust 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 (locations to be announced)

*Every GBAC worker must attend one night of training at the location of their choosing

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Knowing God Growing Together Showing Others

3148 Franklin Road | Murfreesboro, TN 37128 | 615.890.0820Dr. Mike Norr is , Pastor

Franklin Road Baptist Church

f r a n k l i n r o a d b a p t i s t . o r g September 11th each year Americans remember the horrendous terrorist attack our nation experienced in 2001. Annually we remember “9-11.”

Sunday, September 11, 2011 was the 10th anniversary of the attack. In Charleston, West Virginia, the Lord directed us to hold a giant “We Remember Service” called the God Bless America Rally. Forty-five Independent Baptist pastors and churches worked together. About 9,000 people attended this magnificent God and country service, and it was a highlight in my life to get to be the choir director of the 600 voice choir. We watched the Lord gloriously save over 200 people that night! Hallelujah!

The next day I received a call from my dear friend Pastor Clarence Sexton. He had a request, “Brother Foxx, you need to write a new song for our nation titled: God Bless America.” I responded, “Pastor that song has already been written!” He continued to encourage me to write a new patriotic song.

The next morning my sweet wife Renee asked me to take her little dog for a walk. While walking I began to pray about composing this new patriotic song. I wondered how I could possibly write “God Bless America” when it is obvious that our nation is in general disobedience to the Bible.

I thought about the flagrant sin of America; willful sin. I prayed, “Dear Lord, if I wrote a new patriotic song I would have to title it God PLEASE Bless America.”

At that moment I began to sing the opening line of the song. I hummed and sang that phrase in several variations. I continued to walk the little dog and to ask the Lord to give me direction.

A few minutes passed, and I called my lifelong friend and almost 30 year associate at Bible Truth Music: Glenn Christianson. “Glenn,” I started, “I believe the Lord wants you and me to write a new song!” I sang to him the first line of the song God Please Bless America.

Glenn and I determined we would try to compose the song, but knew we needed the hand of God Almighty upon us. We were

led by the Lord to design the song for all American Christians to sing as a prayer. The music needed to interesting to adults of all ages, but simple enough that children could sing.

We prayed, and we worked. We attempted to incorporate all we had learned in decades of music composing and publishing. I knew I could trust the Lord, and I knew Glenn to be the most accomplished musician I have ever known. As for me, I felt an overwhelming inadequacy for the task.

Day after day Glenn and I labored. Writing, rewriting; and most importantly praying. We knew we needed God to direct us.

Eventually we had a version of the song ready to show two other Bible Truth Music leaders. Pastor Kevan Bartlett, Vice President of BTM reviewed the song for Biblical accuracy. Then BTM music editor Steve Hall reviewed the musicality of the song. Suggestions and edits were made.

Finally in February 2012 it was ready to be tested by some American Christians! God Please Bless America was used with great enthusiasm as the theme song at the God Bless America Crusade in Hampton, Virginia. God saved me in Hampton in 1972, so it was precious to see the Lord use the song forty years later in the same city!

The song has been sung now in many churches and gatherings. It has been published in a variety of ways. In 2015 it became the title song of a new patriotic musical published by Bible Truth Music.

While we were together at Capitol Connection in Washington, DC in early 2015, Pastor Paul Chappell asked if I would write the history of the song, and allow him to publish it. I am indebted and thankful to Dr. Chappell for his love of the song, and his aid in making the song known across country! BTM is happy to “strive together” with him!

Glenn and I want revival in America. We want to see three things. First, every American needs to get saved. Secondly, every American needs to serve the Lord. Finally, we want every American to sing this prayer to our great Lord and Master.

God, Please Bless AmericaTHE STORY BEHIND THE SONG




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God, Please Bless AmericaByron Foxx and Glenn ChristiansonByron Foxx and Glenn Christianson

Patriotic Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; Psalm 33:12

© 2011 by Bible Truth Music. All rights reserved.www.BibleTruthMusic.com CCLI Song Number 6135270

10 G O D B L E S S A M E R I CA J U L Y 2 0 1 5

Prayer: The Difference MakerBY TOM ALVIS

When Nehemiah heard the report from his homeland (Neh 1), he sat

down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of Heaven. Four months later, as he was question by Artaxerxes about his sadness, he prayed. As he surveyed the condition of Jerusalem for three days and nights (Neh. 2), he prayed. When God sent revival at the Water Gate (Neh. 8-10), it was a response to His people as they read His Word and prayed.

Our nation is in trouble and needs God; our churches need revival; our communities need the Gospel. It is time for a revival of Bible reading and prayer!

The Lord has burdened our hearts about a concert of prayer that will unite God’s people around The Hour That Makes THE Difference. We are asking God’s people to commit to at least 15 minutes a day, during the 12 o’clock hour (midday or midnight) for Bible reading and prayer. Join with us in praying for the revival of God’s people and for the God Bless America Crusade, September 11-13, 2015. Are we truly burdened for America, for our churches, for souls? It’s time to pray! 15 minutes a day (Monday-Friday) for 15 weeks ( June 1-Septebmer 11) – Will you join us?

As John Bunyan said, “You can do more

tom alvis is the senior pastor of the Mount Moriah Baptist Church in Powhatan, Virginia.

than pray, after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.” God responds to the prayers of His people according to His will.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”–II Chronicles 7:14

If you just now asked Jesus to save you, we would love to hear from you. Please write to


The “dying thief” simply placed his faith totally in Jesus Christ. The thief is now in Heaven!

You must read about it! Get a Bible and turn to Luke 23:32, 39-43.

If you have never trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, will you do so right now? Romans 10:13 says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Perhaps you need help praying. Consider using this simple prayer:

“Dear Lord, I admit I am a sinner. I believe You died for me on the cross, and rose again on the third day from the grave. I ask You to forgive my sin and save me. I am fully depending on You to take me to Heaven when I die. Thank You Lord. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


He did not walk an aisle to “publicly make his profession.”

He was not baptized.He never made restitution for his stealing.He never spoke in tongues.He did not say the “sinner’s prayer.”

He never joined a church.He never received “the second blessing” and he was not “slain in the spirit.”He never tithed, or gave any money to the church.

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